Straits Echo, 3 February 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 18 1 Birth. ,,f P T f“h 1 Wtl1 wife of E. r. H. Edhn, of a son.
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  • 43 1 l*or W eek ending Tuesday, Feb. A. I9<>4 am. p.m. Wednesday. 3rd 2.1 d 235 Thursday, 4tu 30u 3.25 Friday. stl. 350 4.15 Saturday, 61 h 4.40 505 Sunday, 7tli 5.30 5.55 Monday, Bth H.2U f 1.45 Tuesday, 9th 7.10 7.35
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  • 26 1 Last Quarter Feu. Bth. 9.48 am. O New Moon 16fcli. 4.26 p.m. First. Quarter 23rd, 11-51 p.m. O Full Moon Mar 2nd. 9.16 am.
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  • 25 1 To-i»a y. Town Hand, Esplanade, 5-3 U |>.:u. Fireworks, Esplanade 9 p.m. Cheftv Procession Commencing 2 p.m. To-moricow. Town Band, Golf Club, 5-30 p.m.
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  • 40 1 P O. SAILINGS. i— Mail Service. Outwards. Homewards. Ball aural 4 Feb j Bengal 6 Feb Coromandel 18 j Malta 20 Extra Service. Outwards. Homewards. Java 9 Feb Palermo 14 Fel Malacca 23 Palma 26 For particulars See Page, 3.
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    • 45 1 A Reuter s Agent In Hut water. (.Rangoon Advertiser Service.) Madras, 26th Jan.—At the police court today an application was made for the arrest of Mr. A,. H. Murray. Reuter s agent here, on a charge of defalcation. A bailable warrant was issued.
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    • 47 1 Great Financier Dead (Ceylon Observer Service.) London, 25th Jan.—Vill man Cohen, one of the guarantors of the first instalment of the Transvaal Loan, has died suddenly at Johannesburg. It is believtid that death was due to the strain of the present acute' financial crisis. v
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    • 55 1 Cruelty and Misconduct Alleged against Col. Driscoll, D.S 0 Ceyltrn Observer Service.) Rangoon, 25th Jan.—The Commissioner of the Mandalay Division on tin 20th instant pronounced decree nisi in a case in which Mrs. Isabel May Driscoll sought for divorce from her husband. Colonel D. P. Driscoll, DjS.O., on
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    • 77 1 Less Prosperous Years Coming. [Rangoon Times Service.) London, 22nd Jan.—Mr. Austen Chamberlain, speaking at Carpenter’s Hall, said there were signs of somewhal ess prosperous years coming. Th* revenue returns indicated that th< budget anticipation was nurealisabl* md there had also been an unauticipat ed expenditure. He feared lie
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    • 91 1 The Outbreak in Damaraland.. (Ceylon Observer Service.) London, 25th Jan.—The Germar ounitive force numbers 1,300 and heavy ighting is expected. Two German Atlantic liners liav< proceeded to Aalsund to afford relie. tnd shelter to the white settlers. The Kaiser Ims donated 4.500 for tin relief of the sufferers at
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    • 153 1 (Rangoon Times Service.! Calcutta, 21st. Jan.—Lord Curzon will preside at the’University Convocation on the 13th February. Owing to the length of time that required for the voyage t< and from the Andamans in addition t< his projected visit to Eastern- Bengal the iceroy has been compelled
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    • 30 1 (Rangoon Times Service.) Calcutta. 21st Jan.—There were 21,302 deaths from plague last week against 17,344 in previous week. Main increases were in Bombay, Bengal and the Punjaub.
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    • 540 1 [Coblenews Special Service.) London, 19th Jan.—King Edward has had considerable personal correi appndence with the Tsar over the supposedly impending hostilities. The Ning has asked th** Tsar to maintain peace pointing out to him the disasters that might come on most of Europe md Asia bv a war
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    • 229 1 Tibetan Generals Propose Impossible Conditions. (Ceylon Observer Service.) Calcutta, 25th Jan.—Orders have been passed that no one, not on duty, is to pass Phari. The Lhassa Generals, in an interview with Colonel Y<»unghusbaud, proposed impossible conditions and threatened opposition if an advance was made. To-day a mounted infantry
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    • 205 5 Reopened by the King. His Majesty in his speech Touches on the Far East Crisis. Reuter'» Service.) London, 3rd Feb—His Majesty King Edward VII, accompanied by Queen Alexandra, the Prince and Princess of Wales and the Duke of Connaught, opened Parliament yesterday. Mr. Balfour (the Premier) ;,\vas( absent owing
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  • 413 1 Losaus, 7th Jan.—The statistics show a reduction of 1,530 tons as compared with last month, and 831 tons as compared with last year. The deliveries from warehouses were moderate, both in Europe and America, while the Straits shipments for the year were virtually the same as the year before.
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  • Shipping.
    • 92 1 ilAuv Austin. Br. s.s. 140. Conway, 2nd Port Swettenham, Ist Feb. <*en., Koe Gunn Co. Cornell, Br s.s. 104, Bucl.anan, 2nd eb lonifkali, Ist Fel>., Gen.,—Koe Guan Co. Carlyle, Br. 8 8 331. Quine, 3rd Feb., t ort Swettenham, Ist Feb., Tin Ore. Straits Steamship Co. Canton, Br. s.s.
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    • 27 1 3rd February. e > Hindu, for Singapore. Hebe, for Deli Agahati, for Deli. Mary Austin, for Port Swettenham.'' Avayyee, forTeluk Anson. Janet Nicoll, for Tavoy and Mergui.
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    • 62 1 Cornelia, Br. s.s. 194. Buehanan, 2nd Feb., Tongkah, Ist Feb., Gen.,—Koe Guan Co. Canton, Br. s.s. 105, Merieau, 3rd Feb., T. Anson, 2nd Feb., Gen.,—Ah Himr I’r Co. Carlyle, Br. s.s. 331, Quine, 3rd Feb., Port Swettenham, Ist Feb., Tin Ore.— Straits Steamship Co. Palamcotta, Br. s.s. 2,208,
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    • 25 1 I e**el$ From 1 A <ir lit* Due Nam Saug Calcutta G.G.v. Ii.&Co. 4th Fel». Lansberge Edie H.L.ACo. 4th Ballaarat Colombo 1 P&O. 5th
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    • 84 1 1 V et*8el)t For Ajenta Leave Wailmra Moulmein K.G.Oo. 4th Feb. Nam Sang Singapore B.&Co. Balia a rat Singapore Gr.Or.V. P.&O. 5th Lansbergt Edie H.L.ACo. tJth e would direct the attention of shipping Arm* to the ftyJc m which "Steamer» Kxpecteif” and "Projected Sailing are published in the Echo
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    • 43 1 For Deli—Per Vidar, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Laugkat—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Tongkab—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, 1 Paugkor and Teluk Anson—Per Canton, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Moulmein and Rangoon—Per Palamcotta, 6th instant, II a.m. Port Swettonham Per Carlyle, 6th instant, 3 p.m.
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    • 22 1 Inward —Per Palamcotta,” from Rangoon, Mrs. Melvin, Mrs. Cockrill, Mr. and Mrs. O'Malley. Per Helie,” from Singapore, Messrs Wiff and Doughty.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 A. E. SKEELS. WANTED A CHINESE Manager for a general store in the Native States. Good salary and a handsome commission will be given according to qualification. Apply stating experience to “STOKE 3-2-04 95 c/o Strait* Echo. NOTE. wum 3 CROWN WHISKY si IS NOW MADE UP IN Clear While
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    • 277 1 To-day’s Advertisements. Notice I v ~T w. E. A. L. 17 03 lIAJI MAT SAMAN 1 1$. LEE SEH C’HEE 00 Postponed for a fortnight. WANTED. A CHINESE TEMPORARY CLERK to transcribe Chiuese Account book* into English. Apply to H. G. SARWAR. Aj. A>ist. Official Assijnce. Penang- Sales Room. Hi*-
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    • 11 1 CHANKOLS. t McALISTER Co., Ltd. cr RMd Pagtt 2 A 7.
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    • 30 1 A. E SKEELS. f X r ■WHISKIES. For Sale! For Sale!! Large Stock of Paper of Every description and Colour. Apply Criterion Press Ld FAIRBANKS SCALES. MoAliatar A Co., Lt|l.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 27 1 WEATHER. Thk following report is kindly supplied In the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis:— Tlie rainfall during the 24 hours ended at 9 a.nt. to-dav was nil.
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  • 69 1 1>kathn. i i AT 1 be 111 0,1 IGth -Jau.. Ellen, the beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Q M Arab, aged 7 years. On 31st December, at St. Helen's, ClayKate, Surrey, suddenly, of influenza and Kustnc catarrh, Ian He Vere Montagu -McCallum, aged 2 years and 11 months, youngest
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  • 669 2 Education of Chinese Indies. The first debate of this Society t4«>k place* on Saturday, the 23rd ultimo, in the rooms of the Kuala Cumpuf Recreation Club. I ThirtV-three memliers ahd'visitors were pre-! «ent, the President (Dr. <i. L. Tuck) Occupying the chair. After a
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  • 201 2 1 904. Frolii my land, a torii on the waies. 1 have charged the rising sun To bear this word to thy sea-born bravek When his long laud-course be run By the shore of all the seas of the earth. Alone have we stood, from the hour of
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  • 336 2 P C. C. Defeated uy the Straits Schools. The cricket match played on the Esplanade on Saturday hast, between the P. C. C. and S'ruits Schools'(past and present),’ resulted in a victory for the latter in the first innings by 16 runs. The second innings of the Schools had
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  • 292 2 Per P. A O. steamer Australia,” connecting w ith the steamer u BallaaraP’ at Colombo from London, Jan. B.—To Yokohama Mr. W. H. Leech. To <s Shanghai Miss M. E. Scott. Mr. tV*. H. Shearer. To Jiang Kong Mr. C. E. Butt, Mr. M. D. Moris, Capt. land
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 8 2 FOR SALE. Faber’s Blue Pencils. CRITERION PRESS. Limited.
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    • 2143 2 ft 6 NOTICE. usual monthly sale of Pawnbrokers' Forfeited Pledges for sums exceeding $10 will he held punctually at 11 o’clock a.m., on Wednesday and Thursday, the 8rd and 4th proximo, at No. 42 Beach Street. Terjjs Cash Before Delivery, t A S. ANTHONY, Licensed Auctioneer t Under the Pawnbrokers
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1645 3 /<S *IS. 11. Co. f Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., Ltd. BANKS. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. fast ami well-known Mail Steamers of this Line will leaveUenang on or about the undermentioned dates ttxpHcted fin ical mid Drpa rtnrn*. Ma|l Cervico. Oui wards t>b. 4 H.n. Ballaarat connecting
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  • 77 4 Established June 1st, 1903. I’u Wished ’daily (except Sunday*.) at tub CRITERION PRESS, Ld„ No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY, I.OCAL $21 per Annum. (I’oet Kree) 27 MAIL BDITION (Host Kree) 15 CAIII.K A Dl»ltESS: Ec ho —Penan g.” Telephone No. 188. Editor,
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  • 1427 4 Ix another part of this issue we publish a letter, which appears to be a more or less correct statement of the causes which have brought about the strike of pork butchers, and their grievances generally. The pig question is by no means a new one in
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  • 999 4 Details ok the Gbkat Hindoo Feast. Satukday was the commencement of the Taipnsam, the great annual festival which is celebrated by Hindoos wherever they be. It is alwavs regarded with respect an l love bv the Hindoo community, and with a certain invsterious curiosity bv those not
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  • States’ News.
    • 1045 4 (From our oxen Correspondents.) T.AIPIIMJ, 31St Jan. —Tj»t Perak ltift.' social ion mastered strongtyjsifc the Rifle U this morning at 6-30 o’clock to shoot fo: special prize of three decanters in polish»" frame, presented hv Mr. Kemplin. Mr. Yo 1 the head of the Trigonometrical Survey D won the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • The Straits Echo
    • 411 5 (Special Service.) More Shuffling. Significant Move of Itussian Government RANl<S'O* PBTBKSBUKfI C HANGE. German Publicists Again .State All 18 X-M MINKNT (From Our Oicn Cor respou dents.) London, 2nd Feb.—The I os* isc hr Aritniu/ (a Beilin morning and eveningyaper)states that war is imminent. Alter meeting
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  • 1666 5 1 i;o< ri::>ifjoB To-day in the Police < ',i i £J Sequel to the Races. ajk. l.'hiis Robinson was this afternoon '•barged on summonses issued at the instance. <»1 Mr. D. A. M. Brown with (1; intentionally insulting I). A. M. Brown and j thereby giving provocation
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  • 36 5 We are courteously informed that the following are the returns of the Kiuta Tin Mines for the month of January Output... ...315 piculs Approximate Value ...§15,008 Receipts from water rent ...85,550 Approximate working expenses..*B6,soo
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  • 286 5 The appointment of Sir John Anderson, K.c.M.G., as Governor aud Commander-in-Cliief of the Straits Settlements and High Commissioner for the F. M. S. is gazetted also the appointment of Vice-Admiral Sir Gerard Noel, k.c.b., k.0,m.g., as Oom-mander-in-Cluef on the China Station to succeed Sir Cyprian Bridge, g.<;:b. It
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    • 555 5 To THE hltlTOE OF TllK STBAITs Ea liu. Sik. You have doubtless heard that the pork hiitellers of Penang went .>u strike on .Sunday night. i hear that they may confiutte to refuse to take pigs to tlie abattoir to be slaughtered until a satisfactory arraifeeifieftr be
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  • 379 5 To inn Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir. The case of the Colombo Municipal ratepayers, the preliminary point of law of which you commented upon in the issue of the 30th ult., interests the legal profession aud the public—the legal profession in so far as it involves a
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  • 1066 5 Kinta Training Notes. I»atc Gajah, 30th J;in. -The torrents of rain which descended overnight would have turned ativ other course into u quagmire, but tin* going here is always good, and with the exception of a rather soft bit at the bottom l>end. there Wius nothing to
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  • 119 5 Pejcano, 3kd Fkbrcaky. Hfry courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) Ldttdon Demand Bank ..J/10$ 4 months’ sight Bank ...I 10,”. 3 Credit ...I/lOf 3 Documentary ...I/10JJ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 138 3 days’ sight Private 140 J «ft 'V?* Bombay, Demand Bank ..,^.lBB 3 days’ sight Private 140 Madras, Demand
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  • 175 5 BersawahGold Mine Co., Ld. 15.20 sale's. Ranh Australian Gold Miming Co., Ld 6.50 sales Redjang Lebong Gold Mining Co., Ld $230. nom KadauuGold MiningCo„Ltd. (fully paid) 10.—mow*. Bruseh Tin Mining Co., Ld. 8.25 sellers Cheudariaug Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 25. —sellers Karaugan Tin Mining Co. 23. —sellers Kinta
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  • 159 5 Tin 77.80 sellers Gold leaf 84. B.Pepper(W. Coast3lbs.soz.)s 29.- sales White Pepper 50.— sales Tr&ng Pepper 32 j sellers Cloves (picked) 8 40. —sellers Mace sl4o.— mo/m. Mace Pickings 120.— notu. Nutmegs 110 s 68. —sellers No. 1 7.50 Sugar 2 5.40 Basket 4. —sales Tapioca Flour 2.7 i
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 5 5 REFRIGERATORS. McAlister A Co*, Ltd
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    • 107 5 Dr. k H. LAMB, American Dentist. Graduate of Philadelphia Dental College, JH7S. rnWENTY-EIGHT YEARS’ continuous J.. practice, Hiuh class, artistic, modern identistry in all its branches. Ilentil) Parlours, Farquhar Street, —opposite Sea View Hotel. WANTED. A POST us Chemist Assistant, preferably in the Native States, by a young qualified European,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1943 6 CHAMPAGNE WONG KIM MUN, No. 77a, Bishop Street. notice:. INSURANCES. Jules Mumin Reims. Blue Seal. EXTRA-DRY.” Red Seal. CARTE BLANCHE.” Co., RUBBER stamp AND BRASS SEAL (For impressing Wax) MANUFACTURER. THE undersigned l)eg to inform the public of Penang and the neighbour-) Capita i Subscribed ng Native States that they
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  • 958 7 Analysis of Results. I'eiailn ot the performance* «it owners, riders, .trainers, an«l horses in the Penang January mo* noting concluded on Satur- > day are given lietow, m order of merit Owsm. i iil»t 3n<i 3rd plitirri Jpc «hr Voogt 2-2 1 5 FT. Cropley g 2 o
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  • 411 7 I’lIK N. D. L. ro Pli KCH ASK A BORNEO Steamship Line. La HU AN. 2ftth Jan.—lt is definitely stated here that a rumour current for two weeks past is perfectly correct in substance, and that the North German Llovd Steamship Company has purchased the Sabah Steamship
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  • 1174 7 j PROGlUflftkE \9W MEETING. Z&rft 2Stft hnd 27th February. 4*., FIRS* DAY. I I-—The Maiden Plate, 2-3o p.m. Value 8000 out of which 8100 goes to second horse. A Race for all Maideus. Weight per scale (lOst.) with an allowance of 14 lbs. to all S.R.A. ex-Griffins.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 34 7 ui K. EMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker and Jeweller, 4, BEACH STREET. PENANG N# RECEIVED A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF Silver and Gold Filled American Waltham Watches, Chronographs, Binoculars, Carriage Clocks. -4- funagoya water Hftamt eirStCo Ltd.
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    • 203 7 NOTICE WE the undersigned hereby give notice that by an Indenture dated the 26th day of January instant and made between Goh Tiang An of the one part and Tjong Ah Fie and Tjong Yong Hiau of the other part: All the right title and interest of him the said
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    • 368 7 PERRIER JOUE T CHA JHP AGUES. AGENTS HUTTENBACH BROS. Go* KITSON LAMPS. 'I’ii*' {''ineftt Light in Kiisfi'iice Apply t«> HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Sole Ayente. Graham C».. Ld„ Wholesale chemists, 4 hi each Street. Renan}:. j MACHINERY, ETC. Steam Engines Boilers of various Horse-powers. Petroleum, Gasoline, Stationary and Marine Engines. Huttenbach
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1740 8 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS BRITISH DOC'S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass's Ale. TIANG LEE Go., “Gold Seal Milk Merchants and General Importers Penang. Keeps longer ami is cheaper than any other. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. i HOWARTH, ERSKINE, Ltd., SINGAPORE, BANGKOK, SIAM, IPOH, PEFtfly GOON YEN FRIENDS. electrical department. Offices and Show
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