Straits Echo, 21 January 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 71 1 Birth. At Kuala Selangor, on the I It', instant, the vnte of Oliver E. Jansz, District Engineer. Kuala Selangor, of a son. Marriaok. Oh Hth December, at St. Luke s Church, loronto. Thou. Archibald, older son of Thomas <reorge Dundas, Es,|. of Caron Hull. Stirlingshire, N.B.. to Sybil
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  • 42 1 For Week ending Thursday. Jan. 28, 1904 A.M. I’M. Friday, 22ud 4 41 5 o 7 Saturday. 23rd 5.34 6.00 Sunday, 24th 6.26 0.51 Monday, 25th 7.17 7.43 Tuesday, 26th 8.08 8.31 Wednesday, 27t1i... 9.00 9.25 Thursday, 28th 9.51 10.17
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  • 27 1 First Quarter... Jan. 25tli. 8-57 a.m. O Full Moon Feb. Ist. 11.7 p.m. C Last Quarter Bth. 9.48 a.m. O New Moon 10th. 4.26 p.m.
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  • 47 1 To-dat. Auction Sale Horses etc.. Ghurch Street Ghaut 3 Town Band, Golf Club, 5-30 p.m. Committee Meeting. Engineers Institute, 6 p.m. To-morrow. Accession of King Edward VII. Sale of Hooi Lean Seah’s Property at noon. Town Band, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. Outward P. O. Clnarm Expected.
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  • 46 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homkwakds. Chnmn 22 Jan i Coromandel 23 Jan Ballaarat 4 Feb j Bengal H Feb Extra Service. Outwards. Homk wards. Borneo 24th Jan i Japa w. 30 Jan Java 9th Feb j Palermo 14 Feb For particulars See Page o.
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    • 553 1 Strai'n Timer Special.) Tientsin, ICth Jan.—The Russiat i troops have been withdrawn from Tientsin and Peking except small detachments of twenty and thirty 1 respectively. The remainder are proceeding tc Port Arthur. The British Legation guard of a detachment of 250 of t lie Sherwood Foresters has arrived
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    • 16 1 (Cablenetvs Special Service A Seo il (Corea) sth Jan.—The Empress D wager is dead.
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    • 35 1 Another Revolt (Cabieneice Specif Service.) Montevideo, sth Jan.—A revolution has broken out in Uruguay. [Uruguay is ir\m!> c. Gpeiilmt is Jose Battue Ordonez, woo was elected last February. The population is less than a million.
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    • 50 1 British Mail Steamer l.ost I Ceylon Obterrer Service.) London, 10th Jan.—The mail steamer j j Clallan (tic) lias foundered off Victoria,! British Columbia. Three Wits were launched, tilled with women and j children, but were swamped and the I occupants perished. 53 were drowned j and 33 saved.
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    • 61 1 Bombay Mills Destroyed. {Ceylon Observer Sat ire.) Bombay, 11th Jan.:—Another great mill lire occurred here yesterday, a |K»rtion of tin* Swan Mills being Jos- tvoyed. The mills had been recently started after being long closed. Improved fire extinguishers were being i erected in the mill, but were incom-j
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    • 91 1 Weather Bound at Tangla Pass. (Madras Mail Service.) Calcutta, Gth Jan.—Litest news from the Chumbi Valley is that Colonel j Younghusband and his Mission are now at the foot of the Tangla Pass and onlv await settled weather to cross it. A large quantity of supplies has
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    • 183 1 New Naval Base. (Cableneics Special Service.) Washington, 6th .Ian —The joint I army and navy board has made a j formal recommendation that Subig bo made a great naval base. A large ap- propr at ion is asked for the fortification of Manila and Subig. j [Some days
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    • 46 5 Finance Adviser Resigns. iJ 1 emu on own Correspondent.) Bangkok. 20th Jan. —Mr. C. J. j Rivett-Carnac, tiie Adviser and oinptroller-General of the Siamese Ministry of Finance, who recently returned from Europe, has tendered his resignation and leaves for England on Friday, the 22nd inst.
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  • 188 1 i New York, Dec., 15.—Bridge whist has broken out again and thieatens to rage with a virulence unprecedented. Soj ciefy thinks of nothing else and some i staunch opera-goers are sdd already to have neglected the opportunities of the j new ope>a house for a stay at
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  • 370 1 Society formed to conduct Crusade against Tight Lacing. Mf.n’s' aid is called for in women’s j endeavour to extirpate the corset. Married men and single men, who I m y some day be married, are prayed ;to exert their influence to the end that the bifurcated garment
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  • 117 1 Returns ok Netherlands Mines. The following reports from gold mines have just Iteeu published showing the results of last mouth’s workings. Redjatig Lelsmg, 1,9.*5 tons sand, and 1.247 tons slimes cru-hed, giving a yield of 2,272 ounces gold and 11,248 ounces silver to the value of 130.000 guilders. Mynbouw
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  • Shipping.
    • 116 1 Merionethshire, Br. s.s. 1,950, Cuudy, 20th J;m., Loiulou, 12th Doc., Gen., B. it Co. Highlander. Br. s.*. 1,595, Dawson, 20th •Jan., Calcutta, 13th Jau, Coal.—G. W. Co. Att.vka, Br. s.s. 139, Jones, 21st Jau., Brandan, 20th Jan., Oil. —Martyn Co. Lanokat, Hr. B.s. 187, Lingard, 20th Jan., Malacca, 18th
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    • 22 1 21st January. Jin Ho, for Langkat. Canton, for Pangkor and Teluk Anson Palamcotta, for Rangoon. (llmotjle, for Singapore. Pentokoia, for Mouhneiil.
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    • 33 1 Langkat, Br. s.s. 186, Lingard, 20th Jau., Malacca, 18th Jau., Gen., —Koe Guan Co. Lady Weld, Br. s.s. 245, Treweeke, 21st Jan., T. Anson, 20th Jan., Gen., Straits S. S. Co.
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    • 40 1 i’exxeU From t Agent* Due A. A pear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 22nd Jan Ischia Siimapore B.M.&Co. 25th Andalusia Suez do. |26th Bavcrn Singapore do. 27th Sevdlitz Colombo do. :28th Bamberg Suez do. ;28th C. A {tear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 29th 1
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    • 98 1 Vexxelx For Ajentm Lean»;* A. A pear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 23rd Jan. Ischia Bombay B.M.&Co. 25th Andalusia Singapore do. 26th Bayern 'olomlto do. 27th Seydlitz Singapore do. 28th Bamberg Singapore do. 28th C. Apear Singapore A. A.A.Co. 30th H e would ilirpcf the attention of «hipping firm* to the -tyle
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    • 45 1 For Singapore and China—Per Climan, tomorrow, 7 Trauj;—Per Deli, to-morrow, noon. Batu Bahra and Asahan—Per Resident Haletoyn, to-morrow, 1 Deli—Per Calypso, to-morrow, 2 Port Swettenham and Malacca —Pen Lanykat, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Lady Weld, to- morrow, •3 p.m.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 419 1 A. E.-SKEELS. I<IQT7BWB,S. To-day's Advertisements. Penang: Turf Club. JANUARY MEETING, 1904. ADMISSION to Grand Stand bv Ticket* only. Tickets for the Grand Stand can be obtained at the Secretary’s Office, or at the Gate. This Ticket is only sold subject to the riirht of the Committee to return the tnouev
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    • 5 1 83*” Read Pages 2 7.
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    • 8 1 FOR SALE. Faber’s Blue Pencils. CRITERION PRESS Limited
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    • 82 1 A. E. SKEELS. t V 'WHISKIES. PENANG TURF CLUB NOTICE. IN accordance with para 4 of the condition» under whirli the Penang Turf Club l>**l»-uf iiivs have l«een issued Notice is hereby given that it is the intention ot the Club to pay off the following Denatures, the numbers of
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 44 1 WEATHER. Thk following report, is kindly supplied hy the Signal Director of fort. Cornwallis: i p.m. Yesterday To-lay Tli. 83" Wr. Cloudy Clear Wd. North North The rainfall during the at. 9 to-day was nil. noon To-day 85" Fine North 24 hours ended
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  • 101 1 Dkath. On January 1«, at 7-a Thompsou-rd. Singa- j pore. Helen Mary Mackenzie, wife of W. A. Mackenzie and widow of the late Cant. A H i Tilly. Obituary. (Cable new Special Service.) St. Petersburg, 4th J:m.—Princess MathilJe Bonaparte is dead. Princess Mathilde was the aunt of Prince Victor Napoleon
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  • 750 2 SoMk of our readers a e doubtless already familiar with this book, uud t tiie present time, when many problems which confront Euro|»e in Asia are ca 1- r in<r for solution, a sec >n 1 edition <>f Mr. j Townsend s tlioug itful volume will be
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  • 721 2 Thk estimates of production of sugar in 1008 in the countries adhering to .'the. international Union tor Sugar Statistics are. now known and i beg to. insert the figures of them as follows;! last year’s results in parenthesis. Tinsugar production is exp< cted to be, in Germany, 1,808,160 tons
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  • 204 2 Per P. Si 0. steamer Arcadia, connecting vitli the steamer Cliusan at Colombo, from London, Dec. 24 To Snangh <i Mr. C. VV. tanks, Mr. Gr. B. Swan. To Singapore Jr. A. Stewart. From Marseille*. To Ikiii‘/hai Mr. and Mrs. S. Ridge. To fowl Kong Mr. 11 S.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 1537 2 PERRIER JOUET CHA MP AG\< AGENTS NĔS. HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Kinta Tin Mines, Ltd. DIVIDEND No. 3. KITSON LAMPS. The Finest Light in Existence. Apply to «HUTTEMSACH BROS. Co. Sole Agent». 4 DIVIDEND OF 6 d. per shar** has l**eii declared payable in London on Decern lx*r the 21st. and*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1933 3 ?}> 1 r Expected, arrival and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards Jan. 21 s.s. Ch it nan Vh j. u n o,,,, !ctiu :-r with 8.8. Arcadia *eb. 4 8.8 Ball aural do 18 8.8. Coromandel u«> Mar. 3 8.8. Simla Mdeutsclier Lloyi, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. HHK fast ami
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  • 84 4 Justice satisfles everybody, and justice alone.— Emerson. Established June 1st, 1903. Vublished daily (except Sunday/*.) at Tn* CRITERION PRESS, Ld., N<*. 226-232, Beach Street, Peiumg. PRICE DAILV, LOCAL $24 pgr aiitiiini- (Post Free) 27 MAIL KDITION (Post Free) 10 CAULK ADDKKSS; E c h o—P c n a n g
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  • Current Topics.
    • 392 4 Thk December number of tile Straits (Jltuiese J[agaline reached us this morning. It is an unusually newsy one. The following I appears in i; under the caption The J Penang Chinese —A Chinese Chain- her ot Commerce has lieen establish- ed in Penang with the approval of
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    • 1005 4 We publish to-day a letter from a correspondent in Kuala Lumpur, who protests against j the provisions of a circular issued by the j j Federal Secretary on tlm 12th ult., in j I which an invidious distinction—and to our way of thinking, a very unwise one I —is
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  • 983 4 >1*1 January Oscar II., King of Sweden and Norway Oscar II was bom on the 21st of Januarv 1829. He is the third son of King Oscar I. and of Queen Josephine, daughter of Prince Eugene of Leuchteubenj. He ascended the throne ai the death of fiife
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  • 970 4 TJhe Penang Races. 7" 4' 4r-* Semi-final, Training Notes. The imfortuuate delay in the through train service between Kuala Lumpur amj Penang, owuig to the severe landslips near SiAigkai. W&ised much inconvenience and delay in arrival of the long-looked-for contingent frqui that State. Still they turned up
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • The Straits Echo.
    • 612 5 (Special Service.) Continental Reports. ALLEGED that RUSSIA WILL BACK DOWN. Meanwhile Kuwun Warships Hasten EasTV ard. Japan Declines Mediation. WILL INSIST ON ACCEPTANCE OP HER REASONABLE DEMANDS. IIMKS PEKING OiRUESI'OViKNT Co.NEIRMS Nknvs Rkspectjnij; I mans Di terminatin' t« pet v\ Exp x* IMK TENSION. h t’OHt (inf i
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  • The Straits Echo
    • 89 5 (Special Service.) The Electrophone in Politics < Prom uur own Correspondent.) London, 20th Jan.—The Rt. Hon. Joseph Chanit»erlain*s oration at the Guildhall vesterdav—in the course of which he fairly pulverized the arguments of his opponents —was reported by electrophone, and all the evening papers came out with verbatim
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  • 590 5 I'lan for the Reorganization of the Empire meets with Violent Opposition from the Emperor s Relatives. St. Petersburg, 15th Dec. —The Tsar, in September, held a long secret conference with Minister Witte, who was recently shelved, though nominally promoted. The Tsar asked him to elaborate a plan
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  • States’ News.
    • 1137 5 < From our ('orrespondents. Taip1N«, i>tth Jan. The Senior Magistrate 1 is now holding- the Assizes and disposed of several "rases. The most important was one in whi«-h a railway-guard. Navaratnam. wa* charged with criminal breach of trust of certain coins. The facts of the ease are that ou
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    • 1049 5 l ront Our Correspondent*.) The Kuala Lumpur R,-t House luu, l«een leased for the year IW4 to Mr. George Newman. who was tlie lessee in J9o:| r H. S. Sircom. cadet, attached to the i S<-<*retaria*. Kuala Lumpur, has been transj ferred f«, Port Dick-on to carry on the
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  • 64 5 Inward —Per Merionethshire, from Loudon, Messrs. Jenkins, Scott Barber, .Mrs. Deniston and Dr. DarLtou. Per Lungkivt, from Port Swettenham, Mr. E. L. Miles. Per Pa lam cott a,’ from Singapore, Messrs. Cliee Khve Yew. Y’eoh Sew Tiong, Khoo Hean Kwee, Mr. ami Mrs,,)v,hoo Ht*n Eng. Mrs. Phoo Kim H«pJ
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    • 443 5 To Tut Kpitok of tjm: Straits Kcuo. Sir,- -Perhaps you are not aware that according to a recent circular issued l»v the Federal Secretary F. M. S. the prefix i “Mr. will lx* used in the case of all EuI ropeaus and Eurasians, and
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  • 235 5 News comes from the Province to the effect that a gang robbery was committed at 4-30 a. in. on the 19th instant at Jalan Bahru. It appears that, while four Hindu shopkeepers of Prye Estate were proceeding in a bullock-cart to Bukit Mertajam, to snake
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  • Money Market.
    • 117 5 Penang, 21ht Januaky. (litj courtesy m thef Chartered Hunk London Demand Dank 1 /9 jj 4 months’sight Bank ...1/10$ 3 Credit ...l/10, 7 fl 3 Documentary ...1/10$ Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 135 A 3 days’ sight Private 137$ Bombay, Demand Bank 185$ 3 days’ sight Private 137$ Madras, Demand
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    • 164 5 l’in 8 82.80 Gold leaf 8 86. B. Pepper|(W. Coast 31 bs.soz.)§ 29. sulex White Pepper 8 50.25 eo/c«| Trang Pepper 8 331 geUern Cloves (picked) 8 40$ tale* Mace 8140 Mace Pickings 120. Nutmegs 110 s kj; —lwyerg No. 1 7-50 Sugar 2 5.40 C Basket 4.20 mile*
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 2089 6 mmm Jules 31 u nun iV Reims. Hum Skar.. EXTRA-1)IIV.” Co WONG KIM' MUN, No. 77a, Bishop Street. g NOTICE. L 11 ku Skai.. "GARTH BLANCHE RUBBER STAMP AND '5 BRASS SEAL (For impressing Wax) MANUFACTURER. Coffin Supplementary Articles tor Rubber C »f“ “"'““«f' Local made Coffins a ’’HE undersigned
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  • 1429 7  -  By Sir F. Pollock. Bart.,.d.c.l. Q. What an- you r A A Briton! Q- I you <le-ire the wealth, safety, and j strength of the kingdom? A. I do. Q,. On what, do they depend A. Un er the good providence of God,; chiefly on the Navy.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 910 7 JUST RECEIVED SAMUEL BIRCH Co.’s “BLACK BOTTLE” Pure Malt Whisky. CEKTII ICAIE OF ANALYSIS. thU WhiX^%£/ t a'a/Z' '..‘‘"Z r*ry. rr f' jt chemical aniUyos <• mmpU of GOON YEN FRIENDS. .lif m a retail ex'ablixhnient in London, and find it to be a Lent nelUor /'2' Z >J Whi*k>,.
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    • 78 7 John Bazley White Brothers' “LION BRAND” PORTLAND CEMENT. Sandilands, Buttery Co., Sole Importers, Penang. THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPjORATIONI. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720. r |lHE undersigned having l>een appointed JL Agents for the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and EIRE risk» at current rates. PATERSON, SIMONS
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1100 8 AX, PILSENER EAGER BEER. THE Brewed from Pure Malt ami Hops only, ami acknowledge»! to be the best. Highly Recoin men Jed by the, Medical Profession. m ar* AX MARK Pilsener Beer BREWED&BOTTLED k IN BREMEN GERMANY It is absolutely Pure, no Chemical ingredients being used. Standing Advertisements are Reproduced
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