Straits Echo, 13 February 1904

Total Pages: 9
1 1 Straits Echo
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  • 40 1 l'ur Week ending Friday, Feb. 19, 1904. AM. P.M. Saturday, l3ih 10.30 10.55 Sunday, 14tli H. 20 11.45 Monday, 15th 12.10 12.45 Tuesday, lGtli 1.00 025 Wednesday, 17th... 1.50 215 Thursday, 18th 2.40 2.05 Friday. 19th 3.30 355
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  • 26 1 •> Now .M.. 011 Feij. liitli. 4.20 p.m. I'irsf Quarter... 23rd, 11-51 p.,m. O Full .Moon Mae. 2nd, 9.10 a.m. Last Quarter glh, 10.2 p.m.
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  • 30 1 To-i»at. Hunt Club Chase, 5 p.m. Town Band. Golf Club, 5-30 p.m. Entries P. C. C. Lawn Tennis Close. Camp Meeting. To-MORROW < 'liurch Services see page 5. Camp Meeting.
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  • 47 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Hom kwards. Coromandel 18 Feb Malta 10 Fe Simla 8 Mar Chilean o Mai Extra Service. O u tw ARi>s. Hom v. w a k i >s. Malacca 'lB Feb Palermo 11 Fti j Palma, 10 For particulars See Page 3.
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    • 30 1 (Indian Daily Ncmg Service.) Colombo, 2nd Feb.—Sir Frederick l’reves will be entertained at a dinne by the British Medic-i 1 Association on iiis arrival fro in India.
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    • 48 1 New President of the Bengal Branch. Rangoon Timee Service.) Calcutta, 4th Feb.—The Asiatic Society of Bengal held their annual meeting last ni Jit. Mr. H. Rislev, the president, delivered a very interesting address. Mr. F. E Pargiter, c. s., was elected President for the current vear.
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    • 57 1 (Indian Daily Netre.') Calcutta, Ist Feb.—Owing to the threatening attitude of the Tibetans assembled at Guru, it has been deemed necessary to stiffen Colonel MacDonald s force. Tw<> hundred and four Mounted Infantrv with British Officers accordingly left Uniballa yesterday for Darjeeling an i two maxims with
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    • 65 1 William Watson Co. Sympathy from Constituents. (Indian Daily Nc'ce Service Uniballa, 2nd Feb.—The news that William Waston and Co. had suspended payment has be 11 received bv their numerous constituents in Ihe Punjab without panic.: on the contrary, nlri great sympathy, as the tiro h>s been ever courteous and accommodating.
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    • 80 1 Absent from Official Dinner. (China Mail Service). London, 2nd Feb.—The Daily Chronicle states that Mr. A J. Balfour, the Premier, is suffering from influenza, and is confined to his bedroom. He was absent from the official dinner given by him last night, as leader of the Conservative
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    • 80 1 Emoluments of Governors. (Indian Daily News Service.) Colombo, 2ml Feb. —A despatch has j been received from the Secretary of j State on his proposal of raising the emoluments of the Governors of Ceylon, Mraits, and Hongkong, owing to j the insufficiency of the salaries in support of
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    • 99 1 New Legal Member. t Rangoon Times Service.) Calcutta, 3rd Feb. —The Kins' ha* approved of the appointment of Mr. Henry Erie Richards to be Legal Member of the Governor-General’s j Council in succession to the Hon. Mr. Raleigh when the latter retires in April next. [Mr. Richards who
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    • 82 1 Over a iitiud-cd Dead. (FI Co'inercio e Serrict Clieswick, Pa 27th Jan.—An exploion of coal gases in the Harwick mini it Cheswick, Penn., has killed 180 persons. Later. —Latest advices concerning the tire-damp disaster here place the number of dead at one hundred and eightvfour. This mine is
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    • 123 1 Coolies drill into a detonator and are blown to atoms (Ceylon Observer Service.) Kaiidv, 3rd Feb.—An awful mishap occurred at Kaduganawa incline yesterday. Some coolies when drilling a rock which had been drilled some time ago from another side, having forgotten that it ha 1 been previously drilled,
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    • 115 1 Un.l* San-.’c Troubles. (Cab’enetcs Special Service.) Iligan, 20th Jan.—Matters are ag in becoming strained with the Moros. It seems that periods of bad behaviour are continually to be expected on the part of Moros until limy are given a severe lesson. Three or four times in the last
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    • 90 1 Moves and Counter* Moves. (Indian Daily News Service.) Colombo, Ist Eeb.—A British cruiser has left Port Said for the East with secret orders. A part of the Russian Squadron is due to-morrow. Considerable commissions have l>een placed with the United States. Japan wants live thousand tons of
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    • 86 1 (Hongkong Telegraph Service.) Yokohama, 3rd Feb. —In continuation of inv telegram of the 28th ultimo, stating that it was proposed to raise a hundred million yen on the land, income and sug r taxes, the Cabinet has now decided, in consequence of the opposition manifested, to
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    • 544 1 A Ghastly Catastrophe. (Indian Daily News Service.) U in bulla. 2nd Feb.— A most ghastly incident has taken place at the Batmd Junction, the railway platform being i strewn wiih heads, arm*, and legs of th* unfortunate cooli* s who were working in the powder magazine of the
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    • 183 5 No Crime in Kinta The Chendariang Outrage. (From our own Correspondent.) Chendariang, 12th Feb. —One of Mr. Malcolm Duncan’s mining kongsis, about two miles front here, was attacked last night by about twenty gang robbers, who held up the house, seized the tin ore and were carrying it off into
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  • Shipping.
    • 174 1 Omafkkk. Br. s.s 1.0, 15« vie. 12th Feb., Sin a pore, lota Fel>., Uou., Koo Guau Co. Java Br. s.s. 2,031. Barchani, 12th Feb., London, Oili Jan., (Jen., F. A. (J. Van Octhoobn. Dut. s.s. 1,534, Van Rhee. I—th teb., Sabang, 11th Feb., Gen. H. L. A Co. Glenoole,
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    • 101 1 13th February. Hoclc Chuan Utt, for liatu Bahru and Asahan. Ki'tu Sang, for Langkat. Jin Ho, for Langkat. Deli, for Trang and Pang Nga. Irtsndovg, for Asaliau. J. Aptar, for Singapore and Hongkong. \Cidar, for Deli. 1 vagyee, for Teluk Anson. Janet A icoll, for Moulinein and Tavo\ long
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    • 46 1 OMAPEBE.Br. s.s. 340, Boyle, 12th Feb, Singapore, 10th Feb, Gen., —Koe Guan Co. 'anton, Br. s.s. 105, Merican, 12th Feb. T. Anson, lltli Feb., Gen., —Ah Hing Co. iloK Canton, Br. s.s. 294, Scott, 13th Feb., Ac been, lltli Fsl»., Gen.,- —Ban Ho Hin.
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    • 27 1 I ’<?#>«/* Vo III 1 Ihin r .(jr.V. Lansberjjr* Elie H.TI.AC0. l ltli Eel). rlellfillloell •^iiuraport* P>e»ir Bros. tli iJenclnuch OlldoU S. B. «.t Co 1 at
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    • 82 1 \'r*xrlr For A jfiil Learr* i.a.v. Lansberi!»'; <Mie H L.ACo. 7t|. Feb. ilenfsilliK'l. -iinuapo'e B Bros. «th Benclench Siugapore S.B.&Co. »3nl We would direct t ho attention of shipping tlim< to the ryle m which "Steamers Kxperted ami Projected ailltHCa” in pvbtMlMl III tne Krli.o and m to doing
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    • 25 1 Foie:— B.itu Bthra an 1 Asahan —Per Lturetu< Pit, lath instant, II Panjjkor an<l Teluk Anson P«t Chh/oh, 15th instant, U p.m.
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    • 55 1 r mrard —Per Oni 'p're,” from Fin tapore, Mr. Kaw .Too Tok. Per van Outhoorn.” frrm Sab »g, Mr. M rs. llesselmans, Mr. Cunningham, Mr. Tenirltertrho. Per Sea Mew,” fro n Sngapore, The Hon ami Mrs. Kvnnerslv, Dr. Gallowav, Mr H. Va le Per “Ho Kwei,” from Deli, Mr.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 29 1 WEATHER. I hk following report is kiudly supplied tlie Signal Director of Fort Corn wall in:— 1’lie rainfall during the -t hours eude. al 1» to-day was nil.
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  • 27 1 Domestic Occurrence. Dkath. in ar tiou H t Jidballi. Somaliland. on Chari.* Henry Hon den-Smith. Hampshire lb-in,..,4. vounper son ofUie late Wm. Hondo,.-Smirk formerly of Colombo. Cevlon.
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  • 1168 2 Following is an exact copy of the neutrality proclamation issued by the Government of Hongkong on tin* occasion of the commencement of hostilities between the United States and Spain in April 181)8 (Continued from yesterday's issue.) The London Gazette Extraordinary. Published by Authority. The Riijht Honorable Sir Matt heir
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  • 199 2 Penang, 13th February, 11*04. Description. j Beef cts. Soup per catty 16 Roast 28 Steaks m 28 1 Stew or Curry Meat 18 Rump Steak 28! Ox Tail each 301 Tongue 60 Feet 20 Heart 30 Liver per catty 30 I Pork Pork 80 Pig’s Hea<l 50 Feet
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 119 2 R. Madigan Latham, MINING ENGINEER, IPOH. Mining properties bored, prospected and reported on. Mining plants designed and erected. SOLE AGENT FOR The Humboldt Engineering Works Co. Specialities in Mining Machinery. liriHDING Engines, Cages, Trucks, T T Skips, Jiggers, Sline Tables, Ac. Pumps of all descriptions, Air Compressors, Boring Machinery, cdag
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    • 1826 2 Before decorating your CLUB OR HOUSE FOll THE CHINESE NEW YEAR CALL IN TO SEE OCR Artificial Paper Decorations GARLANDS Paper Rosettes IN ALL COLOURS Flags, &.c. A Prompt Life Insurance Settlement. ri'lH E following is a copy of a letter X. received 1 *v Messrs Tiang Lee «V Co.,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 2014 3 V mm n. co. ,'r CV i Hordfatscto Lloyd, Bremen. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co. Ltd. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. fast and well-known Mail Steamers of this Line will leavePenang on or about the undermentioned Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij, Negapatam Lines of Steamers. Ex juried fieri ml and Departures. Mail Service.
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  • 82 4 Justice satisfies everybody, and justice alone. Kintruon. Established June Ist, 1903. Piblifliedjbily (except Snndrys.) AT THU CRITfiRION PRESS, LI., No. 2i *!-232, Beach Street, I’enang. PRICE DAILY, I AX'AI »24 iw annum. (I‘ost Free) 27 MAIL KOITION (Foot Free) 15 CAULK ADDRESS; “Be iio—Pe nan g Telephone
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  • Current Topics.
    • 510 4 The exclusive war news received from our London correspondent to-day is of the highest importance to ail who have great commercial or political interests at stake in the Far East. If it is true that Lloyds are quoting Anglo-French war risks and that the rate is 35 guineas
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    • 188 4 It is interesting to note that Inspector! Spinks, who has had long service in Selan- gor, and has done good work recently as Detective Inspector, has been promoted to the substantive rank of Assistant Commissioner of Police (Detective branch) for the F. M. S. It must bo
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    • 209 4 Mr. Cecil Wray has now received the promotion wjiich he has so amply earned, and proceeds very soon as Resi- dent to Pahang. He will be succeeded in Kinta by Mr. E. J. Brewster, of Lower Perak, a choice which may lie said to be regarded as
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    • 599 4 The Kinta towkays speculated so recklessly during the vear that It* J •t success couid only be obtained by exfy ceptioual good fortune in discovering 0 ’f rich tin deposits. No such discoveries have been made. The great fall in the tv price of tin. its irregular
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  • 2086 4 Ordinary Meeting. i Yesterday’s meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was attended by Mr. J. TV. Hallifax (President). Mr. Quail Beug Kee, Mr A. R. Adams and Mr. Cheali Tek Tim*. Mr. Gaffney and Dr Locke were absent, I the latter lieing indisposed. Mr. Adams made an appearance at
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  • 247 4 The P. V'. C. anii M. S. Guides on the Rifle Range. The Penang Volunteers and the Penandetachment of the Malay States Guides went into Camp at Aier Etam yesterday evening. The Volunteer parade at the Fort for the march on to the Range was abandoned to
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  • 443 4 Yesterday's “At Home.” 1 Yesterday afternoon Commodore Fores- tier and the Ofticers of the French cruiser e I Internet were at home” to their friends of Penang, and from the large number of Peuangites who went on board the cruiser it was evident that the friendly feeling bef
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  • 84 4 A writer in the Av&nir du Tonkii) speaks in the most flattering of the progress made by the German Colony of Kiatchou. Numbers of people from Hongkong and Shanghai take up their -summer abode there, thus avoiding, the intense heat of July and August. '1 he
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 1343 5 Another War in the Air! Lloyds quote Anglo-French War Risks. O More about the Port Arthur Fight. o— Impetuous Torpedo Attack. Great Victory I o Russian Warships Mob Defencelsss Jap Steamers. One Sunk Another Escapes from her Tormentors. o Japanese Reservists. (From Our Own Correspondents) London, 12th Feb,
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  • The Straits Echo.
    • 38 5 Special Service.) To Retire Shortly. (From our own Correspondent.) Singapore, 12th Feb.—lt is stated here that the Hon. C. W. S Kynnersley, Acting Colonial Secretary, will retire from the Straits Settlements service in the near future.
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  • 926 5 Proclamation Issued at Singapore. M*s received by post this morning copy of a .Straits Government Gazette Extraordinary (No. 7, vol. XXXIX) dated Singapore, 11th February, 1904, containing a Neutrality Proclamation by' His Ex. the Officer Administering the Government of the Straits Settlements. The Proclamation is practically identical with the
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  • 175 5 Kinta Races. Handicaps. {from Our Own Correxp<mdent.) Batu Gaj&li, i2tli Feb.—Following is a list of handicaps for The Perak Derby. Value 82.750.—A cup \abu; 8500 with 82.250 added money out of which 8500 goes to second horse and 8250 to third provided there are eight starters the
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  • States’ News.
    • 244 5 {From our own Correspondent.) Taiping, loth Feb.—A tea party took place at the Treacher s Girls School this evening, when the children and their parents were invited to partake of the hospitality of Miss Jackson, the Head Mistress, prior to the breaking up of the School for the Chinese
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  • 345 5 In order that our readers may be enabled to follow as closely as possible the events of the naval struggle between Russia and Japan, we publish the following list of Russian war vessels corrected to date as far as available information allows:— Battleships. Toils. Guns. Captain.
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  • 213 5 Quinquagesima Sunday. St. George's Church (Church of England): —8 a.m. Matins (No organ), 8-530 a.m. Holy Communion. 9-530 a.m. Holy Communion (Tamil Service). 10-530 Service for Chinese. 5 p.m. Sunday School. «5 p.m., Evensong and Sermon. Rev. F. W. Haines. Col. Chaplain. i Presbyterian Church N«>rtham
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  • 153 5 Tin 76.20 seller* Gold leaf 8 84. 13. Pepper (W.'Coast3lbs.soz.)s 29. —sales White Pepper 50. —sales i raug Pepper 32} sellers Cloves (picked) 43. —sellers Mace 8140.— noin. Mace Pickings 115. sellers Nutmegs 110 s 65. sellers No. 1 7.50 Sugar 2 5.20 Basket sale* Tapioca Flour 2.05 sellers
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  • 206 5 BersaivahGold Mine Co., Ld. 8 15.50 sales. Raid) Australian Gobi Mining Co., Ld 6.25 sales Redjang Lebong Gobi Mining Co., Ld 8251**.- win KndauaGold Mining Co,, 1 Ad. (fully paid) 8 10.— nom. Bruseli Tin Mining Co., Ld. 8 8.25 tellers Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 20. sales
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1990 6 BEST HOTELS. Bangkok INSURANCES Cable A rid ret < Mental.' JHB ORIENTAL HOTEL. Oriental Hotki. Syndicate. Proprietors. 500,000 730,000 Kuala Lumpur. F. M. S. HOTEL. Under European Management. Centrally situated within 10 minutes from the Railway Station. Almost Adjoining tiik Sei.a.x 10c i >u i.ub Singapot e. ADELPHI HOTEL. One
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  • 135 7 Olk Loudon correspondent writes under date 1 ltli January stating 1 that ti wire from Paris reports as follows 4 According to a French diplomatic who took a large part in the FrancoSiamese negotiations, the new arrangement expected to bo reached after the present period of six
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  • 368 7 347 Cases to Be Heard This Term. The great increase in the uuml>er of divorce cases last term was the subject of much comment, but during the Hilary term there are 383 suits down in the Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Division, 347 being matrimonial sessions. In 173
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  • 271 7 Per P. &O. steamer Oceana, connecting with tlie steamer Coromandel at Colombo, from London, Jan. 22. —To Shanghai Miss E Leed. Miss L. Lund, Miss E. M. Kock. To Hong Kong Dr. and Mrs. Scatliffe, Mrs. Frerer and child. Mr. YV. J. May, Capt. Kirby, Mr. Goodchild, Mr.
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  • 462 7 This is the age of research and experiment, when all nature, so to speak, is ransacked hy the scientific for the comfort and happiness of man. Science has indeed made giant strides dining tiepast century, and among the l>v no means least important -discoveries in medicine comes
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 895 7 BUN TIN LUM Co, No. 231, Bead i Street, PENANG. (Established in IS79). Tin and Pepper Merchants. Aden Salt, Italian Salt. Tuticorin Salt, Cochin-China Salt. All kinds of Iron for Sale. GENERAL IMPORTERS OF JUNGLE PRODUCE AND COMMISSION AGENTS. 43c Graham Co., Ld., WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, 4 Beach Street, Penang. TIANG
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    • 30 7 99 THE CELEBRATED S. 13. Sc Co. square face Gin in red cases. Sandilands, Buttery Co. “Cold Seal” Milk Keeps longer and is cheaper tliai any other. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co.
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    • 306 7 PENANG TURF CLUB. NOTICE. IN accordance with para 4 of the conditions under which the Penang Turf Club Debentures have been issued Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the Clul> to pay off the following Debentures, the numbers of which have Upon tlie expiration of three
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1867 8 4 PRYE RIVER PENANG DOCK. Province i Consulate for the Netherlands. 330 feet. 50 notice. Government Farms in Acheen and Dependencies. 1 Mi E Farm In vim: the right. to import nd sell Opium i.i 4i«* Government Acheen mil Doi-einleiicie.'. including tie District of 'i'roem -n. The Farm having the
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