Straits Echo, 20 July 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 42 1 For Wwk ending Tuesday, J u lv 26, 1904. A M P.M. Wednesdav,2oth... 5.50 6 15 Thursday, 21st 6.40 7.05 Friday, 22nd 7.30 755 Saturday, 23rd 8.20 845 Sunday, 24th 9.10 035 Monday, 25th 10 10.25 Tuesday, 26th 10.50 11.05
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  • 26 1 O Full Moon July 27th, 2.51 p.m. Fast Quarter Aug. 4th, 244 a.m. i) New Moon 11th, 7.15 p.m. First Quarter... 18th, 3.48 am.
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  • 44 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OIITWARIW. HoMKWARUS. Nubia 31 July j Chtitan 33 July Coromandel 1 Aug Ballaarat (i Aug Hxtra Service. Outward*. Homkwards. Malacca 36 July Narad ini a 31 July JajuiH o Aug j Socotra 14 Aug For particulars See Page 3.
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  • 1775 1 The Giant Prisoners or the Japanese. Mr. Mckenzie has been describing in the Daily Mail the seamy side ot’ the Russian-Japanese war. Take these passages as a revelation of what war means —war as painted by Verestchagin, the great Russian artist who went down to his death when
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  • Money Market.
    • 112 1 Pbnano, 20th July. (Tty courtesy of the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Bank 1 /111 4 months’sight Bank ...1 IU 3 Credit ...1/11£ 3 Documentary ...l/ll*> Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 145 3 days’ sight Private 147 Bombay, Demand Bank 145 3 days’sight Private 147 Madras, Demand Batik 145 3 days’sight
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    • 195 1 1 Bersa wall Gold Mine Co., Ld. 11 —sellers Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld 4 625 I Redjang IjeUmg Gold Mining Co., Ld s2ls.— sals* KadauaGold M iningCo„Ltd. (fully pawl) 10.— nom. Bruseh Tin Mining Co., Ld. 3. —buyers Clteuduriatig Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 20.— sales KiOi-AHgau
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    • 174 1 ho J 71.30 Gold leaf 79. B.Pepper \V. Coast 311»5.50z.)$ 20| buyers White Pepper 30. —buyers Trang Pepper S 25. —setters Cloves (picked) I 63. Mace 90 —sellers Mace Pickings 80.— sellers Nutmegs 110 s 38 —buyers No. 1 6 60 mint. Sugar 2 no stock. Basket 415 sellers
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  • Shipping.
    • 88 1 Mary Austin, Br. s.s. 121, Marris, loth July, Tort Swettenliam, 18th July Gen., —K. G. Co. Jin Ho, Br. s.s. 110, Hastrup, 19th July, Bangkat, 18th July, Gen., —Quali Beng Kee. Quorra, Br. s.s. 120, Witt, 19th July, Langkat, 18th July, Oil.—K. B. Co. Omapere, Br. s.s. 340, Bell,
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    • 34 1 20th July. Palttaua, lor Singapore. Vunder Parra, for Lanifkat. Mary Austin, for Port Swettenhuin. Lanjkai, for Teluk Anson. Totuj Chay Un, for Batu Bahra and Asahan. B‘ nverlirh, for Singapore, China and Japan
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    • 60 1 Jin Ho, Br. s.s. 110, Hastrup, 19th July, Tiiiugkat, lBth July, Gen.,—Qualt Beng Kee. Quorua, Br. s.s. 120, Witt, 19th July, Langkat, 18tli July, Oil.—K. B. A Co. Omapere, Br. s.s. 340, Bell, 12th July, Rangoon, 10th July, Gen ,—K. G. Co. Hoog Moh, Br. s.s. 3,555, Dawson,
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    • 66 1 I Vttff/s From Agent* Dn« Gleuesk London B.&Co. 21st July Nubia Colombo P.&O. 21st Merionethsh i re i London B.&Co. 21st J. Nicoll I Moul mein H.L.&Co. 2i s t Lai Sang (Calcutta B.&Co. 21st Pentakota Singapore IH L.&Co. 22ud Lightning Singapore jA.A.A.Co. 25th Purnea Raugoon tf. L.&Co. 26th
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    • 64 1 Ve**ela For Ajentt 7 Leave» Glenesk Singapore B.ACo. 21st July N ubia Singapore P.&O. 21st MerionethSingapore B.ACo. 21st shire Lai Sang Singapore |B ACo. 1 J. Nicoll Mouluieiu ILL.&Co. 122nd Pentakota I>an goon H.L.&Co. |22nd Lightning Calcutta iA.A A.Co 25th Purnea Singapore H.L.ACo. l2t»th Macduff (Singapore S B A
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    • 86 1 For Laugkat Per Jut Ho, to-morrow, tomorrow, noon. Traug Paug Nga— Per Deli, to-uioirow, 1 p.m. I)eli—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, 2 p.ui. E<lie, T. Sernawe, Segli, Olehleh—Per Hole C olon, to-morrow, 2 p.m. an, Renong, Victoria Point, Maliwuu, •Vi-.:- vV Tavoy—Per Omapere, to-morrow, 2 p m. Bi■ ><t»» ami
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    • 19 1 Inward- Per Palitana,” from Rangoon, Kevd. I.nfer Mr. and Mr*. Phillips, Messrs. Tan Poll Chong and All Kiw.
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    • 16 1 l'o-l>A V. Bth l)a«,tiiii Miniii. Town Rand, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. To-morrow. 9th Day, 6th Moon.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 351 1 A. E. SKEELS. -a** 0 WHISKIES. THE Federated Saw Mills Ltd., Sungkai, Can Now Supply With Despatch CHENGHAI iu silly quantity and sixes also JK EK ANTI Address orders: Manager, Sawmills, Sunokai or Head Office, No. 7, Hugh Low Street, Ij>oh, Perak. 11-6-04 3 mtli.s. 312 TENDERS INVITED. GOVERNMENT OF
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    • 16 1 STEARNS’ WINE, improves both appetite and digestion. It brings back health to the weak and bicklv.
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    • 23 1 STEARNS’ WINE, relieves the distressing cough of influeti/.a, iiml bronchitis. It invigorates and increases resistance to the u roods of disease. -> iJ/4 r>
      23 words
    • 312 1 A New Thing in Penang. THE TURKISH AND RUSSIAN Hot Air and Vapor Baths» No. 128b, Transfer Road, Penang. r public are requested to try these JL baths, which they will find to be quite refreshing, invigorating and highly beneficial to health. Persons who have l**m suffering from chronic diseases,
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    • 4 1 FUNAGOY4 Nlcfllister Co.. Ltd
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    • 11 1 A. 0. SKEfcLS. << LAGER BEER. BORDEN’S PEERLESS CREAM Sandilands Buttery Co.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 28 1 WEATHER. 1'hk follow report, is kiu41v suppiie.1 l»v i lie Signal Director of Fort Cormvaiiis:— l'lie rainfall (luring tlie 21 hours ended *t l* a.m. to-day was nil.
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  • 268 2 'lnit following is tin* lull text oi thejudgnieut.—ln this east* the accused pleaded guilty to a charge uuder Section -I*. Act Id of 188/i of having transmitted. I*y telegraph, from Darjeeling, on the -<>th January last a message which 1»! knew to he false and fabricated.
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  • 663 2 Mrs. Mary Ethel Marion Calliope Sankey, the divorced daughter of Surgeon-General Meane, sought a divorce on the ground of the cruelty and adultery of her husband, Major Civil Charles Sankey, an officer of the Indian Army. There was no defence. Mr. Bernard (instructed by Messrs. T. Smith
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 19 2 •Si IiAUNb WINE, nfter inilueii/.a aiul pneumonia. An ideal reconstructive touic li-A ,u»v> irrttuediate In-nHil. Increases t news bllvii”lli.
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    • 2442 2 A B. I. S. N. Co.. Ltd. Cfi u ti w Cfl u O s M M s (0 o o fcj.S. Kisfna will nut sail for l\*rt Swetteuham au«l Siugapore on 23rd instant, as she is being docked at Singapore for painting, etc. She will however leave here as
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1781 3 SB If is. Co. Kspeeded arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. July 21 s.s. Nubia connecting with A up 1 8.8. Coromandel do 18 8.8. Chvsan <lo Sept. 1 8.8. Bengal J 0 Homewards. July 23 8.8. Ckusan do A up. 6 8.8. Balluaral do 20 8.8. Simla do »S’ept.
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  • 109 4 His Excellency the Governor and Miss Anderson will be At Home at 1 lie Residency, On Thursday, 28th July, at 9 30 p m Ladies and Gentlemen attending this Reception are requested to bring cards with their names legibly printed or written thereon, and to hand these
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  • 1910 4 Meter Muddles at Singapore. The Lessons of Sydney and Brisbane. Meter muddles is a mild term to apply to the injustice to which a number of Singapore ratepayers have, apparently, been subjected by the water authorities of the sister Settlement in respect of potable water alleged to
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  • 580 4 The Breakdown at Bckit Mkktajam. A Taiping correspondent writing under date of 18th instant semis us some particulars of the breakdown of a goods train engine at Bukit Mertajain, recently briefly reported, and the consequent delay of the Penang passenger tiaiu. llie letter reads as follows: The tirst
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  • 989 4 The Penang Assizes. (Before the lion. A. F. G. Law Vuisur Judye and a Jury.) Forgery. After lunch yesterday the accused. Chin Tliye Seong, sworn stater! that lie first joined the Government Service in 1891 but resigned in 1895 of his own accord. He rejoined iu 1897, first
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 510 5 4 The Captured Malacca. British Press Opinions, Consols Falling and Rumours of International Complications. (Echo Special.) Shanghai, 20 July.—The Japanese have seized the Chinese Engineering. and Mining Co.’s steamer Peiping off Weihaiwei alleging that die was carrying contraband of war. It is rumoured at Chefoo that the Russians
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    • 44 5 Wholesale Kidnapping. (Echo Special-) Bangkok, 18 July. —A great, kidnapping case lias jnsfc been concluded in the Siamese Court here, Nai Cham- being sentenced to fourteen years’ hard labour for kidnapping nineteen children, hour accessories were sentenced to three years’ hard labour each.
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    • 79 5 The Campbell-Bannerman Protest. (Supplied by Renter.) Louden, 20 July. The Rt. lion. A.J. Ba.four, the Premier, has fixed the Ist August ns ilie date for the discussion f Sir Henry CampbellBannerman’s cen-lire motion declaring that the House regrets that certain Ministers have accepted official positions in a political organ
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    • 131 5 Britain’s Reply to Russia. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19 July—The Rt. Hon. St. John Brodrick, Secretary of State for India, replying hi the House of Commons to a long question put by Mr. John G. S. Mac Neill, k. <•., Member for South Donegal, said that Russia was informed
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    • 47 5 A Plucky Irish Constable. Singapore, 20 July. —A Malay attempted to run amok on Cavenagh Bridge at nine o’clock this morning. He stabbed a Sikh constable and was then knocked down by an Irish constable. The amoker mid his victim were removed to Hospital.
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    • 35 5 A Diplomatic Denial. EH (Supplied bn Renter.) London, 20 July.—The report that France has threatened to land troops unless China suppresses the Kwangsi rebellion is denied at the French Legation at Peking.
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    • 28 5 Created a Port of Registry. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20 July. —An Order in Council has been issued making Shanghai a port of registry for British ships.
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    • 109 5 The Railway Loan. (Supplied by Renter.) London. 20 July. —The new Chinese Railway Loan has been fill| v covered, but a portion has had to lie taken up by the underwritersTin is quoted to-day at *7l 80. business j done. Opium at 81,135 au 1 liaugoou Rice at *l3B.
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  • 1876 5 Terrible Indictment of Belgian Officials. CRUELTY TO NATIVE RUBLEK COLLECTORS. America's Share or Responsibility. (From (Jur Own Correspondent) London, 23 June.—At the bar of civilization to-day stands the Congo Free State Ooverniueut, with King Leopold, the gav ruler of the Belgians, as the principal defendant. The indictment
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  • 202 5 A Hokxien Agent Fined, A Chinaman was before iJr. Nuun this morning witli bringing fifteen unstainpe<l letters into Singapore. The accused, who saiil he was a commercial traveller, pleaded guiltv, and Mr. Ho Yang Peng, the Chinese Postmaster, deposed that this man was a regular letter-runner, having books etc,
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  • 467 5 Following is the report of tlie Tehran Planting Co., Ltd., as presented to the j shareholders at the eighth ordinary general meeting held at the Company’s office, Alexandra Buildings, Des Vceux Road, Hongkong, on the It til inst.:— Gentlemen, —We beg to lay before vou
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  • 18 5 Obituary, (Echo Special.) fc’iugapore, 20 July.—Mr. II. hscltke, German Consul at this port, (lied last evening from dysentery.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1918 6 Emdeca Decoration. C. CHIN SENG, Substitute for Glazed Tiles, much Handsomer and Cheaper. Emdeca Decorations are uon-oxidisable, entirely uou-absormeut, proof against disease germs and offer NO HARBOUR FOR VERMIN. Samples and particulars from Huttenbach Bros. Co., Sole Agent*. Coach Builder and Repairer, Saddlery and Harness Maker, Nos. 27 50 d,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 201 7 KITSON Highest Award, Philadelphia, 1899. Gold Medal, Paris, 1900. Medal of Merit, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, MOST BRILLIANT LIGHT IN EXISTENCE. Used in all principal thoroughfares throughout the World. KITSON PRESSURE LAMPS Suitable tor lighting Halls, Theatres, Wharves and the Grounds ot Private Houses. < Made up to 2,000 candle-power, can
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 735 8 TERMS CASH WITH ORDER. mama, laiblaw h do., mm THE “CERT” HOBBS TEA INFUSER. RAT TRAP. Price: 40 cents. S LOUD Price /7 ND 65 SHARP, cents. CASH BAIG-S SRNDOWS Price 75 cents CHERRY BLOSSOM. Our V--Price dow’s i,v S 5 Devconly loper -1 with *8 £M:44 Char comA y=s*
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