Straits Echo, 31 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 39 1 For Week ending Wednesday, April 0, 1904 am. p.M. Thursday, 31st 1.20 1.40 Friday, Ist 2.10 2.3-!> Saturday, 2nd 3.00 3.20 Sunday, 3rd 3.50 4.15 Monday, 4th 4.40 5.05 Tuesday, sth 5.30 5.55 Wednesday, oth... 0.20 0.45
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  • 27 1 O T till Moon Man. 31st 0.37 p.m Last Quarter Apk. 7th, 2.38 p.m O New Moon 10th, 3.14 a.m First Quarter... 22nd, 0-33 p.m
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  • 21 1 To-day. Town Band, Golf Club, 0 p.m. To-MORROW. Good Friday, Public and Bank Holiday. No issue of the Straits Echo.”
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  • 40 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Honkwakdu. Malta 31 Mar l Simla .2 Apr Chilean 14 Apr j Ballaarat 16 lixtra Service. Outwards. Homkwauds. Manila o Apr I Java 8 Apr Per a 19 Malacca ill For partieuTars'See Page 3*.
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    • 63 1 (Ho nykony Teleyraph. Service) Clinton, 19 Mar.—H. I. H. Prince Adalbert, of Germany, arrived here on the gunboat Luchs at 2p. m. He will be entertained at dinner to-night by Messrs. Siemssen and Co. To-morrow the Prince will dine with the German Consul, and a reception will
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  • 639 1 The Japanese Progressist Party. Count Okuma on the Situation. (Ho nykony Teleyraph Service.) Yokohama, 18 Mar.—At a meeting of the Progressist Party, at Tokio today, Count Okuma, their leader and former Minister for Foreign Affairs, made an able and important speech defining the policy to be adopted in
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  • 368 1 A Secret Coal Depot The Russian warships, no longer allowed to remain in the French port of Jibutil, and afraid to proceed east, are said to have anchored in the Gulf of Suez. Meantime reports from Aden speak of Russian torpedo-destroyers chasing P. and
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  • 739 1 Shadows o f Coming Events. Glimpses of the Japanese Grand Plan of Campaign. (St. Janies's Gazette Military CorJ) Three significant piecesof news would seem to have emerged from the fog enveloping the initial stages of the land operations. The first states that Russian and Japanese scouts have sighted one another
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  • Shipping.
    • 63 1 Lanokat, Br. s.s. 187, Morier, 30th Mar., Port Swettenham, 29th Mar., Gen., Koe Guan Co. 1 hairing, Br. s.s. 100, Wheeler, 30th Mar. Port Weld, 30th Mar., Gen., —H. L. Co. Lady Weld, Br. s.s. 245, Treweeke, 31st Mar., T. Anson, 30th Mar., Gen., Straits S. S. Co. Bamburg,
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    • 62 1 31st March. Cornelia, for Tongkah. Jin Ho, for Langkat. Taw Tony, for Langkat aud Pangkalau Brand an. Canton, for Pangkor and Teluk Anson. Vidar, for Deli. Hok Canton, for Edie, T. Semawe, Segli aud Olehleh. Janet Nicoll, for Moulmein. Un Peny, for Perlis and Setul. Lanykat, for Port Swettenham
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    • 46 1 Veenel* From Agent» Due Malta Colombo P.&O. 1st Apr Armenia Hamburg B.M.&Co. 1st Segovia Colombo B.M.&Co. 1st Simla Singapore P.&O. 2nd Nam Sang Singapore B.&Co. 2nd Hong Bee Singapore K.G.Co. 2nd Manila Colombo P.&O. 5th Preussen Singapore B M.&Co. 6th mOldenburg Colombo B.M.&Co. 7th i
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    • 1752 1 t j I A. E. SKEELS. j A if lx A. E. SKEELS. f w. a \wKV Nttt wm NT A™ X \V A 1 mAL. ill m 1 ]W m r tF I ih \m r HIGH CLASS. B I J8 M y I J 1 8 j
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    • 69 1 Foit:— Deli-—Per Ho Kwei, 2nd proximo, noon. Batu Bahra Asahan—Per It. Halewyn, v 2nd proximo, 2 p,in. Teluk Anson—Per Avayyee, 2ml proximo, 2 p in. Port Swettenliam and Singapore-i-Per» Omapere, 2nd proximo, 2 p.m. Port Swettenham—Per Carlyle, 2nd proximo, 3 p-m. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Kietna, 2nd proximo,
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    • 14 1 Inward Per Lady Weld,” from Teluk Anson, Messrs. Davis, Duncan aud Master Carlos.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 257 1 A. E. SKEELS. HIGH CLASS. FOR SALE. Stephens’ Writing Inks, Stephens’ Copying Inks, Stephens’ Red Inks, Stephens’ Gums.' CRITERION PRESS, Ltd, CUTLERY. McAlister S Co., Ltd. Aix-la-Chapelle KAISER WATER A Refreshing: Dietetic Table Water. According to tlie analysis of Professor Justus von Lining this water contains in grammes or 10
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    • 191 1 Easter Holidays. j f’l'MI E undermentioned Banks ill be closed i J. on Friday, Saturday and Monday, the 1st, 2nd and 4th April, 1904, same being Public Holidays. For the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. J. ARMSTRONG, ManagerFor the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. A. O. STEPHEN, Agent.
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    • 51 1 ARMOUR’S PROVISIONS. The best and always fresh. Sandilands, Buttery Co. THIC DADPD w ke l ,t n at r DAKEB’ I 1110 rAi Gl\ Advertising Agency, is», Sarin >tne Street. Sail Francisco, California IT.l T S. A., where contract* or advertising can he made for it. s3* Read Pages 2
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 28 1 WEATHER Thr following report is kiudlv supplied by the Signal Director ot' Fori Cornwallis:— The rainfall during the 24 hours euded at 9 to-day was 1.25 inches.
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  • 1392 2 A Chinese Reformer’s Opinion. The Rangoon Gazette publishes the following report of an interview with a Mr. Chang Chiug Clung:— Chang Ching Chiug is a Chinese reformer of the most pronounced type. Ambitious, enthusiastic and patriotic, he would make his mark anywhere. A man of striking personality and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 254 2 TRADE MAKE CHIN HIN BROTHERS, General Storekeepers Horse Dealers Livery Stables No. 50n, PENANG ROAD Telephone No. 265. Just Unpacked HARNESS. A EOT of English, American ami Calcutta Pony, Cob ami Horse Harness, Brass Mounted or Silver-plated fittings, with black patent leather CARRIAGE hAJlFS. A lot of Fancy Brass or
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    • 279 2 I TIANG LEE Go. Merchant* fy General linjiortArs, Penang. Wholesale Offices 3, BE4CH STREET. General Store Department:— 95, BEACH STREET. Important. Special Jinrikishas for Private use. LAMPS, Table, Hanging and Wall Lamps OF THE LATEST PATTERNS. Chimneyless “Hitchcock’’ Lamps, No Smoke and no Smell. Children’s Chairs, Tables and Rocking Chairs.
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    • 1159 2 TO LET. 7-3-04 158 RENONG HOUSE.” Apply to Perak Government Agent, Pena nr/. Federated Malay States Railways. JAMES BUCHANAN C.o’s “HOUSE OF COMMONS” WHISKY. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. Reduction in Passenger Fares. VLL concerned are hereby informed that on and from Sunday, Ist May, 1904, tlie rates for Passengers per mile
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 2010 3 ST \V5 ’j n IS. II. Co. Expected arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Mar. 31 ».8. Malta connecting with a.8. Himalaya Apl. 14 8.8. Chilean do 29 8.8. Ballaarat do May 12 s.8. Coromandel do 8.8. Marmora 8.8. India 8.8. Britannia Homewards. Norddeatscher Lloyd, Bremen. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION
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  • 78 4 Justice satisfies pveryVxxly, and justice almie. —Jfmersoti. Established June Ist, 1903. Kublislird dail}' (except. Sundays.) AT THU CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No.t22t>-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICK DAILY, LOCAL per annum (Post Free) 27 MAIL EDITION (Post Free) I» CAULK ADDRESS; Ec lio —Pen an g.” Telephone No. 188.
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  • Current Topics.
    • 176 4 W e are indebted to tlie courtesy of the Secretary of the Municipality fora copy of the resolution regarding charges for electric energy as passed at yesterday's special meeting of the Commissioners. It reads as follows:—‘‘The Commissioners go into Committee on the question of charges for Electric
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    • 203 4 Mr. J. Stewart Remington, the well-known agricultural chemist and experimenter, writes from The Laboratories, Gr.uige-over-Sands, Lancashire, to the India-rubber Journal: —I have been very interested in the preliminary report on the Para rubber tree seeds. Several tilings, however, surprise me in this report, especially the remark that Para
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    • 212 4 We find a ‘special’ in the St. James’s Gazette (4Mar.) which if based on fact is distinctly noteworthy, and if false is a very neat attempt to "loss over the Bear’s failure to float a big war loan. It reads as follows —The Russian Financial Agent in this
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    • 228 4 Race Suicide is the j headline under which the: Daily Mail (5 Mar.) draws attention to the marked iV decline in the birthrate of Australia, aiyd quotes at some length from “expert evidence ”on the subject. It appears from the Mail’s summary that the commission appointed hv the
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    • 228 4 The Hongkong Telegraph (Ifltli Mar.) rightly asserts that the statements made by Count Okuma in his address to the Japanese Progressist Party—which will be found in another part of this issue of the Echo—will not fail to appeal to the hearts of all civilized peoples. The importance
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    • 379 4 The Telegraph continues: Before, and since, the out- break of the present conflict, the official Russian Press heaped insult, inueudo and eoAtempt upon the people whose soldier#, I sailors and statesmen have already given such startling lessons in courage, enterprise and knowledge of their profession to
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  • 1871 4 Special Meeting Yesterday. A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon, principally to deal with the question of the charges to be made for electric energy. Mr. Mr. J. W. Hallifax (President), Messrs Quah Beng Kee, Clieah Tek Thye, and P. S. B. Gaffney were
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  • 159 4 The Banks notify that they will be closed on Friday, Saturday and Monday, the Ist 2nd and 4th April. The Post Office notifies On Good Friday the Post Office will open from ilO a.m. to sort the outward English mail only. 1 here will l»e no delivery on
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  • 148 4 The following is the team selected to represent Penang at cricket vs. Singapore on the 4th and sth April: H. W. Sharp VV. F. Zelnider G. H. Cater. O. P. Gnffitli-Jones H. A. Neubronner 31. H. Graham R. J. Farrer L. E. P. Wolferstan J. Forbes W. C. A.
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  • 141 4 Significant Censorship. In the Ceylon Independent (published at Colombo) of lltli March we find the following exceedingly interesting and instructive item:— To the Editor Ceylon Independent. Sir. —I have the honour to forward for your information and guidance copy of a despatch received from the Government Telegraph He.
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  • 82 4 The Manager of the local branch of the Chartered Bank of India Australia and China courteously informs us that he received a telegrem to-day from his Head Office informing him that at the approaching meeting of the shareholders the Directors would recommend a dividend at the rate
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  • 201 4 Thk Morning Post (29 Bob.) says Mr. Charles B. Buckley has been selected by the Sultan of Johore for the office of Financial and General Adviser io the Government of Johore, Judge of the Court of Judicature, and a Magistrate of the first class, as it is underI stood
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 481 5 The Chong]u Fight. Another Report from Togo. The Japanese Hobson blown to Atoms. —w— MOKE CHILDISH PROTESTS. (/-Vow Our Own Correspomlent Shanghai, 80 Mar. ((3.15 [>.)—An official report from Tokio states that .Japanese cavalry scouts encountered the Russians on the 28th instant at Chongju, in northern Corea, and,
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    • 25 5 {Supplied by Renter.') London, 30 Mar.—Sir Michael Hicks-Beach has informed his constituents that he does not intend to seek re-election to Parliament.
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    • 33 5 (Supplied Inj Reuter.) London, oO Mar. —The House of Commons lias been adjourned until 12th* April. Mr. Balfour, the Premier, announced that the Budget would probably be presented on the 19th April.
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    • 17 5 {Supplied by Reuter London, 31 Mar.—King Edward and Alexandra have arrived at Copenhagen.
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    • 52 5 {Supplied by Renter.) London, 81 Mar. —Mr. Charles H. Seely, Unionist, who recently condemned the Government’s action with regard to the Transvaal Chinese Labour Bill and intimated that he resigned his seat in order to test the feeling of his constituents on the subject, has been reelected for
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  • 77 5 The Deli Races. Lulworth Wins Champions. {Echo Special.) Medan, 31 Mar. —The results of the two principal events of the third and last day’s racing are as follows Handicap for All Houses. Marti jn and Ellenaann’s Euipreza... 1 Mr. Marinus’ Gold liar. 2 Mr. Jac de Voogt’s Pawnbroker
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  • 568 5 At the inaugural meeting held at the Miners’ Association, Kuala Lumpur, at 1 pan., on Sunday, the 27th inst., there were present about eighty Chinese merchants, traders and miners, including Towkays Chau Sow Lin, Ji.o., Siew Teng, Chan Ah Yip, Foo Wai Omj, Sail Ah
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  • 2155 5 THE ASSIZES. (Before Sir Lionel Cox, Chief Justice.) Possession of Counterfeiting Instruments. March 80th. Lee All Clive was charged with lieing in possession of instruments for counterfeiting the King's coin. He pleaded not guilty to the indictment and claimed to be tried. The follow ing gentlemen served as
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    • 239 5 To tjik Editor of tiik Straits Echo. Sir, —Have you heard of the exploring trip into the New Territory which was recently undertaken by three intrepid explorers and milling engineers from Kinta Valley It is rumoured that they have learned sk lot during their journey, and that
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    • 270 5 To Tuk Editor of the Straits Ei ho. Dear Sir,—l noticed a short time back a meeting was held and attended by a few gentlemen to discuss the St. George’s ball. The subscription was fixed at $l2, but no reasons were given for taking this sum. Last
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  • 194 5 Holy Week and Easter. St. Georoe’s Church (Church of England). —Good Friday, 1st, Matins and Ante-Communion, 9-15 a. m. Litany, Address and Story of the Cross, 10 a.m. Easter Day, 3rd, Holy Communion (plain) 8 a.m. Matins and Holy Communion (choral) 11 a.m. Evensong and sermon, 0 p.m.
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  • 163 5 Slowness and sureness go together in the operations against the enemy iu Acheen. General van Heutsz, the Governor, leaves the enemy no rest and follows them up into their inmost fastnesses. This policy is carried out without slackness. The troops have often to proceed far inland into
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  • 117 5 Penang, 31st March. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...1/10$ 4 months’ sight Bank ...1/lOfjJ 3 Credit ...1/10! J 3 Documentary ...1/10£ Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 1384 3 days’ sight Private 1404 Bombay, Demand Bank 1384 3 days’ sight Private 1404 Madras, Demand Bank 1984 3
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  • 152 5 Tin 78.75 buyer» Gold leaf 82. I>. Pepper (W. Coast3lbs.soz.)s 27.50 seller» White Pepper 47.— seller» Traug Pepper 31.— seller» Cloves (picked) 43.— nom. Mace $125. nom. Mace Pickings 80.— seller» Nutmegs 110 s 55. seller No. 1 7.50 Sugar 2 5.20 Basket 4. —sales Tapioca Flour 1.75 seller»
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 5 5 HOLLIS’ GUNS. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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    • 86 5 STOP PRESS TELEGRAMS. This space is reserved forth© publication of utsnarfifiag after the day's news has been imposed. THE WAIL I ten ter Shanghai repm*ts Mikado with Headquarters Staff proceeds Corea shortly. KANG YU WEI. (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, 31 Mar.—Mr. Kftng Yu Wei, the famous Reformer, is proceeding
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1764 6 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS BRITISH DOG’S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass's Ale. (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) OP IMITATION". Canton insurance Office, Limixea. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount Paid-up 500,000 Reserve Fund 730,000 Head Office, Hongkong. General Agents, Messrs. Jardink, Matheson Co. rilHE undersigned having l>een appointed JL Agents for the above Company are
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  • 314 7 “Punch” admirably hits off the other side of the great re<luction-in-price movement among London journals:— Journalism in Tabloids. A UNIQUE OFFER! The Daily Tipcter. Heady April Ist. The Smallest Daily Paper in the World, at the Largest Price! Compare these Statements: Tour daily paper now costs you
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  • 472 7 John Meyer is a smart youth in the postal service. He resides with his parents, as does also his sister, Miss Alice Meyer, a young lady sixteen years of age. A reporter called on Mrs. Meyer recently, and elicited from her particulars concerning a family experience
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1219 7 PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNES. AGENTS HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. KITSON LAMPS. The Finest Light in Existence. Apply to HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Sole A>jentf. MACHINERY, ETC. Steam Engines Boilers of various Horse-powers. Petroleum, Gasoline, Stationary and Marine Engines. Huttenbach Bros. Co. LEVER BROS. LTD. SUNLIGHT, LIFE BUOY and other Soaps. Sole-A gents,
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    • 19 7 John Bazley White Brothers' “LION BRAND” PORTLAND CEMENT, Sandilands, Buttery Co., Sole Importers, Penang. •EAIUBANK’S SCALES. McAlister Co., Ltd*
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1570 8 THE STANDARD LIFE OFFICE WILL pay £l,OOO Sterling al tin age of 55 or previous death to an WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co. individual 21 years of age subscribing j Jfc‘2-13-7 per mensem. Note the ml vantages of insuring in a Scottish Office of Guaran- j teeil Stability and which has stood
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