Straits Echo, 8 February 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 34 1 Marriage. On the 6th inst. at the Presbyterian Church. I enang. b\ the Rev. R. Whitton. Monsieur Gustave Guillaumede Jongh, of Langkat, Sumatra, to Jessie, youngest daughter of the late Abraham Logan.
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  • 39 1 For Week ending Sunday, Feb. 14th, 1904. AM. P.M. Monday, Bth 0.20 0.45 Tuesday, 9th 7.10 7.35 Wednesday, 10th... 8.00 8.25 Thursday, 11th 8.50 9.15 Friday, 12th 9.40 9.05 Saturday, 13th 10.30 10.55 Sunday, 14th 11.20 11.45
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  • 26 1 Last Quarter Feb. Bth, 9.48 a.m. O New Muon 10th, 4.20 p.m. First Quarter... 23rd, 11-51 p.m. O Full Moon Mar 2nd, 9.10 am.
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  • 14 1 To-dat. Town Band, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. To-morrow. Town Band, Golf Club, 5-30 p.m.
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  • 36 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homewards. Coromandel 18 Feb Malta 8 Feb Simla 3 Mar Extra Service. Outwards. Homewards. Java 9 Feb Palermo 14 Feb Malacca 23 Palma 26 CsT For particulars See Page 3.
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    • 44 1 Mr. Evans in London. London, 27th Jan.—Mr. Evans, the Protector of the Chinese in the Straits, has arrived in London, and sails for South Africa on the 30th instant, in order to advise the Transvaal Government regarding the treatment of the Chinese.
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    • 57 1 Japanese Finance big Iron Mine in China. Tokio, 22nd Jan.—An agreement for a loan of three million yen for the Tayeh mine in Hupeh was signed at Shanghai on the loth instant, between Mr. Odagiri, the Japanese ConsulGeneral, representing the Government Iron Foundry, H. E. Sheng-Kung-pao, and
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    • 439 1 (Shanghai Times Service.) Chemulpho, 16th Jan. —Two officers and 36 marines from the French cruiser Pascal went to Seoul by 12.30 p.m. train to-day as Legation Guard. (Shanghai Daily Neirs Service.) Tokio, 22nd Jan. —An apparently inspired article in the leading Tokio journal, the Kokninin, to-day says
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    • 40 1 Want to Occupy Kiungchow. (Shanghai Times Service.) The French authorities are reported to be about to occupy Kiungchow in the same Way as the Russians are doing in Manchuria, and all preparations for this step have been finished.
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    • 74 1 Invasion of Hi. (Shanghai Times Service.) Hu Wei Teh, the Chinese Minister at St. Petersburg, reports to the Wai Wupu that he lias been informed by his intelligence department that the Russian Government will despatch a large body of cavalry to the Siberian frontier. These are intended for
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    • 100 1 Under-Secretary cf State Promises every Assistance to Growers. {Ceylon Observer Service.) London, 29th Jan. —Tin* Duke of Marlborough, in the absence of the Hon. Mr. A. Lyttleton, replying to a deputation of the British Cotton Growers’ Association, which asked for land grants in West Africa, said that every possible
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    • 391 5 <Reuter'k Service.) London, Gth Feb.—The AM//,/ (irnphic states that, there has beeii no essential change in the tenour of the Russian Note to .Japan since that of 29th January. Though conciliatory in tone it firmly declines to accede to the wishes of Japan regarding the integrity of
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    • 180 5 (Reuter* Service.) London, Bth Feb.—The unrest m the Balkans is markedly increasing:. The Turkish Government is com mandeering the rolling stock ot the railways as before the Giee al It is announced that Miss Lascelles, the onlv daughter of Sir Frank Lascelles, the British Ambassador, has become
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  • 131 1 When Senor C. Blanco, the Portuguese Minister to Peking, was at Macao the other day on his way to Peking, many Chinese residents went to see him, and the scheme for building a railway between Macao and Canton having been duly sanctioned by the Portuguese .Government, both Chinese
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  • 139 1 Ax extraordinary meeting was held at the Kaiping Mining Company, Tientsin, to discuss the recent dispute. Nan Tan represented the British shareholders. There were present ex-Vice President Chang Yen Mao, the late Director General, Tong Taotai of Tientsin, who represented Yuan Shih Kai and Tsai Taotai. The
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  • 486 1 It is probable that in the ei’ent of the Bangkok Government sanctioning the concessions made by its Minister in Paris, a new Treaty will be substituted, as they are contradictory to some of the clauses of the agreement of Oct., 1902. The trade concessions relate to the
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  • Shipping.
    • 189 1 Laurens Pit, Dut, s.s. 154, deVries, 6tli Feb., Laugkat, sth Feb., Nil,—H. L. Co. Calypso, Hr. s.s. 330, Lowry, 7th Feb., Singapore, sth Feb., Gen., —W. M. Co. Samiiia, Ger. s.s. 2,623, Liming, 7th Feb., Hamburg, 2nd Jan., Gen., —B M. &Co. Hudson, Br. s.s. 2,376, Burveh, 7th Feb.,
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    • 45 1 Bth February. Tan- Tong, for Langkat and Pangkalan B randan. Lightning, for Calcutta. Canton, for Pangkor and Teluk Anson. Sambia, for Singapore, China and Japan. Mary Austin, for Port Swettenham. Un Peng, for Perlis and Setul. Hong Moh, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatoiv and Amoy.
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    • 105 1 Pin Seng, Br. s.s. 378, Davidson, Bth Fel)., Singapore, 6th Feb., Gen., —B. Bros. Lady Weld, Br. s.s. 245, Treweeke, 7th Feb., T. Anson. 6th Feb., Gen., Straits S. S. Co. Vidar, Br. s.s. 191, Crichton, 7th Feb., Deli, 6th Feb., Gen., —Koe Guan Co. Jin Ho, Br.
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    • 18 1 I 'exxels From Ajentx Due Java ft. Apear London Calcutta P.&O. A. A. A.Co, 9th Feb. 12th
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    • 23 1 'e**el.i For Aijentx Leave* Lightning Oalcuttn A.A.A.Co. 00 rf *3 Sanibia Singapore B.M.ACo. 8th A pear Singapore A.A.A.Co. I3tli Unity Rangoon S.T.&Co.
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    • 49 1 For Deli—per Vidar, to-morrow, noon. Langkat—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, noon. Port Swetteuham and Malacca —Per Palo Riinau, to-morrow, 2 p.ui. Kdie, T. Semawe, Segli and Olefneh Per Peju. to-morrow, 2 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Lady Weld, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Port Swetteuham and Singapore—Per Pin Seng, to-morrow, 3 p.m.
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    • 41 1 Inward —Per Pin Seng,” from Singapore, Messrs. Graham, Koenitz, Ludvig, Carsewell, and Brain. Per “Jin Ho,” from Langkat, Messrs. Gubbins, Meyer. Tunku Mahmood, Wan Yahvali, Tuan Teh and Tunku Sapiah. Per Bengal,” from Shanghai, Mr. Mackay, Mr. and Mrs. Dunn.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 187 1 A. E. SKEELS. 0^ LXQTTETTHS. Medical Department, Pahang. APPLICATIONS for the undermentioned appointments should bo sent to the State Surgeon, Pahang, not later than February 15th, and should be accompanied l»v copies of not more than three recent testimonials, and by a certificate of health from all applicants not now
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    • 252 1 To-day’s Advertisements. FOR SALE. AT'OUNG DELI PONY with Harness I ami Basket Trap (almost new.) Apply to 0. V.” 8-2-04 c o Straits Echo. 1 wk. 106 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. riIHE next ORDINARY MEETING of A the Municipal Commissioners will l»e held At the MUNICIPAL OFFICE. On Fridat, the 12th Instant,
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    • 11 1 HOLLIS’ GUNS. McAlister Sc Co., Ltd. gar Read Pages 2 7«
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    • 4 1 IRONMONGERY. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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    • 228 1 NOTICE. TO CORRKSPORDRXTS: It is requested tliilt all coilliu unicat ions relating to Subscriptions, Advertisements to., be addressed to the Manager, Strait* Echo and not to the Kditor. All cheques should be crossed. letters on Kditorial or other matters intended for publication or use in the Echo should be sent
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 28 1 WEATHER. J'nn following report, is kindiv suppiie<l by !lie Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis:— The rainfall during the ‘J f hours ended it 9 to-dav was nil.
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  • 1196 2 Poet Author Preparing for the Struggle it Regards as Impending. Russia’s reticeuye with regard to all her doings by sea or Hhd is a reticence that may be felt. As everybody knows, she has forbidden British war correspondents to accompany either her army or her
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  • 839 2 Powerlessness of the Emperor. 1, writes Stuart Cumberland in tlie Daily Exfresf, who know my Russia well and the powers that be in that Empire, am amused at the reports of the powers and intentions of the present Autocrat of All the Russias which are often published. The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 538 2 NOTICE TTJ'E the undersigned hereby give notice v tliat by an Indenture dated the 26th day of January instant and made between Gob Tiang An of the one part and Tjong Ah Fie and Tjong Yong Hian of tlie other pail: All the right title and interest of him the
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    • 1428 2 WANTED. A CHINESE Manager for a general store xY. in the Native States. Good salary and a handsome commission will be given according to qualification. Apply stating experience to “STOKE” 3-2-04 95 c/o Strait* Echo. WANTED. A CHINESE TEMPORARY CLERK to transcribe Chinese Account books into English. Apply to H.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1560 3 1 SIS. I. Co. hxpected arrival and Departures. Service. Outwards Feb. 18 s.s. Coromandel connecting with Oceana Mongolia Mar. 3 s.s. Simla <i o 17 8.8. Bengal do Homewards. Feb. 20 8.8. Malta do Mar. 5 s.s. Ghana a do >* 19 8.8. BaUaarat do 8.8. H.s. China 8.8.
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  • 82 4 Established June Ist, 1903. Published 'daily (except Sundays.) AT TTIF CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 220-232, Beach Street, Penang. PIUCE I DAILY, LOCAI per annum. (Cost Frw) 27 fi j MAIL KDITION (Tout Free) 15 CAULK ADDRKSS: “F. c h o—P ena n g
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  • 1239 4 hat the Echo conlidently predicted for months past would be the outcome of the hectoring and aggravating tactics of the Russian Government and of the so-called 44 Viceroy of the Far East is now an accomplished fact, as we announced in an extra ’at 8 o’clock this morning. We
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  • Current Topics.
    • 216 4 It will be seen by reference to another column that the second reading of the Boilers’ Ordinance was passed by the Legislative Council by the casting vote of H. E. the Acting Governor after it had been opposed by three unofficials led by Mr. Turner. The Attorney-General
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    • 568 4 The Board of Trade returns are singularly obstinate. Just when we are told that the commerce of the country is going to the dogs tliey come out with unmistakable evidence of unprecedented trading, and rs that not of the one-sided order. Just o when we are assured
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  • 1046 4 Arrival at Singapore. On t he morning of Tuesday last the Sist > Settlen ent was all agog, for the new cruiser' purcbai ed by Japan from the Ar-n U u (ji overt ment and named the Nysshi,, u [,j" Kasvij were due to arrive from Gen.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 237 4 C. S. SENG Co. CHOP SIN JIM HO, 33c Beach Street Penang. ■> j' > V'« JUST RECEIVED f iA 1» 9 AND A SPLENDTD SELECTION OF Chinese Disc Records At favourable Prices. RUBBER TYRED WHEEL, Steel Spokes and Frames, English-make. GRAMOPHONE American Rolled Top Desk. MILNER'S SAFES. 19c C.
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    • 101 4 5 Pritchard Co. PENANG. Outfitting Department. telling Requisites. Imperial Trunks, “Overland” Trunks, Cabin Trunks. Uniform Cases, Helmet. Cases, Leather Hat Cases. Gladstone Hags, Kit Bags, Brief Bags, Travelling Rugs, Rug Straps, Hold Alls, Cabin Bags. Heavy Weight Pure Natural Wool Under Clothing, Pants, Vests, Socks, &c. FOR EUROPE. New Stock
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    • 6 4 COW BRAND BUTTER. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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    • 6 4 KOSE’S LIME JUICE. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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  • 220 5 That recently formed institution, the Penang Swimming Club, should Ik* able to commence operations within a few days, A repi «tentative of the Strait» Echo has just visited the site where the pavilion is being erected at Tanjong Binigha. and lias also interviewed one of the
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  • 712 5 This moon is termed a sacrificial j month by the Chinese. < The sixteenth day of this moon (1st February) was duly solemnized by the wor- 1 ship of all the Penates and Deities. The Penates and Deities are again to In* propitiated on the twenty-fourth day
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  • States’ News.
    • 758 5 (From our uirn Correspondents.) Taiping. 7th Feb—Mr. Nelson, the Supdt. Posts and Telegraphs, who has been ailing for some time, has not yet recovered from his illness. The doctors who are treating him say that it is essential for his complete recovery to go away on long leave to
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  • 237 5 By an A-m-r-l and Y-c-r-y. 1: is amusing to hear that the Council of State at St. Petersburg is trying to find a means of arriving at an amicable settlement of the dispute with Japan. Strait* Echo. If you're spoiling for a fight And you doubt
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  • 24 5 What was your greatest trial. Judge r" asked the young lawyer. Getting my seven daughters married off.” replied the grey haired jurist.
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  • 1545 5 (Strait Ttines.) < A meeting of the Council was held on 1 Friday l;tat, sth instant»; His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government I presided, and there were also present, the; Officer Commanding the Troops, the Hons. the Attorney-General, Colonial Treasurer, Auditui>General, and the Hons. W. J. Napier,
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  • Money Market.
    • 119 5 Penang, Bth February. (liy courtesy of the Chartered Ifn.nh.) London Demand Hank ...1/10,',, 4 months’ sight Bunk ...1 10$ 3 Credit ...l/10f J 3 Documentary ...1/11 Calcutta, Demand Hank Rs. 139 3 days’ sight Private 141 Bombay, Demand Batik 139 3 days’ sight Private 141 Madras, Demand Bank 139
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    • 163 5 Tin 77,tH$ tqller* Gold leaf 84:—** I>. Pepper (W. Coast 31b5.50z.)S 29. —mien White Pepper 50.— sale? l ining Pepper 32$ seller» Cloves (picked) 8 43.— teller» Mace 3140.— noin. Mace Pickings 115 teller» Nutmegs 110 s 05. teller No. 1 7-50 Sugar 2 5.20 (.Basket 4.— tale» Tapioca
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    • 182 5 BersawahGold Mine Co., Ld. 15.20 sales. Haul) Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld 6.50 sales lledjang Lebong Gold Mining Co., Ld 5230. twin KadanaGold MiuingCo,,Ltd. (fully paid) 5 10.— rum. Bruseli Tin Mining Co., Ld. 8.25 teller» Ohendariang Tlydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 25. —sellers Narangan Tin Mining Co. 23.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1952 6 CHAMPAGNE Jules Mumm Co., Reims. Blue Seal. EXTRA-DRY.” Red Seal. CARTE BLANCHE.” WONG KIM MUN, No. 77a, Bishop Street. RUBBER STAMP AND BRASS SEAL (For impressing Wax) MANUFACTURER. Supplementary Articles for Rubber Stamps in Store. Paterson, Simons Co., SOLE AGENTS. Photographic Dealer. ill: TIVOLI Ml In White Glass Bottles, Light
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  • 1478 7  -  By Douglas M. Gane. In nothing cun the hand of Providence be more clearly discerned than tbe hiving of the foundations of the British Empire. Positions that now form the key to our strength were acquired for reasons that have no reference to the purposes
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  • 173 7 Per P. and O. steamer Java,” from London, Jan. o. —To Shanghai Mr. R. A. Cousens, 31 r. Read. To llong Kong Mrs. Clarke and children, Mr. Beffiington, H. F. Hickman. To Singapore Mr. and Mrs. j Cameron and children, Capt. G. Eddowes. From Gibraltar. —To Hong Kong
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 917 7 BUN TIN LUM 4 Co., No. 231, Beacn Street, PENANG. (Established in 1879). Tin and Pepper H’* Merchants, Salt, Italian Salt, Tuticorin Salt, Cochin-China Salt. Ail kinds of iron for Sale. GENERAL IMPORTERS OF JUNGLE PRODUCE AN!) COMMISSION AGENTS. A* 43c TIANG LEE Go., Merchants and General Importers, Penang. Wholesale
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    • 17 7 For Sale! For Sale!! Large Stock of Paper of Every description and Colour. Apply Criterion Press Ld.
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  • 1186 8 PROGRAMME 1904 MEETING. 23rd, 25th and 27th February. FIRST DAY. 1. —The Maiden Plate. 2-30 p.m. Value 560«) out of which 81«X> goes to second horse.—A Race for all Maidens. Weight per scale (lOst.): with an allowance of 14 lbs. to all S.R.A. ex-Griffins. Distance, one mile.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 373 8 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS DOC'S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass's Ale. (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) BEWARE OF IMXT-A-TIOIT-TBADE r% 'J 3* 0 ro W In ordinary Pint Bottles: Light, Sparkling, Wholesome and Refreshing. The Best and Well-known Beer for the Tropics. Obtainable Retail at all the Principal Stores. CHENG CHAN CO., chop
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    • 221 8 GOON YEN FRIENDS. Have Just Unpacked A LARGE SELECTION OF HATS OF THE LATEST STYLES COMPRISING PANAMA. MANILA, BAMBOO, SOLA. SOFT STRAW, FOLDING TERAI, STRAW and TWEED CAPS. Inspection Invited. GOON YEN FRIENDS, 32, Beach Street, Penang. 29-12-03 3 in ths. 11 DAVID BROWN Co., 4 Logan’s Buildings, Estate Agent
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    • 622 8 Standing Advertisements are Reproduced in Brief Here. (Appearing once a week as per contract in the Daily Bulletin.) NIPPON YTJSEN KAISHA. BOUSTEAD Co., AGENTS. w]ftj|&i&* El £fc Ei *Ift§8 ©itT-A ii ALLAN IitVING. &am& n^rWi BAN TIN LUM Co. US IS* aa# m\w& tmx. TIANG LEE Co. tl ft *l]
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