Straits Echo, 22 February 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 34 1 Dkath. AT it’ C rnar von Lane. Penang, on 2 1st lust,. Klioo Kim Swee. mother of Mr. Lim (’llwee Sim and Brothers. Aged HO. Funeral will take place on 25th inst.
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  • 39 1 For Week ending Sunday, Feb. 28, 1804. AM. P.M. Monday, 22ml 6.00 6.25 Tuesday, 23rd 6.50 7.15 Wednesday, 24th... 7.40 8.05 Thursday, 25th 830 8.55 Friday, 26th 8.20 0.45 Saturday, 27th 10.10 10.35 Sunday, 28th 11.00 1125
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  • 29 1 First Quarter... Fkb. 23rd. 11-51 p m O Full Moon Mak. 2nd. 16 a. si. Last, Quarter Bth. 10 2 O New Moon 17th, 10.50 a.m.
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  • 14 1 To-DAY. Town Band. Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. To-morrow. Town Band, Golf Club, 5-30 p.m.
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  • 43 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. lima: wards. Simla it Mar Chamn 5 Mar Benya l 17 j Extra Service. <JUTWAKDS. HoM KWARDS. Malacca H 3 Feb Palma 26 Feb Palawan S Mar j Borneo 25 Mar nfer -For particulars See Page 3.
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    • 98 1 (Konyoon Timex Service.) London, 9th Feb.—At the Colonial Institute to-night, Sir West Ridgeway presiding, Mr. John Ferguson, c.x.0., read an interesting paper on ‘Ceylon from 1803 to 1903.’ reviewing the great public improvements under the administation of Sir West Ridgeway whom he termed Our great railway maker.’ He considered
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    • 207 1 Appeal to Government for Reforms. Calcutta, 8th Feb. —The Bengal Chamber of Commerce have addressed a letter to the Home Department of I the Government of India dealing with the urgency of reforms in the High Court. They maintain that a material increase in the ministerial
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    • 287 1 t 1 Madras, i*tli Feb.—At the High Court to-day before a full bench consisting of Sir James Davies, Justice i Benson, Justice Boddaui, and Justice 1 Moore, Mr. Eardley Norton, on behalf of Mr. P. Sivasawmy Iyer, Secretary of the Vakil’s Association, Madras, made I application for
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    • 62 1 Haii<jOi)n Times Service, i Chumbi (Sikkim) 6th Feb. —The tra<le in wool, which had at one time been prohibited by the Tibetans, is once again in full swing. Stocks which had accumulated in the Chumbi valley are now crossing the Jelapla. A large caravan has also passed Tuna from
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    • 430 1 The Mullah Cowed. Bombay, Bth Feb. —The latest reports from Somaliland state that everything points to the fact that the tight at Jidhali has been a terrible shock to the Mullah and his fighting men. Not a single one of the enemy has been seen near the forces
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    • 956 1 (Pioneer Correspondent.) Camp at New Chumbi, 29th Jan. i I have traversed the whole length of the i line of communications up to Fort Phari, and am now able to speak from personal experience of the terrible cold which grips this part of the Himalayas in the
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    • 52 5 {Reuters Service.) London, 20th Feb. —It is semiofficialh' declared in Vienna that Russia’s interest in the Balkans has been rather intensified than diminished by the latest turn of events. The idea that the war in the Far Fast will prevent Russia from participating in the pacification of Macedonia
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    • 92 5 Precautions in Ulu Selangor. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, 21st Feb. —Trou- ble with the naichangs (mining coolies) in the Ulu Selangor district is expected. On Friday last a small detachment of Malay States Guides was sent to Rawang, and to-day a force of fifty
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    • 447 5 Bangkok Races. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, 18th Feb. —The results of the second day’s racing are as follows: The Maiden Stakes, Tcs. 250, 5 Furlongs. Mr. H. Hooker's Shamrock. The Engineers’ Purse, Tcs. 30th 3/4 Mile. Mr. J. Young’s Messenger. The Ladies’ Pirse, Tcs. 250, i
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  • Shipping.
    • 200 1 Fuk Wo, Br. !>.s. 454% Tadd. ‘22nd Feb., Batavia, 20th Feb, Nil. K. B. A Co. R. I*. No 0. Dut. s.s. 370, Ali, 22ml Feb., Langkat, 21st Feb., Oil. K. B. A; Co. Rhipen, Dut. s.s. 1.958. Husband, 21st Feb., Amsterdam, !)th Jan., Gen., W. M. Co. Saga,
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    • 26 1 22nd February. Artsadony, for Batu Bahra and Asahan. Canton, for Pangkor and Teluk Anson. Wailtora, for Mouluiein. Calypso, for Deli. Mary Austin, for Port Swettenhain.
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    • 78 1 Lady Weld, Br. s.s. 245, Treweeke, 21st Feb., T. Anson, 20th Feb., (fen.. Straits S. S. Co. j Jin Ho, Br. s.s. 110, Hastrup, 21st Fen., Langkat. 20th Feb., Gen..- B. Bros, i Vidar, Br. s.s. 191, Crichton, 21st Feb., Deli. 20th Feb.. Gen., -Koe Guan C<>. Asahan,
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    • 56 1 IV** el* j 1 Fro in .1 </r ill* Hue Pentakotta Rangoon H.L.ACo. 23rd Feb. Cheung Chew Rangoon S.T.&Co. 23rd Feb. Gera Singapore B M.ACo. 24th I P reussen [Colombo do. 25 th 1 Capri C. A pear Singapore do. 25th Singapore A .A. A .Co. 25th A. A
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    • 41 1 Vesuri* For A yent* Leave* Pentakota Singapore H L.&Co. 23rd Feb. Gera Colombo B.M.&Co. 24th PreuHsen Singapore do. 25 th Capri Bombay do. 2') th C. Apear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 26th A. A pear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 27th Cheaug Chew Rangoon S.T.&Co.
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    • 62 1 For peli Per Vidar, to-morrow, 11 a. lll and Brandan—Pei Tow Tony, to*inorrow, noon. Laiigkat Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Asalian —Per Aku/kih, to-morrow, l Port Swettenhnni and Malacca—Per Pmlo liimau, to-morrow, 2 pm. Teluk Anson -Per Lady Weld, to-morrow, 3 Port Swettenhain and Singapore—Per
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    • 34 1 Inward.— Per Malta. from Singapore, Messrs. A, M. Noonlin Mr. Schitfmanu, A. (jt. Anthony. Per Pulo lliinau, from Malacca, Mr i.u<l Mrs. Duncan, Mrs. Fretwell, Mr. W. H argrcaves, Mr. Ong Cheng Kang.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 116 1 A. E. SKEELS. LIQTJETTRS. The Chanderiang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Limited. AN Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders ‘will held at the Office of the Company, No. 9 Weld Quay, j Penang, on Tuesday, the 23rd February, 1904, at 11-30 a.m. The Ordinary Half Yearly Meeting of Shareholders will be held
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    • 183 1 To-day’s Advertisements. STRAITS HOTEL, Chulia Street, Penamj T. RICHARDSON, Wines and Spirits of the Best Quality. Echo on Salk Hkkk. LOST. I i <) kN Sunday, 14th instant, one White Brilliant (Pontiauak), weighing 1 Carat, set in Pinchbeck, between Green Hall, Light Street. Penang Street and Beach Street. Finder will
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    • 7 1 ROSE’S LIME JUICE. McAlister St Co., Ltd
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    • 15 1 A. E SKEELS. f ■WHISKIES. FUNAGOYA WATER. McAlister Co., Ltd. GT Read Pages 2 7
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 28 1 WEATHER. I'hk following report is kiudlv supplied l*y I lie Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis: The rainfall iluring the *2+ hour* en«le<l at. 9 to-ilav was nil.
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  • 2882 2 Address at Kuala Lumpur. Following is the address delivered l>y Dr. Lim Boon Kent; before tlie Selangor j Literary and Debating Society at Kuala Lumpur on 1 Dt li instant, upon “Educational and Commercial Reforms.” Dr. Lim Boon Keng arrived at Kuala Lumpur on Thursday last,
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  • 147 2 Per P. O. steamer Malacca,” from Loudon, Jau. *23.—To Kobe Mr. L. T. Kibble. To Shanghai Mr. and Mrs. Buck—To Hong Kong Mr. Lavug and children. To Singapore Second Lieut. F. A. G. Houghton, Capt. and Mrs. C. J. Blunt, Mr. R. O. Cuthber/. Per P. Si 0.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 24 2 FOR SALE I GEKEERAH," winner of the first Griffin race Penang January Aleetiug, 1004. For Price Ac., applv to V. HOLLEY, i lwk. IH-2-04.
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    • 1506 2 re A Prompt Life Insurance Settlement US I of l.el'jj letter HI E following is a copy of a [j_ received by Messrs Tiang Lee Co., the L*»cal Agents of the China Mutual Life is, in he he lit to es to ehe iv er be li- 1 manner in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1586 3 /S&iJh 9t Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. x^va Expected nvrinit and Departures. Service. Outwards. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. IK fast and well-known Mail Steamers of this Line will leave Penang on or about the undermentioned dates:— OUTWARDS HOMEWARDS: Mar. 3 s.s. Simla connectKigwitH 8 .H. Mongolia 3i m„L 1; ch a
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  • 80 4 Justice BatisUw everybody, and justice alone. Emermii. Established June Ist, 1903. I*ti)»li4)ie«l ilaily*(exc?pt Kimduyn.) at mi CRITERION PRESS, Ld„ No. 228-292, Beach Street. Penang. PRICE PAILt, LOCAI. 521 per aiiiiiim. (IW Free) j" MAIL KDITION (Fust Kiee) 15 CAULK ADDRESS: E c li o—Pen a n g.”
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  • 451 4 Thkkk is little cause for wonder timt Russia's threat of an invasion of India has been received by the natives of that Empire with derision. Had Russia uttered the same warning five years ago then it might have caused uneasiness, for the Bear (bugbear) has always been India’s
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  • 361 4 Dkhi’lTK the peroration of Mr. Maxwell and his assurance that such a thing as crime practically did not exist in Kinta, a serious riot has occurred at Chend&riang, in which one man has been killed and two badly wounded, as our correspondent wired last week. In addition
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  • 607 4 Mr. W. A. Cuscaden has been ap{>oiuted a Municipal Commissioner, Singapore, cice Lieut.-Colonel Penuefather. Mr. F. R. Dias, Additional District Judge, Colombo, lias instituted an action charging the Editor of Notice Opinion with criminal defamation. 1' Fong Ah Hoy was charged before Mr. Bryant to-day with
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  • 362 4 22 nd February 1904. H. E. Viscount Hayashi, L. L. D. Japan’s Ambassador to Engrand. t His Excellency Viscount TadasU Hayuslii; the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Mikado of Japan at the Court of St. Janies, attains his fiftyfourth birthday to-day. Born in Sakura, Shiinosa,
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  • 110 4 Mr. Copeland, chief engineer on the Indo China s.s. Taisany, which arrived here at daylight this morning, died suddenly on Thursday as the steamer was mooring at the wharf in Singapore. The ship came from Hongkong and Shanghai, and it is supposed that the sudden
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  • 395 4 j“A Company Again in the Ascendancy. Two events in the P. V. C. fourth rifle meeting were contested in tine weather on Saturday afternoon and yesterday morning, :“A Company carrying off all the honours. On Saturday Private Bennett, A Co., was the winner of the Running Man
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  • States’ News.
    • 451 4 (From our own Correspondents.) Chendariang Riot. *7 'Tai’.vh,' JOth lO a.m. the mining'eoolies working for Towkav Eu Tong Sew at Chenderiang attacked the kongsi house and smashed up all they could lay hands on. The police were sent for and a Sergeant and six men. with loaded rifles, went
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    • 650 4 Kuala Lumpur Giri,s’ School, distribution op prizes. Kuala Lumpur. 12th Feb.—The breaking- up of the Kuala Lumpur Girls’ School for the Chinese New Year Holidays took place in the school-room yesterday afternoon, and was attended by a large gathering of visitors, friends and relations of the pupils. The room
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 650 4 To-day's Advertisements. Qq MUNICIPAL NOTICE. «HE next ORDINARY MEETING of ncipal Conn will be held the Municipal Commissioners At the MUNICIPAL OFFICE, On Friday, the 20th Instant, at 3 i\m. R P. PHILLIPS, 22-2-04 Secretary. 135 PENANG. PROVISION DEPARTMENT. PENANG LIBRARY. New Shipment of (‘ and Blackwell’s Fresh Tinned Goods.
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    • 4 4 ELECTRO-PLATEDWARE McAlister co.. Ltd.
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  • 679 5 Russians Retreat. o—-— Mandjour Abandoned. :o:Wounded Reach Hongkong. :o: Russian Refugees for Colombo. Japan the Champion 0/ Chrisfendom. O Panic in Paris. {From Our Own Correspondents.) London, 21st Feb. (10-20 p. A French report, emanating from St. Petersburg, states that the Japanese armoured cruiser Asama lias been seriously
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  • The Straits Echo
    • 71 5 (Special Service.) The Russian Legation Robbery. [From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, 19th Feb. —Sanerdan, the Malay arrested for the robbery of jewellery and property from the residence of Mr. A. E. Olarovsky, the Russian Minister, and from the British Vice-Consul, has pleaded guilty to receiving stolen property. The other
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  • The Straits Echo
    • 47 5 Special Service.) (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, 21st Feb. (10.20 p.)—His Majesty King Edward, while visiting the cruiser Cumberland at Portsmouth, tripped over a water-tight door and met with a slight mishap. He was afterwards able to visit the Barracks at Eastnev. however.
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  • 917 5 Referring to Vessels, Towns <Vc. Mentioned in Our Special Service Wires. k< The Akitsushima is a cruiser of 3,150 tons, 8,400 horse-power and 19 knots speed. She is armed with four 6-in., six 4.7-iu., and ten 3-pdr. guns, with four torpedo tubes and has a crew of
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  • 943 5 (huiu Our Correspondent.) Bangkok, 4tli Feb. During the past i week we have had a visit from H. ’ll. S. gunboat Algerine which was also recently at Penang. A rifle shooting match was arranged 1 jet ween tip* naval visitors and I the lvrung Tbepe Rifle Association, and j
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  • 119 5 Penang, 22nd February. I Jty courtesy ot' the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Bank ...1/10.; 4 months’ sight Bank .1 11, 3 Credit I/11, 3 Documentary ...I lljV Calcutta, Demand Bank Jis. I ll 3 days’ sight Private 113 Bombay, Demand Bank 141 3 days’ sight Private 143 Madras, Demand
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  • 165 5 Tin 8 78.20 sellers Gold leaf 8 84. B. Pepper (\Y Coast 31b5.50/..)$ 28. —gules White Pepper 8 50. —sales Tiling Pepper 8 SI.--seller* Cloves (picked) 8 43. sillers Mace 8140. now. Mace Pickings 115. sellers Nutmegs llOs 85.— sellers (Mol 7.50 Sugar 2 5.20 Basket 3.70 sellers Tapioca
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1992 6 BEST HOTELS. Bangkok Cable Addretw: Oriental.” THE ORIENTAL HOTEL Oriental Hotel Syndicate. Proprietor*. 51C Kuala Lumpur. F. M. S. HOTEL. INSURANCES. Canxon insurance Office, Limrcea. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount Paid-up Re sene Fund 500,000 730,000 Under European Management. Centrally situated within 10 minutes from the Railway Station. Almost Adjoining thk
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  • 136 7 Hk laughs IK'st who sees tlii* point of the joke first. Wisdom is the mime some men apph to their self-conceit. It often happens that the silent partner has the most to say. As men grow wealthy they begin to inquire into their ancestry. Pride often lifts a man
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  • 118 7 Kissing Hobson,’ otherwise Comdr. R* P. Hobson, c. s. has drawn a Hill which lie has entrusted to Representative ileyof Alahanv to carry through Congress which, it is said, aims at making the United States the lirst naval power of the woild during the next eighteen years. The
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  • 199 7 The following changes will take place amongst the troops in India during the trooping season of 1904-05: Cavalry. Idth Hussars, iShorncliife to India Ith Royal Irish Dragoon Guards, Muttra to South Africa Royal Field Artillery. 9th Brigade, Middleburg, Cape Colony, to India: 48th Brigade, Meerut to Engine! Royal Garrison
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1225 7 BU I sL Co Craham *C#.,W, PENANG. (Established in 1879). Tin and Pepper Merchants. Aden Salt, Italian Salt. Tuticorin Salt, Cochin-China Salt. All kinds of Iron for Sale. GENERAL IMPORTERS OF JUNGLE PRODUCE AND COMMISSION AGENTS. 43c Wholesale CHEMISTS, 4 Reach Street, Penang. HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. TIANG LEE Go. WANTED
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    • 94 7 1 TAIK HO Co. 82, Main Road, PEIiAK, TAIPING. (Established 1839). General Merchants, Provisioners and Commission Agents. European floods of the highest quality. Imported wholesale direct from the maiiufactii rers. Thus giving Constituents the benefit of very favourable rates. Liberal stock of Wines ami Liquors of unexceptionable brand, always on
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1509 8 The Yankee Novelty Co. 89, FARQUIiAR STREET. Sk rsrKX i X STRAITS STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd. The Travelling Season 44 SAILINGS FROM PENANG. JUST RECEIVED THE PENANG SIN PEO. m m SAMUEL BIRCH Co.’s “BLACK BOTTLE” Pure Malt Whisky. Travelling Requisites. (CHINESE DAILY NEWS.) distilled from finest malt, thoroughly matured
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