Straits Echo, 10 February 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 40 1 For Wwk ending Tuesday, Feb. 16th. 1904. A..M. p.m. Wednesday, 10th... 800 825 Thursday, 11th 8.50 915 Friday, 12th 9.40 965 Saturday, 13th 10.30 10.55 Sunday, 14th H. 20 1145 Monday, 15th 12.10 12.35 Tuesday, 16th 1.00 0.25
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  • 26 1 O New Moon Feb. 16th, 4.26 p.m. )lust Quarter... 23rd, 11-51 p.m. O Full Moon Mar. 2nd, 9.16 am. Last Quarter Bth, 10.2 p.m.
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  • 22 1 To- ha v. Town Hand. 5-30 p.m P. V. Company Drill. To-mor row Town Band, Golf Club, 5-30 p in.
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  • 46 1 P O. SAILINGS. .Moil Service. Outwards. Homewards. Coromandel 18 Feb Malta 20 Feb i Simla 3 Mar Chilean 5 Mar Extra Service. 0 u t w a r DB. Homewards. Java 12 Feb Palermo 14 Feb Malacca 23 Palma 20 Kir For particulars Set* Page 3.
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    • 45 1 (Cableneivs Special Service.) W a shin j: ton, 22nd Jan.—Representative Hepburn’s pure food bill, for which there has been considerable agitation for some time past, has been voted upon and passed by the House. It now comes before the Senate for consideration.
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    • 738 1 The Committee’s Report (Rangoon Gazette Service.) Allahabad, 2nd February.—A Pioneer special telegram, dated London, Ist Feb., says :—The report of Lord Esher's Committee consist of three sections and more will follow. The first opens with the declaration that the War Office has been administered from the point
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    • 796 1 Full Text of the King’s Speech. (Rangoon Gazette Service.) London, 2nd Feb. —Parliament was opened to-day. The King in his Speech from the Throne said he had watched with concern the course of the Russo-Japanese negotiations. A disturbance < f pence could not but have deplorable consequences and any
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    • 54 5 (7 tenters Service.) Undon, ytl, I’Vl).—T| ie Duke of! .ons.iii-o, speaking on the fiscal' question at the Duihlhall, sai<l that u ,;,t «yei- tlifiVrt*net’s exist on t he fiscal «11 must unite HI a:, v ««“'"aiTassmeiit t r rue Cjovenonent in its anxious a sk ol sa1e«rj|.,niin^rthe I.Mupire’s lntei'ests
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    • 211 5 T,le An £lo-Russian Correspondence. f He liter's Service.) Lontlon, 9t|, IVI. l 1.0 Itnssiai, of 2l Fcl) UOo, tln-eateni.,] t„ take sr.-r.s t„ piotuct Jiussian interests in conse•ineticeof liritisli action in 'I il„-t. On the 18th I'ehrnarv l.ord I.ans- < on no informed Count BeekeudorfT, j. ,e us siaM
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  • 331 1 Ox the Cardiff market there has been an undercurrent of fear that war could hardly Ik* averted between Russia and Japan, but sellers of coal were hardly in a position to stand firm for higher prices in the present position of the market, and
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  • Shipping.
    • 91 1 Abakan, Ger. s.s. 101, Peters, 9th Feb., Asahan, Bth Feb., Tobacco.—B. M. A Ct). Carlyi.e, Br. s.s. 331, Quine, 10th Feb., Port Swettenham, Bth Feb., Tin Ore.—■ Straits Steamship Co. Canton, Br. s.s. 105, Merican, 10th Feb., T. Anson, 9th Feb., Gen., —Ah Hing Co. Sachsen, Ger. s.s. 5,026,
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    • 19 1 10th February. Cornelia, for Tongkaw K. Hulewyn, for Asuhati. Aijameviuon, for Singapore, China Japan Avagyee, for Teluk Anson.
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    • 33 1 Asahan, Br., s.s. 161, Peters, 9th Feb., Asahan, Bth Feb., Tobacco.— B. M. A Co. Canton, Br. s.s. 105, Merican, 10th Feb. T. Anson, 9th Feb., Gen., —Ah Hin A Co.
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    • 25 1 Vestel* From Agents Due Pentakota Singapore H.L.&Co. 11th Feb. Java Loudon *P. 0. 12th GL Apcar Calcutta A.AA.Co, 12th Bencleuch London S. B.&Co. 21st
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    • 83 1 Verse! For i A fjentx Leaven ‘i. Apcar Singapore A. A. A.Co. 13th Feb. Pentakota Rangoon H.L.&Co. 13th Pencleuch Singapore S.B.&Co. 23rd Java Singapore P.&O. We would direct the .attention of shipping firms to the tyle in which “Steamers Expected” and Projected tilings” are published in the Echo and
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    • 99 1 nwnrd —Per Sachsen,” from Shanghai, Mr. M. Tagnet. From Singapore, Mr. Pan Heng Lim, Mr. G. A. Chaneg, Mr. C G. Herbert. Mr. C Roebelen, Mr. P. G. Goethals, and Mr. L. Sarkies. From Hongkong, Sandermann, Outward— Per Sachsen,” from Genoa, Mr. and Mrs. Witt Huberts, The Hon. Dr.
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    • 28 1 Fou: Deli—Per 110 Kwei, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Asahan—Per Abakan to-morrow 2 p.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson —Per Canton, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Deli—Per Sumatra, to-morrow, 3 p.m.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 247 1 A. E. SKEELS. ■jS** LIQUEURS, NOTICE. to correspondents: It is requested thiit all communications relating to Subscriptions. Advertisements Ac., be addressed to the Manager. Strait» Echo” and not to the Kditor. All cheques should be crossed. letters on Editorial or other matters intended for i publication or use in the
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    • 208 1 To-day’s Advertisements FOR SALE. DOAN AUSTRALIAN GELDING -A V Very last, showy, and good trapper. Apply to R. Hendry, c o G. H. SLOT Sc Co., 10-2-04 Soe, Bach Street HI 7 dvs. THE PATRIOTIC ASSURANCE Co. (Founded 1824.) Dublin. London, 19, College Green. 69, King William Street. CAPITAL £1,500,000,
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    • 6 1 cow BRAND BUTTER. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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    • 7 1 ItoSE’S LIME JUICE. McAlister St Co., Ltd
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    • 31 1 IMfcrn j, j A. E SKEELS. 'WHISKIES. FOR SALE Stephens’ Writing Inks, Stephens’ Copying Inks, Stephen’6 Gums. CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., PENANQ. IRONMONGERY. McAlister Co., Ltd Cir Read Pages 2 A 7<
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 1791 2 On the Currency Question. The following correspondence, which speaks for itself, is culled from Manila Cablenews Manila, 21st Jan., 1904. Sir, —We the undersigned Exchange Banks consider it our duty both to ourselves and to the public to remark on the amazing misconceptions uttered by the Hon. the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 43 2 Boey Ah Fook Chop Tuck JVloh Co. i Carpenter, Painter, House Builder. 78, Bishop Street, Penang. 63c “GoM Seal” Milk Keeps longer ami is cheaper than any other. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. ON SEANG. Boot Shoe Maker, A'o, 398 c, Chulia Street, PENANG 340
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    • 640 2 I NOTICE rpHE Commodore and the Officers of the 1 JL French cruiser Infer net will be At Home,*’ on Friday, the 12th instant, at 5 P. M. 9-2-04 2 dys. 110 Kinta Tin Mines, Ltd. Dividend No. 4. A FURTHER Dividend of 6 d. per share has l>een declared
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    • 1520 2 WANTED FOR THE DINDINGS. A CLERK in the Forest Department. The salary attached to the post is S25 per month. Applicants must l>e able to read and write Malay. Apply to W. FOX, Supdt. of Forests <{- Gardens, Penang. 4-2-04 1 wk. 102 FOR SALE. JAMES BDCHANAN h C.o’s “HOUSE
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1865 3 @5 •.vS/ O I Co. lExpected arricnl and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Feb. 18 8.8. Coro turn del connecting* with s.s. Oceana Mar. ,1 8.8. Simla do 1 1 8.8. Bengal «11 8.8. Malt* do do Homewards. Feb. 20 8.8. Malta do Mar. 5 8.8. Chuaau do 1!» 8.8. Ballaarat
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  • 554 4 T»' La>t Sunday evening ou i- exceedingly well informed and alert London eorivsjhtiilent forwarded a telegram to the Editor of this journal reportin'* tluit lie had laid an interview with an attache of the Japanese Embassy in London, in the course of which he was informed that Japan
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  • 703 4 (From Our Own Correspondent*.) Tokio, 9th Feb.— I The Tokio Government announces that six of the. Japanese demands, as contained in her last Note, were contemptousJv ignored by Russia in her answer. 1 bis has proved tlie insincerity ol Russia as regards the fulfilment of her promises,
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  • Current Topics.
    • 202 4 Kuala Lumpur is pushing vigorously ahead and is evidently determined to keep as well up in tin* race with Penang and Singapore as pos- sible. The latest sign of advancement is to be found in the proposed formation of a Chinese Chamber of Commerce in the Federal
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    • 644 4 If “Anti-Leaguer,’’whose letterappears in anothercolumu, had taken tin* trouble to have read carefully through the letter of Dr. It. M Connolly, >n the Navy League, which appeared in he Echo a few days ago, lie would have >een saved the trouble of sending us i series of
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  • 101 4 A Singapore correspondent reports that His Ex. Sir John Ai i erson, k. c. m. g., the new Governor of the Straits Settlements, may be expu< ,It otak‘ up the duties of his post Singapore about tw r o months hence. His Excellency arrives, t Taylor, the Officer Adn
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  • 74 4 The subjoined correspondent?, w!i i contains very good news and wil lie re 1 with much interest, has been forwan 1 to us for publication To tiie Eoitok of tiie St uts £cno. Dear Sir, —I have the pleasure, by the direction of my Committee, to hand
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  • 173 4 Resident Councillor's Office, Penang, r 114 l'.lot. Sir, —With reference to «fc’Tcspondence regarding the proiibitioi, he lmpoitation of British and iVexicaa d irs into Aehiu and its dependen ies. I h the honour to inform you that, he’Officer Administering the Government has
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  • 39 4 London, 10th Feb. Alexeieff telegraphs that Japanese torpedo boats attacked 1ns squadron in the outer road of Port Arthur at midnight on February 8th. The battleships Retvisan, Tsarevitch, and the cruiser Pal hut a were damaged.
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  • 315 4 [Magna est veritas, et pnevalebit,— Ed., s.Er No alteration in share quotations to-day. The Penang Hunt Club has arttmged for a paper chase for Saturday next, 13th instant, Meet at the j auction of Ayer Kajali and Gottlieb Roads, 5 par., and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 452 4 i I Give mo an ounce of Civet Good-Apothecary, to sweeten my imagination. There's money for thee." —King Lear. THE Gearge Town Dispensary, Ltd.. 37a, Beach Street, Penang. ”1 XT’ E l>og to announce that we have just received from Europe a large aiul varied consignment of Perfumes specially indented
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    • 70 4 'Pritchard Co., PJBNAVTG. ROYER CYCLES NEW 1904 l r PATTERNS r i NOW ON VIEW. <l i J- Middlemore Lamplugh’s welMuiown j Harness j AND Saddlery. Carriage Whips, American Buggy Whips, Lamps, Fly Whisks, Brushes, and all Accessories. PRITCHARD X CO., Penang. 15c McAlister&Go.Ld., /9 fteach Sfreet Penang. j. JUST
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    • 77 4 Established June 1st, 1903. Published daily (except Sunday».) at Tnp i CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY, LOCAL $2» peranum». (Cost Free) 27 MAIL EDITION (Cost Free) 15 CAULK ADDRESS; E c li o—Pen a n g Telephone No. 188. J| t Editor Ciiksney Duncan. LIM
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    • 19 4 A Hoax, OftWhat? 1’he following was circulated in town this foreno»>u P|nang Gazette.” Reuters Telegram. Wednesday, 10th February, lt)04.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 161 5 A case which has occupied some time in lieSupreuieCourt was liuished vestenlav.the lecision of Mr. District Officer Farrer beiui; ipset on appeal by Mr. Justice Law. The •ase was originally tried at Bukit Mertajam. Mr. Farrer sentencing Oyappen, a tiudal, to three mouths’ rigorous imprisonment for
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  • 276 5 No Appeal or Revision from the. Registrar of Jinrikishas. Y. very peculiar situation has arisen j Hoarding the position and powers of the Itgistrar of Jinrikishas, who holds tin* •■p. vers of a Magistrate under the recent •wurikisha Ordinance. It seems that not 1« r ago
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  • 221 5 Hongkong Preparations. (Cablenews Service.) Hongkong, 29th Jauuiry (1 p.m.)_The r./, aut,lontie he*» have suddenly be1 iWiitvb UU8 U i all V aCt VC in t,,e a,u r of ‘‘.Vug tins colony in anticipation of possible complications which mav involve nen ,i itain in the impending war between
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  • 698 5 Decision Cabled to the Powers. it lt (Kobe Chronicle, 13th Jan.) Events seem to be steadily moving in tin direction of tlie last resort for to Mievt c mat J a pau is satisfied with the latest itusstall Note, and is inclined to continue tinI negotiations,
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  • 1057 5 All Concerned Oppose the Gov ernment Measure. ,e Ix consequence of the strong objections winch have lieen lodged against the iutroduct ton tiy Government of an atnendihent t to the Steam Boilers Ordinance, liolli bv c members ot the L<*gislative Cynncil and j u practically all the
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  • States’ News.
    • 261 5 P ERAK. s {from Our Otcu Corresjiondcnls.) Taiping. 8th Feb. —The Acting Resident. MV. H. G. Beliiell. returned from his visit to Teluk Anson, after inspecting the Chinese Settlement at Sitiawam on Friday last. 1 rf, e Resident-General will comedown from tne Lottage on Wednesday. the l»»th instant. A new
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  • 890 5 i-I L a La Lumpur. 1st Feb.—Tiie funeral of u Eai Lee K wee took place on J8th e anuary. The procession started from the e hoiis*- or* the deceased at High Street end. and 1*«*” a m PHaii;, b r Street leading up to L the Cemetery. The
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    • 650 5 To the Editor of tiik Straits Ecfto. ])kar 8ir, Many articles lias appeared •afeiv in various pajiers aliouM flu» Navy League. In view of the fact that a branch w »n Perak, I would like to ask i tew questions aliout ihis League. The urst is— v\
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  • 160 5 On 3 75.— seller» Gold leaf )S4.— I». Pepj»er( Coast 31h5.50z.)$ til*. —sales White Pepper 50— sale» f rang Pepj**r 3 82} sellers Cloves (picked) 43. —seller Mace 3140. noin. Mace Pickings 115.- sellers Nutmegs 110 s So.—seller* i No. 1 7.‘0 Sugar 2 520 (/Basket, 4. sales Tapioca
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  • 113 5 Penang, lOtii February. (By courtesy of the Chartered Hank.) fjondon Demand Bank ...1/10| 4 months’ sight Bank ...1 11 r 3 rt 3 Credit ...1/11 3 Documentary ...1/11£ Calcutta. Demand Bank its. 141 3 davs' sight Private 143 Bombay. Demand Bank 141 3 days’sight Private J 43 Madras, Demand
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1973 6 WONG KIM MUN, No. 77a, Bishop Street. Jules Mumm Co., rubber stamp Keims. Bluk Seal. EXTRA-DRY.” Red Seal. CARTE BLANCHE.” AND BRASS SEAL (For impressing Wax) MANUFACTURER. Supplementary Articles for Rubber Stamps in Store. Paterson, Simons Co., SOLE AGENTS. TIVOLI im In White Class Bottles, Light Sparkling Wholesome Refreshing THE
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  • 840 7 I hr Moscow correspondent of the Standard reports that travellers passing through Moscow from the Far East report that throughout the journey j from Port Arthur to Lake Baikal their j trains were delayed at every siding to allow of the passing of troop-trains loaded with soldiers. Even
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  • 452 7 This is the age of research and experiment, when all nature, so to spouh. is ransacked by the scientific for the comfort and happiness of man. I Science has indeed made giant strides during the past century, and among the—by no means least important—discoveries in medicine comes
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1269 7 UN TIN LUM Co.. No. 231 Bench S*rt PENANG. (Established in 1579 n and Pepper .Merchants. Aden Salt, ttlian Salt. Tuticorin Salt, lochin-China Salt. All kinds of iron for Sale. \NERAL IMPORTERS OF JUNGLE PRODUCE AND >M M I SSI ON A GEN 7S. 43c TIANG LEE Go., PERRIER JOUET
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    • 6 7 BORDEN’S PEERLESS CREAM. Sandilands, Buttery Co.
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    • 420 7 PRYE RIVER DOCK. PENANG rpilE above Dock, situated in Province 1 Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prve River, lias lately been lengthened and deep ened and is now of the following dimensions Length on the blocks 330 feet. Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on sill at ordinary
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  • 1185 8 PROGRAMME 1904 MEETING. 23rd 25th and 27th February, j FIRST DAY. 1. —The Maiden Plate, 2-30 p.m. Value 8000 out of which 8100 goes to second horse. —A Race for all Maidens. Weight per scale (10st.) with an allowance of 14 lbs. to all S.R.A. ex-Griffins. Distance,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 211 8 lull*. !50 ml illS for 4 Through Passages to Europe. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij Stoomvaart Maatschappij Nederland.” oo ad sd F11HR0UGH passage tickets can now lx* JL booked at tin* following rates from Penang to Genoa via Sabaug (Pulo Web.) irill N »r le Single. Return. 1st Class. 2nd Class. 1st
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    • 782 8 ond and nee, ond lave •e, 6 Standing Advertisements are Reproduced in Brief Here. (t (Appearing once a week as per contract in the Daily Bulletin.) THE PENANG SIN PEO. m m m 99 orcfor ond ice.! THEAN CHEE Co. 9ĔM» r/ m. YANKEE NOVELTY Co. wAmmwimm m m .'it
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