Straits Echo, 7 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
  • 28 1 Straits Echo CMM CLE 0F m,S CmK .ALAV STATES, THE EAST GENERALLT. VOL. 2. $24 Per Annum. PENANG, MONDAY, MARCH 7th, 1904. Single Copy, 10 cents. No. 52.
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  • 40 1 K.M' Week ending Sunday, Mar. J:j Jw4 AM. M Monday, 7th 53 0 r Tuesday, Bth 6.20 r Wednesday, 9th 7.10 735 Thursday, loth 8.00 Friday, 11th 8.50 915 Sat urdav, 12th 9.40 10.00 Sunday, 13th 10.30 10.55
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  • 30 1 < T^ st Quarter Mar. Bth, 10.2 r u a 17th, 10.59 a m.’ n sua,$ ua, ter 24th, 11-22 am. O Hill Moon 31 s t 6.37 p.m.
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  • 23 1 To-day. lown Band, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. To-morrow. Ordinary Meeting, ChendarningTin Mining Co., 11-30 a.m. Ordinary Meeting, Karangan Tin Minin" Co., 12-15
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  • 32 1 Mail Service. Outwards. Homewards. Bengal 17 Mar j Ballaarat 19Mar Extra Service. Outwards. Homewards. Palawan 8 Mar Borneo 25 Mar Formosa 22 B«r for particulars See Page 3.
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    • 24 1 Loudon, 20tli Feb.—An influential meeting at Manchester has resolved to raise half a million for the purpose of promoting British cotton growing.
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    • 36 1 (Ogt ix in fisc he Lloyd Service) Berlin, 19 Feb.—The revolutionary press in Russia is making the strongest attacks upon the Tsar and the Government with regard to the outbreak of the war.
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    • 35 1 Loudon, 22nd Fob.—The Hague Tribunal lias decided in favour of Great Britain, Germany and Italy, giving them preferential' claims upon the cus” 1 touis receipts at the Venezuelan ports La Guayra and Puerto Cabello.
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    • 55 1 London, 22nd Feb.—Earl Percy, replying to a question in the House of Commons, sfid that a lease of 500 square miles was being arranged for with the East Africa Syndicate and that negotiations were proceeding with timber and rubber firms for a lease of the forest lands in
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    • 823 1 (Rangoon Time* Sercice.) Pharijong (Tibet) 22nd Feb.—Bad weather has been experienced here during the past week, and the snow is now lying waist deep on the Jelapla and impeding the convoys. Recently the Tibetan army at Guru was seen to be advancing across the plain in extended
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    • 30 5 Count von Waldersee (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 7 Mar. —Field Marshal Count von Waldersee, who commanded the Allied Forces in China during the Boxer rising in 1900, is dead.
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    • 36 5 A New Mullah. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 5 Mar.—Reuter’s Aden correspondent wires that a ne Mullah has appeared in Somali lain and has raised the standard of i e\ o amongst the Ogaden tribe. f
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  • 1100 1 The Hokkaido Sensation. .Russian Squadron's Brief Appearance. The appearance of a Russian squadron near Tsugaru Straits naturally created a great sensation at Hakodate, says the Kobe Chronicle of 14th ult. On Friday the Governor of the Hokkaido wired the Home Minister stating that he had received a telegram
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  • Shipping.
    • 231 1 lin Skxo, Br. s.s. 378, Davidson, 7th Mar., Singapore, sth Mar., Gen.,—B. Bros’ i Jan t iNiconi., Br. s.s. 478, N:chol. 7tli Mar., Moulmein. 3rd Mar., Rice., —Koe Guan Co. Laurens Pit, Dut. s.s. 154, Goedain, sth Mar., Bela van, 4th Mar., Gen., —H. L. Co. Cornelia, Br s.s.
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    • 39 1 t in uAiircil. Hang Sang, for Calcutta. R. Halewyn. for Batu Balira. and Asahan Canton, for rangkor and Teluk Anson. Mary Austin, for Port Swettenham. Taroba, for Rangoon. Waihora, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Cornelia for Tongkah.
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    • 123 1 Pin Seng, Br. s.s. 378, Davidson, 7th Mar., Singapore, stli Mar., Gen.,— B. Bros. Janet Nicole, Br. s.s. 478, Nicliol, 7tli Mar., Mouhnein, 3rd Mar., liice., —Koe Guan Co. Laukens Pit, Dut. s.s. 154, Goedain, sth Mar., Belavan, 4th Mar., Gen., —H. L. Co. Mary Austin, Br. s.s.
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    • 21 1 Vessels 1'rom Agent it Due Unity Rangoon S.T.AOo. 8th Mar. Palawan Suez P. 0. Oth Bella Mer London S.B.&Co. 14th
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    • 17 1 Vessel» For I Agent» Leaves Palawan Singapore P. 0. Benakler Singapore S.RACo. 15thMar. Unity RuilgOOll S.T.ACo.
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    • 75 1 Fok Deli—Per Vidar, to-morrow, 11 a.m. Langkat—Per Jin 110, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Traug -Per Arttadang, to-morrow, 1 p m. Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Pulo Well and Olehleh Per G. G. v. Lansberae, to-uiorrow. 1 pin. Port Swettenham and Malacca—Per Pulo Rimau, to-morrow. 2 p.m. leluk Anson—Per Rady )Veld,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 30 1 WEATHER Thk following report is kindly supplied l>v t lie Signal Director of Fort. Cornwallis:— The rainfall during the 2+ hours ended at 9 to-day was U lU inches.
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  • 1327 2 (Shanghai Times Wth Feb.) t The first tiling a general study of tlie Russian army iu Manchuria would seem to reveal is the great inequality in the standard of efficiency among the different corps Some corps are good, others indifferent and the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 5 2 ironmongery. Me fhlister Co., Ltd.
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    • 241 2 Through Passages to Europe. ivoninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij Stoomvaart Maatschappij Nederland.” passage tickets can now be JL booked at the following rates from Penang to Genoa via Sabang (Pulo Well.) Slngle. j Retukjt. Ist Class. 2nd Class, j Ist Class. 2nd Class. /G7O. /400. i /1,005 /600 N. B. —Return tickets
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    • 1534 2 Jl HORACE S. MARTIN, a Mining and Consulting Engineer. ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF MINING i PROPERTIES REPORTED ON. CONCENTRATING AND ORE DRESSING PLANTS DESIGNED AND ERECTED. IPOH— PERAK. 75c Penang, 17th,Nov., 1903 0 mts STRAITS STEAM SHIP Co., Lid. SAILINGS FROM PENANG. s. s. Lady Weld leaves Penang every Tuesday and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1790 3 TAL w 4 /ill, Norddentscher Lloyd, Bren» BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co M PRRIA T ni?DM am ««it.. j S Expected arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Mar. 17 s.s. Bengal connecting with 31 s.B. Malta 0 8 8 Ch{,Ui A|»l. 1 t 8.8. Chl'xait ,J„ Homewards Mar. 10 8.8.
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  • 94 4 Ju*tii-e fratisfle» everybody, and justice aloue.— Established June Ist, 1903. ,jj w ,-;'J [jllilOloO 'till Published daily (except guild»yf.) j AT TU E i I I .1 U*' CRITF.RION TRESS, Lit., No. 22*1--‘•V-’, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE j DAILY. LOCAI 124 y |*er Atiimni (Post Free) 27
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  • 1260 4 Appeal to the Public. Wt have received from our worthy fellow-townsman, Mr. A. llutlenbach H copy of an appeal WAbe-publte-in behalf of the Its:»» sfe’onretiD and baw^-lmich pleasure in giving it thT 1 fullest publicity possible in this issue, for it is made in the worthy
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  • 218 4 lx the Dutch Indies news Java published by the Strait. s Times Coolies. >u the sth instant it is stated i that the Netherlands Consul j at Penang reports that immigrant coolies arriving there from Samarang in Java complain bitterly of how they are, fleeced tin*fe on embarkation.
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  • 318 4 The London Daily Mail commenced its leader on the climax in Far Eastern affairs with the assertion that the dilatory and eva- sive tactics of Russia have at last produc»d the expected result.” It continues j On Frida, afternoon, at 2.80, M. Knriuo the Japanese Minister at
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  • 441 4 Yesterday was the fifth day of the Penang Volunteers’annual rille meeting, and three competitions at 500 yards were decided. The weather was fine, but the shooting somewhat irregular. The first event was the Pritchard Prize, open to second and third class shots and renruiU, for prizes presented
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  • 244 4 It has not quite become a daily occurrence, but horse or carriage accidents have lately come to l>e far too common. One took place on Saturday morning, and it is surprising that nothing very serious resulted. As it was, a native child was sent to the hospital,
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  • 504 4 Alleged Danger to the Public. An important case, necessarily of much interest to the public of Penang, was brought into the Police Court this morning, when*a Kling coolie was charged with selling poison without a license; the case was i postponed. 1 It will be
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  • 67 4 (Supplied by RcuterS) London, 7 Mar.—Admiral Alexieff’s telegram transmitting: the report of the Commandant of Vladivostok, as published, ends abruptly with the words enemy opened tire.” \esterday evening’s messages were unofficial and they estimate that the bombardment cost twentythousand pounds sterling in shells, mostly six-and twelve-inch. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 425 5 Vladivostok Bombarded. Japanese Fleet Uninjured, Virennius still Wandering. I’itiable Condition of Squadron. RUSSIANS REHmToN MUKDEN. IMPOSSIBLE TO DEFEND COAST. Vladivostok’ volunteers. London, G March d i Japanese squadron consist,,',!, of live snips of flip i;.,„ n or r- 1 V ,e “«e commenced •i futiotis bombardment of Vladivostok
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  • 369 5 Penan^bv r H ly th T paBBed th rougl ladv wh I fiD naii «teamer Chusan 2 cruiser H?/* P rt 4 rt,,u, i,l the German «rsUtt nSa mi,t da J* after the a wav a f' ,tk W,l ch ca,,e<l in to take in f i fo,e,
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  • 565 5 t* >• 5 ingkow, or Kincliou, is a port at the mouth of the Lian-ho River, 13 miles t below Newell wang and is in the Gulf of t Liaotung. It is on the railway cou- necting Newchwang with Shanhaikwan. Tientsin and Peking. The Ogaden tribe referred
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  • 1371 5 a. (Strait* Time*, 5 March.) fl *vn ME TINO of Council was held on 0 the Gir ’a f U,BUlUt Hia Eseeliedcv e the Officer Administering the Government Presided, and there were also present tin? j Hons, the Acting Colonial Secretary, the r Attorney-General, the Colonial Treasurer he
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  • 56 5 j{r ('stunt# Tinies, did J <lureh.) We understand that a case of susliectod plague has been discovered at 141 Queen Street, a 'rikisha coolie r T bt A Dumber of Cliinese coolies living-in the depot have been removed to tiie quahnetine station at ST. John’s Island -diid
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  • 325 5 The P. C. C. Tournament. The fallowing ties have lx*eu arranged for Wednesday the 9th Mixed Douhlk Handicai*. Mrs. Jamieson and C. Bradberv -u'.i ,v Mdss Tozer and W. C. A. Daintou. SixtiLE Handicap— Cla** A. f: A. G. Anthony vs. Winder* M H. Graham and P. J.
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  • 77 5 Inward —per Pin Seng,’’ from Singapore, Mrs. Brown and Mr. Kester. from Singapore, Mr. and Mrs. Ditrler,' Mr. C. V. Stephens, Rev. M. ,Hoover, Miss Jackson, Miss Olsen, and Miss Ross. Per Lady Weld,’* from Teluk Anson. Mr. E. G. Watts, Mr. E. A. Hughes, and Mr. I A.
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  • 1117 5 re. Ihe Tor P edo Destroyers at Port Arthur. j, ine torpedo destroyer Oboro has arrived ‘J eL Seb0 £r0m the bcenc o{ the naval of j eugagemeut outside of Port Arthur. The "I madeH Ud f r il (LleUteUaUt Xake '»U™ r I e f J o
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  • Money Market.
    • 128 5 5 P*nan«, 7th March. < (l'lf tokrteay <ti l! it Chartered Hank 1 London Demand Bank ...1/11 i, 4 months’ sight Bank ...1 1 1 6 4 3 Credit ...I/ll, 7 3 Documentary ...I 111 Calcutta, ml Bank its. 143 m 3 days’ sight Private 145 Bombay, Demand Bank
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    • 196 5 j BersawahGold Mine Co., Ld. 3 16.50 R«uib Australian Gold Min- iu Co f 'd 3 7.25 tales Redjang Lebong Gold Mining Co., Ld 3225. nom KadanaGold MiningCo„Ltd. (fully paid) 10.— «om. |Bruseli im Mining Co., Ld. S 8.25 sellers Cheudariang Hydraulic 'J’in Mining Co., lid. 20 .—salt» Ivarangan
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    • 160 5 n 8 744 butters Gold leaf g 84 B. Pepper (W. Coast3l bs.soz.)s 27.50 sellers White Pepper 48,— sellers Trang Pepper 304 sellers Cloves (picked) S 43!— nom. Sl4o.— twm. .Mace Pickings 115. sellers Nutmegs 11 Os GO. —sellers No. 1 7.50 Sugar 2 5.20 (Basket 3.70 sellers
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1813 6 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS RRTTT<SH DOC’S HEAD BRAND BEST HOTELS. Bangkok Guinness’s Stout Bass’s Ale. (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) BEWARE OF IMITATION Cable A«ldr Oriental THE ORIENTAL HOTEL. Oriental Hotel Syndicate. Proprietors. &lc Kuala Lumpur. F. M. S. HOTEL. INSURANCES THjSIDS 9>/a v Q i^jg MAHS. Under European Management. Centrally situated within
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  • 1021 7 Acceptances for Lincolnshire Handicap Grand National, &c. LINCOLNSHIRE HANDICAP. Tvun March 22. The straight mile.) L_ A A si lb Age st lb Ypsiianti 6 9 0 Mandalay 6 7 3 j Over Norton a 8 11 Catty Cra? 4 7 2 Littleton 4 8 10 Pan Miehael
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  • 280 7 ‘■Chicane’’ writes to the Calcutta J Asian Will you oblige by giving a decision on the following Bridge question, over which there was an argument Y A and B partners against C and 1) A is dealer. D alone is keeping the score, b i lg in camp an.d
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  • 275 7 Per P. and U. steamer Palawan,” from London, Feb. 6. —To Shanghai Mrs. 11. du Flow Huttchison, To Hong Kong Mr. A. C. Holme, Mr. A. N. llumphey, Mrs. J. J. Hains and 2 children, Mr. and Mrs. Lane, Lieut. D. St. A. P. Weston, Midshipmen H. M.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 781 7 PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNES. AGENTS HUTTEIMBACH BROS. Co. C. S. SENG Co. CHOP SINT GIM Ho, 33c, Beach Street, Penang. JUST RECEIVED GRAMOPHONE, and a splendid selection MACHINERY, ETC. The Travelling Season KITSON LAMPS. The Finest Light in Existence. Apply to HIITTENBACH BROS. Co. Sole Agents. OF Chinese Disc Records
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    • 45 7 Penang: Confectionery. No. *22.v. Leith Stkkkt, i PENANG. THE Public of Penang are hereby informed that the above Establishment has been opened and solicit the patronage of his customers. All orders for Cakes, Ice Creaui, Ac., will V>e promptly attended to. 4-1-04 0 mths. 74c
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    • 282 7 STRAITS HOTEL, Chulla Street, Penang. T. mCHARDSON, Wines and Spirits of the Best Quality. gir Echo ox Sale Hebe. NOTICE. to cor kbspos wests: It is requested that all com niuuicatious relating to Subscriptions, Advertisements Ac., be addressed to the Manager, Strait* Echo” uud not to tlie Editor. All cheques
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1744 8 SAMUEL BIRCH Co.’s “BLACK BOTTLE” Pure Malt Whisky. DISTILLED FROM FINEST MALT. THOROUGHLY MATURED IN SHERRY MOOD. H< deliqhtfnl palatability and aroma are to a (jreat extent believed to be due to the Whukyhaving been voyaged by sailing ship, and stored for a period in a hot climate. In erase
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