Straits Echo, 10 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 71 1 Births. On 8th March, at 71-2 River Valley Sintra ‘"Si Ifttb VJ* 1 daughter. ui n t! 1 at Foochow, the wife of H Iielley Brand, of a daughter On 23rd February, at Quinsan Gardens S‘o“& W,f f Jolm Marriagk. On 22nd Feb. Francis, second sou of the
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  • 39 1 For Week ending Wednesday, Mar., *****4. am. r.M. Thursday, loth 8.00 8.25 Friday, lltli 850 9.15 Saturday, 12th 9.40 10.05 Sunday, 13th 10 30 10.55 Monday, 14th 11.20 11.45 Tuesday, 15th 12.10 12.35 Wednesday, 16th... 1.00 1.25
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  • 26 1 O New Moon Mar. 17th, 10.59 a.m. First Quarter... 24th, 11-22 a.m. O hull Moon 31st 6.37 p.m. Last Quarter Aprl 7th, 2.38 p.m.
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  • 19 1 10-DAY. P. 0. C. Lawn Tenuis Tournament. To-morrow. Meeting, Municipal Goiumissioners, 3 pan. IWu Rand. Esplanade, 5-30 p.m.
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  • 50 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OUTW A KI »S HOMK W A K DS. Bengal 17 Mar Ballaa rat 19Mar Malta 31 j Coromandel 2 Aprl Extra Service. OimvAßns. Hum k wards. Palawan S Mar j Borneo 2o Mar Formosa 22 |Ja va S Aprl For particulars See Page 3.
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    • 40 1 (Ostaiatieche Lloyd Service.) Mr. Tittoni, the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, has made a statement iu the Chamber of Deputies, which shows a rapprochement of Italy to the group of two Empires in the Oriental politics.
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  • 488 1 News from Korea. (Japanese Exchange) Chemulpo, 17 Feb.—The Chemulpo office of the Chinese Eastern Railway Co. was formally taken possession of by the Japanese troops yesterday. Seoul, 17 Feb.—Twenty-four wounded Russians have been admitted to the Japanese Red Cross Hospital at Chemulpo. They are getting on satisfactorily. These
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  • 1320 1 Kifteeu transports left Nagasaki during last week, taking 25,000 men of i fan try, and cavalry with small ponies and artillery to North-Corea. All transports have, instead of life-boats, Targe Japanese sampans at their davits and there were also stored two or three rows of sampans on the
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  • Shipping.
    • 78 1 G. Apcar, Br. s.s. 2.010, Olifent. lOtli Mar.. Hongkong, Ist Mrr.. Gen., —A. A. A. A Co. Calypso, Br. s.s. 339, Lov/ry,*loth Mar., Singapore, Blh Mar., Gen.,—W. M. A Co. Lanokat, Br. s.s. 187, Linganl, 9th AT ir.. Port Swettenlnun. 7th Mar., Gen., Ko(* Gunn Co. [iiaii'ino, Br. s.s.
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    • 46 1 10th March. Ho Kiwi, for Deli. L<uo lout/, for Langkat and Pangkulau Jlrandan. Ponton. for Pangkorand Teluk Anson. for Pdie, T. Semawe, Segli, Oiehleh and Polo Weh. Cali/{no, for Deli. Asah'in, for Deli and Asa hail. Phi'///, for Kangoon. Palwwun, for Singapore, China and Japan.
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    • 55 1 G. Apcak. Br s.s. 2.9J0, Olifent, 1 th Mar., Hongkong, Ist Mar., Gen., —A. A. A. A Co. Banokat, Br. s.s. 187, Lingard, Otis Mar., Port S wet ten hum, 7th Mar, Gen., Koe Guan Co. Lady Weld, Br. s.s. 242, Treweeke. JOtli Mar., T. Anson, 9th Mar.,
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    • 38 1 Yetyel* Irani Aijnil* hue Tees t a •Singapore II.L.&f'o. 11th Mar Most-el Etlie J l.L,<V (Jo. lit. Purnea Singapore JI.L.&Co. 11th Stii Sang Calcutta, van 13. Co. 11th Outhoom Pulo Weh H.L.&C-). 12th Benalder London S.B.&Co. 14th
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    • 92 1 I easel* For Ajenl* fitl'ive* Teesta R.iuffonn il L.ACo. lltl, Mar Purnea Moulmein II.L 11th van Outlioorn Singapore II L.&Co. 12th Mosst'l Edie H.I-.&Co. 12th >S«ii Sang Singaporo B.&Co. iknialder Singapore S.lJACo. 15th \t e would direct the attention or shippin.,' f)nn.< to fho tylc in which steam.-rs Kxpecteilami
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    • 101 1 Foh Calcutta—Per (J. Apcar, to-morrow, 11 am. Bat u Bahra A —lVr li. Ilalewyn, to-morrow, 1 pm. Negapatam, Madras, Pondicherry. Cuddalore and Karical takim; Mails for Europe, etc., via Madras—Per Zawania, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port S wet fen ham r and Malacca—Per Lamjkat, lltli iustauf, 2 p.m.
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    • 35 1 Inward —Per“ G. Apcar,” from llongAOnj*, Mr. and Mrs. Eduljie and S. M. ldii. Per" Lady Weld, from Teluk Anson, Messrs J. Bsiker, A. G Crane. M. Duncan, Neo Luke lliu and Dr. E.lerv.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
  • 35 1 Dkath.s. On 10th Feb., at Shipley. Yorkshire. E Moore, aged 65years, father of Mrs. Tomlinson «Singapore. On 22nd Feb., at 155, Bubbling Well Road. Shanghai, Arther Alexander Ladislans Graf I utler-Ilarmhausen Clonebough. aged 58 years.
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  • 1454 2 Has Me. Edison Achieved a Revolution Will the world go round some day before our eyes, wherever we may be? Will events a long way off be brought within our sight as they occur Time and space are disappearing fast. There is still alive the widow of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 204 2 TAIK HO Co., 82, Main Road, L’EKAIv, TAll*l NO. (Established 1889). (Jenerai Merchants, Provisioners and Commission Agents. European Ciooils of the highest quality. Imported wholesale direct from the manufacturers. Thus giving Constituents the benefit of very favourable rates. Liberal stock of Wines and Liquors of unexceptionable brand, always on hand.
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    • 1366 2 HORACE S. MARTIN, Mining and Consulting Engineer. TO LET. ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF MINING PROPERTIES REPORTED ON. CONCENTRATING AND ORE DRESSING PLANTS DESIGNED AND ERECTED. IPOH—PERAK. 7be Penang, 17th Nov., 1903 G nits ¥>ENONG HOUSE.” Apply to V Perak Government Agent, Penan j. JAMES BUCHANAN C.o’b 7-3-04 158 FOR SALE. N
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1685 3 vji; 1 422 IS. 11. Co. Expected arrival and Departure». Mail Service. Outwards. Mar. 17 8.». Banjul connecting with Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. J fast and well-known Mail Steamers of this Line I will leavePenang on or about the undermentioned dates:— OUTWARDS HOMEWARDS: 11l 8.8. Malta Apl.
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  • 82 4 Justice satisfies everybody, and justice alone. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (exopt Snndays.) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ed., No. 22<>—232, Reach Street, Penang. PRICE: i R. 111.1, LOCAL $2l |pi KiiHni» (Part Free) 27 MAN. KIUTION (P,*t Free) 15 CAULK APOKKSS: “Ec h o—Pen an g
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  • Current Topics.
    • 132 4 Pat. Doyle’s journal Indian Engineering calls attention to the fact that Mr. R. W. Western has been dealing with the question of the eucourag<& meut of urban tramway traffic. Ht* has evolved an algebraic formula for determining the most suitable number of stopping places per mile. He deals
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    • 236 4 The Saudakau Her;ild is nothing if not original and true to its tr.iditions it came out the other day with a ponderous leader on the Russo-Japanese war, winding up with the suggestion that this “insignificant incident.” as the Kooskies affect jto regard it, may
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    • 1076 4 Wanted An Indian Portsmonth. An Indian Portsmouth is something we are not likely to hear of for many a long year, but it is not altogether outside the re- gion of possibility. India has coal and j iron in abundance, and if in time she becomes one of the steel
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  • 285 4 Beach Street was still closed this morning, but at 10 o’clock traffic was allowed to use the road. Those injured during the fire are recovering as well as can I** expected. Assistant Superintendent Haw trey is almost recovered. We hear that numbers of new insurances have l»cen effected
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  • 324 4 The Pioneer thinks that the great maritime highway that stretches from Suez to Singapore, the portion of our main line of Imperial communication which it is the special duty of the East Indian Squadron of the Royal Navy to guard, is inadequately protected. It remarks that on
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  • 385 4 Togo, they say at Tokio it was Togo who sank the Kowshmg.” Togo,” they are saying to-day, it was Togo who damagI ed theTsare vitch the Ketrizan and Pallada I and won the first battle for Japan.” It was Togo who started the war against J China;
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  • States’ News.
    • 542 4 From Our Own Correspondent Kuala* Lumfok: 7th Mar.—The ‘At Home at the Residency on Saturday afternoon was a very brilliant gathering, the costumes worn l>v the ladies beingd>oth becoming and tasteful. The Resident-General and Mrs. Treacher, the Residents of Perak. Pahang and N. Sembilan were present with about 50
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  • 310 4 [Mr. Gibbs, who resigned his seat because > lie acted as broker for the British purchase of the Chilian warships, has been defeated at St. Alban by the Liberal candidate. Mr. Slack, by a majority of 132.— Reuter.'] The Allahabad Pioneer (id Feb.) has this comment on
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  • 172 4 j Colonel Mackenzie Foss, Managing Director of the Golden Stream Syndicate, which is work in*/ gold and tin in Lower Burma, interviewed by a representative of the Colombo Observer, said he had been working north of Mergui with a party of engineers near the Siamese frontier and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 657 4 Echo News Service $10 Per Mensem. SUBSCRIBERS to the Echo News Service get the full lK*nefit of our extended Reuter Service of fi.OOO words per mensem instead of only '2,4*)0 as heretofore. Orders should be sent to MANAGER,” 25-2-04 Straits Echo. NOTICE. ECHO NEWS SERVICE. Important Announcement. rilHE Directors of
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    • 88 4 Pritchard Co., PENANG. Travelling Requisites. Steel Trunks, Leather Trunks, Uniform Cases, I I {Overhauls, Imperials, Dress Baskets Helmet Cases, Hat Cases, Bonnet- Cases. Gladstone Bags, Kit Bags, Brief Bags. O Coat Cases, Collar Boxes, Hug Straps. Holdalls, Cabin Bags, Lunch Baskets. TRAVELLING RUGS. Heavy Weight, Pure Natural Wool I nderclothing
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    • 5 4 JUNGLE FURNITURE. Mefllister Co., Ltd
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    • 5 4 CUTLERY. McAlister 6 Co., Ltd.
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    • 6 4 FAIUBANK’S SCALES. McAllater Sc Co.. Ltd
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  • 875 5 Dalny and Pori Arfhui Bombarded. No Peace before “Brilliant Successes’ have Retrieved Reverses, says a Leading Russian Statesman The 44 Charge” of Treachery. The Bombardment of Vladivostok. Official Statement Americans hlogise Japanese. MR. COWEN TO BE DEPORTED. General Advance on Harbin Commenced. (From Our Oicn Correspondents.) Tokio, y
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  • 267 5 Stop Press Telegram. {From Our Otcn Correspondent.) Shanghai, 10 March—A wire from Tokio states that the transportation of three divisions of Japanese troops, each 20,000 strong, has been completed and the general advance northward has commenced. The second Army Corps, comprising ten divisions, has been mobilized and is
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  • 385 5 The Scenes on the Decks of the Varyag. Further Details. j A few more interesting details, supplied by a naval officer at Cliemulpo, in -connection with the action fought by the Varyag, j are to hand. It appears that, upon receiving the Japanese invitation to battle the I
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  • 284 5 Admiral Togo's Report. Following is Admiral Togo's official report with regard to the recent attempt to “cork up” Port Arthur. Five merchant vessels were despatched with instructions to their crews to scuttle them in the entrance to the Russian {>ort. On reaching the southern point
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  • 153 5 The P. C. C. Tournament. The folloyy ing ties were played off yesterday Mixed Double Handicap. Mrs. Jamieson and C. Bradbery beat Miss Tozer aud W. (J. A. Daintou. 3-6, 6-3, 6-4. Single Handicap —Class A. M. 11. Graham beat A. G- Anthony, 6-1, 6-3. F. Duxbury beat
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  • 970 5 The following items are taken from the North Borneo Herald 1 Mr. Harding has left Loudon to take up the post of Medical Officer at Kudat. Iu this issue we publish an account of the p- arliug industry near Australia which might well find a counterpart on
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  • 143 5 ,E following art* the agenda for the Ordinary AJeetiug of the Commission oti morrow 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3. Questions. Appointment of Steam Eugiuecr i Electric Station. o. Charges for Electric Energy. 3.
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  • Money Market.
    • 125 5 t’KNANO. lOtii Alarch. (lly courtesy or the Chartered Ua.nlc.) f/ondon Deiiiimd Hank ...1/11,* 4 months’ sight Hank ...I 11$ 3 Credit ...1/10 3 Documentary ...1/11 Calcutta, Demand Hank Us. 143 3 days* sight Private 145 Bombay, Demand Hank 143 3 days* sight Private 145 Madras, Demand Hank 143 3
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    • 192 5 nersawahGold Mine Co.. Ld. 1G.50 liaub Aiisilalian Gold Aiming Co., Ld 7.25 sales Redjang l.ebong Gold Mining Co.. L I. s22s.—non» Aiidaiia (Jol>l Mining Co,, Ltd. (tally paid) nom. tniseli Tin Mining Co., Ld. H.2b seller» 'liendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 8 20, gales Ivarangan Tin Alining Co.
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    • 166 5 '*> 8 75 —buyers 'old leaf H 4.-- Pep|ier(\V Coast 31 hs.s «>/..)$ 27 50 se'lers Vhite Pepjier 47k -eliers rang Pepjier S i.o£ sellers loves (picked) 8 43.— notn. I ace 81 10.— notn. lace Pickings 115. sellers lutinegs 110 s 55 .—sellers t No. 1 7.50 >ugar
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 5 5 ENGINE OILS. mcalister Co, Ltd.
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    • 4 5 IRONMONGERY. McAlister Co., Ltd
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    • 251 5 To-day’s Advertisements. Wanted at once. BOOK-KEEPER for a mercantile oflier. Apply stating salary required. S.” c jo Straits E:h<-. 10-3-04. 1 wk. 160. TO LET. Y°. 7, CLOVE HALL ROAD. -L 1 Apply to E. O. MATiiiEtr, o, A nation, Penang. 10-3-04. 2 wks. 166. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. is
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    • 42 5 TEOH JOO MENG, Chop SOON YOUNG, (Estaulisiied 1S7<>.) Coachniaker end Importer OF Coach-building: Mato: lair, iVos. 178, 180 and 182, Penang Road. John Bazley White Brothe.s’ “LION BRAND” PORTLAND CEMENT. Sandilands, Buttery Co., Sole Im/Hirters. Penang. CHAN KOI,S. McAlister c 0 Liu.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1894 6 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS BRITISH DOG’S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass’s Ale. (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) BEWARE OF IMIT.A.TIO2T. BEST HOTELS. INSURANCES. Bangkok THE ORIENTAL HOTEL. Okientai. Hotel Syndicate. Canion insurance Office, LimiTea. j Capital Subscribed $2,500,000 1 Amount Paid-up WONG KIM MUN, /So. 77a, Bishop Street mc Proprietors. 500,000 730,000 Kuala
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  • 1117 7 “The Greatest Success Since Trafalgar.” A NEW FACTOR IN WAR. i i By an Admiral. The incidents of the night attack at j Port Arthur throw a striking light upon the power of the modern torpedo, j for years it has been maintained by the ablest
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  • 163 7 Per P. and O. steamer Chinn,” connecting with the steamer Bengal” at Colombo, *****1 London, Feb. 19. —T0 Shanghai Mr. It. Agnew, Mr. L. Hudson. To Horn) Kong Vlr. It. IL. Mugford, Mr. 0. S Sharp, Mr. fraud, Mr. C. Burnie. To Singapore. Mr. 0. W. Jones, Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 848 7 C. 5. SENG Co. perrier jouet champ agnes. AGENTS C II O I> SIN GIM MO, 33c, Beach Street, Penang JUST RECEIVED GRAMOPHONE, AM) A SPLENDID SELECTION OF Chinese Disc Records At favourable Prices. RUBBER TYRED WHEEL, Steel Spokes and Frames, English-make. American Rolled Top Desk. HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. kitson
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    • 4 7 IRONMONGERY. McAlister <& Co,, Ltd,
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    • 83 7 Through Passages to Europe. b» Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij Stoomvaart Maatschappij 1 Nederland.” r |!H ROUGH passenge tickets can now bo J.. booked at tlie following rates from Penang to Genoa via Sabaug (Pulo Well.) Single. Return. 1st Class. 2nd Class. 1st Class. 2nd Class. /670. /400 /1,005. /600. N. li.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1050 8 The Cause of the recent disastrous fire is unknown, THE PREVENTION OF SUCH FIRES IN FUTURE IS KNOWN. r r H s T «6 II 1 n il nsH m Fireproof, Waterproof, Dainpproof. Buildings Constructed with Uralite, Ceilings, Wails and Roots are absolutely Fireproof. Deed Boxes and Safes covered with
      1,050 words