Straits Echo, 30 July 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 17 1 Birth. on July 1st, at Knockholt, Sevenoaks, EnguiJ. wife of Cecil A. V. 13owra, daughter.
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  • 42 1 I'or Week ending Friday, August 5, 1904. A M. I-.M. Sal in da 30lh 2.10 235 Sunday, 31st 3. 3.25 Monday, Ist 3.25 3.50 (today, 2nd 4.15 440 Wednesday, 3rd 5.05 530 I'liiiisday, Itli 5.55 020 Friday, sth 0.48 7.10
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  • 26 1 Last Quarter Aug. 4th, 2.44 A.>i. it .New Moon 11th, 7.15 p.m. i First Quarter... 18th, 3.48 a.m. O Full Moon 26th, 6.04 a.m.
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  • 37 1 To-DAY. liSth ]>.*). t*lh Moon Races, 3rd Dav, I own Bund, Race Course, 1 p.m. Wayang Kassini. Drury Fiune, 9 p.m. 'J'o-MOUROW. I'.'th Day, (ith Moon. Cliurch Services, see page 5. Wayaug Kassini, Drury Lane. 9 p.m.
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  • 48 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. 'K I U A KOS iIo.MKW AKOS. uuundel 4 Aug Ballaarot ft Aug 'l( llfit H /'S' J Sim hi lixtra Service. 1 turn akis, I .>:.i kwauiis. I"i'iiiimt DAn< i Sardinia Amt ■h'jmu V» Sui'iiro 14 1..1 pat Denials See I’age 3.
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  • 1298 1 A Hint to Kukopatkin. “Admiral Alexieti is a bad eouusellor. It is said that the Tsar's Ministers are inclined to support him. So much Ihe worse. But if thkfc be so 1 hope that General Kuropatkin will follow the example of Pelissier. who threatened to cut the telegraph
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  • Money Market.
    • 116 1 Pknano, 30th July. (By courtesy of the Chartered Hank.) TiOndon Demand Bank ...1/11 :> 4 months’ sight Bank ...1/11 it 3 Credit ...1/IIJ tt 3 Documentary ...I/ll}® Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 1454 3 days’ sight Private 147 A Bombay, Demand Bank 145( 3 days’ sight Private 147 A Madras,
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    • 177 1 Bersawait Gold Miue Co., Ld. 5 11.— seller» Raul) Australian Gold Mining (Jo., fid (5.50 buyer* Redjang F«ei.H»ng Gold Miuing Co., lei $215.— side* KadanaGold Mining Co„Tit.l. (fullv paid) 10,—MOM*. Bruseli Jin Mining Co., M. 3.— buyer* Cliendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., M 20.— sale* Karan gall Tin Mining
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    • 171 1 I’m 5 72.50 buyers Gold leaf S 79, B. Pepper (VV. Coast 31h5.50/..)5 20} buyers White Pepper 5 30A buyers Trang Pepper 5 25. —sellers Cloves (picked) 5 63. Mace 90 —sellers Mace Pickings 80. —sellers Nut megs 110 s 38. —buyers No. 1 6 60 na m. 3ugar
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  • Shipping.
    • 69 1 Z a,i >a, Br. s.s. 2,905, Sv miners, 30th Julv Madras, 21st, Julv. Gen.,—H. L. Co. Malaya, Ger. ss. 348, Block, 30th Julv, Deh, 29th July. Gen.,—B. M. Co. Canton, Br. s.s. 105, Mericau, 30th Julv, Teluk Anson, 29th Julv, Gen.,—Ah H>no. Petrel, Br. s.s. 158, Keid, 30th Julv,
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    • 85 1 30 th Julv. Cheatoj Chew, for Singapore, Hongkong Swatow and Amoy. Hok C/raan Un, for Batu Bahra Asa ban. Laiujhat, for Teluk Anson. Cornelia, for Deli. Hole Canton, for Edie, T. Seuiawe, Segli, and Olehleh. Ayagyee, for Port Swcttenham A Singapore. Jin Ho, for Langkat. Kidna. for PortSweftenham, Kuala
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    • 64 1 Malaya, Ger. s.s. 348, Block. 30th Julv Deh 29th July, Gen.,—B. M. A Co. Canton Br. s.s. 105, Mericau, 30th Julv, Feluk Anson, 29th Julv, Gen.—Ah Hiug. Petrel Br. s.s. 124, Keid. 30th Julv, 1. Kampai, 29th July. Gen.,—K.G. Co. Quorua, Br. s.s. 120, Witt, 33th Julv, Juteopolis,
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    • 40 1 1 l entel* From Ayeut» Due Ivuni Sang Singapore B.&Co. 1st Aug. J. Nicoll ,Mouiniein H.L&Co. 1st Nam Sang Calcutta B.&Co. 4th Austria |Colombo S.K.&Co. 5th Sauibia tibmburg B.M.&Co. 5th Bueeutaur Singapore B.&Co. i8tli Beuarty j Singapore 3.B.&Co. 8th
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    • 41 1 Veaaela For Ajeuta Leu vet Kiim Sang Calcutta B.&Co. 2nd Aug J. Nicoll Mouimein U L.&Co. 2nd Nam Sail'' Singapore B.&Co. 4th Austria {Singapore S.K.&Co. 5 tli Sambia iSingapore B.M.&Co. 5th Beuarty London S. B.&Co. 8th Buceutaur Colombo B.&Co. 9th
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    • 15 1 For Port Swettenhum, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore—Per Pin Setaj, 2ad instant, 3 p.m.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 A. E. STEELS. p 0. WHISKIES. WANTED, 1 <>r limt* Competent Compositors. Apply to CRITERION PRESS. KHOO BUAN I’ll (JAN. (Chop) GIM SENG MOIJ. -U'j Main Road.. Taiping. Miners, Advancers and General Goods Store mwf THE BiOCEST BREEZE HOWARTH, ERSKINE, LTD., Electrical Engineers Contractors. a i m M,„„ Hooms »'.<l
      59 words
    • 236 1 BANK HOLIDAY, rilHii undermentioned Banks will be closed -L ou Monday, Ist August, 1004 For tlie Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. J. ARMSTRONG, Ma nayer. t or Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. A. G. STEPHEN, Ayent. For the Netherlands Trading Society. W. VAN I>EK WOUDE, Sub- Ayent. N
      236 words
    • 16 1 STEARNS’ WINE, improves both appetite aud digestion. II brings back he.illli to the weal* and Jd.l'.
      16 words
    • 49 1 Learn Shorthand at Homs l»\ (•(id'ustMii'K'ii'.v. Wwl»l> Uassous will make yon perfect. OBTAIN HUiUKR SALARY. Shorthand if» nowadays imlispensihie to everybody. Utilize spare time. Very moderate fee. We procure positions. Write for free booklet. CbNTKAI, CoRHKSI’ONDKNCK <'< <I.I.KOE, ‘JIS. Temple Uhamlters, Temple Avenue, London, K.C P 6-04 twice auk. ol*4
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    • 14 1 John Baziey White Brothers’ “LION BRAND” PORTLAND CEMENT. Sandllands, Buttery Co., Sole Impoitcr I'cuang.
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    • 110 1 A. E. SKtELS. << f •s. LAGER BEER. ARRIVALS COMPRISE acid Mounted Cigar and Cigarette Pipes ''.nil •|•t ll tillx's, plVlUMllirc'.l t<> I fill' '">l am! vH l ln- cheajiest in 11m market. Lux’s Patent Sol Lamps l/l'ibv i!tiding ami l»ra«-L?t) with hint'll' or luii lamp» onit nkw Shipment of
      110 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
  • 26 1 Deaths. On July at Hyde-park. W„ A. Fraser, formerly lf.B.M.’s Consul in Java, ajred 87. On Jutie at Charlestown. Cornwall. llerWt Smith, formerly of Shanghai, aged
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  • 1707 2 About two years ago tlie Editor of the Review of Reviews addressed a lengthy “open letter to M. de Plehve in the course of which lie said The Finnish jiolicy, of which General Bobrikoff is the local representative, was not due to your initiative. It was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 17 2 81'K All miy wvere VUKV sITU, S’ WINK illness. t<»r cuuvaleticeuiii, from K». pent* value* is at
      17 words
    • 139 2 STEARNS’ WINE, for all wasting diseases. It increases weight. Consumptives find it does good. Through Passages to Europe. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappiji Stoomvaart Maatschappij Nederland.'* rilHROUGH passage tickets can now be JL booked at the following rates from Penang to Genoa via Sabang (Pulo Well.) Si no lb. 1st, Cliiss. 2nd
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    • 2203 2 NOTICE. t In the Goods or JOSEPH BOYLE (Deceased.) PURSUANT to Section 46 of the Conveyancing and Law of Property Ordinance 1886, Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands upon or against the estate of Joseph Boyle Master Mariner who died at
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1843 3 TAL ■*4. J '*SJ. Co. -i. v> i t .ifirch-il <li i U'ni dud I trim I’tnt'E*. Mai! Service. Outwards. Aug I s.s. "i imnimlcl connecting’ with s.s. Marmora IX s.s. Chusan *lu s.s. Himalaya Sept. I s.s. lU iifjal ilo s.s. Italia I t- s.s. Malta do 8.8. Britannia
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  • 74 4 Jiiptiro Mitififlea Pwybndy, and jiiHlic" aliw.— Km^rmnm Established June Ist, 1903. riihlteheri «I*ily (except Rnnd*v».) AT TH» CRITERION PRESS, Ed., No. 22(5-232, Ileach Street, IVnaiig. PRICE DAILY, LOCAL $2l l**T aniwmi OLTSTATIOJiS loa'age Extra MAIL KPITION (I'oat Krre) 15 CAULK APDRKKK: Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 188. Kihtor. Chknnky
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  • 254 4 The Vladivostok squadron, which has been raiding in the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean, consists, if we mistake not, of the armoured cruisers Rossin, Bayun and Rurik. The Russia has a displacement of 12.130 tons, is 480 feet in length, was complet'd in 1808, speed
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  • Current Topics.
    • 472 4 Bkfokk another issue of this journal can make its appearance Sir John Anderson and Miss Anderson ami suite will li;ive left Pulo Penang for tlio himlings, carrvinG with them tlie best wishes of all sections of the community. His Excellency leaves by the Sea Mow on Monday, Ist August,
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    • 743 4 Tiik Negapatam mail brought news to-day that the Shipping Committee of the House of Commons takes rather a serious view of the seizure and detention of the 1 Allanton. It is considered that the case materially affects the rights of neutrals, and it has drawn up a
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  • 809 4 A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held at the Municipal Offices yesterdav afternoon. Present Messrs J. W. Haliifax (President), Quali Beug Kee and F. S. B. Gaffuev. J>r. Park (Health Officer and Mr. 11. P. Phillips (Secretary), Absent: —Messrs A. R. Alains, Dr. P. V. Locke and
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  • 98 4 All the Banks ami Government Offices will lie closed on Monday. Ist August. The General Post Office ami sub-offices close at noon. The Money <>ri< r and oavings Bank brandies will be rO«*,a all day. The Goveminent Telegraph Office has issued no notification, but we assume it will
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  • 70 4 On the arrival of the German mail Komi on Thursday last she was boarded by Bel. Inspector IStenhouse, who arrested Chas. St. Clair, the pugilist, on information supplied from Singapore. Yesterdav St. Clair was charged with cheating and remanded until the 2nd prox. Our Singapore correspondent wires that
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  • 71 4 Penang C. C. v. Selangor l. C. The following gentlemen ha\e l>eeii selected to represent Penang in the forth, coming match:—Messrs W-. Peacock (Captain), P. J. Sproule (Vice-Captain), A II Neubronner, G. H. Cater, C. Bradbery, W. H. C. Dainton, W. A. Ward, 1,. K j’. Wolferstan, V. ]>.
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  • 189 4 Penang Club was all ablaze with light last evening for the Race Kail, at which it is hardly necessary to say nearly all Penang was present. JJ. E. the Governor and Miss Anderson were received at the entrance I Mr. E. W. Presgraveaml Mr. J. W. Hallifax and
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  • 429 4 1 he Indra Zauibar Theatrical Company of Singapore opened their season here last night at the Drury Rane Theatrical Hall, with the favourite play entitled Noor Chabaya,” to a crowded house. Miss Man de'Wolffe, who impersonated the heroine, acted admirably and encores were demanded whenever she made her
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 338 5 Fori Arthur Again! Rumoured Fall of (he Imprcgn.ihlc" Stronghold. I he Knij-iit Commander Affair. Moiulity. Dash ami Grit ok Jwanksf Astounds the Russians. helm Special*.) Tijkio, 2‘J July.—General Oku iurtlier reports among other things t. :it, according to a statement made by captured Russian officers, (leneri'l was present
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    • 513 5 I Newspaper Comment. I in: Pkople Ripe for Revolt. (Supplied hy Jteider.) 1 onion. 21» July.—The papers consul» r that the assassination of M. 1 Relive indicates that the spirit of revolution in Russia, which lias been rigorously icpressed fort went v years, i-agaii taising its head.
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    • 58 5 The Licensing Bill. (Supplied hi/ Reuter.) London, JO July —The Licensing Bill has been read a third time in C> House of Commons by 217 to i votes. A Coming Resignation Tiie lit 11« li. Hugh O. ArnoldPnrster, SecretaiV of State lor War ami Member for Belfast, has informed
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    • 36 5 New Commercial Treaty Signed. {Supplied by llrnter.) London, 29 July. —M. de itte. Russian Foreign Minister, and Count von Btielow, the German Imperial Chancellor, signed a new Kasso-German Commercial Treaty at Berlin yesterday.
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    • 795 5 The Nr.v Governor’s Arrival (Echo Specw I > Hougkoug, 29 July.—Sir Mutrhew Nathan, k. o. m. g., the new (rovornor tit Hongkong, arrived here today and was sworn in at the Council Chamber. in a brief speech he said that lie placed the commercial prosperity of the Colony before
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    • 121 5 < DrU Covront Service.') i ii«* li.Mgiut (via Batavia), 25th July.--The Vladivostok Squadron Inis bruit signalled at Yokohama, where heavy firing has been heard. Tiie Japanese First Army Corps lias been greatly strengthened by )< in forcemeats of veterans and reserves. It is not true that cholera is
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    • 50 5 R«.dali«nis Broken Off. (S n nj‘l it-il hi/ l!rnler.) London, :»U July. —After a pro--I'uiged meeting of the (Cabinet Council at Paris a note was telegraphed to the Vatican which, it is reported, involves a complete rupture of relations between the French Government and the Vatican.
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  • 1849 5 Second Annual Meeting. 1 ’kosckcth Kxcku.knt. i I»v the Ncgapatam mail, which came in this morning, we received a copy of the Lornith Po$l ot *th Julv in which the following report of the pr- readings at the second ' general inciting of the Trouoh Mines, Ltd
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  • 272 5 The Penang Races. THIRD DAY. The following are some of the result* ol to-day's racing: 1. The Larrikin Cup.—Value nmmi. A Cup presented hy the Hon. J. K. Hindi wit h S|4NI added hy the Clnh. A Handicap for nil Horse t Iriftins that have run at
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  • 216 5 9th Sunday After Trinity. St. George’s Church (Church of England) S a.m. Matins (Plain). 8-30 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). 5 p.m. Sunday School. 6 p.m. Evensong aud Sermon, llev. 11. C. llenham. Act. Col. Chaplain. Presbyterian Church (Northam Road) and 6 p.m. Bible Class and Sunday
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  • 71 5 The annual general meeting of llie above? Society will be held in the Chamber ot Commerce, Penang, on Thursday, 4th August, at 4.15 p.m. Bust m e*: (1) To receive the accounts of the past year. (2) To elect a Committee for the ensuing year. (3)
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1682 6 NOW OPEN. CHOOCHUAHEOK& CO. Ship Chandlers, THE NEW BUILDING WITH NEW ROOMS. 23, Bench Street VERANDAHS, BATHROOMS AND ELECTRIC CALL BELLS TO EVERY ROOM. miiL’Y arP admirably planned on most modern lines. The interior present* a palatial A imiMwinir bright apwarance with magnificent marble effects and snmptuous apartments all converging
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 211 7 Highest Awapd, Philadelphia, 189®. Gold Medal, Paris, 1900. Diploma, Glasgow, 1901. Medal of Merit, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, 1902. MOST BRILLIANT LIGHT IN EXISTENCE. Used in all principal fchoroughfares throughout the World. :o: KITSON PRESSURE LAMPS Suitable tor lighting Halls, Theatres, Wharves and the Grounds of Private Houses. Made up to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 871 8 OUR SALE IS GENUINE. -:o:WEHEAWAY, LAIDLiW Co.’S Annual Clearance Sale Starts 2nd r During* Our Sale we offer Our Entire r REGULAR STOCK, Nearly every Item being at a Reduced Price. No Old Stock to Sell Every Article is New, Fresh and Clean. See this Advertisement Daily for Bargains. Sale
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