Straits Echo, 25 January 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 80 1 M AKKIAOKB. At Penang. on 25th Jan.. l!><4. August Huttenbach to Clara Trevvlyau. third daughter of the late Rev. Nicholas Frank Hill. of A 11«. .1 Court. Cheltenham, and of the lute Mrs. Hi;!, of Streathey on Thames. On 21 at January? at the Cathedral of the Good
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  • 39 1 For Week ending Sunday, Jan. 31, 19<)4. a.m. r.M. Monday, 25th 7.17 7.43 Tuesday, 2tith 8.08 8.31 Wednesday, 27th 9.00 ‘>.25 Thursday, 28th 9.51 10.17 Friday, 29th 10.41 11.07 Saturday, 30th 11.34 12.00 Sunday, 31st 0.20 0.51
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  • 28 1 First (Quarter... Jan. 25th. 8-57 a m O Full MOOll Feu. Ist. 11.7 r.M Last Quarter Bth.' 9.48 a m O New Moon 10th, 4.20 r.M
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  • 27 1 To- da v. Town Hand. Esplanade, 5-30 pan. Turf Club Lotteries, Town Hall. 9 p.m. To- morrow. Races, Ist day. Town Hand, Race Course, 4 p.m.
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    • 92 1 ([Rangoon Gazette Sere ice.) Calcutta, 1 Ith Jan —lt is likely tha* the Viceroy will make a tour in Easton Bengal in tin* Middle of next moj His Excellency promised a year ago t<> visit Dacca if possible this cold weather, no Viceroy having been there si nog
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    • 147 1 Rangoon Time» Service.) Calcutta, 15th Jan.—The agitation against the partition of Bengal is still active and the native papers continue to till their columns with reports of meetings of protest held in Bengal and Chota Nagpore. The most important of these meetings have l>een in Ranchi, where the
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    • 367 1 (Rangoon Gazette Service Calcutta, 15th Jan.—The resolution lof the Government of India reviewing the report of Colonel Clihborn’s Committee on Technical Education in India says: In the large centres of industry, such as Bombay, Howrah and Cawnpore, the Government of ludia are of opinion it should be possible
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    • 117 1 o*t>i*iatische Lloyd Service.) Lerlin, J*tli Jan. —The Russian C'uinleistial Telegraph Bureau in Berlin wins from .St. Petersburg that the ordinary income of the Russian Budget for 1904 id estimated to be 1,980.004,493 roubles (against 1,807,032,678 for 1003) and the ordinary expenses 1,966,458,251 roubles against 1,880,105.229.) The surplus
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    • 444 1 (Supplied by /{enter to the Ranyoou Tinlex. 1 London, loth Jan. The Liverpool Cotton Market closed easier, arrivals <|iiiet. To-day's sales nunil»ered 7,000 hales. Sales on speculation and for export 500 hales. Total of to-day's imports 4,000 hales. MidApiericans at Liverpool 750-100 Egyptian. Fully Good fair Jlrown 87-8.
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    • 52 5 London. 20th Jan —Our Sofia correspondent wires that new- received from the frontier states that the Turks are rapidly concentrating large bodies of troops on the Bulgarian frontier. The Turkish representative at Sofia has refused, for the last few days, to vise passports for Bulgarians going
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  • 571 1 The Paki v Bookies. The Paris cor. of the Daily Telegraph writing ou 26th ultsays- Now that the Paris racing season is over, the various Societies which organise the meetings have had time to make up their accounts. When, last year. Parliament decided that the 7 per cent,
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  • 39 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mpil Service. < >utwaki)8. Home* aki»k. Uallaarnt l Feb Bengal 6* Feb Coromandel IS Malta 00 Hxtra Service. OUTWAKHH. HoME*AKI*8. Borneo 'lith Jtm Japan Jan Java Slh Ffh j Palermo If Feb For particulars S«*e Page 3.
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  • Shipping.
    • 228 1 Purnea. Hr. 8.8. 2.127. Packhaiu, 24th Jau., Hongkong, loth Jan.. Gen., H. L. Co. G. G. VAN Lansberue. Out. 8.8. 501. Boon, 24th Jan., Acheen, 23rd Jan., G“n., Huttenhach, Liebert A 0«». Hai ins. Nor. ss. 1.065, Jensen. 25th Jan., Rangoon,2lst Jan., Gen., —Swee Thong it Co. Lavrenb Pit,
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    • 33 1 25th January. Hebe, for Deli. Canto», for Pangkor and Teluk Anson. .1 tary Auntin, for Port Swettenhain. Loodiana. for Singapore. Unity for Rangoon. Hony Wan I, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy.
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    • 81 1 G. O. van Lankhekue, Dot. s.k. 510. Boon, 24th Jiin., Aclieen, 23rd Jan., (Jen., H. L. Co. Lady W eld, Br. s.s. 245, Treweeke, 24th Jan., T. Anson, 23rd Jan., Gen., Straits S. S. Co. Jin Ho, Br. k.s. 110, Hastrup, 24th Jan., Langkat, 23rd Jan., Gen., —B.
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    • 40 1 \exxel* 1 From Aye id* Due Andalusia Suez B.M.ACo. ' Jan Bayern Singapore do. 27th A. Apear Singapore A. A .A Co. 27th Sevdlitz Colombo B.M.ACo. '28th Bamberg Suez do. '28th C. A pear jCalcutta A. A. A.Co. 29th
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    • 33 1 Venne/s Fur A Jenin Leaven Andalusia Singapore B.M.&Co. 2dth Jan Bavern Colomlx) do. 27th Seydlitz Singapore do. 28th A. Apcar Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 28th Bamberg Singapore B.M.&Co. 28th C. Apcar Singapore A.A.A.Co. 80th
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  • 83 1 Fok Traug and Pang Nga Per Deli tomorrow, noon. Deli Per Vidor, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Langkat Per Jin II», to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenham and Malacca— Per Pnlu Hi man, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Teluk Anson Per Laihj WW»/,to-morrow, 3 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Per Pin Semj. to-morrow,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 294 1 A. E. SKEELS. LIQUEURS. REFRIGERATORS. Mefllister Co., Ltd HOWARTH, ERSKINE, Ltd., SINGAPORE, BANGKOK, SIAM, IPOH, PERAK ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. Offices and Show Rooms 18, Beach Street, Penang. MOTOR FANS, Hit'll efficiency, latest Tyjtes. ARTISTIC ELECTRIC LIGHT FITTINGS, t\»r. Private Houses, Clubs. Hotels ami Public Buildings. Complete installations fitted under experienced supervision
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    • 129 1 To-day’s Advertisements. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. rpHE next ORDINARY MEETING of 1. tlie Municipal Commissioners will lie held At the MUNICIPAL OFFICE, On Friday, the 29th January, at 3 u.ii. R P. PHILLIPS. 52-1 -04 Secretary. 78 RACE HOLIDAYS. riIHE un h 'rmentioned Bank.-, will be closed X. on Tuesday and Thursday,
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    • 8 1 FOR SALE. Faber’s Blue Pencils. CRITERION PRESS. Limited.
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    • 14 1 A. E. SKEELS. f °A. TOOLS. McAlister Sc Co., Ltd. Read Pages 2 7
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 28 1 WEATHER The follow ini' report is kiu«llv supplied bv the Signal Director of Fort (’ormvallis: The rainfall «luring the 2-1 iiours ended it it a.m. to-«lav was nil.
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  • 43 1 Deaths. At 2a. 111. on 22nd January, at Singapore. Mr. Seth Paraick Joa<|uim. Barrister-at-Law. Supreme Court. Straits Settlements, aged !ls. At Sunnyside. Kuching. Sarawak, on 14th January, Alexandra Margaret (Madge), the beloved infant daughter of Victor L. Neubronner, aged 1 year and smonths.
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  • 1514 2 One Aspect of the Yellow Peril. (By a French Diplomat.) The critical state of affairs in the Far East makes this an opportune moment tor examining the attitude now assumed by Japan in the Far East towards other peoples of the yellow race. One would have thought
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  • 1232 2 PROGRAMME 1904 MEETING. jj 5 23rd 23th and 27th February FIRST DAY. J If 1. The Maiden Plate. 2-30 p.m. Value £600 out of which £100 goes to second horse. —A Race for all Maidens. Weight per L scale (lOst.) with an allowance of 14 lbs. to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 179 2 PENANG RACES, 26th, 28th and 30th instants. CHARLES ROBINSON Executes Commissions on ail events at the above Meeting. Most Advantageous Terms. Ail<lre*t: E. O. HOTEL. Penang. Telegram*: “RESISTANCE. 25 gsmsists JUST RECEIVED. Egyptian Cigarettes. lit Monthly Shipment* direct from Cairo. Th. Vafiadis Co. M.MelachrinoA Co. jtj Crown Prince. sj Non
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    • 379 2 WANTED 4 POST AS CHINESE CLERK bv a family man of twenty -nine, either iu Mercantile Firm or Government service in the Straits. F. M. S. or elsewhere. Perfectly familiar with Book-keeping and general office routine and can work all sorts of Typewriters. Possesses a good ten years service certificate
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    • 736 2 JAMES BUCHANAN C.o’s “HOUSE OF COMMONS” WHISKY. A TV 1)1 LANDS, Co. WANTED. GRADE I a poST as Chemist Assistant, prefer. I A. ahlv iu the Native States. In;a voyng qualified European, well-up iu his work and the several sub-lines connected with i pharmacies generally. Good Indian ex- perience. Apply
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1763 3 T KL \«p IIS. 11. Co. <tvncnl mnl I)e/>mlarrs. Mail Service. Outwards Feb. 4 s.s. Billionm' connecting with IH h.k. /Coi’oinnuilfl do Mar. 3 h.h. Simla <lo Homewards 6 X..S Bengal do 20 aa. Mnl hi do Mar. 5 Chnsau do Amtndia On 0)1(1 Mongolia I» Norddeutscher Llojd, Bremen, i
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  • 87 4 Established June 1st, 1903. I'tiblfchpU daily (excerf *nndny«.) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS. Ld., I Nt>. 22*5-232, Bead* Street, Penang. PRICE HAIL», LOC I. K’l per aiiiMiin. (l*oet Frre) 27 MAIL KIMTIOX (Font Free) 15 «'AISLE AIU>ISE<S: C c h 0 —P e n a
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  • Current Topics.
    • 198 4 I’hk news about Russia objecting to certain clauses of the Kraiico-Siauiese Convention i> serious, ami as the F.-ench (Government has an- j parently acted in accordance with instructions from hei ‘*big brother in declining to complete the new agreement, it may be taken as evidence that Russia
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    • 1220 4 I\ our issue of the -Ist November we dwelt on Johore affairs at, j considerable length and stated that j the opinion is fast gaining ground that the time has arrived tor the appointment of a Judge tor the Courts of Johore. The want, in the opinion ot' one
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  • 629 4 i .TmIwTxTm r-o» Fith mi. The Hon. W. Egerton, C. M. G., High Commissioner. Southern Nig-ekia. Thl Hoii. Walter Egerton. late British Resident of Negn Seinbilan and now Governor-elect of an Airican colony, was l>oru on 24th January, and euucated j at Tonbridge School. Passing a ciinipetitive
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  • 151 4 In Appellate Jurisdiction. I (Bejore Sir Lionel Cox. Chief Justice, and the Hon. Hyndman Jones, Puisne Judge.) The Noordin Will Case. “°th January. Ihk first case 011 the list respondents, said that the 1 f tl,e Mr. Adams, the onnosino 1 lsd Nouriin 't t' raW, ls tlw
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  • States’ News.
    • 846 4 f l {From jOur Cor respond* ids i fjxg. 23ixl* Jan.—“There was a big ti r 4 o'clock this morning at Kota, when sewn »tt houses were completely gutted. The tire l>H A gade attached to the Malay States Guides j promptly on the scene was
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  • 229 4 ĕ Smart Cafturk a* Singapore. 1W v 2 th J an at 10 -45 p.ui. Inspector i lll aU .f ud 14 P art y of defectives milled lnilos* 86 M llaked uiiles from the 11th won 11 U<5 oroI1 f? Koad in the jungle. It 1 i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 314 4 For Defective Sight. SPECTACLES! I'lease Note. A* ire deni direel icith one of the best of London Afonnfoctnrers, ire are enabled to rnjipli/ the Best Quality (foods combined irilh the Lowest Brices oldninoble. PRICES: Gold Frames First quality each *lB, m Second 12.50 Silver Rest B. Aluminium Frames 5. Nickel
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    • 130 4 McAlister&Go.Ld., Heach Street, t*enan%. JUST UANDEl) I OF AND Specially Finished Machines. INSPECTION INVITED. McAlister A Co. Ld. t 19 REA CH STREET, PENA NO. G8c. 9 Pritchard Co. PENANG. Spring 1904 Meeting Tailoring Department. Racing Silks Racing Silks In everv Shade aiul Colour. RIBBONS TO MATCH FOB FAVORS AND
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    • 5 4 'CHANKOLS. McAUSTER <S Co.. Ltd.
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    • 4 4 JUNGLE FURNITURE: Co., Ltcfi
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  • 164 5 British Cabinet Meeting. Corea Steers a Wise Course. PANDEMONIUM IN THE FAI i \ND OP MORNIN<} CALM V\ AK DkI*AUT,VKM PkEPAUES TO PllOTKCT LlVES AM) Pkopektt of JapaneuI Reuter* Service.)' London, 24th .la». A protracted Cabinet Council was held in London on Saturday, 2old inst. Til» Corean Government
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  • 451 5 Siaoojcn Lieut P. R. Warren has resigned j i’runi the Singapore Volunteer Artillery. The earnings of the Singaj>ore and Kranji Railway for the past vear total SI d 0,928. Mr. B. Nunn, Cadet, has j>assed the pre- serilied examination in Law, Colonial Oflice j Regulations and Geuerul Orders.
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  • 2330 5 The Penang: Races. Programme and lintries The Maiden Plate.—Value- Shir». Cup i value s•>•#» presented by the Raja Muda. With ?’»<Hi added by the Clui». A Pace for luaiden horses. Weight as j»er scale' tllJat.) An allow ance of l libs, to all ex-griffins. Entrance $lO. Distance,
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  • 1318 5 Presidential Address. On the ,16th instant Dr. Gnoli Lean Tuck, m.a., delivere*! the Presidential address to the Selangor Chinese Literary and Del citing Society, the subject l#*iug Impressions of English University Life.” The meeting took place at the rooms of the Kuala Lumpur Recreation Club,
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  • 73 5 ■lnward Per Laurens Pit," from Deli, i Heady and Taylor. Per G. G. van Lansberge." from Acliteu, Mr. M;iclntyre. Per Coromandel," from Singapore, Messrs.! F. A. Vaurauen, G. P. Owen, T. Sarkies. F. Lallvmann, Heartlev, T. H. Banester, H. Miliar, W. Robert! Durall, Mr. and Mrs. Plunipton, Mr. and
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  • Money Market.
    • 118 5 Puna no, 25th January-; (lift courtesy of the Chartered If'ink. > fyondon Demand Bank ...I/SJ4 t months’ sight Bank ...l 10J 3 Credit 1 /10,*. .‘J Docnmenlary .1 /1 OjJ Calcutta, Demand Bank Us. 134 3 days’ sight Private 13(5 Bombay, Demand Bank 134 3 days’sight Private 130 Madras,
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    • 184 5 oersauahGold Mine C«>., Ld.‘s 15.20 sales. Itaub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld 55 0.50 mint Redjaug Leljong Gold Mining Co., lel $230. Hum Kadaua Gohl MiiiingCo,.fit«l. (fully paid) 10. hum. Bruseb Tin Mining Co.. Ld. H'.—seller Chendariang llvdraulic Tiu Mining Co., Ld 5$ 25. sellers Karan gun Tin Mining
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    • 146 5 Tin 80,50.5rtyer* Gold leaf IJ. Pepper (W. Coast3lbs.soz.)S 29,- nalen White Pepper 50. —nalen l'rang Pepper 3 321 nalen Cloves (picked) 8 40' mien Mace 8140. Mace Pickings 120. Nutmegs 11 Os 08. —sellers No. 1 7.50 Sugar 2 5.40 Basket 4.20 mien I’apioca Flour 2.10 nellern Copra S.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 2013 6 WONG KIM MUN, No. 77a, Bishop Street. NOTICE. INSURANCES. SIN GHEE CHOON CO. Jules Munim Reims. Blub Seal. “EXTRA-DRY.” Red Seal. “CARTE BLANCHE C 0.,, RUBBER stamp AND BRASS SEAL (For impressing Wax) MANUFACTURER rpHK undersigned lie# to inform tin* -I- public of Penang and the neighbourug Native Stales that
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  • 859 7 (Purus Correspondent oj the Sun. Paws. 18th Dec. 'J ho struggle for existence of Far-Eastern States is startexemplified bv the political action i European Powers towards Japan ami Siam. Russia and France, as allies, no doubt realise the advantage •»t pushing torwivrd at the same time •ind
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  • 293 7 At ibis moment, when the expedience* of preferential rates as a bond of Empire itul t be question of a tariff-nourished commerce are engaging public attention, Ihe consideration <d the respdtisioilitv ot the Imperial Government ;.nd he local administrations of Crown Colonies hi regard to
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  • 381 7 List of passengers earned by the Seydlif:. lue here on the 29th January Mr. F runeis Andriessous. Mrs. Eroa Andrieseens, Messrs. Geheimer Etatsrat Bramsen. August Buurhholz. 11. G. Hois. A. A. van <ler ifies.-n. Bellerio. Mrs. H. G. Buis. Mrs. Henry Bois. Sister Rosa Busch. Miss G. Brueck.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 849 7 B SB Ml// \n ie= s 'A LIME FOR SALE. EMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker and Jewell, BEACH street, penang oxl RECEIVED A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF V °l l f nd Go,d Fi,,ed American Waltham Watches, ron °g ra Phs, Binoculars, Oarriage Clocks. I EXCELLENT quality lime burnt from A limestone can
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    • 7 7 WOOD’S COW BRAND RUTTER. McAlister Co., Ltd
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    • 109 7 David brown c«., 4 Logans Buildings, Estate Agents and Auditors. Reports and Valuations. Sale by Auction or private tender of House Land Property and Stock. DAVID BROWN Co., J, ljoyan’x Huildiwj*. Estate Agents A Auditors. Undertake Hales l>\ Auction or Private Tender of House and Land Property and Stock, Valuations
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1200 8 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS BRITISH DOC’S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass's Ale. PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AQNES. AGENTS A t BURURM* CO.’S “Gold Seal Milk, paints, oils and C. CHIN SENG. I Sandilands, Buttery &Co HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Keeps longer and is cheaper than any other. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. KITSON LAMPS. (RED
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