Straits Echo, 19 January 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 40 1 For We«*li end ini; Monday, Jan. 25, l9t>4. r.M. Tuesday, 19th 2.08 231 Wednesday, 20th... 300 9.25 Thursday, 21st 3.51 417 Friday, 22nd 441 5.07 Saturday, 23rd 5.34 0.00 j Sunday, 24th 0.20 0.51 Monday, 25th 7.17 7.43
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  • 28 1 First Quarter... Jan. 25th, 8-57 a.m. O Full Moon Feb. Ist, 11.7 p.m. Last Quarter Bth, 9.48 am. I G New Moon 10th, 4.20 p.m. I
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  • 14 1 To-day. Town Band, Golf Club, 5-30 p.m. To-Mofcnow. Town Band. Esplanade, 5-30 p.m.
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  • 41 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwahim. Homewards. Chusan 21 Jan Coromandel 23 Jan Ballaarat l Feb Bengal 6 Feb Extra Service. Outwards. Homewards. Borneo 21th Jan J Japan 30 Jan Java 9th Feb Palermo 14 Feb For particulars See Page 3.
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    • 74 1 Calcutta, lltli Jan.—Lady Curzon's departure for England was private. At 9-30 p.m., last night, Her Excellency left Government House accompanied by Lord Curzon, Colonel Baring and Capt. Baker-Carr, a.d.c., and proceeded to the Botanical Gardens where she embarked on the B. I. Co.’s Thongxca. The landing stage was
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    • 116 1 (Rangoon Advertiser Service.) London, s th Jan.—-The Stamlard correspondent at Tokio says it is believed the Russian concessions tire illusory. Public opinion in Japan is strongly opposed to further delay and Government is urged to insist upon the immediate acceptance of Japan’s irreducible minimum. London, 9th Jan.—The Paris
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    • 140 1 (Indian Daily Nncs Service.) Calcutta, Bth Jan. —The following appointments have been made Brigadier-General G. Richardson to command the Poona district. Brigadier-General Pearson to command Deraj at vice Dotting transferred to the Nerbudda district. Colonel Bay ley, A. G. M. G. HeadQuarters to be D.A.G., Punjab command, vice
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  • 201 1 Unusual Attempt to obtain Evidence ok a Crime. In order to secure information relative to a child murder, the Chief Constable of Birmingham has issued a printed circular to every member of the medical profession in the city. The circular runs Child Murder. Sir. —I beg to inform
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  • 26 1 Mr. Millyuns. —(engaging valet) “I warn you that frequently I am exceedingly ill-tempered and gruff.” Valet. —(cheerfully): “That’s all right, sir; so am T.'
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  • 388 1 Ihe Kronstadiski Viestnik of December 19th publishes the following official list of Russian warships on foreign stations:— Port Arthur.—Battleships Petropavlovsk, Poltava, Sevastopol, Peresviet, ltetvizan, Pobieda, and Tsarevitch; cruisers Bavau, Askold, Pallada, Diana, Variag, Novik, and 1 Zabiaka gunboats Bobr, Greiniastchi and Ivoriets; transports Amur, Yenisei, and Angara
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  • 324 1 Letter from an Officer. Reuter’s head cilice Ims received the following letter from an officer of the Somaliland Field Force, dated December sth The African Brigade is at Bohotle, after having trekked across the Haud and back and established a post at Galadi to hold the wells
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  • 25 1 “Do vou keep burut-leather goods':'' “No’in —you will find them down on the next block; there s a fire sale there.
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  • 237 1 Malay Pirates Attack Chinese Fishermen. A Chinese fisherman reported to the Singapore Police on Thursday last that early on the morning of Tuesday while he and some friends in a boat were fishing in company with two other fishing boats off Tanah Merah, two large kolehs
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  • 118 1 The following are the fixtures for the Indian Cricket Team in England j May 9th rs. London County; May 19th v?. Cambridge University, May 23rd -vs. j Sheffield United, May 2dth— vs. Warwick-! shire June Gth vs. M. C. C. and Ground j June 9th— rs. Leicestershire June 13th
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  • 138 1 The Russian and Japanese Navies. Russia’s naval expansion, says the Japan Gazette, is now nearly completed, and the majority of the ships built according to the programme are now afloat in the Pacific. The remainder are to be finished by the end of 1905. The vessels thus awaiting
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  • Shipping.
    • 53 1 Ihaipino, Hr. s.s. 160, Wheeler, 18th Jan., P. Weld, Gen.,—H. L. Co. Avaotee, Hr. s.s. 247, Morier, 19th Jan., Teluk Anson, Gen., —Koe Guan <fc Co. H. Lerche, Rus. s.s. 1,871, Dahtchein, 18tli Jan., Vladivostoek, Gen., —G. W. &Co. Nuria, Ger. s.s. 2,234, Vonhoff, 18th Jan., Yokohama, Gen., B.
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    • 62 1 19th January. Ho Kicei, for Deli. Qnorra, for Langkat Pangkalan Brandan Orirria, for Singapore. CaU'lia for Colombo and Southern India. G. Aj>car, for Calcutta. Pnlo Pinion, for Port Swettenhani and Malacca. Lady Weld, for Teluk Anson. Hock Canton, for Edie, T. Semawe, Segli and Olehleh. Pin Sent/ for Port
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    • 37 1 Ver*el* i'rom Atjeuls Due A. A pear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 22nd Jan Ischia Singapore li.M.&Co. 25th Andalusia Suez do. 26th Bavern Singapore do. 27th Sevdlitz Ooloudx» do. 28th Banil*erg Suez do. 28th C. Apear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 29th
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    • 98 1 Vessels For A yents Leaves A. A pear Calcutta A. A. A.Co. 23rd Jan Ischia Bombay B.M.&Co. 2.5th Andalusia Singapore do. 26 th Bayern Colombo do. 27th Seydlitz Singapore do. 28th Bamberg Singapore do. 28th C. Apear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 30th We would direct the attention of shitwing firms to
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    • 37 1 For Teluk Anson—Per Avayyee, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Port Swettenhain —Per Mary Austin, tomorrow, 2 p.m. I>eli—Per Vidar, 21st instant, 10 Langkat—Per Jin Hu, 21st instant, 1 p.m. Rangoon —Per Ventakuta, 21st instant, 2 p.m.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 255 1 A. E. SKEELS. liqueurs. NOTICE. TO CORKKSPOSKKSTS: It is requested Unit all com innuicuMons relating to Subscriptions. Advertisement Ate., be addressed to the Manager, Strait* Echo” and uot to the Kditor. All cheques should be crossed. Utters on Editorial or other matters intended foi publication or use in the Echo
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    • 222 1 To-day’s Advertisements. New Beach Street Auction Rooms. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will hold an Auction Sale OF Horses, Traps, Ponies, &c., At Church Street Ghaut, at 3 P. M. On Thursday, 21st January, 1904. All lots for Catalogue must reach uie by 10 a. m. on Wednesday. Terms Cash Before
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    • 4 1 Read Pages 2 7»
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    • 80 1 DAVID BROWN Co., 4 Logan’s Buildings, Estate Agents and Auditors. Reports and Valuations. Sale by Auction or private tender of House Land Property and Stock. DAVID BROWN Co., I/fMjan* Jtuildrugs. Estate Agents Auditors. Undertake Sales l»- Auction or Private Tender of House and Land Property and Stock, Valuations of same,
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    • 101 1 A. E. SKEELS. 'WHISEISS. C. CHIN SENG COACH BUILDER AND REPAIRER. SADDLERY AND HARNESS MAKER. No. 27, Penang Road. Telephone No. 265 At Chin Hin Bros. Shop. FOR SALE. JUST completed, oue Barouche with Silver Plated fittings, fit for single or pair Horse*. One New Victoria, middle size, with Silver
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 29 1 WEATHER. 'J H following report, is kindly supplied hy tlie Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis: Tlie rainfall during the 2-t hours ended it. 9 a.m. to-day was 0’20 iuclies.
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  • 364 2 Ceaseless Preparations for War. Mr. Bennet Burleigh, fresn from a tour in Manchuria, describes in the Daily Telegraph the position of affairs in that country. Ho Ixdieves Russia is anxious to avoid war, j as she requires a year to consolidate her strength in the Far East, and
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  • 513 2 (Shipping Gazette, 24th Dec.) The Board of Trade is understood to lx* quietly working to bring about an alteration of the system whereby French vessels get an absurdly low net tonnage measurement, and so escape their fair share of dues in the world’s ports. In the United States,
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  • 307 2 Famous Detective Guest in Great Houses. Detectives to catch the well-to-do are said by a writer in Truth to be much needed. As a matter of fact, this class of crimedetector has lxx;n much on the increase of late. One of the best-known detectives in Loudon, a man who
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  • 234 2 German and Russian Comment. A leading German geographer, writing in the Kolnische Zeitung about the English expedition to Tibet, says The crossing of the Jelep-la Pass, which leads from the British Himalayan territory of Sikkim to the Tibetan j Ohumbi Valley, is an achievement which I would
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  • 214 2 Per P. A O. steamer Arcadia, connecting 1 with the steamer Chusan at Colomlx». from London, Dec. 24. To Shanghai Mr. C. W. Brinks, Mr. G. B. Swan. To Singapore i Mr. A. Stewart. From Marseilles. To I 'hanghtti Mr. and Mrs. S. Ridge. To i Hong Kong
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 28 2 NOTICE. VJ I‘I'VVS of Penang, Singapore, lVsruL Selangor, ami Suomira. Photos on largo*!, various sizes tip to o ft on Bromulo paper. W. JONES, King Street. Penang. Vhotrujrapher
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    • 17 2 For Sale For Sale!! Large Stock of Paper of Every description and Colour. Apply Criterion Press Lei
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    • 1271 2 PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNES. AGENTS Kinta Tin Mines, Ltd. HUTTEIMBACH BROS. Co. KITSON LAMPS. The Finest Light in Existence. Apply to HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Sole Agents. DIVIDEND No. 3. A DIVIDEND op 6 d. per share has 1 > l»een declared payable in London on Decern l»er the 21st, and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1618 3 r rr I 1$.». Co. Kcpccted arrical mid Departures. Mail Service. Outwards Jau. 21 s.s. Chtisau consTecfciu with s.s. Arcadia b 8 BaUnamt do s.s. Australia yi' r Coro>naudel do s.s. Oceana Mar. 3 s.s. St min do s.s. Mongoli Homewards •Jau. 23 s.s. Coromuudel do Foil. 6 s..s Bengal
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  • 89 4 «U9I lie CVH CIO J J Established Jane 1st, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TAB CRITERION PRESS, Ld., N<>. 22(5 -232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE UA1LY, JAX'AL ?2l per annum (Post Klee) 27 MAIL KIHTION (Post Kieo) 15 CAIILK AMiRKSS: E c ii
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  • 694 4 Sir George Clarke's Scheme. In the course of a speech at the annual mayoral banquet at Melbourne last month Colonel Sir George S. Clarke, k.c.m.u., Governor of Victoria, and one of the three recently-ap-pointed members of the War Office Advisory Committee, said —I earnestly hope that the
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  • 749 4 An influential meeting of steam users was held at the Sugar Estates Office to consider the new Ordinance, and it was decided to draft a memorial to the Government asking to have the measure withdrawn. The petition, which is being largely supported by the European and Chinese
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  • Our Birthday Column.
    • 179 4 16th January Quarter-Master-Genkkal. Lieut.-General Sir Ian Staudish Mon- y teith-Hamilton, Quartermaster General ot the British Army, was born on 16th Januai v 1853, at Corfu. Educated at Cheam and Wellington College, he entered the Army in 1873 and has seen service in Afghanistan,; jVvpR Burma and oilier
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    • 220 4 18th January. Primk Minister, Australian Commonwealth. Sir Edmund Burton Miandetta, Milson's Point, Sydney, N. S. Wales), the well known politician an l iirst Premier of the Australian Commonwealth, was horn at Svdnev on 18th January 18-fit. Educated iii various public schools and the University
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  • 430 4 A case of highway robbery is alleged to have taken place in Penang on or alxmt the 16th instant. Mr. Tan Ah Chang, a well-to-do planter from Province Wellesley, has reported to the Police that while he was going, about 1 p.m. on the day in question, along
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  • 592 4 Kiflta Trailing Notes. Batu Gajaii. 16th Jan A fifth morning, and the going first class. This being so it seemed a pity that the beauty and fashion of Kinta, whose carriages blocked the entrance, should not get a better slfow for their money, or rather In return
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  • 381 4 Some twenty-fire years ago two Malays (brothers), name! Mohamed and Mat Salleh. were stated to have murdered one Mat Hassan at Lahur Tiaug, P. W. The circumstances under which the murder was committed were alleged to l>e as follows: That the two accused stole a buffaloe and concealed
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 77 5 Waterspout carries Death and Destruction through Bloemfontein. ruter*$ Service.) Iaondon, lOrli Jam. -A waterspoilt imrst over Bloemfontei' flood in o* the lower portion of the town. Three hotels and man v houses I have been destroyed. The number j of lives lost is unknown at present Hundreds have
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    • 307 5 Reuter's Sere ice.) London, 19th Jan. —The third test match is now being played at Adelaide. In their first innings the Australians made 088; the English only 245. Telegrams from the North of India bring news of severe wintry weather, and point to t lie fact that a cold
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  • The Straits Echo.
    • 488 5 (Special Service.) Russia Still Shuffling. Doesn’t want lo l ight before Spring. JAI AN CHARTERING TRANSPORTS THK Po»*fc UxKAHY AD»Jr l 'aTHOLICS in the Fak East interviews frencii AMBASSADOR Important Confkuevov ik i»,.»,.. vunjMißucis IN I KTERBUUUO To-day. Japanese Mail Service to be Continued > -under the British
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  • The Straits Echo
    • 157 5 (Special Service The Rising in Namaqualand. (I'tqvi Our Ov'n Correspondent.) London, 18th Jan.—News is pouring m irom Berlin respecting! the rising of native tribes in Namaqnuiand, otherwise known as; German West Africa, It is stated that 60,000 negroes! have sworn to exterminate the •3,000 whites in the country, whose!
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  • States’ News.
    • 1152 5 I From Our Correspondents.) Taipixg. ISth January. His Excellency acting High Commissioner. F. M. S arrived bv train from Penang at 11 a.m.'to-day,' and was met by the Resident-General Mr. Treacher. Mr. Belii*! 1 t!i A<“ing Ib-iJ-n;. :>nl Colon j Walker at the Railway Station, and wAs drivVn to
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    • 281 5 d To rMt JfhiflMj'oFcnu» .‘«rRMijj Echo. r. 8ir, T Imve'jiup received your issue d of the 23th imetnfifv containing a leader n setting forth in detail the tjualideations of l r Mr. Nambvar, and now hasteu to commuuiw i-ate whh you, I have aullmrizcd no person to
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  • 625 5 3 To the Editor <h»*tiik Smurs E< a<>. i )SiK,; —Will you allow me a little space to euable nisrdo in ike a few remarks regarding tjie Municipal meeting of the 15th iust. I Whilst reading the report of the above j'meetiiig in the Echo of the 16th
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  • 366 5 (From our Gorrĕsposdĕut.) Malacca, 15th Jau. On Mondav H. M. S. Algeria paid a visit to Malacca, and as is usual uii such. invasions attempts "ere made to organise cricket and football matches. Unfortunately it rained too much on Tuesday to admit of cricket, but as it i up
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  • Money Market.
    • 117 5 Penang, 19th January. f U>j courtesy of tbfi Chartered Hank.) fx>mlon Dotmuid Hank ...1/10* 4 months sight Bank ...101, T fl 3 Credit ...|/|0f *> 3 Documentary 1/10' Calcutta. Demand Hank 3 days’ sight Private 138* Bombay, Demand Bank 136* 3 days’ si «'lit Private 138* Madras, Demand Hank
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    • 191 5 BersawahGold Mine Co., Ld. 5 15.20 sates. haul) Australian Gold Min- ing Co., Ijd 7.- *ate* lvedjaug Lelnnig Gold Mining Co., Ld. 5230. nom KadanaGold MiningCo„Ltd. 1 fuII J pakl). 10.— nom. Brusch Tin Mining Co., Ld. S 8, teller» Ohendariaug Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 25 .—«-Her» Karangan
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    • 168 5 Tin 8U Gold leaf 5 86." B. Peppei-}( W. Coast 3ib5.50z.)5 29. sales White PepjMir 5 50.25 sales i’mng Pepper 33* sellers Cloves (picked 401 sales Mace 140.” Mace Pickings 120. Nutmegs 110 s 66.— buyers (No. 1 7.50 Sugar I 2 5.40 (.Basket 4.20. sales Tapioca Flour 2.10,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 2152 6 JUST RECEIVED. Jul es 31 um in Reims. Blue Seal. KXTRA-DRY.” Red Seal. CARTE BLANCH R. Co., Egyptian Cigarettes. Monthly Shipment* direct from Cairo. NOTICE. INSURANCES Canton insurance SIN GHEE CHOON CO. r undersigned 1#«; to inform the X public of Penang and the neighbour- Qiipitiil Subscribed V t IVl>
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  • 460 7 An extraordinary general meeting of the above-named company was held at Winchester House, Old Broad street, London, on Dcceinl>er 22nd. Shareholders repres**nting'2',t>36 sharer, were present, and the subjoined resolutions, which were passed at the extraordinary general meeting of the company held on Thursday. December 3, 11*0.3,
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  • 305 7 Manufacturing Progress. Eighteen years ago the value of the principal exports of manufactured goods was a little over 16 million yen, while in 1900 it was over 137 million yen. Tiie import of manufactured goods eighteen years ago was a little over 21 million yen, while in 1960 it
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  • 418 7 Mr. Stead’s Newest Effort in Journalism. “My heard is grey; I am fifty-three years of age; but I think I am younger than when l issued the first number of tie* Renew of Review —younger in the buoyancy of spirit, in the fervour of enthusiasm, and a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 802 7 just Received SAMUEL BIRCH Co.’s BLACK BOTTLE” Sandiiands Butter) Co, Graham Co., LdT, 1 Pure Malt Whisky. 29, Beach Street, PENANG. certificate of analysis. 1 hereby certify find I h/n j thin Whisky, purchased 1,,, from .i"' ,1° vcmi cartful chemical analysis a *utuple of genuine, pure, and perfectly wholesome
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    • 24 7 Boey Ah Fook Chop Tuck Mob Co. Carpenter, Painter, House Builder. 78, Bishop Street, Penang. 63c Tor sale. Faber’s Blue Pencils. CRITERION PRESS, Limited.
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    • 167 7 R. Madigan Latham, MINING ENGINEER, IPOH. Mining properties bored, prospected and reported on. Mining plants designed and erected. SOLE AGENT FOR The Humboldt Engineering Works Co. Specialities in Mining Machinery. VV*'INDING Engines, Cages, Trucks, IT Skips, Jiggers, Sline Tables, Ac. Pumps of all descriptions, Air Compressors, Boring Machinery, ."dag Granulating
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  • 827 8 PROGRAMME FOR JANUARY MEETING, 1904. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 26th January, 1904. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value £500.—A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (10st) An allowance of l41bs. to all ex-Griffins. Entrance £10. Distance. one mile. 2. First Griffin Race. Value £400 and £l<H) to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 236 8 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS BRITISH DOC’S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass’s Ale. (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) BET7AEE OF IMIT.A.TIOIT. TRADE m 9> V) Oc 2 Q <2 <o o MARZ. In ordinary Pint Bottles: Light, Sparkling, Wholesome and Refreshing. The Best and Well-known Beer for the Tropics. Obtainable Retail at all the
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    • 868 8 1 J. Standing Advertisements are Reproduced in Brief Here. (Appearing once a week as per contract in the Daily Bulletin.) TAIK HO Co. fttt rSfe ft ft SIB9K*| THE ‘Cbabyab Piilaa Penang.” pilseneb lager beer. A AX BRA1NU (Malay Weekly News.) J'SL HONG CHEONG Co. iM,® nd BEHN MEYER Co.
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