Straits Echo, 13 January 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 20 1 Birth. On 9th J.*. 1904. at Mount Aim». Singapore the wife of G. A. Keating. of a son
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  • 41 1 For Week ending Tuesday, Jan 19. H*(»4. AM. P.M. j Wednesday, 13t1i... .4 41 5.07 Thursday, 14th 5.34 0.00 Friday, 15th 6.26 0.51 Saturday, 16th 7.17 7.40 Sunday, 17th 8.08 8.64 Monday, 18th 9.00 9.25 Tuesday, 19th 9.51 9.17
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  • 26 1 O New Moon Jan. 17th. 9.2 p.m. First Quarter... 25th, 8-57 a.m. O Full Moon Feu. Ist, 11.7 p.m. Last Quarter Bth, 9.48 am.
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  • 32 1 To-i>at. Town Band, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. To-morrow. Sale of Buildings, Nos. 7 and 9, Beach Street, at noon. Outward German Mail Gera expected. 2 p.m. Town Band, Golf Clul>, 5-30 p.m.
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  • 46 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. < Jut wards. Hom rwards. Chuxan 21 Jan Coromandel 23 Jan T a I tan rat 1 Feb llenjal fi Feb Extra Service. Outwards. Homkwards. j Socotra 12 Jan j Ceylon 7VT Jon Borneo 24th Jajmn 30 For particulars See Page 3.
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    • 41 1 Colombia's Appeal. (Shanghai Timex Service.) Washington, 19th Dec.—The United States of Colombia have addressed a demand to the United States that the matter at issue between them concerning the territory of Panama shall be referred to The Hague tribunal.
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    • 64 1 To Purchase Greenland (S. C. Morning Fuxt Service.) London, 21st Dec.—As a result of its recent experience in the arbitration over the Alaskan boundary dispute with the Uhited States, the Government of the Dominion of Canada is at present considering the question pf approaching Newfoundland with a view to
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    • 85 1 Rangoon Timex So Calcutta, 30th Dec.—The net profits of the Bank of Calcutta. Limited, for the half year ended 3<)th December, are lls. 102,596 which includes Us. 29.093 brought forward from last half year. Us. 50,000 is added to the reserve making that fund Us. 1.600.000,
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    • 97 1 International Conference at Rome. (Rangoon Timex Serrire.) Calcutta, 29th Dec.—An International Postal Conference is to he held at Rome next April and will probably last a month. Mr. Kiscli will probably attend it on behalf of the Government of India. The electrical postal invention by I Count Piscicelli
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    • 132 1 Calcutta Statesman Service.) Bombay, 29th Dec. —The Editor of the Bushire paper a short time ago said that the Viceroy’s refusal to land t I caused every man to disbelieve the; word of an Englishman,” and promised that 44 the reasons why Lord Curzon did not land
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    • 125 1 Nineteen Theatres Closed. Itanyoon Times Service.) London, 2nd Jan.—ln consequence of the report of the Commission of enquiry into the tire at the Ir<*|iiois theatre, the Mayor of Chicago has closed nineteen theatres. The Hongkong Davy Dress lias a London telegram giving some further details of the disaster.
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    • 655 1 Expedition Reaches Plwri. —c* < li-UfVjoo.i TimServire.) "Dpi*.—-General Mac<train 11 reached Pliari on the 2<>th Dec. anir after placing a small garrison of Gurkhas», in the fort, in which the depon and local officials are also living, returned to Chunibi on the 21-th December. Pliari is a town of
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  • 272 1 All sorts of things have been said as to the real reason for and results from the recent v:sit of tie* King to foreign rulers, but George If. Sims gives us a new thrill bv a new reason which he mentions with much j mystery. "If the
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  • 473 1 Views of a Dolcoath Director. Mr. G. H. M. Batten, director of the Dolcoath Mine, in a letter to tlit* Times says Mr. Asquith, speaking at Penzance, on Thursday last, is reported to have made the follow ing observations by way of confuting Mr. Chamberlain “In Cornwall
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  • Shipping.
    • 77 1 C. Kkri> Lakisz. Ger. s.s. ."».874, Sachs, loth Jan., Hamburg, 7tii Dec., Gen., B. M. A: Co. Kiautschou, Ger., <>,720, liehrens, 12th Jan Yokohama, Gen..—B. M. A Co. A vauiuke, Hr. s.s. 247, Morier, 12th Jan., TeTuk Anson, 11th Jan.. Gen.,— Koe Guan A Co. SuM.vTßA.4aer. s.s. 40/, Klimnet,
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    • 35 1 loth January. Tnuj Chin/ Un for Batu Bahra and Asaiiau. Avaqyee, for Teluk Anson. C. Fen/ Laeisz, for Singapore, China and Japan. Hahlis, for Rangoon. Cei/u, for Edie, T. Serna we. Segli and Olehleh.
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    • 35 1 &UMA I U A, tjl'l S.S. ltlimu.**, till I, J»», Deli, 11th Jan., Gen., —Belin Mever A Co. Quoura. Br. s.s. 120, Russell, 12th Jan., Langkat, lltli Jan., Gen., H. L. A Co.
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    • 32 1 1 Vessel* From Ajeiifs 1 Due, Mussel Edit* H.LJflo. 15th Jan. (I. Apcar Singapore A.A.A.Co. 15th Hengloe Leith S.K.&Co. Ititli A. A pear jSiugapure A.A.A.Co. 22nd C. Apcar Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 2S>th
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    • 34 1 Vestelh For Ayr at* Leaven (jr. A pear Calcutta A. A. A.Co. ltith Jan. Moused Edie H.L.&Co. 16th Beiit'loe Singapore S.B.ACo. 17th A. A pear Calcutta A.A.A.CV 23rd C. Apear SingajR>re A.A.A.Co. mil
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    • 55 1 For Deli A Paugkalan Brandan—Per Qnorra, to-morrow, 11 a.m. Deli Per Calypso, to-morrow, 11 a.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson—Per Canton, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Deli—Per Ho Kwei, to-morrow, ‘i p.m. Deli Per Sumatra, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Negapatam, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karical taking Mails for Eur«»pe, etc. via Madras
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 88 1 A. E. SKEELS. 0 0^ liqvetths IMPORTANT NOTICE. I TF you want to buy goods, and have same forwarded to destination from India, i Cevlon, Burma, Sumatra or any place in the East, it would pay you to drop us a line, enclosing stamps for reply—The Manager, Union Indian Trading
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    • 227 1 To-day’s Advertisements. WANTED. ANTED an Opium Clerk for the Chinese Protectorate, Penang. A Chinese Clerk with knowledge of English ami of the Chinese written language. Salary 8600 per annum. Apply* by letter to the Assistant Protector of Chinese, Penang. 13-1-09 3 dvs. 37 LIME FOR SALE. P'XCELLENT quality lime burnt
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    • 8 1 CUTLERY. McAlister Co., Ltd. Read Pages 2 7
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    • 14 1 Penang. EASTERN ORIENTAL HOTEL. UNEQUALLED FOlt Situation Comfort and Catering. SARKIES BROTHERS, IHa Proprietors.
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    • 242 1 A. E. SKEELS. WHISKIES. THE PRYE RIVER DOCK PENANO rril E alsive Dock, situated in Province i 1 NVelleslev, at the entrance of the Prye River, lias lately l>een lengthened and deep ened and is now of the following dimensions Length on the blocks 1530 feet. Breadth at entrance 50
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 2818 2 Descriptive Report of the tireat Race Hun at Calcutta on 2Hth December. The Viceroy's Cup. —A Chip value A* 100 presented by H. E. the* Viceroy, and Rs. 27,000 from the fund. The cup and Ks. 20,000 to the winner, Bh. 5.000 to the Hccoud and Rs.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 61 2 The British Pharmacy, Wo. 427, Penang Road. STOCK ALL THE BEST PUKE DRUGS, PERFUMES, SOAPS, Ac. PATENT MEDICINES OBTAINABLE AT THE LOWEST PRICES. PRESCRIPTIONS PREPARED AT SHORTEST NOTICE. Open day and night. Dk. Edith Boomuabdt can be consulted j from 10 a. m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.
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    • 507 2 Wanted by a European (British.) n 4 SITUATION as Clerk of Works. UmUitand* Briil)»e work. Railway an<l Building Constructions. Speaks German, Malay, and Siamese ilnently and knows Hast well. Disengaged from present employment end of tin's month. Apply ENERGY/’ I T- 12-04 c/o Strait» Echo. w k. 20 for sale.
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    • 729 2 for sale. a H %£R \riCTOKIA and Dog-Cart in 1st class order. Apply, No. 1, Larut Road. Penang, 6th January, 1901. 19 NOTICE. FOR PRICKS A n PKY To th T. 12-10-09 MARTYN Co. 72c WANTED. rpHE undersigned are prepared to accept I orders for High-class enlargement of Photographs in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1768 3 Al as IS. I. Co. Norddentschcr Lloyd, Bremen. -British india steam navigation c«.. m BANKS. Ejrpeetnl airintl a,oI Departures. Mail ServiceOutwards J»n. 21 s.s. Ch iiHcni V A D co,,nec tintr with s.s. Arcadia *««>• Ballaurat do 18 8.8. Coromandel do Mar. 3 s.s. Simla <j 0 Homewards. Jan. 23.8.8.
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  • 73 4 Established June 1st, 1903. Published daily (except Sunday-.) AT Til B CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, 1’enung. PRICE j DAILY. LOCAL $21 per nmintii. (Dost Free) ->7 MAIL EDITION (Post Free» 15 CABLE ADDRESS; “Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 188. Fditor, Chkskky Duncan. LIM
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  • Current Topics.
    • 290 4 The idea of setting apart as a public holiday throughout! the Empire the birthday of I our late Queen. Victoria the Good, appears to be becoming popular I and widespread. In tlie weekly edition of the Time* for 18th Dee. we note the j following:— Lord Meath’s
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    • 1439 4 The judgment delivered bv Mr. Justice Walton recently in the ‘’Apollinaris Company v. the Norudeutsehe Insurance Company” is of great importance, deciding as it does a question of marine insurance which has j never been considered in any reported I English case. The Shipping Gazette j
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  • 799 4 Anxious Enquirer’’ would like to know how many different ways the words Straits Echo can be read, or deciphered, in the subjoined diagram, all readings being from the large S in the centre —i —i —i* —i —i i I po hie e j S j t
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  • 176 4 The Penang" Assizes. (Before the Hon. A. F. G. Lav:, Puisne Judge, and a Jv(y.) Gang Robbery. iSth January. The trial of the two Chinese named Oh Yeug and Chan Chun, charged with gangrobbery, was concluded this morning. The jury was composed of Messrs Robles, Boudville, Oliveiro, Joseph,
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  • 159 4 A correspondent writes —Anent your remarks on the dog nuisance in yesterday’s issue, perhaps your readers might be interested to know what is being done in Madras in this connection. Under the auspices of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals a Home for stray
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  • 569 4 A Brutal Murder. At 5-40 p.m., on the 27th ultimo, a Malay named Ali bin Haji Keclxil. of Permatang Binjai. was riding a bic) T cle and when coming down from the direction of Kepala Batas another Malay, named Mat Esah bin Etam. rushed out from behind a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • The Straits Echo.
    • 1361 5 (Special Service.) Preparing for the Fray. Rushing Cargoes to the East. GERM A NY’s ATTITUDE. Preparations in India. R! BSIAN S PROPOSALS. Japan Preparing Counter Proposals. Peace by no Means Assured. London, 12tl. Jan—There is at present an unprecedented rush of business at Birkenhead (Liverpool) connected with the
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  • States’ News.
    • 664 5 From our Cor re*pond enC) Taapihg. 12th January —The Resident has sanctioned the Chandu Farms seltiag Miamlu in quantities of 6£ and »'<5£ boons at 15 and 12 cents respectively until the end bf lire Chinese New Year holidays, as special favour. Tlie Resident. Mr., Beltielih in company with
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    • 249 5 {From onr Corretpondpid- J Kuala Lumpur. 11th Jan.—Last week Dr. Leicester of Kuala Lumpur had a very sucomsj ful mosquito hunt at Klang and Port* Swcttenham. Over fifty different species were classi- tied, and a species hitherto unknown to science I was discovered. The stranger viewed through I the
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  • 106 5 Some little time ago it will be remembered that it was decided by the General &om- j missiouers of the City of London, that j shares in the present Duff Development CcJ Ltd. received by the meinlxgs of the Syndicate, as consideration for the transfer of their
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  • 688 5 (\From, oar Correspondent.) Bangkok. 7tli Jan.—During the weekending to-duy there, luu: l>een almost an atiseuda, pf .«ay thing stin iug and what there h;u d**u echoed in Penang alI ready across your “special'' wire from Bangkok. Bm perhaps I may supplement egl^U18 Ihmot so. Intrki place may lx well
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  • 238 5 I) G. L. of Hongkong and South China On the iWh nit. the District Grand Lodge :of Hongkong and Sontli China held its 28th annual meeting at Freemasons Hall. Zetland StreoU.Hcuigkong. when the following ajqioiiitments for the year 1904 were made: -Deputy District Grand Master. Wor. lire. E. C.
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  • 30 5 CKoppr—>T fbel so sorry for poor Jack IJi-owiuitons.” Mabel—” WhrW” Cbolly his wife spent tlie money for an automobile .which he had laid Gfcirte for a diVorte.”
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  • 146 5 The Okhla" Sighted. 31 essrs Koustead andjjCb. ,yA gent's of the B. I. S. N. Co., receive!?a wire from their Agents in Hongkong on 9th inst. to the effect that the B. 1. steamer Okhla, whose non-arrival has caused some auxietv here, was sighted and sjioken by the German mail
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  • 25 5 Wipe How <li> you like my bonnet? Isn't it a poem? M Husband—“ Judging from the price, it must i»e one of Kipling’s."
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  • 31 5 Chumpi„y l>et a man he could walk from New York to Philadelphia.' Did he do it? “No: he out halfwav, decided he couldn't do it, and walked back attain!’’
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  • 130 5 Iuieard Per Iviautschou, from Hong- kong, Mr. Chan Hai Tan and servant. Mr. Fung Kan U and servant, Mrs. Chang Kang Chom and party, one chiuese woman and babv. From Singapore, Mrs. Kouing, Mrs. Tii. Smeding, Mrs. L.Surawangsc^and servant. Mrs. F. G. Rewan, Mrs. O. Sielckeu. Mrs. Cumming, Mrs.
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  • Money Market.
    • 114 5 Penang, 13th January. (By couriesy of the Charter*>l Ramk.'l London Demand Bank ...1/VfhJ 4 months’ sight Bunk ...1 01 4» 3 Credit 1/1 (VV Documentary ...1/10,^ Calcutta. Demand Bank Its. 3 days’ sight Private 1 ft) Bombay. Demand Bank 3 days’ sight Private 140 Madras, Demand Bank 3 days’
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    • 185 5 BersawahGold Mine Co., Ld. 15.20 sates. Raub Australian Gold Min- ing Co., Ld 3. buyers i lied jang Lelioiig Gold Mining Co., Ld $230. man KadanaGold Mining Co,,Ltd. (fully- paid) 10.— noyi. Bruseh Tin Mining Co., lid. sB.2s— setter» Cliendariaug Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 25.— seBers Karaugan Tin
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    • 147 5 Tin 8 84.7. r Gold leaf S y5. B. Pepjxr(\V.Coast 31bs.5oz.)$ 29.75 teller* White Pepper 8 50.25 *ale* Trans' Pepper 8 02,— nom. Cloves (picked) 8 41. Mace 8140.— Mace Pickings 120. 1 Nutmegs 11 Os 66-. AnVme'-’' Nu. 1 7.50 Sugar 2 5.40 (Basket. 4.1 tale* Tapioca Flour
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 2051 6 Jules Mumm Go., Reims. Blue Seal. EXTRA-DRY.” Red Seal. CARTE BLANCHE.” Paterson, Simons Co., SOLE AGENTS. TIVOLI SEEK ]n White Glass Bottles, Light Sparkling Refreshing THE BEST BEER THE TROPICS. Paterson, Simons Co., Agents for The Straits Settlements, Native States and Sumatra. Sub-Agents: Singapore M cALISTER Co. K.Lumpur- A. K.
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  • 895 7 PROGRAMME FOR JANUARY MEETING, 1904. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 26th January, 1904. I. The Maiden Plate. Value $.‘>00,- A Hare for Maiden Horses. W eight as per sea!.? (H>st) An allowauee of I 1 All»», to all ex-Griffins. Entrance $10. Distance, one mile. 2. First Griffin Race. Value
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  • 312 7 Whitaker Wright Trial. In the Divisional Court, on 18th Dec I «‘tore the Lord Chief Justice. Mr. Justice Law ranee, and Mr. Justice Kennedy, Mr. Lulus Isaacs, k, asked that the earliest, dav should Ik* fixed for the trial of Mr. W hitakcr right. Tin* Lord Chief Justice
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  • 201 7 Her I*. AO. steamer Arcadia, connecting with the steamer Chusati at Colomlx), from London, I)*■(•. 24. To Snanrfhai Mr. C. W. Hanks, Mr. G. H. Swan. To Singai>ore Mr. A. Stewart. From MareeiHen. To Shanghai Mr. and Mrs. S. Ridge. To Hong Kong Mr. H S. Sniit. To
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 204 7 CA-Ml-Jc. «REIVED SAMUEL BIRCH Co.’s 41 BLACK BOTTLE” Pure Malt Whisky. 7 n CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS. flux Whixlty. tf.•chant- 1 f '> rrrn careful chemical aualyxix a xamtde of <*/««•: I'Aw\"! to be a i’treat lurlloin.rxx 0,1 (Iclva.'u ri i uni entirely free from adulteration. Itx xherry wood." J ro!
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    • 266 7 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. GOVERNMENT OF NEGRI SEMBILAN. NOTICE. rpENDERS are invited for a Motor (Jar L Mail aud Passenger Service between Serembau and Malacca, via Kuala Pilah and Tain pin. The service will be a daily one, each way, Sundays excepted, and the time allowed for the complete journey will l»e
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1076 8 PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNES. AGENTS HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. KITSON LAMPS. The Finest Light in Existence. Apply to HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Sole Agents. BEST HOTELS. Bangkok Standing Advertisements are Reproduced in Brief Here. Cable Addreee: ••Oriental.” THE ORIENTAL HOTEL. Oriental Hotel Syndicate. (Appearing once a treek as per contract in the
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