Straits Echo, 18 January 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 93 1 Births. At !♦<). Halpin Road. Rangoon. on tith January. the wife of E. W. Bell. P. W. 1).. of a son. on T <sth instant. th<, wife of T. T Petherbndge, B. I. S. N. Co. Ltd., of a daughter. Marriages. On Doc 17. at Mexico City. S.
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  • 41 1 For Week ending Sunday, Jan. 24, 1904. A.M. I*. M. 1 Monday, 18th 1.17 1.4:} Tuesday, 19th 2.08 2.31 Wednesday, 20th... 3.00 3.25 Thursday, 21st 3.51 4.17 Friday, 22nd 441 5.07 Saturday, 23rd 5.34 6.00 Sunday, 24th 0.26 6.51
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  • 23 1 J First Quarter... Jan. 25th, 8-57 a m •T) Full Moon Feb. Ist, 11.7 p.m Last Quarter Bth, 9.48 a m
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  • 14 1 To-day. Town Band, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. To-morrow. Town Band, Golf Club, 5-30 p.m.
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  • 40 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. < (UTWARDS. llo.V KWARDS. Chusan 21 Jan Coromandel 23 Jan llallaarat 4 Feb j Bengal 6 Feb Extra Service. Outwards. Homewards. ItorneQ 24th Jan Japan 30 Jan Java 9th Feb u*r For particulars See Page 3.
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    • 33 1 (Rangoon Times Service. J London, 8th Jan —The Free Trade papers are jubilant over yesterday's Trade Returns, which they regard as a complete confutation of the criticism on the present fiscal system.
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    • 35 1 Rangoon Times Service London, Btii Jan.—The following is th«‘ result of the mid-Devon election Mr. Eve, Liberal and Free-traders 5,034 votes. Sir Richard Harrison, Conservative and Chamberlainite 3.558. Majority for the Free-trader, 1,476.
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    • 53 1 {Rangoon Times Service.) London, 7th Jan. —It is declared at St. Petersburg that although an earnest desire for peace is still expressed, the Russian government will make no further concession, and if Japan is unicorn promised there is danger of the situation becoming so aggravated as to
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    • 75 1 {lndian Daihj News Service.) Madras, 4th Jan.—The Nadwa-ul-Clina Conference of Mahomedan theologians commenced its sittings in the Ind an Congress Pa tidal yesterday afteri noon, and was attended by over 2,500 Mahomedans fr< »m Northern and Southern India, including delegates from Aligarh, Bombay, and Lahore. The
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    • 119 1 Imprisonment and Fine Reduced. {lndian Daily News Service.) Poona, 4th Jan.—Mr. Lucas, the District Judge, to-day delivered- judgment in the case in which Mr. Tilak appealed against bis sentence. The Judge found Mr. Tilak guilty, with extenuating circumstances. Under ordinary circumstances,” said the Judge in concluding bis
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    • 181 1 Head Master Poisoned. (Rangoon Timet. Service Calcutta, 4th Jan.—Mr. S. G. Edwards, head master, aged 53, of the School department of the Doveton College has died from strychnine poisoning under strange circumstances. He was suffering from a severe cold and had been residing out of college quarters.
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    • 935 1 Ads in Newspapers. On 21st December, in the King s Bench Division, Mr. Justice Kennedy delivered his reserved judgment in the case of the Automobile Components (Limited) v. Illiffe 1 and Sons (Limited}, which was an action to recover damages for breach of contract by the refusal of
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  • 284 1 Thk Secret op the Negotiations. Many different versions luivc been lately published of the circuinstances attending the recent purchase of two battleships from Chili by the British Government, but, savs the Globe, the following account of tiie negotiations may bo taken as being strictly
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  • 372 1 Bombay, Bth Jan.—The following news ahead of the mail dated London, 28th Dee., says that the British Admiralty is reported to he prepared for every eventuality in the Far East. The cruiser squadron which has sailed presumably for t lie West Indies l will be found in
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  • Shipping.
    • 133 1 j Pin Seno, Br. s.s. 3/8, Davidson, lHth Jan., Singapore, 16th Jan., Gen.,— B. Bros. I G. Apcab, Br. s.s. 2,940, Olifeut, 18th Jan., Singapore, 16th Jan., Gen.,- A. A. A A Co. Pentakota, Br. s.s. 2,209. Coope, 17th Jan., Calcutta, 1st Jan Gen., H. L. Co Z.\n>.\. Br.
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    • 39 1 18th January. Tam Tong, for Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan. Canton, for Paugkor and Teluk Anson. K. Halewijn, for Asahan and Batu Bahra. die nfal loch, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Tout; Chiig Un, for Batu Balmiand Asahan.
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    • 94 1 Fin Seno, Br. k s. 378, Davidson, 18th Jau., Singapore, 16th Jan., Gen., —B. Bros. P. Rimau v Bi\ s.s. 297, Neilsen, 17th Ja.n., Malacca, 15th Jan., Gen H. L. Co. Sumatra, Ger. s.s. 407, Klimnet, 18th Jan., Poii, 17tli Jan., Gen., —Behn Meyer A Co. Quobra, Br.
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  • 42 1 I 'e**el* From Agent* Due Nubia Singapore B.M.&Co. 20th Jan A. A pear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 22nd Ischia Singapore B.M.&Co. 25th Andalusia Suez do. 26th Bayern Singapore do. 27th Sevdlitz Colombo do. 28th Bamberg Suez do. 28th C. Apear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 29th
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  • 53 1 I" e**et* For Agent» Leave Nubia New York B. M at Co. 20th Jan A. A pear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 23rd Ischia Bombay B.M.&Co. 25th ft Andalusia Singapore do. 20t h tf Bayern Colombo do. 27th ft Seydlitz Singapore do. 28th ft Bamberg Singapore do. 28th ft C. Apear Singapore
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  • 77 1 For I Jell—Per Sumatra, to-morrow, 10 a.m. Deli —Per Ho Kwei, to-morrow, noon. Langkat and Pangkalan Brundun—Per Quorra, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Singapore—Per Ori**ia, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Calcutta—Per O. Apcar, to-moitfow, 2 p.m. Port Swettenliam and Malacca—Per Pulo Rimau, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Teluk Anson —Per Lady Weld, to-morrow, 3
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  • 52 1 Inward Per Pulo Rimau,” from Malacca, Messrs. J. B. Matthews, Yeo Kok Siew and Mrs. Bee Yong. Per Pentakota,” from Calcutta, Messrs. E. Lees. Henbrey, Allix, B. Elies, Kester. Jourdain, S. Russell, Govsford, S. George and Khoo In Yen. Per G. Apcar,” from Singapore,” Messrs Palmer, Bartelle and S.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
  • 46 1 Death. At his residence, No. 1«. Phavre Street, on “»th January. Abraham Arratoon. late Head Appraiser. Rangoon Customs, aged 75 years and 5 months. Obituary. Death of Sir H. Keppel. {Reuter a Service.) London, 18th Jhti.—Admiral Sir Henry Keppel, the father of the Navv.” is «lead.
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  • 274 2 (Pall Mall Gazelle.) Inquiries made in Naval circles at Portsmouth prove that the Admiralty have lx:en for some months preparing for eventualities in the Par Past. Officially it is denied that there is any unwonted activity, and on the face of it there does not apja-ar to be
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  • 610 2 Amono the most notable types of steamers which hate l*eeu launched this year is the steamer Hedu ij Heidmann, which has been built by Sir Kaylton Dixon and Co., Ltd., Cleveland Dockyards, Middlesboro-on-Tees, to the order of Mr. H. W. Heidmann, ot Altona, Hamburg, one of
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  • 356 2 Boinco Islands Question. Reuter's Agency is informed that no information has been received regarding the result of the investigation ordered |by the State Department sit Washington into the circumstances under which the American warship Quiros seized a number of islands otf the coast of British North Borneo.
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  • 200 2 Per I’. &O. steamer Arcadia, connecting with the steamer Chusan at Colombo, from London, Dec. 24. To Snanghai Mr. C. \V. Banks, Mr. Gr. B. Swan. To Singapore Mr. A. Stewart. From Marseilles. To Itanghai Mr. and Mrs. S. Ridge. To [long Kong Mr. H. S. Sniit. To
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 26 2 Dr. W. MAN SON DENTAL SURGEON. Price Moderate Consultation f ree. Residing Temporarily in 427, Penang Road, Opposite to Mr. Lonpr (’honk's House. 3 3 mth*.
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    • 75 2 TO LEND I $100,000 0n ood CCT,nt v Apply to LIM SENG HOOI, c o Strait Echo. 'enaug, 15th Jan. f II E LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.I). 17*». undersigned having been appointed Agents for the above Corporation, are low prepared to accept MARINE and 1 El
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    • 1480 2 PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGUES. AGENTS Kinta Tin Mines, Ltd. DIVIDEND No. 3. 10 HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. KITSON LAMPS. The Finest Light in Existence. Apply to HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Sole Agents. MACHINERY, ETC. V DIVIDEND op 6 d. per share has l**en «lei-lured payable in Loudon on Decemlier the :21st, and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1682 3 rise. Expected nr riot I and JJrpa rtures, Mail Servico. Outwards. •Tan. 21 s.s. Chusau connecting' witli s.s. F«b- 4 s.s. Balluara* <l,, ss 18 s.s. Coromandel do H s Mar. 3 k.B. Simla do h.h. Homewards. Jan. 23 s.s. Coromandel do Feb. 6 8..8 Bengal do 20 8.8. Malta
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  • 83 4 Established June 1st, 1903. eultlmhed daily (except Sundays.) AT Till CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. ‘2211-232, lJe.ioh Street. PenAng. PlllCE: DAILY, l.OOAI. $(U per annum. (Fort Free) 27 MAI I. MOTION (Pent Free) 15 CAULK AIIPUKSS; E c h 0 —P c n a n
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  • Current Topics.
    • 414 4 As the result of several meetings of the mem hers of the Pr ess of Hongkong an Association has been constituted which supplies u vgj-y. long felt want in thfe Fur Fast The Hongkong Telegraph (8 Jan.) announces the birth of the Association, and from its
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    • 997 4 Thkuk is a distinct note of disappointment in the annual report of the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce, a bulky volume, of which the English translation has just reached us. It is complained that while the I mercantile marine of the Netherlands is slowly and surely augmenting* the
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  • 557 4 lbth January. H. E. Sir Henry Blake, G.C.M.G., I J GOVBKJIOR OF C'E YI of; Sir Heurv Arthur Blake, the late Gov-; Jor “t Hongkon- (IW7--WM) tf\ present Governor of Ceylon, m success on to Sir West Ridgeway, k.c.b.. was born his davin Limerick, Ireland, in 1840,
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  • 416 4 All who turned out yesterday morning voted the sham fight a great success. The morning was bright and delightfully cool and should have tempted out many more of our citizen soldiers. Seven o’clock was the time fixed for falling .n at Green Lane, but it was quite
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  • Article, Illustration
    499 4 Penang Races. Tkajning as? Notes. If ayv one were to tel ban ordinary turfite at Home that at a Race Meeting in far-away Peuaug the names of no less than B*2 (liferent candidates appear on the official race-card for the opening day of the Penang meeting, he would
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  • 353 4 A case of gaug-robberv is reported from the Esplanade. It is alleged by a respect-able-looking Chinese woman, named Hock Sun Ki, that while she was driving in a rikisha at about 9-30 p.m yesterday along Fort Road, five Chinamen waylaid and robbed her of pair of gold bangles valued
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • The Straits Echo
    • 422 5 (Special Service. More Optimism! The Osliabya Enters Canal ENORMOUS PURCHASES OP COAL AND WHEAT. DAVIDSON APPOINTED CONSUL AT AN'TUNG, AND MORGAN AT DALNY. IMPORTANT CABINET MEETING. INDEPENDENCE OF COIIKA To HE MAINTAINED. (From Our Otvn Correxpoioleiit.) London, 17th .Jan. —It is reported from St. Petersburg that the TsarVi
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    • 36 5 Special Service. From Our Oivn Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, 17th Jan. Unusually heavy rain has fallen in Kuala Kuhn. The Rasa mines are flooded and therefore the tin ore output will be considerably reduced-
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    • 74 5 From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, 17th Jan. —A Havas message, dated Par is 16th Jarmarv, reports that the Repnbliqnr Francuise states that the signature of the Pranco-Siamese Convention is aw aited with much interest. It is expected that the revised Convention will not only confirm hut actundv
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    • 43 5 {Reuter’s Service.) London, 16th Jan.—Mr. Tfllett. the Liberal candidate, has beer elected member of Parliament foi Norw ich, replacing Mr. Bullard (C.) deceased. The Tsaritsa. London, 18th Jan.—The Tsarritsa is suffering from pleurisy, and consequently the Court Ball has been postponed.
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    • 137 5 Renter’s Service.) London, 17th Jan. —A despatch has been received from General Egerton giving full particulars of the recent engagement at Jidballi. He reports that 215 prisoners were taken and that 680 dead were counted on the field and near the scene of the fight. He confirms
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    • 106 5 Ixentei''* Sere ire.) Loudon, 17tli Jan. —The rising of the tribes in German Xamaqualand have extended to Derneraralnnd. rxhe Manila Cnbteneic* publishes a ‘special* from Cape Colon}', dated 29<li Dec., reporting that there has been a serious outbreak in Namaqualand and troops hare been sent against the insurgent natives.
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  • States’ News.
    • 878 5 From our Correspondent.) Ipoh. 16th Jan.—Tin* Resident-General is now at Kuala Kang.-err for a few days. on a visit to H. H. tli** Sultan on the occasion of tlie marriage ’of Raja Mansur s younger brother !to the Sultan’s niece. Grand pa rations have been made at Kuala Kungsar
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    • 507 5 To Ttrr Editor of tiir Straits Ecno. v.,;tihc ldUff meeting of the Muuicii pal Com:Dtsri<»ifers > it was decided that the quesfioh ni'tire appointment of Overseer of j Works l»e Jett over to a sub-Committee for report at next meeting. 1 lie discussion thereon, rejxirted in vour columns
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  • 391 5 The Report for 1903. The following report is to be presented it the annual meeting of the Sporting Club. ;o be held at the Town Hall, Singapore, tonorfow-: The accompanying statement of account shows a credit balance on the working ac- bwnfc of 1 Debentures to the
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  • 587 5 Mr. Edwards-Rndclyffe writes to the i Colombo Observer: "Your colonv will do well to start Rauiie as uu industry, i am collecting information f.»r three Government Departments and I uin convinced Ramie will come to the front very shortly. I am in a position to place I<>o tons
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  • Money Market.
    • 116 5 Penano, 18th January. < lly courtesy of the Chartered Jla.nk.) Loudon Demand Bank ...1/10$ 4 months’ sight Bank ...1 01 '3 Credit .1/10} 3 Documentary 1 /10 j Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 138 3 days' sight Private 140 Bombay, Demand Batik 138 3 days’sight Private 140 Madras, Demand Bank
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    • 177 5 BersawahGold Mine Co., Ld. 15.20 sale*. Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld 7. —sales lledjang Lebong Gold Mining Cfl»;, Ld 5230. —twin KadanaGold MiniiigCo;,Lt.d. (fully paid) 10.— nom. Bruseli Tin Mining Co., Ld. B. —setters Cliendariang Hydraulic 'J'in Mining Co., Ld. 25. —setters Karangan Tin Mining Co. 23. —sellers
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    • 162 5 Tin 'S 81.80 Gold leaf 86. B. Peppei'K W. Coast3lbs.soz.)B 29.— *ale* White Pepper 8 50.25 sale* Trans; Pepper 33£ teller* Cloves (picked) 8 40 tale* Mace 8140.” Mace Pickings 120. Nutmegs 110 s 66. buyer* No. 1 7.50 Sugar 2 5.40 Basket ,4.20 gale* Tapioca Flour f 2.10
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 2025 6 CHAMPAGNE Jules Mu mm Co M Reims. Blue Seal. EXTRA-DRY.” Red Seal. CARTE BLANCHE.” Paterson, Simons Co., SOLE AGENTS. tivolF beeh lii White Glass Bottles, Light Sparkling Wholesome Refreshing the best beer for the tropics. Paterson, Simons Co., Agents for The Straits Settlements Native States and Sumatra. Sub-Agents: Singapore —M
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  • 685 7 It is proverbially dangerous while it seems invitingly easy—to propliesv; especially as to the resuit of an armed conflict jietween Powers which are not so unequal in resources that it is only a miracle, or political earthquake, could i>iro victory to the weaker—and anything depending on an
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  • States’ News.
    • 223 7 The north-east monsoon is causing some damage at Kuala Pahang this year. One lof the Police buildings t hen* has collapsed, and some other buildings are also in danger of being washed away. The sea is encroaching further inland, and by the time the calm weather sets in some
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  • 426 7 UE New Shipping Laws. The New York cor. of the Liverpool Jour mil of Commerce writes:- Mr. Secretary Chamberlain lias Iwen discussing the navigation laws in their application to the Philippines, and he lavs stress upon the privilege granted to Spain by the treaty of peace, which entitles
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 823 7 0 jup received SAMUEL BIRCH Co.’s “BLACK BOTTLE” Pure Malt Whisky. Sandilands Buttery Ha., Graham Co., Ld„ 29, Beach Street, PENANG. Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, 4 Peach Street, Penang. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS. urlili' '••fijij tin 1 have submitted to very careful chemical analyst* a sample of /'"'V
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    • 69 7 PENANG TURF CLUB. NOTICE. I N accordance with para 4 of the conditions under which the Penang Turf Club Debentures have been issued Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the Club to pay off the following Debentures, the numbers of which have I>een ascertained by lot,
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    • 104 7 C. CHIN SENG COACH BUILDER AND REPAIRER. SADDLERY AND HARNESS MAKER. No. 27, Penang Road. Telephone A T o. 266 At Chin lliu Pros. Shop. FOR SALE. 4 JUST completed, oiie Barouche with Silver Plated fittings, fiffor «ingle or pair Horses. One New Victoria, middle size, with Silver Plated liftings,
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  • 820 8 PROGRAMME FOR JANUARY MEETING, 1904. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 26th January, 1904. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value 8500. —A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (lOst) An allowance of 14H)s. to all ex-Griffins. Entrance 810. Distance, one mile. 2. First Griffin Race. Value 8400 and 8100
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 157 8 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS BRITISH DOC’S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass's Ale. (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) BETT'.AJRE OF HMIT-A.TI02T. TRADE in V/ <i 7: i o <■ w or ir I o pH ffii <2 a HARS. In ordinary Pint Bottles: Light, Sparkling, Wholesome and Refreshing. The Best and Well-known Beer for
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    • 934 8 THE Standing Advertisements are Reproduced in Ghdhydll PuldU P6I18.D^. Brief Here. J! (Appearing once a week a* per contract in the Daily Bulletin.) NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. BOUSTEAD Co., AGENTS. B ft »a#*iss»»soL»i*tt jLxo-I w *3 PILSENEE LAGER BEER. (Malay Weekly News.) ''L. ju The only Malay paper in Straits Settlements
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