Straits Echo, 29 December 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 100 1 EIRTHS. On 12th Dec. a 1; Shanghai, the w.l'tt of Giesel, of a daughter. On 14th Dec. at Hongkong, the wife of Bernhard Emanuel, of a «laughter. M akkiaukk. At St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, on •Jord December, by the Rev. E. Griffith Kviins. Charles Edward Fanning, eldest son
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  • 38 1 For Week ending Monday, Jan. 4. 1905}. AM. I’.M. Tuesday, 29th 9.51 10.17 Wednesday, 80th... 10.41 11.07 Thursday, 31st 11.5}4 12.00 Friday, Ist 0.20 0.7>1 Saturday, 2nd 1.17 1.43 Sunday,’3rd 2.08 2.34 Monday, 4th 3.00 3.25
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  • 24 1 0 Full Moon Jan. 3rd, 12.17 p.m. (Last Quarter 9th, 8.59 p.m. 0 New Moon 17th, 9.2 p.m. First Quarter... 25th 8-s#a.m.
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  • 16 1 To-i*ay. Selangor Races Ist day. Homeward German Mail leaves to-night. To-morrow. i/ewu timid. Esplanade, o^^jTiii.
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  • 37 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homkwaudh. Malta 7 Jan Simla 0 Jan Chnmn HI Coromandel 23 Extra Service. Outwards. Homkwards. Palma 30Dee Manila 2 Jan j Socotra 12 Jan Ceylon 16 For particulars See Page s}.
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    • 299 1 Plot to Assassinate the President.. (Coblenne* Special Service.) Colon, Pan a nut, 7th Dec.—AH Panama is in an uproar. A plot to assassinate Huertas has been disco v Med. Not only was the death of the heas of the Panama government to be endbiupassed, but the government’s overthrow was
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    • 411 1 The Russians at Mukden. (Cableiieins Special Service.) Mukden, Btli Dec.—Russia lms taken the bull by the horns and pushed him out of the China sliop. All the Chinese officials have been expelled from Mukden by Russia. Mukden is the Manchurian capital. Newellwang is its port. Mukden is on the
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    • 1115 1 Protection in Excelsis. PttofoKKt) Anti-British axi* Fokkicn Shipping Laws. I( Cableneice Special Set rice. Washington, 10th Dec. -Senator William P. Frye of Maine, the most prominent champion of American shipi ping interests, has introduced a bill into the Senate providing fertile exclu- sion of all foreign vessels from
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    • 17 1 (Rangoon Time* Service.) Calcutta. 17th Dec.—Lord Kitchener j s is expected here on the 20th.
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    • 34 1 Ron goon Ti in ets Servicc.) London. 18th Dec.—The wheat yield of New South Wales is 28.570,000! bushels, being an increase of 12.500,000 bushels over the record year 1901.
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    • 297 1 The Reform Schemes. (Cable news Special Service. London, 10th Dec.—The Czar ofj Russia and Emperor Francis Josef of Austria Hungary have settled on their i respective commissioners to see to the i reforms guaranteed to be made by Turkey in Macedonia. Austria has named that distinguished statesman,
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    • 69 5 Singapore v. Selangor. Kuala Lumpur, 2l)tli Dec.—A polo match was played last evening between teams representing Singapore and Selangor. The Singapore team was Thomas (Captain), Evans, Tavlour and MacArtliur; while Selangor was represented by Spooner (Captain), Smith, Dewar and Burn Murdock. The game was a fast one and was
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    • 390 5 Russia Buying Stores. (Ur liter's Sere ice.) London, 20th Dec.—The Rus-j, sum Government has ordered a] million pounds of mess meat from j the Cudahy Company, of South Omaha, and a millioii-and-a-half pounds from-the Armour Company of Kansas city, delivery to be made in San Francisco at the
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  • Shipping.
    • 131 1 I Ska mew. Br. *.s. 378, Murphy, 29th lit*-., Luinut. 28 th Dec. Straits Government. Kkkmuk. Br. 8.8. 5.727. Davies, 29th Dee., Liverpool. 11th Nov., Gen., —W. M. A. Co. Cornelia, Br. s.s. 191, Heggie, 28th Dec. Tong kali. 27th Dee., Gen., Koe Guan Co. Lai Sang, Br. s.s.
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    • 72 1 29 th December. Liemhre. for Calcutta. Jin Ho, for Langkat. Vidar, for Deli. li. Hale ip yn for Asalia u. Hole Canton, for Edie, T. Serna we, Segli and Olehleh. Carlyle, for Teluk Anson. Kean an, for Singapore, China and Japan. Palo Rimau, for Port Swetteuham and Malacca. Pin
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    • 74 1 Cornelia. Br s.s. 194, Heggie, 28th l>ec., Tongkah, 27th Dec Gen., —Koe Guan Co. Ho Kwei, Br. ss 209, Uldall, 29th Dec., Deli, 28th Dec., Gen., —Huttenbach Liebert A Co. Sumatra, Ger. s.s. 407, Klinmet, 29th Dec., Deli. 28th Dec., Gen., Behn Meyer Co. Avaotee. Br. s.s. 247,
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    • 29 1 1 e»Kelg From Agent# Due Teesta Singapore j H.L.AC. 31st Dec China Siuga|K>re S.K ACo. 3rd Jan. M. Valerie Trieste 3.K.AGV 3rd C. A pear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 31»t
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    • 93 1 I” fXifel* For Ayent* Leaven Teesta C. Apear China M. Valerie lleugloe Rangoon Calcutta Ho ni bay Japan Singapore H.L A Co. A.A.A.Co. 1 S.K.ACo. S.K.ACo. j S.B.ACo. 31st Dee. 1st Jan. 4th 4th We would direct the attention of shipping flrnnt to the style in which Steamers Kxpected
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  • 29 1 Foil Tongkah—Per Cornelia,to-morrow, 1 p.m. Trang— Per Deli, to-morrow. 1 p.iu. Teluk Anson —Per Aviujyee to-morrow, 2 p.iu. Lamjkul ami Pantrkalau Braudan—Per Qwrrra, 31st instant, 1 p.m.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 55 1 A. E. SKEELS. LIQTJBT7E.S. NOTICE. VIEWS of Penang, Singapore, Perak. Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to o ft. ou Bromide paper. W. JONES, King Street, Penang. Photographer BEHN, MEYER Co PENANG. SOLE AGENTS FOB “WOLF” 325& CST BRAND. BLOOD WOLFE STOUT GUINNESS’ EXTRA STOUT BOTTLED BY BX«OOD
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    • 267 1 To-day’s Advertisements. Central Sales Room. To BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION j At the Waverley Hotel, Leith Street, On Wednesday doth December, 1903. At 11-30 sharp. Valuable and well-kept Household Furniture. CONSISTING OF I>OUl >se ami Single Bedsteads complete, Dining Tables, Sideboards, Dressing Tables, Almirahs, Rattan and i Bentwood
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    • 6 1 REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS. McAlister S Co,, Ltd,
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    • 56 1 A. E. SKEELS. t Singing and Piano Lessons GIVEN BY Maestro MARIO PACI AND Madame BEATRIX MANNSFELDT. Separate Lessons $5 each. Lessons by the Month (2 Lessons per week). $35 per month. For further information apply at the address of the Artistes. SEA VIEW HOTEL, Farquhar Street. 1 m. tu.f.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 27 1 WEATHER. Thic follow in*; report is kindly supplied by the Signal Director of Fort Cornwall is: The rainfall duriu<* tlie hours ended i a.m. to-dav was nil.
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  • 2247 2 First Annual Gcnerai Meeting. The first annual general meeting of tlie i Tronoh Minos, Ltd., was held on 2nd inst., I at Winchester Houw*, Old Broad St., London. The Financial Time* (3rd Decemlier) gives a full report of the proceedings. as follows Mr. G. B. Pearce presided,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 11 2 No. 17. Posada Sherry, r Amo Seleeto, «W.. §24, bot. $2.25
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    • 606 2 NOTICE rnHli attention of all in possession oft 1 spirituous liquors is invited to Section *J!) of the Liquors Ordinance 1894. as given below, whereby an account of duty paid j liquors has to lie duly furnished to the; Farmers. All concerned are hereby noti- j tied that any omission
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1759 3 MO. o/ atiSs. ii. Co. tfsiiecteit arriral din! llrport tires. Mail Gorvico. Outwards .Jan. 7 B.s. Malta oaniisotlug with s.s. Moldavia 21 s.s. Chusait do s.s. Arcadia JVb. 4 s.s. Ballanrat do s.s. Australia 18 s.s. Coromandel do s.s. Oceana M«r. II o.«. Simla do s.s. Mongolia Homewards. Jan. 9
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  • 73 4 Justice everybody, and justice alone.—Emerson. Established Jane Ist, 1903. I'nli'islied daily (except Sundays.) AT THX CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 221j-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAIJ.Y. IjOCU $24 per annum. (Float Free) 27 MAIL EDITION (Tost Free) 15 CARLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang/* Telephone No. IHB. E>iH’n, Ciiknnky Duncan. MM
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  • Current Topics.
    • 335 4 In comparatively recent issues we have drawn attention to what may be almost styled an epidemic of counterfeiting in this part of the world, and suggested that strong concerted ineisures should be adopted with a view to ruuuing to earth the leaders of g mg i of counterfeiters
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    • 1138 4 It will doubtless interest a good many of our readers to know that at a very early date, probably in a day or two, Mr. P. K. Nambyar, n. a., of the Inner Temple, Barrister-:»t-Law and Advocate of the High Court of Madi as, will arrive here to
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  • 90 4 Our Lomlon correspondent itqiorta that Sir Alliert Koliit, w. r when President of the Law Society, was asked to aid for the Ministry of Justice in Siam in appointing two solicitors as Probationary Legal Advisers to the Siamese Government, and lie has accordingly selected Mr. H.
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  • 96 4 The Straits Times (24th Dee.) lias this item re the pepper trade of Netherlands India: Pepper still arrives although in but small quantities, and relations liet.ween buyers and sellers have lieconie somewhat strained. Offers are few and 3d is quite the highest figure mentioned whilst the Chinamen, under arrangement,
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  • 652 4 The "Supao Case. British Assessor Declares Chinese Magistrate's Decision Null and Void. From Shanghai exchanges of 9th iust. we gather that the trial of the members of the staff of the Shanghai paper i Supao, who were charged with sedition, is practically at an end. The Chinese Magistrate of the
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  • 195 4 British Preparations. (It enter x Service.) London, 29tli Dec.— Persistent rumours are current at Portsmouth to the effect that the British China Squadron is about to lie strength* ened. The Naval Authorities profess ignorance of any such project Naval Reserves Warned The Admiralty has instructed all Naval Reservists
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  • 52 4 His Wound Very Serious {Rangoon Times Service.) Bombay, 17tli Dim*. —News from Colombo dated the Ititli states that the battleship Centurion arrived on that day and reports meeting It. M. S. Mohawk with the wounded Commander Gaunt on board. He is badly wounded in the thiglPtatnd not expected
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  • 54 4 De La Rey gets Sense into the Heads of Prisoners in India {Rangoon Advertiser Service.) Bombay, 19th Dec.—General De la Rey has persuaded all the Boer prisoners at Ahmednagar to sign the oath of allegiance arid lias already started on liis return journey to Bombay. He harangued liis
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  • 117 4 Rangoon Gazette Service.) Calcutta, 17th Dec.—While the Northern Army in the Punjab Manoeuvres were camped near llazro, Lieutenants H. Warrick Illius and G. Jolly, Indian Medical Service, while walking in it viilage called Dariali were attacked by a crowd of angry natives with latties and clods of earth.
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  • 169 4 Madras Chamber Protests against the Impost. {Rangoon Advertiser Service.) Madras, 19tli Dec.— The Madras Chamber addressed a letter to the Government of India ou the subject of the Income Tux. It says the tax is an unpopular one i where the social condition of the people has fostered
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • The Straits Echo
    • 111 5 Special Service.) Selangor Meeting. The Lotteries. Kuala Lumpur. *2J)rli Dec.—'Hie lotteries, drawn last although totalling over i Went \-seven thousand dollars, were somewhat slow ami there were man v scratch digs. GOOD PROSPECTS. The race track is in capital condition, and Kuala Lumpur is packed with visitors
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  • States’ News.
    • 211 5 Ihk Pahang Corporation. Although the tin market was strongjel during tiie past year, the profits of the Pahang Corporation drop{x?d to 111,547 for the twelve months ended doth June, as against 122,240 in 1901-2. Accordingly, says the Financial Times of 3rd Dec., the shareholders have again to do without
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    • 553 5 (From u Co ere#pi indent.) Kuala Kanoeak. 24th Dec. With all the vigilant sanitary supervision exercised, Ipoh is not tree from blame from a sanitary point of view. Treacher Street especially needs careful sanitary inspection. Almost all the gharry-owners in Ipoh make the road a stable for their gharries
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  • 80 5 A YOUNG couple in their honeymoon are dallving languidly with the grapes at dessert. She (archly). And you don’t find it tiresome, dear, all alone with me He. No.” She. You are quite sure that you don t wish to go back to vour bachelor life again He.
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  • 757 5 Sir Frank’s Speech (Morning Post 3rd December.) fcjiK Frank .Swettenliain, Governor of the Straits Settlements, was the principal guest last evening at the annual dinner of the Straits settlements Association, a feast spread in the Whitehall Rooms, with Mr. W. G. Gulland as chairman. Responding to the
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  • 71 5 Inward —Per Searnew,” from Lumyt, H. E. The Governor, Dr. Muglistou and Dr. McDowell. Per Cornelia.” from Tongkah, Messrs. Giles and Bourke. Per Lai Sang,” from Calcutta, Mr. Legge. Per Ho Kwei,” from Deli, Messrs. Swee Lin, Prenger, B. D. Vroom. Per Sumatra,” from Deli, Mr. Naif, Mr. and
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  • 103 5 The steamship Hong IFaT Tau ashore on (the Sultan Shoal this morning (24th Idee.) while on her return trip to Singapore from ff Malacca and Muar. The chief engineer, /.Mr, Olehlers, came to Singapore in a boat j I ,/early in the forenoon to secure a
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  • 564 5 P. C. C. vs. H. M. S. Algerine. A team from the Algerine now in harbour met the remnants of the P. C. C. on Saturday afternoon last, aud a most enjoyable day was spent by both parties. The Bluejackets batted first, but Parsons and Perkins proved too good
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  • 130 5 Mrs. Mixitt, whose husband recently achieved wealth, and as a result fought 200 feet of books for his library, found much to interest her in the volumes. Especially was she taken with the dictionary, the study of which she found to lie a great help to her in
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  • 302 5 i SUBSCRIPTION List. 4 The Hou. Treasurer begs to ackuow- ledge, with thanks, the following donations to this fund Estate of Ng Ah Tliye deceased *5O. Lim Kek Chuan 10.— Khaw Joo Clice 10.— Khaw Joo Tok 10.— Khoo Yu Yong 10.— Chung Tliye Phiu 10. Hon.
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  • 367 5 First Day’s Programme. Race No. I.— The Maiden Plat*. Value $3OO and 8 60 to second horse provided there starters the property of different owners. A Bate for Maiden Horses. Ex S. R. A. Griffins allowed lb£ Weight 9.7. Entrance 8 10. Distance R. C. Race No.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 6 5 METTAR’S STOVES. McAlister r Co., Ltd.
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    • 6 5 ENG I*B SOILS. MCALISTER Co., Ltd
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    • 111 5 AT The Yankee Novelty Co.’s CASH STORES. Parlour Clocks Croquet Setts Plug Pong Setts $15.00 S 18.00 s 4.50 d s 0.00 s 7.00 Lacquered Cabinetts 0.75, $7.20 812.00 Ornamental Wall Poeketts. S 1.00 Express Wagons 4.00 5.00 Aerial Sail Boots 1.00 1.54 Fine Stationery (plain iyul tinted) per box
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    • 269 5 To-day’s Advertisements. FOR SALE. 4 BUNGALOW, attacked to it a largegarden of fruit tm*s, Ac.; and another detached Bungalow in the Township. Taiping. Apply to the owner, D. Jayesuria Esq., Kuala Lumpur, or to the undersigned K. I). NJANOO, Licensed Agent, Auctioneer and Com mission Agent. 21M2-03. ‘2 niths. BA
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1329 6 CHAMPA® Jules Mu mm Co., Reims. Blue Seal. EXTRA-DRY.” Red Seal. CARTE BLANCHE.” PIIaSKNKR lager beer. Paterson, Simons Co., SOLE AGENTS. LIPTOFS TEAS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION. AGENTS PENANG Paterson, Simons Co. mu 'Em In White Glass Bottles, Light Sparkling Wholesome Refreshing THE BEST BEER
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  • 238 7 Fire Destroys Thousands of Books. We read in the Daily Mail ot" 2*’>»li nit. that ns ;i result of the tire at the book-binding premises of Messrs. Leighton. Son, and Hodge’s on Monday night last tin* publication of the 1904 edition of Who’s Who” will be
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  • 841 7 Celestial Volcano on Verge of Another Upheaval. That there has of late been considerable political restlessness in the North, leaving aside the Manchurian question, no one, even though slightly interested in Chinese politics, can. we believe, deny, j says the A. C. Daily News. There has, however,
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  • 143 7 Per P. and O. steamer Moldavia, connecting wish the steamer Malta at Colombo from London, Dec. 11.— To Yokohama Mr. C. A. George. To Hang Kong Mr. B. E. Strauss, Mr. T.S. Forrest. To Bangkok Mr. Cantopar. Mr. J. Stuart Seaton. To Singapore: Mr. and Mrs. Watkeu and
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  • 467 7 Jaded Millionaires Seek Fresh Methods To Kill Time. At Newport, the favourite summer resort of American fashion and society, an attempt was made quite recently to introduce a new and somewhat novel feature into one of the many amusements l>v which High Life” in those parts kills
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 887 7 Club, Dry Champagne, No. 4. Posada, red Port, Periquex, Bnhiefl. s4f case, 4 do*., SI 1 do*. Dow's Imperial. 1858, do*. $45. W,. Xmas flew Year Presents. C. CHIN SENG. Graham Co., Ld. 9 EMIL ZOBEL, At Messrs. Graham C /Vo. 4, Beich Strjet. V Is A •,1 T
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    • 8 7 No. 35. Posada, Marsala. <loz. $ll, bot. sl.
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    • 84 7 NOTICE. TjIHE usual monthly sale of Pawnbrokers X Forfeited Pledges for sums exceeding $lO will be held on Monday and Tuesday, the 4th and sth proximo respectively, at No. 42, Bench Street. The pledges may In* viewed from 10 o'clock a.m. to 2-30 P.M.,on Wednesday and Thursday, the 30th and
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  • 987 8 PROGRAMME FOB JANUARY MEETING, 1904. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 26 th January, 1904. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value £500.—A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (lOst) An allowam* of 141b* to all ex-Griffin*. Entrance £10. Distance, one mile. 2. First Griffin Race. Value £400 and £100
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 16 8 Sub-Agents: Posada Wine Company, HIN LEE <>' No. 1. Posada, red Port, Oorfe, do/.. $1‘J, but $1.05
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    • 217 8 PENG CHENG Co., 17, Market Lane, Pen&ag. Merchants and Commission Agents. SOLE IMPORTERS For the Straits Settlements and ths Federated Malay States THE WRLL-KNOWN it MAH MAY” CIGARS. TIANG LEE Co., Merchants and General Importers, PENA N G Wholesale Office :-53, BEACH STREET. General Store Department:— 95, BEACH STREET? Some
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    • 1150 8 INSURANCES I T Oanxon insurance Office, Limixea. Capital Subscribed* 52,500,000 Amount Paid-up 500,000 Reserve Fund 730,000 Head Office, Hongkong. General Agents, Messrs. Jakdine. Matheson Co. IHE undersigned having been appointed Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept Marine risks at current rates. A Bonus is annually paid to
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