Straits Echo, 19 February 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 37 1 For Week ending Thursday, Feb. 25,1904 p.m. Friday, 19th 330 3.55 Saturday, 20th 4.20 4.45 Siuiday, 21st, 5.10 5.35 Monday, 22nd 600 6.25 Tuesday, 23rd 6.50 7.15 Wednesday, 24th... 7.40 8.05 Thursday, 25th 8.30 8.55
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  • 27 1 I' llst Quarter... Feb. 23rd, 11-51 p.m. O Full Moon Mau. 2nd, 9.16 a.m. Last Quarter Bth. 10.2 p.m. O New Moon 17th, 10.59 am.
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  • 19 1 1 O- l> A T. Town Hand, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. 'i O-MOKKOW Town Hand. Gulf Club, 5-3 pm
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  • 38 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Out w a it ns. Homewards. Simla 3 Mar Malta 'JO Feb I Chusan o Mar Kxtra Service. Outwards. llom «wards. Malacca 'J3 Peb j Palma 26“ Feb For particulars See Page 3.
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    • 610 1 {Rangoon Times Service.) London, 9th Feb.—The Kaiser \Y illiam has abandoned his projected cruise j in the Mediterranean owing to the present crisis. The Daily Telegraph publishes a des- j patch dated Nagasaki, <>th instant, stating that when the Russian Squadron left Port Arthur it escorted troopships to
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    • 358 1 llanyoju Times Service.) The Time» correspondent at Peking telegraphs that the Russian force has been grossly exaggerated. Russia is bearing her reverses very calmly and is confident that the issue will he decided by operations on land. The Russians are cancelling all their i orders for Welsh coal.
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    • 166 1 M. C. C. vs. Victoria. Return Match. London, 8th Feb.—Victoria in the tirst innings made 299, McAlister, who plaved a faultless game, scoring 189. W arner’s team then went in and finished their tirst innings with a score of 248. Hayward making 77. A Record Total. London, 9th Feb.
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    • 17 1 London, Bth Feb. —Mr. B.ilfour has developed bronchial trouble and another doctor has been summoned.
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    • 19 1 London, 6th Feb.—lmports for January have decreased a quarter million and exports three quarters of a million.
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    • 38 1 London, 6th Feb. —Lord Rosebery, the Duke of Devonshire and Sir H. Campbell Bannernian and other freetraders of both parties dined at Lord Winborne’s last night. This is regarded as a foreshadowing of a definite alliance.
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    • 44 1 London, 6th Feb. —The programme ot Colonial Reliefs shows a considerable reduction in the army in South Africa during the course of the year. Nine Infantry and three Cavalry regiments return between March and August and will be replaced by six battalions.
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    • 56 1 Calcutta, 7th Feb. —The Statesman says that while the sting has to a considerable extent been removed from the Official Secrets’ Bill, the liability of being dragged into Court is one which only editors of more than ordinary courage backed by proprietors of more than average public
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    • 42 1 London, 7th Feb. —The Army Council has been appointed and consists of the Secretary of State, Mr. ArnoldForester. Military Members: Generals Neville, Lyttleton, Harsley Douglas, Plumer, Wolfe, Murray, and Civil Members Lord Donoughmore, Bromlev Davenport, and Secretary, Edward Ward.
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    • 42 1 An Avalanche of Selling. London, titli Feb. —Enormous liquidations took place in the New York Cotton Market yesterday. The bulls were overwhelmed by an avalanche of selling and were routed. Distress in Lancashire Cotton gambling is causing widespread distress in Lancashire.
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    • 77 1 Calcutta, 12th Feb. —The latest official news of the Tibet Mission states that it is still at Tuna and will wait there till it is prepared to move on to Gyantse. Signs are evident that the Tibetans are getting rather tired ot waiting in idleness at Guru.
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    • 58 1 Loudon, 7th Feb. —Lieut.-General Sir lan Stamlish Moiiteatli Hamilton, k.c.b., D. 8.0., 0.M.0., will in the event of war be appointed British Attache to the Russian forces and, on conclusion of hostilities, lie will probably proceed to South Africa to command the forces there. Later. Lieutenant-General Sir lan
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    • 120 5 Royal Bangkok Sports Club. Tuesday’s Racino. (From our own Correspondent.) Bangkok, 16th Feb.—The first day’s racing took place in splendid weather and there was a large attendance. The results are as follows. The Griffin Stakes, (Tcs. 250, 7 furlongs)—Mr. W. A.G. Tilleke’s Dapper Dandy. The Leap Year
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    • 30 5 Rout of the Albanians. (Reuters Service.) London, 18th Feb.—The Albanian insurgents have been routed, losing eight hundred in killed and o O wounded. The Turkish loss was heavy
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    • 48 5 Chinese Labour Question Settled. (Reuters Service.) London, 18th Feb. —Mr. Samuels’ amendment to the Address, opposing the introduction of Chinese labour to the Transvaal was rejected by the House of Commons. The Transvaal Government is now at liberty to proceed with the importation of Chinese labour.
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    • 293 5 (Straits Times Service.) Shanghai, 15th Feb.—Mr. George McBain is dead. [Mr. George McBain was well known in Hongkong, Shanghai, and the Yangtsze ports. He was a merchant and shipowner and was very popular with all classes. He represented the Slianghai Sumatra Tobacco Co., the Shanghai Langkat Tobacco
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  • Shipping.
    • 102 1 Jelunga, Hr. s.s. 3,361, Windebauk, iStli Feb., Rangoon, 15th Feb., ltice. H. L. A Co. VVaihoka, Hr. s.s. 1,161. Daniel, IBth Feb., Moulmein, 15th Feb., Gen., Koe Guan Co. Coromandel, Hr. s.s. 2,793, Montford, 19th Feb., Bombav, 10th Feb., Gen., P. O. Avagyee, Hr. s.s. 247, Morier, 19th Feb.,
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    • 48 1 19th Februai v. Hock Cliuaa l it, for Hatu Hahra ami Asahau. Hebe, for Deli. Lonykot, for Port Swettenham and Malacca. Uii Peng, for Perlis and Setul. Lady Weld, for Tel uk Anson. Perak, for Tongkah, Kopah, Kenong, Victoria Point, Maliwun and Mergui. R. Halewyu, for Asahan.
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    • 73 1 Jelunga, Hr. s.s. 3,361, VVindebaiik, 18th Feb., Rangoon, 15th Feb., Rice. H. L. A Co. Waihora, Hr. s.s. 1,161, Daniel, 18th Feb., Moulmein, loth Feb., Gen.,-—Koe Guan Co. Avagyee, Hr. s.s. 247, Morier, 19th Feb., Telulc Anson, 18th Feb., Gen.. Koe Guan Co. Lai Sang, Hr. s.s. 2,224,
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    • 58 1 Vessels From Ayenls Due van Outhoorn Singapore H.L.&Co. •20th Feb. Malaya Singapore London B.M.&Co. 20th Bencieuch S. B. A Co’.1st Brisg ivia Suez B M.&Co. !2n<l Alesia Singapore do. 12 nd Gera Singapore do. 13rd Preussen Colombo do. 24th Capri Singapore do. 25th C. Apcar Singapore A. A. A.Co.
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    • 115 1 Vessel» For Aijents Leo res vau Onthooru Pulo Well i' L.ACo. 20th Feb. Maluva Odessa B.M.ACo, 20th a. Brisgavia Singapore do. 22nd Alesia Colombo do. 22nd Gera Colombo do. 24th Preussen Singapore do. 24th Capri Bombay do. 25t h C. Apear Calcutta A. A. A.Co. 20th A. A pear
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    • 109 1 Fok Kdie, T. fcSeinawe.Segli and (Jlehloh Per feyu, to-morrow, p.m. port Swettenliam and Singapore Per Omapere, to-morrow, l! p.m Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amov Per Jehmya, to-morrow, 8 p in. Teluk Anson -Per Avajyee, to-morrow, J p.m. Port Swetteuliaui Per Carlyle, tomorrow, 3 p.m. Port Swettenliam and Siugiijiore
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 29 1 WEATHER Thk following report is kiudlv supplied l»v t he Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis: The rainfall during the '24- hours ended At W «.in. to-tfcvy was It'Ki inches.
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  • 16 1 Obituary. London, 7th Feb—The death is announced of Mr. Joseph Powell Williams. Member for South Birmingham.
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  • 1523 2 It was announced on 21st ult. that 8,000 Russian soldiers had left Port Arthur, and 1 it was Ixdieved that they were proceeding to j the Yalu River. It is reported that Russia has lieeu trying to secure a general permit from Turkey to enable her warships at
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 6 2 ROSE’S LIME JUICE. McAlister Co., Ltd
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    • 140 2 Dr. i). H. LAMB. American Dentist. Graduate of Philadelphia Dental College, 1875. mWENTY-EIGHT YEARS’ continuous JL practice. Riali class, artistic, modern Dentistry in all its branches. Deutal Parlours, Farquhar Street, —opposite Sea View Hotel. The Yankee Novelty Co. 39, FARQUHAR STREET. C s. »tVW 1 -V. V V*-'* r Y"~l-
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    • 1783 2 LOST Sunday, l4th instant, one AN hite Brilliant (Pontianak), weighing 1 -J} Carat, set in Pinchbeck, between Green Hall, Light Street, Penang Street and Beach Street. Finder will be rewarded, 62W. F. E. S.” Apply to 15-2-04 117 No. 1, Light Street, Pena ng. 1 wk. LIME FOR SALE. lime
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1424 3 P- 0- mat i. Co. Expected arrival and Departures. Service. Outwards. Feb. 18 s.». Coromandel Norddeiitscher Lloyd, Bremen. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Go. Ltd. BANKS IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. rpilE fast ami well-known Mail Steamers of this Line ill leavePenang on or about the undermentioned dates:— OUTWARDS: HOMEWARDS: Koninklijke
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  • 74 4 Justice satisfies everylxxly, and justice alone.—Emerson. Established June Ist, 1903. I’liblifthed'daily at th* CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. *2*26-232, Beach Street. Penang. PRICK I DAILY. IjOCAI pec Milium. (Cost free) 2< MAII. KIHTION (I’nst, Kree) 15 CAItI.K AIHMIKSS: “E c h o—P cnang." Telephone No. 188. Editor, Ciiksnky
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  • 766 4 Are French Waters Neutral There seems to be a certain amount of mvsierv surrounding the attitude which France may adopt in the war between Russia and Japan. France has talked peace to a very great extent, but it is worthy of note that up to date wo
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  • Current Topics.
    • 333 4 Wk think we may say without fear of contradiction that at no time since the British flag was hoisted in this part of the world has any journal published east of Colombo ever presented to its readers such an amount of authentic telegraphic nexes as the Echo has
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    • 393 4 With the warm approval of the Duke of Fife ami the Archbishop of Canterbury, a movement lias been started to call national attention to the evils of cigarette smoking by children. A manifesto has been issued bearing the signatures of many influential people, including the Earl of
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  • 348 4 The seventy-seventh Report of the Court of Directors to the ordinary half-yearly meeting of Shareholders to be held at the City Hall. Hongkong, to-morrow, the -Oth ins is as follows: Gentlemen.—The Directors have now to you a y.-n,ral ot the »&.ra of the Bank and Balance
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  • 463 4 The Second Festival. On the 2nd day of this moon (17th Feb.) the Penates or household guardian Spirits Were honored by offerings of meat, fruits and wine. The Thikd Festival. On the 4th dav of this moon (19th Feb.) it is believed the Spirit of the Hearth
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  • 1016 4 Kinta Traiuing Notes. Batu Gajah, 13th Feb.—The chief event of the week, apart from the arrival of a large numl>er of horses and their trainers has lieen the publication of the entries which are with one exception most satis’ factory. The fact that the once popular and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 891 5 The Tsar’s Speech. :o: “Brave, Confident and Crafty.” ;o:~ Russia’s Lame Excuses. France Hurrying Reinforcements. :<>: Finnish Troops Expected to Mutiny. :o: Russian outrage on Merchantmen Confirmed, :o: India Laughs at Russia’s Threat. :0: M Viceregal” Treatment of Japanese 0 REIGN OF TERROR AT FORT ARTHUR (From Our
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  • The Straits Echo.
    • 54 5 (Special Service.) Two Killed; One Wounded. (From our own Correspondent Chendariang, 19th Feb. —There has been serious rioting here. Two men were killed and one wounded. The police are coming in from outlying districts and are patrolling the town, so it is hoped there will he no
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  • 2369 5 (Before the Hon. A. F. G. Law, Puisne Judge.) Libel Action. C. W. Barnett r. Pi nano Gazette” i Press, Limited. 18th February 1 his was a claim tor 810,000 damages for libel. The details of the claim were published yesterday. Mr. Matthews for the defence observed j
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  • 115 5 Penang, 19th February. f Ity courtesy of the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Bank ...1/11£ 4 months’ sight Bank ...1/11 3 Credit ~.1/11*' 3 Documentary ...1/11 Calcutta. Demand Bank Its. 144 3 days’ sight Private IHi Bombay, Demand Bank 144 3 days’sight Private 14(i Madras, Demand Bank 144 3 days’
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  • 132 5 Inward. —Per Jclunga,” from Kaugoon, Messrs. Horse, Richards, Pugh, Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Courtenay. Per Avagyee,” from Teluk Anson, Messrs. Somerville, Holsen, Hod sen, Joo Nam. Per Helx*,” from Singapore, Messrs, Filers, McBain and Michael. Per Coromandel,” from Colombo, Miss Barber. From London, Mr. S A. Ambrose, Mr. A.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 139 5 Todays’ Advertisements. The Karangan Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Limited. riIHE Ordiuary Half Yearly Meeting of J. Shareholders will be held at the Office of the Company, No. 9 Weld Quay, Penang, on Monday, the 7th March, 1904, at 11-30 a.m. The Transfer Books of the Company are closed till after
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1995 6 BEST HOTELS. Bangkok INSURANCES. Cable Add re**: •’Oriental.” THE ORIENTAL HOTEL. Oriental Hotel Sindicatk. Proprietors. Canton insurance Office, Limited. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount Paid-up Reserve Fund 500,000 I 730,000 Teik Chin Coy. General Storekeepers, TRADE M A K K WONG KIM MUN, Ho. 77a, Bishop Street. Kuala Lumpur. F. M.
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  • 1325 7 Probable Course of the Operations. {St. s Gazette Ihe first act in a Russo-Japanese War must be a struggle for the command of the sea. Japan’s primary object is to secure her position in Corea. Ibis done, she will proceed, either alone or in alliance with China,
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  • 137 7 Per P. O. steamer Malacca," from London, Jan. 23.—T0 Kobe Mr. L. T. Kibble. To Shanghai Mr. and Mrs. Buck—To Hong Kong Mr. Layng and children. To Singapore Second Lieut. F. A.G. Rougliton, Capt. and Mrs. C. J. Blunt, Mr. R. O. Cutliberh Per P. it O. steamer
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 845 7 BUN TIN LUl'i Co., Graha|n &Co y /Vo. 231, Beach Street, PEHffJHNG. (Established in 1879). Tin and Pepper Merchants. Aden Salt, Italian Salt, Tuticorin Salt, Cochin-China Salt. AH kinds of iron for Sale. GENERAL IMPORTERS OP JUNGLE PRODUCE AND COMMISSION AGENTS. 43c Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. CRAIGELLACHIE
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    • 45 7 The British Pharmacy, No. 427, Penang Road. Patent Medicines OBTAINABLE AT THE LOWEST PRICES. PRESCRIPTIONS accurately dispensed with the Purest Drugs Open day and night. THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” square face (jin in red cases. Sandilands, Buttery Co. FUNAGOYA WATER. Mc/l lister <& Co., Ltd
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1756 8 To Subscribers. CJUBSCRIBEKS will very greatly oblige the undersigned, and help him to accelerate the delivery of the Strait» Echo, if when the paper is lute they will note on the wrapper the time of receipt and, if possible, the name of the man who delivers it, and forward the
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