Straits Echo, 18 April 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 91 1 Marriages. On IJOi April, Josephine, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. C. Monteiro, to Mr. John Hemv w>n the late Captain Theodore Smith, of Bangkok. tJii 12th inst. at Edinburgh. Daisy, daughter of R. G. Van Soineren. of Singapore, to William Hamilton Simpson, m b., of New Zealand. Births.
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  • 39 1 For Week ending Sunday, April 24, *****. am. p.m. Monday, lBtli 4.20 4.45 Tuesday, 19th 5.10 5.35 Wednesday, 20th... 0.00 0.25 Thursday, 21st 6.50 7.15 Friday, 22ml 740 8.05 Saturday, 28til 8.80 855 Sunday, 24th 9.20 11.45
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  • 26 1 First Quarter... Apr. 22ud. 9-80 p.m. O Full Moon 80th, 4.11 a.m. I<«st Quarter May 7th. 5.29 a.m. O New Moon 18th, 4.81 p.m.
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  • 30 1 To- DAT. Town Hand, Esplanade, *5.30 p.m. Hamilton's Circus, l>ato Km mat Gardens, 9 p.m. To-morrow. Town Hand, Golf Club, 5.30 p.m. liarmslou's Circus, Dato Kramat Gardens. 9 p.m.
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  • 52 1 P O.SAILINGS. .Mail Service. Out w a it i»s. Hom kw a kus. Simla ~8 Apr Petty a! •'><) Apr Coromandel I'i May Mafia 14 May Extra Service. IJUTH A It US. IIOSI KWAHU8. l*era HJ Apr j Malacca 'It Apr Ceylon -1 May Palawan 6 May For pari iculars
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  • 868 1 (From Northern Exchanges.) China Protests. Through the Foreign Office, China has sent protests to M. Lessar, Viceroy Alexieff and the Foreign Office at St. Petersburg, against the persistent violation of China’s neutrality by Russian soldiers. Yuan Shi Kni and O on oral .Ma Yuj Kun have been empowered
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  • 829 1 Mellioume. March 17. —The Navigation 1 BiH, which has now been circulated, exempts British liners sailing between West an«l South Australia from the obligation to pay the Australian rates of wages. On the other hand, the measure comjiels the vessels of all foreign countries not granting reciprocal
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  • 45 1 Inward —Per Cornelia,” from Tongkah H. E. Kliaw Sim Bee. Per Ballaaiat," from Shanghai, Mr. W. J. S. Plant, Mr. Knox. Per Jiu Ho,” from Laugkat, Messrs. Basagoiti, Jansen, Rajak, Per PIIIO Rimau," from Port Swettenham, Mr. Stafford, Per Beninolir,” from London, Mr. Graeey.
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  • Shipping.
    • 226 1 idar, Br. s.s. 191, Crichton, 17th Apr., Deli, 16th Apr., Gen., —Koe Guan Co. Lady Weld, Br. s.s. 245, Trcweeke. 17th Apr., T. A li Hon, 16th Apr., Gen.,— Straits 8. S. Co Cornelia, Br. s.s. 194, Buchanan, 16th Apr., Tougkah, 15th Apr., Gen., K. G. Co. I Mary
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    • 41 1 18th April. Calypso, for Deli. Cornelia, forTongkali. Mary Austin, for Port Swettenham. Canton, for Pangkor and Telak Anson. Hole Canton, for Edie, T. Semawe, Segli and Olehleh. Tony Chay Un, for Batu Bahra and Asahan. Arayonia, for Singapore and Hongkong.
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    • 79 1 V'idak, Ur. s.s. 191, Crichton, lltli Apr., Deli, 10th Apr., Gen., —Ko« Guan Co. Lady Weld, Ur. s.s. 245 Treweeke, 17th Apr., T. Anson, lOtli Apr., Gen., Straits S. S. Co. Pulo Kimau. Ur. s.s. 297, Nielsen, 17th Apr., Port Swettenliani, 10th Apr. Gen., —H. L. ce Co.
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    • 30 1 Veaaela H'OUl Ajenttf Due J Hamburg Singapore P &0. 20tli Apr Pera Colombo B.M.&Co. 20th Ocampu Liverpool S.B.&Co. *20th Bavern Colombo B.M.&Co. 21th Simla Colombo i P. O. 29th
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    • 29 1 Vetf»el» For Ayent» Leave» Hamburg Colombo B.M.&Co. 20th Apr Oca in pa Singapore ;S.B.&Co. 20th Pera Singapore !P. O. Bayern Singapore B.M.<$Uo. 21st Simla Singapore P. O. 29th
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    • 78 1 For Itaugoou—Per Nam Yuny, to-morrow, 11 a.iu. Edie, T. Senmwe, Segli, Pulo Weh and Olehleh —Per O. G. v. Lanttbenje, to-morrow I p.ui. Langkat—Per Jin Hu, to-morrow, 1 p.ra. Deli —Per Vidar, to-inorrow, 2 p.ui. Port Swettenliani and Malacca- Per Pulo Kimau, to-morrow, 2 Port Sweltenhain and
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 244 1 A. E. SKEELS. o> HIGH CLASS. CHANKOLS. McAUSTER <* Co.. Ltd. Aix-la-Chapelle KAISER WATER A Refreshing Dietetic Table Water. According to the nualynis of Professor Justus von Liebig this water contains in 10,000 grammes or 10 litres: 1. Chloride Sodium... 20,101 2. Bromide 3. lodide 4. Sulphide •V Sulphate Soda
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    • 282 1 To-days Advertisements WANTED. MAKT Eurasian Clerk, fast at figures, O good handwriting. Salary cotnuieucing with .S30 per month. An dress E. C. 273 c/o Straits Echo. George Town Sales Room. To be Sold BY PUBLIC AUCTION i On Wednesday, the 20th April, 1904, In the Courtyard of Logan's Buildings, AT
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    • 8 1 COW BRAND BUTTER. McAlister C 0 ,9 Ltd
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    • 12 1 ENGINE OILS. McAlister co. Ltd lv 5 1 .A I It lis
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    • 121 1 ALL LOVERS OF SOLTI) LITERATURE should subscribe to the Straits Chinese Magazine,” a quarterly journal of Oriental and Occidental culture. The subscript ion is only 81.50 {>er annum, payable in advance to the Peuano Ageut. LIM KEONG LAY, 89, Muntri Street. EniTOKS Lim Boon Keng, m.b., c.m. Song Oug Sian»;,
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    • 11 1 A. E. SKEELS. HIGH CLASS. JUNGLE FURNITURE. McAlister A Co., Ltd
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 32 1 WEATHER Thk following report is kiu'lly supplied l»y 1 1io Signal l)im li*r of Fort Cornwall is:— The rainfall during the 24« hours ended at 9 to-day was 0 64 inches.
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  • 23 1 Death. On 2nd April, at Shanghai. John Mossop. eldest sou of John Mossop, West End Laue. Hampstead, of Loug-Sutton. Lincolnshire, aged Ki years.
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  • 683 2 {Shipping Gazette 2»th March A lbttcr has been received from the Board of Trade hr Mr. \V. H. Cooke, the secretary to the Chamber of Shipping, forwarding the subjoined copy of ail official notice which is being issued to masters of British ships
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 36 2 LEE CIIYE DISPENSARY, .Vo. ?o6’. CAKNAliVON STltEET, I'liNA NO. Tki-ki'Honk No. 291. C)|Nm «lay ami !’roui <i tu pm Prescript iotiH are Accurately Prepared. o6a P, Nloir Crane <& Co/s CYLINDER OIL. Sandi/ands Buttery Sr Co.
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    • 385 2 The Yankee Novelty Go. 89, FARQUHAR STREET, PENANG. JS Everybody’s Store. something in this store for 1 everybody. Our several departments afford a tine assortment of goods which are needed in every home. We have many Yankee Novelties which are obtainable nowhere else. The only way to know just what
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    • 1763 2 i. S. N. Co., Lid; WANTED For the Transvaal Government. IN consequence of s. s. Kistna decking at Singapore, she will omit the sailing from hence to Port Swettenhain anil Singapore of 23r«l iust. She will however resume her usual service on 30th inst. HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT Co., 13-4-04 254 Agent*.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1628 3 TAJ. 9 P 5 Expected civviccil coid Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. May 28 8.8. Simla connecting with Norddentscber Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. rpHE fast and well-known Mail Steamers of this Line will leave Penang on or about the undermentioned dates:— OUTWARDS: HOMEWARDS 12 s.8. Coromandel do 26 s.H.
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  • 77 4 Justice nfisfle* everylwdy, ami justice alone.—Bmeraott Established June Ist, 1903. Vublislieil daily xcept Sundays.) AT TUI CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, lira'll Street, Penang. PRICK j DAILY. LOCAL |f| pur anmiiii |Po«t Free) *7 MAIL MOTION <r«*t Kiee) 15 CAKI.K AUDKKSM: Ec ho—Penang.” Telephone No. 188. Editor,
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  • Current Topics.
    • 130 4 The Liverpool Journal of Commerce draws attention to the fact that the report ot the Special Committee appointed by President Roosevelt to investigate the whole system of promotions, contracts, delivery, lease of offices, etc., etc., in vogue throughout the United States Postal Service, which was recently tabled
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    • 168 4 Fair Play writes to the Times fi*om .Singapore:— We have gradually sold our British shipping here, 11 steamer», to the Germans, and also 13 steamers from Hongkong to the same source, very many also to the Americans at Manila, so that in fact British shipping is in
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    • 182 4 That blot on American Statutes, the Chinese Ex-, elusion Treaty, expires oil i Dec. 27, and the Chinese «government has given notice that it will not be renewed. The Minister, Sir hentung Liang Chang is engaged with the lion. John Hay, Secretary of State, on the preparation of
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    • 916 4 Sir West Ridgeway, in an interesting paper on Ceylon, i read before the Loudon < handier of Commerce, called attention to a point which is a little apt to be overlooked by the general public —namely the value of the Crown Colonies to the Empire. So much is
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  • 181 4 Woman Hides in an Almeirah. A Chinese woman named Klioo G'hoo Neoh was charged in the Police Court •before Mr. Bryant with criminal breach of trust in respect to various articles of jewellery valued at al»out £5,000. There were four warrants against the accused in
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  • 261 4 The annual police sports, which have always been looked forward to by the native i police of this Settlement with feelings of the utmost pleasure, were completely spoilt ,by rain on Saturday. The annual fixture was put down for Butterworth this year, as the competition
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  • 210 4 The performance by Harmston's Circus was again witnessed by a large number of spectators on Saturday night. The matinee in the afternoon was unfortunately attended by miserable weather and consequently the audience was not large. The evening's bill of fare was by all appearances enjoyed as much as
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  • 179 4 Penang Golf Club Tournament. FRIDAY’S RESULTS. Men's Open Singles. C. W. Autlerson beat M. L. Bower 0-2, 0-1. Men's Single Handicap. A. G. Stephen beat L. A. Blaekiuore 0-4, 0-5. H. A. Neubrouner lieat A.G. Anderson 0-1, 3-0, 0-5. Men’s Doubles. M. H. Graham and G. S. Haslani
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  • 851 4 (Strait# Times, 10th April.) A meeting of the Council was held on Friday last, 15th instant. His Excellence the Officer Administering the Government presided, and there were also present the Hons, the Acting Colonial Secretary, the i Attorney-General, the Colonial Treasurer, and the Hons. W. G. Napier and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 567 5 The Petropavlovsk. 790 Live* Lost. I>OUT ARTHUR AGAIN. Attempt at Nonni Bridge. (Kcho Speciale.) Tokm 16 April.— On the 14th iiiftuiit the Russian battleship PoInedu was torpedoed while attempting to re-enter Port Arthur harbour after engaging the Japanese fleet, collided with the battleship Sevastopol and the Japanese fleet
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  • Telegrams.
    • 743 5 Reception at Singapore. iEcho Special.) Singapore, 18 April.—Sir John Anderson left the Chusan in a 1 launch with Mr. Taylor, the acting 1 Governor, and proceeded to Johnstone’s Pier where he landed at 4-2 u p. m. Practically all the town was 1 assembled on the pier
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    • 53 5 Alleged Murder. (Echo Special.) Baugkok, 16 April.—Phoona Subrian, an Indian, has been arrested at Lakoneswau for the murder of Abdul Kader on 15th February, and was remanded for trial at the British Court to-day. The murderer made good his escape from Baugkok after the crime and has only now
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    • 41 5 (Supplied by Reuter) London, 18 April.—Turkey is sending troops to Metrovitza, in Albania, in response to the concentration of Austrian troops on the frontier. Greek bands are active in Macedonia. One band has attacked and killed eighteen Turkish taxgatherers.
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    • 100 5 The Hereros Revolt. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 16 April. —German troops had another encounter with the Hereros tribe in German Southwest Africa on the 13th instant, in which the German losses were two officers and six men killed and one. officer and twelve men wounded. The total German
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  • 148 5 Royal Bangkok Sports Club. April Meeting Third Day. (Ju'ho Special.) Bangkok, 16 April.—There Avas a capital attendance for the third day’s racing, the results being as follows:— THE ECLIPSE HANDICAP. alue 250 Tieals. Distance, R.C. Mr. J. Caulfield-James' b s h Cheers. THE SAPATOOM HANDICAP. Value 250
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    • 308 5 To ia z Editor or tde Straiis Ik ho. Dear Sir, As I do not desire to trespass on your valuable time l»v calling on vou I drop you this note to thank you for exposing the great deficiencies of the local Post Office, of which you
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  • 513 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Rangoon, 6th April.—We have had some gloomy weather lately in Rangoon, constant showers having fallen the last two or three days. On Tuesday and Weduesduy the total rainfall exceeded three inches, and at present a thunderstorm is doing its liest to clear the air for
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  • 34 5 Reuter wires several unofficial and semi-official Port Arthur telegrams reporting the loss or damage of various Japanese vessels are being published in St. Petersburg and are apparently designedto relieve the popular depression.
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  • 114 5 Penang, 18th April. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...1/10$ 4 months’ sight Bank ...1/10/*, n 3 Credit ...1/10$ 3 Documentary ...1/10} Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 138 3 days’ sight Private 140 Bombay, Demand Bank 138 3 days’ sight Private 140 Madras, Demand Bank 138 3
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  • 180 5 BersawahGold Miue Co., Ld. 16. —tales Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., r<d 6.75 buyers Redjaug Leboug Gold Mining Co., lid $2lO. exiliv KadauaGold Mining Co,,Ltd. (fully paid) 10.—mom*. Bruseli Tin Mining Co., T,d. 7.50 sellers Clieudariang Hydraulic Tin Miuiug Co., Ld 20.— tales Kurunguu Tin Mining Co. 15. nom.
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  • 143 5 i Tin 78.58 buyer» Gold leaf 82. B. Pepper(\V. Coasl3lb».soz.)s 26} teller» White Pepper 46.] sale Trang Pepper 30| sellers Clove» (picked) 43*— nom. sloo. —sales Mace Pickings 80.— seller» Nutmegs 110» 45.— seller» No. 1 7.50 Sugar 2 5.20 Basket 4 .—tale» l'apioca Flour 1.75 buyers Copra 8
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 6 5 IRONMONGERY. McAlister C 0 .9 Ltd
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    • 39 5 To-day’s Advertisement. notice. MY wife Ngob Ah Sai having left my protection I shall not hold myself responsible for any debt or debts contracted by her. Dated at Penang this 18th dav of April, 1904. TAN YEOK. 18-4-04. 271
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    • 583 5 Today's Advertisements. Municipal Notice. r pHE next ORDINARY MEETING of X the Municipal Commissioner» will be held At the MUNICIPAL OFFICE, On Friday, the 22nd Instant, at 3 p,m. H. H. PETERSON, -"‘I Acting Secretary, BE A JOURNALIST. E most attractive profession. None X offers such opportunity for advancement to
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    • 33 5 STOP PKES TELEGRAMS. This space is reserved for the publication of news arriving after the day's news has been,imposed. BAXTER St CO.’S BEST NAVY CANVAS Sandilands, Buttery dt Co. PAINTS McAlister Co., Ltd.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1970 6 Teik Chin Coy. TAIK HO Co., General Storekeepers, Provisioned and Commission Agents. 25 Hugh Low Street IPOH. Specialities always on hand: Reddawey’s Camel* Hair Belting, Crashed Food, P adi, Paints, Burrell’s Boiled Raw Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Mining Candles, Manila Rope, Best Moulmein Cigars, 82, Main PERAK, TAIPING. Siberian Butter. WINES
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1955 7 Graham Co., Id., WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, 4 Beach Street, Penang. IMPORTERS of MENNEN'S BORATED TALCUM TOILET POWOER, 60 cents For Infants and Adults, in Patent Tins 1 >C A I•K W AUK PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNES. AGENTS CHIN HIN BROTHERS, General Storekeepers, Horse Dealers, and Livery Stables, No. 50e, PENANG ROAD.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1528 8 PRYE RIVER DOCK. I’BSANd rnHE above Dock, situated in Province 1 Welle»lev, at (lie entrance of 1 lie Prye River, lias lately been lengthened and deep ened aud is now of (lie following -dimensions Length on (lie Mocks 330 feet. Breadth at entrance oO Depth of water on sill at
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