Straits Echo, 12 January 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 39 1 For Week ending Monday. Jan. 18. 1904 r.M. Tuesday, 12th 3.51 t. 17 Wednesday, 13th 441 5.07 Thursday, 144 h fi 00 Friday, 15th 020 Saturday, IfTth 7.17 '7.43 Sunday, 17th ftufi Mon day, 18th 9.00 9.25
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  • 27 1 O New Moon Jan. 17th, 9.2 i\m First Quarter... 25th, 8-57 a.m O Full Moon Feb. Ist, 11.7 p.m Last Quarter Bth, 9.48 a m
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  • 18 1 To-day. Homeward German Mail closet». Town Band, Golf Club, 5-30 p.m. To-moueow. Town Band, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m.
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  • 41 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwariik. Homewards. Chnran 21 Jan Coromandel 23 Jan Italian rat 4 Feb j Bengal 0 Feb Extra Service. Outwards. Homewards. Socotra 12 Jan Ceylon W Jan Borneo 24th Japan 30 Ft u particulars See Page 3.
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    • 64 1 I London, 11th Jan. —The Triple* Alliance Powers tire determined on lily in the event of j hostilities Russia and Japan. The present uncertainty is having a disturbing effect upon Rtisjsiati public opinion, which is be- j coming more pessimistic, but the! Press, while warning Japan that Russia
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    • 21 1 Richly Deserved Promotion. Rangoon Gazette Service London. Ist Jan.—Commander Gamut of H. M. S. Mohawk is promoted to be Captain.
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    • 41 1 (Rangoon Gazette Service.) Loudon, Ist Jan.—The Committee appointed to advise regarding the creating of a board for tin; administration of business in the War Office held its first sittings at Portsmouth and meets at the War Office to-dav.
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    • 105 1 Chamberlain and the Commonwealth. (Rangoon Gazette Service.) London, Ist Jan.—The Commonwealth ministry telegraphed to Mr. Chamberlain on behalf of the people of Australia an invitation for him to pay a visit to Australia, pointing out that preferential trade leagues in course of formation would receive immense impetus by his
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    • 192 1 More Troops and Cruisers for the Far East (Rangoon Advertiser Service.) London, Ist Jan.—The Russian cruiser Almaz has left Leban for the Far East. Two more Russian destroyers have arrived at Gibraltar en route to the Far East. The Russian transport Kazan, with upwards of a thousand
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    • 61 1 (Rangoon Gazette Sere ice.) L ndon, Ist Jan.—Her Majesty the Queen has decided on a scheme providing homes for officers’ widows and dan liters from the Coronation gift of ten Thousand pounds sterling presented to Her Majesty by Australia; also five thousand pounds sterling from the Qunno's war
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    • 176 1 T (Rangoon Gazette Seer in-.) In the second Test Match, England closed play with the total standing at 224 for two wickets. Warner scored <>B, Hayward 58, and Tyldeslev and Foster 4H not out and 49 not out respectively. Bombay, 2nd Jan.—A Timer of India cablegram, dated Melbourne, January
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  • 149 1 Dkscitk tin* fact that 1903 will lx* known throughout the newspaper world as a had advertisement year, the directors ot London Evening Xetc*, Ltd., were able to present a very few gratifying report. The new profit for the twelve months ending October 81, after providing for depreciation of
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  • 158 1 About Holt Matrimony. Married in January hoary and rime r Widowered you’ll lx before your prime Married in February sleety weather Life you will tread in tune together. Married when March winds shrill and roar Your home will lie on a foreign shore. Married ueath April's changeful sky A
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  • 135 1 Libut-Col. Alsager Pollock's proposal, as published in the Fort nightly Review, for the reform of the War Office, is that liotli the Navy and the Army should l»e placed under one Board of War." at the head of which should lie placed a genuine Minister of War."
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  • 591 1 Persian Government Favours Russian Bank. It shows how entirely subservient the i Shall has Itecome to St. Petersburg that lie sliouhl have accorded to the newly-created Russian bank at Teheran the right to issue notes. Years ago, his predecessor on the Persian throne fornuiily reserved that valuable privilege
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  • Shipping.
    • 80 1 Janet Nicuol, Br. s.s. 471. Nieholl, Uth Jan., Moulmein, Ist Jan., Gen., Koe Guan A Co. Ihaiping, Br. s.s. 100, Wheeler, 11th Jan., P. Weld, 11th Jan., Gen., H. L. Co. j Ho Kwei, Br. ss 209, Ulda.ll, 12th Jan., Deli, 11th Jan., Gen., Huttenlwich Lieliert A Co. Avaoyee,
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    • 76 1 12th January. Puudiia, for Calcutta. Vidar, for Deli. Hock Chnaii Un, for Batu Bahia A Asahan. 11. Holeicyii, for Batu Bahia and Asahan. Toir Tony, for Langkat and Pangk.ilau Brandan. Jin Ho, for Langkat. Janet Nicoll, for Moulmein Polo Rim an, for Port Swettenham and Malacca. Lady Weld, for
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    • 49 1 Ho Kwei, Br. s.s. 209, Uldall, 12th Jan., Deli, lltli Jan., Gen., —H. L. A Co. Avaoyee. Br. s.s. 247, Morier, 12th Jan., Teluk Anson, 11th Jan., Gen., —Koe Guan A Co. Hai.dis, Nor. s.s. 1,005, Drammeu, lltli Jan., Moulmein, Bth Jan., Riee. -Swee Thong A Co.
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    • 34 1 1 e.Knel» Front Ajeiit* Due Socotra Suez 1». O. 18th Jan. <i. Apcar Siu^a]>ore A.A.A.Co. 15th Ben^loo Leith SB.ACo. ltfth A. Apcar Singapore A.A.A.Co. 22iul <’. Apcar Calcutta i A. A. A .Co. 29th
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    • 97 1 Vet Hein For A ijrtil» Leave» (i. A pear Calcutta A. A.A.Co. Itith Jail. Bengloe Singapore S.B.&Co. 1 7th A. Apear Calcutta A. A. A.Co. 23rd C. Apear Singapore A.A.A.Co. :30th Socotra Singapore P. A O. W> would direct tlie attention of shippim; firm» to the style in which
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    • 74 1 For Tougkah, Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Maliwun and Mergui Per Perak, tomorrow, 10 a.m. Edit», T. Seniawe, Segli anti Olehlelt— Per Peijn, to-morrow, 11 a.m. Batu Bahra and Asahan—Per Tony Chay Un, to-uiorrow, noon. Teluk Anson Per Amujyee, to-morrow, 2 p in. Rangoon Per Haldie, to-morruJ. • Deli
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 113 1 A. E. SKEELS. c LIQUEURS. PENANG TURF CLUB NOTICE. IN accordance with para 4 of the conditions under which the Penang luri Club Debentures have been issued Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the Club to pay off the following Debentures, the numliers of which have
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    • 304 1 To-day’s Advertisements AUCTION SALE. To be Sold by Public Auction rt>n U» gut or hereafter to l»e notified On Wednesday 20th January 1904, j :> A, J those Two Pieces oi Property or Shaik In the Mnkini of Simpaug Matau District, an area of 1 acre. 2 roods, perches, or
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    • 8 1 M ETTA It’S STOVES. McAlister A Co., Ltd
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    • 7 1 WOOD’S COW BRAND BUTTER. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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    • 4 1 PAINTS. ttlcfiUster <& Co., Ltd
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    • 39 1 A. E. SKEELS. V 'WHISKIES. PENG CHENG Co., 17, Market Lane, Penang. Merchants and Commission Agents. SOLE IMPORTERS For the Straits Settlements and th Federated Malay States OK THE WELL-KNOWN “MAH MAY” CIGARS. 21c IT Read Pages 2 7
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 50 1 WEATHER H following report is kitvllv supplied bv 1 1 it* Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis:— j -t uimwi VfMmotny Tn <lr\y To <t;iy rii. sr w Wr. Dull Hiuy Kinr Wrl. North N.K. North The rainfall «luring tin* 24 hours en«le«i at I* to-dav was nil.
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  • 842 2 Intkrvikw with Mjk. Diosy. In the course of an interview with a representative ol' the London (Hobc, on 11th ult., Mr. Diosy, whose close acquaintance with Japan and its institutions is well-known, expressed the opinion that the resolution which tlie Japanese Parliament passed, censuring the Government,
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  • 430 2 A naval officer writes to the Ghdje a glowing description of H. M. S. Triumph, ate Libertad, which replaces the obsolete vessel of same name on the Navy List:— «She is a very fine ship indeed, and in every way worthy to support the traditions of the
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  • 577 2 Sleep-Walker’s Rude Awakening. Whilst walking in his sleep Mr. C. B. Edwards fell through a skylight and sustained considerable injury. Sir. Edwards had retired early to rest, and about 10 o’clock his jieoplc were startled by a crash of breaking glass. They found him lying stupefied
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 3 2 CUTLERY. McAlister Ltd
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    • 542 2 Wanted by a European (British.) V SITUATION as Clerk of Works. Understands Bridge work, Railway ami Building Constructions. Speaks German, Malay, and Siamese fluently ami knows East well. Disentailed from present employment end of this month. Apply ENERGY,” 7-12-04 c/o Strait* Echo. “FOR THE RACES" LADIES’ TRIMMED UNTRIMMED HATS,” Latest
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    • 730 2 FOR SAJ-E. "■J* Ik Co PH %£R riCTOIM A and D<*g-Cart in Ist class > order. Apply, No. 1, Lartit Road. Pena no, 6th January, 1004. y^Miang, lit NOTICE. rpH E undersigned are prepared to accept FOR PRICES APPLY TO MARTYN 12-10-03 WANTED. Co. 72c J J[ orders for High-class
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1882 3 o 18. If. Co. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen, i BR,m IN[,IA steam navigation co, ¥l MPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Line will leave KoninkUjke Paketvaart Maatschappij, Negapatam Lines of Steamers. BANKS j.rftrr ftrnral on,l I)ej t u f ur^ Mail Service. Outwards Jan. 21 s.s. C'h a sun connecting with I eb.
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  • 72 4 F.xtablished June 1st, 1903. Published daily (except Simdaye.) AT TH* CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 220-232. Beacli Street. IVnang. PRICE: DAILY. LOCAL }?l per aiitmin. (I’u*t Free) 27 MAIL EDITION ll'wt Free) 15 CAULK ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 188. Eil it nr, Chksnky Duncan. MM
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  • Current Topics.
    • 341 4 Ix an interesting and suggestive, albeit somewhat prejudiced, article in the Siecle, M. de Lanessan, tlie _l exMinister of Marine, .call* attention to the Attitude of the Japan- jese toward* other oriental peoples, and in particular to the rapprochement between China and Japan which has taken place
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    • 367 4 Two judgments delivered in the local Law Courts during the past few days are of more than passing interest, one of thrill relating to the dog nuisance and the other to counterfeiters. The dog nuisance, as everybody is well aware, is probably more trying now than ever
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    • 742 4 As regards the counterfeiting case it was decided at the Assizes last week, the Judge sentencing the culprit to five years' imprisonment with hard labour. It is to be hoped that this sentence will have a deterrent effect, though, in viewed’the epidemic of Counterfeiting, no one would have
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  • 913 4 llfh January. -mThe Hon. W R Collyer, 1 S t ATTORNItfY-GENI£RAI.. The Hon. William IWk-H 6jVt,»La.. Attorney-General of the'SiKiits’SettleH-nts, was born on the Iltli January, 1842. plicated at Cams College: 'Cambridge, 'lore he took the degree of M.A., Mr. ColNeifrst held a Government appointment in o*-ra Leone,
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  • 232 4 Brilliant Success British Arms London, 12tl* Jan. J he ComjftiMBterAi iMt li!Bf> 3n:>d*’ttailtfti ports a successful engagement with Well iousand of whom were killed., T\v,o British officers were killed and eight severely wounded in tlie engagement. In recent issues of this journal we published the following items
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  • 597 4 Reference was made last week in the Strait* tf) a, cqse. in, the Supreme I.Qolfrt affecting the status of a de<;ease,d Chinifiiait’s fcrteoiid’ ‘rAMbw’ ’Wfirt resides iii Singapore. The w^owihfiw'lBltt'ipeffi’idAyi 1 I in an application for letters 11ion'in the ’estate 1 ’of* her Taief husuand who
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • The Straits. Echo
    • 577 5 (Special- Service.) .1 J I >-» iatl 1 f l I GiWrVity of fbe Situatimi Admitted. iti// Ln>ni‘;in' *>■ —o*.m s ,v: C er^ e at tiffs, Koxcigii t Office.,ri t FB8KNC H R K lNFoRO EMEXts. adroit move of japan IN COREA. THE LATEST ON A POSSIBLE
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  • States’ News.
    • 234 5 I» < (.f I Airrsuf; l.Uth -Ian. Tire Katnpar murderer ar r'*xted lua't; a^ialxmti'8-o'clxx-Jtlla*t night. The -Millay dutyetjve.wh') w sluwkrwing hini Htb*m])ted tparrest .khn at 4th Cross Street, I Lixdiiuan .V Co Medical Stores, when j.tlie Malay <lrow a knife which he wonld Iiave use<l
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    • 246 5 (From a Correspondent.) Tei.UK Anson, lltli Jail.—A daring case of gang robbery occurred at lo p.m, on the 9th ult.. at .Chikus. a village a few miles from Telnk Anson. It would appear that eight Chinese Maeuotj. well arnnki. .with revolvers big knives hroke-ppen the shop
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    • 547 5 Kuala Lumpur. 11th Jan.—We are sorry to learn that the Commissioner of Police. Capt. Talbot, was robbed at Kuala Lumpur of a considerable amount of valuable jewellery, consisting of lady's gold watches, rings, brooches, necklets and bangles amounting to over $2.000. It would appear that these articles were
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  • 1014 5 KiHta Training Notes <>r fiitTV OiiJAH.HDth ’Jil'h. *<• tioMs hi‘rh f SUffttred‘’U Wlf W a M sli?mp U Hri 1\■ V-<>'nk«*<frrMu-e I '’'V I*l l' i.v-!i< > of yur hicafl '■fhufre/ ‘.and^Va^qds,^ «^it \i;ijo •‘takV-h of ,tlie h<y fiijjpy^ yj thb Belangor'KuW With,] (juyje*geptp»niof 'Mr. Alma Baten
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    • 451 5 1 Jo no: biMUo» w twk srtrofs Echo. u DyAk Siq.-t flMo- wniarfleration the numerous accidents that, take place in Penang, it seems rather strange that the authorities have not taken any to put an end to the radnutnlk diming rikisha coolies. I have not
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  • 412 5 The appeal of the Lord of the A'dmiialtv’to the outlie, nation is oim wiiicli «Vugnf t<> haveyi yespjiyse,. This, appeal «hies tor any. sacrifice cX. time, df’-lfiu, htir’ lwj ft even by a, sacrifice niofw 1 or of projVrty Rv merely asbn wiho&’ \vho
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  • 514 5 Re Handicapping British Shipping in British Ports. Sh /ppi ,i>j f itiLrflt: I St It Dtr.J Loud Inverclyde’s plea for t he reconsideration of certain antiquated branches of our merchant shipping laws is one that is sure to iThere is no doubt £fr*&cn*hAiof Ihc shipping industry li*'yutgt ry\;‘v
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  • 221 5 Thk Nielli Niehi publishes notes oil an interview <>t’ H.H. Asghar Kliau. ex*(irand Vuier of Persia, with Count Katsura, the Japanese Premier, which took place recently. The Persian Prince is rejx>rted to have spoof Japant4>(f civilization in the highest teiVhk and »>u l>eing asked as to what
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  • 14 5 Inward —Per “Ho Kwei.’’ from l>eli, Messrs. Tan Shaik Chuan, Quail Heng Tlieng.
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  • Money Market.
    • 127 5 e* f 4 fill I /I rui *1 Pknanq, 12th Jakuary. (It 1/ courtesy offk* CJmrfered Hank.) London Demand Balik< «'B /10i 4 months’sight 3 Credit -r Mi 1/10$ 3 Documentary ...I/lO,** j Calcutta. Demand Bank R«. 183 3 days’ sight Private 140 Bombay, Demand Bank 188 3 days’
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    • 155 5 BersawaJiGokJMineCpj.Lfh 4 aaub Australian Gobi Min- r iug Cot, Ld. .SO. —bnyern Reiljang Lelnuig Gobi Mining Co., Ld., ?230.— .n/wiAi l\ iiii*‘' 11 (fully paid). Bruseh Tin Mining C0.,-Ld. 48.25— teller» }W,I Karangan Tin Mining Co. ..v 4 23. tellert Palwtiig Corporation, lid. 4 4.50 mm. Pahang-Kabang, Ld 4
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    • 139 5 Tin... .y. S 84.75 b! Pep^J mn g e ?^r r cAves »HfMxeaanoJ Mace iz ru<9M& Mace Pickings 120. Nufneg. 110. Sugar 2 5.40 n < Basket 4.1 7\ *qle* Tapioca Flour 2.10 mien Copra 7.80, sale* Tahbun 212 .-^.buyers r, Soonde 280. outU j Slum 20. Kaniboug 260.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 2030 6 CHAMPAGNE Jules Mumm Reims. Blue Seal. EXTRA-DRY.” Red Sea I;. “CARTE BLANCHE” Co., Paterson, Simons Co., SOLE AGENTS. r|pgII63O9I9IBIOIOIQtC3IOaOeOOOIC3gieMOK3tgiC<OBeK3IOCI£3IOOgK JUST RECEIVED. Egyptian Cigarettes. Monthly Shipment* direct from Cairo. Th._VafiadisJr Co. Crown Prince. Non Plus Ultra. Superfine. Nuroissn*. Gold. Cork A Main-tipped B M.Melachrino A Co. Size No. 4. 9. Plain
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  • 1663 7 Mr Luning's Speech. Jn our issue of the 30th Ltece miter we published ;i report of the first annual general meeting of shareholders of the 1 roiloh Mines, Ltd., (held in London on ihid Dec.) as it appeared in the Financial Time* of 3rd ult. That
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  • 202 7 Per P. A O. steamer Arcadia, connecting with th<* steamer Chusan at Colombo, from London, Dec. 24. To Snanghai Mr. C. W. Banks, 31 r. <L B. Swan. To Singajtore Mr. A Stewart. From Marseille#. 'To Shanghai Mr. and Mrs. S. Ridge. To Hong Kang Mr. II S.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 743 7 Sandilands .Buttery Co Street, PUN A NO. Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky, CRAIGELLACHIH GLENLIVET DISTILLERY Co.’s GAELIC “OLD SMUGGLER” WHISKY. “Gold Seal” Milk Keeps longer and is cheaper than any other. BORDEN’S PEERLESS CREAM. ARMOUR’S PROVISIONS. The best and always fresh. Jeyes’ Per/ecl Purifier. The best and most
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    • 85 7 OA II) lIKOWN Si Co., 4 Logan's Buildings, Estate Agents and Auditors, Re[>orts and Valuations. Sale l>y Auction or private tender of House Land Property and Stock. DAVID BROWN Co., IjtHjau'x lluihb n<i*. Estate Agents Sl Auditors. Undertake Sales l»v Auction or Private Tender of House and Land Property and
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  • 884 8 PROGRAMME FOR JANUARY MEETING, 1904. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 26th January W04. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value 85< H).—A Race for Maiden Horse*. Weight as per scale (PM) An allowance of JHbs* to all ex-Griffins. Entrance 810. Distance, one mile. 2. First Griffin Rack. Value 8400 and 81(H)
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 315 8 V t Taik Ghee Co. (ESTABLISHED 18*0.) IS, 28 34, Chatch Street, Penang. Ship Chandlers, Mining and Engineering Storekeepers and Aerated Water Requisites. JUST RECEIVED Hink’s Lamps! •j Hink’s Lamps!! Hink’s Lamps!!! •r Specially for Hall’, &c. INSPECTION INVITED. [> e United State Scale Co.’s 'I STANDARD j PORTABLE PLATFORM,
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    • 779 8 'J Standing Advertisements are Reproduced in Brief Here. (Appealing once a week a* per contract in the Daily Bulletin.) NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. BOUSTEAD Co., AGENTS. s]ft&&iB* B ii M M ft INK A iWiC tt s ALLAN A IicVXNG. BAN TIN LUM A Co. f£j ft *e,#4Eaiias Kit TIANG LEE
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