Straits Echo, 21 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 112 1 Birth. On Ft 1 1 February, at Kobe, the «if.. „f A. H rad ley, of daughter M ARRIAOE*. I 'j I» -u 1 1 PI** 1 Berkeley -street. London, Raphrel Emanuel. sou of Hon. E. R. Ileli ios. m. ,,1 Hongkong. to V.-ra Carlotta Hart. On ->th
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  • 42 1 For W<*«*k eliding Siuidu* Alar 27. 1 904 v m r ai. Monday, 21»t 5.10 0.35 luesdav, 22nd 8.00 8.25 Wednesday, 23rd... B.s*' 715 I'liursday, 24th 7.40 8.05 Friday, 25th 8.30 8.55 Saturday, 26th 9.2‘J 9.45 Sunday, 27th 10.10 10.35
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  • 27 1 First (Quarter... Mar. 24th, 11-22 a m O Full Moon 31sf 0.37 r.M. Last Quarter Arn. 7th. 2.88 p.m O New Moou 16tli, 8.14 a.m.
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  • 18 1 l'o-UA V. Town Hand. Esplanade, 5-30 p.m P. O'. Lawn Tennis Tournament To-nokuow. P. Lawn Tennis Tournament.
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  • 47 1 P O. SAILINGS. .Mail Service. <) L IWA It OS. lioM KIV AKI>S. Malta 57 Mar Simla 11 Apr Clmran l i Apr F.xtra Service. Ot ltt AKIM. IIoMKW AKIM. For mom Mar Hurneo io Mar Manila 5 Apr •/(If! 1 Apr Etsgt’ Fui particular» See Page 3.
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    • 26 1 i Ceylon Independent Service.) London, 1 Mar.—General Bruce Hamilton has been appointed to command the Secon l Division of the first Army Corps.
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    • 35 1 (Ceyhn Independent Service.) London, 2 Mar.—Mr. Austen Chamberlain, receiving a deputation of Licensed Victuallers, *uid he could hold out no hope of a remission of the war taxes this rear.
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    • 36 1 i Ceylon Independent Seme- London, I Mar.—The Hon. Charles Hardinge has been appointed Ambassa dor at Bt. Petersburg. Sir John Eldon Gorst succeeds him as Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs.
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    • 67 1 i Ceylon I n dependent ,S'. /•<•**•» i London. 1 Mar. —The appointment of the Duke of Connaught a* InspectorGeneral and President of the new Board for the Selection of Officers is officially announced. Sir F. Stopford has been appointed Director of Military Training,
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    • 57 1 Parliamentary ByeElection. {Ceylon Independent Service.) Loudon, 2 March. —Election for the seat at Norm ail ton rendered vacant by the death of Mr. Pickard, late Liberal member, resulted in the return of Mr. Parrott, Liberal candidate, by a majority of 3,948 over Mr. Dorman, the Conservative candidate. Polling was Mr.
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    • 76 1 War Dul> on Tea Condemned. I iihut I inh’j-rmifiif >'«(•(■<<•< London, 3 Mar.—Sir West Ridgeway delivered his address on **< ’ey Ion” l»efore a full audience at the London Chamber of Commerce. He dealt mainly with ecouomic questions. trade, products, taxation, and public works. He urged a
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    • 36 1 {Ceylon Independent Service, i London, o March.—Mr. Balfour, in the House of Commons, proposed to defer the discussion on the War Office report until Government could state the policy concerning its recommendations.
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    • 36 1 (Ceylon, Independent Service.) L*j4kloii, 8 Mar.—A telegram from Melbourne states that the Commonwealth _is prepared t<> alter Tariff in favour of Britain, making sacrifices it necessary to secure reciprocal preferences.
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    • 43 1 Mullah Dismissing His Spearmen. (Ceylon Independent Service.) London, 7 Mar.—The Mullah is dismissing his spearmen owing to the scarcity of food but this does not impair his fighting strength. Numbers of his starving followers are surrendering and seriously embarrassing the British Commissariat.
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    • 53 1 Mercier implicated in Further Forgeries. tt 'eylnn Independent Senic London. 5 Mar.—The Court of Cassation ha* granted the demand of Dreyfus for a revision and ordered the necessary proceeding. The enquiry has revealed further forgeries on the part of Mercier, Gonse and others: but the French public
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    • 58 1 i Ceylon Independent Sercice. London, 1 Mar. —The Tibetan Mission to .St. Petersburg, which was expected in February, has been informed by Russia that a later date will be more opportune. The Mission, therefore, will probably reach -St. Petersburg at the end of May, bringing
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    • 54 1 Message lo the Mullah (Ceylon Independent Service.) London, 5 Mar.—Renter wires from Aden that Geneial Egerton has sent a message to the Mullah that the Government is determined to prosecute operations until he is captured or killed, and* that his surrender will not be accepted unless he brings a
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    • 77 1 V {Ceylon Independent Service.) London, 7 Mar. —Elections for the London Count} Council have attracted particular attention because the new Council assumes the control over education. There has been throughout a strenuous light between the Church and NonConformists, the former supporting the Moderates and the latter
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    • 202 1 Mr. A Chamberlain’s Reply. (Ceylon Independent Service.) London, 5 Mar.—Mr. Austen Cham- berlain, in his reply to the India and Ceylon Tea Associations, says that, owing to the present state of the finances, there is no prospect of a remission of taxation in the coming year.
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    • 176 1 Heavy Shocks Felt in Lima {C’xbleneina Service > San Francisco, sth Mar.—Lima, capital of Peru, has been visited bv a destructive ear-hquake. The property loss is reported to aggregate millions of dollars. No official estimate has been received as to loss of life. Lima, the capital of
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    • 280 1 Jeffries v. Munroe. (Cable netn Service.' >iew York, 1 March.—Jim Jeffries lias signed article» to light Jack Munroe in San Francisco in May for 525,000 a side, for the heavyweight championship of the world. Jim Jeffries will hardly lose to Munroe. I Jeffries, the champion of the heavyweight fistic
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
  • 98 1 Fort Arthur Four .Months from the Baltic Fleet. Ceylon Independent Service.) Calcutta, 5 Mar.—The Pioneer states that the Naval experts estimate that Port Arthur is four months journey for the Baltic lleet. ft was mentioned in the House of Commons that the unfortunate position of the Russian fleet
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  • Shipping.
    • 178 1 Socotra, Br. s.s. 6,008, Benton, 19th Mar., Singapore, 17th Mar., Gen., —P. O Dagmab, Nor. s.s. 303, Carl. 20th Mar., Port Swettenham, 18th Mar.. Geu,,H. L. Co, I Oanfa, Br. s.s. 4,866, Bartlett. 20th Mar., Singapore, 18th Mar., Gen., —W. M. Co. Java. Br. s.s. 3,651, Herrington. 21st Mar..
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    • 45 1 21st March. Oanfa, for Colombo and Southern India. Mary Austin, for Port Swettenham. Tav; Tong, for Langkat and Pangkalan Brand an. Hebe, for Dili Canton, for Pangkor and Teiuk Anson lt. Halevujn, for Asahau. Arteadong, for Batu Bahra and Asahau. Nam Yong, for Rangoon.
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    • 76 1 Dag.mar, Nor. s.s. 303, Carl, 20th Mar., Fort Swettenham. 18th Mar., Gen,, 11. L. Co, Ladv LLD, Bi. s.s. 245, Treweeke, 20th Mar., T. Anson, 19th Mar., Gen.,— Straits S. S. Co. Vidak. Br. s.s. 191, Crichton, 20th Mar,. Deli. 19th Mar., Gen., —Koe Guan Co. Jin Ho,
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    • 32 1 1 exMt >/* Flout Aytnls Ituc, Pentakota Singapore H.L.ACo. 22udjMio Artemisia Hamburg B.M.ACo. 22nd Pundua Rangoon H. L. A Co. 24th Benluwers London S.B.AC'o. 24th A. Apear Singapore A. A.A .Co. 24th
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    • 92 1 1 true!* A ye alt 1 Lea ct* Pentakotu iiaugoon H.L.ACo. 22nd Mui Artemisia Singapore B.M ACo. Puudua Singapore ir.L.&Co., 2ith Btulawers Singapore! S.BACo. 24th A. A pear Calcutta [A.A.A.Co. 1 25th We would direct the attention of shipping firms to the style in which "steamers Expected A and
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    • 47 1 i OK Deli—Per Vidor, to-morrow, 10 a m. Langkat—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m Port Swettenham, Malacca and Singapore —Per l)o(jmar, to-morrow, '1 p.ui. Teluk Anson—Per Lady Weld, to-morrow 3 p.m. Port Swetteuliam and Singapore—Per Pin Semj, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Singapore—Per Taro, to-morrow, 4 p,m.
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    • 14 1 Inward —Per Jin Ho,” from Langkat, Mrs aud Miss Brewer and Mr. Albert.
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  • 61 1 L RATHS < >u —-4-tli February. at Burlington. Ontario, anndH. the Rev.\ ergil Chittenden Hart. D.n.. founder and for many year» Superintendent of the Central China Mission of iho Methodist Kpiwopil Church. \t No. t». I >**nt Lane. Shanghai. .!<>.»«• Cvrillo M Aquino, aired year». On l*th Man'll, at the
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  • 722 2 This Year’s Programme. .£37,000,REQUIRE!) IN 1904. —4 Two Battleships Tkn Submarines The Navy Estimates aud Statement of j the First Lord of the Admiralty for the I vear 1904-5 were issued on 24-th February, and show 1. A total expenditure <>f «£36,889,500. as compared with -£34,457,500 in
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  • 199 2 A uew paper is about t<» be started in Shanghai, «-ailed the Shanghai Truth." —Ex. Farewell now to Shanghai bunders. Bid adieu to startling news: Solder fact, instead of wonders. Shall this modern press diffuse. Let us rise and sing in gladness That the canard's radiant youth
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  • 267 2 Associated as it lias often been with surprises, the great coursing event of the year concluded on 20th February was among the most sensational in its history, says The Sportsman. The final course was one of the best seen for a long time. Homfray aud Miuchmuir fighting
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 350 2 JUST RECEIVED. Egyptian Cigarettes. Monthly Shipment» direct from Cairo. Th. Yafiadis Co. M. tfclachrino Co. Crown Prince. Non Plus Ultra. Superfine. Narcissus, Gold, Cork Mais-tipped Size No. 4. Plaiu and StrawTipped. u’d Amber. Amber and Meerschaum j Cigar and Cigarette Holders, Briar I Pipes, Meerschaum Pipes, Gumnetal j and Aluminium
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    • 419 2 By Leave of the Court. •Scit 1902, No. 171*. TO BE SOLO BY PFBLIC AUCTION It Y Messrs. DAVID BROWN Coin the Courtyard of the Logan's Buildings. On Wednesday’, 30th Marchs 1904, AT NOOK. B% direction of the Administrator of the: Estate of Kkedekuk J. C. Koks, deceased I 4
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    • 997 2 TO LET. HOUSE.'' Apply to *-3-04 158 Plkak Government Agent, Pena no. i WANTED. A LIGHT Victoria and Hor&e or Cob XV- broken to harness and to carry a ladv. 10-3-04 Apply to G H. ir c o Echo. 164. JAMES BUCHANAN h C.o’s “HOUSE OF COMMONS” WHISKY. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1589 3 lit fjn u 1 r t> T IS.I. Co. Expect#I «rural and Departures. Mail ServiceOutwards. Mar. 31 s.s. Malta connecting uiU, Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. dates:— OUTWARDS HOMEWARDS Aj»l. 11 s.s. Chilean 29 s.s. BaUaaral <lu do s.s. lliiintlnmjo s.s. Marmora s.8. India Prim Heinrich Oldenburg Bayern
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  • 92 4 JiijIm PHUsfler evef > body. -m<l jnwtice .«I**»?.— Emarwn. Established June 1st, RNW. I iiblislifd «latiy (except K*tndA>«.) Af Tint CRITERION PRESS, Ld., "No. 22u 2S2, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE LlX 11, V, I AH A I. Lvi |»*»i .*intiii" (t’oet Free! ,27 MAH* MOTION (I'oet Frey)
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  • Current Topics.
    • 147 4 Thf persistence with which Russia i> appealing t»> Heaven and the Powers to observe the justice of her cause and the s revolting” iniquity of her foe is i scarcely dignified, to say the least of it. A case which needs such vehement l reiteration cannot be a
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    • 239 4 I t would appear that even ip the Sister Settlement traffic regulations are either wanting or are not properly enforced. tor. writing to the Straits J lines, Trap says —“lt is quite a common occurrence in Singapore to hear of rikislia accident and it is a wonder t<>
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    • 1061 4 sell :iii almost universal longing for defeat «it the hands of some foreign fee. <.•110 of the ucutest observers of national life in modern Russia saws that this ominous aspiration urn l'»e heard not only in Northern but in «Southern Russia, and it ‘makes no difference! whether the
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  • 819 4 Miu Lee’s Godown Suffers Damage. A Midnight Conflagration i WHICH MIGHT HAVE CAUSED MUCH HAVOC. Following the recent big conflagration which destroyed the whole block of buildings m Beach Street between Church and 1 Bishop Streets, another lire occurred late I last night in the godown
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  • 159 4 flit funeral of the late All. Wool Lim Seug, formerly secretary of the Perak Opium ‘•I ami, took place this morning, at Mouut Erskine cemetery. There was a large at- tendance of Chinese, including a number of the deceased's Perak friends, and several
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  • 469 4 Ikjbctk From nn; Penang Chinese. A i'Ublic meeting wus called for two o clock on Saturday afternoon in the Chinese Town Hall for the purpose of deter mining upon some form of tribute to the good service ot the Hon. 1W. y nen Kynnersley. Resident
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  • 160 4 !<• Cmj,i t Carries oh the Honour; in tul Championship. V emekuav brought a conclusion to the fourth Annual Hide Meeting of the Penang Volunteers. The Championship Challenge Cup and the Xobel Prize were competed for. on the following conditions <‘peu to 12 highest aggregates
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  • 304 4 >1 11, Leavitt's Troubadours have just arrived in Penaug from Rangoon. after au extensive tour of India, and will open at llie Town Hall to-morrow evening, as au- uouneed elsewhere in our columns. Our Rangoon eon temporaries speak most i liiglilv ol the Company, the first night having
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 719 4 McAlister Go. Id. T^ y V 4r^n^ W ANTED. H) Peach Street, Penan#. Tt*" ANTED at once Chine-e Bookt T keejier and Salesman. Apply personally to A. K. «KEELS, Win. «f- Spirit Werchantc. 21-3-0+ HI, Ifrorh Street. 204 I wk. Cyrus Price Co.'s y Municipal Notice. SPECIAL MEETING of tin-
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  • 478 5 Russia Annexes Newchwang. Hear Suspicious of. Dragons T roops. SEVEN HUNDRED RUSSIANS DROWNED. Another Russian Destroyer Destroyed. Dutch Lies. htoni Our thru (Jorreepondeiite.) Shanghai. 19 Mar. (fl.22 p.)— Russian infantry', dragoons and artillery have occupied Newchwang. I licy have also occupied tlie railway station at Newchwang, but are
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    • 479 5 i i heti < arant Service.) 1 lie Hague (via Batavia) IT Mar.—Three Norwegian steamers which have been detained at Port Arthur for six weeks have arrived at Shanghai. Members of the crews ol these vessels have pointed out that ninety per cent, of the news emanating from
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    • 26 5 Baron Stiycmatsu in London. Supplied by Renter. > Barou JSuycmatsu, now in England on a political mission, interviewed Lord Lausdowue, the Foreign Minister, yesterduv.
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    • 97 5 The Sully Failure. Snjplied by Reuter. 1 London, 19 Mar. —-The failure of Daniel Sully, the “cotton king,' has caused a panic on the Cotton Exchange, prices dropping three hundred points, aud has also smashed the wheat market and depressed stocks. Sully s liabilities are estimated at two millions.
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    • 34 5 International Championship. Sn>lie'l lift Renter.) London, 20 Mar— In the Rugby: football match between England and Scotland, the Scots proved victorious, gaining six points to England’s three and thus winning the f hampronship.
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    • 151 5 Eleven Lives Lost. (Supplied by Healer:) London, 19 Alar.—Eleven lives were lost in the .sinking of the British submarine A I. off the Nab. j The A 1 which was the newest type of submarine, was inspected by King Edward and the Prince of M ales during
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    • 60 5 Many (lerman Officers Killed. Supplied by ]\> )it> r. > London, 20 Mar. —Severe lighting is reported from German SouthWest Africa. A small force of Germans, w ith numerous staff offieers, encountered the rearguard of the Hcreros rebels, which was suddenly reinforced. 'The Germans retreated, losing seven
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    • 37 5 Land Act Stock Ifsued. l S "pjd >ed l‘>/ b‘i. nt' r London, 20 Mar.—'The Government has issued live millions sterling worth of per cent, stock for carrying out the provisions of the Irish Land Act
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    • 61 5 Railway to Turkish Frontier Opened. (Supplied by Ri-nter.) London, 21 Mar.—The lirst portion, as far as Thebes, of the railway from the Piraeus to the Turkish frontier, w ith a branch line to Clialcis, has been inaugurated. King George of Greece went by train to Chalcis, where
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    • 76 5 Deplores Anti-Clericalism in France. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19 Mar. His Holiness the Pope, in hi> speech to the members of the Sacred College, deplored the vigorous anti-clerical measures taken in F rance, w hich he stigmatized as contrary to the idea of liberty, the l ights of
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  • The Straits Echo
    • 61 5 (Special Service. Appointed to Arrange for Chinese labourers for the Transvaal. h'roin Unr llwu L-urreepoudeut.) Singapore, PJ Mar. (4 25 p.) The Free Press publishes a statement to the effect that the Imperial Government has specially empowered Sir Frank Swettenliam to make all arrangements requisite with a view
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    • 793 5 Straits Times, VJth M >r- h A MKKTiKO of the Council wa- held on I riday last, l*tli instant. Ills Excellency the Officer Administering the Government presided, aud there were also present the H'*ns. tlie Acting < olunia! •Secretary, the Attorney-General, the ('olouial Treasurer, ‘lie Auditor-General, the Acting
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  • 104 5 New Light Sumatra Easy Coast The white ti.ved light (petroleum incandeseent light) a« Edi has oil the 23rd June, ltH)?». been replaced by a group Hash of the oth order. This light shows two very short flashes every 10 seconds. The liirht is -0 metres above high
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  • 413 5 A New York telegram of 2nd Feb. to the Saiifrancisco Examiner says:—Tlje cotton market went to pieces this afternoon. hen traders were at the cra- ziest pitch of their lives Daniel Sully announced that he was through with the game; that he needed long rest and would
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  • 264 5 Fine Bath no by Zehndek and Sharp. A practice game of cricket xvss played uu the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon, between sides captained by Messrs Sproule aud Talma. The features of the game were the splendid displays with the bat by Messrs Sharp and Zehnder, both players topping
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1329 6 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS BRITISH DOC'S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass's Ale. (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) BEVAEB OF IMIT.A.TXOIT. TRADE At 'f V O a r>. a m f, O €l^7^ C/’D Bo' HARE. nr a s u tet is© ujjo WONG KIM MUN, Xo. 77a, Bishop Street RUBBER STAMP AND BRASS
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  • 1468 7 By One Who Knows Them I RCSSIANS ASD JaFH ASHORE A CONIEAS'I. Tucked away at the extreme south of the Malay Peninsula lies the island and town of Singapore, the great halfway house for all I the China lioat*, and the principal entrepot wherein
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 763 7 STRAITS HOTEL, < 'h u I in Street, tGitnu»/. T. RICHARDSON, Wines and Spirits of the Best Quality. Erho ON S.VLfc HtKE. BUN TIN LUM 4 Co.. o. 231, Heath Street, PENANG. (Established in 1879). Tin and Pepper Merchants Steam Engines Boilers of various PFRRIER JOUFT CHAMP AGWES. AGENTS HUTTENBACH
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    • 187 7 Kim Keng Leong Co., 127. BEACH STREET. IMPORTERS 01 EVERY DESCRIPTION o* IRONMONGERY, Which are on Sale at specially advantageous terms. ALSO AGENTS FOP. Cock Brand Kerosene Oil, 86c TRADE MARK CHIN HIN BROTHERS, General Storekeepers Horse Dealers Livery Stables No. 50d, PENANG HOAD. Telephone No. 265. Just Unpacked HARNESS.
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  • 193 8 I'i nanu, 21 nt March. H*04 Description. Beki' cte. Sou}» i>er cutty 18 Roast o*2 Steaks 3*2 Stew or Curry Meat '20 Hump Steak 32 J Ox Tail each 35 Tongue 70 Feet 20 Heart 35 Liver ]*er catty 40 POF-K Pork 36 Pig’s Head 24 Feet 32
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 588 8 INSURANCES ('apital Subbcnbed Amount Paid-up Rtnerve Fund Canton ln*urance Office, Limned, »2.600,000 600,000 780,000 Mkau OHICt. Honokoko. General Agent s, Mlssks Jahoink, Math ►son A Co. rpHE undersigned ii:«vin«_r l«een appointed 1 Agents for t above Company are prepared to accept Marine risks at current rates. A Bonus is aiiuuallv
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    • 444 8 BURN Go., Ltd Established 1781. Howrah, l Calcutta electrical engineers. EA RLV next month Mb. MACBETH. Chief Electrical Engineei ot the Company, will arrive in Penang, and remain here for a short period, when Ik* will he pleased to consult with any one desirous of seeing him. Arrangements for consultation
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    • 967 8 THE “Chahyah Pulaii Penang. p C_ (Malav Weekly Sews.) >* .V .)w A> TAIK HO Co., 8S8, Main Road, PERAIv. TAJ PING (Established 1889). The only Malay paper General Merchants, Provisioned and g m l a Lu m p llrt Commission Agents. BEST HOTELS. Bangkok THE ORIENTAL HOTEL. •‘KIENIAI. HoTEf.
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