Straits Echo, 26 January 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 64 1 M ARKlAtlE. On 13th January, at London. Herbert Price, ot Honp-konp- an 1 Manila, to Ethel Mildred, third daughter of Engineer Rear-Ad miral Sir John Durstou. K. e. n.. Ensrine r-in-Chief of the Fleet. At his residence. Pajroda Road. lb. i-ro.n. Dr. Shaik Abdul Rahman, l. n. c.
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  • 39 1 For Week ending Monday, Feb. i. 1904. A.M. P.M. Tuesday, 26th 8.08 8.31 Wednesday, 27th... 9.00 9.25 Thursday, 28th 9.51 10.17 Friday, 29th 10.41 11.07 Saturday, 30th 11.34 12.00 Sundav, 31st 0.20 0.51 Monday, Ist 1.17 1.43
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  • 21 1 O Full Moon Fkm Ist. 11.7 p.m. Last Quarter Bih. 9.18 a.m. O New Moon 1 titii. 4.20 p.m
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  • 32 1 To-i>ay. Races, Ist day. Town Hand. Race Course. 4 p in. Homeward German Mail Leaves 6 p.m. TO*MORROW. Town Band. Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. Outward German Mail Expected, 8 p ui. i
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  • 52 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. <JUTWA RDS. lIo.M K W All DS. Italian rat 4 Feb Bengal 6 Feh Coromandel IN Malta -O Extra Service. Outwards. H° m k w a k ds Java 9 Feb j Japan 40 Jan Malacca U 3 j Palermo 14 Feb For particulars Set*
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    • 28 1 (Rangoon Gazette Service.) Calcutta. 12th Jan. —Lord Radstock arrives in Calcutta about the end of the month and will deliver some public speeches during his stay.
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    • 37 1 (Rangoon Gazette Service.) Allahabad, 12th Jan. —Mr. H. R. C. Dobbs, i. c. s.. who is engaged in superintending the work of repairing the boundary pillars in Northern Afghanistan, is at Bala Munghab at present.
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    • 113 1 {Rangoon Gazette Sercice.) Calcutta, loth Jail.—The suit instituted by Mr. Percy Howard Pierpoint against the Rev. G. Macouochie of Assansol came on yesterday before Balm Moti Lai Sinhu, Subordinate Judge of Burdwan. Mr. Pierpoint, who was a candidate for holy orders, sued the Revd. G. Maconochie, Chaplain
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    • 431 1 i Rangoon Gazette Sercice.) Calcutta. 12th Jam—The, following important changes in the rules for. the 1 grant of leave on private affairs outside India for officers of the Indian Army have been approved by the Secretary of State and are about to be introduced. All officers on each
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    • 155 1 Bishop Mobbed and Stoned. R-mjuon Tina* Service. Calcutta, 12th Jan.—A report lias rlached Calcutta of a murderous assault made upon Bishop AV hitley by some Kumhars in the village of Bnmnia, Chota Nagpur, to whom In-hud gone out on his bicycle with tour Indian Christians to preach. The
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    • 207 5 Another Cabinet Meeting. Russia still Procrastinating. C..KKAX Nttt TlfAUTY NOT I’l l TO TIIK Rl?Ss| ’.V vi; l' A(nv> He n!it k Service. London, -VllT .Jii.i. It is repot ted til St. Petersburg H,ht the Russian reply to .Japan’s last. Note is not expected to be presented for
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    • 575 5 Fierce Fighting in the German Colony. •V' (Renter Service.) London, 2Gtli Jan.—News from Dainaralaml- (South-West Africa) continues to lie of a grave ciiaracter. Several attempts to relieve Okahandjah station j;. been made, but were repulsed will; !n*av\ loss. Five settlers, u iiu il,eir wives and children, have been murdered
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    • 107 5 I «wit Destroyed; Thousands Homeless. lie’iter Service.) Loudon, ‘Jotli Jun.—The town of Anlesuiul in Norway bus l>i*eti alniost complet.oiy destroyed by fire. I In* population, numbering- twelve thousand, lias been rendered homeless. Owing to the severity of the weather the condition of the people is terrible.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 32 1 A. E. SKEELS. c V LIQUEUES. WOOD’S OOW BRAND BUTTER. JUcfltister Co., Ltd. NOTE. IB! 3 CROWN WHISKY IS NOW MADE UP IN Clear White Glass Bottles. KATZ BROS., Ltd., Sole Agents.
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    • 511 1 To-day’s Advertisements. NOTI C E. The Rising Hope Tobacco. is hereby given that on the 18th day of January, 1904, an Order was made bv the Honourable Justice Law, in the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements at Penang, in Suit 1903 No. 294, wherein we the undersigned were plaintiffs
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    • 5 1 gS" Read Pages 2 7.
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    • 36 1 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. rpHK next ORDINARY MEETING of 1 the Municipal Comnmnioiierit will lie held At the MUNICIPAL OFFICE, On Frii*ay, the 29th January, at 3 p.m. R. P. PHILLIPS, 52-1 -01 Nee rr4a r >j. 78
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 55 1 WEATHER. The following report, is kindly supplied l»v the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis: 5 p ill. Yesterday Th. Hti Wr. Cloudy AVd. North •s a.m. t o day 81' 1 Iri/.y.liii, Culm :kk)ii To-day S.T Thick Sotit holly Tile rain tall during the lU lionrs ended at, 9 a.m.
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  • 507 1 Menace to Shipping. There are shipowners who have considerable misgivings about Mr. Chamberlain’s policy, lmt who are nevertheless inclined to think that, if a tariff can he framed to protect shore industries, it can somehow l«e successfully made to include our maritime trade. To this belief the experience
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  • 358 1 Sea ok Azov Invade» Mile» ok Country. The terrific gale which drove back the waters of the sea of Azov from Taganrog and several other South Russian towns has, writes our Odessa 1 correspondent, wrought greater havoc than was at first suspected. Many of the towns and hamlets
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  • 447 1 The Followiugcorrespondence was laid on the table, of the Council at Singapore on Friday last: Emolument» ok the Governor of the Strait» Settlkm ents. Secretary of State for the Colonies to Governor Sir F. A. Swetteuham, k. c. m. o. Downing Street, 4th April, 1902. Sir,—l have
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  • Shipping.
    • 133 1 Borneo, Br. s.s. 4,752, Gordon, 25th Jan., London, 24th Dec., Gen., P. AO. Sumatra, Ger. s.s. 357, Klimnet, 26th Jau., Deli, 25th Jan., Gen., Behn Meyer Co. Deli, Br. s.s. 105, Rozario, 23rd Jan.. Trang, 24th Jan., Gen., —KoeGuan Co. Thaipino, Br. s.s. 1(50, Wheeler, 25tli Jan., P. Weld.
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    • 46 1 26th January. Deli, for Trang and Pang Nga. Vidar, for Deli. Jin Ho, for Langkat. Polo Riiuan, for Port Svvettenham and Malacca Lady Weld, for Teluk Anson. Pin Sentj, for Port Swettonham and Singapore. Bayern, for Ceylon, Aden. Egypt and via Naples for Europe, etc.
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    • 78 1 Sumatra, Ger. s.s. 357. Klimnet, 26th Jan., Deli. 25i1l Jan.. Gen., Belin Meyer it Co. Ho Kwei, Br. ss 209, Uldall, 26th Jan., Deli. 25th Jan., Gen Hntteiibaeh Liebert A Co. Avagyee, Br. s.s. 247, Morier, 26th Jan., Teluk Anson, 21st Jan., Gen., —Koe (%uan Co. Hok Canton.
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    • 33 1 ex*el* /Vow* j Aijentx 1 line A voca Rangoon H.Fj.&Co. 27th Jan A. A pear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 27th Sevdlitz CoIoiiiIk) B.M.&Oo. 28th Bainl>erg Suez do. 28th C. A pear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 2t>th
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    • 98 1 Vestel» For A ijents Jtstiven j Avoca Singapore H.L.ACo. 27tli Jan Bayern Colombo B.M.ACo. 2 7 tli Seydlitz Singapore do. 28tli ff A. A pear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 28th Bamlierg Singapore B.M.&Co 28tli j C. A pear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 30 th We would direct the attention of shippim? Ann# to
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    • 20 1 For Edie. T. Semawe, Segli, Pulo Well am Olehleh —Per 0. 0. o. Laiwbertjt, to morrow, 2 p.m.
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    • 60 1 Inward —Per Borneo,” from London, Mr K. Irwin. Per Ho Kwei, from Deli, Mr. and Mr» Doorneirn, Mettsru. (I. E. Townsend, Yeaj S\v*-e Liu, On Kim Hua, Sohcls, Scl*uiidt Per A vagvee,” from 'lVluk Anaon. Mewars. Alma Baker,’ K. Scott ami P Spiers. Per Emeralda,” from Port Swettefthaui, MertKrs.
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  • 84 1 Deaths. At Itj. 14Hli Street, on lltli Jtumarv, 1!M 14-. Janetta Therese, relict of tlie late J*. B. Le hevre, Esq., M. M., Licensed Pilot. Rangoon. Aired t»3 years and 9 months. At Rangoon, on 14th inst. D. G. Strentz. a<red 31 years, late of Bulloch Bros B. I. Office.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 260 2 DAVID COKSAK SONS Well-known Navy Canvas. Sandilands Buttery 6t Co. THE CELEBRATED s. B. Co.” 11 square face (Jin in r«il cases. Sandilands Buttery Co. Medical Department, Pahang 1 Applications for the undermentioned appoint meats should lie sent to the State Surgeon, Pahang, not later than February 15th, and should
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    • 380 2 WANTED i POST AS CHINESE CLERK by a family man of twenty-nine, either iu Mercantile Firm or Government service iu 'the Straits, F. M. S. or elsewhere. Perfectly familiar with Book-keeping and general office routine and can work all sorts of 1 y pewriters. Possesses a ten vears' service certificate
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    • 823 2 JAMES BUCHANAN C.o’s “HOUSE OF COMMONS” WHISKY, SAND!LANDS, BUTTERY Co. €5 4 WANTED. ,4 POST as Chemist Assistant, preferI XjL ably in the Native States, youn„ qualified European, well-up in his “work and the several sub-lines connected with larm I pharmacies generally. Good Indian x perience. Apply to ALPHA,” 18-1-04
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  • 1432 2 The Leader of the Mission. Some of us still remember that evening at tin* Koval Geographical Society when Lord Curzon though In* was not a peer in those days read to a vast and 1 v interested audience his reuiarkahle pajs-r on the Pamirs
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  • 1170 2 PROGRAMME 1904 MEETING. 23rd 23th and 27th February. FIRST DAY. ].—The Maiden Plate. 2-30 p.m. Value SisM out of which *lOO goes to second horse.»— A Race for all Maidens. Weight per scale (lost.): with an allowance of 14 lbs. to all S.R.A. ex-Griffins. Distance, one mile.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1883 3 mi? JZ 0 to Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., Lid. ANKS Expected amml and Departure». Mail Service. Outwards. Feb. 4 s.s. Ball,m,at 18«. <>„■ com iu Z with s.s. Australia Loro man-del ilo Mar. 3 s.g. Simla (l o "Oceana <l Mongolia Homewards. Feb. 8 K..S
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • 84 4 Kstablished June 1st, 1903. 1'uViuhed «Inily (except Sunday*.) AT Tli K CRITERION PRESS, Ld, N<*. 22*1 -*232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE I AI I.X I.O« \l. pfr annum. (I’ost Free) 27 MAIL KDITIOK Free) 15 CAItl.K ADDRESS; K c It 0 —P c 11
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  • Current Topics.
    • 693 4 '1 here is a matter which is to lx* brought prominently before 11 1«* public when Parlia l ent reassembles on tin* 2nd prox. It relates to the I British G’oiisul.-ir Service. There are j British Consuls in many parts of the world who are foreigners, and
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  • 1815 4 {From Our Own Correspondent.) London, 29th Dec.—The Far Eastern crisis bids fair to put even the tiscal question in the shade. In dealing with the European view of the trouble I think I cannot do better than start with an extract from the Manchester Guardian. It
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  • 640 4 o.jth January. l!>01. The Hon ble J. M. B. Vermont, C. M (j Province Wellesley. In publishing this brief biography (> f this highly respected gentleman on the jsion of his attaining the 77th birthday wish to tender him our hearty congratulations and hope he will see
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  • States News.
    • 325 4 (trun\ Our Own Correspondent.) 1 aii ING. 23rd Jan.—Last-Wednesday there w as unusual excitement at the Rifle* Ranjre > wlien 11lw tie between Mesdames Doug-las. Moss and Keinpleu \vas shot off. Mrs. Douglas was >eaten In Mrs. Kemplen bv one. the winner shooting- particularly well and is now the
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  • 110 5 Gracious Act of Clemency. (Reuter Service.) London, 25th Jan.—Colonel Lynch, who was sentenced to imprisonment for life for high treason, has been released on license. The Ibnlif Tr/et/nt/ifi Says that it is understood that 11 is Majesty the King intervened in recognition of the demonstrate* s loyalty-which lie
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  • 476 5 FIRST DAY. The following are some of the results of to-day's racing:--The Maiden Plate. Value S8D0. Cup value SdOO presented by the Raja Muda. With added by tipi Club. A Race for maiden horses. Weight as per scale (lOstd An allowance of 14-lbs. to all ex-griffins. Entrance
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  • 1998 5 A meeting of the Council was held on Friday last, 22nd instant. His Excellent-v the Officer Administering the Government presided. and tliere were also present the Hons, t.lie Adia" Colonial Secretarv, the Attorney-General, Colonial Treasurer. Aud-itor-General, and the Hons. W. J. Napier, G. S. Murray, C. Stringer, J.
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    • 327 5 T<> thk Editor of the Straits K< iid. Sir, —I shall l»e very much obliged if you or any of your readers will kindly inform me if there is any law in Penang which allows one person to strike another while a constable is holding him fast
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  • 447 5 Highway Robbekv. A highway robbery v, as committed at noon on Friday last at Lahar Ikan Mati. It appears that two Chinese went to Penang and were returning home with $5 >0 in their possession. When they wer.* about a mile from Lahar Ikan Mati Police Station two
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  • Money Market.
    • 116 5 Penang, 26th January. (lig courtesy of the Cliartereil Bunk.) IVirwlon Demand Bank 1/9$ 4 month»* sight. Bank .1 lOi 3 Credit 1/10,*, 3 Documentary ...1/10$ Calcutta. Demand Bank 15s. 134 3da vs’ sight Private 136 Bombay, Demand Bank 134 3 days’ sight Private 136 Madras, Demand Bank 134 3
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    • 188 5 Gold Mine Co., Ld. 15.20 talet. Ksuib Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld 6.50 unite* Bed jang Lelwnig Gold Mining Co., Ld. $230. man KadanaGohl Mining Co,, Ltd. (fully paid). S |i) non*. Brusoli Till Mining Co.. Ld. 8. teller* Chendariuug Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 25. teller* Karangan
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    • 161 5 Tiu 79.75 buyer* Gold leaf 86. B. Pepper (\V. Coast 311>5.50z.)$ 29. tales White Pepper 3 50.- tales i’rung Pepper 32] tale* Cloves (picked) 40' tale* Mace $140. Mace Pickings 120. Nutmegs 1 l()s 68. teller* i No. 1 7.50 Sugar < 2 5.40 Basket 4.20 talet Tapioca Flour
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1958 6 Jules Muinni Reims. Blue Seal. EXTRA-DRY.” Rei> Seal. “CARTE BLANCHE.” Co., Paterson, Simons Co., SOLE AGENTS. WONG KIM MUN, No. 77a, Bishop Street. NOTICE. T INSURANCES SIN GHEE CHOON CO. HE undersigned beg to inform the j public of Penang and the neighbourug Na RUBBER STAMP AND BRASS SEAL (For
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  • 1381 7 Stiiul'i if Tim -x. '27 ih l>ec',ni> r. Sloan s actim in Frame lias proved successful that is. m a modified sense: as. while la* has vindicated his diameter as a i ider. he not only gains iiu pecuniary lieuefit personallv. but is, as lnr as
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  • 389 7 l-isT of passengers carried l>\ the Seijillitz due here oil the lilltli January Mr. Francis Andriessens. Mrs. Erua Audrieseens. Messrs, (felmiiner Etatsrat Brurasen. August Bauchholz. 11. G. B»»is. A. A. van dar Hir sell. BMlerio. Mrs. H. G. Hois. Mrs. Henry Bo is. Sister Rosa Busch. Miss G.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 653 7 uj) II x\ Vfz/1 MI n «2 3 LIME FOR SALE I^XCELLEN f (piality iiuu* burnt from J limestone rail U* La Graham Co., Ld„ EMIL ZOBEL. Vatchmakep and Jeweller, 4, BEACH STREET, PENANG id in any «juuutitv j from tbe uiider.*»ign«*d. Slaked lime delivered Penang Kail wav Jettv at
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    • 192 7 OA lit BROW N «ft (Jo., 4 Bogan's liuililings, Kstate Agents and Auditors. Reports and Valuations. Sale I>y A net ion or private teuder of House Land Property and Stock. DAVID BROWN Co., I, Liujuh'k Ihiihlini/K. Kstate Agents Auditors. Undertake Sales l»v Auction or Private Tender of House and Land
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1381 8 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS BRITISH DOC’S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s<Stout Bass's Ale. PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNES. AGENTS HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. KITSON LAMPS. (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) BEVAHE OF H£ITA.TIO2T. The Finest Light in Existence. Apply to HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Sole Aqenls. “Gold Seal’’Milk Keeps longer :m<l is cheaper than jiiiv other. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY
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