Straits Echo, 23 December 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 26 1 Marriage. On 22n<l December, at Penanir. Fred. C. Fabricius. Danish Consul for Burma, to Ethel Lillie, youiifrest daughter of .J une G&sson. (Jackfield, Sussex.
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  • 40 1 For Week ending Wednesday, Dec. 30, 1903. a.m. p.m. Thursday, 24th 5.34 0 (H) Friday, 25th 6.20 6.51 Saturday, 26th 7.17 7.43 Sunday, 27Mi 8.08 8.34 Moudav, 28th 9.00 9.25 Tuesday, 29th 9.51 10.17 Wednesday, 30th... 10.41 11.07
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  • 8 1 First, Quarter... Dec. 27fh 9-17 a.m.
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  • 32 1 To-day. Town Baud, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. Pollanl Farce Comedy Co., Town Hall, 9-30 p.m. To-morrow. X'mas Dinner 7-30 p.m. E. X O. Hotel. Pollard Farce Comedy Co., Town Hall. 9-30 p.m.
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  • 39 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homewards. Bengal 24 Dec Ballaarat 26 Dec Malta 7 Jan j Simla. .9 Jan Extra Service. Outwards. Homewards. Palma 29Dec, j Manila 'J Jan Socotra 12 Jan,\ IQT For particulars See ftige 3.
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  • 887 1 (Strait* Time s, 18th I)ee.) Everybody admits that a gtMnl colloquial knowledge of English is the most essential 1 requirement of a clerk in a Singapore busi- ness firm: but, despite the consensus of local opinion on that point, the Colony persists in devoting a
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  • 690 1 The indefiniteness of is its chief chasm icon veil turns mid Cavendish ruined whist, while Bridge success'to the ilWpos>,ibili\|u£ jkvfKg down many hard <kid tjasL rtifo**owWg to the vastly increased i personal factor, w.iieli vajMßkyitH evM'f partn /M, viial knowledge i theories is the first steptowimis success: after That
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  • 310 1 (From our Correspondent.) Rangoon, 18th Dec.—lt is estimated j that the rice crop of Burma available lor export during 1903 and 1904 will be 2,550.000 tons, which sh<>ws an increase of almost a third over last year’s estimate. The Courts. There have been some interesting cases heard in the
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  • 399 1 The Malay is not popular iu South Africa, j It may be that his natural modesty so comj pels him to conceal his many virtues from the public gaze that, the rest of the community is unable to discover them. On the other hand it may 1m?
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  • Shipping.
    • 101 1 LCoknei.ia. Ik. s.s*. 194. Heggie, 22nd Dee., Gen.,- Kc»e (*jaa c«>. ri \L Hyson, Bi** tcs. 4,222. Davies, 22nd l>£fc., Singapore, 20th Dee.. Gen..- W. M. 00. Mary Austin, Br. s.s. 140, Conway. 22ud Dee.. Port Swettonham, 21st Dec.. Gen.,- K«x* Guan Co. Jin Ho, Br. sk. 110, Hastrnp,
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    • 36 1 22nd December. Avayyee, for Teluk Anson. Mary Austin, for Port Swottenham. I’eyn, for Edie, T. Seinawe, Segli and Olehleh. .If. Yajirunhis. for T. Seinawe, Segli, Pulo Well and Olehleh. Deli, for Trang and Pang Nga.
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    • 44 1 Cornelia, Br s.s. 194, Heggie, 22nd Dec., Tongkah, 21st Dec Gen..—Koe Guan Co. Jin Ho, Br. s.s. 110. Hastrup, 22nd Dec., Langkat. 21st Dec., Gen.,—B. Bros. Canton. Br. s.s. 105, Merican, 23rd Dec., 'l'. Anson, 22nd Dec., Gen., —Ah Hing X Co.
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    • 37 1 I e*yel* From Agent* hue A. A pear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 25th Dec JBeugloe London S.B&Co. 26 th Macduff Liverpool S.B.ACo. 28th China Singapore S.K.&Co. 3rd Jan. M. Valerie Trieste S.K.&Co. 3rd C. Apear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 31st
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    • 92 1 Vexselg For A gent» Leave A. A]>ciir Singapore A.A.A.Co. !26thDec. Macduff Singapore S.B.&Co. |29th C. Apcar Calcutta A.A.A.Co. ’1st Jan. China Bombay S.K.ACo. 4th M. V alerie Japan S.K.&Co. ,4th Bengloe Singapore S.B.ACo. 1 We would direct the attention of shipping firms to the -tyle in which Steameis Expected”
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    • 67 1 Foit:— Batu Bahra—Per Artsadona, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Tongkah—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, IP Langkat—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Paugkor aud Teluk Anson—Per Canton, to-morrow-, 1 p.m. Deli —Per Vidor, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenham aud Malacca—Per Oinapere, to-morrow, 5 p.m. Port Swettenham aud Singapore—Per Kistna, 26tli instant, 3 p.m.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 335 1 A. E. SKEELS. 31 9 Beach Street To-day’s Advertisements. THE Pollard Farce-Comedy Co. TOW2T HALL. LAST TWO N/OHTS The Pollard Comedy Co. Including the Popular Comedian Edward Nable To-night With thk Delightful Comkoy Charley’s Aunt. Farewell Performance. Thursday, THE GREAT ENGLISH LAUGHMAKER Are you a Mason Miss Marjorie Tempest Will
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    • 5 1 e*T Read Pages 2 7
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    • 79 1 A. E. SKEELS. M* 31 Beach Street, Messrs. CAMPBELL, MacCOLL Co., BA TA VIA. JAVANESE COOLIES. riIHE undersigned i» appointed Agent -1- tor the Straits for the above Javanese Coolie Emigration Office at Batavia, and is now prepared to receive orders for Javanese Coolies. Most favourable terms, prompt delivery. For
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 27 1 WEATHER. The followin'* report is kin'llv supplied l»v the Signal L'ir*cror of Fort. Oornwailis:— The rainfall during the :I4 hours ended at, It a.m. to-dav was nil.
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  • 1085 2 “In Lighter‘'Vein is the headline! under which a Mr. K. U. Thompson holds forth in the London Kcho about hank clerks in Singapore. He starts off by telling his reader that “Singapore I is the paradise of clerks,” and continues: The Far Eastern clerk —especially the
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  • 683 2 Decision of the Privy Council The Rangoon Gazette of 18th Dec. I reports the result of an appeal from a judgment of the Chief Court of Rangoon of August 24, 1900. Present: —Lord Maenaghten, Lord Lindlev, Sir Andrew Scoble and Sir Arthur Wilson. i Mr.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 10 2 No. 32. Posada Madeira, ili v. dor. $22, lx»t. $2.50
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    • 34 2 Dr. W. MANSON DENTAL SURGEON. Price Moderate Consultation Free. Residing Temporarily in 427, Psnang Road, Opposite to Mr. Cheat’» House. 3 niths. No. 4. Posada, rod Port, Dow’s Imperial, 1858, do*. $45, 1»ot. $4.50
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    • 543 2 TO LET AN UNFURNISHED HOUSE known ;is “Sia Road. Siamese Tower,’’ No. 120, Anson Apply to LEE BOON HOOI c o Boustead (Jo. 10-12-03 2 wkfc. NOTICE. hik, T7IEWS of Penang, Singapore, Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft. on Bromide paper. W. JONES, King Street,
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    • 1185 2 Agents: Posada Wine Company, GOSLING <k Co. SPECIAL REDUCTION Federated Malay States Railways. NOTICE. ON TOYS, DOLLS, TRAIN ALTERATIONS On and from Friday 1st January 1904 the Train Service between KUALA LUMPUR and SEREMBAN will be as follows: Down Trains. Down Trains. Stations. GAMES, Week Days. A. 41. A. 41.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 2234 3 P. ft 0. i •V f -f V S. HI. Co. bjff tevtetl arrival aad ifujnt rtnn-B. Mail S3rvi;j. Outwards Dec. 245.5. Benya' caauictiiijf vrith *.s. India Jan. i s.s. Alalia 21 k.n. Chit sun Feb. 4 s.s. Bu’Jaaritf Dee. 24 k.h. Ballaaraf Jan. K.h. Simla 23 s.s. Coroman ill
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  • 76 4 Jastn-e SHli.-tlcs everybody, jum! justice -ilone.— Kuierxou. Hstahlished June Ist, 1903. daily (except Sundays.) AT THU CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 22<>-232, Reach Street, Penang. PRICK: DAII.Y, IjOCAI. per aiinnni. {l’get Free) 27 UAII. KIUTIOX (I'm* Free) 15 CAIII-H AimitKSM: “Ec li o—P enang." Telephone No. 188. Utlilur,
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  • Article, Illustration
    1077 4 An Appea'. If there is oue thing more than any other that appeals to the heart, to the finest sentiments of mankind, it is tin* sad position of the orphan—-the* friendless—the child left in the world without a mother t fondle it, without a father to guide it.
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  • 167 4 Celebration or the Winter Solstice. To-day, the otli day of the 1 1th moon, is the festival of Tawj < 'hth —winter solstice—in commemoration of ancestral worship. On this occasion high and low, rich and poor alike, do honor by offering sacrifices to the sacred Hinc/mo#—spirit
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  • 925 4 “Tom, Disk and Harry.” Last night the Pollard Comedy Co. give their first performance at the Town Hall before a very appreciative audience, the play chosen being the screaming farce of “Tom, Dick and Harry.” As in so many plays of this description, there is very little plot,
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  • 359 4 lo Summary Jurisdiction. (Before the Hon. A. G. Law.) Wood, and Others vs. Koe Guan Co. i Shortly after lunch Mr. Adams,counsel for plaintiffs, addressed the Court at s -ine length. He sjiid Mr. Lnwrie i went to New Zealand with the intention «•f getting up a better
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  • 497 4 (Before His Hon. A. F. G. Latr.) A Will Case. The judgment in the case of Francis Ah Spali, deceased, between J, J. Mon* teiro and Annie Monteiro as executrix jof J. J. Monteiro sinoe deceased, vs, j Susanna Strentz, was delivered by Mr. iJustice Law this
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 466 5 War Risks Rise Thirty-five Per Cent. [lfrntrr's Sm’irr.) London, '2-nd Dec.—The rate for war risks on cargoes to the Farthest East is now ((noted at Llovds as forty guineas |»er cent. Preparing frr War. r l he Jhiili/ 1 jh'i correspondent wiring trom .Nagasaki reports that the Japanese
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  • 100 5 (Hrntrr s London, 2:3rd Dec.—Nothing is known in Japanese circles in England regarding the reports to the effect that Japanese subjects resident in England have been warned to be in readiness to return home. [On the l*>th instant Reuter reported that the Jupuuese Legation officials are unaware
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  • 218 5 Charity begins at home.— Pror. Charity begins at home, but shonldua end there.— Scott. Charity draws down a blessing on tin* charitable. —Le Sage. Charity gives itself rielies, covetousness hoards itself poor.— Qer. proverb. Charity is the scope of all God's commands.—St. Chry»o»toin. Charity is the temple of which
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  • States’ News.
    • 948 5 i I' rom a correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, 20th Dee. There was a display of ronggeng at, the residence of j 77 r Boo» Teat on the night of the I .fill inst. The guests present were Messrs Loke Chow Kit. Wee Hap Lang, Dr. G. L. luck. Law Yew*
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  • 863 5 The Bone of Contention in the Extreme East. Following is the Indian Daily Neu:* leader (5th Dec.) on the situation in the Farthest East referred to in our leader yesterday It will be observed that the Editor of our Calcutta contemporary heavily discounts Router's 1 optimistic messages of
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  • 39 5 The Russian steamer Malaya, which arrived at Colombo on lOtli inst. from Odessa, sailed for Dalny and Moscow ou 13tli idem taking awav 1,300 tons of Indian tea and 1,300 tonB of Ceylon tea from Colomlio.
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  • 1025 5 Fourth Annual Meeting. A General meeting of the members of 1 the Young Men’s Literary Room was held r in the Club house on Sundav hud. at 1 which there was a very good atteud- j anee of members. Mr. Koav Thean Chin. i the Hon.
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  • 35 5 Mary Austin,” from Port Swettenham, Messrs. Langton and Tyte. Per Jin Ho,” from Langkat, Messrs. Lensing, Sieben and Chun. Per Canton,” from Teluk Anson, Dr. Mugliston. Messrs. Lowrie, Mitchell and G. R. j Stucky. >
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    • 441 5 Tl> Til K EIHTOB OF TIIK STB.WT.4 K«'llo. Si*,—ln these «lavs of s«K*ial awl political reforms throughout the world, the rumour I that some leading Chinese in the Straits art contemplating reforms in their funeral rites is not at all a matter of surprise to me. Contemplation
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  • 249 5 T<> Tiik Editor of tiik Straits Echo. Sik. It is very gratifying to note from your issue of yesterday's date that A Chinese Subscriber'' lias taken up this subject after a lapse of a few days, and j that he has
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  • 120 5 Penang, 23rd Hsckmiikii. Hy courtesy oj the Chartered Itauk.) London Demand Bank 1/9 'i 4 months’ sight Bank ...1 9j{ 3 Credit 1 /9 tt Documentory ...l/9jf Calcutta. Demand Bank Its. 121 3 days’ sight Private 138 I Bombay. Demand Bank 131 I 3 days’ sight Private 188 Madras.
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  • 163 5 Tin 87.50 Hold leaf 8 84.— R Pepper (W. Const 31l>s.5oz. 29.25 hom. White Pepper S 51. sales Traug Pepper 8 ‘M.~ sellers Cloves (picked) S 35 ,—nom. 8140.— teller» Mace Pickings 120.— teller» Nutmegs 11 Os 7 \.—teller» (No. 1 7.50 teller» Sugar 2 5. i Basket
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1676 6 CHAMPAGNE I THE CRITERION PRESS, INSURANCES. Jules Mu in in Co., Reims. Blue Seal. EXTRA-DRY Rko Seal. CARTE BLANCHE. LIMITED, Printers, Publishers, Lithographers, Bookbinders and Stationers Paterson, Simons Co., SOLE AGENTS. ALL KINDS OF PRINTING UNDERTAKEN AT MODERATE RATES. UPTON'S TEAS t,rpR|NT|NG done in four WERE AWARDED LANGUAGES, rHE gold
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  • 523 7 The Wreck Abstract for the year ended June 30, 1902, was issued on 24 Nov., and happily forms yet auother satisfactory volume of its kind. It shows that the sea 1 casualties of all descriptions affecting vessels of the United Kingdom were 103 fewer than
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  • 448 7 The Problem of Generating Cheap Electricity Solved Thomas A. Edison has announced in an interview in the Philadelphia North American that he has just perfected an electrical generator wnich derives its power from a ‘“fuel of marvellous potency and which will make it possible for the day labourer
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  • 308 7 The Anti-Russian Party. Peking correspondent of the Shanghai Mercury reports that the antiRussian party in Peking and the province of t liihli numbers among its most powerful members Prince Citing, Prince Su, Yuan Shih-kai, Chang Chih-tung, Chang Po-Hsi, and Natung. Of course their hostility, in certain cases,
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  • 294 7 Per P. and O. steamer India, connecting with the steamer Bengal at Colombo, from Loudon, Nov., 27, —To Yokohama Mr. 1). Caiman. To Shanghai Mrs. Bevis and friend, Lieut. G. W. Mahon, Mr. Rhoddes. To Hong Kong Dr. D. Smith, Mr. A. J. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. D.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 808 7 Dry Champagne, Periquex, Babies. 14 case, 4 dost., §11 doz. X’mas New Year Presents. Sandilands Buttery Co.. PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNES. AGENTS Graham Go., Ld., 29, Beach Street, PENANG. HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. EMIL ZOBEL, n A At Messrs. Graham Co.. Ltd., i Andr6W USM6P UO. S KITSON LAMPS. No. 4,
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    • 11 7 No. 2. Posada, red Port, Alto Douro, doz. 518, but. 51.75
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    • 95 7 British India Steam Navigation Co., Limited. SEA TRIPS DURING THE X’MAS HOLIDAYS. RETURN TICKETS, available lwtween 15th December and 15th January next, will lx* granted at SINGLE FARES, for lx>th Ist and 2nd Class, to the undermentioned places, viz,:— Ist Class. 2nd Class. To Port Swetteuham To Singapore To Hongkong
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1748 8 Sub-Agents Posada Wine Company, HIN LEE A r< THE PRYE RIVER DOCK. PENANG 4ft 99 THE “Chahyah Pulau Penang.” (Malay Weekly News.) J'SL* The only Malay paper in Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. ,jiW \l\iu j\s~\ y\y-~ L.\ rpHE above Dock, situated iu Province 1. Wellesley, at the entrance
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