Straits Echo, 2 July 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 20 1 XjIRTH. June 3rd. at It», Kimberley-drive. Great Vonby. Liverpool, tlie wife of H.'A. 8. Barrett, of a son.
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  • 40 1 K .i Week ending Friday, Julv 8, 1904. a.m. r.M. Saturday, 2nd J.yq 355 Sunday, 3rd 4.20 4.40 .Monday, 4th 5.10 5.30 luesdav, sth <>.oo 0.25 Wednesday, oth 0.50 7.1"* lliursdav. 7th 7.40 8.05 Friday, Bth 8.30 8.55
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  • 28 1 Last (Quarter July sth. 12 35 f..w. O New Moon 13th, 12.0 p.m. First (Quarter 19th, 7-37 p .m. O h ull Moon 27th. 2.51 p.m
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  • 46 1 To-i>av. I9tli Day, sth Moon. 'J’he Parai Cur/on Theatrical Co. Kuala Kaugsa lload. 9 p.m. Cricket, P. C. C. vs P. 11. 0., Esplanade, j 2 p.m. To-. MO it ROW. 20th Day, sth Moon. The Parsi Curzou Theatrical Co. Kuala Kaugsa, Road. 9 p.tu.
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  • 43 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OUTWAItIIH. Hoaikwakus. Simla 7 July Bengal 9 July A übiit ‘it j BalLiarat j:j j Kxtra Service. DuT wA It l>S. 110 MKW A K l*S. Jura I'J July i Camlta lb Juhf For particulars See Page 3.
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  • 907 1 t j Prefeuued Death to Helping Russia. j At the beginning 0 f the war between Russia and Japan, the military authorities at Warsaw addressed an appeal to the Polish officers, in certain regiments, inviting them to volunteer for active service. As it failed, however, to call 1
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  • 1038 1 Is Bridge going to last r asks a writer iu the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. That is a question which one is constantly l»eing asked, aud which it is so difficult to answer with a simple yes or no. That tickle Fashion will for
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  • Money Market.
    • 123 1 Pknano, 2nd July. < By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Hank ...1/11, 6 4 months’ sight Bank ...1/11 S 3 >f Credit ...1/llf J! ?> 3 Documentary ...1/11 ‘3 Calcutta, Demand Bank JU. 145 3 days’ sight Private 147! Bombay, Demand Bank 145$ 3 days’ sight Private
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    • 199 1 Bersuw ah Gold Mine Co., Ld. 14.50 sellers Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld G.— Redjang Lebong Gold Mining C'o., Ld s22s. —buyers K ada ua Gold M i u ing Go,, Ltd. (fully paid; 10.— hom. Bruseh Tin Mining Co., Ld. 3. —sales Clieudariaug Hydraulic Tin Mining Co.,
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    • 149 1 l*u 569.60 buuers Gold leaf 79.—• B. Pepper (W. Coast 31b5.50z.)$ 20. —buyers White Pepper 33.75 sellers Trang Pepper 2b.—sellers Cloves (picked) G 3.— Mace 100 sellers Mace Pickings 90. —sales Nutmegs 110 s 4 b.—uom. j No. 1 0 GO mint. 1 Sugar 2 no stock. (.Basket 4.15
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  • Shipping.
    • 131 1 Malaya, Ger. s.s. 84«, Block. 2nd July, l>eli, 1«t July, Gen.; B. M. A Co Glen hoy. R r s.s. 3.141, McGilliray, 2nd July, London, 29th Mav, Hen -|i Co. Avagykk, Br. s.s. 247, Morier, Ist Julv, i Singapore, 29th May, Gen.,—K. G. Cy. Jin Ho, Br. s.s. 110,
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    • 104 1 2nd July. Cornelia, for Deli. Tomj Chay Un, for Batu Bahra and Asaliau. Van der Parra, for Laugkat. Jia Ho, for Laugkat. I Omapere, for Kopali, Reuoug, Victoria Point, Maliwuu, Mergui and Tavoy. Petrol, for Largkat Paugkalau Braudau. Avayyee, for Port Swetteuhaiu and Singapore. Mary Austin, for Port Swetteuhaiu.
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    • 28 1 Malaya, Uer. s». 348, Block, 2ml Julv, Deli, Ist July, Geu.,—B. >l. (jo. Oantok. Br. s.s. 105, Merieau, ‘2nd Julv, Teluk Ansou, Ist Julv. Gen..—All Hing.
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    • 23 1 Vea«el* From Aijenta Out 0. Apcar CharterSingapore \.A,ACo. 4th Jul> house Singapore H.L.iCo. 2nd Nippon Colombo •Uv.ACo. 7th Persia Singapore S.K.ACo. 2itth
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    • 27 1 Ve«*eU For Ayenl* 1 C. A pear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. Charter- I lious« Singapore jH.L.&Co. Nippon Japan S.K.ACo. Pei sia Trieste 3.K.£Co. 5th July 6th 7th **h
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    • 16 1 Foit:— hell—Per Jfebe, 4th iustaut, 2 p.ui. Deli- Per Malay*, 4th iustaut, 2 p.ui
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 244 1 ep A. E. SKEELS. >% WHISKIES. Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States Agri-Horticultural Show. first of a series of combiued Shows, j will be held on the Race Course, I Kuala Lumpur, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday the sth, 6th anil 7th of August next. The Show w ill lx*
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    • 18 1 STEARNS’ WINE, after influenza and pneumonia. An ideal reconstructive tonic that gives immediate benefit. Increases weight, renews strength.
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    • 20 1 STEARNS’ WINE, relieves the distressing cough of influenza, and bronchitis. It invigorates and increases resistance to the uroads of disease.
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    • 328 1 Onk of tl»** most useful Institutions of this comitry promise- to be Tlie Diabetic Institute of Londou. established for scientific research into the origin, cause and treatment of Dialietes and the secondary symptoms gout. rheumatism.! carbuncles, etc. Hardly any disease is so little understood, and at the same time so
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    • 14 1 John Bazley White Brothers’ “LION BRAND” PORTLAND CEMENT. Sandilanda, Buttary Co., Sole Importer Penang.
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    • 136 1 banks Chartered Bank of lndia f Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL Clf AIiTEK. ,£BBO,OOO Ji Boo,ooo J Raid up j Capital i Reserve Fima Reserve Liability Proprietors Head Ollieo: I HATTON COURT, THREADNEKULK STREET, LONDON. Agencies and Branches. Haukow I Poll Peuaug Waugoou Singapore Shanghai SJ omabavH Through Passages
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 28 1 WEATHER. 1 hk following report is kimllv supplied in the Signal Director of Fort (Jonnvailix.—Tiie rainfall during the 'J4- hours ended *t 'J a.hi. to-day was 0*50 incites.
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  • 918 2 Indian Storage Reservoirs l6 je title of ail elalK>ntte and instructive and» I from a purely local point of view, timely*, work by Mr.* W. L. Strange, uow Cluet Engineer for Irrigation Works in t.e I Transvaal. Ho has had some *2O years experience in the construction and
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  • 202 2 I’knano, 2y» July, H*Oi. Description uf*. Bkeit-*» Soup pormlty 18 Roast St oaks Stew oi* Curry Meat o2 Kump Steak 20 I Ox Tail “T 32 Tongue nw!i 30, Fee» 70 j O i vr 15; ■iffcart »t 35 i Liver per catty 40 j- Pokk Pork j
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 26 2 Boey Ah Fook Chop Tuck Moh Co. Carpenter, Painter, House Huilder. 7N, Bishop Street, I'enaug. <i:Jc P. /Ho/r Crane <& Co.'s CYLINDER OIL. Sand]lands,' Buttery S: Co.
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    • 398 2 The NEW FRENCH REMEDY TRACE THERAPI 0 N MARK. THERAPION Nat -iiurt time, often afew days only,rrmovesalldischa I i s successful ard highly popular remedy, used in the Continental Hospitals by Ricord, Rostan, Jobert, Velpeau and others, combines all the desiderata to be sought in a medicine of the kind,
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    • 2314 2 Penang Sales Room. uU SLIT 1903 No. 384. 'I». 18 oa-’ BY ORDER OF T^ T -r fir 9 i« l*e sold bv BItOWN COB. Splendid trapper. \erv stylish and fast. Very cheap if s PUBLIC AUCTION at the junction of J>ato Kkamat and Seang Tkk Road, Pksaxo, On Saturday,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1755 3 V. £> Is. N. Co. v> Inspected, iirricul and llejntrfares. Mail Service. Outwards July 7 s.s. Simla connecting w ith s.s. Cluua m b m*. M r ~0 Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. BRITISH INDIA SW» NAVIGATION Co., Ltd. KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART itiHMRU. Intended Sailing and Expected Arrivals ok
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  • 64 4 4cm ice every! oly, su:<i justice al<oe. —fini.r.i Established June Ist, 1903. I'nliiichrii daily (eicepr Suiwlnye.) CRITERION PRESS, 1.d.. No. 22»5-2T2, Beach St real, Penang. PKICB PAtI.T, I .OCA I. f-.'i pur mu >••••■> OITsTATIONS l’o*i.i£e Extut MAIIi RIMTION (l<<t Krre) 15 CAKI.K AI'IMUSS; “I:c It o—P
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  • 647 4 Withdrawal of the ‘colour line* Order. Ox the #tth ultimo we had the pleasure to announce that the order, or circular as it is officially styled, of the I General Manager of the Federated Malay States Railways restricting Chinese travellers, of whatever rank or status, to certain
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  • 481 4 The Proposed Loan of 8600,000. At yesterday's meeting of. the Municipal Council the President again referred to the j question of the raising of the Sungei Piuang Bridge aud asked if he wag .authorised to write to Government a> king them to take the matter over. If
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  • 376 4 The subject of Weiliaiwei is revived by Sir Frank Swetteuliuiu, who recalls that the first paragraph of the convention between England and China, concluded at Peking on July 1. 1898, reads as follows in order to provide Great Britain with a suitable naval harbour in North China, and for
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  • 1684 4 Special Meeting'. A r vestcrday afternoon's special meetiug j of the Penang Municipal Commissioners there were present -Messrs J. W. Hallifax, (President), Qnah Beng Kee, F. S. B. Gaffuev, C’heah Tek Thye, A. R. Adams and Dr. Locke, Dr. Parke (Health Officer) and j 1{. P. Philipps (Secretary).
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 305 4 HOWARTH EIiSKINE, Ltd. HL HC T RICA ENG I A HERS. r •i V v V\ -i ''f Portable Motor Fans. Intimates Five on Application 56, Bench Street, Batumi. TOWN HALL FANNY STANLEY’S Comic Opera Dramatic Company. Monday, July 4th Emotional Drama in 5 Acts, EAST LYNNE Miss FaunV Stanley
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    • 91 4 i Pritchard Co I ANO. ARRIVING BY THE s.s. “BORNEO” for the Races. LATEST NOYELTIES in the following Trimmed Hats, Plain Brocaded I' Silks, Sunshades, Millinery, Laces and Ribbons A LS< > A Choice Selection of Plain and Fancy Gauzes, Grenadines and Muslins. PRITCHARD CO., Pen/? imc. I or McAlister
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    • 14 4 erv I«MutabU'. even children eujov jo take it, hit it i* Stearne' IFtV Qtljeh».
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    • 12 4 s 0; > r 5 ft H 55 *5/ ts *> 6'. '0 r
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  • 346 5 Doomed Port Arthur. The Elusive Vladivostok Squadron. (Echo Special.) 2 July.- A telegram from Newellwang reports that a Russian destroyer entered the Likolio River on JOtli June. Con*espondent8 who have returned to Che too from Kaiping state that tlie Russians tire retreating ing upon Tashiehiao, fearing to he
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  • Telegrams.
    • 53 5 (Deli Co ura nt Sere ice.) The Hague (via Batavia), 27 •lime.—The Senate of Finland has issued a proclamation protesting against the recent assassination of General Bobrikoff, the GovernorGeneral. The proclamation avers that the economic and moral progress of Finland is due entirely to the benevolence and wisdom of
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    • 71 5 (Deli Con rant Sere tee.) The Hague (via Batavia), 29 June. —The British Ambassador at Constantinople has personally informed the Sultan that, in case the recent horrors are renewed and no improvement is shown in measures for the safety of the Armenians, the Powers of Europe will be
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    • 38 5 (Supplied by Reuter London, 1 July. —It is announced in Rome that Signor Melegari, Italian Minister at Tokio, has befell appointed Ambassador at St. Count Vind, Italian Charged*Affgii’es in Mexico, suc-v ceeds Signer Melegari at Tokio.
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    • 80 5 The New Artillery. (Supplied by lieu ter.) Hondo?», j July.—The Rt lion. Hugh Arnold -Korster, Secretary of State lor War, in reply to a question in the House of Commons, said I hat twenty-one bit terms of rhe new field-guns mentioned on the 7rh March would he completed
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    • 33 5 Kratt Ceded to France. (Supplied by Reuter.) London,. I July.—A Protocol of the F ranco-Siatnese Treafcv signed at Paris provides that the port of Kratt be ceded to France immediately.
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    • 32 5 Good Output in June. (Echo Special.) Ipoli. 2 July.— I hear that the total output of Tronoh Mines for June is about 2.100 piculs tin-ore which will realize about $84,000.
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    • 37 5 Zouaves for Tangier. V Supplied by Renter.) London, 2 July.—France is making arrangements with Morocco j for the introduction of a force of j Algerian Zouaves, as police for; Tangier, under the command of| French officers.
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    • 66 5 The Anti-Chinese Order Withdrawn. 7 [Echo Spec oil.) Kuala Lumpur, 2 July.—The General Manager of the Federated Malay States Railways has replied to the representations made to him respecting the departmental Order restricting Chinese travellers to certain cars on the Malay States Railways. In his despatch
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    • 30 5 A Decrease of Revenue- < Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, I July. —The British revenue for the second quarter of! 1904 amounts to £31,722,809, being a decrease of £2.088,04 L
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    • 37 5 Ilis Tour Commences < Rr/to Special.) Singapore, 2 July.—H. E. the Governor, accompanied by Miss Anderson and suite, has left in the Government yacht Sea Mew for his tour of the Federated Malav States.
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    • 170 5 The Menace of South Africa. (Echo Special). Singapore, 1 July.—At to-day’s meeting of the Legislative Council the lion. Tan Jiak Kim asked, Whether the Government is aware that the action of the Transvaal Government in recruiting Chinese labour in South China, whence the whole of the labour supply
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  • 1307 5 A New Industry. Successful of Steam Saw MILLS. ester day afternoon there was formally i inaugurated at Suugei Timing the mill be*I'Htging to t!,e Penang Steam Saw Mill Co. Lmct'on was held under tin* most it tavournMe auspices and everything na8si, exceedingly well u,at u reat
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  • 783 5 Holmberg before the Magistrate. Committed for Trial. Last Monday, Mr. F. J. Holm berg," of the P. W. 1)., Straits Settlements, faced the music in Mr. Seth's Court at Singapore. Ihe Straits Times report of the proceedings states that he was brought up for em|iiirv into three
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  • 239 5 I I ,1, 1 _J.uu**. -A large bu»iu. »5 ha» iwi d,»ue, wit If it rating market, in, to 4*123 l--s for rii'li. ;,a..l fl2:i 5». for, HU.,mils. Siuce Itowover, prices live! "'veil w ay, ami we dose at <£121 10s furl cash, am! 4*121 2s. *1. l„r
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  • 313 5 C C. Tournament. Ihk following* ties have been arra aired Monday ith. The Championship. H. A. Neubrouner vs. F. U. Hallifax Double Handicap. 'N H. McArthur and A. G Anthony vs. I*. J. fjpiviil** aud L. A. Black more E. S. liaslaui aud Dr. ►Ska** cs. A H.
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  • 225 5 sth Sunday After Tkinity. St. Gbokor's Church (Church of England) I #lO a.m. Matins (Plain), it am. St. Marks' (Butter*orth) Matins Holy Communion i 5p m. Sunday School. 0 ‘p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Rev. H. C. Henhaui. Act. Col Chaplain. Presbyterian Church 0-15 a u.. (Northam Koad(
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1708 6 Graham Co., Ld., PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AOVES. AO Ĕ NTS HUTTENBACH BROS. Caldbeck Macgregorand Co. TEIK CHIN Co. Co. WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, 4 IS each Si reel Penang. KITSON LAMPS. THE NEW DRINK FELIXIR WONG KIM MUN, No. 77a, Bishop Street Dr. W. MAN SON. The Finest, Fight iu .Existence. Apply
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 200 7 9 KITSON Diploma., Glasgow, 1901. Medal of Merit, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, 1909. MOST BRILLIANT LIGHT IN EXISTENCE. Used in ail principal thoroughfares throughout the World. KITSON PRESSURE LAMPS Suitable for lighting Halls, Theatres, Wharves and the Grounds of Private Houses. Made up to 2,000 candle-power, can be erected in any
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1508 8 JUST ONE MINUTE PLEASE! WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co., PENANG Have Pleasure in informing the Public that they have Just Received large Consignments of Miscellaneous and Drapery Goods wjiich have been Carefully and Personally Selected by their Penang Representative. Every Article Guaranteed Perfectly New and Fresh. VERY BEST VALUE GIVEN FOR GASH.
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