Straits Echo, 5 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
  • 34 1 Straits Echo UU C m CLr: 15 Cl 1» FEMRATE» «U. STATES. AND TDD EAR EAST GENERAL!.,. VOL. 2. $2l Per Annum. PENANG, SATURDAY, MARCH nth, 1904. Sintfe Copy, 10 cents. No. o 1.
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  • 70 1 Birth. The »ifc of w. H. J. Huirtrey AsM.taot fM |ienuten(h i iit of P01i0,.. »f F CWam» on A»* 4th March, of a daughter. Mareiagk. Ihwu ,a to AH at M l,pf r Norwoo:l London, i). On «th Feb. at St. Philip» Church. Norbmy. Vinherit \T V
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  • 43 1 F.»r Week ending Friday, Mar 11 19<>4. a.m. P.M. Saturday, foil 4 J0 Sunday, 6tli 441 5 (j.-, Monday, 7th 5.30 5.55 Tuesday, Bth 6.20 0.45 Wednesday, 9th 7.10 7.35 Thursday, 10th 8.00 8.25 I Friday, 11th 8.50 9.15 i I
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  • 26 1 Last Quarter Mar. Bth, 10.2 p.m. O New Moon 17th, 10.59 am. j First Quarter... 24th, 11-22 am. O l*ull MOOll 31st 0.37 p.m.
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  • 39 1 To-day. Auction Sale of Forfeited Pledges, 11 a.m. Auction Sale of Sea Bunk,” 11 a.m. P. C. C. Lawn Tennis Tourftament. Town Band. Golf Club. 5-30 p.m To-mok row. 3rd Sunday in Lent. Church Services see page 5.
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  • 36 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. JUTWAKI»!» Ho»1K»VAltl>«. Remjftl 17 Mur j Chiusau •> Mar I Bollaaral 10 Hxlra Service. (JUXWAItIiS. Hoaikvv AKI*R. Falaivan 8 Mur Borneo 26 Mur Formosa 22 j e«r i <’or particulars See I’age '■>
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  • 716 1 I Hongkong Teiegrajdi Service. > Russians Cross the YaSu. Yokohama, 23 Feb.—Hundreds of Russian tr« ops have entered tin* treutv port of iju, and are now marching to the city of Chongyang, which lies about halfway between Seoul and the northwest frontier of Corea. Warships left Jibuti!. The
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    • 20 1 [Rangoon Times Service.) London, 26 Feb.—The Ratifications of she Panama Canal Treaty have been exchanged at 5Y ashingtoii.
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    • 20 1 London. 24 Feb.—The Begum of Bhopal has arrived at Mecca where she lias had a splendid reception.
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    • 32 1 Calcutta, 24 Feb.— It is believed that 1 the Official Secrets Bill will come up for passing cl l lIIC VL-lim.ll V.. 1. 11 i the -Ith of March.
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    • 62 1 Reuter Withdraws the Charge. Madras, 27 Feb.—The case launched j by Reuter's Telegram Company against Mr. A. H. Murray, the Madras Agent l ot the Company f r criminal misappropriation, came on for hearing yesterday evening when it was stated that, under i instructions from London,
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    • 255 1 (Rangoon Tit, ten Service.) Allahabad, 21 Feb.—There has, npparemly, been a serious family quarrel between the Amir aiul Saida r Umar Jan and his mother Bibi iiaiima, and the Amir Ins exercised his authority in an arbitrary way common in Afghanistan, fhe first step reported to hare
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    • 44 1 His Appearance in the i’ousc Cheered. (Indian Daily A Tens Service.) London, 25 Feb.—Mr. Balfour wm present in the House of Commons f<> an nour this afternoon and was loudb cheered on entering. Sir Henry Campbell Bannmmin congratulated him on liis reappearance.
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    • 111 1 Social Amenities. Rangoon, 26 Feb.—The French Cruiser Internet sails to-morrow foi Marseilles. esterday evening the eaptain and officers of this cruiser entertained the Lieutenant-Governor and party from Government House on board in right royal style. The best of relations existed* I etwe n tin* French officers and the
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    • 1292 1 News from N. W. Frontier. (Rangoon Times Service.) mTf'iSSfem?,-... En S H»I.from Quetta :—lt is an open secret here that a portion of the Quetta garrison, including one British regi- ment and a Mountain Battery have I been warned to proceed to Nushki. All I the arrangements for transport
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  • Shipping.
    • 188 1 I Waihoba. Br s.s. 1.1G7, Daniel. 4th Mar., Moulmein, Ist alar., iiico.—ivoe Guau Co. But, s.s. £27, do Grooth, o!h Mar., Singapore, 3rd Mar., Gen ,—H. L. Co. Ll iski.a, A us. s.s. 2.' 10, Pamianovich, sth Mai., lvobc, Bru l ob., Cm., tJ, lv. A Co. Hang Sang,
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    • 1 1
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    • 24 1 j /A Si^WtcoD. Huttenbacli, Lielxut A Co. Hang Sang, Br. s.s. 1,5-,G, W ildo, sth Mar.,* Hongkong, 25th FeL»., B. A Co.
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    • 25 1 I f-XfV’/x rota AyeutH I JJtie Janet Nicoll Moulraein X.Gr.&Co 7th Mar. I’aiawnu Suez 1'. O. 9th i ieualder Loudon S.D Co. 1 14th
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    • 85 1 Fut Aijent* Leavrn Tii not Nicoll Mouhnom K.G&Co, 8th Mar. n.lav.:m Sinp~,iporo iA 0. Oth 1 >:*n»i!ilor Singapore >. i J.ACo. loth #t We v.isilil ilmrt Mi:‘.'Mention firms to ttic tyle in v. hit-li N'.'tii.iiTs l .ti ii ami I’rejected tin .'ire !'«!>!.' in (I m Hr ho
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    • 70 1 Fou Calcutta P». r Jiang Sang, 7th instant, I p m. Panokur and Teluk Anson—Per Canton, 7th insmnt, 2 p.m. Port Swetteuhaui—Per Marg Austin, 7th instant. 2 p.m. Per Jin 7/e, Btli instant, 1 p ni. IMie, 'i'. Sema.wy, S» •_*■!i. Pnlo Well and tielileh— Per G. G.
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    • 28 1 Ime nd- Per CP.xla,” fr.Mii TCc»! >«*, Mr. E. JC upper and Mr. and Mis, <_r. E. V. Thomas. Per Jioth. from .Singapore, Mra. TliomKon and Mrs. Vouch.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 155 1 To-day’s Advertisements. TEOH JOO MENG, Chop SOON YOUNG, (Established lb7o.) Coachmaker and Importer OF Coach-building Materials, .Nos. 178, 180 and 182, Penang Road. R. Madigan Latham, n:.\!\(i nxaiNEEii, ipoh. Mining properties bored, prospected and reported on. Mining plants designed and erected. SOLE AGENT FOB The Humboldt Engineering Works Co. Specialities
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    • 25 1 A. E. SKEELS. o -$V\ 0 ■WHISKIES. NAIONAL BANK 0! CHINA,T Limited. NATIONAL BANK OF INDIA, Ltd. Insurance effected against all risks. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 872 2 Russia’s Need for Caution and Delay. The Sr, Petersburg correspondent of tlie Loudon Globe reported us follows shortly before the commencement of hostilities:— M. Juzukoff, a recognised Russian authority on strategical topics, contributes to a St. Petersburg review a close study of the strategical position in the Far
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  • 116 2 The Tsar of the Russias is gentle and mild, And quite unaccustomed to jar; In fact quite a milky and inuoceut child Ie Nicholas Romanoff, I'sar. He could imitate Tolstoy, play tricks at The Hague, And lieam like a beautiful star. But the rest of the nations found
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  • 344 2 From a naval point of view, the position 1 of France in the Far East is, says the Paris j Siecle, very precarious. Our naval forces j appear singularly weak compared with those of our rivals, and at the preseut tune we cannot help regretting that the plan
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 18 2 ADOLP STERNBERG. UPHOLD gftEU AND DEALER. AJ-SO BEST KIND <» Mattresses and UpWstered Spring Mattress Ma]«>r. 430 Chulia SlrtmU
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    • 204 2 TRADE MARK CHIN HIN BROTHERS, General Storekeepers, Horse Dealers Livery Stables No. 50i>, PENANG ROAD Telephone No. .‘?Co. Just Unpacked HARNESS. A LOT of English, American and Calcutta Pony, Cob and Horse Harness, Brass Mounted or Silver-plated fittings, with black patent leather. CARRIAGE LAMPS. j A lot of Fancy Brass
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1983 3 CTM. ip. b. s. I. co. \<A .V' <">/ Expected arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Mar. 17 s.s. Bengal connecting- with Norddentscher Lloyd. Bremen. A K S IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE, rPHE fast and well-known Mail Steamers of this Line dates leav ©I > enang on or about the
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  • 81 4 Justice satisfies everybody, and justice alone. —Miner sou. Established June Ist, 1903. VnblUlied daily <exc?pt Sundays.) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 220-232, Beach Street. Penang. PRICE DAU.Y, lOCAI, (vi i>er anniini (Cost Free) 87 MAH. KIMTION (Post Free) 15 CVKI.K AIUIUKSS: I;c ho—Penang.” Telephone No. 188.
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  • Current Topics.
    • 190 4 Mr. Boulger's article on the “Yellow Peril Bogey,” in the Nineteenth Century, i.s of interest and gome importance just now. He points out that so far as the danger to Europ** and the white race is concerned we have two alternatives to consider. Russia and Japan
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    • 204 4 A Japanese Official Gazette has been issued setting forth the regulations governing newspaper correspondents who have been or may be granted permission ;o accompany the Japanese army The notification provides that intending war correspondents must send in their appli- cations to the War Office, accompanied j by their
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    • 286 4 That watchful and wellinforuied Indian daily The Pioneer points out that Russia is already thrown back oil the prospect of a campaign without any means of a decisive termination, with m endless line of communication to be maintained over a difficult country 7 and the last 1,200
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    • 745 4 It was very fortunate that the Treaty of Alliance between England and Japan was so carefully drafted as to impose no obligation on either, unless the one or the other was attacked by two ■Powers. Only if that occuired would j Great Britain be
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  • 338 4 The E-D.” of China. {Hongkong Morning Post, 24th feb.) No confirmation from Peking or London has been received of the report that lszuHszi, the Empress-Dowager of .China, is dead. The Cantonese are of opinion that ttie news is true, and if so this wondertu woman who has ruled China so
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  • 614 4 A meeting of the Board of Licensing i Justices was held in the 2nd Magistrate’s Court yesterday afternoon. Present: Messrs A. T. Bryant (Chairman), 11. O. Newlaud, lA. K. Buttery, 11. H. Hilton and 11. W. Finnstone. Absent: Mr. A. D. Neubronuer. Seven applications for new licences were
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  • 605 4 Under the caption “In Self Defence’ the Graphic effectively disposes of the charges made by Russia as against Japan (a) that the responsibility for an appeal to arms rests with the Island Empire; (6) that the Japanese treacherously attacked the Russian squadron without a formal declaration
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  • 205 4 r; The P. C. C. Tournament. 7 1 The following ties were played off vester 5 day afternoon Championship. A. F. G. Anderson beat J. R. Stronacb. 6-3. 6.2. Profession Pairs. L K- P Wolferstan and E. L. Tallinn (Civil Service), beat C. Smith and J. Forbes. (Straits
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 569 5 Pin Yang Fortified. Virennius to Prey on Shipping. Egypt Tires of Russian Shuffling. Russian Torpedoer Blocks Canal. Tsar and King. TUNGUSES ATTACK HAIt'HENG. Japanese Land Operation» Devklopino. (from Our 0«» Corre.pon.h.u) Singapore, 5 Mar. 1 12.55 p.)— Hire hundred bandit Tnnguses have attacked the Russian military post at
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  • 1354 5 r Crew in Singapore. 3 j (Straits Times.) i HE steamer Nam Sang, which WeeU Hongkong and Calcutta, arrived at Singapore to-day, having on board 2b7 members of the crew of the Russian > nuser 'arvag which was attacked bv the Japanese at Chemulpo and destroyed. The Varyag
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  • 658 5 s (from Our Own Correspondent.) e Rangoon, 27th Feb.— A case of plague v has been reported this week among the 1 arrivals from India. Fortunately, owing v to the splendid system of segregation ext> erciseJ b y the Port Authorities, no fresh cases have been reported. The patient
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  • 96 5 Ihe Russian torpedo boats have been ordered away from Port Said tinder the neutrality laws, by which no belligerent vessel is allowed to lie in a neutral port beyond twenty-four hours, or to receive coal more than once in three months. The reason that prizes are not
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  • States’ News.
    • 318 5 1 11 LlPI Fph-—News has reached Lipis of the murder of a Malay woman and her child at a place called Gua on the Jelai. a short distance upnver from here. Details are awaited, but it it» said that the murderer is the woman’s hnshand and that jealousy i
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  • 216 5 Imperial Manifesto. Following is the full text of the Imperial Manifesto to the Russian people:—“ To mv people.—All our dear subjects: I declare that we are all anxious to preserve peace, maintain tranquility in the Far East. With these peaceful aims we declared our readiness
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  • 263 5 3rd Sunday in Lent. St. Geoeoe’s Church (Church of England): —8 a.m. Matins (.No organ), 8-30 a.m. Holy Communion. 9-30 a.m. Tamil Service in Mission Chapel. 10-3 u a.m. Service for Chinese." 5 p.m. Children's Service. 6 p.m Evensong and Sermon. Responses, Ferial. Psalms, Turle, Tallis and
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  • Money Market.
    • 119 5 Penang, sth March. (By courtesy of the Chartered Battle.) London Demand Bank ...1/11 1 months’sight Bank ...1 11 4 *> 3 Credit ...l/l!, 7 3 Do< •umontary ...1/11$ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. M 3 3 days’ sight Private 145 Bombay, Demand Bank 143 3 days’ sight Private 145 Madras,
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    • 185 5 JiersawahGold Mine Co., Ld. 15 50 sa'es. Raub Australian Gold Mininij Co., Cil C.J5 sales Redjang Lebong Gold MinrJ“K C ‘V M ?225.— nom IvadanaGold Mining Co„ CM. (fullv paid). 10. —woiw. liriiseli 'Ijn Mining Co., Ld. 8.25 «titers Ghend.iHMBg Hydraulic 'Jin Mining Co., lid. S 20 .-soles Karaugau
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    • 154 5 l*' ll 71 j buyers Gold leaf 84. 15. Pepjier (W. Coast 31b5.50z.)$ 27 50 sc'lrrs White Pepper 48. —scHeia l rang Pepper 3 30-1 tellers Cloves (picked) 43.— nom. Mace 3140.— n0m. Mace Pickings 115, sellers Nutmegs 110 s GO.—sellers f No. 1 7.50 Sugar 2 520 Basket
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1782 6 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS DOC'S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass's Ale. (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) BEVARE OP IMITA.TIOIT. BEST HOTELS. BangkokTRADE -✓> e\ snj SFt MARE. na*»In ordinary Pint Bottles: Light, Sparkling, Wholesome anc Refreshing. The Best and Well-known Beer for the Tropics. Obtainable Retail at all (be Principal Stores. CHENG CHAN
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  • 635 7 Effects of the New Pacific Cable. Under the presidency of Sir J. Wolfe I Barry the sixty-third half-yearly ordinary general meeting of the Eastern j Telegraph Company (Limited) took j pk u *e °n 28 January at River Plate j House, Finsbury-circus, London. Ihe Chairman proposed the
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  • 274 7 Per P. and O. steamer Palawan.” from London, Feb. o.—'To Shanghai Mrs. 11. <lu Flow Huttchison, To Hong Kong Mr. A. C. Holme. Mr. A. N. Humphry, Mrs. J. J. Ilains and 2 children, Mr. aud Mrs. Lane, Lieut. D. St. A. I*. Weston, Midshipmen 11. M. Coombs,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 774 7 PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNES. agents HUTTEIMBACH BROS. Co. KITSON LAMPS. Hie Finest Light in Existence. Atply TO HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Sole Agcnlt. C. S. SENG Co. C II P SIN GIIVI HO, 33c, Beach Street, Penang. JUST received GRAMOPHONE, and a splendidselection MACHINERY, ETC. OF Steam Engines Boilers of various
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    • 230 7 NOTICE. tu coRRHsroNDEjiT»: It is requested that all com municatious relating to Subscriptions, A \.c„ be addressed to the Manager, Strait* Echo" ami •iot to the Kditor. All cheques should be crossed. letters on Editorial or other matters intended to publication or use in the Echo should be sent to
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    • 294 7 STRAITS HOTEL, Clndia Street, Penang. T. RICHARDSON, Wines and Spirits of the /test Quality. Echo on Sale Here. Through Passages to Europe. j Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatscliappij Stoomvaart Maatscliappij Nederland.” j TIMIUOUGHI passage tickets can now be Uooke.l at tlio following rates from Penang to Genoa via Sabang (Pulo Well.) Single.
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  • 179 8 Penang, 4th March, 1001. Drtcrijilion. Beef c 8 'i Soup per catty 18 Boast Steaks oStew or Curry Meat Bump Steak Ox Tail each Tongue 70 Feet Heart 4-5 j Liver per catty to Pork Pork Pig’s Head 32 Feet 3 t Tongue 40 Mutton per lb. 40
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 242 8 SAMUEL BIRCH Co.’s “BLACK BOTTLE” DISTILLED FROM FINEST MALT. THOROUGHLY MATURED IN SHERRY WOOD. Pure Malt ]ts delightful valat ability and aroma are ton great extentbelieved tobe dueto the Whisky Inning been voyaged by sailing ship, and stored for a perioi in a hot elimate. hi case an invalid requires
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    • 101 8 L?£ H. LAMB, American Dentist. Graduate cf Pliilad Iphia Dental College, 1875. rpWENiY-EKiliT YEABS’ continuous 1 practice. II; h cl• artistic, modern Dentistry in all its blanches. Dental Parlours. Farquhar Street,—opposite Sea View Hotel. The Yankee liovelly Go. 't, a \>* -<v— f \\-r V- A >\ \-'e 3 30,
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    • 1029 8 yy THE “PENANG SIN PEO. n m m m <X)-o:-(X)- (CHINESE DAILY NEWS.) Standing' Advertisements are Reproduced in Brief Here. {(Appearing once a week as per contract in the Daily Bulletin.) THE ONLY CHINESE PAPER IN PENANG. H [j j I ft at -CX)-:o:-(X) $lO per annum Out Stations $2
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