Straits Echo, 30 January 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 30 1 M AK&IAOK. On 20th January, at Honjfkouv. Mary Gertrude. vonnjrest daughter of T L. Crown, Itipon. York*. to Thomas, eldest son of Ri«diard Hornbv. Aston Park. Nortliwb-h. Cheshire.
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  • 41 1 For Week ending Friday, Feb. 5. 1904. A.SI. P.M. Saturday, :30th 11.34 12.00 Sunday, 31st 0.20 0.51 Monday, lat 1.17 1.43 Tuesday, 2nd 208 2.31 j Wednesday, 3rd 2.A3 3.18 I Thursday, 4th 343 4.08 Friday, sth 432 5.17
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  • 25 1 O Full Muon Fkb. Ist. 11.7 p.m. Last Quarter Bth, 9.48 a.m. O New Moon 16th, 4.26 p.m. First. Quarter 23rd. 11-51 p.m.
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  • 27 1 To-day. Negapataiu Mail Expected. Races, 3rd day. Town Band. Race Course. 4 p.m. Grand Concert, Town Hall. 9-3 p in. To-MORKOW. Church Services see page 5.
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  • 46 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outward». Hom kwariw. llallaarat 4 Feb i Iteuyal 6 Feb Coromandel Id j Malta 20 Kxtra Service. OUTW A KDS. H OM K WAR l*S. Java .0 Feb Japiin -10 Jan Malacca 'III Palermo Feb fcr For particulars See Page 3.
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    • 943 1 (Shanghai Timex Service.) Seoul, Btli Jan. —'The Corean officials are panic-stricken and things are greatly unsettled. Over 2,000 Corean soldiers have already deserted, frightened by the war rumours. The nobles are sending their families out of Seoul in large numbers. Chemulpo, Bth Jan.—One officer, three petty officers and
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    • 346 1 Hot Time in Professor Lee’s Show (Indian Daily Neir Service.) Bombay, 15th Jan.—For some weeks Professor Lee has been giving performances at the Framji Cowasji Institute in hypnotism, which have caused a good deal of excitement in Bombay. On Thursday evening there was a little
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  • 875 1 Experiments with Samples from Malaysia. *'Haja Yarma writes to Hnmbay Gazette under dale 18th Dec. About the decorticating and degutmning of ramie or rhea. This is indeed the crux of the whole matter. As long ago as in 18tjl> and 1H77 the Indian Government felt so strongly I the
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  • Shipping.
    • 179 1 Lai Sang, Hr. s.s. 2,224 Tadd, 30th Jan., Hongkong, 20th Jan.. Gen.,—B. Co. Bamberg, Ger. ss. 3,057, Miltzlaff, 20th Jan.. Hamburg, 30th Dee., Gen., B M. Co. V r AN Swoll, Dut., 8.8. 1.870. Cramer, 29th Jan, Bala van, 18th Jan., Gen., —H. L. Co. (Omapebe. Br. s.s. 340.
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    • 61 1 doth January. Jiu Ho. for Laugkat. Mai A until), for Port Swetteuhum. M. Vajiiiinhin, for Singapore*. van Sn'oU. for Kdie. 'l'. Seniawe. Segli, Pulo Well, Olehleh and Padang. Arfxaiionj. for Batu Bahia and Asahan. Oinapcrc, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Carh/le. for Port Swetteubuin. Araijinr, for Teluk Alison. Kistna.
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    • 33 1 Laurens Bit. I hit. s.s. I">4. deVries, doth Jan.. Ifeli. 2!*th Jan., Gen. H. L. A. Co. Kistna, llr. s.s. 0*24. Flether. doth Jan., Singapore, 2Hth Jan.. Gen., H. L. Co.
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    • 20 1 1 fan-in i I'rit m A'jenl* Due Vindobona Loodiaua Singapore Singapore 1 S.K.&Co. KKX A. Co. SOth Jan aoth
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    • 73 1 Vex* el* For A gent» 1 Leave* Luodiaint Vindoboua Rangoon Rangoon H.L.&C'o. S.K.ftCo. Jan. We would direct tlie attention of shipping firms to the style in which Steamers Kxpocted anil I’rojected sailings'’ are published in the Echo amt in so doing respectfully urge the managers of shipping Arms to
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    • 31 1 For Toiii'ku.h, Kopah, lleuout', Viot-oria. Point Mali» mi and Mergui— Per Perak, on Monday, let proximo 11 u.m. Asahun, and liatu Halira—Per Lauren* Pit, on Monday, 1st proximo noon.
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    • 71 1 In mini Per Per Lai Sang,” from Singapore, Mr. Colsleu. Per Van Swoll,” from Aclieeu, Messrs. Van Iter Veen. Weyermaiin and Brummit/.. Per Ja) >ait,’ from Singapore. Mr. H. B. Mollett. Per Kistna,” from Singapore, Mr. F. H. Pearce, From Port Swetteuham, Miss Tempest, Messrs, A. B. Voules, C.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 43 1 A. E. SKEELS. o'”* LIQUEURS. For Sale! For Sale!! Large Stock of Paper of Every description and Colour. Apply Criterion Press Ld. •r NOTEi DUNVILLE’S 3 CROWN WHISKY IS NOW MADE UP IN Clear White Glass Bottles. d KATZ BROS., Ltd., Sole Agents.
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    • 240 1 TAI-PUSUM HOLIDAY. r E undermentioned Banks will lie closed on Ist Februarv, 1904. same being a Public Holiday. F*»r tin* Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. .1. ARMSTRONG, Manager. For the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. A G. STEPHEN. Arty. Agent. For the Netherlands Trading Society. J. L. van
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    • 4 1 CUTLERY. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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    • 13 1 A. E. SKEELS. f IRONMONGERY. McAlister Co., Ltd HmT Read Paget 2 7.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 28 1 WEATHER. 1 hb following report is kindlv supplied l*y die Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis: The rainfall during the JF hours ended *1 Jt a.m. to-day was nil.
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  • 23 1 Death. A l •> Dublin Road, the beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. M. Nathan, on Sunday night. 24th January, aged 51 months.
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  • 1640 2 Official Correspondence ft* M I'KKI AI. I N STI Tl.'l'K. ffyj*nn\<fn, S. VV. t 23rd N<«v.. 1903, jfimy 1 have tin* honour to enclose a re--2 on tin* |x»tssjl*l.« Kommeivial usr**»!' the Seed* of Hr If a liM&f/ieitnin I t Ilf* Ji> ihl true) which lias Ik*-ii made
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 5 2 FAIRBANKS SCALES. McAlister Co., Ltd
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    • 1837 2 W. CORNFIELD, PENANG. NOTICE. 1 NO all to whom it concern I give notice that the Power “POR THE RACES” < < I' JUST WY RECEIVED: AGAIN ro p From $5 to B r .\rm —ais xio’JM tt Special Featherweight <lo herehv t' At•■focHev dated the 14th January, 1904. ami
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1616 3 •7 Norddentscher Lloyd, Bremen. -f Erpected an ica/ and I Mall Service Outwards Feb. 4 s.s. Bulluitrat connecting with 8.«. Australia 18 8.8. Coroniaudet do Australia Mar. 3 f.#. Simla 1 8.8. lit It JU do do Homewards 1* eb. 8 8..8 Bengal do 20 8.8. Malta Mur. 5 8.8.
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  • Current Topics.
    • 314 4 We are much indebted td the courtesy of the Hon. the Acting Colonial Secretary for a copy of correspondence carried on recently between the Colo- nial Office and the Imperial Institute regarding the commercial valuQ of the seeds of the Para rubber treejn which we reproduce in
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    • 370 4 In the Colombo District Court, Mr. Grenier <jUJi\ered judgment a few days ago in a very interesting .Municipal case in which a Mr. Carimjee Jefferjee and some other ratepayers of Colombo sued the Colombo Municipal Council. Mr. Pagden, the Chairman, and Dr. Joseph de Silva. They alleged that
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    • 792 4 Thk Straits Times is informed that the sudden currency change in the Straits Settlements has wrought confusion on the East coast of Sumatra, J especially in Deli. There, Straits dollars j form the ordinary circulating medium, in place of the current coin of Netlieri lands India. Old
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  • States’ News.
    • 830 4 From our Con enpvnde tile,} Taiping. 27tli Jan. —The Great W orhl C irons has arrived and has pitched its tent on the Police parade ground, which the Deputy Coni1 missioner kiudiv set at their disposal Pn.condition that thev repair any damage done to if. Mr. Wilkinson, the Federal
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  • 499 4 Kuala Lumpur. 27th Jan.—Nobody seems i to know if that great cricket match— I Straits Settlements vs. F. M. S. is to come °ft during Chinese New Year. I am told there will be no difficulty about the F. M. S team. Messrs. Hubbaok, Talbot and Fox are the
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  • 64 4 Public Holiday. Owing to the Tai-pu-sam Festival tie* Batiks will lie closed on Monday, the Ist February, and there will lie no issue of the Straits Echo that day. The Postmaster General-notifies, that oa Monday, the Isi proximo, the Head and Sub-Offices will close at 1 p.m. The
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  • 481 4 20 PER DIVI IN SIGHT. The bright outlook of the Redjang Lebong Mine is now attracting attention. and shareholders are looking. forward to a big dividend. Some, set it at 25% I The Redjang Leising Company meets > I in March with probably 040,1*00 guilders j to distribute. The
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  • 72 4 Appeal Dismissed wmcCosts. ‘Juikjment was delivered on the 18th inst. in the Appeal Court.. Colombo,, ip the case in which Mr. N. G. Gould sued.the Proprietor and Printer of the Ceylon In fain ‘ndcnf for RJO.OOO as damages. The District Judge and assessors gave him Rl5O only, and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • The Straits Echo.
    • 802 5 Special Service.) Highly Significant Communications. Russia still Scheming to Gain Time. 1" Reuses to respect the Integrity of China in Corea. FOIiUES JAPAN INTO a FIGHT. THE OETjEBTJAJ, VOLCANO ON VERGE OF ERUPTION. TRADE PARALYSED. <- Outlook as Gloomy as Possible. Shanghai, oOth Jan.—ThorOuglih if la
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  • 681 5 i I’llK lollowing correspondence is publish--1 e<l in a Perak Gazette Erfraordinary of the 28th inst: btH. ,\s you art* already aware. Sir Frank Swetteuham. k.c.m 0., has retired trom the public service from the date of the expiration of Ids leave of absence. 12th i January
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  • 1366 5 Ordinary iMecting. A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was heM yesterday afternoon. Pre- "Messrs J. Haililax President'), < beak Tek 'I hye. Dr. I*. V. Locke, Quail Beng Koe, S. Reid Ewjiueer), Dr. G V W, Park Health Oj/icer, J,. and R. P. Philips S.-rretanj). AI. Messrs A.
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  • 390 5 .Quarantine Notifications. ‘jr.:*.:XwJ£ following:- appear on a J.\<r*k Lunette Extroortlitmry of 28th instr— Taiping, 26th January 1901. Whereas it appears to the .Acting Resident that a contagious ami infectious disease, viz., rindierpest; exists amongst buffaloes in Penang: It is hereby ordered that the importation of buffaloes from Penang
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  • 440 5 (From ottr Correspondent.) Rangoon 21st J*N.— The fire season is > now on us and is evidently keeping up its reputation, as compared with former years. Since the big fire in the Eastern quarter on New Year’s night. when a dozen or so bungalows inhabited by Eurasians and wealthy
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  • 198 5 4th Sun AF'rma jE pii-has V St. (iKoftoJ: r s OuCircii < Church of England)? —8 a.m. Matins (Choral) 10-30a.m. Service for Chinese. 5 p.m. Sunday School. 6 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. j Rev. F. W. Haines, Col. Chaplain. Presbyterian Church (Northam Road) 0— Rev. R.
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  • 119 5 Penang, 30th January. (By courtesy of the Chartered Paid:.) London Demand Bank ...I/lO,** 4 months’/ig!4 Bank ...MO, 7 3 Credit ...1/lOj 3 ...1/10fJ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rg. 136 3 days* sight Private 138 Bombay, Demand Bank 13(5 3 days’ sight Private 1:18 Madras, Demand Bank 18fi 3 days* sight
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  • 182 5 BersawahGold Mine Co., Ld. 15.20. rajes. Haul» Australian Gold Mining Co., lid tales Redjang Lebong Gold Miuing Co., Ld. 1230.— n0m. KadanaGold Mining Co,.Ltd. (fully paid). 10,— nom. Bruseli Tin Mining Co., Ld. 8.25 sellers Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Miniug Co., lid 25 .—tellers Karangan Tin Mining Co. 23.
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  • 158 5 Tin 79.50 seller* (Jold leaf 80.— B. Pepper \V. Coast3lbs.soz.)s 29. —salee White Pepper 50 .—sales Trang Pepper S 32j sellers Cloves (picked) 40. —sellers Mace sl4o.— nom. Mace Pickings 120. nom. Nutmegs llOs 08. —sellers No. 1 7.50 Sugar 1 2 5.40 Basket 4. sales Tapioca Flour 2.7
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 5 5 JIOLLiS’ McAlister 6c Co., > Ltd
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    • 131 5 To-day’s Advertisements. Penang: Sales Room. To BE SOLD By Order of the Administrator of the Estate of HAJi MAT ARISS .(deceased) BY PUBLIC AUCTION On Saturday, the 6th February, 1904. At Simpano Am pat, P. VV r jCt 11-30 A. M. LL that piece of land messuage and hereditaments situate
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    • 185 5 POLICE NOTICE. POLICE NOTICE made under Section •i 4 Ordinance I of 1872 for the regulation of traffic during the Tai-pusuui procession and firework display on the Esplanade on Wednesday, the 3rd' February, 1904; Carriages and Vehicles going on to roads round the Esplanade after 8-30 p.m. will do so
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1963 6 CHAMPAGNE Jules Mumm Co M Reims. Blub Seal. EXTRA-DRY.” Red Seal. CARTE BLANCHE.” Paterson, Simons Co., SOLE AGENTS. WONG KIM MUN, No. 77a, Bishop Street. RUBBER STAMP AND BRASS SEAL (For impressing Wax) MANUFACTURER. Supplementary Articles for Rubber Stamps In Store. NOTICE. INSURANCES. SIN GHEE CHOON CO. HONG SING. Amount
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  • 433 7 >.\tlie2o hult. iShanghai received a wire from Viceroy Wei Kwau-tao to tie* following effect The Snpaa prisoners ;hon Yung and Chang Ping-lin were sentenced by the 31 i.\ed ourt to imprisonment for liie and the Senior Consul. 31. Ivleimenow. Russian Consul-General, shall Ik* requested by the
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  • 1232 7 PROGRAMME 1904 MEETING. 23rd, 2.5th and 27th February. FIRST DAY. 1. -The Maiden Plate. 2-30 p.m. V alue 8*>(Mj out ot which 8100 goes to second horse. A Race for all Maidens. Weight per scale (lost.) with an allowance of 14 lbs. to all S.R.A. ex-Griffins. Distance,
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  • 283 7 IVr I*. A < > steamer Australia, connecting with the steamer Balhutrat” at Colombo from London, Jan. H. To Yokohama Mr. VV H. Leech. To Shanghai Miss M. E. Scott, 31 r. W. H. Shearer. To Hotuj Kang Mr, C.y E. Halt. Mr. M. I). Moris, Capt. and'
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  • 507 7 A Tamil Woman Raised from jSick IJkl* IN SINOAPOKK 1> Y Dtt. W ILLIAMS I’INK 1’11.1.5, In every j«irt of India to-day Dr. Williams Pink Pills lor Pair People are kII own. and there arc lew places m that \ast country where someone man, woman, or
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 254 7 ,.blj lirtWH j'l VC <•' C ri M 3 Ml Wy/ S a m a EMIL ZOBEL, -Matchmaker and Jeweller, 4, BEACH STREET. PENANG RECEIVED A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF Silver and Gold Filled American Waltham Watches, Chronographs, Binoculars, Oarriage Clocks. NOTICE the undersigned hereby give notice I T that by
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    • 227 7 PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNEis. AGENTS HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. KITSON LAMPS. 1 li« Finest I.iirht in Existence. Atpi.y to HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. I Sole Atlanta. MACHINERY, ETC. Steam Engines A Boilers of various Horse-powers. Petroleum, Gasoline, Stationary and Marine Engines. Huttenbach Bros. Co. LEVER BROS. LTD. SUNLIGHT, LIFE BUOY J and
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    • 173 7 Graham Co.,id., wholesale J CHEMISTS, ■4 Hatch Street, Penang. importers of MENNEN’S BORATED TALCUM TOILET POWDER, 60 cents For Infants and Adults, in Patent Tins MENNEN’S BOROFOAM TOOTH POWDER In Patent Tins, 60 cents each. ALLENBURY’S PATENT FOOD, Nos. 1, 2, 3. Fresh Supply Received Regularly. GrBAHA^^S IODIZED SARSAPARILLA This
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    • 82 7 STRAITS STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd SAILINGS FROM PENANG. s. s. Lady \V>ld leaves Penang every lav aii<l Friday, at 4 r.M. f for 'leluk Anson; sailing from Teiuk Anson on her return journey every Wednesday and Saturday, at i*.m s. s. Carlyle leaves Penang every Satur-1 day, at 4 h.m.,
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    • 338 7 Medical Department;: Pahang:. 4 PPL I CATIONS for tin* undcrmentiatiiu. «‘<l appointments shouM Is*. sent to the State Surgeon. Pahang, not later than j February 15th. and should l>e accompaiped by copies of not more than three reeunt testimonials, and by a certificate of health from all applicants not now
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1589 8 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS RRTTT<SH DOC'S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass's Ale. (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) BEWARE OF XMITA.TIO2T. TIANG LEE Go., “Gold Seal” Nilk Merchants and General Importers. »enang Wholesale Office:—s3, BEACH STREET. General Store Department:— 95, BEACH STREET. TEADE A O H 'J. o O as a o. a In
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