Straits Echo, 22 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 41 1 For Week ending Monday, Mar 2*. 1964 am. r. m Tuesday, 22ud 6.00 6.25 Wednesday, 23rd... 6.50 7.15 'Thursday, 24th 7.40 8.05 Friday, 25tli 8 30 8.55 Saturday, 26th 9.20 9.45 Sunday, 27th 10.10 10.35 Monday, 28th 11.00 11.25
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  • 26 1 First (Quarter... Mar. 24th, 11-22 a.m. O Full Moon 31st 6.37 Last Quarter Ai*k. 7tli, 2.38 p..m. G New Moon 16th, 3d4 a.m.
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  • 21 1 To-dat. I’. C. C. Lawn Tennis Tournament. To- morrow. I*. C. C. Lawu Tennis Tournament, Town Band, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m.
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  • 43 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Ou'iw .unis. Homewards. Malta HI Mnv Coromandel 2 Apr Ghnsan 14 Apr j Simla 10 Extra Service. Outwards. Homewards. Formosa 22 Mar j Romeo 25 Mat Manila 5 Apr j Java S Apt F«n particulars See Page 3.
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    • 695 1 Another Naval Engagement Probable. (Rangoon Titties Service.) Loudon, 7 Mar.—It is believed that the Vladivostok squadron was absent at the time of the bombardment and will therefore be compelled to give battle to the Japanese on returning. Russia and Newchwang. Allahabad, 8 Mar.—A special cable from the Pioneer’s
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    • 27 1 !Shanghai Times Service.) Peking, 4 March.—Senor BltTnco, the j Portuguese Minister to Peking, has concluded tiie agreement regarding the railway between Macao and Canton.
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    • 52 1 Deficiency and Inefficiency Revealed. (Ce£on Indepautent Service.) London, 5 Mar.—In connection wiih many weeks’ delay at Toulon in prepar- ing a single warship to go to theFarEasfc, I there have also been delays of months in other cases: also in the construction of new battleships and the
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    • 125 1 Trumpeter Shoots a Huropean Officer. (Ratupjon Gazette Service Allahabad, 16 March. —A shocking incident, w.- T > evening of Oth instant when Mr. Tolly, Subadar-Major of the Naga Hills Police battalion, was murdered by a trumpeter of the corps. He was at dinner with his wife
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    • 288 1 Campaigning Under Great Difficulties. (Rangoon Times Sere ice.) Calcutta, 10 Mar.—The following news has been received from Sikkim Severe weather has again set in. Two companies of the 23rd Pioneers and 12th Mule Corps were overtaken by a blizzard when escorting a convoy from Phari to
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    • 685 1 On the 25th ultimo the First Lord of the Admiralty made a highly important statement in the Lords as to British neutrality in the Far Eastern war. Earl Spencer asked him a series of questions as to alleged breaches of neutrality, and the Earl of Selborne availed himself
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  • Shipping.
    • 134 1 Sumatra, Ger. s.s. 407, Klimuet, 22nd Mar., Deli,2lst Mar., Tobacco.—Behn Mover Co. Asahan, Ger. s.s. 101, Peters, 22nd Mar.. Belawan, 21st Mar., Tobacco., —13. M A Co. 1 HAipiKu, lir. s.s. 100, Wheeler, 21st Mar., Port Weld, 21st Mar., tieu., —H. L. A Co. Ho Kwei, Hr. s.s. 200,
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    • 39 1 22nd March. Jin Ho, for Laugkat. Hok Canton, for Edie, T. Seuiawe, Segli and Olelileh. Day mar, for Port Swettenhaiu, Malacca aud Singapore. Lady Weld, for Teluk Anson. Din. Seny, for Port Swettenhani and Singapore. Tara, for Singapore.
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    • 85 1 Deli, 13r. s,s. 104, Rozario, 22nd Mar., Co. r mi jr ~z'* Glenfalloch, Br. s.s. 2,179, Balnliridgc, 21st Mar., Amoy, 10th Mar., Gen., Koe Guan Co. Sumatra, Ger. s.s. 407, Klimnet, 22nd Mar., Deli, 21st Mar., Gen., —Behn Meyer Co. Asahan, Ger., s.s. 161, Peters, 22nd Mar., Beiawan,
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    • 35 1 1 Y exgel* From Aijenl>t Due i Pentakota i Singapore H.L.&Co. 23rd Mar Pundua jRangoon H.L. Co. 24th Benlawers Loudon S.B.&Co. 24th A. A pear [Singapore A.A.A.Co. 24th Haug Sang ICalcutta BJfcCo, I 24th
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    • 33 1 VetteU For A (jenl» i Leave» Pentakota Rangoon H.L.&Co. 23rd Mar Puudua Singapore H.L. Co.|24tk Benlawera Singapore S.B.&Co. 24th Han '4 Sang Singapore B.&Co. 1 A. A pear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. |25th J
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    • 75 1 For Ceylon, xkdeu, Egypt, and via Naples for Europe, etc. —Per Boon, to-morrow, 8 a.m. Trang and Pang Nga—Per Deli, tomorrow, noon. Teluk Anson —Per Avayyee, to-morrow, 2 p.m, Deli Asahau Per Anahan, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy— Per (ilen/alloch, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Rangoon—Per Unity,
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    • 18 1 Inward —Per Sumatra,” from Deli, Me»*r» Van Maisen, Halziga, Mis» Gillieron and Mi»» V r an Doruum.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 233 1 c x A. E. SKEELS. 5* 1 LIQUEURS. FOR SALE. relief pens. CRITERION PRESS. Limited. Aix-la-Chapelle kaiser water A Refreshing Dietetic Table Water. According to tlio analyst of Professor Justus von Lining this water contains in 10,000 grammes or 10 litres 1. Chloride Sodium... 2MJ>I *2. Bromide lodide 1. Sulphide
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    • 171 1 NOVELTY OF THE SEASON. TOWH H^LL, PENANG. Grand Opening To-Night, Tuesday, 22nd March, 1904, After a Brilliant and Successful Season in South Africa, Ceylon and India. Ir. li. B, LEAVITTS ELITE Anglo-American Troubadours. A Select Company of Higli-Class V audeville Musical and Comedy Artists in a refined Entertainment, tlie Ideal
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    • 4 1 TAINTS. McAI-ISTER Co., Ltd.
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    • 21 1 A. E. SKEELS. f ■WHISKIES. DAVID CORSAR SONS Well-known Navy Canvas. Sandilands Buttery <S Co. 19* Road Pages 2 Jk 7.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 32 1 WEATHER. Tmc following report, is kindly supplied b\ the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis:— 1’Ijo rainfall during t-lie at, It to-day was nil. •IOOM To 'lay W Hazy Calm hours ouded
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  • 152 1 .Births. < >N March, at Evertoii. Siugupore. the tfe of l. W. Webb, of a son. 0,1 IJtli March, at Woodneuk. the wife of .1 auios Campbell Ker. Esg.. of Johorc. u «laughter. <)u -ml March at 5. Lyeemon Villa. Kowloon, tl.o wife of the Rev. J. H.
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  • 1531 2 Story of the Settlements. By Maurice V. Portman. Lord Curzon’s contemplated visit to the Andaman Islands will be the first which a Viceroy Inis paid to that region since the assassination of the Lari of Mayo by a convict on the 8tli of February, 1872. This narrow
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 162 2 NOTICE i lV"OTICE is hereby given that on and after the 28th instant the business of the Government Savings’ Bank wid be transferred from the Treasury to the Post i Office. Entrance from Weld Quav. GEORGE COPLEY. Secretary to trocei ament Savings’ bank. The Treasury. Penang, 21st March. lt*< >4
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    • 451 2 By Leave of the Court, Suit 1902, No. 179. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION BY Messrs. DAVID BROWN Co., lu the Courtyard of the Logan's Buildings, On Wednesday, 30th March, 1904, AT NOOK, Bv direction of the Administrator of the Estate of Frederick J. C. Ross, deceased. Lot 1.
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    • 1075 2 TO LET. *<• OENONG HOUSE.” Apply to TV Pekak Government Agent, 7-3-04 Penang. 158 s. W ANTED. ALIGHT Victoria and Horse or Cob broken to harness and to carry a lady. Apply to “G. H. I.” e o Strait» Echo. 19-3-04. ue. 164 JAMES BUCHANAN C.o’s “HOUSE OF COMMONS” WHISKY.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1800 3 P.40. *At m 5 1 S. N. Co. Norddentscker Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. fast and well-known Mail Steamers of this Line will leavePenang on or about the undermentioned dates:— tixyected arrival and Departin' Mail Service. Out wards. Mar. 31 s.e. Malta connecting with es. OUTWARDS: HOMEWARDS: Apl. 14
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  • 86 4 Jn«tioe hati*Mr* everyboily, ami j'istic® almie.— Emvrnon. Established June Ist, 1903. rdblfrhcd daily (except Sunday#.) AT THR CRITERION PRESS, Ld„ No. 22<>-2A2, Beach Si root, Penang. PRICE: DAILY, I.OC AI. J2I j.**i h (Lost Free) 27 MAIL KIMTION (PiMt t ree) 15 OAKI.K AUDKKSSj E c Ii
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  • Current Topics.
    • 148 4 A veh* interesting review of the course of the war and glimpse of the situation as revealed by the information contained in our special wires to-day, will appear in the fJcho to-uiorrow. We are indebted for it to a gentleman who is specially qualified to place a proper
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    • 182 4 There's nothing like being definite about tilings and hence it is most kind of General Kuropatkin to have told the world that lie didn’t intend to begin to fight till May and would then polish off Japan in a couple of months. It will save the newspapers heaps
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    • 219 4 I-o-day the Racing ."Season on the Flat begins in “uierrie, inerrie .England and the thoughts of tens of thousands sportsmen were concentrated on the Lincolnshire, the result of which we should get by wire tonight. Although purely local interest in the Lincolnshire Handicap (the straight mile) is prob
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    • 215 4 The Rangoon Times publishes a telegram, dated Allahabad lltli March, reading as follows A special cable from the Pioneer eorresjv ndeut. dated London loth March, says there is the best, authority for stating that an important American news agency has l>ecu secured in Russia's interest, which explains
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    • 645 4 The Colombo Observer (7 March) draws attention to the fact that it is not very many months since attention lias been drawn at more than one Eastern British port, Colombo included, to the absurd and almost mediaeval system of doing nearly all local Government business through those ex-
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  • 998 4 (Before the Hon. A. F. Q. Law, Pv.iene Judge Ooi Chee Chuah v. On a Hun Teng and Others. His Lordship the Puisne Judge yesterday delivered judgment in this case which had j been beard by him. on the 12th and 13th iust. The main question involved was
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  • 125 4 f h akles llooYK, Couveyencer of Penang, appeared on remand before Mr. Hereford this morning charged with fraudulently and dishonestly using us genuine a forged document, a cheque for §4,050, apparently drawn by O Tuan Fee, payable toCbeab Kim Soon. The case was before the Court some
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  • 799 4 In these excitiug times of war in the Far East a good war map is almost worth its weight in gold to any one taking an intelligent interest in the campaign. Several very fair maps have been issued by the Illustrated London
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 476 5 Glorious Triumph of Japan’s Arms. Port Arthur Captured. Hundreds of Russians Killed. Severe Bombardment by Artillery and Fleet results in Fall of Russia s Impregnable” Fortress. ibioni (fur (hen Correspondents.) Tokio, 21 Mat-. (0.45 p.)—A Japanese Brigade which was landed near Hurt Arthur (probably in Pigeon Bay on
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    • 50 5 < Rangoon Time Service.) The Near East. Bulgarians Cross the Frontier. (Supplied by lleuter London, *1 Mar.—Five hundred Bulgarians, divided into ten bands, have crossed the frontier am a e proceeding towards Striunm za Monastir, winch are two of the points selected as intended centits for the Balkan
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    • 50 5 Lincolnshire Handicap. Latest Betting. {Supjilied by Reuter.) London, 21 March.— Betting on the Lincolnshire Handicap t I mile), with which racing on* the flat commences to-day, is as follows o—l Cossack piys, b. 10) 7—l Uninsured (tvs, 7.10) 10 —1 Wolfs!)all, Barbette, Cerisier let) —8 Dumbarton Castle
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    • 20 5 Mission to Advance. <Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 2l Mar.—Orders have been issued for the Tibet Mission to advance directly.
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    • 77 5 Bows Badly Damaged. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 21 Mar. —The British transport Assaye, bound to Bombay with troops, collided during a fog in the Solent with the trans-At-lantic liner New York and has returned to Southampton with her hows badly damaged. She is to be rep laced by
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    • 72 5 Sinking Solely due to Collision. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 21 Mar. —It is officially announced by the Admiralty that an examination of the hull of the sunken submarine A J. lias proved clearly that she had no defects and the sinking of her was solely due to
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    • 39 5 Outbreak at Johannesburg. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 21 Mar.—An outbreak of plague has occurred in the coolie lines at Johannesburg and several deaths have resulted. London, 22 Mar. —Thirty deaths from plague have occurred at Johannesburg since Friday.
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    • 62 5 Marks of Respect. (Supplied bij Reuter.) London, 22 Mar. —Both Kaiser William, ot Germany, and the Emperor Francis Joseph, of Austria, are sending representatives to attend the funeral of the late Duke of Cambridge. The funeral is to be a great military function, troops lining the streets
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    • 35 5 Clan Liner Disabled. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 22 Mar. —The Clan Lino steamer Clan G**ant has been towed into Holyhead severely damaged from a collision with the steamer Merion off the Tuskar light.
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    • 30 5 Market Rising. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22 Mar.—On the Liverpool. Exchange to-day cotton went up twenty points. A strong market is expected again in the course of the week.
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    • 24 5 Ireland v. Wales. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22 Mar.—lreland lias beaten Wales in the International Association Football Contest by one goal to nil.
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    • 212 5 The Chinese Labour Problem. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22 Mar. —Sir Ilenrv Campbell-Bauuerman, in moving a vote of censure upon the Government for not having advised 11 is Majesty to exercise liis power of disallowance with regard to the Transvaal Chinese Labour Ordinance, said that the British workmen
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  • 428 5 Like all belligerents in all. ages, Admiral Alexieff declares that Russia’s cause is just and will be upheld by Heaven. History is strewn with the irony of such phrases.— Telegraph. As to the Christianity of Japan, just look at the Imperial Arms of Russia as a revealing
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  • 57 5 W e would remind our readers that tlw Leavitt Troubadours open for a short season at the Town Hall this evening. The notices given this Company by Rangoon and i Indian papers can only 1 rj described as glowing, and we would advise intending patrons to arrive good
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  • 844 5 The New Club House. Ihe Butterworth Recreation Cluh lias now removed to its fine new habitation. Gang Robbery. A gang robbery took place at midnight on ilie l<tli iust. at tlie of a Teocbew named Tang Ah Hi, in Simpaug Ampat, Suugei Kecliil, P. W. It is
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  • 15 5 Big tire reported Rian. Whole island burned out. Five hundred people homeless.
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  • 106 5 of 1903-04. The Calcutta Racing Season lias ended and Mr. A. A. Apcar heads the list of winning owners with rs. 32,500: The Koer Sahib of Patiala is second with rs. 23,500; Dr. Spooner Hart third with rs. 10,000; Mr. J. D. Scott fourth with rs.
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  • 210 5 Two Men Killed. A sepoy of the 65th Carnatic Infantry on guard duty at Hyderabad Residency ran amok and killed two men and wounded three others on sth iust. He was eventually shot, and is now dying. General Sir James Willcocks went to the Presidency to make
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  • 290 5 The annual report on this Fund for the past year shows the amount at credit on 31st Dec. Avas $424,671, and the number of contributors 404. Nine contributors died during the year. An important decision, concerning the future of the Fund, avus come to
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  • Money Market.
    • 119 5 Penang, 22nd March. (lit/ court of the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Bank ...1/10» t months’ sight Bank ...1/11, 3 y 3 Credit ...l/ll f 6 3 Documentary ...1/1 lg Calcutta, Demand Bank Jts. 142 3 days’ sight Private 144 Bombay, Demand Bank 142 3 days’ sight Private 144 Madras,
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    • 178 5 LersawahGold Mine Co., Ld. 17.50 Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld 7.—sales Redjang Lebong Gold Miniug Co., Ld $225. —no in KadauaGoldMiningCo„Ltd. I (fully paid) 10.—mo»». 1 Bruseli Tin Mining Co., Ld. 8.25 sellers Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Milling Co., Bd. 20. —sales KaranganTiu Mining Co. 20. —sales Kinta Tin
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    • 159 5 I’iu 79.25 seller Gold leaf 82.— B.Pepper(VV.OoJU»t31l)8.5oz.)$ 27.50 seller» White Pepper 47 C sellers Trang Pepper 30} sellers Cloves (picked) 43.— nmn. M iwie $125,—now. Mace Pickings 05: —sellers Nutmegs UOs 55,— sellers No. 1 7.50 Sugar 2 5.20 Basket 9.55 sales Tapioca Flour 1.90 seller» Copra 7.80 sellers»
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 7 5 ENGINE OILS. McAlister a co. v Ltd.
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    • 5 5 JUNGLE FURNITURE. McAlister <£> Co., Ltd.
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    • 89 5 STOP PKESS TELEGRAMS. I hi» »pace i» reserved for the pahlicathm of new* arriving after the day'» news lias txeu iuh»im i|. ALL LOVERS /\F SOLID LITERATURE should f subscrilie to the “Straits Chinese Magazine/’ a quarterly journal of Oriental and Occidental culture. The subscription is only $1.50 per annum,
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    • 70 5 PENG CHENG Co., 17, Market Lane, Penang. Just Received A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF Lux Patent Sol Lamps” The latent and most perfect introduction of Illumination by meatus of Spirit Incandescence. No Danger, no Smoke, no Smell, ana no risk of Explosion. Can be used as a Table Lamp, or as
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1338 6 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS BRITISH DOG’S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass's Ale. (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) BEWARE OF IMIT.A.TIO2T. s?7' r A =3 H W A WONG i\l IYI IYIUN, No. 77a, Bishop Street TRADE '3 o Cz i CD o Sr xN 1 <2 to m TAD EMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker and
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  • 474 7 Kckthkb Particulars. As reported bv wire ;l few days ago the P. A O. liner l>Alluarut and the river steamer Changon were in collision at Woosung on Sunday', 6th inst. We now learn from the Shanghai Daily News, of the 7th inst., that, the Ball an rat
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  • 315 7 Few men are better known in the Far Fast than Mr. M’Leavy Brown, the Chief Commissioner of the Corean Maritime Customs. Like his colleague of the Chinese sister service, .Sir Kobert Hart, InspectorGenerul of the Imperial Maritime Customs, Mr. M heavy Brown has spent
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  • 438 7 Striking Featubbh ok Daly 8 Nkw PRODUCTION. Ox tli« 5th instant Mr. George Edwardew re-opened Dalys Theatre with a new musical play by Mr. Janies T. Tanner and Mr. Lionel Muucktou, entitled “The Singlmlee.” The preparations necessitated by the I elu l)o rate stage mounting of this piece
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 734 7 STRAITS HOTEL, Chulia Street, Penang. T. RICHARDSON, Wines and Spirits of the Best Quality Echo on Sale Here. BUN TIN lii 4 Co, Vo. 231 Beach Street, PENANG. (Established in 1879). Tin and Pepper Merchants. Aden Salt, Italian Salt, Tuticorin Salt, Cochin-China Salt. All kinds of Iron for Sale. GENERAL
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    • 228 7 NOTICE. to coRKSSPoS pests: It is requested that all coin muuications relating to Subscription?, Advertisement? See., be addressed to the Manager, Straits Echo" and not to the Kditor. All cheques should be crossed. Letters on Editorial or other matters intended fo p ublication or use in tlie Echo should be
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    • 204 7 CROSSLEY’S OIL GAS ENGINES. Highest Award Paris Exhibition, 1900. Simplest and most Economical Oil Engine made. GARRETT SON’S PORTABE ENGINES, rWorld Renowned.,) FODEN STEAM WAGONS. These wagons are designed to replace horses and bullocks for transport of all kinds. Extensively used throughout the Straits. Stock of all sizes of Galvanized
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1779 8 INSURANCES. Capital Subscribed Amount Paid-up Reserve Fund Canton insurance Office, Limixea. 12,500,000 500,000 730.000 Hkad Office, Hongkong. General Agents. Messrs. Jakdink, Matiiksok A Co. rpHE undersigned having l*een appointed 1 Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept Marino risks at current rates. A Bonus is annually paid to
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