Straits Echo, 6 January 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 93 1 BIIITHS. On sth Dec. at Horti*n.«ia Lennox road. South*». the wife of J. Hahdi m. the Roval Dublin Fusiliers, of a son (Millberni. At Klang. on 30th December. the wife of Maleolni Watson. M.n.. of a son. Marriage. On Orel Dee., at the Parish Church. St. I hoiuas-on-the-Bourne.
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  • 39 1 For Week ending Tuesday, Jail. 12. llt’d. a.m. r.M. Wednesday, t»th 4.41 5.07 Thursday. 7tli 11.34 12.00 Friday, Bth 0.20 0.51 Saturday, oth 1.17 1.43 Sunday, 10th 2.08 2.34 Monday, 11th 3.00 3.25 Tuesday, 12th 351 4.17
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  • 26 1 Last (Quarter Jan. oth. 8.50 i\.m. O New Moon 17th, 0.2 p.m. First (Quarter... 25tli, 8-57 a.m. O Full Moon Fkh. Ist. 11.7 p.m.
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  • 21 1 To-d v. Sale at Logan s Buildings, KhooTioug Poll’s Property, at 11 a.m, J’o--MO KNOW Town Baud, Esplanade. 5-30 p.m.
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  • 40 1 P O. SAILINGS. Wall Service. < )UTWARI)H. HoMKWAKUS. Malta 7 Jon Simla if Jan Chilian 11 Coromandel Id Extra Service. < Outwards. Home war ns. Socotra 11 Jan Ceylon 10 Jan Romeo ilith Japan JO i ur For particulars See Page 3.
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    • 22 1 Proposed Koval Visit. {Rangoon Gazette Service.) London, 25th Dec.—Their Majesties the King and Queen hope to visit Ireland again next year.
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    • 24 1 Rangoon Gazette Service. London. 25th Dec—Turkey persists in her objection to the appointment of an Italian as general of the Macedonian Gendarmerie.
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    • 21 1 (Rangoon Gazette Service.) London, 25th Dec. The liner Finland iias been refloated. The iiner Preusneu is ashore near Flushing.
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    • 38 1 (Rangoon Gazette Service./ London. 25th Dec.—There are strong indications at New York and New Orleans that another big pool is being formed to manipulate cotton on the lines of the famous pool of last year.
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    • 49 1 Presentation by Lord Curzon. f Ceylon Observer Service.) London, 2<>th Dec.—Lord Curzon has presented to Les Invalides Museum in Paris a complete collection of the Indian Army Medals since 1799 up to 1900. M. Delcasse lias written warmly, thanking His Excellency for the unique gift.
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    • 40 1 < Rangoon Gazette Service.) London, 25ih Dec.—The French Senate has passed the Naval Estimates, restoring in full the votes for the fortification of bases at Diego Suarez in north Madagascar and Ton king, which the committee had reduced.
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    • 41 1 (Rangoon Gazette Service.J London, 23r<l Dec.-—Mr. Hunt, the Unionist and Chambei lainite candidate, has been elected for London, having polled 4,393 votes, defeating Mr. Horne. Liberal candidate, who polled 3,423 votes. The issue was on the fiscal question alone.
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    • 58 1 Rangoon Gazette Service.) London, 24th Dec. —A force under Colonel Kenna left Badwein on the 18th instant and surprised 2,000 dervishes in Jidballi thirty-eight miles east of<Badwein. The engagement lasted three hours. The dervishes are reported to have lost eighty killed and a hundred 1 wounded. The
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    • 51 1 To Police the Ports ‘Region Observer Service Luc liTon, 27th Dec. The Paris Matin publwhes a telegram from Tokio stating tnat. owing to anarchy at thoUorean ports' .Tapanis preparing to despatch troops to Fusan, Masnnipho and Chemulpo as police. The measure is being taken in agreement with
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    • 57 1 Rangoon Gazette Service. Calcutta. 2ftli Dec.—There was practically no change in the plague mortality last week, the deaths being returned at 17,295 A slight increase in Bombay and the United Provinces was balanced by a f illing <>ff in the < mitral Province.and Hyderabad. Last y< ar
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    • 42 1 t Rangoon Gaseff' Service. Uaicutta, 23rd Dec. Lord Kitchener, who arrived in Calcutta yesterday morning, continues to make a satisfactory recovery from his accident. The Yicetoy and Lady < urzou paid the Commander-in-Chief a visit at Fort William in the evening.
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    • 61 1 Ware Germany What will the “God and I” Km purer Do? i Ceylon Observer Service. Allahabad, 2t>th Dec.—A Pioneer special, dated London, 21th December, says:—There are indications abroad of a growing belief in Berlin that if Russia should come to be engaged in war, Germany's neutrality will be distinctly benevolent.
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    • 72 1 Japanese Will Support the Kmperor. (Ceylon Observer Service./ London, 20th Dec.—Reuter wires from Tokio that, speaking at a semipublic dinner, M. Kato, the former Foreign Minister, said he regretted that the people had not been taken into the Government’s confidence. Nevertheless, -hould the Emperor declare war, the
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    • 124 1 A. C. .Maclaren Speaks Out. Itn itifoou (rQZrf l e Bombay, 25th Dec.—Maclaren has resigned liis position as a paid plaver (Secretary?) for Lancashire, but will continue to play for that county. He leclared at the Lancashire annual meeting that he laid never made a penny out of his
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    • 68 5 Arms Seized at Bangkok. Bangkok, 4th Jan.—Six Winchester rifles and four hum!red and j twenty tins, each containing a hundred percussion cups, \vc re discovered to-day on hoard a steamer that arrived irom Singapore and have been confiscated by the Customs Authorities. Two firemen belonging to tin* steamer are
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  • 728 1 re the “Siam Observer” Case. By Hknsy Lauouohkkk in Truth.” In view of some recent exploits of ActingJudge Wilkinson, of the British Consular Court at Bangkok, I should think that British subject.,-in B:am must look dubiously upon the privilege of being under his jurisdiction, and
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  • 29 1 [weird —P**r Pundua,” from Rangoon, Messrs. Bain, Freedman, Spring, Mienen, Stropp, Thua Than Teik and Mrs. Aderson, Per Calypso,” from Singapore, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrie and Dr. Dinger.
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  • Shipping.
    • 78 1 Attaka, Ur s.s. 18ih Jones, *»tli .Jan., P> ran Wan. sth Jau., Oil. Mart\ n A Co. C.vNi’ox, Hr. s.s. 105, Merican, Hth Jim.. T. Anson, sth Jan.. Gen., Ah Hin^ (.A >. Ivw Tox»;, Hr. s.s. !<••», Reiil, <*th Jan.. Hrnndan, sth Jan., lirn., Kaao Guuu Co. I
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    • 47 1 (>th Jauuarv. I Calytow, tor Ga*li. A yah it, for Asaiiiam. Maty .1 r tin. fan Port Swi'ttenliam. Arayyte. la>r Taluk An.-.on. Clt> tor Sin^aiporo. llonokon^. Swatow and Aliloy. Un Petty, lor Perl it*, j Sttmo.!ra, for Deli. Ilotu, \h>b, for Siinjnpoiv. Hon^kani^. iSwaitow amd Amov.
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    • 48 1 Canton, Hr. -*.s. iO5. MVricam, l»th Jam.. T. Aii.'ob, sth Jan.. (Jen., All Hini> A Ca>. I.vw ToNaa, Hr. s.s. U>s. Itahd. (Jtli Jam Bnuulan. 5th Jan., Gen., Wot* Gntin Co. i’rsiiL'A, Hr. s.s. 2.120, Willis, sth Jam., Kan_6on, 2nd Jan., Gen., H. 17. A: Co.
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    • 49 1 Ve»>eh J 1 rwa*^ > 1 i Aijkiu* Ihie Malta Colombo 1 P.&O. 7th Jan Lightning Calcutta V.A A.Co. :7th Simla Singapore p.&o. yth (t. A pear Singapore A.A.A.Co. ’loth Bemjloc Leith S. 15. A Co. ItJth A. Aj ear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 22ml C. A pear ('alcutta a.a.a:co. uJMh
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    • 45 1 Vessels 1 For Ajeitls Leaves Malta Singapore P.&O. Light niug •Singapore A.A A.Co. 7th Jan. Simla Colombo P.AO. G. Apour Calcutta A. A. A.Co. 16th Beugloe Singapore 3. B.&Co. 17th A. A pear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 23rd C. Aj»car Singapore A A A .Co. 30th
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    • 62 1 Foit: Deli Per Vidor, to*morrow, 11 Lani'kat Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 and Brandan Per Tm>- Tong, to-morrow, 1 Panokor and Teluk Anson Per Canton, to-morrow, 2 Edic, T. Seinawe, Segli and Olelileh Per Hok Canton, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Calcutta Per Pnndua, Bth instant,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
  • 82 1 Deaths. On 3rd Dec. at Colombo, whilst on her way to Manila. 17 days after the death of her husband at the same place, Meta Mackay. widow of Walter F. Stevenson, of Manila. On the evening of 2-ltli Dec- at his residence. Chandanwadi. Bombay. Mr. Cooverjee Bomanjee Setna. Obituary. Sir
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  • States’ News.
    • 690 2 Kwau Lipis, 22nd Dec. The preliininurv enquiry into the case in which the five men, who were recently brought over from Trengganu, are charged with the murder of M. Juppeaux, was continued here the other dav liet'ore Mr. P. E. Taylor, Magistrate, and was, at the request of the
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  • 220 2 The moral of Mv. A Halo's long tight with Ids publishers about tin* copyright of matter contained in their Encyclopedia of Sport is not a new onenamely, that when authors make their agreements they should see that these record precisely what they mean to sell. The Encyclopedia having
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  • 447 2 The huge body of the Siberian mammoth which was discovered in the summer of 1901 has now been erected in the museum of the Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg. The unique interest of this discovery lies in the fact that though many lossil remains of mammoths
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  • 274 2 Per P. and <>. steamer Moldavia, connecting with tin* steamer Malta at Colombo from London, Dec. 11.—To Yokohama Mr. C. A. George. To Hong Kong Mr. B. E. Strauss, Mr. T.S. Forrest. To Bangkok Mr. Cantopar, Mr. J. Stuart Seaton. To Singapore: Mr. and Mrs. Watkon and children.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 8 2 Club Dry Cluimpagne, JVreguf**. «!<•/. *l°. 'I"Z- r< $22
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    • 104 2 Penang Confectionery. No. 22a. Leith Street. PENANG. rill HE Public of Penang art* hereby inJl formed that the above Establishment has l»een opened and solicit the patronage of his customers. All orders for Cakes, lee Cream, Awill be promptly attended<o. 4-1-04 t> uitlis. IMPORTANT NOTICE. IK von want to buy
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    • 1666 2 FOR SALE. rTIHOROUGHBRED Penang Griffin 1 Moourag. Winner of several Races. Thoroughly sound, very pretty trapper. Price $B5O. Apply to “H. D.” c o Strait s Erh>>. 1 wk. NOTICE. riIHE undersigned are prepared to accept I orders for High-class enlargement of Photographs in England, size 15 in. by 18
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 2125 3 TAL <F >3 1 rt :e> IS. 11. Co. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. British i*ma steam navigation co, lw. Kv/h'clwl nrrirnl mu! Ih'nn Mail ServiceOutwards IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. fast and well-known INI nil Steamers of this Line will leavt Penang on or about the undermentioned dates: Koninklijkc Paketvaart Maatschappij, Negapatam
      2,125 words

  • 84 4 Jiutioe ewrylHidy, amt justice »lon e.— Emer*ott. Established June Ist, 1903. Pul>!iPtie«l «laily (except Sunday*.) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, L<l., No. Reach Street, Penang. PIUOK IIAII.Y, LOCAL eu per itiiittiiii. (t’wt Free) 'S! MAIL KIIITIOX (I’oet tree) 13 CAIU.K AIMIUKSN: “L c h o—P cna n g
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  • 628 4 Need of a Berthing Master. j Thk night before last a collision occurred in Pena»»»' harbour between the Japanese steamer liiiujo Maru and the Peninsular and Oriental steamer Manila, resulting in damage to the extent of about two thousand five hundred dollars being done to the latter.
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  • 723 4 In our issue of the 40th November last we published what a correspondent styled “The horrible result of teaching a Chinaman algebra and invited solutions up to 41st Dec. We confessed to lieing puzzled over it and hoped that the unravelling of the mysterious contribution might prove an
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  • 101 4 Thk treat given to the orphans <>f the Convent at Prye yesterday was a pmnounced success, tlie children enjoying themselves thoroughly, and then* being no hitch or mishap of any kind to mar the pleasure of the day s outing. A detailed report of the proceedings will
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  • 107 4 His nil'll ness the Sultan of Johore. accompanied by his suite, leaves Singapore en route to England by the Sntnzte of the Messai'eries Maritimes line on Mondav, Ith Jan., says the Strait Timex. Alone 1 with His Highness there will travel Inchi J. Ismail. Inchi Mustapha, Mr. G. Pallat,
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  • 609 4 l From om Correspondent. Balik Pulau. l»t Jan. —H. E. the Acting Governor, accompanied by the Hon. W. J. Napier, inspected the District Office and the Hospital and were pleased with what they saw. Messrs. Hereford and Lornie met H. Ĕ. at the foot of Balik Pulau Hill.
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  • States’ News.
    • 308 4 From >t Corresjtonarnl.) Kuala Lumpur, 1st January. Dr. G, I, Tuck lias returned from Penang with a bud eougii. oj* three of otir priMito iikisiuis «ii»* to U' seen running about the town with a puller and a pusher at the back this is an introduetiou of the llongkoug
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    • 689 4 I From oar Correspondent.) Taiping. 81st Dec. The Federal Estimates for 1904 are just out. The Police Force in Perak has been increased by only 25 men. and considering the paucity of j Police in the Kiuta District, 100 more Police would have lessened the severe strain on the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • The Straits Echo
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  • The Straits Echo.
    • 120 5 Special Service.) f urther Particulars of the Tapah Affair I apah, <»t 1 1 .Jan. Tiie gang robix*ry reported yestenlax as taking place on the Hidor-1 apali road was an attack made by robbers upon some servants proceeding to Hidor in a gharry. The robbers relieved the boys
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  • 293 5 Japanese Naval Reinforcements. i Urn fur s Si'irirr. London, nth Jan.—The legal formalities connected with the transfer of the two Argentine warships, now nearly completed at Genoa, to the Japanese Government have been completed at the Japanese Legation. ork upon the vessels continues day and night and when
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  • 69 5 A Slap at Roosha! Uniters Scrriee Mr. Shaw, speaking in the House of Representatives, recommended the establishment of a Consulate General at Mukden and a Consulate at Antung, in Manchuria. The King of Italy has awarded Com man<ler Gaunt of H. M. S. Mohavk a medal
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  • 1899 5 The Penang Assizes. < HrfOfP thv Hull. A. F. (r. Loir. Fu 'lttUP Jiuhje. •nui n Jury.) sth January. The tirst ruse called was that of Goviuda Paten, who was charged with 1 fradulentlv and dishonestly using as genuine a forged doemnent for the purpose of cheating. t
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  • 25 5 pregauc^hothe ««pMiwiMrf tbeJaponeoe and Russian fleeUat k*et to the Ktr East SeCollJl v t!,e comparison'should Russia semi all Imr
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  • 632 5 "mile Russia has been reinforcing her H.-cts and strengthening the defences of 1 orf Art.ini*. Japan has gained little more •than an extra supply of Welsh coal and a rTi'tlc time tor Vice-Admiral Togo to shake L’dov. u in the command of the Fleet. Cer-
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  • 183 5 Going into Liquidation. Ihe annual general meeting of tin* shareholders ■>t the above Company was held at its registered office in hatham Street, Fort, Colombo, on 26th Dec. Ihe business was as follows: “To receive the report of the Directors and statement of accounts
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  • Money Market.
    • 122 5 Fenano, 6th January. (By courtesy of the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Bank 4 months’sight Bank ...1 1(){ 3 Credit .1/10.1 3' Documentary I /10,’’. '(’alcuttii. Demand Bank its. 13.5 3 days’ sight Private 137 j Bombay, Demand Bank 13.5 3 days’sight Private 137 i Madras, Demand Bank 13.5 3
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    • 164 5 I’m 83.35 Gold leaf S 84. B. Pepper (VV.Coast3llts.soz.)S 29.25 vom. White Pepper 8 51. m/e# Traug Pepper 8 s2—sellers Cloves (picked) 8 35.— noin. Mace 8140.— seller* Mace Pickings 120. seller* Nutmegs 110 s 70. seller* No. I 7.50 seller* Sugar 2 5. Basket 4.1 71; stilus' Tapioca
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1941 6 *%No. 35. Posada, Marsala. Posada. Very Old Bottled INSURANCES. doz. $ll. bot. Si. j® ‘■V JUST RECEIVED. if. %No. 1. Posada, red Port. Corte. d,./ s!2. H .t. *1.05 Jules Mum m Reims. Blue Seal. EXTRA-DRY.” Jinn Seal. “CARTE BLANCHE. Co., Egyptian Cigarettes. Monthly Shipments direct from Cairo. «5 i
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  • 1764 7 Serious State of Affairs Unkkht Everywhere; Tlkmwii, tiik Ordku of thk Day. Mk. Edwin H. Clough lias an article in the Frisco Examiner which is interesting although possibly not strictly accurate. Writing from Peking towards end of October last lie says I I was standing at the gate of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 634 7 Graham Co., Ld., Bai n||s Wl6r t Ci„ WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, 4 Beach Street. Penang. 29, Beach Street, PE KANG. IMPORTERS OF MENNEN’S Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky.; CRAIGELLACHIE I GLENLIVET I DISTILLERY Co.’s' GAELIC BORATED TALCUM TOILET POWDER, “OLD SMUGGLER” 60 cents WHISKY. him! other Soaps, Sole-A gents,
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    • 9 7 Eery ptian Cigarettes of Vati;ulis HIN T.FE A Co.
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    • 59 7 Singing and Piano Lessons GIVEN BY Maestro MARIO PACI ANI» Madame BEATRIX MANNSEELDT. Separate Lessons each. Lessons by the Month (2 Lessons per week). S b> per month. For further information apply at the address of the Artistes. SKA VIEW HOTEL, t'arquhar Stvrrt. 1 -12-o'i 1 m. tu.f. No. Posada,
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  • 979 8 PROGRAMME FOR JANUARY MEETING, 1904. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 26th January, 1904. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value £500.—-A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (lOst) An allowance ot lllbs. to all ex-Griffins. Entrance 810. Distance, one mile. 2. First Griffin Race. Value 84**0 and 8100 to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 91 8 AX BRAND. PIESENER eager beer. Brewed from Pure Malt and Hops only, and acknowledged to he O the best. Highly Recommended by the Medical Profession. a .S A *i. AX MARK 1 ILSENERREER BREWED&BOTTLEu IN BREMEN N. GERMANY A A it is absolutely Pure, no Chemical ingredients being used. Keeps
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    • 152 8 %No. 9.Posada, white Port, Diana h»z. SlH. Ix»t. TKADK IIA It K CHIN H1N BROTHERS, GeneraI Storekeepers Horse Dealers Livery Stables No. PENANG KOAD Telephone .Vo. V6’-5. Just Unpacked HA UN ESS VIjOT of English, Aiuerirau and Calcutta Pony, Cob ami Hoido Harness, iirass Mounted or tSdver-plated till mgs, \vjf
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    • 892 8 rrn is Sta a n re n Re^odu r ced en !n n “Chahjah Pulau Penang.” THE are Reproduced Brief Here. (Appearing once a meek as per contract in the Daily Bulletin.) (Malay Weekly News.) pen an$ P'a V ww ft. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. BOUSTEAD A Co., AGENTS. ft \JSftMHf
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