Straits Echo, 24 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 9 1 Marriaoe. of Marrk*», Tr,°*h A ‘o Fnioy
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  • 39 1 For Weekending Wednesday, Mar 30, 1004. A.M. P.M. I'hursdav, 24th 7.40 8.07» Friday, 25th 830 8.55 Saturday, 26th ;».20 0.45 Sunday, 27th 10.10 10 35 Monday, 28th 11.00 11.25 Tuesday, 29th 11.50 12.15 Wednesday, 23rd... 12.30 1.05
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  • 26 1 First Quarter... Mar. 21th, 1-22 a.m. O Full Moon 31st 6.37 p.m.* Last Quarter Apr. 7th, 2.38 p.m. O New Moon 16th, 3.14 a.m.
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  • 32 1 To-day. Leavitts Troubadours, Town Hall 9 p.m. 7th day of Moharrain. To-morrow. Bth Day of Moharrain. Aunuciatiou of B. V. M. Lady Day. Quarter Day. Leavitts Troubadours, Town Hull, 0 p.m.
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  • 48 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Out tv a nos. Honk wards. Malta o <l Mar Coromandel 2 Apr Chilian 11 Apr j Simla 16 Extra Service. Outwards. Honk wards. For mom 22 Mar Borneo 25 Mar Manila d Apr Java 6' Apr (s93s" For particulars .See Page 3.
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  • 2073 1 News from Chemulpo. The British store-ship Humber arrived from Chemulpo yesterday afternoon and went to the Blue Funnel buoy, says the Shanghai Times of 9th instant. Her officers had an interesting story to tell of events up north which is the more valuable because the date of their
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  • Shipping.
    • 90 1 Lanukat, Br. s.s. 187, Morier, 23rd Mar., Malacca, 21st. Mar., Gen., —Koe Gnau Co. Cornelia, Br. s.s. 191, Buchanan, 23r«l Mar., Tongkah, 22nd Mar., Gen.,- Koe Guan Co. Ihaipino, Br. s.s. 100, Wheeler, 23rd Mar., Port Weld, 23rd. Mar., Gen., —H. L. Co. Lady eld, Br. s.s. 245, Treweeke,
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    • 28 1 24 th March. Ho Ktrei, for Deli, Sumatra, for Deli. Canton, for Pangkor and Teluk Anson. Palo liiman for Port Swettenliam, Artemiria, for Singapore, China and Japan.
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    • 48 1 Lanukat, Br. s.s. 187, Morier, 23rd Mar., Malacca, 21st Mar, Gen., —Koe Guau Co. Cornelia, Br s.s. 194, Buchanan, 23rd Mar., Tongkah, 22nd Mar., Gen., Koe Guan Co. Lady \Y eld, Br. s.s. 245 Treweeke, 24th Mar., T. Anson, 23rd Mar., Gen., Straits S. S. Co.
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    • 67 1 1 Pitiiel» /•Vo Mi Arjeult) Due Pundua Rangoon H.L.&Co. 25th Mar A. A pear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 25th Taroba Singapore H.L &Co. 25th van Swoll Ed ie H.L.&Co. 25th Borneo Singapore P.&O. 25th Zaida Singapore H.L &Co. 25th M. Austin P’Sharn K.G.Co. 25th Fonnosa Suez G.VV.&Co. 25th Za mania Negapatam
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    • 60 1 Vessels For Atjenl u Leaves Pundua Singapore H.L.&Co. 25th Mar Taroba Rangoon H LJtCo. 25th A. A pear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 26th van Swoll Edie H.L.&Co. 26th Borneo Colombo P.&O. Zaida M. Austin Negai pataui P’Sham, H.L &Co. K.G-.Co. 26th Zamania Singapore H.L.&Co. 26th J. Nicoll Moulmein K.G.Co. Malta Singapore
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    • 72 1 For Negapatam, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karical taking Mails for Europe, etc., via Madras—Per Zaida, to-morrow, 1 Port Swettenliam and Malacca—Per Lanykat, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Asahan—Per It. Ha levy n, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Lady Weld, to-morrow 3 p.m. Port Swettenliam Per Mary Auetin, 20th instant,
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    • 67 1 Inward— Per Priuz Heinrich,” from Rotterdam. Mr. B. Kruyne. From Colombo, Miss A. Van Dorf. Per Artemesia,” from Rotterdam, Mr. and Mrs. Zabel. Outward —Per Prinz Heinrich,” for Shanghai, Mr. W. B. Andrews. For Yokohama, Mr. 0. Jungheun and Mrs. W. V. Gulat. For Nagasaki, Mrs. Okay. For Hongkong.*
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 27 1 WEATHER. Thk following report is kiudlv supplied by the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis: The rainfall during the -4 hours ended at ft a.m. to-dav was nil.
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  • 1269 2 That the gallant attempt made to block the harbour at Port Arthur was not wholly unsuccessful may be judged from the statement that whereas it formerly took warships thirty minutes to pass in or out of the harbour, it now takes them two hours to navigate the channel.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 3 2 /Wc/?f/ster Co., Ltd.
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    • 144 2 NOTICE OTICE is hereby given that on and ;l' after the —Stii iustaut the business lof the Government Savings’ Dank will be transferred from the Treasury to the Post Office. Entrance from Weld Quay. GEORGE COPLEY, Secretary to Government Savings' Bank. The Treasury. Penang, :21st March, 1904. I 199 1
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    • 1458 2 By Leave of the Court. TO LET. Suit 1902, No. 179. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION BV Messrs. DAVID BROWN Co., In the Courtyard of the Logan's Buildings, On Wednesday, 30th March, 1904, RENONCr HOUSE.” Apply to Pekak Government Agent, 7-3-04 158 Penang. Municipal Notice. AT NOON, I X
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1863 3 P.&O. vc X s t r J ij V *z VV' W 1 \1 >'- o V. s v .'7 O I s (,U I. Co. r\ Expected an ient and Departure*. Mail Service. Outwards. Mai. 31 s.s. Malta connecting- with Apl. 14 s.s. Chilean 0 29 s.s. Ballaarat do
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  • 82 4 Justice satisfies everybody, mul justice alone. Kiticrsou. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sr.mlnys.) at Tin CRITERION PRESS, Ed., No. 220-232, Beach Street. Penning PRICK DAILY, LOCAI Hi i»r mm< (Test Free) 27 MAIL EDITION (I’wt Free) 15 CAKLK A DDK KSS: Ec lio—Penan g.” Telephone
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  • Current Topics.
    • 163 4 A Chinese correspondent writes to the Straits 'Times i from Malacca complaining that there has been no proper election of a Captain-China this year, and asserting that the new Captain-China of Malacca was simply nominated and put iu position by a powerful Chinese Towkay who did not bother about
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    • 239 4 In giving the decision of The Hague Tribunal on the question of costs in the Venezuelan alfair, M. Muravieff, the President. went out of his way to make perfectly extraneous remarks relating to the war in which his country is engaged. What M. Muravieff, wlio is Russian Minister
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    • 428 4 The Birmingham Post's thoughtful remarks on the war are worthy of note. The Editor is of opinion that the struggle now entered upon in the Far East has' obviously close interest for Great I Britain, inasmuch as we stand pledged! by treaty t< interfere on
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    • 548 4 It appears that the organisation referred to in recent telegrams as Hunhuses and Ked Beards are hard/ Manchurian hillmen, and tliat they are led by a Mongolian named Tulensau, and that this chief lias two lieutenants as daring and resourceful as himself. It is stated that
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  • 1885 4 Alleged Mysterious Disappearance of *22,000. Gave in Trust Gold Leaf and Received Back Copper Coins. Yesterday morning in the Supreme Court before the Hon. Sir Lionel Cox, Chief Justice, the dispute which has been proceeding in our Courts for the past twelvemonth between Tungku Hamzah and llaji Amin
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  • 165 4 MacIntyre— Biggs. A very quiet marriage was celebrated at St. George’s Church yesterday «afternoon, Captain MacIntyre, R. N. R., Harbour Master, being married tt» Miss Violet Frances Biggs, who arrived from Europe by the Prince Heinrich. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Frank W. Haines, M. A., Colonial
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 590 4 Pritchard Co., PENANG. To'day’s Advertisements. K. MYDINSAH, Bros. Tailoring Department. General Storekeepers and Aerated Water Manufacturers, 100 Pitt Street and 523 Cliulia Street, Penang. Homeward Bound Travellers, Tailoring Department. Best ingredients used for the Manufacture of Aerated Waters. Orders promptly attended to. 01c WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A Large Shipment
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    • 8 4 FUNAGOYA WATER Me ft lister A Co.. Ltd
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  • 304 5 More Russian Reports. Russia Admits Japanese Rapidity. A JAPANESE M. P. IMPEACHED. Yongpyon Occupied {Supplied Inj Reuter London, 23 Mar.—Official telegrams received at St. Petersburg report that two torpedo attacks were made on Port Arthur on the nights of the ‘21st and 22nd instants respectively and were repulsed.
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    • 28 5 Many Deaths in Johannesburg. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 24 Mar. —The Johannesburg plague returns show 40 natives and three whites dead, with a total of 56 cases.
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    • 40 5 Rumoured Death of the Amir. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 24 Mar.—A telegram from Askabad, the capital of the Russian Trans-TCaspian Territory, published in St. Petersburg, says that it is rumoured there that the Amir of Afghanistan bus been poisoned.
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    • 37 5 The Land Act Loan. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 24 Mar. —The issue of live millions 2? per cent, stock for carrying out the provisions of the Irish Land Act has been subscribed for seven times over.
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    • 48 5 The Mission to Advance. (Supplied by Rentier.) London, 24 Mar.—Mr. Brodrick, in replv to a question in the House of Commons, said that the Tibetan Mission would advance to Gyantsze to meet the Ainban, as was always intended it should do, as soon as supplies were available.
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  • The Straits Echo
    • 202 5 (Special Service.) Tuesday’s Sensational Meeting. {From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, 23 Mar.—Yesterday's j meeting of the Tanjong Pa gar Dock Company, Ltd., was of a most sensational character. Mr. John Anderson resigned his position as Chair-j i man of the Board of Directors and j spoke
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  • 589 5 Last night's performance of Leaveitt's i Troubadours was even more enjoyable than the opeuing one, which is saying a great deal. We would remind our readers that this talented company is playing again to-night and that to-morrow will l»e the last performance. A Court intrigue is now rife
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  • 1016 5 {From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, March 17. This week we have j the celebration of the kroot lhai holidays which mark the beginning of the Siamese i luna-solar year, iwid religious ceremonies, i tonsure ceremonies, and holidaying have j been the order of the loth, 16th* and 17th insls.
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  • States’ News.
    • 825 5 I P O H t rom Our Own Correspoiuleut.) Ieoh, 22 March.—The suggestion that aopeared in the Echo in the form of a criticism 1 of the road leading from Ipoh station to the tow u is now being carried into effect, and this work may with justice be credited
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  • 253 5 A CORRECTION. To ms Editor or tuk Straus Etuo. Sir, —In your issue of yesterday's date there is a report of some proceedings in the Police Court about a building dispute which YVi Cheong is having with the Municipality. I In your report you state I appeared
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  • 341 5 The following are the Agenda for the Ordinary Meeting of the Commission tomorrow j 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. To reconsider and if thought tit to; amend the scheme of charges for Electric I Energy. 3. Any bpecial bussiness the President may bring
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  • Money Market.
    • 121 5 knano, 24th March. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bark.) fiondon Demand Bank ...1/10}J m 4 months’ sight Bank ...Lll 3 Credit ...1/11* 3 Documentary ...l/ll, 3 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 140 A 3 days’ sight Private 142$ Bombay, Demand Bank 140$ 3 days’ sight Private 142$ Madras, Demand Bank
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    • 187 5 BersawahGold Mine Co., Ld. 17.50 buyers Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld 7. —salts Redjang Lcbong Gold Mining Co., Ld $225. —nom KadauaGold Mining Co„Ltd. (fully paid) 10.— not». Bruselt Tin Mining Co., Ld. 8.25 sellers Chendariaug Hydraulic Tiu Mining Co., Ld 20. sales Karangun Tin Mining Co. 20.
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    • 173 5 Tin 80.25 buyer» Gold leaf 82. j B. Pepper (W..Coast3lbs.soz.)s 27.50 seller» j White Pepper $4 7- 4 teller» Trail# Pepper 8 oOj teller» Cloves (picked) 43.— now. Mace $125. —worn. i M ace Pickings 95.— teller» i Nutmegs 110 s 55. teller» No. 1 7.50 Sugar 2 5.20
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 4 5 CHANKOLS. McAUSTBR Co.. Ltd.
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    • 233 5 To-day’s Advertisements. LOST. LOST ou last day of race week, pair field glasses, J. B. Greig on case and “pull out part of glasses. Finder will oblige by returning it to “STRAITS ECHO” OFFICE, 230 Beach Street. 24-3-04. 209 New Beach Street Auction Rooms. AUCTION SALE. Favoured with instructions, the
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    • 28 5 STOP PRESS TELEGRAMS. This spaec is reserve* 1 for the publication of news arm iuk ■fter the day's news lias been imposed. HOLLIS’ GUNS. MoAlittov Ac Co., Ltd.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1814 6 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS BRITISH DOC’S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass's Ale. INSURANCES Canton insurance Office, Limited. Capital Subscribed, $2,500,000 Amount Paid-up Reserve Fund 500,000 730,000 BEST HOTELS. Bangkok YYUr*u mu in, No. 77a, Bishop Street (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) BE-W-A-ItE OF IMIT.A.TIOIT. TEADE s>.% O At —4J -C m r Q
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  • 594 7 Port Arthur News. AN e have been able to gather some lute news from Port Arthur. At the pid of last month everything was quiet I there ami it is hard for civilians to get any information of what is occurring Civilians have to keep indoors after dusk
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  • 842 7 Some interesting Facts and a Singular Coincidence. 11l a few weeks' time, to be precise, on the 16th April by the P. O. Mail, His Excellency Sir John Anderson should arrive, and with the aid of the above photograph, the first published of him in this part of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1283 7 BUN TIN LUM Co, No. 23/, Beach Street, PENANG. (Established in 1879). Tin and Pepper PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNES. AGENTS HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Graham Co., Id., KITSON LAMPS. 'I he Finest Light in Existence. Merchants. AppLT to HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Sole Agents. WHOLESALE CHEMIST'S, 4 Beach Street, Penang. CROSSLEY’S OIL
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1056 8 r 4. MF ■■Sr 5 M 3 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co. ARE NOW SHOWING AI.I. KINDS OF EMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker and Jeweller, 4. BEACH STREET. PE IK ASO DRAPERY AND MECELIMEOUS RECEIVED A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF Silver and Gold Filled American Waltham Watches, Chronographs, Binoculars, Carriage Clocks. THE CRITERION PRESS, WHICH
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