Straits Echo, 19 December 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 37 1 Bikthk. (j.s IHlh December, 1908, at 9 Clove Hall Hoad. Penang, the wife of Captain W. Brown <*.*. Rotor**), of a daughter. On :Mh November, at Shanghai, the wife of \V. F Loder, of a daughter.
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  • 39 1 For Week ending Friday, Dec. 25, 1903. A.M. P.M. Saturday, 19th 1.1/ 1.43 Sunday,* 20th 2.08 2.34 Monday, 21st 3.00 3.25 Tuesday, 22nd 3.51 4.17 •Wednesday, 23rd... 4.41 5.00 Thursday, 24th 5.34 6.00 Friday, 25th 6.26 6.51
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  • 14 1 0 New Moon Dei*. 19th, 4.21 p.m. First Quarter... 27th 9-17 a.m.
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  • 29 1 To-uay. Land Sale 52 Beach Street Noou. Cricket Esplauade, 2 Negapatain Mail expected 4 p.ui. Town Band, Golf Club, 5-30 p.m. To-mouuow. Church Services see page 5.
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  • 48 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. < Jut w a ki>s. 1I< *»i kwards. Bnnjal 24 Dec Balia it rat 26 Der Malta 7 Jan, Simla ft Jan Extra Service. OUTWAKD8. HoMKWAKDS. Palma 29Dec I Formosa 21 Dec Socotra 12 Jan Manila 2 Jan BNT For particulars See Page 3.
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    • 23 1 Ranji Resigns. (Ceylon Observer Service.) London, Bth Dec.—Prince Ranjitsinhji has resigned the Sussex captaincy, but probably plays for that county neat season.
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    • 42 1 Admiral Evans Returns to Yokohama With Fleet from Honolulu. (Cablenetcs Special Service.) Washington, sth Dec. —Admiral Robley D. Evans, commanding the Asiatic squadron of the United States Navy', who was ordered to Honolulu, has been instructed to return to Yokohama.
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    • 78 1 (Shanghai Times Service.) Peking, 27th Nov.—Wang Wen Shao has tendered his resignation from his post in the Grand Council, but this was not sanctioned by the Throne. However, certain parties are endeavouring to get officials well versed with diplomatic affairs into the Grand Council when perhaps Wang
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    • 131 1 (Shanghai Times Service.) Peking, 27th Nov. —Chang Pai-lisi is j endeavouring to get < 'bang Chili-lung j appointed to the Grand Council instead of himself, hut the Empress-Dowager; does not quite like the idea of having j Chang Kung pao in the Council and it is reported
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    • 18 1 (Ceylon Observer Service.) London, 10th Dec.—Princess Henry of Battenberg and two children sail for Egypt tc-niorrow.
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    • 30 1 (Ceylon Observer Service.) Ijondon, 10th Dec.—ln the Italian Chamber the Secretary of Posts declared that Government had taken measures to prevent the regrettable delays in the Indian mail.
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    • 36 1 Visits the King of Portugal. (Ceylon Observer Service.) London, 10th Dec.—The King of Spain has arrived at Lisbon on a visit to the King of Portugal. This is his first foreign visit.
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    • 47 1 Fifty Passengers Killed. F (Cetfldn Observer Service.) London, 9th Dec.—A collision has taken placd between the two Greek steamers .JifcoK and Pgloros at Athaca. The l>ows bf the Pgloros, containing second-class cabins, were crushed in and flooded, and fifty passengers were killed and drowned.
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    • 68 1 Ceylon Observer Service. J London, Oth Dec. —The American Consul at Alexandretta was escorting an Armenian, ivlio was a naturalised American, to his ship when the police assaulted and overcame the Consul and his karasses, and seized and imprisoned the Armenian. The Consul lowered his flag
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    • 44 5 Action for Wrongful Dismissal. Bangkok, 18th Dec. —Mr. Goldstone. accountant to Messrs Sampson Soy, outfitters, has commenced an. action against them charging wrongful dismissal. Goldstone arrived in. Bangkok on 18th August on a four years' agreement and was dismissed on the 6th November.
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    • 24 5 Collector Arrested in BangkokBangkok, 18th Dec.—A Chinese hill collector, employed by the British Dispensary here, has been arrested on a charge of embezzlement
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    • 437 5 Singapore,lBth Dec.—The Tansan case, which has be<*n before the Courts for weeks, is over, his Lordship the Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox, granting an injunction to restrain Messrs McAlister and Co. from using the word Tansan as descriptive of mineral waters sold by them. 1 Mr. Clifford
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    • 82 5 The Cuba-America Reciprocity Treaty. j, (Reuter# Service) London, IBtb Dec— The United States Senate having ratified the Cuban Reciprocity Treaty, President Roosevelt attached Ins signa-l ture to the document yesterday. Great Britain immediately notified the United States Department that she expects that under the most favoured nation clause British'and
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  • 137 1 The Colombo Observer lxdieves that silk culture hi Ceylon during the present generation is now only in its infauey. and that after careful experiments, such as those recorded by Mr. P. N. Braine elsewhereshowing most satisfactory results ou the whole —the local knowledge acquired should lie
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  • 154 1 Prohibition Against Hongkong Wakes. The Consul for the Netherlands has supplied the Press of Hongkong with a notification reading as follow s: —I have the honour to inform you that the Governor-General of Netherlands-India has decreed that all ships or vessels arriving from Hongkong, or having called at this
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  • 256 1 J Speaking at the recent annual general meeting of the Rangoon Chamber of Commerce, the Hon. Chas. H. Wilson said Recent events in Lancashire have brought into special prominence the evils of our dependence upon foreign countries for supplies of the raw material on which that district is so
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  • 673 1 A fishing suxack named the l ivid was recently taking in her nets off the Newfoundland coast when suddenly out of the depths emerged a bewildering array of tentacles twisting and crawling all over the vessel. They fastened on the bulwarks and squirmed
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  • Shipping.
    • 89 1 Canton, Hr. s.s. 105, Mericau, 19tli Dec., T. Anson, 18th Dee., Gen., —Ah Hing Co. Sumatra, Ger. s.s. 407, Klimnet, 19th Dec., Deli, 18th Dec., Gen., Helm Meyer Co. Van Outhoorn, Dut., s.s. 1,584, Van Rliee, 18th Dec., Sabaug, 17th Dec., Gen., H. L. Co. Themes, Nor., s.s. 1,208,
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    • 72 1 19th December. Petrel for Deii. Jin Ho, for Langkat. Artsadong, for Batu Bahra and As&lian. Mossel, for Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Pulo Well, Olehleh and Padang. G. Apcar, for Singapore and Hongkong. Avagyee, for Teluk Anson. Mary Austin, for Port Swettenham. Holt Canton, for Edie, T. Semawe, Segli and
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    • 62 1 Canton, Br. s.s. 105, Merican, 19th Dec., T. Anson, 18th Dec., Gen., —Ah Hing Co. Sumatra, Ger- s.s. 407, Klimnet, 19th Dec., Deii, 18tli Dec., Gen., —Bohn Meyer A Co. Van Outhoorn, Dut. s.s. 1,534, Van Rhee, 18th Dec., Sabang, 17th Dec., Gen., H. L. Co. Hong Wan
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    • 37 1 1 ’eexels From 1 1 A gentg Due Formosa j i Singapore P. O. 21st Dec Bengloe {London S.B&Co. 2Gth Macduff 'Liverpool S.B.ACo. 28tli China Singapore S.K &Co. 3rd Jaq. M. Valerie Trieste S.K.&Co. 1 3rd
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    • 28 1 Vestel* For Ajeuts Leaves Formosa London P. Q. 21st. Dec. Macduff iSingapore S.B.&Oo. 29th China jBombay S.K.&Co. 4th Jan, M. Valerie Japan Bengloe Singapore S.K.&Co. S.B.&Co. 4th
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    • 37 1 For Deli—Per Sumatra, 21st instant, 11 a.m. Deli —Per Calypto, 21st instant, neon. Pangkor and Teluk Anson —Per Canton, 21st instant, 1 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong, Swutow and Amoy—Per Hong Wan I, 21st instant, 3 p.m.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 61 1 :a. e. skeels. 31, Beach Street. IMPORTANT NOTICE ri'Vj represent Good Finns in India, any I line of business undertaken. For further particulars apply (enclosing 8 annas in stamps), to the Manager, Union Indian Trading Company, 34, Popham’s Broadway, Madras, India. NOTE. UVOLE’S 3 CROWN WHISKY IS NOW MADE UP
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    • 352 1 To-day’s Advertisements. WANTED. A SMART CHINESE BICYCLE FITTER, who thoroughly understands Fitting Bicycles and Repairs. Apply to 19-12-03 PRITCHARD Co. BANK HOLIDAYS. rpHE undermentioned Banks will be closed JL on Friday and Saturday 25th and 26th December, and Friday and Saturday Ist and 2nd January, 1904: For the Chartered Bank
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    • 4 1 ®3P Read 2 7.
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    • 41 1 A. E. SKEELS. 31, Beach Street. The Pollard Farce-Comedy Co. TOWN HALL, PENANO. Opening Performance WITH THE well-known Comedy Tom Dick Harry, ON TUESDAY 22nd DEC, f 1903 AT 9 P.M. Admissions 3, $2, and $l. Booking at CUNNINGHAM, CLARK Co.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 29 1 WEATHER. Thk following report is kindly supplied by the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis: The rainfall during the 24 hours ended at. 9 a.m. to-day was 0 20 inches.
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  • 125 1 Deaths. On *>lh December, at Hongkong. Helen Donald Stevens. Matron of the Nether sole Hoepital On 2!Kh November, at Hongkong. Hermann MaaeK. of Heilbronn. aged 23 year.*. Obituary. Death of Hung Chuen Fook. {Straits Times Special Service Hongkong, 15th Dec.—Hung Chuen Fook, a Taiping general who was the chief military
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  • 499 2 Who is to blame if there is War? The Tsar ok the War Party. The Pall Mall Gazette:—lf the Tsar ruled its well as reigned, what a different destiny Russia might accomplish from that which she now seems to strive after! The Timee: —“The letter which the
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  • 301 2 Russian Business Methods. W iTii a view to considerably extending traffic on the Chinese eastern section of the Trans-Asian Railroad, and at the sau\e time developing trading relations between manufacturers and importers in the leading industrial centres in European Russia, Manchuria and China, M. Altinetz, a well-known railway
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  • 425 2 The quest of lieautv is undoubtedly a duty any woman, in spite of natural defects, can improve her complexion, provided she will attend to a few simple rules. Half an hour before breakfast drink a glass of hot water in which a pinch of salt has been
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  • 222 2 Penang, 19th December, 1903. l Description. i Beef— cts i Soup per catty 16 r Roast tf 28 Steaks n 28 Stew or Curry Meat 18 Rump Steak 28 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue go Feet 20 Heart 30 Brier per eattv 30 Pork— Pork n 34 Pig’s
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 12 2 No. 2. Posada, red Port, t Alto Douro, dor.. $lB. bot. $1.75
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    • 626 2 TO LET A as Siamese Tower,” No. 120, Auson Road. Apply to LEE BOON HOOI c b Bocstead Co. 10-12-03 2 wks. NOTICE. T7IEWS of Penang, Singapore, Perak, Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft. oil Bromide paper. W. JONES, King Street, Penang. Photographer. 38u NOTICE.
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    • 300 2 Agents: Posada Wine Company, GOSLING Co. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS are requested to send in their claims against the present Opium and Spirit Farms of this Settlement for payment on or before the 31st day of December, 1903. Chop BAN LI AN BEE. Penang, Ist Dec., 1903 NOTICE. W. W. RICHARDSON,
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    • 701 2 Federated Malay States Railways. NOTICE. TRAIN ALTERATIONS On and from Friday Ist January 1904 the Train Serv' between KUALA LUMPUR and SEREMBAN will be as follows: Down Trains. Down Trains C. EDWIN SPOONER, Kuala Lumplk, General Manwjn. 4th 1 Irrnuhrr, 1903. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE. riIHE revision of the Assessment Lists
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 2037 3 4 5» IS V>\ yy. mM N. Co. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. Kxpectci arrirm' uiul Drpartares. Mail Service. Outwards. Dec. 24 s.k. infill connecting n il h Jan. 7 8.8. Alta do 21 8.8. C\*an do Feb. 4 8.8. Btuarut do 18 8.8. Comandel do Homewards. Jan. 9 8.8. &4 la
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  • 76 4 Justice satisfies everybody, and justice alone— Emerson. Established Jane 1st, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) *T THB CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY. LOCAI ?2* pe. an.uin.. (Post Free) 27 MAIL KMTION (Poet Free) 15 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo —Penang." Telephone No. 188. Editor,
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  • Current Topics.
    • 305 4 In view of the shocking prevalence of the habit of smoking cigarettes, especially among youths of all nationalities throughout the Far East, a useful purpose may he served if parents and guardians will read, mark, learn and inwardly digest what a Mr. W. T. McCormick recently wrote
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    • 717 4 Earl Percy, Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, was the principal speaker at the dinner of the China Association, presided overby Sir Alfred Dent, at the Hotel Metropole on 19th ult. If the British Government, he said, desired the political integrity of China, it was not only
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  • 1363 4 Monster Petition against the Exclusion of Aliens. The Philippines is:“ right inside the U-nit-ed States” whenever it suits the purposes of the U. S. Government to say so; and it is oiilv a territory of the U-nited States of ’Murica wlieu it is inconvenient (don't pay American merchants
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  • 102 4 The Board of Licensing Justices met i at a quarter to three o’clock yesterday afternoon in the drd Magistrate s Court, i when the following gentlemen were! present Messrs A. T. Bryant (chairnan), H. H- Hilton, A. K. Buttery, A. JD. Neubronner and H. I irmstone. Eighteen applications
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  • 805 4 The Straits Times says there seems T little doubt but that the Penang liter- g chants engaged in Acheen pepper and c kindred trades are put in a tight place b? the new import and export of coin- 1 age laW, and the petition to Govern- c
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  • The Straits Echo
    • 86 4 Special Service) Dark clouds on the Polital Horizon. Japan forced into a Dlffict Position. Negotiations inTokio Likly to Result in Japan Presenting n Ultimatum to Russi (From our own CotTeondcut.) London, 18th Dec.—i am in receipt of reliable intonation from a well-informed sourcein Paris to i the
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    • 450 4 War Risks Rise 5 r cent. (Iteutev’x S&ticĕ.) Loudon, 18th Dec.- Lloyd’s rate of insurance has riserfiffy per cent on cargoes to the Fa East, while war risks have risen fe per cent. More Diplomatic (timism! The St. Petersburg «ress continues to express the
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    • 57 4 The Federal Elections. The Labour Party, backed by the Enfranchised Fair Sex, scores Complete Victory at the Polls. (Renter' x Service.) London, 19th Dec.—-The Australian Federal elections have resulted in a signal victory for the Labour Party, which completely bolds the balance of power in both Houses. The victory
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    • 42 4 United States Marines Landed. Reutei’*B SeiTtce.) London, 19th Dec. United States warships have been ordered to lam marines in the Gulf of Darien am San Miguel’s Bay in order to l )ie vent a possible invasion of Panama by Colombian troops.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 74 4 Pritchard Co., /5, Beach Street Penang. X’MASWSENTS. 'f j New Gold Jewellery just received by last P. O. Mail, j Curb Bracelets, Expanding Jewelled Bracelets, Watch Bracelets. Necklaces, Necklets, Pendants for Necklets. New Brooches, Lace Pins. JEWELLED BANGLES. CHARAIS. Single and Double Alberts, 1 Ladies’ Fob Chains. Gold Studs, Link
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    • 5 4 LlMtf JUICE. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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  • The Straits Echo.
    • 62 5 Special Service.) Selangor Handicaps. >' ■r, i <. Kuala Lumpur, 19th Dee.—The handicaps in the Selangor Stakes, value $1,500, distance a mile and a half, to be run on the first day of the coining meeting, are :—Ewington 0 st. 12 lbs., Cadena* 0 st. 3 lbs., Haiu'xtrr
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  • 2358 5 A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon at the Municipal Offices. Present:—Messrs. J. W. Hallifax (President), A. R. Adams, F. S. Gaffney, Cheah Tek Thve {Commissioners), Dr. Park (Medial Officer of Health), W. S. Dunn (Municipal Engineer) and R. P. Philipps {Secretary.) Dr. P. V.
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  • 278 5 4th Sunday in Advent. St. George’s Church (Church of England): —8 a.m. Matins (Choral)! 8.30 1 'i.hi. Holy Communion. 9.30 a.m. Tamil Service 1 in Mission Chapel. 10 a. m. i Service for Chinese. 5 Sunday School. 6 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. jpsalm CIV, Smart, Turton,
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  • 18 5 Inward —Per Sumatra,” from Deli, Mr Stark. Per Van Outhooru,” from Sabang, Messrs Kappelhoff and Tian Tek.
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  • 1037 5 Interesting Discussion. At the special meeting of the Municipal i Commission yesterday afternoon the following discussion relative to the local trams took place The President said that with regard to the proposed loan for the purchase and electrification of the Tramway, lie would suggest j that the
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  • 115 5 Penang, 10th Drckmdek. (By court*ay o/tke Chartered. London Demand Bunk 4 months’sight Bank 1 ...LO, 5 3 Credit. 1 /91 3 Documentary ...l/9® tt Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 130 3 days’ sight Private 132 Bombay. Demand Bank 130 3 days’ sight Private 132 Madras. Demand Bank 130 3 days’
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  • 175 5 Tin...! K 83.60 Gold leaf S 84. B. Pepper VV. Coast3l b».soz.)S 29.25 nom. White Pepper 3 51.— sales Trang Pepper 32. —sellers Cloves (picked) S 35. nom. Mace 8140. —sellers Mace Pickings 120. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s 71. —sellers No. 1 7.50 sellers Sugar 2 5. Basket (Chinese)
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  • 114 5 Thf Selangor .Goveronment ,notifies that—lnform at ion having been received that Rinderpest exists among cattle in Singapore and in' the; Quarantine Sheds at Port Swettenliam. the Acting Resident has—under Rule 55 (i.) and (ii.) of The Quarantine and Prevention of Disease Enactment, 1903—” prohibited the importation of cattle into
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1662 6 CHAMPAGNE Jules Milium Co., Reims. Blue Seal. EXTRA-DRY.” Red Seal. CARTE BLANCHE.” Paterson, Simons Co., SOLE AGENTS. UPTOFS TEAS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION. AGENTS PENANG Paterson, Simons Co. TIVOLI" BEER In White Glass Bottles, Light Sparkling |Wholesome Refreshing THE BEST' BEER FOR THE TROPICS. Paterson,
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  • 714 7 Mr. E. H. Parker is an able and accomplished professor, and knows I China as only a handful of Europeans I do. But as a writer he is perverse. With just a little trouble his “China Past and Present (Chapman and Hall) might have been a
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  • 193 7 Per P. and O. steamer India, connecting with the steamer Bengal at Colombo, from London, Nov., 27, —To Shanghai Mrs. Bevis and friend. To Hong Kong Dr. D. Smith, Mr, A. J. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Cutlibert and children, Engineer Com. G. E. D. Graham. To
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  • 578 7 Law and Ji s tick in Kino Chulalongkorn’s Dominions. Mb. Stewart Black, formerly of the British Consular Service in Siam, and now Judicial Adviser to the Siamese Government, has published in Bangkok a report on the work of tlie Ministry of Justice for the year 121 of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 739 7 Club, Dry Champagne, Periquex, Babies, s4i case, 4 dor... §ll doz. X’mas New Year Presents. EMIL ZOBEL, At Messrs. Graham Co., Ltd., No. 4, Bench Street. PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNES. AGENTS HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. KITSON LAMPS. The Finest Light in Existence. Apply to Graham Co., Id., Sa ianlls Buttery Co.,
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    • 257 7 PENG CHENG Co., 17, Market Lane, Penang. Merchants and Commission Agents. SOLE IMPORTERS For the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States OF THE WELL-KNOWN “MAH MAY” CIGARS. NOTICE. to corkespojii»kxT!l: It in requested Unit all communications relating to Subscriptions, Advertisements &c., be addressed to the Manager, Strnitn Echo and
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  • 971 8 PROGRAMME FOE JANUARY MEETING, 1904. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 26th January, 1904. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value 8500.—A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (10st) An allowance of 141bs. to all ex-Griffins. Entrance 810. Distance, one mile. 2. First Griffin Race. Value 8400 and 8100 to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 19 8 Posada, Very Old Bottled, white Port, dor. $50, bot $5. Club Dv.v OteapigM, *lrtz. qt. $4*\ Joz. pt. $22
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    • 326 8 BROWN Co., 4 Logan's 4 Buildings, Estate Agents and Auditors. Reports and Valuations. Sale by Auction or private tender of House Land Property and Stock. DAVID BROWN Co., 4, Logan's Buildings. Estate Agents Auditors. Undertake Sales by Auction or Private Tender of House and Land Property and Stock, Valuations of
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    • 1262 8 Sub-Agent*: Posada Wine Company, HIN LEE A Cc HONG SING. Boot and Shoe Maker. 42 Main Road, Taiping. mwf KHOO BUAN PHUAN. (Chop) GIM SENG MOH. 203 Main Road, Taiping. Tin Miners, Advancers and General 52a Goods Store mwf ONG KHYE PANG. (Chop) KHYE GUAN. Tin Smelters and importers of
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