Straits Echo, 7 September 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 55 1 Birth. <>ii 1st Septeiulier. at Cassel. Germany, the w ife of It. Pustau, of a son. Marriage. At the l’reshyteriun Church. Singajiore. on Septeiulier 1st. by the Rev. Stephen S. Walker. M A.. Florence Maud (widow of the late G. Teller Mackie, Glasgow) to James Kellar. Chief Engineer
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  • 44 1 F,u Week ending Tuesday. Sept. 13, 1904 A.M. P.M. Wednesday, 7th 9.20 9.45 Thursday. Bth 10.10 10.35 Friday. 9th 11.00 11.25 Sat ill da v, loth 11.50 12 15 Suudav, 11th 12 40 1.05 Monday, 12th 1.30 1.55 Tuesday, 13th 2.20 245
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  • 22 1 To-day. 2Ktli Dav, 7ih Moon. Town Baud, Esplanade, 5-3(1 p.m. To-moiikow. 29th Dav, 7tli Moon. Town Band, Golf Club, 5.30
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  • 1473 1 Remarkable Female Spy'. The Berlin Tageblatt publishes the following remarkable story of the adventures of a woman spy at Port Arthur It lias now been ascertained, says the journal, that a lady moving in the highest circles, and calling herself the Countess de la Torre, who died recently
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  • 116 1 Pknano, 7th September. (By courtesy of the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Bank ...1/10| 4 mouths’sight Bank ...Mil 3 Credit ...1/111 3 Documentary ...1/11 w Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 1421 3 days’ sight Private 1444 Bombay, Demand Bank 1424 3 days’ sight Private 144$ Madras, Demand Bank 142 J 3
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  • 190 1 Bersawrali Gobi M iue Co., Ld. 14. —sellers Raub Australian Gobi Milling Co., Ijd 6.50 buyers Redjang Leljong Gold Mining Co., Ld $192.50 sales KadauaGold Mining Co„ Ltd. (fully paid) 10.—worn. Bruseli Tin Mining Co.. Ld. 4.25 buyers Cheudariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 10.— nom. Karangan Tin Mining
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  • 171 1 L’mi 77.30 Gold leaf 79, B. Pepper (W. Coast 3ll>s.- e >oz.)s 231 sellers White Pepper 35 sellers Traug I’epper 27. —sellers Cloves (picked) oat of season Mace 86 —sales Mace Pickings 78.—sellers Nutmegs 110 s 45. sales. {No. 1 6.60 w am 2 no stock. Basket 4. —buyers
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  • Shipping.
    • 77 1 Canton, llr. s.s. 105, Merican, 7th Sept., Teluk Alison, oth Sept., Gen., -All lliug. Rotocua, Br. s.s. 525, Campbell, 6th Sept., Tougkah, sth Sept., Gen., K. G. Co. H. M. S. Boomerang, Br. T. G. B. Isl, Symtli, Gth Sept., Sydney, Bth Any., Nil.—Br. Navy. Ei.bk. Br. s.s. 1,528
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    • 19 1 7th September. Lmujkat for Teluk Auson. Malaya, for Deli. Sachsen, for Singapore, China and Japan Olenogle, for Rangoon.
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    • 30 1 Canton, Br. s.s. 105. Merieun, 7th Sept., Teluk Auson, 6tli Sept., Gen., —Ah Hiug. Rotorua, Br. s.s. 525, Campbell, titli Sept., Tougkah, sth Sept., Gen., K. G. Co.
      30 words
    • 67 1 I PKneU From A tjenl* l>ue J. Nicoll I Moulinein H.L.&Co. 8th Sept. Bar long Singapore K.&Co. 8th Lai Sang Calcutta B.&Co. 8th Baralong Singapore B.&Co. 8th Peleus Singapore W.M.&Co. 10th Nippon Singapore S.K.&Co. 12th Spezia Singapore B.M.&Co. 12th Lightning [Singapore A. A. A.Co. 12th Brisgavia 1 Hamburg B.M.&Co.
      67 words
    • 66 1 r e**eh Vor Ayent* heart a Lai Sang Singapore B.&Co. Stli Sept. Baraloug Co1oih1k> B&Co. 9th J. Nicoll Moulmein H.L.&Co. 9th Peleus London W M.&Co.j 10th Barlong Colombo B.&Co. 9th Nippon iTrieate S.K.&Co. 12tli Spezia jHavre B.M.&Co. 12th Tjiglituiug Calcutta A. A. A.Co. 13th Brisgavia 'Singapore B.M.&Co. 16th Benveuue
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    • 96 1 For: Batu Balrra and Asahan—Per Hole Chuau Un, to-morrow, noon. Edie, T. Seniawe, Segli and Olelileli—Per Hole Canton, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan—Per Petrel, to-morrow, I p.m. Tongkah—Per Rotor tut, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Deli —Per Ho Kwei, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Rangoon—Per Fitzpatrick, to-inorrow, 4 p.m. Port
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  • 25 1 New Moon Sept. lOlli, 3.5 a.m. First Quarter... 16tli, 2.8 p.m. O Full Moon 24tli, 10.52 p.m. Last Quarter Oct. 2nd, 3.46 a.m.
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  • 40 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outward». Homkwakdh. Malta 15 Sept I Chumn 17 Sept Coromandel 29 Nubia l Oct Extra Service. Outwards. Homkwauds. Vera 20 Sept 1 Java 12 Sept, Banca 4 Oct Formosa 8 Oct For particulars See o.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 239 1 A. E. SKEELS. V WHISKIES. ICE! ICE!! Favoured with instructions from the Directors of the Tandjong Pinang Ice Co., Ltd., WE beg to iufoL'iu the Public of Penang au<l the Federated Malay States 1 hat we have l»een appointed Agents of the above Company, and ICE can be obtained at
      239 words
    • 23 1 STEARNS' WINE, is very palatable. An excellent tonic for children, especially if they are pale and thin. Do not delay. Must l>e Stearns.’
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    • 18 1 STEARNS’ WINE, after influenza and pneumonia. An ideal reconstructive tonic that gives immediate benefit. Increases weight, renews strength.
      18 words
    • 187 1 STEARNS’ WINE, whets the appetites Aids digestion, improves assimilation strengthens the stomach so that food does good. teams' Wine. Learn Shorthand at Home bv correspondence. 10 weekly lessons will make you perfect. OBTAIN HIGHER SALARY. Shorthand is nowadays indispensible to everybody. Utilize spare time. Very moderate fee. We procure positions.
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    • 6 1 BORDEN’S PEERLESS CREAM Sandilands Battery Co.
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    • 7 1 A. E. SKEELS. f ■s LAGER BEER.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 30 1 WEATHER J ii k toliowiiii' rejvrt, is kunllv supplied 1« In* Signal l)ir«*t«r of Fort Coruwailis: The raint'all durinu ti»»-* hours ended ai 1* a. in. to-day was 127 inches.
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  • 16 1 Death. On '.Mil August, at Shimonoseki, Japan. James Jolly. Chief Engineer steamship Glenfurg aged 4t> years.
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  • 1431 2 General KurokPs Full ReportRussian ani> Japanese Casualties. General Kuroki furnishes the following further particulars of the battles fought on the Gist ultimo and the following day near M'tienling: The force of the enemy rapidly increased since the middle of last month, towards the end of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 15 2 STEARNS’ WINE, for lion, Unit ami impure bloo improve rapidly. debility, emacias T Amemic girls
      15 words
    • 133 2 9 T>* ir/> 'TTjsv-- <%£nm FOR PRICKS APPLY TO SYIARTYN Co. 72c 12-10-03 DAVID BROWN Co., 4, Logan's liuildfngs. Estate Agents Auditors. Undertake Sales by Auction or Private Tender of House and Land Property and Stock, Agents, Yarrow Hill Nursery, and Fruit Farm. For the supply of Seeds and Seedlings
      133 words
    • 2637 2 for sale. WANTED. B ILL COLLECTOR. Security, §lO,OOO. Apply KENNEDY Co., Downing Street. 1-9-04 611 Karangan Hydraulic Tin Mining Co.. Ltd. T IHE Ordinary Half Yearly Meeting of Shareholders will l>e held at the Office of the Company, No. 9, Weld Quay, Penan", on Monday, 12th 1904, at 11-30 a.m.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1699 3 P. &0.1 a s 8. N. Co. Ex peeled arrival and I lenarf it res. Mail Service. Ot: (wards. fcs(*p(. 1 5 s.s. Malta ceane-iting 1 with s.s. Britannia 2!* s.s. t'orumundel ilo 13 s.s. Simla do Homewards. 17 s.s. Chtuau do 1 s.s. Nubia do 15 s.s. Bengal do
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  • 72 4 attire eatisne* everybody, and Justice alone.— Established June Ist, 190.1. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. ‘2‘2(>-‘23*2, Headi Street, Pen-mo PIUCK )AII.Y, MK'AI *U» OUTSTATIONB Postage Kxtra AAII. KIHTION (Poet Kiee) 15 CAKI.K AIMMIKSS: Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 188. EilUot, Chkhnky Duncan. UM
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  • 976 4 Discussing the probable after effects of the fall of Port Arthur, of which we shall soon hear, and the defeat of Kuropatkin at Liaoyang, the Kobe Chronicle, in a thoughtful leader, expresses the opinion that the fall of Port Arthur would scarcely he likely of itself to make
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  • 443 4 Rc Typewriting and Shorthand. We are indebted to Mr. W.. E. Lowther, Principal of the Anglo-Chinese School at I poll, for a copy of Dougherty’s Shorthand Primer with a communication in which he says Shorthand and type-writing are now successfully taught in the Anglo-Chinese School at Ipoll.
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  • 887 4 It is our sad duty to-day to record the death of Mr. F.' S' B. Gaffney, Deputy Colonial Engineer, who passed away at the General Hospital at 7.4 d o clock last night-. Deceased had l>een ailing for some little time before he went to the
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  • 850 4 Before the annexation of Upper Burma the majority of the Burmese in the districts were satisfied with using the smoky unrefined earth oil, as it was called, for lighting their houses. There is probably hardly a house in the most remote hamlet now which eanuot boast a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 264 5 The Great Victory. The Standard on the Great Battle. Japan Ranks with the Great Military Powers of the World. Defeat of Bear at Liaoyang one of the Greatest Triumphs of Arms for Centuries. F< k the First Time for Centuries K'jiiorE, at Liaoyang, Went Down Bepore Asia.” (Sujiplied
    264 words
    • 253 5 Contradictory Reports from the Russian Capital. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, G Sept. —It is announced at St. Petersburg that the Russian forces have succeeded in uniting north of Yentai, where a detachment lias been placed to cover the retreat. But it was rumoured late in the evening that
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    • 209 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 7 Sept. —Reuter’s correspondent at Yentai (15 miles N. K. of Liaoyang) wiring on sth inst. reports heavy tightiug to the north-east of that town, and that the Japanese were pressing northward along the ridges to the east of the railway. This
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    • 131 5 Proposed Great Malayan DependencyThe Times Questions the Wisdom of such a Move. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 7 Sept.—The Times, in discussing a suggestion to create a Malayan Dependency' comprising Burma, the Malay States and the Straits Settlements, remarks that if separation from India were involved in the
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    • 47 5 Von Plehve’s Successor. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, G Sept.—Reuter s agent at St. Petersburg reports that Senator PlatonofF, Member of the Council of State, has been gazetted Minister of the Interior and Chief of Police in succession to M. von Phehve, recently assassinated iu St. Petersburg.
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    • 108 5 (Supplied by Reuter London, G Sept—The Tsar, the Dowager-Empress and several of the Grand Dukes have inspected the Baltic Fleet at Kronstadt. [The Baltic fleet started on a cruise ou the 15Gi ultimo accompanied by several colliers aud two floating docks for effecting repairs. Ou the 31st
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    • 146 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 0 Sept.—The recent stampede of horses at Southampton has deprived General French of his two principal mounted units, the Bth and 14th Hussars, but the gap was immediately filled by the Ist Dragoon Guards, who marched fifty miles, from Aldershot to the Southampton
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  • 979 5 Lhassa, 20 August.—Some disturbing incidents took place the other day. A native officer with a survey party near Chaksam, riding somewhat detached, was rushed at by six Tibetan swordsmen. He frightened his assailauts away by firing his revolver. A second affair, much more serious happened on Thursday
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  • 1299 5 A correspondent writes to The Times Leaving city of Liaovang earlv one June morning by the east gate, we f.mnd ourselves ou the banks of the Taitse riv which is here about 200 to 250 yards wide and flows between two high banks, a swift j
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  • 1609 5 Metz (1870). M etz is a fortified city in Lorraine, annexed to the Empire of Germany, lOtln. May, 1871. On the 28th July 1870, the Emperor Napoleon 111 arrived at Metz and assumed the chief command. After the disastrous defeats at YVoerth and Forbach.ou 6th August, the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1036 6 Mleel^I T ™fs;^L E c NT PETROLEUM ENGINE. CHOO CHDAN KEOKS Co. giiip chandleM» 23, Beach Street. (Established 1896.) HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF Graham Co., Ld., WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, 4 Reach Street Penang. A VARIETY OF GOODS INCLUDING SShcchan’s Patent- Pilter AND Refrigerator Combined. (ESTABLISHED 1890.) 18, 28
      1,036 words

  • 350 7 Me. J. M. Maclean, in a paper on English policv in Asia, which he contributes to K"*t and West for July, takes up M. Lessar s favourite project of the solution ot ie Central Asian question by the construction of a trunk line uniting Turkestan with India
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  • 297 7 Calcutta, 23 August.—ln a suit at the High Court to-dav, before Mr. Justice Woodroffe, Mr. Sowton, of Messrs Sanderson and Co., applied on behalf of two of the defendants in the suit brought by l)r. Gungadin vs. I)r. J. R. Wallace, and the proprietors, publisher and manager of
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  • 107 7 Per P. and O. steamer Britannia connoting with the steamer Malta, at Colombo, from London, Aug. Ith—To Singapore Mr. and Mrs. A. Keid, Mr. F. S. Pooles, Mr. J. H. Herley. To Penang: Mr. J. Palmer. Per P. and O. steamer Oceana, from London, Sept. 2—To
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 963 7 X (0 43 S 13 O u O M til 0 > (3 3 P w H O fe i H NN"W ID s 0 3 9 o IALLY SEltff «*> o,°* ™E STR^ n l o tS ir-ii Outc« east 4?'f SRO?.UWJl t 'O p OR£ pEKW- J J
      963 words
    • 154 7 NOTICE. S' THE •undersigned JwiKpli Smith of Road, Penang, publicly acknow- bdge that the statements made in letters I written hv me to The Societe <le Anonvme Id« Alma Estate, Paris, and particularly in i mv letter of the 22nd August 1903 in relaj tioii to Messrs Leopold and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1799 8 NEW GOODS JUST UNPACKED. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW l Go., PENANG ARE NOW SHOWING A and Varied Stock of A. CHUBB’S SAFES. IT UN HER MENTIONED ARE A FEW OF OUR SPECIAL NUMBERS Boys’ White Lawn Hats. Kull Sh.ipe Trimmed Embroidery and exceedingly cheap line Price 80 cents only. The Latest. Made
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