Straits Echo, 25 February 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 40 1 For Weekending Wednesday, Mar 2,1904. •v M. >-.m. Thursday, 25th 8.30 8.55 Friday, 2(sth 9 20 9.45 Saturday, 27th ...10.10 10.35 Sunday, 28ih 11.00 11.25 Monday, 29th 11.50 12.15 Tuesday, Ist 12.40 1.05 Wednesday, 2nd 1.25 1.50 j
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  • 25 1 O Full Moon Mar. 2nd, 9.10 a.m. Last Quarter Bth, 10.2 p.m. O New Moon 17fh. 10.59 a.m. First Quarter... 24th, 11-22 a.m.
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  • 50 1 To* I» v. Town Hand. Golf Club. 5-3 p.m Auction Sale of Household Furniture. ,Vc.. i Ayer Kajah House, 11-30 a m. Annual General Meeting, lVnang Li I miry, 4-30 p.ui. To-morrow. Town Hand. Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. Auction Sale, of Household Furniture, Ac i Ayer Rajah House, 11-30 a.m.
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  • 39 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homkwakds. Simla 3 Mar j Chit tan 5 Mar Bengal 17 Extra Service. Outwards. Homkwakds. Palawan S Mar i Palma 26 Pel* I Borneo 23 Mar fcsT For part iculars See Page 3.
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    • 657 1 Corean Emperor. (China Gazette Service Tokio, 9 Feb.—A great sensation is reported from Seoul. Under pressure the Corean Emperor has been brought for protection to the French Legation. The Frt nch Legation guards line the j route from the Palace to the Legation, but allow anyone who likes
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    • 70 5 French Colonials sti 1 Unsatisfied. {From Our Own Correspondent.) London,' 24th Jfeb. (5.45 p.)— Lhe Petit Journal, a semi-official paper published in Paris, states that The Colonial Group in the French Chamber lias decided to demand the addition of clauses to the Franco-Siamese Convention ensuring the further
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    • 52 5 Seven Lives Lost. {From Our Own Correspondent.) London, 25th Feb. (4 sa.) —A ire broke out in some pivm ses dtuateo- iu Coffeehouse Passage, •ear St. Paul’s Cathedra). Tinlames spread with fearful rapidity nd seven people were burnt to eatli, despite the efforts of t lie London
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    • 166 5 Coolies still Continue Obdurate. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuaia Lumpur, 2kIt Feb. (II ,•>) I lie .NaiVliangs at the Ampiino dines, of which Towkav Loke Yew ,s the principal owner, refuse t«> iccept the new condition of a seven tours’ working day. At eight, o’clock last
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    • 204 5 "i i i The Till eke Appeal Care?. (From Our Ow% Correspondents)' Bangkok, 2-kli Feb. —The quashing1 of both convictions in the I’illeke case lias been received,by the public here with universal satisfaction. [The grounds of appeal are:— 1. That the juflge was wrong Hi construing the special verdi.t
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  • 1432 1  -  By Tasmania. With the particular meekness and overestimation of himself, which is so characteristic of John Bull (and which Mark Twain considers will eventually make him conqueror of the world) he is apt to modestly assert in the words ol Caesar, 1 came, I saw, I
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  • Shipping.
    • 180 1 Pentakota, Ilr. s s. 2,209, Coo; e, 24th Feb., Rangoon, 21st Feb., Gen., 11. L. Co. Alf.sia. Ger. s.s. 3,312, Schonfi 1-lt, 25th Ed»., Yokohama. 2lst. Jan., Gen.,— B. M Co. Lanokat, Dr. ss. IH7, Li igard, 2Mb Fob., Malacca, 22ml Feb, Gen., —Koe Guan Co. Duli, Br. s.s.
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    • 53 1 25th Februaiy. Ho Kivri, for Deli. Deli, for Tiling. g '•lenogle. for Rangoon. Sumatra, for Deli. ('•niton, for Pangkoran l Toliik Anson. Uii Peng, for Perils and S t ul. Jthinga, for Rangoon. Chcang Chow, for Wungoon. Janet Nicoil, for Moiiluiein. Pentabta, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swutow ami Amoy. C.
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    • 34 1 Lanokat, Br. s.s. 187, Lingard, 24Mi Feb., Malacca, 22ml Fob., Gen., —Koe Guau Co. Lady Weed, Br. s.s. 215, 'J’rewt e’ce, 25th F**b., 'J'. Aust-n, 24th Feb., Gen Straits S. S. Co.
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    • 42 1 1 fHHflu rom A /*'(;/< 11 III' A. A pea r !al« utta A. A. A.Co r,ii r t vail Swell t’lllo Well 11. Ij.ttCo. Ltirh 1 lot ll I’lllo Well 1 1 f j.l&Oo. Malacca Suez i*. ct 0. will
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    • 36 1 '1 \L' «11 LZ ■•I'VI M izr O V °r y r j ii v f j n •<V> V «uudti^ius. ®?l*3 <>jo<I uJiu K VDOTrpK •H'U IIISA JIIDdV V--■•■'•'■•'I « 1 r "V/ j
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    • 105 1 Fok Colombo —Per Alexia, to-morrow, 11 n.m, Negapatam, Madras, Pondicherry. 1* dalore and Karical taking Mails for Hu rope, etc., via Madras —Zaida, to-m rrow 1 j).tn. Hatu I’abra and Asalian—Per Artsadong, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swottenliatn and Malacca—Per Langlcat, to-morrow, 2 p in. Kdio, T. S**»nawp, Sogli,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 48 1 WEATHER. Thk following report is kitnlly suppiie»! l>y tlie Signal Director of Fort (Vrnwailis: 5 p.m. Yesterday Tli. W W r. Cloudy Wd. North -i a.m. 4 u Hazy North 'loon To-day 8(> Fine N.W. Tlie rainfall tlmin«r tlie ‘J4- hours en<1e.l at 9 to-<lav was nil.
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  • 780 2 Comparison Between the “Tommies of the Two Powers. The Jaj>an Advertiser, ;m American paper; published at Yokohama, expresses the following views with regard to the respective' merits of the Japanese and Russian soldiery. 1 The article is naturally rather pro-Japanese in tone, and is written with the
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  • 691 2 The Last of the “King of Yap.” A motion was heard in* the Supreme Court at Hongkong on the 23rd ultimo, which is apparently the last chapter in the romance of the “Kingdom of Yap. Mr. F. H. Sharp, k.c., barrister-at-law, appeared in support of a motion for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 159 2 To Subscribers. SUBSCRIBERS will verv greatly oblige IO the undersigned, andhelp him to*accelerate the delivery of the Straits Echo, if when the paper is late they ill uote on the wrapper the time of receipt and. if possible, the name of the man who delivers it. and forward the wrapper
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    • 269 2 Boey Ah Fook Chop Tuck Moh Co. Carpenter, Painter, House Builder. *7B, Bishop Street, Penang. Goc NOTICE. to connkspoxhkmts: It is requested that ali com jniiiiiraricHi» relating to Subscriptions. Advertisements vc., W:nlclir''i*il to the Manager. Strait* Echo” and kit to tiie Kditor. All cheques should be crossed. letters on Kiliioriai
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    • 1791 2 STRAITS HOTEL, Chulia Street, Peuang. A Prompt Life Insurance Settlement. T. RICHARDSON, Wines and Spirits of the Best Quality. ggf* Echo on Sale Here. LOST. ON Sunday, 14th instant, one White Brilliant (PontianalQ, weighing 1 Carat, set in Pinchbeck, l>etween Green H;UI, Light Street, Penang Street and Beach Street. Finder
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1826 3 Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., Ltd. BANKS. Expected arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards Mar. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. T'HE fast and well-known Mail Steamers of this Line will leavePenang on or about the undermentioned HOMEWARDS. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij, Negapatam Lines of Steamers. dates: OUTWARDS: Intended Sailing
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  • 86 4 Justice satisik-s everybody, mid justice .ilose.— Rnotrkiu. Established June Ist, 190.1. 1 Uoblisheil daily (except Sinidny?.) at Til r CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 220-212, Beach Street, Penang. PRICK DAI IT. I.OCA I. $2l per wimm. (IVt Free) 27 j MAIt. EDITION (I Vet F,eei 15 CAitl.K AI>I>KKSS:
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  • 775 4 London, J-ith leh—Russia has ahlresseT a note to the Powers in which she declares that i Japan s proceeding's are in open violation of the laws fro\einimr the mutual relations of civilized nations. After quoting wluit she clei scribes as various flagrant laocci e*,*f international law upon the
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  • Current Topics.
    • 161 4 Some fresh troubles of tin hapless Sultan of Morocco are described in a special telegram to the London Morning L ader. Jt is >tat- led that serious disturbances have occurred at Marrakesh, du to the circulat on of the Sultan's new brass currency j-V band of rebellious
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    • 516 4 A New York wire to the Loudon .Morning Rost states that tin* Unite i States Steel Corpo rasion has arrived at a reciprocity agreement with tin j Welsh tinplate mills. The Welsh tin •j plate makers are to buy all their steei oillets from the United States
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  • 1303 4 First Day, Tuesday. 23rd Feb. Patrons His Excellency the Governor, H H Tho Sultan of Perak, The ResilientGeneral, F. M. S., The Resident of Perak. Committee —0. Wray, Esq.. (President,) E. N. T. Gumming-, (Hon. Treats.) and Members: —W. If. R- Cliappol* Esq., I)r. Gundrv Fox, R.
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  • 647 4 Fine of §5O Over a Pig. Tub pig question has been very proi •niucutly ts-lore the public lately, it is more ->*-* uow. \V e lnive had a strike, and there was a rather anxious time fora short period. *Ve now have to chronicle the fact that a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 789 5 Port Arthur Again! Merrimac Deed Emulated. :0: Japanese Officers Hanged. :Oi Bear has Sore Head. o BATTLESHIPS DWINDLE TO TORPEDO-BOATS. :o: Japanese Viceroyalty in Corea. (From Our Own Correspondents.) London, 24th Feb. (5.45 p.)— l he Petit Journal, a semi-official newspaper published in Paris, says that the Government
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  • The Straits Echo
    • 51 5 (Special Service.) (from Our Own Correspondent.) London, 24th Feb. (5.45 p.)—His Excellency Sir John Anderson, the newlv-appointed Governor of the Straits Settlements, has booked his passage for Singapore by the English mail steamer Marmoy<t connecting with the C/wsan at Colombo and due in Singapore on 17th April.
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  • 78 5 Rooskie Sold at I in on niv way to Port Arthur can you nee up fo.‘ tin night? r Chinese Host: Bless you. Y\ e ve p’e lty of room at this seasi le p’aca now, for they re go ng north in flocks iikj
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  • 1164 5 The Commencement of Hostilities Battle cf Chfmulio: Full Detatls. THE FIRST ATTACK ON I OPT ARTIIUP. From late copies of the China Gazette we gather the following very interesti mg telegraphic information, which may oe taken as thoroughly trustworthy Hostll.ltils Commence. Nagasaki, Feb. 9.—lt is slale<l here to
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  • 153 5 The following are the Agenda for the j Ordinary Meeting of the Commission tomorrow 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. j. Questions. 4. Petition from importers of pig». 5. Application from owners of dye I
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  • 137 5 Puna no. 25ra FitnauAitv (It >/ I’llll I'll'ltlj II! til lilt I’l l‘lt'll I 111 II lc. mdoii Dmmnd Bunk 1/10; tm« m li s’ sight, Bank' I 11^ 3 Credit iI I 2 3 D«*<*»mi«»ntnrv ...I II aleiitta. Dmiiuml Bank lis. IH 3 «lavs’ si«giit /’rival*» 143 foul
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  • 172 5 in S 73 sellers {old leaf S js I \*p|>er( W. Coast dibs..>oz.) ■> 28. sales Vhil-e Pepper .30. —sales 'rang Popper S HI. sell rs ‘loves (picked) S 4>. —selltrs •lace ?l !0. tuna. lace Pickings 1 1 •>. sall< rs dutinegs 1 Ids 0-3. sellers No. 1
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  • 52 5 Inward. —Per “Gera,’’ from TI on r’ on?, Mrs. Sk-rtchlv and baby. roni S ngap- »ro Frl- J<. Br<* kslx* tk. Pc Ladv Weld, from T* lik Anson, Messr« Hon. J. Turner. Pearson, l>r. Klleiy and Mrs. J. C. Koch. Ler J'liiP"" from Rangoon, Mr. St'-iiuer *ad Xx. Ikio
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 84 5 To-day’s Advertisements. Emdeca Decoration. Substitute for Glazed, much Handsomer a id Cheaper. Emdeca Decorations are non-oxidisahle, entirely non-absorment, proof against disease germs and offer NO HARBOUR lOR VURUIN. Samples and particulars from Huttenbash Bros. Co., Sole A'jcnlts. URALITE. The Best Roofing Material known. Non-conductor of heat and absolutely l
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1982 6 •BEST HOTELS. Bangkok INSURANCES. Cable Adclrens: "Oriental.” THE ORIENTAL HOTEL. Oriental Hotkl Syndicatk. Proprietors. Canton insurance Office, Limixea. Capital Subscribed $2,500,(MX) Teik Chin Coy. TKADK MARK WONG KIM MUN, No. 77a, Bishop Street David brown Co., 4 Lo gau g Buildings, Estate Agents and Amount Paid-up Reserve Fund 500,000 730,000
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  • 315 7 Ihe 15th ordinary general meeting of this Company was held on the 20th ult. at Winchester-liouse, London, Mr. J. A. H. Drought presiding. Tn moving the adoption of the report the chairman said that the company had had a fairly prosperous year. After paying 10 per
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  • 370 7 Interesting Facts to be Borne in Mind. It is interesting to note that so long ago as September 23rd, 1899, the Times correspondent at Seoul pointed out that Japan had a vital interest both strategical and commercial in Corea as furnishing her both with a market and
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  • 374 7 Per P. A O. steamer Mongolia.” counec- ting with the steamer Simla” at Colombo, from London, Feb. o.—To Shanghai Capt. Sleeman. To Hong Kota/ ieo-Adminil Sir Gerard H. U. Noel, K. 0. 8., K. C. M. G. Assist. Paymaster Johnson, Asst. Paymaster Prior, Com. Bentiuck, R. N. To
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1010 7 BWT» HIM 4- Cfi; No. 231, Beacn Street, pjEysMwi. (Established in IS79). Tin. and Pepper Merchants. Aden Salt, Italian Salt, Tuticorin Salt, Cochin-China Salt. All kinds of Iron for Sale. GENERAL IMPORTERS OF JUNGLE PRODUCE AND COMMISSION AGENTS. 43c PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNES. AGENTS NOTICE. HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. lilTSON LAMPS.
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    • 37 7 GOON YEN FRIENDS. Just Received A. FRESH SHIPMENT OF Tbeo. Vafiadis Egyptian Cigarettes: CROWN PRINCE, NON PLUS ULTRA. NECTAR, NARCISSUS. .In Gold Cork and Maiz-tipped At Moderate Terms. GOON YEN FRIENDS, 32, Beach 3 tntbs. 11 29-12.08
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    • 118 7 NOTICE. New Arrivals for the Chinese New Year. DAWSON’S CHILDREN’S ROOTS AND SHOES. Fkkpkhick Jlostock's BOOTS SHOES OF THE BEST LEATHER, El<*g:uit Slmpes. lIA NO JOO Sc Co., Ao. 117, Bruch Street. 4i 3 intlis. C. S. SENG Co. CII O P SIN GIIVI HO, 33c, Reach Street, Penang. JUST
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1279 8 AX BRAND. jbjLSENER. L.AISKR hiker. Browed from Pure YktJßk*'* Malt and Hops only, and /i "v. *VA®! acknowledged to be r rr the best. 7 MARK —“A pa»Tp? Sit «1 v* 3 f* Hl*S"S*r 3RE¥»ED&3OTTLry -C.-V V. v tH Ml .\,NT -2 It is absolutely Pure, no Chemical ingredients being
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