Straits Echo, 9 January 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 41 1 For Week ending Friday. Jim. 15, |;o4 AM. I'M. Saturday, lull 1.17 143 Sunday, loth 2.08 0.34 Monday, 11 tli 3.00 325 Tuesday, 12th 3.51 417 Wednesday, 13th... 4.41 507 Thursday, 144 h 5.34 600 Friday, 15th 0.20 0.51
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  • 26 1 Last Quarter Jan. oth. 8.50 p.m. O New Moon 17th. 9.2 p.m. First Quarter... 25th, 8-57 am. O Full Moon Fkb. Ist, 11.7 p.m.
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  • 35 1 To- DAY. Town Hand, Golf Clul*. 5-30 p.m. Homeward P. »fe O. Mail leaves at 0 p.m. Sale of Dwelling House Suunvsi de" 234 Mae A lister Road. To-morhou Church Services see page 5.
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  • 42 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Hum «wards. Chilean 21 Ja n Simla 9 Jan Ballaarat 1 Feb. Coromandel 23 Extra Service. Outwards. Hosik wards. Socotra 12 Jan j Ceylon 16 Jan Borneo '24th j Japan SO For particulars Sec Page o.
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    • 560 1 Chartering Transports (Cableneics Special Service.) Tokio, 24th Dec. —Japan is chartering transports wherever available. The subsidized lilies have been notified that they must be ready to furnish ships. He Has Authority. .St. Petersburg, 24-th Dec. —Admiral Alexieff. Viceroy ot Russia in the Far East, has been authorized by
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    • 22 1 Ministers Recalled -4 Cable hoc.* Special Service. I Berlin, 22nd Dec.—The Chinese Ministers to Austria-Hungary and to Germany have beet: recalled.
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    • 26 1 Bombardment Now on t Cable Heirs Special Service.) Puerta Plata. 25t h Dec.—A warshij of Santo Domingo is bombarding the revolutionists at Puerta Plata.
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    • 39 1 Alexandria Passengers Landed (Ceylon Observer Service. London, 28th Dec. —The s.s. Seatiramus is ashore at Alexandria, and the passengers have been landed in tugs. London, 29th Dec. The Soniramu lias been floated off with no apparent damage.
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    • 40 1 Friar Lands Bonds I Cable neves Special Service, i Washington, 24th Dec. —Treasury Department has authorized the issue of 87,237,000 4-per cent, bond with which to secure money for payment ii the friar-lands deal in the Philippine Islands.
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    • 49 1 Trial Next Month (Cableneics Spccia' So vice.) Paris, 25th Dec.—The new trial of Drevfus will be begun in January. Thisis the recommendation of the military commission which was appointed b\ the French Cabinet to investigate tin question of whether Drevfus was entitled to a revision of his case.
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    • 206 1 A Colombian Protest. (Cahleneics Special Service.) Washington, 26th Dec.—President ileyes, of tlie Republic of Colombia, has made a formal protest to the United States against its occupation of the Isthmus ot' Panama, which lie claims is Colombian territory. This is following the appeal to The Hague tribunal of arbitration.
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    • 191 1 Presentation of a Silver Service. (Cable news Special Service.) London, 21st Dec.— American residents in London have entertained Sir Thomas Lipton at a banquet, and presented him with a silver table 'service subscribed for throughout the United States. Sir Thomas Lipton repeated that he was willing to
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    • 57 1 (Cable ueics Special Service, i Paris, 25th Dec. —The working bakers, butchers and grocers are threatening to strike. The men have chose mi this season when Paris is busied with I holiday making to demand a rise in wages an 1 a reduction of hours. It is
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    • 76 1 Record Prices. Ceylon Observer Service.) London, 29th Dec. —Owing to the, bull speculation, prices in the New York cotton market yesterday were the j highest known for years, closing at 48 to 59 points higher. The excitement was intensified by the reports from New Orleans that a speculative combination
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    • 141 1 Root Asks Two Millions. ((J 'ablenewg Special Sere ice. t Washington, 2<>th Deo. —Secretary of War Root asked Congress to appropriate J? 4 000,000 more for defences of the insular possessions of Uncle Sain. Admiral Evans, commanding t lie Asiatic squadron of the United States Navv, has
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    • 55 5 The Wallaroo Catastrophe (Reuter*'* Service.) LondqiS,; Bth Jan.—Only tour men were killed and three mjmet in the boiler explosion on H. A Wallaroo at Sydney. The mistakes in the number of killed arose roin the signals from the ship )e,n l-> misread. 4lltWM [The tir«t rei>t»rtK Htat**d that torl>-tl
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  • Shipping.
    • 161 1 Mono IJkk, Br. s.s. 2.056, Peters, 9th Jan., Amoy, 30th Dee., Gen., —Beng Bros. M. aj lll ukhis. Dut. s.s. 1.182. van Orden, 9th Jan., Singapore, 7th Jan., Gen.,--H. Ij. Co. OMAHKKK.Br. S.s. 640, Boyle, Bth Jan, Singapore, 6th Jan., Gen., Koe Guan Co. Quob»a, Br. s.s 120. Russell,
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    • 68 1 9th January. Ho Kwei, for Deli. Avagyee, for Teluk Anson. Qxiorra, for Langkat A Pangkalun Brandan. Omapere, for Port Swettenham A Singapore. Nam Sang, for Calcutta, Un Peng, for Perl is. Carlyle, for Port Swettenham. Kintna, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Simla, for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauritius, Egypt
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    • 44 1 Hong Bee, P>r. s.s. 2,056, Peters, 9th Jan,, Amoy, oOtli I)ee., Gen., Beng Bros, Canton, Br. s.s. 105, Merican, 9th Jan., T. Anson, Btli Jan.. Gen.,---All Hing Co. Perak, Br. s.s. 295, Bell, Bth Jan., Rangoon, ‘list Deo.. Gen., Koe Guan Co.
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    • 38 1 I en.n /s i From Ajeiila l Due Jeluuga Rangoon H.L.&Co.. i 11th Jan. U. Apear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 15th Bengloe Leitli S.B.&Co. 10th A. A pear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 22utl C. A pear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. i 29th i
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    • 98 1 1 V«»e/u For A jentt Leaveh Hong Bee G. Apear Jeiunga Bengloe A. Apear C. A pear Singapore Calcutta SingaMre SinjirtpfflFc Calcutta Singapore 1 B. ilroa. A. A.A.Co. H.LACo. &B ACo. A.A.A.Co. A.A.A.Co. 12th Jan. lGt-li 17th 23rd :30th w We would direct the attention of «hipping firms to
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    • 64 1 For:- Tougkah Per Cornelia, lltli instant, f 1 pin. l’angkor and Teluk Anson—Per CanUm, 11th instant, 2 p.iu. Port Swettenliain Per Mary Auetin, 1 iili instant. 2 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow ami Auiov Per Hmuj lire, 111 Ii instant, 6 p.ui. Tougkali, Kopab, Renoug, Victoria Point, Maliwuu au«l
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 256 1 A. E..-SKEELS. 0 d* liqueurs. NOTICE. TO corrkspomiktits: It is requested that all communication* relating to Subscriptions. Advertisements Ac., be addressed to the Manager, St mil» Kelt»" and not to the Kditor. All cheque»should be crossed. letters on Editorial or other mattes intended for publication or use in toe Krho
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    • 291 1 To-day's Advertisements WANTED. A GOOD ENGROSSING CLERK. Apply to PRESGRAVE MATTHEWS, 9-1-04 7 dys. IS. Beach Street. 28 NOTICE- T E l>eg to notify that Mr. C. V. Stephens, who was lately Manager of our Penang Branch, is no longer connected with our Firm. McAlister a Co., ltd., 9-1-04 Singapore
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    • 52 1 KING EDWARD HOTEL, HONGKONG A High Class Private Hotel Electrically Lighted. Electric Fans, (ll required.) Electric Passenger Elevator to j each Floor. Hotel Launch will meet all in coining Mails. Terms Moderate. Apply to the Mauager. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS VICTORIA.” Douapjek Co., Proprietors, j BP*» Read Pages 2 7. PAINTS. McAlister
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    • 29 1 A. E. SKEELS. r ■WHISKIES. Kuala Lumpur. F. M. S. HOTEL. Under European Management. Centrally situated within 10 minutes from the Railway Station. Almost Adjoining r»n; Ski.a.nuok Club. l*sc
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 27 1 WEATHER. Ths following report, is kindly supplied hv tlie Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis: The rainfall during the 24- boors ended at, U to-dav was nil.
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  • 17 1 Obituary. Sir William Allan, M.P Ct tfhu Observer Service.) limdou, 'JJitli Dec.—Sir Member for Gateshead, is dead.
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  • 4639 2 P. O. Annual Meeting. The G3rd annual meeting of the share- I holders of the 1*. and 0. Company was held in the London office on 11th Dec., Sir Thomas Sutherland presiding over a large gathering ot proprietors. In promising the adoption of the report and statement of accounts, the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 606 2 notice undersigned are prepare»! to aecept orders for Higl»-class enl irgemeut of Photographs in England, size 15 in. by 18 in., at 88 each; extra frame, 84 eacli. Sample can l>e seen at TIANG J00 <fc Co., Xo. 117, Beach Street, Penany 30-12-03 4 ,3 mills. notice. vN and after
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1754 3 Y 4 a/> r/\V 5 *r Is. N. Co. h.rpeeted dr rind o iid Depart nre*. Mail Service. Outwards. Juu. 21 s.s. Chilean Feb. 4 8.8. Balia arid do 18 8.8. Coi •omundel do Mar. 3 r.r .'Simla do Homewards Jail. 9 8.8. Simla d<> 23 s.H. Coromaiulel do Fob.
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  • 86 4 Justice satisfies everybody, and justice alone. Kmerntni. hstahiished June Ist, 1903. hihlinhetl daily (except Sunday*.) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Hettclt Street. Penang. PRICE: DAILY, MK'.Uj Ci per anuiiiu. i I„ (I'ost Free) 27 HA II» EDITION (Curt Fret» 15 CAULK ADDRESS: “l: c h
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  • 1440 4 Our specials published in another part of this issue taken with Reuter's latest news and the Echo’* exclusive intelligence respecting the failure of the Tsar’to carry his point at the recent j stormv meeting of the Council of State in St. Petersburg—which we published on 6th inst.—heavily discounts
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  • 1626 4 The Death of Herbert Spencer. The City and the Fiscal Orators T. P O'CONNOR TO START A NLW DAILY PAPER THE FIRE AT SANDRINGHAM. j yi'EKX ALEXAXin.’A Xi»\K THK WOI.’SF. MOUK MISSIONARIES roi: CHINA. European View of the Far-Eastern Crisis. {From our own Corre*iion(le,nt.) Fleet Street. 1
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  • 312 4 Wk learn that the British India s. s. Okhlu, bound from Manila to Singapore, is six days overdue and that the a. s* Pnmlua., of the same line, has been detained hero, probably with a view to sending her in search of the missing vessel. Some idea of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • The Straits Echo.
    • 470 5 (Special Service.) On the Eve of War. Scheme for Protection of Lives and Property of Huropeans in Far East Enormous Shipment* of \Y;:lhh Coal xHE "SULLY SAILS FROM TOULON With Sealed Order* for French Squadron. RUSSIAN AND JAPANESE A .Ml! A sADORS CLOSETED WITH LORD LANSDowxk. London, Htli
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  • 751 5 The Sensitive Barometer. (IS'fitr/' Srrutcr.) London, Bth .Jan.—Stocks recovered somewhat on the London Stock Exchange on Wednesday, but were again down yesterday (TliursI day), and the public feeling is un- easy. An Ominous Sign. r lhe text oi the Russian reply to Japan is kept secret. Russia and
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  • 53 5 luicatd— Per “M. Vajirnnhis," from Singapore, Mr. Chris toff el. r Per Avajjyee,” from Teluk Ansou, Mr. W Duncan. Per Asahau.” from Asahau. Mr. S. ChulUe, Mrs. Neesaug. Per Canton.” from Teluk Ansou, Messrs. J. T. and T. P. Rowe. Per Sucrib.*’ from Tong kali. Major Busch. Per i’erak."
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  • States’ News.
    • 1028 5 b run it (,'nrresponds ut.) I’aipinx;. 8th Jan.-- Alrs.Taylor. tin* wife of the P. W. 1). Storek**eper. lias )**en very ill I for the pa*t few months. The whole of Taiping is in sympathy w ith Mr. Taylor, who ha* a wry wid** circle of friends and is very
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  • 1066 5 t»v. Hays thu: ar* dark, and tricks that arc menu, the luoKUsarc truly peculiar. That the Editor of the Pi e,: Pros, in common with tile uieoklv ami lowly writer of this par aud ,the editois of not a few wellr intormivl Far Eastern journals who have the
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    • 950 5 To The Koitok of the Straits Echo. »SiK. Much has Uvu said in your popul.u |Kij<r as to the iilthv and disorderly state ol some of the local roads, hut F aiii extremely surprised to find that the Municii a! Commissioners, going by tlie comprehensive appellation of
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  • 227 5 London, lfith Dec. Tin was verv strong jail the week, wiili continually rising prices, and a large business was done. \Ve close j at. ail advance of JC7, says £127 for cash, and A-128 ss. {**r ton for three months. The London agents of the Chinese speculators again bought
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  • 191 5 Ist Sunday After Epiphany. St. George's Church (Church of England -8 Matins, b p.ui. Evensong j and Sermon. Rev. F. W. Haines, Col. I Chaplain. Presbyterian Church (Jtorthaui Road) (J in.—Rev. R. Y. Whitfrm, m.a. Service at the Mission Chapel, Furqiihar Street, at 6 p.ui. Church
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  • 109 5 Re.vang, Oth January fit,, rourteny at'the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Rank ...1/11; t months’sight Rank ...1 10J 3 Credit ...1/101 3 Documentary ...1/10,”, Calcutta, Demand Rank Re. 135 3 days’ sight. Private 137 Bonmuy. Demand Rank 135 3 days’sight Private 137 Madras, Demand Bank 135 3 days’ sight Private
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 4 5 IRONMONGERY. McAlister Co., Ltd
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    • 63 5 I CHARLES ROBINSON. Aildrea» E. A U. HOTEL. IMPORTANT NOTICE. you want to l»uy goods, and have same forwarded to destination from India, lon. Burma, Sumatra or anv place in the t. it would pay you to drop uh u line, enclosing «tamps for reply.—The Manager, Union Indian Trading Company,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 2063 6 Jules 31 umin Reims. Bu n Skai.. KXTRA-DRY.” Rkd Seal. JUST RECEIVED. m I I ih jjj Egyptian Cigarettes Co., ijl Monthly Shipments direct from Cairo. Th. Vafiadis Co. NOTICE. it! Crows Prince. i|i Non Plus Ultka. Superfine. Narcissus. Gold. 'I ‘M fK Size No. 4. 9. Plain and StrawTipped.
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  • 209 7 i <t P. A O. .steamer Arcadia. connecting with the steamer Cliusan at Colombo. from London, J)ee. 2 t To Snaughai Mr. C. VV. Hanks. Mr. G. |5. Swan. To Singapore Mr. A. Stewart. From Marxrillet. To Shanghai Mr. and Mrs. S. Ridge. To Hong Kong Mr. II
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  • 454 7 To THE “EIMTOE” Sik, Modern writers tell us from time to time that a gradual decline jii lieautv is taking place amongst the highly civilised races oi the world. The assertion must certainly be discounted as relating to present day women. We refuse to admit, for
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1216 7 JUST RECEIVED SAMUEL BIRCH Co.’s “BLACK BOTTLE” Pure Malt Whisky. Sandilanris Buttery Co. 29, Beach Street, PENANG. PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNES. AGENTS HUTTENBACH EROS. Co. NOTICE. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS. hereby testify t!mf 'Granville H. Shakit. F.C.S.. Lo/p Prinetjxd of the Liverpool College of C/iemisirti. AN IDEAL PURE MALT WHISKY, As
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    • 301 7 The NEW FRENCH REMEDY ISjSSBEBLttfIM! TRADE MARK. sui i essful and highly popular remedy, used in tho nental Hospitals by Kicord, Kostan, Jobert, Velpeau *d other», combine* all the desiderata to be sought in a i>{ the kind, and surpasses everything hitherto THERAPION y.rrm talldlM hargrsfrom rinarv organ»,effectually supcrieding
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  • 997 8 PROGRAMME FOR JANUARY MEETING, 1904. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 26th January, 1904. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value #500. —A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (lOat) An allowance of l41l>s. to all ex-Griffins. Entrance slo. Distance, one mile, 2. First Griffin Race. Value 84<»<> and 8100
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  • 193 8 Penang, 9th Januart, 1904. Description. Beep— rts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 28 Steaks 28 Stew or Curry Meat 18 Rump Steak 28 Ox Tail each 35 |h Tongue 75 Feet 20 Heart 35 Liver per catty 20 Pork Pork 30 Pigs Head 20 Feet 24 Tongue 20
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 315 8 AX BRAND. PILSENER LAGER BEER Brewed from Pun* Malt and Hops only, and acknowledged to be the best. Highly Recommended l>y the Medical Profession. PILSENER BEER BftEWED&BOTTlED v IN BREMEN j GERMANY /j It is absolutely Pure, no Chemical ingredients being used. Keeps Bright and Sparkling longer than any other
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    • 560 8 L« THE Standing Advertisements are Reproduced in Chdiiydll Plllftll P6D3.D§.” Brief Here. (Appearing once a week as per contract in the Daily Bulletin.) HUTTKN1SACH liROS. 4 Co. £->>.1 t. .3 (Malay Weekly News.) A I y iJ «>/0 The only Malay paperin Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. %\>X g*»£&iiMA
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    • 239 8 BEST HOJELS. Bangkok THE ORIENTAL HOTEL. Oriental, HoTKt. Syndicate. Ch-1c Proprietors. Oriental.’ Singapot e. ADELPHI HOTEL. One of The Oldest Hotels in the Straits. Affording :i beautiful view of the Esplanade and Harbour and in close proximity to the commercial centie. Large Comfortable and Airy-rooms. Cuisine Excellent. “FASS BEER,” CASK
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