Straits Echo, 23 July 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 43 1 For Week ending Friday, July 29, 1904. a.m. I\M. Saturdav, 23rd 8.20 8 4-5 Sunday, 24th 11.10 *1.35 Monday, 25th 10— 10.25 Tuesday, 26th 10 50 11 05 Wednesday. 27th... 11.40 12 05 Thursday, 28th 12.30 1155 Friday, 29tli 1.20 1.45
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  • 27 1 O h ull Moon July 27th, 2.51 i».m. Last Quarter Aug. 4th, 2.44 a.m. <1 New Moon lltli, 7.15 p.m. First Quarter... 18th. 3.48 a.m.
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  • 23 1 To-i»ay. lltli Day, 6th Moon. Tow u llutid, Golf Clul». 5.30 jmii To-morrow. 12th Day, tilli Moon. Church Services, see page 5.
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  • 51 1 P O. SAILINGS. .Mail Service. ‘i. u 1" WARDS. ]IoM KW' AUIIR. T'otitvumdel l Avj Chilean 25* Jhlij (msan /5’ Ballaarot 0 Aug lixtra Service. OUTWARDS. IOM KIVAKIIS. Mala cca ~(i J ai 1 radi 11 ia s’/ July Japan 9 Auj j Socotra 14 Any For particulars See Page
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  • 540 1 An Episode or—th Port Arthur Bombardment. Admiral Halixhetf touched a bell and > frowned angrily at the tall boarded orderly who appeared in the doorway in answer to his call. “My compliments to Captain Roslci and tell him I desire his presence immediately.” The orderly saluted and vanished.
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  • 636 1 PaUctic Revelations by Biograph. Haunted Monarch. We read in one of the Loudon dailies received by the last mail that night after night a pathetic representation of the Tsar of all the Russians is shown on the biograph at the Palace Theatre. One can look right into the
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  • Money Market.
    • 119 1 Pknano, 23rd July. fHy courtesy of the Chartered llank.) I London Demand Bank ...1/11} 4 months’sight. Bank ...1/11$ 3 Credit ...1/1 lj 3 Documentary ...1/11}* Calcutta., Demand Bank Its. 145 3 days’ sight Private 147 Bombay, Demand Bank 145 3 days’ sight Private 147 Madras, Demand Bank 145 3
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    • 181 1 BersawahGold Mine Co., Ld. 14 .—sellers Raub Australian Gold Mining Cu., Ld 6.25 Redjang (<el>oiig Guld Milling Co., Ld s2ls. —sales IvadanaGotd MiuingCo„Ltd. (fully paid) 10 —no in. Bruseli Tin Mining Co., lid. 3. —buyers Chendariaug Hydraulic Tib Mining Co., Ld 20. —sales Karaugan Tin Mining Co. 15.— noin.
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    • 158 1 Tiu 73. —buyers QoJ<l leaf 79. B. Pepper (W. Coast. 311m.50z.)$ 20£ buyers White Pepper 8 30-', buyers Trang Pepper lb.—sellers Cloves (picked) 63. Mace IM) •—sellers Mace Pickings 80. —sellers Nutmegs 11 Os 38 —buyers No. 1 660 mini Sugar 2 uo stock. Basket 410 sellers Tapioca Flour
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  • Shipping.
    • 71 1 Avaoyee, Br. s.s. 247, Morier, 22nd July, Singapore, 20th July, idem, —K. d. Co’. Labalan, Dut. s.s. 487, Iludeker, 23rd July, Singapore, 21st, July. Fuel.— P. A Co. Nernberu, der. s.s. 2.662, Jaburg, 23rd July, Singapore, 21st July, den., B. M. Co. Canton, Br. s.s. 105, Mericau, 23rd July,
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    • 52 1 23rd July. Rotorua, for Tongkah. Avagyee, for Port Swettenhain and Singapore. R. Halewyn, for Batu Pallia and Asalian. Hung Moli, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Ho Kwei, for Deli. Langkat, for Teluk Anson. Chnsan, for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauritius, Egypt and via Prindisi, for Europe, etc. Calypso,
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    • 56 1 Babai,an, Dut. s.s. 487, Rudeker, 23rd July, Singapore, 21st Julv, Fuel.— B. Co. Nurnberu, Her. s.s. 2,662, Jaburg, 23rd July, Singapore, 21st Julv, Hen., B. M. Co. Canton, Br. s.s. 105, Mericau, 23rd July, Teluk Ansou, 22nd July, (ien., —Ah Hing. Quokra, Br. s.s. 120, Witt, 23rd July,
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    • 43 1 V e**el* From A jent* I)n« Waihora Singapore K.GLCo. 23rd July Fitzpatrick Rangoon H.L.&Co. 24th Warn Yong Rangoon K.G.Co. 25th Lightning Singapore A.A.A.Co. 25th Purnea Rangoon H.L.&Co. 26th Macduff London S.B.&Co. 28th C. Apcar Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 29 th Persia Singapore S.K.&Co. 29th
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    • 49 1 Venttel» For I Aijeul* Leave Lightning Calcutta A A. A .Co. 25 th July Waihora Singapore K.U.Co. 25tb Puruea Siugapore H.L.&Co. 26th Macduff Singapore S.B.&Co. Fitzpatrick Rangoon H.L.&Co. 26th Nam Ynng Rangoon K.G.Co. 27th C. A pear Singapore A. A. A.Co. 29th Pei sia Trieste S.K.&Co. 29th ft
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    • 65 1 For Langkat and Pungkalau Braudau —Per Petrel, 25tli instant, 1 Edie. T. Semawe, Segli and Olehleli—Per Peyu, 25th instant, 2 p.m. Port Swettenham—Per Mary Austin, 25th instant, 3 p.m. Port Swet tenham and Malacca —Per Palo Hi man, 26th instant, 1 p.m. Langkat —Per Jin Hu, 26th
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 218 1 A. E. SKEELS. WHISKIES. The Shanghai-Hongkong Building Loan Investment Co, Ltd. The following gentlemen F. Hallikax. Esq. hIM KkkChuan Lu Bkng Quang Ltm Bkno Hooi, Esq. Yeo Boon Wan H. D. Bassett have been appointed Members of the “Advisory Board for Penang of this Company on and after the 2nd
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    • 342 1 Central Sales Room. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE I OF Valuable Household Furniture On Monday, 25 th July 1994 AT 11 AM. at the Assistant Surg icon's (Quarters, Gaol Road. 1 The Property of C. T. I)e SOUZA, Esq See detailed Catalogues. Term Cash Before Delivery. CUNNINGHAM, CLARK A Co., Licensed Auctioneers.
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    • 88 1 One of the most useful Institutions of this country promises to be The Diabetic Institute of London, established for scientific research into the origin, cause and treatment of Diabetes and the secondary uiptoius gout, rheumatism, carbuncles, etc. Hardly any disease is so little understood, and at the same time so
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    • 53 1 Learn Shorthand at Home by correspondence. 10 weekly lessons will make you perfect. OBTAIN IfimiElt SALARY. Shorthand is nowadays indispensable to every body. Utilise spare time. Very moderate fee. We* procure positions. Write for free booklet. Central Correspondence Colleoe, 215, Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, London, E.C. twice a wk. 394
      53 words
    • 80 1 A. E. SKEEu f Ul << LAGER BEER. STRAITS STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd. SA LINOS FROM PENA NO. 8. h. lnuhj Weld leaves Penang every Tuesday a ml Friday, at 4 p.m., for Teluk Anson; sailing from Teluk Anson on her return journey every Wednesday and «Saturday, at ti P.JM.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 30 1 WEATHER. 1'hk follow ini' ro port, is kimiiv supplied i»v t,lie Signal Duwtor dt Fort Cornwall is Thu raiufall iliirins; t,li« *24. hour* emi»<l at to-iiav was 0'84 inches.
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  • 62 1 Domestic Occurrences Deaths. A i Blanche House, Scott s-rd. Singapore, on on IJ>th July. Hans Eschke. Consul-General for Germany. Aged 47 years. At Seniiliauir. Pahang, on 1st July, Alexander Robertson, Engineer, second son of the late John Robertson, shipbuilder, Greenock. Obituary. (Supplied by Renter.) London. 23 July. —The death of
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  • 1089 2 Li Hong Chang’s Duplicity. UOH the railway» iu China have >thiug but trouble from an iupoiut of view to that country, »h thev liave been built iu violaa’» profound religious conviction r should ever be allowed to ‘pose of the sacred dead, few stand the subtle game
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  • 741 2 A Dallas Company Fight. A few days ago several members of the Dallas Company spent the greater part of the day in the Police Court, Colombo, lavo of the chief actors in the drama being Mr. Frank D. Pengelly and Mr. Duncan Munro, the former iu the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 13 2 f STEAUNHP WINE, for debility, eniaeia--liuu, Unit aud impure blood. Auu-uiic miprote rapidlv.
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    • 57 2 STEARNS’ WINE, after influenza and pneumonia. An ideal reconstructive tonic that gives immediate benefit. Increases weight, renews strength. THE Federated Saw Mills Ltd., Sungkai, Can Now Supply With Despatch CHENGHAI in any quantity and sizes ALSO MERANTI Address orders: Manaoku, Sawmills, Sunokai ok Head Office, Nu. 7, Hugh Low Street,
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    • 2291 2 FOR SALE. i t Elephant Brand Kerosene Oil WHICH lias passed the Government test showing the remarkably high flashing point of 88,87 ,86°. and 80° Fah. according to Abel’s Tests, thus showing this oil to lie superior and cheaper to any other brand now on the Market. Apply to CHIN
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1661 3 P.H.|ailu.Co. k'i'l feted arrical atul Jfrinii 'i lives. Mail Service. Outwards. Aug I s.s. Coromandel connecting' with s.s. Mono urn IJ*» i* s. Chusau do s.s. Himalaya Be]>t. 1 s.s. Bengal do s.s. Italia Homewards. J ll lj' lid s.s. Ch audit do Aug. (> s.s. Balhtarat do 20 s.B.
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  • 290 4 His Excellency the Governor and Miss Anderson will be At Home at the Residency, On Thursday, 28th July, at 9 30 pm Ladies and Gentlemen attending this Reception are requested to bring cards with their names legibly printed or written thereon, and to baud these cards to
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  • 401 4 The news conveyed in telegrams received from our London correspondent, and distributed as an Extra” at 10-30 to-day, is fully confirmed by Reuter, who adds that two Hritish cruisers are now in the Suez Canal and it is consequently supposed they have been detailed for
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  • Current Topics.
    • 335 4 A x action for libel brought the celebrated violinist, Jan Kubelik, against T)r. Gehrmann, the musical erit- ic of ’the Frankfurter Zeitung, was heard at Frankfurt in the early part of June. The libel complained of was contained in a report, in the Frankfurter Zeitung of 15 Dec.
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    • 387 4 The London Standard’s Paris correspondent reported under date of 20tli June that General Medest Klakadeff, Prefect of Ivertsch, had arrived at Marseilles on a mission to France and Germany entrusted t«> him by the Tsar. The General is reported to have said that he was the bearer of
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  • 100 4 l‘itu'.ug Uaz., July). We hear that the Electrical supply Department is on the look out for some capable trimmers for the arc lights. None but newspaper men need apply, and preference will la* given to applicants with Hongkong or Shanghai experience. (Strait* Krlto. Zt Juli/.) W K hear,
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  • 953 4 The Wreck of the P. O. Liner Australia. Findings of the Court of Inquiry. PILOT HOPELESSLY IN CAPABLE. SHIP S OFFICERS CLEARED OF ALL BLAME. Alleged Careless Navigation. Melbourne, Ist July. The Court of Marine Inquiry sat to-day for the purpose of delivering its reserved decision concerning the loss of
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  • 1017 4 London, 30 June.—The market at the end of the week took a sudden upward turn owing to a large speculative order which was tilled in two days, prices reaching =£l2o cash and £ll9 10s. three months yesterday, however, the demand ceased, and prices quickly relapsed, closing lit £ll7 15s.
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  • 938 4 His Excellency’s Visit to the Capital of Perak. (Echo Special.) Taiping, 23 July.—Heavy rain fell voter day, so the illuminations were postponed until this evening. H. E. inspected the Museum, Gaol and Gaol Hospital in the afternoon, in spite of the inclemency of the weather and expressed
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 107 5 Russian Official Shoots Himself. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 23 July.—M. Roudanovsky, the Secretary of the Russian Legation at Peking, who is reported to have committed suicide while travelling between Madras and Calcutta, is the brother of M B. Roudanovsky, the Russian Consul at this port, who is at present on
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    • 27 5 (Supplied by Renter.) London, 23 July. —General Macdonald telegraphs that lie has taken a Tibetan position iu the Karola Pass. The fighting took place amongst glaciers.
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    • 35 5 f Supplied by Reuter.) London. 22 July. —The winner of the King’s Silver Medal at the National Rifle Association’s meeting at Bisley is Mr. Ferguson Davie, of India, with a score of 102 (r).
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    • 36 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 22 July. —The Government has offered to give the remains of the late ex- President Kruger full military honours at the funeral in South Africa, if the family so desire.
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    • 178 5 The Liverpool Cop. The Liverpool Cup— a handicap of 1200 sovs, 50 Bovs in plate and the rest in sjiecie: the second to receive 125 sovs and the third 50 sovs; by subscription of 25 sovs each, 15 sovs ft., and 3. sovs only if declared by
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    • 51 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22 July.—Mrs. Florence Elizabeth Mavbrick, who was convicted of poisoning her husband, James Mavbrick, at Aigburth by arsenic, and was sentenced to death at Liverpool on 7th August, 1889, the seutence being afterward commuted to penal servitude for life, has been finally released from
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    • 15 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22 July.—The Sievier perjury case has been dismissed.
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    • 459 5 Representative Government. (Supplied by Retiter.) London, 22 Julv.—During the discussion on the Colonial vote, the Rt. Hon. Alfred Lyttelton, Secretary of State for the Colonies, said that next year the nominated Members of the Transvaal Legislative Council would he replaced by elected Members. The Labour Question. Mr. Joseph
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  • 536 5 Russia Wriggling out of the Difficulty. Kcho Special London, 22 July (L85p.)—The Exchange Telegraph Co's Paris correspondent reports time France has discreetly intervened and that *he negotiations have resulted in the difficulty being satisfactorily settled. Lord Lansdowne, Secretary of State for F oreign Affairs, has been granted
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  • 258 5 The Vostok Raiders. (Supplied by Reuter.) It is believed in America that the Vladivostok squadron intends searching American ships laden with provisions and thatanv seizure would raise an important question. The Red Sea Seizures. (Free Fret* Special.) HoM.jkonir. VO July —Berlin wires stale that the British Fleet has
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  • 1195 5 British Political Anxieties. Scenes in the House of Commons, schoolboys’ correspondence. (From Our Own Correspondent.) (Continued Jrom yesterday s issue). Mr. Balfour is having a bad time. The resignation of Sir Charles Elliot as a protest against the granting of huge concessions in East Africa to an
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  • 32 5 Inward —Per Canton," from Teluk Anson, Commander Mills and Mr. Neefe. Per Nubia,” from Colombo, Mr. aud Mrs Moraes. Outward —Per Nubia," for Singapore, Mrs. G. S. Murray, servant and ayah.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 6 5 FAIRBANKS SCALES. MoAllatep Sc Co.. Ltd
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    • 220 5 New Beach Street Auction Rooms. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE. Favoured with instructions the uudersigned will sell by Public Auction On Thursday 4th Friday Sth August At Marble Hall, No. 7 Klawei Road, COMMENCING AT 11-30 A.M. PUNCTUALLY Each Day, All the Valuable European and Country=made Household Furniture, &c., COMPRISING Double and
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    • 452 5 I To-day’s Advertisements. The Tronoh Mines, Ltd. THEREBY givo notice that my connection with the Trouoh Mines, Ltd., as Auditor ttud Registrar, ceases as from 18th instant. (Sgd.) W. Cecil PAYNE, lpoh, 22ud July, 1904. 2 iiisrt. 522 WANTED. I ['OR Jpoh, Perak, a smart Chinese Clerk acquainted with the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1099 6 CHUBB’S SAFES. TR A l»K &> MARK ifc eg m at ‘O CHIN HIN BROTHERS, General Storekeepers, Horse Dealers, and Livery Stables, No. 50k, PENANG ItOAI>. Telejihone No. 206 CHIN JOO Co., 158, Beach Street. General Storekeepers, Provisioned and Commission Agents. I BUKOLAK AND FIRE RESISTING. All Sizes in Stock.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 219 7 Highest Awavd, Philadelphia, 1899. Gold Medal, Paris, 1900. Diploma, Glasgow, 1901. Medal of Merit, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, 1902. :o: MOST BRILLIANT LIGHT IN EXISTENCE. Used in all principal thoroughfares throughout the World. ■:o:* KITSON PRESSURE LAMPS Suitable for lighting Halls, Theatres, Wharves and the Grounds of Private Houses. Made up
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1400 8 Whiteaway’s Speciality is the “Rex Boots Shoes. -zo> WHITEAWA7, LAIDLAW Do., PENANG. 4£ Infants’ Tan Shoes. Exact to Sketch. All Sizes in Stock. Infants’ White Shoes. Large Stock. All Sizes to Hand. r A LARGE STOCK OF Folding Camp Cots JUsT TO HAND. These Cots are Marvels of Strength and
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