Straits Echo, 4 February 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 91 1 Births. On January 24th, ut the Government Civil Hospital, Hongkong. the wife of Mr C A McDermoth. of a daughter K v i* n '™y .--"3. at' East Avenue. Kowloon, Hongkong-. the wife of Cant M Courtney* of a daughter. Marriage. On January 18th. at H. B. M
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  • 39 1 For Week ending Wednesday, Feb. 10. 1904. A.M. P.M. Thursday, 4t,li :{<><> ;j 25 Friday, sth 3.50 415 Saturday, bill 44a 505 Sunday, 7tli 5.J0 5.55 Monday, Bth 0.20 0.45 Tuesday, 9th 7.10 7.35 Wednesday, 10th... 8.00 825
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  • 26 1 Last Quarter Feb. Bth. 9.48 a.m. O New Moon 10th, 4.26 p.m. First Quarter... 23rd, 11-51 p.m. O Full Moon Mar 2nd. 9.10 a.m.
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  • 30 1 To-day. Town Baud, Golf Club, 5-30 p in MORROW. Town Baud, Esplanade. 5-30 p.m. Concert Town Hall, 9 p.m. Sale of Horses Traps etc., Church Street Ghaut 3 p.m.
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  • 38 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homewards. JhiUaarat 4 Feb Remjal 6 Fel Coromandel IS Malta 20 Extra Service. Outwards. Homewards. Java 9 Feb Palermo 14 Fel Malacca 23 Palma 26 car For particulars See Page 3. j
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    • 21 1 (Rangoon Gazette Service.) Calcutta, 25th Jan.—Ignace Jan Paderewski, the famous pianist, is expected here on a short visit almost immediately.
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    • 41 1 (Rangoon Times Service. Madras, 27th Jan.—The Bishop of Madras, with the approval of the Metropolitan Bishop of India, has nominated the Yen. A. Achison Williams, Archdeacon ot Madras, to succeed Bishop Morley as Bishop in Tinnevellv and Madras.
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    • 47 1 (Cableneirs Special Service.) Xew York, 18th Jan.—Gabrielle Bompard, the infamous French woman who was concerned in a notorious crime some years ago, arrived here to-da v as an immigrant. The authorities refused her a landing on the ground that she was an unlit person.
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    • 101 1 Two Soldiers Killed; Others Wounded. f Ceylon Observer Service.j Bombay, 25th Jan,—A lamentable accident occurred during' field-firing bv the artillery near Poona on Saturday. While one gun of the twenty-ninth field battery wms in action the sharpnel shell exploded in the breach. Corporal Jeelfs, who had just laid
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    • 106 1 (Ceylon Observer Service.) Calcutta, 26th Jan. —Mr. Harold Mann is expected to resume duties at Calcutta about the 16th. Experiments in horticulture in Burma regarding coffee and tea show that Arabian coffee promised excellently. Cultivation should prove prolitable. On the oilier hand experiments in tea are disappointing,
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    • 163 1 French Court Begins its Preliminary Work and all France is in an Uproar. (Cableneics Special Service.) Paris, 21st Jan. —The committee, selected by President Loubet to revise the famous Dreyfus case, on recommendation of the minister of war, General Andre, has organized and is now disposing of preliminary
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    • 233 1 Going Home in March. (Jicuguon (jazette Service,) Calcutta, 20th Jail.- lndian Planters’ Gazette says:—When H. E. the Viceroy goes home in March and Lord Ampthil! reigns temporarily in his stead, it will mean the scattering to the four winds of the present Viceregal .Staff, as Lord Ampthill will
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    • 375 1 Official Report. Rangoon Gazette Service.) Calcutta, 27tli Jan.—The Government has issued the following official communique —A report has been circulated by irresponsible persons to the effect that the l’ibet Mission has been told to retire or it will be opposed by a Russian force and that further large
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    • 27 1 f Rangoon Times Service.) London, 22ud Jan.—Colonel Fairbolme, British military attache at Vienna, has been appointed a member of the commission to re-organise the Macedonian gendarmerie.
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    • 192 1 i Rangoon Times Service.) London, 20th Jan.—Whitaker Wright was sentenced to seven years’ penal servitude. After sentence was passed on Whitaker Wright lie left the court by the private exit and a cry was heard, when iie was found in the adjoining room in a state of
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    • 287 1 (Shanghai Times Service.) London, 12tli Jan.—The leading English newspapers continue to uive the Government to definitely support Japan. The Russian journal tlie Svet declares that the opening ot' Moukden, Autunghsien and Tatungkow without Russia’s consent is an open provocation to that country. It is reported that extreme irritation
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    • 661 5 Far Eastern Affairs. The Tibet Mission. G<iVKi’N’M i:xt Aituovks Job’s Fiscal It K Foil MS. < Reuter Service.) Lomlon, 4th Feb.—The House of Lords has voted the address in reply to the speech from the Throne. Lord Lansdowne (Secretary of i State for Foreign Affairs), asked whether the British
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  • Shipping.
    • 169 1 Alboin, Br. s.s. 049, Dunlop, 3rd Feb., Bombay, 22nd Jan., Gen.,—B. A Co. VVaiiiora, Br. s.s. 1,107, Daniel, 3rd Fel»., Mold mein, 31st Jau., Gen., —Koe Guan Co. 1 ak Lino, Br. s.s. 2,874, Lewis 3rd Fel)., Liverpool 2nd Jan., Gen.,—VV M A Co. Silesia, Aus. s.s. 3,340, Stabile,
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    • 19 1 4th February. Vidar, for Deli. Jin Ho, for Langkat. Cornelia, for Tougkah. Canton, for Pangkor and Teluk Anson
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    • 47 1 AiiiuKA, Br. e,8. 1,167, Daniel, 3rd Feb., Muulinein. 31st Jau., Gen., —Koe (iuan Co. G. G. van Lansbkrgb, Dnt. s.s. 510, Boon, 4th Feb., Aclieen, 3rd Feb., Gen., H. L. Co. Langkat, Br. s.s. 186, Lingard, 3rd Feb., Malacca, 1st Feb., Gen., —Koe Guan Co.
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    • 42 1 1 Vexxein From A genl» Due Ballaarat Colombo r.&o. 5th Feb. Lightning Singapore Malm Vaji-I A.A.A.Co. bth runhis Singapore ILL.A; Co. (>th Bengal Singapore PJfcO. 5th Sambia Hamburg B.M.&Co. 5th Java London 1V&0. 9th G. Apear Calcutta A. A. A.Co, 12th
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    • 39 1 Yeeeeht For A yent* Leave Waihora Moulnieiu K.G.Co. 5th Feb. Ballaarat G.G.v. Singapore P.&O. 5th Lantiherge E<lie H.L.&Co. 6th Bengal Malm Singapore PJfcO. 6th Vajirunhis Fulo Well h.l.&Co. 6th Lightning Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 8th G. Apccar Singapore A.A.A.Co. 13th
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    • 55 1 Foie:— Port Swettenham and Malacca—Per Langlcat, to-inorrow, 2 p.m. Teluk Ausou—Per Lady Weld, to-morrow 3 p.m. Moulmein—Per Waihora, to-morrow, 5 p.m. Moulmein and Rangoon—Per Palamcotta, 6th instant, 11 a.m. Port Swettenham Per Carlyle, 6th instant, 3 p.m. Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Pulo Well and Olehlel) —-Per (1. r.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 1198 2 (Front our own Correspondent.) London, 29th Dec.—The Neue Crete Crease publishes a communication from Herr von Brandt, who was over twenty years German Minister in Peking, and may, therefore, lx? regarded as an authorit y on East Asiatic matters. He writes: “The news, it it should
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  • 1070 2 Nicholas Gould v Ceylon independent. Plaintiff’s Appeal Dismissed. The following report of this case is taken from the Colombo Independent Of 19ih Jan. Ihis was a case by Nicholas Gautier Gould against the Proprietor of this paper (Cetjlon Independent for the recovery of R 25,000, alleged damages
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 489 2 NOTICE BY ORDER OF THE SENIOR MAGISTRATE’S COURT, IPOH. Civil Suit No. 132 03. E undersigned lias lx*en instructed to sell by Public Auction on the premises Jat Kampar, on 4th March, 1004 at 11, the following 10 Town Lots and houses thereon situated in Idris Street, j Kampar:—
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    • 1236 2 WANTED. ,4 CHINESE Manager for a general store A. V_ in the Native States. Good salary and a handsome commission will be given i according to qualification. Apply stating experience to “STORE” u 3-2-04 05 c o Strait* Echo. WANTED. JAMES BUCHANAN G.o’s HOUSE OF COMMONS” WHISKY SAN1)ILANDS, BUTTERY Co.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1812 3 TAL m c-. fry. ms. Co. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., Ltd. Expected a,-rim I ami Depart urea. Mail Service. Outwards. Feb. 4 8.8. Ballaarat ,o «onnwtiiijr *’«‘h Australia Coromandel <1<, Oceana M ,7 m !'n mfa 2 ""Mongolia 17 8.8. Bengal do s .s. China Homewards.
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  • 79 4 Established June 1st, 1903. PublishedViJiiljr (except Sundays.) AT TH* CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 2*20-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE OA1LT, I/M’AL #24 p«r antmro. (Post Krce) 27 MAIL KDITION (Post Pree) 15 CAIII.K AIMHlKSS: E c li o —P c n a n g Telephone
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  • 230 4 The story of a fire, which occurred in the Nasmyth Press Company’s property at Calcutta a few days ago, points a moral i which it behoves Fire Insurance Companies to lay to heart. At 0 a.m. some jute in a building, one of a group of seven,
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  • 445 4 In our issue of the 22nd of October lust reference was made to a letter from a Singapore correspondent, who stated lie was informed that a British residency at Johore was in contemplation, but nothing had been decided up to the time of writing. He said he did not
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  • 850 4 Enquiries and Investigations Ordered by the Appeal Court. This morning, liefore the Full Court of i Appeal, consisting of the Chief Justice (Sir (Lionel Cox) and Mr. Justice HyndmanI Jonep, the case of the will of the late Mohauied Noordiu, executed in May. 1869, cauie up
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  • 911 4 The Fireworks on the Esplanade. The festivities iu connection with the great Hindoo Taipusam were brought to a i tilting conclusion last night by the usual display of fireworks on the Esplanade and the return of the Subramaniatamy car to its resting place in the Penang Street >
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  • States’ News.
    • 1138 4 (From our own Correspondents.') i Taiping. 2ml Feb. The Taipusum of the > Tamil community was concluded last evening’, when the procession, accompanied by Tamil l music and drums, returned from the Waterfalls at 0-30 p.m. There was a terrible crowd of Tamils and others and it was really
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 3 5
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  • 640 5 (Special Service.) T Nearing the Climax. Japan Exasperated. COUNCIL OP WAR IN TOKIO. lEXIKKF AUTHORISED TO ISSUE M A NIKI T 0 Declaring War. < From our Own Correspondent. > London, 3rd Fob.— I li ;i vo been favoured with a look at letters just, i
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  • The Straits Echo.
    • 30 5 (Special Service.) January Output. La hat, Jth Foi>.—The output of the Tronoli Min es for the month of January is 1857 piculs and 28 catties, valued at $70,853.
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  • 229 5 Re the Limitation Ordinance. An interesting case was decided by the Full Appeal Court this morning, in which property was left iu trust bv Chow Hoon Neo in 1871 to his two sons, the rents to lie devoted to offering prayers and providing for funeral ceremonies “for
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  • 699 5 Gold Watch Stolen whilst Towkay j Bathing. A decidedly cheeky case of theft is reported as having taken place at a house on Kedah Road yesterday. It is alleged that the theft was done at about 5 p.m. whilst the victim, towkay Hoo Lean, was taking au
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    • 326 5 T.i tmi: Eiutok or the struts E< no. siß..r Having had a novel, experience when joining in the Taipusum procession on i Mondap-, I.think it may interest some of vour readers. A good many Europeans, Chinese and Malays possessed of liberal views regarding religious matters formed the procession. In
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    • 95 5 To thk Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir,-I shall deem it a great favour if you will be good enough to find me a small space in vour valuable paper in order that I may lie able to tender my sincere thanks to those of iny friends
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  • Money Market.
    • 122 5 FkHRUAKY. (By courtesy of the Chartered Ho nk London Demand Bank ...1/10$ l months’sight Bank ...1 10, 1 3 Credit ...1/1 Of 3 Documentary ...1/IOJJj Calcutta, Demand Bank Us. 138 3 days’ sight Private 110 Bombay, Demand Bank 138 3 days’ sight Private 110 j Madras, Demand Bank 138
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    • 182 5 Bersa wall Gold Mine Co., Ld. 15.20 mien. j Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld 6.50 «alts Redjang Lelxmg Gold Mining (jo., Ld s23o. —uom KadanaGold MiningCo„Ltd. folly paid 10. nom. Bruseli Tin Mining Co.. Ld. S.'lb sellei Cliendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 25.— teller* Karangau Tin Mining
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    • 164 5 Tin S 78. teller* Gold leaf 84. B. Pepper’(W. Coast 311>5.50z.)$ 29. —salet White Pepper 50. —tales Traug Pepjier 32{ teller* Cloves (picked) 40. —tellers Mace sl4o.— nom. Mace Pickings 120.— nom. Nutmegs 110 s 68. —sellert No. 1 7.50 Sugar 2 5.40 Basket 4. —talet Tapioca Flour 2.7.(
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 6 5 ROSE’S LIME JUICE. St Co., Im'td»
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    • 5 5 JUNGLE FURNITURE. ttlcfilister Co.» Ltd.
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    • 143 5 Dr. R. H. LAMB, American Dentist. Graduate of Philadelphia Deutal College, 1875. i rpWKNTY-EKiHT YEARS' continuous I practice. Hicli class, artistic, modern Dentistry in all its branches. Dental Parlours, Farquhar Street, opposite Sea View Hotel. The Yankee Novelty Co. 3», FARQU HAK STR EET AMERICAN FURNITURE. fl tli (ill.Tu Easy
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    • 528 5 To=day’s Advertisements. New Beacli Street Auction Rooms. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will hull an Auction Sale Horses, Traps, Ponies, &c., At Church Street Ghaut, at 3 P.M., On Friday, Sth February. 1904. Usual Conditions of Sale. Trunk: Cash before Delivery. John A. BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer. 4-2-04 103 NOTICE. BY ORDER
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    • 235 5 NOTICE. io coKunrofiDKKT»: It is requested that all comluunications relating f<i Suhscriptions, Advertisement* i *e., be addressed to the *'Manager. Strait» Echo and 'not to the Kditor. All cheques should be crossed. I Letters on Editorial or other matter* intended for publication or use in the E< ho should be
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1959 6 WONG KIM MUN, A r o. 77a, Bishop Street. NOTICE. INSURANCES. SIN GHEE CHOON CO. HONG SING. Jules Mu nun Reims. Blub Seal. EXTRA-DRY.” Red Seal. “CARTE BLANCH Go., rubber stamp AND BRASS SEAL (For impressing Wax) MANUFACTURER. Supplementary Articles for Rubber Irimmings. rpHE undersigned beg to inform the J_
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  • 935 7 I AVOLOFF, DE Lkssaß, AND AI.EXIFFF’ Mk. Angus Hamilton, in ihe Pull Mull Gazette, tolls us something of the personalities of tin* Russian statesmen whose names are just now very pro- minent. M. de Plehve, the Minister of the Interior, is all powerful at
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  • 282 7 l'er P. «V O. steamer Australia,” connecting with the steamer Ballaarat” at Colombo trom London, Jan. B. To Yokohama Mr. \V\ 11. Leech. To Shanghai Miss M. E. •Scott, Mr. W. H. Shearer. To Hong Kong Mr. C. E. Batfc, Mr. M. I). Moris, Capt. and Mrs. Dicken.
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  • 1183 7 PROGRAMME 1904 MEETING. ’3rd, 23th and 27th February. FIRST DAY. 1-—The Maiden Plate, 2-3o p.m. Value §000 out of which §100 poes to second I* 'I’se. A Race for all Maidens. Weipht per ale (lOst.) with an allowance of 14 lbs. to all It.A. ex-Griffins. Distance, out;
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 228 7 EMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker and Jeweller, 4, BEACH STREET. PENANG RECEIVED A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF Silver and Gold Filled American Waltham Watches, Chronographs, Binoculars, Oarriage Clocks. NOTICE WE the undersigned hereby give notice that by an Indenture dated the 26th dav of January instant and made between Goh Tiaug An of
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    • 374 7 PERRIER JO VET CHAMP AGNES. AGENTS HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. KITSON LAMPS. The Finest Light in Existence. Apply to HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Sole Agente. MACHINERY, ETC. Steam Engines Boilers of various Horse-powers. Petroleum, Gasoline, Stationary and Marine Engines. Huttenbach Bros. Co. Graham Co., Ld., WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, 4 Deach Street. Penang. importers
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    • 6 7 HOLLIS’ GUNS. McAUatcr Sc Co., Ltd
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    • 263 7 NOTICE usual monthly sale of Pawnbrokers' J. Forfeit'd Pledges for sums exceeding j 31b will U* held punctually at 11 o’clock, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 3rd and 4th proximo, at No. 42 Beach Street, j Teems Cash Before Delivery. A. S. ANTHONY, Licensed A nctioneer Under the Pawnbrokers
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1661 8 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS URTTTQU DOC’S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass's Ale. (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) BEWAHE OF IMITATION. FOR Chinese New Year. TRADE 42» w; Si m DC a D In ordinary Pint Bottles: Light, Sparkling, Wholesome and Refreshing. The Best and Well-known Beer for the Tropics. Obtainable Retail at all
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