Straits Echo, 29 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 48 1 Km Week ending’Mondav, April 4, 1904. AM. P.M. Tuesday, 29th 1 1 59 12 15 Wednesday, 30th... 12 30 1 05 Thursday, 31st 1.20 F45 Friday, 1st 2.10 2 35 Saturday, 2nd g 00 3 25 Sunday, 3rd 3,50 4. 15 Monday, 4th 4.49 5 95
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  • 26 1 O I'ull Moon Mar. 31st 0.37 p.m. liiwt Quarter Apr. "lit, 2.33 p.m. <) New Moon 16th, 314 a m. Itirat Quarter... 22nd, 9-30 p.m.
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  • 18 1 To-day. Town Band, Golf Club, 5-30 p.m. To-morkow. Town Band, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. Deli Races, 3rd Day.
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  • 59 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. < IJ T W A It I IS. IIOM E \V A It I IS. Malta 31 Mar Simla Apr j Clutsan 11 Apr j Ballaarat 10 Kxtrn Service. O U T W A It IIS. If OM K \v A R IIS. Manilai 6
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    • 60 1 {Rangoon Advertiser Service.) Calcutta, 17 Mar.—It is now settled that the Viceroy will sail from Bombay on April 30th. Lord Curzon proceeds home in the P. and O. steamer Arabia. He will formally hand over the Vicerovalty to Lord Ampthill about the 27th. Colonel Baring, Military
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    • 103 1 Attempt 011 Colonel Finnis’ Life (Rangoon Gazette Service.) Bombay, 22 March.—Bassi Kliel, an Afridi, yesterday attempted to take the life of Colonel Finnis, Director-Uen-j eral Military Works, at Peshawar railway station, by placing a loaded revolver against the back of the Colonel's neck. The revolver missed
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    • 404 1 (Rangoon Times Sercice.) Chnnibi, 21 Mar.—Eighty yaks arrived at Chumbi to-day in an exhausted condition. They are the remnants of the first and second yak corps purchased from the Nepal Durbar which originally numbered 2.300. When the third Yak Corps reached Chumbi on January 23rd, it numbered
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    • 125 1 (liu mjoon Gazette Service.) Madras, 1 I Mar.—The Government ot’ India has at last conceded the demands of the Madras Chamber of Commerce and other bodies for an j accelerated train service for foreign i mails between Bombay and Madras. The new arrangement will come into I
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    • 91 1 Calcutta, 17 Mar.—Last week’s plague ret urn shows that the deaths were Jno less than 33,517 or a rise of 4,000 over the previous week’s mortality. There has been a general increase of plague throughout India and the deaths are reported as follows United Provinces 8,504.80mbay 7,140. Punjab 0,431.
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    • 58 5 (Deli Courant Service.) lhe Hague (via Batavia) 25 Mar.—The I'sar will proceed to the Far East in August to assume supreme command of the army in North-east Asia. '1 Inuisands of coolies are employ edin the erection of fortifications extending from Anju on the west side of Corea
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  • 1378 1 The Women of Japan. Public Enthusiasm. From all Sources.) Much has already been written concerning the public-spirited attitude of Japan's womeu-folk in the present struggle, and the following, received from an occasional cor- i respondent in the north of the Island Em- j pire, goes to prove that
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  • Shipping.
    • 71 1 -Marburg, Ger. s.s. 3,887. Stern, 28th Mar., Hamburg, 20th Feb., Gen., —B. M. Co. Jason, Br. s.s. 4,800, Steeves, 28th Mar. Liverpool, 23rd Feb.. Gen., —W. M„ Co. Laurens Pit, Dut. s.s. 150, Goedaiu, 28th Mar., Deli, 27th Mar., Gen.,—H. L. Co. Port Lewfik, Br. s.s. 139, Miles, 28th
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    • 64 1 29th March. Ho Kwei, for Deli. G. G. v. Lantiberge, for Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Pulo Well and Olehleh. Laurent' Pit, for Batu Bahru. R. Halewyn for Asahan. Pumea, for Singapore. Pnlo Rimau, for Port Swettenhain and Malacca. Pfjn, for Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Pulo Well and Olehleh. Pin
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    • 55 1 Vestel» /'Vo m Ayenls Due J. Nicoll Moulmein K.G.Co. 30 th Mar. Malta Colombo P.&O. 31st G. A pear Calcutta A. A. A.Co. 31st Malaya Hamburg B.M.&Co. 3l8t Armenia Hamburg B.M.&Co. 1st Apr Segovia Colombo B.M.&Co. 1st Simla [Singapore P.&O. 2nd Mauila [Colombo P.&O. Preussen Singapore B.M.&Co. Gtli
      55 words
    • 103 1 J enswl* For L Agent» Leave» Malaya Singapore B.M.&Co. 31st Mar J. Nicoll Moulmein K.G.Co. 3l8t Malta Singapore P.&O. Armenia 'Singapore B.M.&Co. 1st Apr Segovia Singapore B.M.&Co, Simla Singapore P.&O. G. Apear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 2nd Manila Singapore P.&O. Preusseu Colombo B.M &Co. Oldenburg jSingapore B.M.&Co. W'e would direct the
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    • 20 1 For Deli —Per Hebe, to-morrow, 10 a.m. Port Swettenhain—Per Mary Auetin, to-morrow, noon. Trang—Per Deli, to-morrow, 1 p.m.
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    • 10 1 lutcnnl —Per Laurens Pit,” from Deli, Mr. H. Beck.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 274 1 A. E. SKEELS. “LAGER BEER.” FOR SALE Stephens’ Writing Inks, Stephens’ Copying Inks, Stephens’ Red Inks, Stephens’ Gums. CRITERION PRESS, Ltd, FAIRBANKS SCALES. MoAliciter Co.. Ltd. Aix-la-Chapelle KAISER WATER A Refreshing- Dietetic Table Water. According 1 to the analysis of Professor Justus von Liebig- this water contains in 10,000 grammes
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    • 266 1 By Leave of the Court Suit 1902, No. 179. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION BY Messrs. DAVID BROWN Co., In the Courtyard of the Logan's Buildings, On Wednesday, 3Gth March, 1904, AT NOON, Bv direction of the Administrator of the Estate of Frederick J. C. lloss, deceased. Lot 1
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    • 113 1 A. E. SKEELS. << f "LAGER BEER.” I ALL COVERS OF SOLID LITERATURE should subscribe to the Straits Chlnett Magazine,” a quarterly journal of Oriental and Occidental culture. The subscription is only 31.50 per annum, payable in advance to the Penang Agent. LIM KEONG LAY, 80, Muntri Street. Editors Lim
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 1538 2 It was not uufrequently wii'l before tire outbreak of hostilities that one of the piincipal causes which wouhl prevent lw>th Russia an<l Japan from appealing to the force of arms until every possible means of jieaee- ful arrangement had lieen exhausted was j the tremendous cost of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 111 2 NOTICE DAVID NATHANIEL, Establish :> 1882. Architect, Land Surveyor, Estimator, Contractor, Appraiser, Decorator, and Commission Agent, 304a, PERAK ROAD, PENANG. Telephone JYo. o 7. 84c NOTICE. Messrs. TMEAN CHEE Co. Beg to inform their customers, and the public generally, that their Office At present, is at No. King Street, t'enang.
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    • 1506 2 TIANG LEE Go., Merchant* (lam til hiiporterx, Penang. TO LET. W 1 > ENONG HOUSE.” Apply to J.V Perak Governs 7-3-04 158 ment Agent, Pe/tany. u Wholesale Office: —53, OEACli STREET. General Store Department: 95, BEACH STREET. Im vs ant Federated Malay States Railways. j/fii.s. Aggsg, 1 j [TI ii
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1703 3 P.40. /<£ '**W> 4 nv V^T iU I Co. Expected arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Mar. Ill ».8. Malta connecting with g 1* Norddentscher Lloyd, Bremen. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co. Ltd. BANKS. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. MI E fast and well-known Mail Steamers of this Line j will
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  • 78 4 Justice satisfies everybody, and justice atone.—Bmirwii 1 Established June 1st, 1903. Published daily (ex ept Sunday*.) AT THK CRITERION.PRESS, Ed., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAILY, LOOM. J!l psrnatinin (I’ost Frw) 27 MAIL EDITION (l’o*t Free) 15 CAItLK ADDRESS: Ec ho V enang.” Telephone N«>. 188.
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  • 751 4 Australia has suffered at times from various liailucinations with regard to Asiatics in general ami the Chinese in particular, hut her latest is perhaps the most ludicrous of all. for it amounts to a fear upon tin* part of Kangaro 'landers that our Japanese allies, having
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  • Current Topics.
    • 339 4 A correspondent writes ill stating that very shortly the members of our Police! Force an? to be deprived; of what lias been f*»r some time the' I only place that is available to them forj outdoor recreation, as being exclusive; to them. Now, one would naturally j
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    • 370 4 The contrast between Russia’s prodigql expenditure on armaments and the chronic poverty of her people is well drawn by Mr. O. Eltzbacher in an article in the Nineteenth Century for March. Russia maintains, be says, an enormous army and a large navy, constructs thousands of miles of
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  • 1881 4 The Assizes. (Before Sir Lionel Cox Chief Justice.) ARMED ROBBERY. Desperate Attack on a Chinese Trader. 29th March. Chew Ah Chong, Aug Kong, and Pong All Tiap were placed in the dock, the fir-t two being charged with robbery armed with a deadly weapon, the third with abetment
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 600 5 Martial Law at Newchwang. THE TSAR. Pakcheng’ Occupied. Another Russian Naval Victory, Japanese Steamer Captured; Crew made Prisoners; Vessel Sunk. I' rom Our Own Correspondents.) Shanghai, 28 Mar. Although everything is quiet at Newchwang vet martial law lias been proclaimed, j Wiring lroin Mukden on 27th J General
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  • 73 5 The Deli Races. t (Echo Special.) Medan, 29 Mar.—The result of tiie big event of second day’s racing, the Planters' Cup, is as follows: Mr. Marinas’ Gold Ear Mr. .1. de Voogt’s Pawnbroker 2. Mr. X. Enthoven’s Phoenix 3. Won by a head; a bad third, j Time,
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  • 566 5 ihk Miuochow Islands are situated in the middle of the Gulf of Pechili and within forty or fifty miles of Port Arthur. The steamer and junk eapj tured by Admiral Makaroff’s squadron were evidently taken during the reeonnaissance of the 20th instant, for our London correspondent wired:—
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  • 83 5 Y\ e havemuch pleasure in announcing that 1 the following donations have been made to the Chinese Kecreation Ground Fund (mentioned in our issue of 17th March for the purchase of a suitable site for a verv much needed recreation ground for Chinese and the
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  • 403 5 The adjourned general meeting of the T. P. Dock Co. shareholders, to take the poll demanded in consequence of the voting on 31r. John Anderson's amendments, was held last Friday afternoon. Mr. Anderson’s amendments were to the motion of the Chairman, seconded by the lion. J.
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  • 272 5 Holy Week and Easter. Wednesday, 30th, Matins and Ante-Com-munion, 8 a.m. Evensong and Sermon, 6 p.m. Thi rsday. 31st, Holy Communion, 8 a.m. Evensong and Reading, 6 p.m. Good Friday, 1st, Matins and Ante-Com-munion, 9-15 a.m. Litany, Address and Story of the Cross, 10 a.m. (At
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    • 366 5 To the Editor of tue Straits Echo. Dear Sib,— I >vas much interested to see in your issue of the 25th a letter headed “A Word for the Chinese” by Mr. A Sinclair \>f A U-rdoen. I know Melbourne and I have spent several years m
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  • 139 5 To iuk Editor of tiik Straits Echo. Sir, —If names of things and persons are intended for the right discrimination and guidance of the public, I am at a loss to understand what the City Fathers mean by leaving a public passage at the junction
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  • 366 5 The JJdiD Predictions of a West-End Clairvoyant. The war in the Far East will last exacti lv live more mouths.” i The speaker was a West End clairvoyant, who claims to have predicted the illness of King Edward and the consequent postponement of the Coronation.
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  • States’ News.
    • 502 5 Kuala Lipis, 15 Mar.— Mr. E. A. Watson, vs ho has acquired a hundred acres of mining laud at Kechau, adjoining the property of tlie Kechau Goldfields Company, has gone to Singapore on a business trip. Mr. J. R. Du Bois has now left Kechau and Las gone to
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  • Money Market.
    • 113 5 Pknang, 29th March. (By courtesy of the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Bank 4 months’ sight Bank ...1/10 J 3 Credit ...1/11}® 3 Documentary ...1/1 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 138$ 3 days’ sight Private 140$ Bombay, Demand Bank 138$ 3 days’ sight Private 140$ Madras, Demand Bank 138$ 3 days’
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    • 178 5 BersawahGold Mine Co., Ld. 17.50 buyer» Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld 6.75 tales Redjang liebong Gold Mining Co., Ld $225. —nom KadanaGold Mining Co„Ltd. (fully paid) 10.— nom. Bruseh Tin Mining Co., Ld. 8.25 seller» Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 20. —tales Karangan Tin Mining Co. 20.
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    • 142 5 Tin 78.50 buyers Gold leaf 82.— B. Pepper(YV. GY»ast3ll>s.5oz.)$ 27.50 sellers White Pepper 47. —sellers Tr-aug Pepper 31. —sellers Cloves (picked)- 43.— nom. Mace 3125.— nom. Mace Pickings 80. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s 55. —sellers No. 1 7.50 Sugar 2 5.20 Basket 4. —sales Tapioca Flour 1.75 «eWer* Copra
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 7 5 ROSE’S LIME JUICE. McAlister <ft Co., Ltd
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    • 5 5 ENGINE OILS. McAlister Co., Ltd
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    • 235 5 To=day’s Advertisements. Turkish Confectionery Eating Shop. A 'o. 164 a, Campbell Street, Penang. rpilK public are hereby informed that JL the above establishin<*nt will supply C«»M Drinks and Cakes of every description from 8 a m. to 12 p.m. All orders will be executed promptly. They will also supply Breakfast,
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    • 47 5 STOP PRESS TELEGRAMS. This space b reserved for the publication of newa arritMf after the day's news has been imposed. I Renter reports from Seoul 23rd Japanese detachment engaged and defeated Cossacks between Anju and Chongju Japanese loss 60 killed, Russian unknown. ELECTRO-PL ATEDWARE. McAlister <* co., Ltd.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1782 6 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS UPTTTQH DOC’S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass's Ale, INSURANCES. BEST HOTELS. 500,OX) 730,000 (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) BEWARE OF IMITA.TI02T. TRADE f -seO&rv&e»*. s. /8 5c C3 ne o w «3 > 35 *9 Canion insurance Office, Limned. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount Paid-up Reserve Fund Head Office, Honukono.
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  • 610 7 1’jic following was circulated union.r the Consular Body at Newclnvansj. August 7th, 1900 I ROCLAM ATION jjy RUSSIAN AOMIKAL. \ingkow, «5 August Sik, 1 he hostile behaviour of the i Chinese authorities, who had first en-■ couraged the rebellion and then declared they could not
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  • 65 7 The Japan lied Cross Society lias received instructions from tlie Government to transport the wounded Russian prisoners now in hospital at Chemulpo to Matsuyama, where they will be treated by the Society’s branch there. A portion of the prefectural hospital will be provided for the purpose,
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  • 371 7 W e are informed semi-ollieiaily (says the China Times) that the following statement has been forwarded to the Japanese Consulate-General, Tientsin, by Mr. K. Okuda, lately residing at Newchwang:— At about 9 p. in. on the loth inst., two Russian officers, followed by some thirty Cossacks,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 917 7 PERRIER JOLIET CHAMP AGUES. AGENTS Messrs, c. s. sen« co. Graham Go., Ld., HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. KITSON LAMPS. The British Pharmacy, Uo. 427 Penang Road. The Finest fight in Existence. Apply to HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Hole Agent*, j Just Received MILNER’S SAFES. WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, 4 Beach Street, Penang. Patent Medicines
      917 words
    • 94 7 JUST RECEIVED. Egyptian Cigarettes. Monthly Shipment» direct from Cairo. S Th. Vafiadis Co. M.iMelachrino ACo. i Crown Prince, j I Non Plus Ultra. Superfine. i Narcissus, Gold, Size No. 4. 9. tj arcissns, uom, Plain and Straw* S Cork A Mais-tipped Tipped. g i, l> B Ainber, Amber ami Meerschaum
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    • 117 7 TAIK HO Co., 82S, Main Road, PfillAK, TAJ PING. (Established 1889). General Merchants, Provlsloners and Commission Agents. European Goods of the highest quality. Imported wholesale direct from tlie manufacturers. Thus giving Constituents the benefit of very favourable rates. Liberal stock of Wines and Liquors of unexceptionable brand, always on hand.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1705 8 Prices Lower, Quality Higher! CROSSLEY’S OIL GAS ENGINES. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co. OH Engine mad,. NOW SHOWING GARRETT SON'S PORTABE ENGINES. Worm# Rbnownkd.) LARGE STOCKS OF THEIR FAMOUS “YANKEE” WATCHES. Si Ml a hd '4 FODEN STEAM WAGONS. Those wagons ure designed to replace horses and bullocks for transport of all
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