Straits Echo, 27 January 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 39 1 For Week ending 'Tuesday. Feb 2. I**o4 l-.JM. Wednesday, 27th... 9.00 Thursday, 28th 951 !<)I7 Friday, 29th lo 41 11.07 Saturday, 30th 11.34 12 00 Sunday, 31st 0.26 0.51 Monday, Ist 1.1" ]43 Tuesday, 2nd 2.08 231
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  • 21 1 O Full Moon Fan. Ist, 11.7 p.m. Last Quarter Bth, 0.48 a m 0 New Moon 10th. 4.26 p.m.
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  • 23 1 To-It \v. lowu Hand. Esplanade. *>-'{<> p.m. Outward German Mai! Imported 8 pm. T«>-:uok::ow Races, 2nd day. Town Hand, liaee (bourse, 4 p.m.
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  • 45 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Out w a ri>k. Hum k w a ri»s. Italian rat 4 Feb Bengal <i Feb Coromandel IS Malta 40 Hxtra Service. OUTWAKItS. Ho.UKW VRlt.s. Java 9 Feb Japan >'/ Jan Malacca 43 I Valeria Feb bhr For particulars See Page ”>
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    • 18 1 (Afei nilu Comercio Merrier.) Tokio, 14th Jan.—On all sides war is believed to be inevitable.
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    • 18 1 (Cablenew* Special Service.) Washington, 14th Jan.—Mr. Charles Den by, f< irmerly minister to China, is dead.
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    • 19 1 Dentch-Japan Vast.) Berlin, lOih Jan.—The Prussian Diet (Landtag) will be opened on January 16th by the Kaiser.
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    • 20 1 (Cableneicit Special Service.) Montevideo, loth Jan.—The revolutionists have won a decisive battle against the troops of the government.
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    • 43 1 (Dentch-Japan Pod.) Berlin, 10th Jan.—The Archbishop of Oluiiitz (an Austrian province in Moravia), Monsignor KOIIII, has had to undergo a disciplinary examination on charges of dishonest administration of 1 office. The Archbishop has resigned his rank and all honours.
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    • 63 1 Designs on Peking. i Cableneir* Sjieciat Service'/' St. Petersburg, 12th Jau.—Russia has notified the Chinese government that if China presumes to make an alliance with Japan, Russia will occupy Peking, and seize the reins of government. It is not believed that this notification was formal, but that
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    • 87 1 Congressman Imprisoned. Accepted a Bkiiie ok 812,500 to Help Sale of Cash Registers to the Post Office. Cableneir* Special Service.) Washington, 13th Jan.—Fermer Congressman Driggs, of Brooklyn, New York, who was implicated in the frauds in the National post office, has been found guilty, and sentenced to
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    • 157 1 Hermit Kingdom in Uproar. Cableuewt Special Service. Seoul. 12th. Jan. —Corea is in a turmoil and disorders everywhere are reported. Rioting' here continues with unabated viciousness in spite of the military forces. The situation at ;S«*oul is most unsatisfactory, according to private advices from that jieuinsnla. There the artful
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    • 28 1 Cableneir Special Service.) Washington, 12th Jan.—The Senate has continued the president s nomination of Mr. Buchanan of New York as minister to the new Republic of Paiuu-m.
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    • 124 1 The Fight at Jidhalli. (Ramjmm (Jazctte Serriee.) Calcutta. 12th Jan.—The General Officer Commanding in Somaliland lias reported to Lord Kitchener that on the Phh instant towards Jidhalli In* was operating with the Ist and 2nd Brigades and 1,000 irregulars. Jidhalli was held by some two thousand dervishes.
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    • 451 1 (Kobe Chronicle Service.) f Berlin, 8th Jan.—In Berlin it is held j that Japan ought to lose no time in occupying South Corea, and should do this without taking the trouble to communicate her intentions to Russia. Berlin, 10th Jan.—Tiie idea prevalent in England that, in consequence of
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    • 41 1 Cableneir* Special Service.) Constantinople, 14th Jan. The Sublime Porte has accepted the powers demand for the inauguration of reforms in Macedonia, and the Sultan has proclaimed amnesty for all political offenders in Turkey proper and the dependencies in the Balkans.
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    • 235 5 Alleged Split over Fiscal Questions. Heelers Service.) London, iHnh Jim.—The Jhtilg \rtrs states that, the result of tinprolonged meetings of the Cabinet held during the last few days is that the resignations of Lord Lansdowne (Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs), Lord Londonderry (Lord President of the
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    • 597 5 Result of Japanese Cabinet Meeting. Kobe Chonical Special Service.) It is to bj feared that all hope of a pacitic settlement of tin* dispute betwe-en Japan and Hussia must be abandoned. From information which comes from Tokio it appears now to bo certain that the Japanese Govermeut, in
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    • 54 5 Tragic ending i a Sensational Case. (Re •'< ,'s ervice.) Lomioii, 27t!i Jan.—Whitaker W right,- who lias ireen uu L*r trial in connection with the Lomiou and Globe Corporation frauds, was yesterday sentenced to seven years’ penal servitude. As soon as sen tence was passed he collapsed ami
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    • 25 5 (H. Service.) London, i!7tnJan.— The statement of the lluiiji A etr* is untrue regarding tlie matters discussed at tlie recent Cabinet meetings.
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  • 526 1 Following news via Bombay. which is. later than the mail news of 4th Jan., is taken from Rangoon exchanges: A special cable from the Indian Daili Telegraph correspondent, dated London, 13th January, states that peace is still I trembling in the balance. It is announced that Japan
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  • Shipping.
    • 90 1 Baykkn. Ger. s.B. 3.128, Fount*?!. 26th J»n., Yokohama, 9th Jail., Gen., B. M. Co. A. Apcak. Br. s.s. 2,931, Fav, 27th Jan.. Hongkong, 18th Jan., Gen.. A. Co. Dknbiohhhikk. Br. s.s. ‘-*,488, Evans, 26th Jan., Yokohama. 26th I)ee., Gen B. M. A Co. Andalusia. Ger. s.s. 3.477, Sell limit.
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    • 48 1 27th January. U. r. Lau*henje, for Edie. T. Semawe, Segli. Pulo Well and Olehlch. Aeahan, forAsahan. Avayyre, for Teluk Anson. Andalvtiia, for Singapore, China ami Japan. A voca, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow, and Aniov. A. Apcar, for Calcutta. HaJdi*. for Rangoon. Seydlitz, for Singapore, China and Japan.
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    • 32 1 1 Vxvf'/l* i rum Atjent* Due Sevtllitz CuIoiiiIm) B.M.&Co. 27th Jan. Bamberg Suez do. 28th vau Swoll Edie B.LJtCo. 29th Lai Sang Singapore B.&Co. 29th C. Apcar Calcutta A.A. A.Co. 29th
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    • 31 1 For Agent» Leave Seydlitz Siugajtore B.M.ACo. 27th Jan. Bamberg Singapore B.MAhOo 28th C. Apear Singapore A A A Co. mh van Swull Edie H.L.ACo. 40th Lai .Sang Calcutta B.«)fcCo. 30th
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    • 88 1 For Eangkat and Pangkalan Braudan Per Taw Tony, to-morrow, uoou. Deli Per Ho Kwei, to-uiorrow, 1 p.m. Deli—Per Sumatra, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Perlis and Setul—Per Leony Ho, tomorrow, 2 p.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson -Per Canton, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Kdie. T. Seinawe, Segli and Olehleh—Per Hole Canton, to-morrow,
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    • 127 1 Inward —Per A. Apcar,” from Siugapore, Messrs. Miller aud Koeuitx. Per Denbighshire.’’ from Singapore, Messrs. Osmond, Currier and Morris. Per Avoea, from Rangoon, Messrs. Vaughani, Roji, Mrs. Suitcher, Mrs. aud Miss St. Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Muroor, Messrs, Grant, Williams, Gustford, David Sharpies. Per Bayern," from Shanghai. Mr. Watson,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 120 1 H Cv r V H v 0 cj A M m A. E. SKEELS STRAITS STEAM SHIP C©., Ud. SAILINGS FROM PENANG. h. S. Lady Weld leaves Penang even Tuesday and Friday, at 4 p.m., for Teluk Anson; sailing from Teluk Anson on her return journey every Wednesday and Saturday,
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    • 285 1 To-day’s Advertisements FOUND. VN board the steam-launch Laju, on v Sunday 24th inst., a Gold Brooch set %v I calls and turquoise. <).,nor can have same by applying to Office, Prve River Dock. I lins. PENANG RACES. PpOK the eouveniouce of Perak people attending the above Races, the sailing of
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    • 15 1 FOR SALE. Stephens’ Writing Inks, Stephens’ Copying Inks, Stephen’s Gums. CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., PENA HQ.
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    • 28 1 A. E. SKEELS. f ■WHISKIES. 4 a ENTS FOR LLOYD’S NATIONAL BANK OF CHINA, Limited. NATIONAL BANK OF INDIA, Ltd. Insurance effected against all risks. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 1356 2  -  By Stephen English. In the comity of nation*, Japan is young in years 1 nit. ohl in wisdom. Her elder statesmen play world politics serenely, couth lent ly, ami with a subtle cruft t hat I tears the palm away from t In* sophist icilted diplomats
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  • 386 2 List of passengers carried In the Sr yd iiz due here on the “itili January Mr. Francis Andriessens. Mrs. Erna Andrieseens. Messrs. Gelieimer Etatsrat Rramsen. August Baucliholz. H. G. Bois. A. A. van der Bieseu. Bellerio. Mrs. H. G. Bois. Mrs. Henry Bois. Sister Rosa Busch. Miss G.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 141 2 JUST RECEIVED. P r?: tf: Egyptian Cigarettes. If! Monthly Shipments direct from Cairo. jfc g Th. Vafiadis Co. M.Melachrino A Co. |j hi Crown Prince. Uj Xon Plus Ultra, j Si/e No. 4. 2 Super fine. i 9. g Narcissna. Cold. Plain and Straw- jv: Cork A Mais-tipped Tipped, rlj
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    • 1866 2 W. CORNFIELD, PENASG. WANTED. “FOR THE RACES” JUST RECEIVED AGAIN The Light Tropical Helmets, From $5 to $B. Special Featherweight LADIES, GENTS, UR CHILDREN’S HATS llntrimmed and Trimmed in latest fashion. Plumes, Flowers, Orange Blossoms, Bridal Wreaths and Veils AT CORNFIELD’S BEACH S TREE T. 23c PENANG RACES, 28th and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1931 3 TAt, '3 is. i. Co. Ejqwtrd an tral ami D^tartnrfs. Mail Service. Outwards Feb. 4 s.s. Ballaneat Norddeutscber Llojd, Bremen. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co, Ltd. BANKS IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. lust ami well-known Mail Steamers of this Line will leavelVnang on or about the undermentioned &>< Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij,
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  • Money Market.
    • 117 4 Pknanq, 27th January. (By courtesy of the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Bank ...1/10, 1 4 months’ sight. Bank ...1 10, 7 3 Credit ...l/10j{ 3 Documentary ...1/10] J Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 136 3 days’ sight Private 138 Bombay. Demand Bank 136 3 days’ sight Private 138 Madras, Demand
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    • 184 4 BersawahGold Mine Co., 15.20 sales. Rauh Australian Gold Mining Co., lid S 6.50 sales Redjaug Lebong Gold Mining Co., Ld s23o. —nom KadanaGold MiuingCo„Ltd. (fully pa id 10. —Most. Bruseli Tin Mining Co., Ld. B. —sellers Chend&rinng Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 25. —sellers Karangan Tin Mining Co. 23.
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    • 155 4 I’iu 3 81. —buyers Gold leaf 86. B. Pepper (JV. Coast Blbs.soz.)s 29. sales White Pepper 50. —sales Ti-aug Pepper 3 82} sellers Cloves (picked) 8 40. —sellers Mace 8140. Horn. Mace Pickings 120. nom. Nutmegs 110 s 68. —sellers t No. 1 7.50 Sugar 2 5.40- Basket 4.20
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  • 79 4 Justice satisfies everybody, and justice alone.— Emerson. Established June 1st, 1903. I nhlislted daily (esc*pt S-ndayO AT TUI CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 220-202, Peach Street, Penang. PlllCK DAILY, LOCAL per annum. (Dust Free) 27 MAIL KIUTION (l’o»t tree) 15 CAULK ADDItKSS; Kc he—Penang.” Telephone No. 188. Ktlilur, Oit kmnky Duncan.
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  • Current Topics.
    • 313 4 In our issue of the lsth itist. a correspondent drew attention to the great inconvenience experienced by the residents of Prai and vicinity owing to the lack of proper postal facilities, letters reaching that place only by a very circuitous and slow route, the whole system in
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    • 1165 4 With the Chinese New approaching and an unusually bountiful crop of new year crimes, with hosts of ruffians of the most vicious ;ind desperate tvpe swarming over the Province and Native States, as the numerous reports of muriders and gang robberies show, we think it is
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  • 1637 4 >7th l'JJi. WILLIAM 11. Kino ok Prussia and Empkkou ok Uermanv. His Majest.v William 11. Kim; of Prussia au<l Emperor of Germany, yvas born on 27th January, 1859. He is the grandson of Victoria the Good, l**ing the sou of the Empress PrederieK. H<* was educated
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  • 318 4 Zoologist. t Edward Bagnall Poulton, the Hope l j Professor of Zoology in the University of B uce 1893. is the only son of i i William Ford Poulton, well-known as au architect in that little town of Reading from whence come the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 374 4 To-day’s Advertisements. GRAND CONCERT ARRANGED BY Miss Marjorie Tempest Assisted by Leading Local Amateurs TO BE GIVEN AT THE TOWN HALL PENANG On Saturday, 30th January, 1904. ATjl-30 I*. M. Box Plan at Messrs Cunningham Clarke. 83 TO LET. AYEK RAJAH HOUSE. Cantonment Road. From Ist March. Apply to CHE
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    • 62 4 PENG CHENG Co., 17, Market Lane, Penang. JUST LANDED!! EXCELIU HANDKERCHIEFS. liik liund kerchiefs for the season. Our last shipment soM in three (lavs. Call i>r write at once otherwise vou may Ik* too late. English, American and Continental Goods of Every Description INSPECTION INVJTEI). Prices very moderate. All outport
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    • 8 4 I METTAR’S STOVES. Ht* ft lister Co., Ltd.
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    • 6 4 HOLLIS’ GUtfS. oc Co., c Ltd.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1978 6 CHAMPAGNE Jules Mumm Co., Reims. Blue Seal. “EXTRA-DRY.” Red Seal. CARTE BLANCHE.” Paterson, Simons Co., SOLE AGENTS. TIVOLI BEER In White Glass Bottles, Light Sparkling Wholesome Refreshing THE BEST BEE 11 FOB THE TROPICS. Paterson, Simons Co., Ac ENTS FOII The Straits Settlements, Native States and Sumatra. Sub-Agents: Singapore —M
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  • 541 7 Meauri: List Issued from the India Office. r<*K tlii* Srrt timf* in a lonur serins ot vnurs no list of New ear s honours has l>een issued hy the Prime Minister, the Foreign Office, or the Colonial Office. It has been considered inadvisable, coming so shortly after
    541 words
  • 285 7 Per P. A O. steamer Australia,** coimectwith the steamer at Colombo from Loudon, Jau. 8. To Yokohama Mr. \V. H. Leech. To Shanghai Miss M. E. Scott, Mr. \Y. H. Shearer. To lima) Kong Mr. C. E. Batt, Mr. M. I>. Moris, Capt. and Mrs. Dickeu, Miss
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  • 517 7 I'nk Lp*n< rosit\ of Mr. Roland Philipson. J. I*., of T\ millionth, in presenting ;i searchlight for tin* use < f tin* Tynemouth Volunteer Idle Brigade, was tin* cause of an interesting gathering at Tynemouth 11n* other day. In response to invitations, a large nninher
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  • 456 7 This is the ago of research and exjswiinent. when all nature, so to speak, is ransaeked by the scientific for the comfort and happiness of man. Science has indeed made giant strides during the past century, and among the— by no means least* important discoveries in medicine
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 576 7 m S iftto m*Lj> s-i /vm r jx rfefl m r/ M>A PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGUES. AGENTS HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. KITS9N LAMPS. EMIL ZOBEL, Watch Ma l«« and Jeweller. 4. BEACH STREET. PENANG The Finest Light in Existence. Ai-ply to HUTTENBACH BROS, Co. Sole Agent*. Graham Co., Ld., WHOLESALE CHEMIST'S,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1736 8 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS BRITISH DOG’S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass’s Ale. (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) BE'WAEE OF IMITA.TIOIT. TIANG LEE Go. Merchants and General Importers, Penang. TRADE m V 0 C 3 o 5? VC* \C a&IDBCi Wholesale Offices 3, BEACH STREET. General Store Department:— 95, BEACH STREET. MAES. In ordinary
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