Straits Echo, 26 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 44 1 For Week ending Friday, Mar. 1, 100f p.m. Saturday, 26th 0.20 p 4o Sunday, 27th lo.lo 10.35 Monday, 28th 1 LOO 11.25 Tuesday, 29th 11.50 12 15 Wednesday, 30th... 12.30 1.05 Thursday, 31st 1.20 1 45 Friday, 1st 2 10 2 35
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  • 26 1 O hull Moon Mar. 31st (5.37 p.m. Last Quarter Apr. 7th, 2.38 p.m. O New Moon 16th, 3.14 a.m. First Quarter... 22nd, 9-39 p.m.
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  • 31 1 To-day. Uth day of Moliarram. Judgment, Gold Leaf case. Deli Races, 1st Day. Cricket, Probables vs Rest 2 p.m. To -mo it ROW. Church Services see page 5. Palm Sunday.
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  • 50 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. O U T W A It I »8. H O M K W A It l»S. Malta 31 Mar j Simla 2 Apr Chilean 14 Apr i Ballaarat 10 Hxtra Service. Outwards. Hom kwards. Manila d Apr Java S Apr For particulars See Page 3.
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  • 2027 1 Juliet Jansen c. H. Paton Amusing. Evidence. The adjourned hearing of the breach of promise case, Juliet Jansen versus H. Paton fur 81,000 damages, was resumed on 22nd instant, in the Supreme Court, Singapore, before Mr. Justice Hvudman-Jones. De Souza, of the Telephone Company, recalled at the
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  • Shipping.
    • 220 1 jA. A i-cAit, Br. s.s. 2,931, Fey, 25th Mar Singapore, 23rd Mar., Gen., —A. A. A. Co. Sucrib, Si a. g.b, 050, Gemichow, 26th Mar., Tong kali, 20th Mar., Nil.— Siamese Navy. Formosa, Br, s.s. 2,(510, Snow, 25th Mar.. London, 10th Feb., (Jen., —P. &O. Ischia, Ita. s.s. 2,781,
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    • 93 1 20th March. Mary Austin, Tor Fort Swettenham. Calypso, for Deli. Jin llo, Tor Langkat. Vidar, for Deli. M. Vajirunhis, for Singapore. Taw Tony, for Langkat and Fangkalau Brandan. Avayyee, Tor Teluk Anson. Omapere, for Port Swettenham Singapore van Stroll, Tor Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Pulo Well, Olehleh and Padang.
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    • 58 1 Perak, Br. s.s. 297, Bell, 25th Mar., Rangoon 17th Mar., Gen., —Koe Guan Co. Sumatra, Ger- s.s. 407, Klimnet, 26th Mar., Deli, 25th Mar., Gen.—Behu Meyer Co. Canton, Br. s.s. 105, Mericau, 2<>th Mar., T. Anson, 25th Mar., Gen., —Ah Hiug Co. Ischia, Ita. s.s. 2,784, Dante, 25th
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    • 24 1 Vetmel* From Ayentii 1 Due J. Nicoll Malta G. Apear I Moulmein •Colombo [Calcutta K.G.Co. P.&O. A.A.A Co. 29 th Mar. 3lbt 31»t
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    • 24 1 \'ee»el» I For A>jent» I Leave» Ischia Colombo B.M.&Co. '29thMar. J. Nicoll .Malta Mouhneiu Singapore K.G.Co. P.&U. C Apcur Singapore A.A.A.Co. 2nd Apr
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    • 75 1 For Tongkah, Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Maliwun and Mergui— Per Perak, 28th instant, 1 p.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson—Per Canton, 28th instant, 2 p in, Singapore—Per Pitniea, 28th instant, 2 p,in. Deli Per Sumatra, 28th instant, 4 p.m. Deli —Per 110 Kwei, 29th instant, noon. Edie, T. Semawe,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 385 1 A. E. SKEELS. “LAGER BEER." THE STANDARD LIFE OFFICE WILL pivv £l,OOO Sterling at the age of 5-3 or previous death to an individual 21 years of age subscribing Jt*2-13-7 per mensem. Note the advantages of insuring in a Scottish Office of Guaranteed Stability and which has stood the test
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    • 126 1 To-day’s Advertisements. Penang Sales Room. Remnants of ffouseliold Furniture, &c. ✓To be Sold Hi' PUBLIC AUCTION On Wednesday, the 30th March, 1904, at lioou, OOMPKIBINO Bedsteads, Wardrobes, Lamps, SidebGards, etc. Usual Conditions of Sale. Terms: Cash Before Delivery. KOH ENG I J IN. 2>B-U4 Licensed Auctioneer. 21t> THE Shanghai-Hongkong Building
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    • 5 1 JUNGLE FURNITURE. McAlister Co., Ltd
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    • 4 1 CUTLERY. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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    • 366 1 t 3 O O o JC «fret 5» d o Ji £u) 0 5. H 3 y: o -H "H o 2 z 3 g Sf J -f C3 r '3 ZZ '"3 r 3 S O 2 i/2 t/s V -3 > o •c «5 J5 «a rr o>
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    • 8 1 A. E. SKEELS. << f o 0 **’> “LAGER BEER.”
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 29 1 WEATHER. Thk following report is kindly supplied l>v tlie Signal Director of Fort. Cornwallis: The rainfall during the 21 hours ended at. It to-day was 0 08 inches.
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  • 1658 2 (From Various Source*.') Mb. Gallespie, a missionary, lias reached Newellwaug. He reports that the Japanese have lauded at Possiet Bay, 75 miles south of Vladivostok, and have occupied the neighbouring town of Khum-Chuu, whence the Russian garrison has fled. He states that the Japanese are adviucing on Kirin,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 36 2 NOTICE. Messrs. THEAN CHEE Co. Beg to inform their customers, and the public generally, that their Office At presen;, is at /Vo. 14, King Street, t'enang. 42c DAVID CORSAIR SONS Well-known Navy Canvas. Sandi/ands [iuttery C'o.
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    • 413 2 LOST. LOST on last day of race week, pair field glasses, J. B. Greig on case and 1 “pull out part of glasses. 1 Finder will oblige by returning it to “STRAITS ECHO” OFFICE. 'l3O Beach Street. 24-3-04. 209 K. MYDINSAH, Bros. General Storekeepers and Aerated Water Manufacturers, 100 Pitt
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    • 947 2 TO LET. I> ENONG HOUSE.” Apply to JlV Perak Government Agent, Penang. 7-3-04 158 Federated Malay States Railways. m Reduction in Passenger Fares. »1 4 LL concerned are hereby informed that on an«l from Sunday, lot May, 11HJ4, the rates for Passengers |ku* mile will be as under First Class
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1987 3 f At. r -.Mi T Norddentscber Lloyd, Bremen. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co ltd. BANKS. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. V' fast and well-known Mail Steamers of this Line "ih leavePenang on or about the undermentioned Koninklijkc Paketvanrt Maatschappij Negapatam Lines Steamers. of Expected arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Mar.
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  • 85 4 Justice satisfies everybody, and *i ,s tice alone.— Established June 1st, 1903. i'ublishtMl «laity (except Snwtty*.) AT 1IIK CRITERION 1’RFSS, I.d., No. 220-232, ({each Street, IVnnnjr. PRICK t).\ ll.Y, I.OCAI. El iw nun (Post tree) £7 MAII. EDITION (Post Ktee) 15 CARI.K ADDUISS: H c h o—P
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  • Current Topic.
    • 227 4 The cultivation of para rubber and the future prospects of the industry in Ceylon continue to absorb the attention of agriculturists and capitalists. Hitherto rubber planting has been regarded as purely a low-countrv industry and ,700 feet has been considered as the limit of elevation at which para
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    • 341 4 Thk Port of Colombo lias been brought into considerable prominence, in a newspaper discussion being waged in the premier Indian journal, the Pioneer. Recently it published an article upon the question of India and the Navv, which we quoted the other day, for it euded with the
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    • 306 4 There is a very true com-, ment on war in Yokohama’s funny paper, the Box to wit.; which when it sobers, down usually hits the nail square on the head, it states that the position Russia is placed in is just what she deserves, for no nation
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    • 597 4 Coloxei. Count Muravieti Atnurshy, formerly 3Iiiitary Attache at the Russian Embassy in Paris, w ho is said to have been removed at the request of the French Government for making certain remarks jon the French army, writes from St. Petersburg to the Gaulois (28 Feb.) He says
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  • 902 4 Chang—Kaw. A vbby pretty and interesting wedding was celebrated at Edinburgh House this morning, the contracting parties being Miss Kaw, eldest daughter of Mr. Kaw Cheng Sian, and Mr. Chang Tai Seng, j son of the late Mr. Ah Kwei, Penang’s multi-millionaire. The ceremony, which occupied about one hour,
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  • 282 4 Leavitt s Troubadours gave their farewell performance at the Town Hall last j evening before an appreciative audience. Mr. Will Lansdowue, the baritone, was in i capital voice and his rendering of “The Diver was a musical treat such as is seldom vouchsafed to the public of Penang.
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  • 122 4 The Port Commissioners of Aden give notice that on and after the 27th day of February 1904, the existing fixed dioptic light exhibited from the lighthouse at Ras Marshag will be increased in power and will exhibit an occulting characteristic as i follows: Dark 2 seconds Light
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  • 495 4 An Impressive Ceremony. Yesterday evening the funeral of Mr. V. H. S Chari wood, who died yesterday morning from abdominal cancer, took place. The i occasion was productive of widespread sympathy and those connected with him in his late business were especially numerous at the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 528 4 OUR MOTTO ••The Labour we delight in physic» pain." Macbeth. THE G. T. D. SPECIALITIES Pritchard Co., PENANG. Tailoring Department. Homeward Bound Travellers, Tailoring Department. SERIES I. Contd. (Mixtures.) (d.) lODIZED SARSAPARILLA. This weil-known ami esteemed combination of lodide of Potassium and Sarsaparilla is prepared in a concentrated and convenient
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    • 7 4 FA 11! BANK’S SCALES. McAlister Co.. Ltd.
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    • 6 4 COW JJRANI) UL'TTKK. iHcfl/ister Co., Ltd
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  • 745 5 Russian Army Scandal. Ordnance Officer Disgraced. JAPANESE FACING RUSSIANS. Japan’s Parliament Enthusiastic. TOGO CHEERED TO THE ECHO. 4 BATTLE IMMINENT ON YALU. Yamamoto I)epreca,es Over Sanguine Expectations. (J'tom Our Own Cot'respon dents.) London, 25 Mar. (4.:30 p.)— J tis officially reported from St. PetersImrg that General Altvater, the
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    • 54 5 France Protests against Recent Speech. [Supplied by Reuter.) London, 2t> Mar.—The French Government has addressed a vigorous protest to the Vatican against the speech made by His Holiness the Pope on the 19th instant, in j which he severely condemned the j anti clerical measures taken bv the
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    • 35 5 Warlike Preparations. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 2f‘> Mar.—The Turkish Government continues its preparations for all emergencies. Both Macedonia and Greece have called out one class of their army reserves, ostensibly for manoeuvres.
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    • 24 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 2b Mar.— T he following appointments are gazetted :—Edward Ward, Secretary War Office; Sir Fleetwood Wilson, Director Army Finance.
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    • 29 5 (Supplied hy Reuter.) London, 2b Mar.—Sixty-nine coloured and nine white cases of plague are reported from Johannesburg, where 50 natives and 5 whites have succumbed to that disease.
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    • 39 5 The Era of the Turbine. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 2b Mar. —The Directors of the Cunard Steamship Co. have decided to have the two fast liners new building under agreement with tlie Goverenmeiit fitted with turbine engines.
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    • 62 5 Result of the Adjourned Meeting. From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, 2(5 Mar. ylLo a), —At the adjourned meeting of shareholders in the Tanjoug Pagar Dock Company the poll demanded by the supporters of the London Board of Directors upon Mr. John Anderson’s amendment abolishing that
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  • The Straits Echo
    • 358 5 Special Service. The Grand National. (From Our Own Correspondent Thk Grand National Steeplechase of 2525 soys, I*v sultscription of 25 sovs each, 15 ft., and 5 only if declared; second to receive 3U0 sovs and third 200 soys: a liandijcap for live year olds and upwards; winners
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  • 269 5 H.I.M. the Emperor Li llsi, Loquitur For some months in the oddest positiou. Caressed and insulted in turn, I must own I have viewed my condition With great and increasing concern. But since my belligerent neighbours Decided a war to lx?gin. All vainly my intellect labours To
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  • 889 5 Policy of the Indian Government. An Important Decision. A lengthy Resolution on the EducationI J d policy ot the Government of India was published in India on the 10th instant. It reviews what has been hu>l is l>eiiig done to elevate the present standard of education iaud to inspire
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    • 216 5 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sii:.. I was disappointed to find by yesterday*8 Echo that no report of the Municipal meeting would appear to day. I have been waiting for the result of the consideration by the Commissioners of the i question
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  • 85 5 We have much pleasure in announcing that the following donations have lx’en made to the Chinese Recreation Ground Fund (mentioned in our issue of 17th March for the purchase of a suitable site for a very much needed recreation ground for Chinese and the erection
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  • 70 5 Inward —Per Formosa," from London, Mrs. Hargreaves. Per A. apear, from Hongkong, Mr. Leung Yan, Miss Kwook See, Miss Ah Fong, Mrs Ng Kwai. Per Borneo, from Singapore, 51 is Gaffney and Mrs Peirce and Mr. Woods. Per M. Yagianhis front Acheeu, Sirs Farrer BaVlies, Miss isichol, Mr. O.
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  • 22 5 Bangkok, 20 Mar.—Hok Chong, Chinese ledger-keeper Chartered Bank, arrested for forgery cheque 12,000 ticals; remanded; bail ***** tics more arrests expected.
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  • 114 5 Penang, 26th March. (Hu courtesy of the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Batik ...1/lOj; t months’ sight Bank ...1/10^ 3 Credit ...1/11,*, 3 Documentary ...1/11,^ Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 138 3 days* sight Private 140 Bombay, Demand Bank 138 3 days’ sight Private 140 Madras, Demand Bank 138 3 days’
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  • 158 5 Fiu 70.— buyer* Gold leaf 82, B. Pepper (W. Coast 31b5.50z.)$ 27.50 gellera White Pepper 47} seller* Trang Pepper 30 sellers Cloves (picked) 43.—now. Mace $125. nom. Mace Pickings 05. —sellers Nutmegs 11 Os 55. —sellers No. 1 7.50 Sugar 2 5.20 C Basket 3.55 sales Tapioca Flour 1.90
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  • 239 5 Palm Sunday. St. George's Church (Church of Kurland) :—8 a.m. Matins. 9-30 a.m. Tamil Service in Mission Chapel, 10-30 a,in. Service for Chinese. 5 p.m. Children’s j Service. 0 p.m. Evensong and Sennan. Daily Service, 8 a.ui. Special Evensong j and Short Sermon, Wednesdays during Lent at
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  • 37 5 OBITUARY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, 26 Mar.—Mr. R. M. \Y. Swan, f.u.s, i.c.s., f.k.u.s., General Manager of the Malaysian Company, Ltd., Sepan, Pahang, died liere to-day, the cause of death being abscess of the liver
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1735 6 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS BRITISH DOG’S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass's Ale. (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) BE’WARE OP IMITiLTIOlT. TRADE hAs*. .5 -o ft* O Mi S„. W-A or -..-5 yri t O pH s ■.V Pm a m Vs :^>iD INSURANCES. BEST HOTELS. 500,000 730,000 MAEE. In ordinary Pint Bottles: Light,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 840 7 The Cause of the recent disastrous fire is unknown. THE PREVENTION OF SUCH FIRES IN FUTURE IS KNOWN. r C9 8 F HP i URAJLI 8 rm Fireproof, Waterproof, Dampproof. Buildings Constructed with Uralite, Ceilings, Walls and Roofs are absolutely Fireproof. Deed Boxes and Safes covered with this material can
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1065 8 PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNES. AGENTS HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. KITSON LAMPS. The Finest Light in Existence. Apply to HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Sole Aoente. Messrs. C. S. SENG Co. ■WVWK WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co. A FEW ITEMS OF OUR VALUE. Buy now and Save Money. Graham Co., Ld„ WHOLESALE CHEMIST'S, 4 Beach Street,
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