Straits Echo, 9 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 41 1 For Week ending Tuedav, Mar, 15 1 904. I am. P.M. Wednesday, 9th 7.1«) 7.35 Thursday, ]oth 8.00 8.25 Friday, 11th 8.50 9.15 Saturday, 12th 9.40 10.05 Sunday, 13th 10.30 10.55 Monday, 14th 11.20 11.45 Tuesday, 15th 12.10 12.35
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  • 29 1 O New Moon Mak. 17th, 10.59 a.m. i First Quarter... 24th. 11-22 am. O Full Moon 31st 0.37 p.m. C Last Quarter Apel 7th, 2.38 r.M. 1
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  • 12 1 To-day. Town Baud, Esplanade, 5-‘>o p.m. General Meetiug, Penang Hills Railway.
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  • 42 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Out w adds. Homewards. Henyal 17 Mar Jiallaarat W Miw Malta 31 j Coromandel 2 Aprl Extra Service. Outwards. Homewards. Palawan 8 Mar Borneo 25 Mar Formosa 22 j Java 8 Aprl For particulars See Page 3.
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    • 317 1 The Treaty Ratified. V (Cabltneics Service.) Washington, 24 Feb. —The senate has ratified tlie Panama Canal Treaty. The third United States Infantry has I been ordered to take station in the new republic to protect American and local 1 interests and property. (Aladdin did not rub the wonderful
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    • 33 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 8 Mar. —Reuter’s Aden correspondent reports that, on the 3rd instant, Captain AY ameford, a political assistant, was shot dead l>y an Arab in the Aden Hinterland.
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    • 34 5 Supplied by Reuter.) London, 8 Mar. —The Febrt.aiy Returns of British trade, jusß issued, show increases of £3,549,934 on exports and .£1,019,377 on imports as compared with the coriesponding month of 1903.
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    • 48 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 8 Mar.— Reuter’s Aden correspondent wires that the sea son’s operations in Somaliland ay expected to be over about the mi •He or end of April. Ihe transpoi department is practically worn on and the Indian troops are begming to be leg- weary.
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    • 23 5 Another Victory for our Australian Cousins. (Supplied Inj Reuter.) L •‘Ondon, 9 Murcli.—The Australians won the fifth test match liv -18 runs.*
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    • 46 5 Joe’s Scheme Shelved. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 9th March—The lit. Hon. A. J. Balfour (Prime Minister) ihas announced in the House of j Commons that Government does j not intend to deal with the proposed new fiscal policy during the present j session of Parliament.
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    • 670 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 8 Mar.—The lit. Hon. 1 H. O. Arnold-Forster (Secretary of State for AY arj speaking on the British Army Estimates, said the new field guns and the guns of tlie Loyal Horse Artillery would be without any superior in Europe. He hoped to be
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  • 809 1 Twenty Ships Bombarding! (Cabl"news Service.) Cliefoo, 25th Feb.—Twenty ships of the Japanese Meet are now bombarding the forts and fleet at Port Arthur. The action is terrific. Admiral Togo’s heavy ships are still before the port and are taking an active part in the battle. The city is
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  • 1072 1 During the Engagement. The Shanghai Mercury gives the followiug details concerning tlio battle at Port Arthur on the Bth and 9th Feb. supplied bv a gentleman, doing business in that port, who has since left. It was on the Bth, Monday night, about 12 o’clock when we
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  • Shipping.
    • 106 1 Canton, I Jr. s.s. 105, Merican, 9th Mar., T. Anson, 8111 Mar., Gen., —Ah Iliue Co. Carlyle, Br. s.s. 331, Quine, 9th Mar., Port Swettenhani, 7th Mar., Tin Ore.— Straits Steamship Co. Taw Tono, Br. s.s. 10"», Reid, 9th Mar., Langkat. Bth Mar., Gen., —Koe Guau Co. Pal am
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    • 41 1 9th March. Perak, for Tongkah, Kopah, Kenoug, Victoria Point, Maliwun and Mergui. Avagyee, for Teluk Anson. (ilenogle for Singapore. Tongwa, for Singapore. Palamcotta, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. SeydUtz, for Ceylon, Aden, Egypt, and via Naples for Europe, etc.
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    • 32 1 Canton, Br. s.s. 105, Merican, 9th Mar., T. Anson, Bth Mar., Gen., —Ah Hing Co. Taw Tong, Br. s.s. 105, Reid, 9tli Mar., Langkat, Bth Alar., Gen., —Koe Guau Co.
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    • 38 1 Vestel* From A junta Due i Teesta Siin'.i pore H.L.&ro. 1 j 10th Mar (d.Apcar ISinu-'i pore A A.A.Co. [10th MobkcI jEdie II .L,A Co. Illtli 8ui Sain; Calcutta B.&Co. 11 1th Benalder j London jS.B.&Co. 14th
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    • 29 1 Vessels For A gents Leaves Teesta Rangoon II L.&Co. lOtli Mar ri.Apcar Calcutta A A-A. Co. Mossel E»lie H.R.ACo. 12th Sui Sang Singapore B.ACo. 15th Benalder Singapore S.lJ.&Co.
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    • 89 1 For Deli—Per JTo Kwei, to-morrow, 1 p m. Langkat and Pangkalan Drandan —Per Taw 'Tong, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson —Per Canton, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Fdie, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Pulo Well—Per Pegu, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Rangoon —Per Unity, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Deli and Asalutu
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 103 1 A. E. SKEELS. c LIQUEURS STRAITS HOTEL, Chulia Street, Penang. T. RICHARDSON, Wines and Spirits of the Best Quality. Echo on Sale Hebe. Penang Confectionery. No. 2*2a. Leith Street, PENANG. TpHE Public of Penang are hereby in* I formed that the above Establishment has l>een opened and solicit the patiouage
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    • 247 1 Federated Malay States Railways. j iyrOTICE is hereby given that oil and |-L i from Ist March, 1904, First, Second and Third Class return tickets for distances jof 100 miles and over will l>e available for 14 days inclusive of date of issue. C. EDWIN SPOONER, General Manager. General Manager's
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    • 4 1 electro-platedware. mcalister co.. Ltd.
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    • 59 1 A. E. SSiEELS. o 0 ■WEISZiSS. AGENTS FOR LLOYD’S [NATIONAL BANK OF CHINA, Limited. NATIONAL BANK OT INDIA, Ltd. Insurance effected against all risks. SANDILANDS. BUTT FRY Si Co. Bocy Ah Fook Chop Tuck Wioh Co. Carpenter, Painter, <£ House Puildcr. 78, Bishop Street, Penang. 63c HOLLIS’ OUNS. IVT cAli
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  • 849 2 Contraband of War. Order oe Japanese Navy Department. An Order of the Japanese Navv Department has been issued specifying what shall be regarded as contraband of war during the present hostilities. The Order is as follows 1. The following articles shall be Treated as contraband of war when
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  • 337 2 Admiral Uriu, in chief command of the Japanese squadron which fought, aud practically destroyed, the Russian ships, the Variag and the Korietz, at Chemulpho is one of the youngest of the Japanese admirals, being no more than lorty-six years of age. He received his early naval
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 4 2 IRONMONGERY. McAlister Co., Ltd
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    • 99 2 The Yankee Novelty Go. ‘S 39, FARQUHAR STREET, PENANG. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES. BIRD CAGE HOOKS, Bronzed Irou with fixture 20 cents. BRACKETS FOR FLOWER POTS, With Fixture, 20 cents. BLACK ENAMEL FOR BICYCLES, or any kind of Ironwork, with Brush. 25 ets. BAKING PANS, Oblong, 8 by 12, 1 inch deep,
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    • 1505 2 HORACE S. MARTIN, Mining and Consulting Engineer. MINING ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF PROPERTIES REPORTED ON. CONCENTRATING AND ORE DRESSING PLANTS DESIGNED AND ERECTED. I POM—PERAK. 75c Penang, 17tli Nov., 1903 6 ints STRAITS STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd. TO LET, a R 7-3-04 158 ENONG HOUSE.” Apply to Perak Government Agent, Penang.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1549 3 1 s* ■iExpected arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. M»r.l7 s.s. Bengal connecting with 8.8. China 31 8.8. Malta do 8.8. Himalaya Aj»]. 14 8.8. Chusan do 8.8. Marmora 29 s.B. Bollaarat do s.s .India Homewards. Mar. 19 s.s. Ballaarat do Apl. 2 s.B. Coromandel do 16 8.8. Simla do
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  • 80 4 Justice satisfies everybody, and justice alone.— Emerson. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sunday'.) m AT Till CRITERION PRESS, 1.d., No. 220-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICK DAILY, LOCAL per'annum (Post Free) 27 MAIL IiIMTION (l’o#t Fiee) 15 CABLK ADDHKSS: “Ec Si O—P0 —P ena n g
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  • 794 4 Notes and Comments. Last night's fire, a full report of which is given in another part of this issue, ought to prove a useful object lesson to the powers that be in Penang in more ways than one. Half a million dollars worth of property has gone
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  • Current Topics.
    • 484 4 Writing from the Athenaeum Club on 2nd Feb. to The Times on Russian methods of acquiring territory in the Farthest East in the good old days, Mr. Robert K. j Douglas says: —“It is interesting to observe the identity of the methods by which Russian diplomatists
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  • 2242 4 Whole Block Gutted. Half a Million Dollars Damaob. In the early hours «if yesterday evening what proved to be probably the biggest and most destructive tire it lias ever been the misfortune of Penang to witness broke out in the brand new block of buildings erected in Beach Street
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 718 4 Echo News Service. $lO Per Mensem. Pritchard Co., PENANG. SUBSCR i BER 3 to the Echo News Service the full benefit of our extended Reuter Service of <l,OOO words per mensem instead of only 2,400 as heretofore. Orders should lx* sent to “MANAGER,” 25-2-04 Straits Echo. Travelling Requisites. NOTICE. ECHO
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    • 5 4 CIIANKOLSj. McAUSTER <S Co., Ud.
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  • 391 5 More Russian Reports. Breaches of the Neutrality Laws by Egypt and Crete. Receiving the Attention of the British Government. Special Mission to Corea. French Sympathy with Russia. The Bo-baodment op Vladivostok. /dado Our Own Correspondente) Tokio, 9 March (9.40 a)—Mar;i u,s l,0 h m,i Itn (the Bismarck of
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  • 589 5 [L rum Our Oku Correspondent.) Ranuooii, 4th March—The burning question here is still the proposed (so i. long proposed) Electric Lighting Scheme. Some time ago 1 wrote you that the Municipality had received new ten- ders for a complete installation for the j Aown and later, I wrote that
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  • 95 5 The P. 0. 0. Tournament. The following ties were played yesterday Championship. V. D. Parsons vs. A. F. G. Anderson, unfinished. Profession Pairs. Planters, M. 11. Graham and W. Duncan beat Merchants, J. R. Stronach and C. Bradberv, w T o. A, Singles. F. Duxburv vs. 11. A.
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  • 252 5 The Saugliai Daily News camo out tiie other day with these tips’ for war corres- pondeuts t When War Correspondents fall out, hon- est newspaper readers have to come by their b own—precisions. y Admiral Alexeieff «lifters from his jour- nalistic confreres in one thing.
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  • 511 5 Mrs. Birch is kindly giving a garden party at the Residency to-morrow afternoon at 4-45 on behalf of the above Society. She extends a cordial invitation, to all v.ho take an interest in the work of this well kuown Society. Prior to the usual games,
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  • 49 5 In tea til —Per Sevdiitz,” from Nagasaki, Mrs. S. Kumiliero, Mrs. Mayeda. From Singapore, Mrs. Turner. Onlicard —Per Sevdiitz,” for Genoa, Mr. Hermann Sehmider, Mr. and Mrs. Stenn and child, Mrs. Marcus. For Colombo,; Mr. and Mrs. Massinfi, 1 infant, 1 native; servant. For Port Said,Mr. Karl Schadt.!
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  • 78 5 Stop Press Telegram. London, Mnrcli.—Most of the inhabitants of ladivostoek are sending tln'ir families inland, whither schools are also removing'. The prices of foodstuffs have risen enormously at Vladivostok. Alexieff s detailed account of bombardment ladivostok confirms report that ‘2OO shells were pitched into the town, but the
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  • 534 5 A London press dispatch of 13th Feb states:—During the celebrations at Helsingfors, in Finland, in commemoration ol t he centenary of the national poet, Runeberg, the British flag hoisted at the consulate waslowered by command of the Russian police, while the French flag was allowed to
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  • Money Market.
    • 116 5 Pknano, 9tii Makch. (liij courtesy oi lin' Chartered /lank.) London Demand Bank ...l/ll, 3 4 months’sight Bunk ...1 lli 3 Credit ...1/1 I 3 Documentary ...1/Jl}^ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 143.1 3 days’ sight Private 14*51 Bombay, Demand Bank 1434 3 days’sight Private 1454 Madras, Demand Bank 1434 3
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    • 199 5 BersawahGold Mine Co., lid. 16.50 Ranh Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld 7.25 sales Red j ng Lebong Gold 'lining c».. lid s22s. —noui vadansiGold Mining Co,, Ltd. (fully paid). S 10.— no in. >ruseh Tin Mining Co.. Ld. S 8.25 sellers Jhendnnaiig Hydraulic 'Pin Mining Co., Ld 20 sales
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 5 5 COW BRAND BUTTEROlefllister Co.. Ltd.
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    • 6 5 FAIRBANKS SCALES. McAlisteP «6 Co., Ltd.
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    • 6 5 ROSE’S LIME JUICE. IVlcflHstcr Co., Ltd
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    • 57 5 Dr. R. H. LAMB, American Dentist. Graduate of Philadelphia Deutal College, 1875. rpWENTY-EIGHT YEARS’ continuous JL practice. High class, artistic, modern Dentistry in all its branches. Dental Parlours, Farquhar Street, —opposite Sea View Hotel. Share quotations unaltered to-day. FOR SALE. Stephens’ Writing Inks, Stephens’ Copying Inks, Stephen’s Gums. CRITERION PRESS,
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    • 230 5 To-day’s Advertisements. Central Sales Room. To Be Sold by Public Auction On Wednesday, !6th March, 1904, At 12 o’clock at the PRYE RIVE?? DOCK, Province Wellesley. The Steam Launch Pangkor, Length over all oo 6", Length between per pendicuhirs 51' G", Beam outside 19' 0", Depth Hold 5' G", Draught
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1805 6 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS BRITISH DOC’S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass's Ale. (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) BEWARE OF IMIT-A-TIOIT. TRADE iWS Iff. SO C\ m X El '2 ft: Q -3 5vS 3* <5 >«2 BO MD MAES, Kuala Lumpur. F. M. S. HOTEL. INSURANCES Canton Insurance Office, Limited. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000
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  • 424 7 Moee War in Acheen. Dk. I 1 iebig, of the Netharlands India army, has lately been lecturing iu Germany ion alcoholism in the tropics, especially in Acheen. There the Governor, General Van Heutsz, lessened t lit* liquor ration one-half and ordered that both ollicers and soldiers could have
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  • 700 7 General lan Hamilton Interviewed. British Attache to the Russian Forces. (Colombo Observer, 24th Feb On February 7th Reuter announced that General Sir lan Hamilton had been appointed to the Russian forces as military attache. Sir lan was in Colombo to-day, a passenger on board the M.M. s.s. Arniand
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  • 164 7 lYr I*, ami O. steamer China,” connecting with the steamer Bengal” at, Colombo, from London, Feb. It).—To Shanghai Mr. R. Agnew, Mr. R. Hudson. 'Ho Hong Korn/ Mr. R. H. Mugford, Mr. C. S. Sharp, Mr. Grand, Mr. C. Burnie. To Singapore Mr. C. W. Jones, Mr. W.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 753 7 C. S. SENG Co. CHOP SIN GIM HO, 33c, Beach Street, Penang. JUST RECEIVED GRAMOPHONE, AND A SPLENDID SELECTION OF Chinese Disc Records At favourable Prices. RUBBER TVREB WHEEL, Steel Spokes and Frames, English-raake. American Rolled Top Desk. MILNER’S SAFES. 19c C. S. SENG Co. 33c, Bcacli Street, Penang BUN
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    • 224 7 MARK TRADE 'l#/f' CHIN SUN BROTHERS, General Storekeepers Horse Dealers Sc Livery Stables No. 50 d, PENANG ROAD. Telephone No. I’Go. Just Unpacked HA IINESS. A LOT of English, American and Calcutta Pony, Cob and Horse Harness, Brass Mounted or Silver-plated fittings, with black patent leather. CARRIAGE LAMPS. A lot
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1814 8 SAMUEL BIRCH Co.’s “BLACK BOTTLE” Pure Malt Whisky. THE “PENANG SIN PEO. -(X)-0:-(X)-distilled from finest malt, thoroughly matured in sherry mood. (CHINESE DAILY NEWS.) THE ONLY CHINESE PAPER IN PENANG. mb m mu« m -(X)-:0:-(X)-$lO per annum Out Stations $2 extra Standing Advertisements are Reproduced in Brief Here. I (Appearing
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