Straits Echo, 29 February 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 8 1 Marriages. of R*y»«l*. Peachy, enrich littr
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  • 40 1 Kor V ***k Sunday, Mar. 6, 1904 •'m P.M. Monday, 29th 11.50 J 2.15 Tuesday, Ist 12 4) jO- 2nd 1.25 150 Thursday, 3rd 215 240 Friday, 4th 3.05 3.30 Saturday, sth 3.55 420 Sunday, 6th 4.40 505
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  • 26 1 O Full Moon Mar. 2nd, 9.16 a.m. Last Quarter Bth, 10.2 p.m. <) New Moon 17th, 10.59 a m. First Quarter 21th, 11-22 a m.
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  • 23 1 To-dat. Town Band, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. Ladies Leap Year Dance, Penang Club. To-morrow. lown Band, Golf Club, 5-30 p.m. Feast of Lanterns.
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  • 37 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OUTWARIM. Homkwards. Simla 3 Mar C/msan 3 Mar Bengal 17 Baltaarat Extra Service. Outwards. Homkwards. Palawan 8 Mar j Palma 26 Feb Formosa 22 Borneo 2o Mar For particulars See Page 3.
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    • 205 1 Strengthening the Defences of Indo-China. (Straits Times Service.) London, 2Gth Feb.—The Paris papers anuounee that M. Pelietan, the Minister tor Marine, has made explanations of a reassuring nature before the Naval Committee, concerning the position of his Department in regard to the matter of Colonial defence. In those
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    • 260 1 Annual General Meeting. Calcutta, 17th Feb.—The twentythird annual General Meeting of the Indian Tea Association was held yesterday. Mr. Tocher, seconding the report, said he congratulated the Association on the excellent year’s work, and eulogised Mr. Mann. Mr. Hutchinson remarked the question of the increased duty on
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    • 13 1 (Rangoon Gazette Service) Feb L »«> Kitchener mis annul at S**cnn erabad.
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    • 44 1 Improved Conditions Promised. London, 16th Feb.—Replying to Mr Seymour King in the House of Commons Mr Brodrick said certain mea j-ures had been sancti ne 1 which h. hoped would improve the conditions o service of officers in the Indian Marine
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    • 39 1 London, 18th Feb.—The Britisl •'souih Africa Company is issuing tin balance of its capitel in four hundred thousmd £1 11-16-0 inconsequence of the stagnation in Sou h Atnca and of unforeseen outlay and diminished receip s.
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    • 58 1 Good Demand and Firm Prices. Calcutta, 17th Feb.—At yesterday’s tea stde 9,°UO packages were offered and 60 J iere "as a good demand and prices were firm for all grades, a few packages were offered by the Assam < ompany and were keenly competed for Late offerings
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    • 67 1 Arbitration for Merchants. Calcutta, 17th Feb.—A special meetng of Ihe Chamber of Commerce is t< oe held on the 22nd proximo, to consider the proposal for the constitution •>f a tribunal of arbitration for tin letermination ot mercantile and oth< 1 lisputes. and to prescribe the
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    • 64 1 Willian Watson Co. Liabilities. £lOO,OOO. London, 16th Feb.—The liabilities of Messrs. William Watson Company are roughly estimated at £400,000. London, ICtli Feb.—At a meeting of the creditors of Messrs. William Watson Co. today, the Official Receiver said that the immediate cause of the failure was the refusal of the Yokohama
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    • 71 1 Allahabad, 20th Feb.—lt is understood that the Amir of Kabul will not persit in nominating Khawas Khan, the notorious At'ridi refugee, as one of his Boundary Commissioners to meet Major Roos-Keppel. Reports from Peshawar confirm the statement that Sardar Umar Jan and his mother Bibi Haliina are still
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    • 68 1 To United Kingdom. Calcutta, 17th Feb.—The export of tea to the United Kingdom during the first fortnight of February is as follows: From Calcutta 2,517,1021 b. From Chit'a gong nil F<*r corresponding period of last vear From Calcutta 2,737,3931 b. From Chittagong 936,500 lb. Total from Ist
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    • 18 5 New Governor. Suj>jtlied by Reuter London, 27 Fob.—Lord Plnnket lias been appointed Governor of New Zealand.
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    • 22 5 Wiju Opened. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 27 Feb. —Router's Seoul correspondent telegraphs: that the port of Wiju lias. been officially trade.
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    • 73 5 Three Acres of Buildings Destroyed. '1 :nuJ‘rt fit bint ;;,d .n 3>: --.t, (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 27 Feb. —A great conflagration has occurred in the business section of Rochester, New ork. So fierce are the ffaines that whole blocks of buildings are beirtg'blmvh tip ivith
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    • 75 5 Dissolution Expected. (Supplied by Reuter.) T There is much •Ilk politic»! circles in Loudon vitl dissolution of Barliamem within a few weeks. Hie rcpeateil divisions which tlm 6 ak c' PlaCe l4,e t v J 'ave shown that the Government majority has gia.lmilly dwindled, until, on Thurs,laf l«st, H
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    • 103 5 independence to be Recognised. i! (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 27 Feb.-Lord Bans Ilownc, Minister for Foreign Affairs speaking ,n the House of l.orc! s j, ,llat t,ie v '«w ~f tlie Britisl Government was that the i„,lepc„,|. b m t »e recgi'iseo. but, that if any "oner was to
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    • 110 5 (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, 29th Feb. (3.50 p llte Russian Officers of the Varva.r <>n >oar<l the Nam Sang are reticent! I lie men are cheerful', cleanly and contented and sang bymn^.’uunng tlie journey from Hongkong., it was elicited that the Jeck during the Japanese bombardment
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  • 544 1 From French Papers. In the night attack on Port Arthur ironclad Cesirevitch sustained injuries. Ihe Retvizan had her pumping apparatus damaged. The Pallada had some injuries to her side amidships. I he vessels continue afloat. Measures have been taken to brinothem into the inner harbour. I 11 a.m.
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  • 231 1 Official Report. (Straits Times, 27th Feb.) Early this morning the Japanese Consul here received the following news: A telegram from the Foreign Office, Tokio, received at midnight 26th Feb. states.—“ In the early morning of the 24th three or four old steamers, being escorted by Japanese torpedo
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  • Shipping.
    • 119 1 Taroba, Br. s.s. 3.656, Nailer, 28th Feb., Rangoon, 25th Feb., Rice and Bran— H. L. it (Jo. Malvcca, Br. s.s. 2,615, Street, 28th Feb., Londou, 23rd Jan., Gen., —P. O. Zamania, Br. s.s. 2,893, Achesou, 27th Feb., Madras, 21st Feb., Gen., Hutfenbach, Liebert Co. Ho Kwej, Br. s.s. 209,
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    • 34 1 29t.h February. Taw Tong, for Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan. Laurens Pit, for Asahan and Batu Balira < Won, for Pangkor and Teluk Anson. Taroba, for Singapore. Hok C/iuan Un, for Batu Balira and Asahan
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    • 77 1 Pin Seng, Br. s.s. 378, Davidson, 29th Feb., Singapore, 27th Felt., Gen.,- B. Bros! Ho Kwei, Br. s.s. 209, Uldall, 2th Felt Deli, 27th Feb., Gen.,—H. L. Co. Lady Weld, Br. s.s. 245, Treweeke, 28th Feb., T. Anson, 27th Feb., Gen Straits S. S. Co. mu ivui.iu, m
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    • 31 1 1 V.xxf’/rt 1 l-'rnm j Aii?hIh I hie Hong Bee Singapore Iv.G.Co. 2nd Mar. jisela Singapore tS.K.ACo. |3rd -M. I>arjuelioni iC'olombo S.K.ACo. 3rd Palawan ;Suez P. <fc O. j: 9th
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    • 27 1 IV*»*»/* For A Jen fit Lea ue Hong Bee Singapore K.GCo. 2nd Mar. Gisela M. BacqueTrieste S.K.&Co. 3rd hem Singapore Singapore S.K.^Co. oth Palawan P.&O. Oth
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    • 65 1 For Deli—Per Ho Kwei, to-morrow, noon. Tougkah—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, 1 p ni. 'I rang ami P; ng Nga—Per Artsadong, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Port Sweiteuham and Malacca—Per Pulo llimau, to-morrow, 2 p.m. I'-die, T. Seinawe, Segli and Olehleh—Per Pegu, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Deli Per Sumatra, to-morrow, 3 p.m. ieluk
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    • 56 1 Inward —Per Pin Seng,” from Singapore, Mr. Lesslar and Master Baldwin. Per Pulo Rimau,” from Malacca, Mrs. lloolev, Messrs. Wreford, Boon Fan, Chin Guan Kee Kow, Reow Seang. Per Lady Weld,” from Teluk Anson, Miss Foo Jin Fook, and Messrs. Low Leong Huat, Jules Martin, D. Brown, J. Aitkeu,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 42 1 A. E. SKEELS. k Boey Ah Fook Chop Tuck Moh Sc Co. Carpenter, Painter, House Builder. 78, Bishop Street, Penang. 63c M- NOTE. ID 3 CROWN WHISKY IS NOW MADE UP IN Clear While Glass Bottles. KATZ BROS., Ltd., Sole Agents 59c
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    • 290 1 To-day’s Advertisements NOTICE. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE. The undersigned is instructed to sell BY PUBLIC AUCTION On Saturday, the sth day of March, 1904, At No. 10 China Street, Penang, at noon, LI tha i t of land messuages am *r T hereditaments situate in the Mukin t Ayer
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    • 21 1 A. E. SKEELS. ■WHISKIES For Sale! For Sale!! Large Stock of Paper of Every description and Colour. Apply Criterion Press Ld.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 27 1 WEATHER Thk following report is kindly supplied by tlie Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis: Tlie rainfall during the 24 hours ended at ft aim. to-dav was nil.
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  • 43 1 Deaths. B0°5 if h Croydon, G. M Lind, aged On •'-n H 'i! i‘ ,kontr ar Shanghai Bank. Q N 5t February, at North Boat Ouav “i'"*'; K im N k’ in Nno. the M.<; Scab L, g Teck rf,Iest 8<m ot Mr
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  • 3623 2 Weak Points in the Defences. < Unfinished Forts. The Daily Telegraph's special correspond- ent Mr. Ben net Burleigh, writing from Toliio, on December 24th, says;—The steamship Argun took up a berth alongside the quay wail at Dalny, whereon were a few railway trucks and carnages waiting for tier
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 400 2 notice XT T E l*>g to notify that we have opened i y\ a branch of our business in Ipoli, Perak, under the charge of Mr. H. VV. j Davidson, our Federated Malay Stales representative. Business is now lieing carried oil at our temporary premises, Belfield Street, and will be
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    • 846 2 JAMES BUCHANAN 8 Cjo’s HOUSE OF COMMONS” WHISKY. SANIHkANI**, BUTTERY Co. r Ni HIGH a B FOll PRICKS APPLY TO MARTYN 12-10-03 The Karangan Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Limited. rpHE Ordinary Half Yearly Meeting of 1 Shareholders will l>e held ah the Office of the Company, No. 9 Weld Quav,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1865 3 Co. Expected arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards Mar. 3 s.B. Simla connecting with s.s. Mongolia 17 8.8. Bengal do 31 8.8. Malta do Apl. 14 8.8. Chusan do Homewards. Mar. 5 s.s. Chvsan do 19 s.B. Ballaarat do Apl. 2 8.8. Coromandel do 16 8.8. Simla do 8.8. China
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  • 88 4 Instire gatisflea everylxxly, and justice alone.— Emorton. Established Jane 1 st, 1903. Pul) ieiicil liaily (except Suixl iye.) it ink CRITERION PRESS, Ld., N<». 22(5—2-52, Beach Street, Penang. PRICK DAILY, LOCAL $l4 per atn un> (Post Free) 27 MAIL EDITION (Poet Kfee) 15 CAKI.K AI>I>RKSS: E c
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  • Current Topics.
    • 273 4 PAiiTict'UAKs of a wonderful,i new* motor, invented by Mr. Peter Thornley, a Burton-on-Trent engineer, aregiveiT by the Manchester Guardian. Tin invention is ot such importance that its* deve]oj)ment luav result iiv expr.-ss V.- C w railway engines at twice the present speed, at only half thecysC or
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    • 504 4 (Iorh Feb.) lias some very interesting on. the lufesd Russian mreat to attempt the imp! *>*i ble, i. e., the invasion of India. It is of opinion that lie statement etttsn&rtug fiom St. Petersburg tint General- Ivonoff, tin Governor of Turkisian, lias been in--itructed to prepare for
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  • 2611 4 Whittaker Wright’s Death. How the Financier Waited for the End With the Poiswi in hi* Mouth. MRS. MAYBRICK. THE CHINESE LABOUR QUESTION A TIU’KHSII ONE FOR THE GOVERNMENT, TJt J ,l, A German. Dentist for the i COKKAN EmPF.ROK. I < THE KCSSO-JAPANKSK SEE-SAW. ;ii;■ J i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 338 5 Port Arthur. Another Peint on Russia’s Stronghold. kuropatkin. Refugee, R^s|nga^ British Colliers~hcui~ U p by FRENCII RniM^K C H| NTS A SCHAP i.v CoiiUA. f rom Our Oir n C<>rr >* jtoh nt>i Sngajpore, 9 FeK1 (10.4y a.j— I In ,0 -Clnna steamer Nam Sang, th r ';»»<lred
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  • The Straits Echo
    • 420 5 (Special Service.) Kinta Races. Third Day, 27th Feb {t rum Our Own Correspondent.) j Batu liajaii, 27th Fel».—The e' iIs of to-day’s racing are a> j follows:— The Southern Cross Stakes. j J-te 5 ut 1 SlOO goes to second and 850 to third horse. A handicap
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  • 665 5 L^ kd Rbinkut, appoffit>a Governoi Zealand, was born on 19tJ Oec., 1864, and is the son of the Jat. Ith Baron, who was Archbisl.op ol j i !j\ n He Wils educated at Harrow *nd 1 runty College, Dublin, where lie <ok bis B. A. dooree. He
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  • 130 5 A somewhat venturesome sampan crerv of three was picked up bv ri.e s s. Corneha on Saturday morning nearly 40 miles outside Muka Head The sampan—-or tongkang-had inf nded making the voyage Langkasa, but was in a helpless condition owing to uiving lost the rudder
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  • 179 5 j B Company Recovering Old Form Thrke more events in the P. V. C. annual rifle competition were decided on Saturday a u4 yesterday, members of “B Compan\ carrying away four out of six prizes. The shooting was not good considering that th. conditions were not specially
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  • 192 5 I nis3oT VED BY Order of the Officer ADJIINISTEjBIXG THE GOVERNMENT in Council. Last Fridays Straits Government gazette ooiitains <m order (No. 189; issued by His Excellency the Officer Ad- j ministering the Government in Council under the Societies Ordinance 1889.” It reads as follows Y hereas
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  • 350 5 The Head-Cutting Canards Spread .To Tongkah. .ft u P 3 Penangs Example Emulated in r u 1 Siamese Malaya; j> It will be Remembered by most people in Penang that during the recent rikisha i the belief was held among the superstitious lower class Chinese that numbers from
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  • 992 5 i The Chinese Recreation Clob’s Annnal i Athletics. p,.X'r re a srsi o tle da T f,,r 1 1 at Luke Villa ou aiturday, aiuf itlie li«Uof from “tat 1 J i Ut det<,r i, uudred of («..pie Z t UP V-T P° siti o“» 'o
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  • 548 5 llaui Raya Iladji is a red-letter day in the Islamic Calender. 'lt is the tenth day e of the Mahomedau month Ifilhejah.’' it i, me tier the anniversary of the birth nor f the death of Mahomet. It is a special 8 ay set apart for the
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  • 119 5 29th FsbrcAuv. <Hy r„urte»y <» thi ChartermU U.rtiu r Hindoo Demand Hunk 1 11 3 4 ihmiftliV6ight Bahlf jHA Crftlit I •> DofllllieiifHiMr ...I .11' i 1t f t- Demand mi< U.s. |4dl 1 flftVJh sight iVjva to bJJJ j Bombay, Ifeiiiiiud Hank I4:jt 3 days’sight Private .1451 i
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  • 156 5 s Du S 73 70 buyer» Gold leaf H4,— Pepper( W. Coast 31b5.50z.)$ 27 .‘0 teller» vVliite Pepper 48. s ere rang Pepper 31.- W/crs loves (picked) 4 -ij-sellers IsMJe $llO. w ,m. lace Pickings Wo.- seller» "ut megs 1 lOs 05- sellers (No. i.. frJo 1 higar g
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 2013 6 BEST HOTELS. INSURANCES. Bangkok Tllii ORIENTAL HOTEL. Oriental Hotel Syndicate. Cable Addrewo •‘Oriental.’ Proprietors. Kuala Lumpur. F. IVI. S- HOTEL. 600,000 730,000 Under European Management. Centrally situated within 10 minutes from the Railway Station. Almost Adjoining thk Shi.angok < lub. 16c Canton insurance Office, Limitea. Capital Subscribed §2,600,000 Amount Paid-up
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  • 380 7 I Per P. &O. steamer" Mongolia.’’ connecting with the steamer Simla”*at, Colombo, from London, Feb. s. —To Shanghai Capt. j Sleeman. To Hon*/ Kong Vice-Admiral I Sir Gerard if U. Noel. K, C. 15., K. C. M. G. Assist. Paymaster Johnson, Asst. Paymaster Prior, (.oil). Bentinck, if. N.
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  • 193 7, 27th February, 1904. J)e*ci’iption. ct6m Soup per catty 18 Roust 30 Steaks n 32 Stew or Curry Meat *.O Rump Steak 32 Ox Tail each 85 Tongue 70 Feet 30 Heart M 45 Liver per catty 40 j Pork—i Pork 45 Pig’s Head 32 j Feet 34
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1183 7 BON TIN LUM 4 Co., PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNES. AGENTS /Vo. 231', Beach Street, PENANG. (Established in 1879). Tin and Peppier Merchants. Aden Salt, Italian Sah, Tnticorin Salt, Cochin-China Salt. All kinds of Iron for Sale. GENERAL IMPORTERS OF JUNGLE PRODUCE AND COMMISSION AGENTS. 43c HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. KITSON LAMPS.
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    • 532 7 PENANG HILLS RAILWAY Co., Ltd. rpHE Auuu:il Ordinary General Meeting I °f the Company will I** held at the I Chamber of Commerce, at 4 p in., on Wednesday, 2nd March, 1904. An Extraordinary General Meeting will l>e held at the same place immediately after) the General Meeting. lo consider
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    • 37 7 NOTICE. VI EWS of Penang, Singapore, Perak, Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various si/.es up to 3 ft. on Bromide paper. W. JONES, King Street. Penang. Photographer. 3tJc JUNGLE FURNITURE. Mcfilister jCq.• Ltd. W 1 1 t
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1675 8 SAMUEL BIRCH Co.’s “BLACK BOTTLE” Pure Malt Whisky. DISTILLED FROM FINEST MALT. THOROUGHLY MATURED IN SHERRY WOOD. Its delightful pa lat ability and aroma are to a great extent believed to be due to the Whisky having been voyaged by sailing ship, and stored for a period in a hot
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