Straits Echo, 18 February 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 43 1 tor \Y eek ending Wednesday. Feb. 24, 1904 '-M. h.m. Thursday, 18th 2.46 y o,'* Friday, 19th 3.30 3.55 Saturday, 20th 420 445 Sunday, 21st, 5.1 d 5.35 Monday, 22nd 0.00 0.25 Tuesday, 23rd 0.50 7.1.5 Wednesday, 24th... 7.4 d #.05
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  • 20 1 First Quarter... Fkb. 23rd, 11-51 pm. O Full Moon Mar. 2nd. 9.10 am. Last Quarter Bth. 10.2 p.m.
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  • 18 1 To-day. Town Hand, Golf Chib. 5-3 d p.m. To-morrow Town 1 >:i ii< 1. Esplanade. 5-30 j>.m
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  • 39 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. dUTWARIIK. HoM K WARDS. Coromnnde/ IS Feb Malta :H) Feb Simla .7 Mar Chusaa 5 Mar Hxtra Service. Outwards. Hosikw \kds. Malacca 2.7 Feb Palma 'Jfi Feb I fclr For particulars .See Page 3.
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    • 55 1 (From Our Own Correspondent Kwala Lumpur, 16th Feb. (4 p.) i Mr. J. P. Joaquim of Messrs. Joaquim Bros., Solicitors, well-known through- out the Straits and States died, at 10.45 this morning after a brief illness caused by a lung complaint. The funeral will
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    • 26 1 {From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, 14th Feb.—Phva Boriboon’s large rice-mill has been destroyed by fire. Damage Ticals 230,060, paddy considerably under insured.
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    • 21 1 Singapore, 17th Feb.—His Ex. .Sir John Anderson will arrive here by the English mail due on 17th April.
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    • 133 5 London, 18th Feb. (5.1o a)—The Mom inn leader** Tientsin, correspondent reports that he hits the highest authority for stating that 100,000 troops are on the way to Liaotung Peninsula and may be ex- j pec ted to arrive thereon Thursday, j The object of the expedition is to
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    • 124 5 The Russian warships Oxliabya, Aurora and Dmitri Dotuskoi with a number Of torpedo boats, have been ordered to remain at the French Red Sea port of Jibutil till further orders. It is stated in St. Petersburg that a large movement of Japanese troops, covered by an escort
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    • 195 5 London, 18th Feb.—A wire from St. Petersburg states that the Japanese are bribing the Tunguses to destroy the Manchurian Railway. Admiral Makaroff lias left St. Petersburg for the Far East. He is appointed to succeed Admiral Starke in the Chief Command of Russia’s Naval forces at Port
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    • 152 5 The Franco-Siamese Treaty. {From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, 16th Feb.—The FrancoSiamese Treaty has been signed at Paris. Under the stipulations contained therein France receives the concessions demanded by the French Colonial Deputies and is to remain in occupation of Chantabun until the new FrancoSiamese frontier is delimited.
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  • 1323 1 (From Oar Oirn Correspondents.) London, lotli Feb. (2-20 p.m.) The Japanese Embassy in London has received a report to tlie effect that the American steamer Pleiades has arrived at Chefoo from Port Arthur and, on arrival there, reported that the Russian cruiser Askold was so badly damaged by
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  • 93 1 Inward,.- Per Pin Seng,” from Singapore, Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Ephraums, Mrs. W. Woodworth, Mr. Baker. I Per Jin Ho,” from Langkat, Mr. Ter V r »H>r M in, Miss Fenderharte, Messrs. Oblenslager, Jager, Gubbins and Kea* h. Per Iiadv Weld," from '1'eluk Anson. Messrs. A. \Y. Kinion,
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  • Shipping.
    • 212 1 Pin Seng, Br. s.s. 878. Davidson, 15th Feb., Singapore, 1 1 1 Fob.. Gen., B. Bros. Bah alan. Dut. s.s. 339, Voor, lBtii Feb.. Brandau, 17tii Feb., Oil,--]’. <V Co. Mary Austin, Br. s.s. 140, Marris, l- r >tli Feb., Port Swettenliam, 14th Feb.. Gen., Koe Guan Co. Deli,
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    • 49 1 IStli February. I Ho Kwei, for Deli. Taw Tong, for Laugkat ami Bangkalan Brandan. Jin Ho, for Laugkat. Cornelia, for Tongkah. Artsadomj, for Batu Bahru and Asalian l 'iditr, for Deli. Mary Austin, for Port Swettenliam. Canton, for Pangkor and Teluk Anson. Deli, for Trang and Pang Nga.
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    • 46 1 Peuu. Hr. b.b. 294, Coysh, 16th Feb., Acheeu, l- r >th Feb, Gea., Ban Ho Hiu. Lanokat, Br. s.s. 187, LingarJ, 17th Feb., Malacca, loth Feb., Gea., —Koe Guan.. Co. Caulvle, Br. s.s. 631, Quiae, 17th Feb., Port Swettenham, 15thFeb.. Tin Ore.Straits Steamship Co.
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    • 39 1 Ve#*el* 1 Vo Ml Afjenht Due van Outhooru Singapore II. L A Co. 20th Fel Bencl«uch London S. B. A Co. 21st C. A pair Singapore A. A. A.Co. 25th A. A pair Calcutta A. A. A.Co 26th
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    • 30 1 Yeenel* For Afjent* Leave* van OuthoomTulo Weh C. A pear [Calcutta. A. A pear Singapore Bencleueli .Singapore H.L.AC'o. A. A. A.Co. A. A. A.Co. 8.B.&C0. •20th Feb 20tl. 27th
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    • 63 1 Foit Singapore and China Per Coromandel, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Deli—Per Hebe, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Asaiiau Per 11. Haleicyn, to-morrow, 1 ]> m. Port Swettenham and Malacca Per Loiujknf, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Tongkah, Kopali, Kenong, Victoria Point, Mali wun and Mergui Per Prink, tomorrow, 2 p.m. Perlis and Setul
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 45 1 A. E. SKEELS. lxqttettx^s. FOR SALE. Stephens’ Writing Inks, Stephens’ Copying Inks, Stephen’s Gums. CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., PEN A NO. CUTLERY. McAlister A Co#* Ctd. NOTE. DIN7ILLFS 3 CROWN WHISKY IS NOW MADE UP IN Clear While Glass Bottles* KATZ BROS., Ltd., Sole Agents 59c
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    • 124 1 To-day’s Advertisements. The British Pharmacy, Vo. 427, Penang Road. Patent Medicines OBTAINABLE AT THE LOWEST PRICES. PRESCRIPTIONS accurately dispensed with the Purest Drugs. Open day and night. The Yankee Novelty Co. 3». FARQUHAR STREET. IV DECORATIONS For Houses and Clubs. GARLANDS. Wreaths ami Festooniinr in j Red White ami Blue.
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    • 15 1 A. E. SKEELS. •S, "WHISKIES. JUNGLE FURNITURE. McAlister Co„ Ltd. S3* Read Pages 2 7.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 491 2 The first, day iu every mouth Chinese t Calendar, of course—and a fortnight subse- t queut thereto, together with the present annual season of rejoicing amongst the Chinese, are especially important assign- I inents for visiting the Chinese Temple at Aier Ftam. There will
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  • 323 2 London, 19th Jan.- —The. mui kei iast week was very steady, but on Monday the news that Chinamen had sold a lair quantity iu the East at lower prices had a depressing effect, aud holders became anxious sellers with the effect that tli»* market dropped fully £3 pe r
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  • 208 2 Yebhei.s arriving in Bombay re{>ort that the new light.i iu the Bed Sea are now iu thorough working order. They are establish- ed at Jebel Tier, Centre Peak. Abu Ail and Mocha. All the lights are of French mauu- 1 facture, and under favourable
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  • 186 2 The labour question is at present troub- ling i lie Ceylon planters. The money-lender or chettv who gains power over the coolies is the malign influence that makes mischief J between employer and employed. He is able to trade gangs <>f eoolies in his debt from planter
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  • 268 2 Per P. &O. steamer Oceana, connecting with the steamer Coromandel at Colombo, from London, Jan. 22.—T0 Shanghai Miss E Leed. Miss L. Lund. Miss E. M. Kock. To Hong Kang Dr. and Mrs. j Scatliffe. Mrs. Frerer and child. Mr. W. J, Mav, Capt. Kirby, Mr. G<x>dchild. Mr.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 57 2 “Gold Seal’ Milk Keeps longer and is cheaper than any other. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. LOST. ON Sunday, 14th instant, out* White Brilliant (Pontiauak), weighing 1 JCarat., set in Pinchbeck. ljetween Green Hall, Light Street, Penang Street and Beach Street. Finder will he rewarded, s2<>o. Apply to F. E. 5.,” ,Y<).
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    • 130 2 R. Madigan Latham, MINING ENGINEER, IPOH. Mining properties bored, prospected and reported on. Mining plants designed and erected. soli: agent for The Humboldt Engineering Works Co. Specialities in Mining Machinery. ~TTT*INDING Engine*. Cage*?, Trucks, tt Skips, Jiggers, Slim- Tables, Ac. Pumps of all descriptions, Air Compressors, Boring .Machinery, edag Granulating
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    • 1958 2 er Before decorating yonri A Prompt Life Insurance Settlement. letter JAMES BUCHANAN C.o’fc FOR THE Artificial Paper Decorations r JTHE following is a copy of received bv Messrs Liaug Lee <fc Co.. CLUB OR HOUSE Agent's of the China Mutual Life j Insurance Company, Limited, from Mrs. Lam Foong Chee.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1878 3 rr u. i. Co. Expected arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. i* eb. 18 8.8. Coromandel Norddeiitscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. fJ'MIh fast ami well-known Mail Steamers of this Line will leavePenaner on or about the tind«rmpnt,ir»n»rl BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., lid. BANKS Koninklijkc Msstschsppij, Negapatam Lines
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  • 85 4 Joel ice suttL-Hes everybody, an<l justice «Unit*.— Butrrxcu. F.stablislied June Ist, 190 S. («•xrppt'siiiMLty».) AT THf CRITERION PRESS. 1.d., No. 221*-2ffii, lua-li .Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY, LOCAL trti pxi nwiii»*. (IW Frerl fl MAIL EDITION (r,».t Kree) 15 CAIILK ADDRESS: E c ii o —V e it
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  • Current Topics.
    • 429 4 In our last issue we gave publicity to whatever notifications had been issued, in the usual way. relative to the closing of the Post Office and Banks for the Chinese New Year liblidaYs. Tim Post Office notified the public in its daily Express. We had no idea at
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    • 445 4 The news to-day is as i instructive as it is interesting. We are told that Russia, was so unprepared lor war—we felt sure she was bluffing-, as usual—that ns soon as it commenced it became necessary to transport large bodies ol‘ troops across Siberia in freight cars and'
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    • 555 4 During the Cliino-Japanese war the Japanese by bold enterprise and skill in gunnery succeeded in capturing J t 1 3 one iron-clad turret .ship, thy.-o steel eruwers. si* gun-boats and one wooden gun-bout and if they persist, at their present rate, it is -proltahfc thil their luvv&l bag"
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  • 1750 4 The Hidden Treasure Nuisance. Amusing scenes and Irritated Landowners. HEAVY BLOW TO JOE’S SCHEME. THE TSAK AND PEACE. The Bear Auer PoeTkesia ACCIDENT TO LORD CHARLES BERKSIfOBD. Brunt ovr ntert Correspondent Fleet Street, 22rid Jan.—We are suffering just now from the misapplied genius of the Yellow journal
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  • 178 4 Madame Freid, the American songstress, arrive.! liere to-lay after a very successful tour through India, where she sang before the iceroy and the Governors of the various Presidencies. Madame Freid had a capital reception throughout India, and the newspapers speak in glowing terms of her concerts. We understand
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  • 16 4 n Y’ r< /r T A F G La,r Pui*vc Ik R m Judge.
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  • 923 4 C. W. Barnett v. “Pinang Gazette’’ Press, Limited. 18th February. The case 4n which C. W. Barnett, of Messrs. Barnett aud Stark (civil engineers etc., Penang claimed 810,000 damages lbr libel from the “Pinang Gazette" IVcsh .Limited, was called on for hearing. Th6f p|4ytgi)rj> jtatement of claim i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 898 5 Dash at Port Arthur. :o: Europe Fears Chinese Rising. “Viceregal” Verbosity. :o: Russians Frozen lo Death. :o: Lamsdorff Faints, Tsar Mourns, Populace Raves. :0: Japanese Seize Elliot Islands. :o: Makaroff Succeeds Stark. :o:— Russia Ripe for Revolt. (From Onr Oirn Corresponitent*. > Hongkong. 17th Feb.—The German j gunboat
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  • The Straits Echo.
    • 62 5 Special Service.) Turkey Preparing for Hostilities From our own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 17.—There is considerable disquietude iu Paris owing to the receipt of reliable news to the effect that Turkey is preparing for the immediate commencement of hostilities with Bulgaria. It is noteworthy that there are many
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  • The Straits Echo.
    • 50 5 (Special Service.) Mr. Morley’s Amendment Defeated. (From our own Correspondent.) London, 16th Feb. (1.38 a.) —A comprehensive amendment condemning the attitude of the Government with regard to Mr. Chamberlain’s liscal policy was moved in the House of Commons bv Mr. Morley, but was defeated by 327 votes to 276.
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    • 127 5 KINTA RACES From Our Own Correspondent Batu Gajali, 16tli Feb. —The Civil Service Cup, the Bth race on the first day, having failed to fill, the committee substituted the following A Handicap. For all horses that have never won a stake over S 300. The entries are
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  • 624 5 Some Facts and Details. The new iron pier was .again used a few (lavs ago, the Gerinau mail s.s. Sachsen taking in a quantity of tobacco, etc., from tiie Sumatra and the As than. the former being moored on the outside and the two local ships occupying
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  • 2534 5 The Volunteers and Guides in Camp As far as the Penang Volunteers are 1 concerned, the work that has been done at i Camp this year is more like what would attend active service than they have ever done before. They have probably never
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  • 118 5 Penang, 18th February. (If j courtesy of the Chartered Jiauk.) London Demand Bank l/10f n 4 months’ sight Bank ..J 11*; 3 Credit I /11 3 Documentary 1/11}* Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 141 3 days’ sight Private 140 Bombay, Demand Bank 144 3 days’ sight Private 140 Madras, Demand
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • 47 5 Obituary. Great Republican Leader Passes Away. [Reuters Service.) London, 18th Feb. —The death is announced of Marcus A. Hanna, of Cleveland, O., the great Republican Leader, but nevertheless an opponent of President Roosevelt, who is expected to be returned to the White House for a second term.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 2037 6 BEST HOTELS. BangkohOable Addrew “Oriental.” THE ORIENTAL HOTEL. Oriental Hotel Syndicate. Proprietors. INSURANCES. Canton insurance Office, Limixea. Capital Sulwcribed 3*2,500,000 Amount Paid-tip Reserve Fund 500,000 730,000 i Teifc Chin Coy. General Storekeepers, TRADE Kuala Lumpur, F. M. S. HOTEL. Under European Management. Centrally situated within 10 minutes from the Railway
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  • 452 7 This is the age of research and experiment, when all nature, so to speak, is ransacked by the scientific for the comfort and happiness of man. Science has indeed made giant strides during the past century, and among the by no means least important—discoveries in medicine comes
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  • 175 7 Penang, IHth February, 1904. Description. Beef— cte. Soup per catty 10 Roast 28 Steaks 28 Stew or Curry Meat 18 Rump Steak 28 Ox Tail each JO Tongue 00 Feet 20 Heart 30 Liver per catty 30 Pork Pork 80 Pig’s Head 50 Feet 40 Tongue 45 Mutton
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1455 7 M ™si Co Craham 4 Co., Ld„ Street, PENANG. (Established in 1879). Tin and Pepper Merchants. Aden Salt, Italian Salt. Tnticorin Salt, Cochin-China Salt. AH kinds of Iron for Sale. GEN URAL IMPORTERS OP JUNGLE PRODUCE AND COMMISSION AGENTS. wholesale CHEMISTS, 4 Beach Street, Penang. NOTICE. TO correspondents»: It is
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    • 48 7 NOTICE. DAVID NATHANIEL, Established 1882. Architect, Land Surveyor, Estimator, Contractor, Appraiser, Decorator, and Commission Agent, I 304 a, PERAK ROAD, PENANG. Telephoto’ ho. 57. 84c BURRELL CO.’S PAINTS, OILS AND TURPENTINE. Sandilands. Buttery Co. BAXTER CO.’S BEST NAVY CANVAS. Sandilands Buttery Co, 38c IRONMONGERY. McAlister 6 Co., Ltd
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    • 14 7 FOR SALE Faber's Blue Pencils. CRITERION PRESS Limited. ROSE’S LIME JUICE. McAlister <& Co., Ltd.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1569 8 if Consulate for the Netherlands. PRYE RIVER DOCK. PENAN» riTHE above I><>ck, situated in Province J. Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye Kiver, lias lately been lengthened and deep ened and is now of the following dimensions NOTICE Government Farms in Acheen and Dependencies. riIHE Farm having the right
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