Straits Echo, 8 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 172 1 Marriages. On the 4th instant, at No. 278, Penang Road. Mr. Lim Low I how, second son of the late Mr. Lim Lens- Cheah, to Mr. Goli Ewe Kent’s second daughter. ~0 3rd J eh at Sherwell, North Devon, by the Rev. Ernest G. Beckwith, twin brother of
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  • 39 1 For Week ending Moudnv, Mar, 14 1904. AM. P.M. Tuesday, Bth 0.20 0.45 Wednesday, 9th 7.10 7.35 Thursday, 10th 8.00 8.25 Friday, 11th 850 9.15 Saturday, 12th 940 10.05 Sunday, 13th 10.30 10.55 Monday, 14th 11.20 11.45
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  • 25 1 Last Quarter Mar. Bth, 10.2 p.m. O New Moon 17th, 10.59 a.m. First Quarter... 24th, 11-22 a.m. O Full Moon 31st 0.37 p.m.
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  • 30 1 To-j>at. Foo Chow Theatrical Performance 7 p.m. Ordinary Meeting, Chenderiang Tin Mining Co., 11-30 a.m. Ordinary Meeting, Karaugan Tin Mining Co., 12-15 pjn. To-morrow. Town Baud, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m.
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  • 40 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. II om kw akds. Bengal 17 Mar ItaHaarat 19Ma) Malta 31 Coromandel 2 Aprl F.xtra Service. Outwards. Homewards. Palawan 8 Mar Horneo 23 Mai Formosa 22 Java 8 Aprl For particulars See Page 3.
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    • 52 1 (Ceylon Observer Service.) Calcutta. 23 Feb.—It is an open secret that the Quetta portion of the Gariison. including one British regiment and a mountain battery, is warned to proceed to Nushki. 'llie transport and commissariat arrangemen s are complete. The Thirty-Seventh Lancers, from Fort Sandeman are also likely
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    • 39 5 Inefficiency Revealed. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 7 Mar.—A heated controversy is proceeding in France owing to revelations of deficiencies in the personnel, equipment and administration of the national forces. The iuelficiercy of the Navy is especially attacked.
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    • 47 5 Special Service.) South Africa. The Chinese Labour Question. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, 7th Mar. (4.45 p.) It is understood that 11. M. the King signed the Ordinance for the introduction of Chinese labour into South Africa at to-day’s meeting of the Privy Council.
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    • 90 5 The Ballarrat In Collision. (From Our Otcn Correspondent.) Hongkong, 8 March. —The P. and 0. liner Ballarrat collided with the steamer Cliangon at W oosung (Shanghai) and has been detained for repairs. She will be replaced on the Shanghai-Colombo run by the P. and O. liner Coromandel.
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  • 1809 1 Chinese Army Moving. (Cablenews Service.) Newcliwang, 24 Feb.—The Chinese army is advancing into Manchuria, l'he picked force of a hundred thousand men and more which lias been under arms for weeks to prevent the expected j entrance of the Russian army towards Peking, is on the move. It
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  • 193 1 Official Announcement. The Government of Ceylon has issued a communique relative to the Russian refugees from the Variag and Koreyetz who passed through Singapore tin* other day en route Colombo. It reads as follows With reference to the status of our expected Russian
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  • Shipping.
    • 105 1 Pisau.Br. s.s. 204, Coysh, Btli Mar., Aclieon, 7tU Mir. Gen.,— Bin 110 liin. Unitv, Nor. s.s. 930, Haas, a, Bth Mar., Kuugoon, 4th Mar., Geu., S. T. Go. Perak. Br. s.s. 297, Bell, 7tli Mar., Hangoon via Ports, 27th Pei»., (Jell., Koe Gaaa Co. Glknoole, Br, s.s. 2,399, Larkin*,
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    • 75 1 Bth March. Vidar, for Deli. 11 ok Cln tan Uv, for Bat u Bahru aud Asalia u Jin 110, for Langkat. Artsadong, for 'I rano. G. G. v. Lansberye, for Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Palo Well and Olehleh. Pulo liiman, for Port Swottenhuni and Malacca. Lady Weld, for Teluk
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    • 65 1 Pegu, Br. ss. 294,Coysh, Bth Mar. Achecn, 7th Mar., G u., Ban Ho Hill. Perak, Br. s.s. 297, Bell, Mar, Kangoou via Ports, 27th Felj.. Geu Koe Gtian Co. Av ag v ee, Br. s.s. 247, Morier, Bth Mar., 'ieluk Anson, 7tli Mar., Geu., Koo Gaaa Co.
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    • 31 1 Yeteeln Fro in A j‘‘nt.n hue 1 1 1 Palamcotta Rangoon ILL &r 0 1 Pth Mar Palawan Suez 1’. o. 9th Beualder London S. 13. A, Co. 14th f
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    • 82 1 I e**t"ls For l,enn>* Palamcotta Singapore II L.ACb.* 9th Mar Palawan Siugapor** 1*. <ft 0. Beualder Singapore S. 11. A. Co. 15th We would direct the attention of shinpinr firms fn the tyle m which Stctitiiers Kx|nrte<l ami Projected viilim's” are published in tlie Krlm ami in >n donuf
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    • 55 1 For:— Langkat—Per Laurens Fit to-morrow, 8 a in. Tongkab, Kopal* Ren or g, Victoria Point, Maliwun sind Mergui—Per Ferak, tomorrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Avagyee, to-morrow, 2 p m. Singapore Per Gltnogle, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Rangoon—Per Unity, to-morrow. r > p.m. Cevlon, Aden, Egypt, and via Naples for
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 274 1 A. E. SKEELS. 4> LIQTTETJRS. Federated Malay States Railways. OTICE is hereby given that on and from Ist March, 1904, First, Second and Third Class return tickets for distances of 100 miles and over will l»e available for 14 days inclusive of date of issue. C. EDWIN SPOONER, General Manager.
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    • 9 1 HOLLIS’ GUNS. McAlister Co., Ltd. Read Pages 2 7«
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    • 21 1 A. E. SKEELS. f *sr ■WHISICIES. FOR SALE. Stephens’ Writing Inks, Stephens’ Copying Inks, Stephen’s Gums. CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., PENAN Q»
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 29 1 WEATHER. The following report- is kiudlv supplied by llie Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis: noon To-day 86" Fine North hours ended a» :i in to-dav was O il incites.
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  • 1394 2 ADMIRAL TOGO. More perhaps is heard and known in this couutn of the anuy of Japan than of her sister service; but without her navy she would not and could not, be the centre of the world’s interest as she is to-day. Admiral Toro, the man
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  • 537 2 Romantic Story of a Changed Ciiiid. An extraordinary story is being told with reference to a “changed child, and Mr. VV. J. Mann, father of the boy in question, las made public the actual facts of the case in order to set all doubts at rest as to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 68 2 STRAITS HOTEL, Chulia Street, Penang. T. RICHARDSON, Wines and Spirits of the Best Quality. Echo on Sale Hike. Penang Confectionery. No. 22a. Leith Street, PENANG. Public of Penang are hereby iaX. formed that the above Establishment has l>eeu opened and solicit the patronage of his customers. All orders for Cakes,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1670 3 AL trr. Expected arrival and Departures. Mall Service. Outwards. Mar. 17 ».s. Bengal connecting with 01 nr rj 8S China 31 8.8. Malta do A pi. 14 8.8. Chusan do Homewards. Mar. 19 s.s. Ballaarat do Apl. 2 8.8. Coromandel do 16 8.8. Simla do 8.8. Himalaya 8.8. Marmora 8.8.
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  • 86 4 Justice satisfies everybody, and justice alone.— Emerson. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ld„ No. 220-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY, LOCAL {2l per annum (l’ost Free) 27 MAIL RDITIOK (Cost Free) 15 -in CAHLV Abbufesk: 1 tfifl Echo—P eh an
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  • Current Topics.
    • 114 4 The Paris Temps states that the stress of events may lead to the strengthening of the Fr.tnco-Russiau alliance. France is, the paper continues, acting in accord with those who are desiring to localise the trouble, and she will prevent others profiting at Russia’s expense!. —Um-m-m r Weil,
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    • 221 4 A Tune correspondent reports that the growing intensity of the conflict between the Russian Government and the educated classes may be estimated I by the increase in the uumber of s»*nt- ences to exile for political offerees. About 300 presons, for instance, have j been banished to the
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    • 189 4 That useful ing h Lepgpe flmit the Australian Naval Force which, under the new agreement with the Commonwealth Government, is to replace the Auxiliary Squadron, will arrive in Australian waters abdtit hexf Easter. The hew Squadron will consist of a first-class armoured cruiser, two /djhjrtj-flass cruisers, and
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    • 865 4 At this juncture when, ns Reuter reports to-day, there is such a loud outcry about the inefficiency of the French Navy it is interesting to re- i call M. Messimy’s recent report on our Gallic neighbour’s navy. The full text of that document shows a tendency on
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  • 958 4 The Charges to be made for Electric Light. As there seems to be some distension as to the advisability of introducing the new scale of charges to be made by the pality, on the principles suggested bv the Municipal Electrical Engineer, Mr. Ihomas, a representative of the
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  • 124 4 The following particulars of progress at the above mine, courteously forwarded bv Messrs. Osborne and Chappel, will doubtless interest many local sluvreholders?: The main pipe line, about 4 miles, is now laid and also 31 miles of the ditch iuie completed to tlie Mcruke Rivor, which enables
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  • 99 4 PROPOSED WINDING UP. An extraordinary meeting regarding the proposed winding up of this Company was held this morning at the office of Messrs. Paterson Simons Co., the General Agents, Mr. G. Macbain presiding. It was explained that work on the concession had been very unsuccessful
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  • 206 4 We cull the following account of the funeral from a journal published in the Bishop’s native place, AmbriexQSi £Mayeune) iu the N. West of prance. After a solemn service liatt tieeu celebrated in Paris-for the repost of tlie Soul of’the late Bishop of Mfdaeosgittbaii&ftUms of
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  • 402 4 Anju, from which the Russians are withdra wing, is an inland town in Corea, about 40 miles north of Ping Yang, where the Japanese are in force, and some twenty miles from the west coast of Corea. Antung is an important Manchurian frontier post on tlie north
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 873 5 Finns v. Tsar. Projected Scuttle from Vladivostok. Askold Occupied. jj More Russian Ships Damaged. Inn: Vladivostok Chinese Threatened Mtt. BALFOUR ON COAL. -Editor in Hot Water ItUfeStAKSABOCTlNG-' TOWARDS -YALU. (J'rqm Our Own Corre^ondeutn.) London, 7th Mar. (4-45 p.) i meeting of the Ministers of State suddenly convened at
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  • 1320 5 ;e (Continued from Yesterdays) is j Savings Bank Accounts. Mr. Stringer asked the following oues j (1) Will the Government state whethe all J’eply was received from tlie Sec ret a r of State to the protest lodged by the Unoiii' c a l Members of this Council
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  • 337 5 11. E. the Officer Administering the Government approves of the name of “Hogan Co., Limited,” being changed to “Hogan Co. (Old Company) Limited.” E. S. Ali Cohen, Officier de 1' Instruction Publique, etc of Amsterdam, now residing at Pasir Panjang, Singapore, is authorised to file a specification of
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  • 140 5 betuiol ed Jc Correction. pniBnqnio > 4 ■fo'TiiE EiUtoß of TifE Straits Echo. Dear Sir.—ln your very interesting report of the Penang Impressionits “At Home in your issue of March 4th, I read that all the pictures from Perak were priced and that the Perak Art Club had
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    • 104 5 To Dll. KuifOlt OF THE STKAITd ECHO. -WilJ you please publish in your journal the following facts D. Srinivasagaui, Dresser of th<* Government Medical Department in the Dindings, shot a tigress on Weduesdav night, the 2nd iust., which was making great havock in the forests around the hospiKrl'
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  • 705 5 i {Front Orir Co'rrcsjiomletit.) Bangkok, 27th Pel». The great est satisi faction has beeu expressed on all hands here at the decision of the Appeal Court t at Singapore in quashing the convictions of Mr. A. P. G. Tilleke and his Burmese 3 clerk Mouing Ong. The result, so
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  • 69 5 11 kj( Jj[| inj| iiip)K tduui. v i: Sib,—\Vith reference to a paragraph in yesterday’s Echo on the subject of Kitson lamps, those used by Messrs. Heap Iluat Co., during’l he-Chap-goh-mei celebrations were their own property, and not, as you have stated, lent them by Mr. llilton
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  • 195 5 Another Handsome Dividend. At th«> half-ycfirlv meeting of the ifaran- gan Hydraulic Tin Mi.iiugCo. this mbming, Mr, ii. Youug (Ciiairumn) presided, and j there was a good attendance of shareholders. Mr. Young made a short speech au 1 moved the adoption of the report and
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  • 69 5 The P. C. C. Tournament. Tim ftdloxyiug were jri/jytKl yesterday Double Handicap. Dr. Jamieson apd C. Brad be ry rs. A. G. Anthony and J. R. Stronach. unfinished. Dr. Skae and A, F. G. Anderson V>t*at A. Wallace-Jones and W. C. A. Daiutou, 2-G, <5-3, 0-2. A, Singles.
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  • 37 5 •3ii:eouL Ciiol- YN Tft iiM.v. Cur Rangoon correspondent reports that the Burma rice crop this season has beeu a bumper oiiT*, consisting of no less than sixty-four million hundredweights, or 3,200,0u0 tons, which constitutes a record.
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  • 126 5 Penang, Bth March. (Hy courtemj ol Ike Chartered l!a.nk.) London Demand Hank ...1/11 ,3, 4 months’ sight Bank ...1 111 3 Credit ...1/11& 3 Documentary ...1/11 Calcutta, Demand Hank Its. 1431 3 (|ays t sight Private 145^ Bombay, Demand Bank 14-5 3 days’ sight Private 1451 Madras, fiemand Bank
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  • 157 5 Tin 74V buljeti-' '•old !<ml 8*4,I>. 1 ‘epper,<,>V,’Co,n.st3l bs.soz. )3 27.50 stllcra White Pepper 8 47'. Trang Pepper st»i teller»Cloves (picked) 8 43, nvm.. Mace §141). vium. Mace Pickings I 15,*r-«V/nrA Nutmegs 11,05.. tellers No. 1 7.5 0 Sugar 2 IL2O 3 H’ Tapioca Flour 1 90
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1800 6 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS BRITISH DOC’S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass’s Ale. HOTELS. Bangkok—(RED GREEN DIAMONDS) bevarb op imita-tioxst. TRADE kmKfem s ■A S: M o* a 353? h ohv v 'cAD By ('able Addren Oriental.’* THE ORIENTAL HOTEL. Oriental Hotel Stndicatb. Proprietors. sic Kuala Lumpur. F. M. S- HOTEL. INSURANCES
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  • 1155 7 (By Tasmania.) Tailing, July 30, 1898.—Have just come up. to the llill for a month’s change trom Penang. What a gloiious thing it is to he alive The very air seems pregnant with lire and the peace of Heaven itself reigns here. J t
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  • 284 7 Per I*, and 0. steamer Palawan.” fo ti I London, lVb. (>.—To Shanghai Mrs it. |du Flow Huttchison, T<> Hong Kong :M A. C. Holme. Mr. A. N. J! J. J. Hains and 2 children. Mr. and I'.ji bane, Lit-iit. D. St. A. P. Weston, Miu. iiirj men
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 721 7 C- S. SENG Co. CHOP SIN G(M Ho, 33c Beach Street Penang. JUST RECEIVED GRAMOPHONE, and a splendid selection OF AGENTS hutt ENBACH BROS. Co. The Travelling Season KITSON LAMPS. The Finest Light in Existence. Apply to HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Sole Ayents. JUST RECEIVED Travelling Requisites. Graham Co., Ld.. MACHINERY,
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    • 160 7 TKADE M AUK CHIN HIN BROTHERS, G cnern 1 Sto rck cep c rs, Horse Dealers Livery Stables No. 50 1), PR NANG ROAD. Telephone No. 265. Just Unpacked HARNESS. LOT of English, American and Calciillji Pony, Col) aii'l Horse Harness, Brass Mounted or Silver-plated liftings, with •black patent leather.
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  • 184 8 Penang, 8th March, 1904. Description. Beef— els. Soup per catty 18 Roast 32 Steaks 32 Stew or Curry Meat 20 Rump Steak 32 Ox Tail each 35 Tongue 70 Feet 30 Heart 45 Liver per catty 40 Pork— Pork 45 Pig’s Head 32 Feet 34 Tongue 40 Mutton
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1106 8 SAMUEL BIRCH Co.’s “BLACK BOTTLE” <• THE PENANG SIN PEO Pure Malt Whisky. DISTILLED FROM FINEST MALT. THOROUGHLY MATURED IN SHERRY WOOD. m m Its deliqhtful palatability and aroma are to a fjreat extent believed to be due to the Whisky having been voyaged by sailing shij >, and stored
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    • 127 8 Through Passages to Europe. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij Stoomvaart Maatschappij Nederland.” ROUGH passage tickets can now lx booked at the following rates from Penang to Genoa via Sabang (Palo Web.) i. f Single. 1st Class. 2nd Class. /670. /400 Return. 1st Class. 2nd Class /1,005 /600. N. It. Return tickets are
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    • 581 8 BURN Co., Ltd. Established 1781. Howrah, Calcutta ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. E\RLY next month Mr. MACBETH, Chief Electrical Engineer of the Company will arrive in Penang, and remain here for a short period, when he will be pleased to consult with any one desirous of seeing him. Arrangements for consultation will be
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