Straits Echo, 7 January 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 84 1 Biuthk. On 18th DeccuiW, at Shanghai, tie- w if»* of Ca]>t. 1“ rank E. Fos*. of u daughter. On 19th Dw.. at Shanghai. the wife of A. W. Maitland, of a ditutrliW. On 20th Dec., at Shanghai, the wife of (teo. \1 areal, of a daughter. r --nd
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  • 39 1 For \Ve**k ending Wednesday, .Ism. Id. lfM>4. am. r.jt. Thursday, 7th 11.34 12.00 Friday, Bth 0.20 0.51 Saturday, 9th 1.17 1.43 Sunday, 10th 2.08 2.34 Monday, lltli 3.00 3.25 Tuesday, 12th 3.51 4.17 Wednesday. 13th... 4.41 5.07
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  • 26 1 Last Quarter Jan. 9th, 8.50 p.m. O New Moon 17th. 9.2 r.M. First Quarter 25th. H-57 a.m. O Full Moon Fku. Ist. 11.7 p.m.
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  • 28 1 To-i>ay. Town Hand. Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. To-moukow. Outward I*. A O. Maii expected, 0 a.m. Sale of Property Theam Hook A Co.. bv C. Clark A Co.
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  • 40 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service- tUTWA KI»S iioMKW AKOS. Malta <X Jan i Simla 9 Jan Chnsan 'it Coromandel 25’ j Extra Service. Outwards Homkwaki*». Socotra I’iJau Ceylon Hi Jan ttornev Hth Japan HO F< m particulars See Page 3.
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    • 50 1 Karon Hayashi’s Fears. Rangoon Gazette Service.i Calcutta, 23rd Dec.—A special telegram to the Englishman from Loudon runs Baron Hayashi fears that the delay in the Russian reply will incite a popular outburst and precipitate a war. A city rumour has it that France has offered to arbitrate.
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    • 62 1 The Viceroy Investigates. i Shanghai Time* Service. i Peking, 17th Dec.—The Government of the Viceroy of the Russian Far East is now investigating the system of liT in along the Yalu valley as well as the land tax and other taxes levied in the province of Shengking. For
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    • 92 1 t Shanghai Times Sercice. t Peking. 17th Dec.—Japan is now endeavouring to get a railway concession in the province of Fokien, and certain other concessions along the Yangtze. Mr. Uchida has received instructions to demand from the Chinese Government these privileges, hut as the Manchurian problems
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    • 128 1 A Waiting Policy (Shanghai Timex Service.) Peking, 17th Dec.—The real nature of the present relations between Russia < and China is kept secret, hut there is nothing in them to cause anxiety. However, the Grand Council hold meetings daily for the discussion of the Manchurian question. Prince
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    • 187 1 Rangoon Gazette Service, i Calcutta, 22nd Dec.—Colonel Mahmc*od Ismail Khan, the Afghan Agent, has arrived in Calcutta and declares he knows nothing of the rumour as to the impending visit of the Amir to India. Allahabad, 22nd Dec.—Maimana, who stirred up strife l>etween the Shiahs and Sunnis in the
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    • 48 1 X Trip to England. i H n yooii Gazette Service.) Calcutta, 23rd Dec.— Lady Curzon c.erttnpanieil by Colonel C. P. Lukis. I. M. S., will leave Calcutta by the British India steamer Thong tea on the loth .lanuarv and will proceed direct to England cm Colombo.
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    • 138 1 A German View. m O*tti*nitotchr Llntjil Nervi'**'. Berlin, 22nd Dec.—The political situation in the Far East is apparently becoming more serious. It i> certan that Russia will not make any concessions to Japan in regard to Manchuria. It remains to lx* seen whether she* is prepared to make
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    • 160 1 More Russian Aggression. (Shanghai Times.) Peking, 17th Dee.—Yuan Talma, the ex-Taotai of Feng Hwang-cheng, says that the Russian policy is to occupy the Yalu valley and to build a railway and telegraph line from Port Arthur and Dalnv on the west to the upper streams <of the
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  • 971 1 The True Significance of the Hottentot Rising in South-West Africa. The bad news from German South-West Africa introduces to notice a territory seldom heard of. Before 1883 the colony was a sort of no-man's-land. having, liesides a population of about 250,000 natives, a sprinkling of English, German,
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  • Shipping.
    • 91 1 Siak. I>ut. s.s. 240. Schuur, rtth Jan. T Poera, sth Jan.. Oil —K. B. Co [jangkat. Hr. h.B. ISO. Liugard, Hth Jan. I’. Swetteuhani. sth Jan.. (Jen., K.« (Juan Co. Ihaiimng, Br. s.s. !GO. Wheeler. (>tli Jan. P. Weld, »!tli Jan., (ten.. If. L. \Cu Lightning. Br. k.h. 2.122.
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    • 35 1 t tli Janiinn Yidar, for Deli. Jin Ho, for Luugkul. Taiv Tony, for Fjangkat ami Pangkalan Bran dan. Canton, for Pangkor and Teluk A ll non. Hok Canton, for Edie. Seniawe, Segli and (Jlehleh.
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    • 36 1 Siak. Dut. s.s. 241. Sehuur. (»th Jan T. L’<>era. olli Jan., Oil. K. B. A Co. Langkat. Br. s.s. 18». I,inward. (>th Jan., P. Swot ten ham. J»! )i Jan.. Oen.. K<n' (Juan Co.
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    • 49 1 1 'esKeh From Ay tint* Da Malta Colombo 1’ All. Hfh Jail Simla Singapore P AO. 9th Hoiii; Ik*t* Simmpon* B. Bros. 10th 0. A jx ar Sinoaporo A .A.A.Co. loth Beil^loe Leith S.B.ACo. l«th A. Aprar Singapore A.A.A.Co. 22nd C. Apear Cal« utta A. A. A.Co. 29th
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    • 104 1 1 exgel* 1 For Ajeiil* Lea veg Malta Singapore P.AO. 8t.h Jan Hulls' lit*»* Singapore H. Bros. 12th (jt. A pear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 16th Beiij'loe Singapore ;S.B.ACo. 17th A. Apear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 23rd C. A pear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 30th Simla Colombo P.AO. I W e would <1 inset the
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    • 24 1 For Port Swetteiiham and Malacca Per Lanjkat, to-morrow, 2 p in. Lady Weld, for Tcluk Anson. Calcutta Per Pundua, to-morrow, o p.m.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 46 1 A. E.’ SKEELS. liqueurs. FOR SALE. VICTORIA aud Dog-Cart in 1st class order. Apply, No. 1, Lamt Road. Penang, tith January, 1904. BEHN, MEYER Co, PENANG. SOLE AQEITTS FOR 44 WOLF” BRAND. BLOOD WOLFE STOUT GUINNESS’ EXTRA STOUT bottled by BLOOD WOLFE Co., (Irafton Works, Liverpool
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    • 288 1 To-day’s Advertisements. Wanted by a European British.) r V SITUATION as Clerk off Works. L uderstands Dridge work, Railway ami Huildiug Constructions. Speaks German, Malay, ami Siamese fluently and knows East well. Disengaged from present employment lend of this month. Applv ENERGY.” co Strait» Echo. 20 7-12-04 1 wk. i
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    • 4 1 Read Pages 2 7.
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    • 17 1 For Sale For Sale!! Large Stock of Paper of Every description and Colour. Apply Criterion Press Let.
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    • 162 1 A. E. SKEELS. t ■WHISKIES. Caldbeck and Co. THE NEW DRINK FELIXIR V¥7HICH Booths Dihtilj.kky, Ltd., T have just introduced on the market, is a spirit which they have I**en many years in perfecting, ft is Distilled r.iiJ Doited at their Distillery, which is under the .qypervision of His Majesty’s
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 2248 2 “The Straits Chinese Magazine." When one reflects that the Straitsborn Chinese, as well as the native-born Chinese in China, are not, strictly speaking, a reading public, it is all the more to the credit of the proprietors of the Strait» Chinese Magazine that, regardless of losses, they have continued
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  • 461 2 This R the age of research ami experiment, wlien all nature, so to ,-qieak. is ransacked by the scientific for the comfort ami happiness of "man. Science lias indeed made giant strides during the past century, and among the by no means least important discoveries in medicine
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 879 2 r a a No. 17. Posada Sherry. Amo Seledo. doz. $24, Im»t.. $2.25 NOTICE. rjiH E undersigned are prepared to accept EMIL ZOBEL, orders for High-clam enlargement of Photographs in England, si/e 15 in. by 1H in., .it 88 each: extra frame, 84 each. Sample can lie seen at TIANG
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1830 3 K utsafflu Co. c Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. BR1TISH i* steam navigation co„ lm. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL jf Kr/trrfrd urrintl nmt I h/nntnri*. Mail Service. Outwards. Jan. 21 k.s. ha*an ooimwting with s.h. Arcadia reb. I s.s. Balt an ml <|„ IH x.H. Coromandel do Mar. 3 s.s. Simla do fast
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  • 78 4 Jtii-tice siti-ile* everybody, and justice alone. Emerson. Established June Ist, 1903. i’nblisbed daily (except Sundays.) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. *2*2B-242, Be:icli Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY, l,Ut'.tl. fjl per alumni. (Fust Free) 27 MAM. EDITION (Putt Free) 15 CAULK ADDRESS: Ec hc—Penan g.” Telephone No. 188.
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  • 562 4 Departure of Governor Taft Governor Taft and family arrived at Hongkong en route for the United 8tates on 27th ult. Shortly before his departure from tin* Philippines h** delivered* a lengthy speech on Philippines affairs in tin* course of which he distinctly laid it down as a cardinal
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  • Current Topics.
    • 106 4 From recent Tonkin exchanges we learn that a new line of French steamers is to be established between Hongkong and Canton, and resident*» of this Settlement will l>e interested to learn that the first steamer of the new line is to lx; named after Mr. Charles Hardouiii, who was
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    • 686 4 Last year the birthday of our late Ruler, Victoria the Good, was allowed to pass without any official recognition by the Government of the Straits Settlements, although it had been proposed that the day should lx> observed throughout the British Empire as a holiday, as a token of
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  • States’ News.
    • 1983 4 i {From Our Carresjyndenl.) Kinta, Ith Jan. From the loginning of this vear all the opium shops in this State are to lie licensed bv tin* Police and not. as hitherto, by the Sanitary Board. The Police have asked for an increase of staff to |>erform these duties and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 169 5 British Sailors to man Japan’s new Cruisers Ufutrr St', rici-.\ London, Trli Jan. One hundred and twenty British reservists have been recruited by the Shipping I'ederation and with ten officers have leti Lnn<i<*n for < enoa, to assist in navigating the newly purchased war vessels \i/ss/ii,, ami Knnnpi
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  • 459 5 The Advance into the Land of the Umas. < Banifnnn Advertiser. Calcutta, 21st Doc.--The following, news has been received in Calcutta, j The Tibet Mission arrived safely at Kenchenjong village on the 13th. The village is a tine one consisting of some j forty large double and treble-storied I
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  • 47 5 {Shanghai Time* Service.) Peking, 17th Dec.—The Chinese Government seems to recognise and acquiesce in the British policy of opening Tibet and offers no objection to the entry of British troops into that country, which it is hoped will serve to check tl»e Russian outrage* in
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  • Article, Illustration
    239 5 Penang Spring Meeting. First Entries. 1 he entries for Races 5, 7 and 8 *m the first «lav of tiie coming meeting dosed at noon to-day, and are as follows: •V The Club Handicap. Vain** Sg.iMMi. and ?5<K* for Second H«>rs>* provide'! there are five starters, and •'*250
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  • 636 5 The Bidor-Tapah Affair. Full Particulars. [From oar < 'orrespomlent. Tapah, sth Jan. On his way to Suukai (six miles from Tapah) to-day a syce with a gharry containing Mr. Maude's “boy," in charge of his and Mr. Davis’s personal luggage. was held up by armed Chinese, one i
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  • 1000 5 The Penang Assizes. (Brfor* flu linn. A. F. G. Law, l*ni*iiV Judge, and a Jury.) C.tli Janujiiy. CoUNTBKFEITIMI KlNOS COIN. Accused No. l.Cliin Ah Sang, staled tliai, he knew nothing of the articles. When the Police came he was lying ill on his l>ed lie was asleep. No.
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  • 875 5 Ipoh vs. lialu Gajah CkMI'KIKs 1! Y VaMIUNNEX AM) Stoney. Ikuh. 3rd. Jan. Ipoh started the New Year by entertaining the Bain (rajah cricket and football teams ia friend iv rivalry. Batu Gajah were strongly represented. but Ipoh, had some dtiticulty in getting together their cricketm**, several
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  • 909 5 Riokmers" Ashoue. The Captain of the British steamer Liurther which arrived at Singapore from Hongkong on Thursdav afternoon, i,._ i ports that at 3.45 on the 27tli December while in Lat. 16 N. and Long. 1 I 40 E. he picked up a life I mat
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  • 17 5 In mud Per Lightning," from Calcutta, Mr. aud Mr». Tate, Mrs. Hopkin. aud i Mr. Burke
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  • 305 5 From Our (Jorrr*pond*.nt.) Rvnuoon, Ist J.ta. The weather lien* is delightfully cool ami seasonable in tin' nan null's an<l evenings, ami Rangoon has not lieen lacking in gaiety this Yuletide. The <TVinkhauu has liada lengthy programme of amusements t here has lieeu a very suecessful and we' 1 attended
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  • 119 5 Penang, 7th January. (By courtesy ofthe Chartered Ilia 1:.) London Demand Bank ...1/9; f months’ sight, [iank 1 -104 3 Credit .'..1/10 4 3 Documentary 1 /It),*', Calcutta. Demand Bank Iks. Bio 3 days’ sight Private 13?’ Bombav, Demand Bank Bio 3 days’ sight Private BJ7 Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 154 5 Tin 83.25 Gold leaf S 84. B. Pepjier W. C<>ast3l 1w.50z.)$ 29.75 sdfihrs White Peppier 8 50.25 sales I'rang Pepper 3 32.— man. Cloves (picked) 8 35, Mace 8140.Mace Pickings 120. Nutmegs 110 s buyers No. 1 7.50 Sugar 2 5.40 Basket 4.17!, sales Tapioca Flour 2.12.' Copra 7.80
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1989 6 No. 35. Posada, Marsala. doz. $ll, 1 H*t $1 Posada, Very Old Bottled JUST RECEIVED. Port, doss. $BO. l>ot. $7 Jules Mumm Reims. Blue Seal. EXTRA-DRY.” Rei, Skai.. CARTE BLANCHE Paterson, Simons Co., SOLE AGENTS. Egyptian Cigakkttkh. i* M< mt lily Sh tjini nf h direct from Cairo. H§ Th.
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  • 813 7 IiA L*V BaKKISTKB TritNKt» I>«>WN ThK Lord Chancellor and Justices K«*nucdv, Wright, VV alt mi, Farwell. nml Joyce nict in the Moses Room at flic Houbl* of Lords recent ly, to coushler the case ot tin* lady student, Miss Bertha Cave, vviioni tin* Rein-hers of lirav s-inn
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  • 660 7 V\ liat Mr. Williams’ rink Fills did f»>r another Straits l.ady. "'ll.:. \\li" suffer from headaches. pains mi tli<> hack or side, faint mo fits, anumia, or general weakness arc ask»* I to trv .vhat I >i-. liliams pink pills for pain |K*ople will <lo for tliom.
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  • 283 7 I»cr and (> steamer Moldavia, connecting with the steamer Malta at Colomlx» i from London, Dec. 11 To Yokohama'. Mr. C. A. George. To Hong Kony Mr. B. E. Strauss, Mr. T.»S. Forrest. To Bangkok Mr. Oil nto par, Mr. J. Stuart Seaton. To Singapore Mr. and Mrs.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1069 7 The Brjtish Pharmacy, No. 427, Penang Road. NkXT TO THK ('ho'VKASTA Makkkt.) Graham Co., Ld., Sandilands Buttery Co. PATENT MEDICINES OItTAINAI’.LK AT THK LOWEST I’ KICKS Piesrrtpt i<»iM <L.v mined with the v I*l|t «‘l.l ItIUfTM. Open day and night. Tar. PoMTf«u Piiak.macy. I’emiuif Hood. Penmuj. TRADE The HEW FRENCH
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    • 84 7 nA VII) BROWN Co., 1 Lowin’* Buildings, Estate Agents and Auditors. Reports an<l Valuations Sale by Auction or private tender of House Land Properly and Stock. DAVID BROWN Co.. L Ijoyou'a ISnild’ntft. Estate Agents A Auditors. Undertake Sales l«v Auction or Private Tender of House and Land Property and Stock,
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    • 19 7 No. 12 hi, 14. Malaga MuseaU;l, <!<>,:. $l4, l-01. Dry Champagne, Perupiex, Babies. !5 H case, 4 doz., Ml duz.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1276 8 THE PILSENER LAGER BEER. Brewed from Pun Malt and Ho|>« onlv, and J 7 acknowledged to be o the best. Highly Recommended by tin* Medical Profession. w, *Wj AX MARK PILSENER BEER BREVYED&BOTTItD v IN BREMEN i GERMANY Va Standing Advertisements are Reproduced in Chahyah PlllaU Penafl£.' Brief Here. THE
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