Straits Echo, 18 December 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 40 1 For Week ending Thursday, Dec. 24. 1903. A.M. P.M. Friday, 18th 0.26 0.51 Sat unlay, 19th 1.17 1.43 Sunday, 20th 2.08 2.34 Monday, 21st 3.00 3.25 Tuesday, 22nd 3.ol 4.17 Wednesday, 23rd... 4.41 5.06 Thursday, 24th 5.34 6.00
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  • 14 1 O New Moon Dee. 19th, 4.21 p.m. First Quarter 27th 9-17 a.m.
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  • 36 1 To-dat. Negapatam Mail for Europe 1 p.m. Municipal Meeting, 3 p.m. Turf Club Meet ing 4-15 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. To-morrow. Land Sale 52 Beach Street Noon. Town Baud, Golf Club, 5-30 p.m.
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  • 46 1 P O. SAILINGS. .Mail Service. Outwards. IIomrwards. Bengal 24 Dec Ballaarat 'Hi Dec Malta 7 Jan j Simla 0 Jan Extra Serviee. Outwards. Hum k wards. Palma 29 Dec i For mom. 21 Dec Socotra 12 Jan Manila 2 Jan <sT For particulars See Page 3.
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    • 38 1 The Recent Riots. Reuter*a Service.) Loin lon, 17 th Dec. —The United States Government is sending a warship to Korea owing to the uneasiness caused to American subjects in that country by the recent rioting at Mokpo.
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    • 31 1 Volunteer Battalions to be Raised. {Reuter# Service.) London, 17th Dec.—Several newspapers announce that the British Government is preparing a scheme for the raising of twentysix battalions of Volunteers in Ireland.
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    • 68 1 Mr. Chamberlain’s Scheme. (Router's Scene**). London, 17th Dec. —Mr. Chamberlain, speaking at Leeds, outlined a scheme which had been prepared by the Tariff Reform League for a non-political commission of experts, comprising representatives of all industries in Great Britain and also in India and the Crown and Selfgoverning
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    • 18 1 New British Minister. (Ceylon Observer Service.) London, Bth Dec.—Colonel Harrington has been gazetted Minister Plenipotentiary to Abvssinia.
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    • 246 1 (Ceylon Observer Service. I London, 7th Dec.— An Italian Lieutenant in charge of an armed dhow landed friendly natives at Durbo in j Somaliland and ordered the Italian flag to be hoisted on the fort. The Commandant refused to comply without orders from the Sultan. The lieutenant
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    • 61 1 (Ceylon Observer Service.) London, 6th Dec. —Reuter's correspondent in Peking states that Prince Ching and the Chinese officials are Apprehensive of the results of the Tibetan Expedition which it is fen red is a Step towards the partition of China. It is not anticipated that the
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    • 100 1 Post Office Scandal. (Cablenews Special Service.) Washington, Ist Dec.—The report of lTourth Assistant Postmaster-General Bristow was given to the public t->-day. It contains 110,000 words, in addition to which there are 500 exhibits continuing a million words. The principal features of the report ate recommendations for re-organizing tfie
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    • 120 1 Naval Strategy. (Cable news Special Service.) London, Ist Dec.—Admiral Alexieff, the Russian Viceroy of Manchuria, has begun a naval demonstration in Coreau waters as a sort of reply to the recent Russo-Japanese fracas at Chemulpo, the capital city of the Island. The battleship Poltava and two tor-pedo-boat
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    • 303 1 Attempt to Exclude Japanese from the United States {Cablenews Special Service.) Washington, 2nd Dec.—A bill has been introduced in the House of Representatives to apply the laws of Chinese exclusion from the United States to the restriction of Japanese immigration. Should this bill become a law it would
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    • 183 1 Left out in the Cold. (Cableurn* Special Service.) 'Washington, Ist Dec. —The House of Representatives has notified President Roosevelt that no Philippine tariff legislation will be considered at this session of Congress. Governor Taft, when asked last evening for a construction of the foregoing message, said that in
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    • 261 1 Tientsin, 27th Nov.—The Russian troops posted at the yamens of the Board of Ceremonies and Board of Revenue in Moukden, have withdrawn and are now stationed outside the main gate of the city of Moukden. —Amhi Shimbuu. The Shanghai Times states that the Military Governor of Fengtien,
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    • 411 5 Russia Ignores the Main Issues. |'i i.Tiimi Nkuociations Possible as a Last Attkmit. llmfri• Scvrirr.) London, 18th I ’«*e*—lt is under* vtood in London that t’u Russian reply to tlie Jap iin-SH note, mentioned on the ldtli instant, affords t lie*’ basis of an agreement upon the
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  • Shipping.
    • 194 1 Mart Austin, Br. s.s. 130, Conway, 17th Dec., Port Swettenham, 16th Dec., Gen., —Koe Guau Co. Avagyee, Br. s.s. 247. Morier, 18th Dec.. Teluk Anson, 17th Dec., Gen., —Koe Guan Co. Jin Ho, Br. s.s. 110, Haatrup, 18th Dec., Langkat, 17th Dei*., Gen., —B. Bros. Petrel. Br. s.s. 158,
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    • 44 1 18th December. Zamania, for Negapataui, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karical taking Mails for Europe,etc. via Madras. Deli for Trang. Cornelia, for Tongkah. Omapere for Port Swettenham A Malacca. Wui/iora. for Singapore and Hongkong. Carlyle, Teluk Anson. Palamcotta, for Rangoon. van Outhoorn, for Singapore.
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    • 75 1 Maky Austin, Br. s.s. 131, Conway, 17th Dee., Port Swettenham, 16th Dee., Gen., —Koe Guam Co. Avagyek, Br. s.s. 247, Morier, 18th Dec., Teluk Anson, 17th Dec,, Gen., —Koe Guan Co. Jin Ho, Br. ss. 110, Hastrup, 18th Dec., Langkat, 17th Dec., Gen., —B. Bros. Petrel, Br. s.s.
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    • 35 1 Ye**el« From Agent» Due Hyson Singapore W.M.&Co. 19th Dec Formosa Singapore P. 0. 21st Beugloe London S.B&Co. 26th Macduff Liverpool S.B.&Co. 28th China Singapore M. Yalarie Trieste S.K &Co. 3rd Jan. S.K.&Co. 3rd l
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    • 41 1 Vessel» For Agents Leaves Lightning Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 19th Dec G. Apcar Singapore A.A.A.Co. 19th Hyson Antwerp W.M.&Co. 19th Formosa London P. 0. 21st Macduff Singapore S.B.&Co. 29th China Boinbav S.K.&Co. 4th Jan. M. Valarie Japan S.K.&Co. 4th Bengloe Singapore S.B.&Co.
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    • 77 1 For Deli- Per Petrel, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Langkat—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Singapore and Hongkong—Per O. Apcar, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Teluk Anson —Per Avagyee, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Port Swettenham—Per Mary Austin, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Edie, T. Seinawe, Segli and Olelileh—Per Hok Canton, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Port Swettenham
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 288 1 A. E. SKEELS. 31, Beach Street, Singing and Piano Lessons GIVEN BY Maestro MARIO PACI AND Madame BEATRIX MANNSFELDT. Separate Lessons #5 each. Lessons by the Month (2 Lessons per week). §35 per month. For further information apply at the address of the Artistes. SEA VIEW HOTEL, Farquhar street. 1-12-03
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    • 323 1 To-day’s Advertisements. The Pollard Farce-Comedy Co. I TOWN HALL, PENANG. Opening Performance WITH THE well-known Comedy Tom Dick Harry, ON TUESDAY 22nd DEC., 1903 AT 9 P.M. Admission .—S3, 82, and SI. Booking at CUNNINGHAM, CLARK Co. NOTICE. riIHE attention of all in possession of 1_ spirituous liquors is invited
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    • 4 1 Read" fiacres 2 7.
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    • 7 1 A. E. SKEELS. V* 31, Beach Street.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 32 1 WEATHER Thk following report is kindly supplied by j the Signal Dir..«ctor of Fort Corn wall is:— The rainfall during the 24 hours ended at 9 a.ra. to-day was 0 36 inches.
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  • 184 1 Obituary. Ceylon Observer Service.) London, 8th Deo.—The death is announced of Herbert Spencer, the author. Spencer, Herbert, author born Derby, 27th April 1820; son of William George Spencer, school-master and private teacher. Educated paitlv at home, partly by an uncle, the Rev. Thomas Spencer, m.a.. at Hiutou Charterhouse*, near .Bath.
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  • 3219 2 Lord Wolseley’s Entertaining Book. t (Manc/iexter Dispatch.) In this Story of a Soldier's Life Lord Wolseley shows himself as good an author as he has been a soldier. Turning from the sword to the pen, he recognises that his first duty as an author is to his
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1948 3 8. N. Co. bLrjiect etl iiccti'ul aml Ih'jni rhii rx. Mail Service. Outwards. Dec. 24 h.n. Bengal oiuiectiuy with .Jan. 7 s.s. Malta <l«> 21 s.s. Chusan «lo Feb. 4 a.a. BaUaarat do 18 a.a. Coromandel do Homewards. Jan. 9 a.a. Simla do 23 a.a. Coromandel do Feb. 6 a..H
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  • 78 4 Justice «aliafl** everybody, and justice ulonf.-fWmw». Established June Ist, 1903. I*itlilisli)‘d daily (except Sundays.) XT THK CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 220-232, Bench Street, Penang. PltlCK lUILY, LOLA I. $34 per annum. (I'otst Free) 37 MAIL EDITION (Post Free) 15 t'A Itl.H AIMIUKSS: I:c hc —Penang." Telephone No.
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  • Current Topics.
    • 234 4 M. de ITessense’s report on the present foreign relations of France advocates the immediate resumption of friendly negotiations wiili Siam, the object being to create a more comt fortable modus vtvendi l>etween the two Governments than had latterly existed, jlt is not M. Dele usee’s fault, however,
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    • 341 4 With reference to the Reuter's message published elsewhere in this issue it may be of interest to remind our readers that it is only in comparatively recent years that Great Britain has had to coutend in the Farthest East with rivals which went in seriously for Protection. Germany
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    • 911 4 In most civilized towns one of the principal duties of the Police is the regulation of the traffic in the public streets, and more particularly so in the busiest thoroughfares. Penang is, we presume, civiliz- i ed, yet the Police appear to have a wondrous disregard for traffic of
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  • 548 4 (Singapore Free F> e*y, IJiit Dec It will be with very great regret Unit both the Colony and the Federated Malay States I will learn that Sir Frank Swetteuham, doubtless for reasons that have proved convincing to his mind, has finally decided to resign the j dual post
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  • 302 4 The Editor of the “India Rubber World in Ceylon. Coming to Penang and will visit the States. The Colombo Observer of 10th inst. extends a hearty welcome to Mr. Henry C. Pearson, the gifted editor of the India Rubber World. Mr. Pearson is a Boston man, with considerable, interest in
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  • 48 4 “Yes, ma'am,” said the peddler, “this here hair tonic will raise hair on a billiard ball.” But will it raise hair on a pumpkin asked the lady of the house. Well, I should say so I’ll take a bottle and get my husband to try it.”
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  • 125 4 John Roberts in Penang. Last evening John Roberts, the champion billiard player, gave an exhibition at the Penang Club before a large number of members. Dr. Mugliston was his opponent and the champion conceded (550 points in a game of a thousand up. He seemed to be decidedly off
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  • 728 4 Penang v. Perak. The following have been so far selected to represent Penang in the match v. Perak at Christmas: 1. H. W. Sharp 2. W. F. Zehnder 3. A. S. Anthony 4. J. F. Gillingham 5. O. P. Griffith-Jones 6. M. E. Plumpton 7. H. A. Neubronner 8.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 118 5 P. O. Rates. The Straits Times in publishing Reuter s message reporting that “t he P. and O. Company have owing to the competition of the Siberian railway decided to reduce the fares to and from China from the Ist January, added a footnote reading:—“The P. and O. agent at
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  • 292 5 The Supao Case. Latest news from Shanghai about tin* s«>-ualled sedition Supao) case is to the ffect that it is fizzling. The Shanghai Times reports that the charges against Tsien Sell Tseng, Cheng Kee Foo and Ching Chong Yih have been withdrawn. The charges against Chang Ping Ling and Chow
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    • 204 5 To Tim Knrroß of tiik Straits Echo. Dkau Sir, I shall esteem it a favor if you will kindly insert the following. I am very sorry to point out to the I authorities concerned through your paper I the deplorable state of Maxwell Road, j
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  • 562 5 Stake a Thousand Dollars. Considerable excitement and speculation was caused yesterday by the sight of J a large crowd of Chinamen who Ixgan toj collect at. and in the vicinity of, the; Esplanade from 11 o'clock, says the Siuga- j pore Free Frees of loth iust. All
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  • 75 5 Inward—For Avagyee,” from T. Anson, I l)r. Middleton au«l Mr. limes. p e r Jin Ho,” from Langkat, Mr. Staffuell. I Per Mossel,” from Acheen, Messrs, j Hawley and Tliiosam. j Per Kistna,” from Singapore, Mr. and; Miss Cowan. From Port Swettenham, Miss Zacliarias, Mrs. Grey, Mr. TuchOn. j
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  • 1468 5 i > to h The Yokohama Box of Curio*, taken on the whole, is a funny paper —well written and overflowing with Sometimes its Editor indulges in ‘spicy’ pars, squibs and curios is seldom sedate, but when j st»Kid a great deal more than most of his
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  • 219 5 “An Object-Lesson.” -Tiik Financial Times speaks of the ••object-lesson” furnished by Malaya. It says: ••’Me* administration reports of the Resident-Genera 1 and Residents of the four Federated Malay States can always be relied upon to furnish interestinppreading, because, for on** reason, .the}* thvariably bear witness to a
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  • Money Market.
    • 119 5 Pknano, 18th Decbubkk. (lhj courtesy m' the Chartered ltank.4 London Demand Bank ...l/il* 4 months’ sight Bank 1 1) t 7 A 3 Credit 3. Documentary ...l/H'J Calcutta, Demand Bank Bs. 131 3 days’ sight Private .133 Bombay. Demand Bank 131 3 days’ sight Private 133 Madras, Demand Bank
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    • 218 5 Bersawah Gold Mine Co., Id. 15.20 sales. IvechauGoldMining Co., Ld. S 1. uom. Ran!) Australian Cold Mining Co., Ld S 5 buyer* Redjau <4 Lebong Cold Mining Co.. Ld i 245 buyer* 8. Raid) Cold Mining Syn. Ld.s 10.— uom. KadanaGoM Mini»gCo,,Ltd. (fully paid) 10.— wnn. Bruseli Tin Mining
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    • 176 5 Tm S 82.50 Gold leaf -5 84. B. Pepper (W. Coast 31 bs.soz.)s 29.25 Hunt. White Pepper 8 51, tale* Traiig Pepper 8 32. teller* Cloves (picked) 35. noiu. Mace 8140. teller* Mace Pickings 120. —tellert Nutuieg* 110 s 71. tellert No. 1 7.50 teller* Sugar 2 5. Biisket
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 6 5 VICTORIA CYCLES. Me (Ulster Co., Ltd.
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    • 4 5 CUTLERY. McAlister C©.« Ltd.
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    • 219 5 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. GOVERNMENT OF NEGRI SEMBILAN. •0,1 .Ji r NOTICE. are invited for a Motor Car X Mail and Passenger Service between Serein ban and Malacca, vui Kuala Pilali and Tampiu. The service will be a daily one, each way, Sundays excepted, and the time allowed for the complete journey
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    • 92 5 British India Steam Navigation Co., Limited. SEA TRIPS DURING THE X’MAS HOLIDAYS. RETURN TICKETS, available between 15th December and 15tli January next, will Imj granted at SINQTjE FARES, for both Ist and 2nd Class, to the undermentioned places, viz.:— Ist Chif>s. 2nd Class. $lO 87i $25 $lB $lOO $6O $7O
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    • 462 5 X’mas lew Year Presents, EMIL ZOBEL, At Messrs. Graham Co., Ltd., A 'o. 4, Beach Street. s HAS RECEIVED FOR THE SEASON The Latest Lesions of Gold Flexible Curb Chains, Bracelets, plain and jewelled. Gold Ladies' Rings and Brooches, set with Diunonds, Sapphires, Pearls, Rubies and Emeralds. Gold and Silver
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 798 7 1)Y Harold J. ShEI’NTONK. The recent purchase by the Indian government of two zebra-horse hybrids from Prof. J. Cossar Ewart, of Edinburgh University, Scotland, has called attention to the work of this gentleman, and, incidentally, to the experi- uienta in cross-breeding of Mr. Carl Hagen beck, the animal
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  • 234 7 Just as racing lias so immensely improved the home telegraph service through the necessity of making results known ail over the country in the shortest possible lime, so the cricket matches in Australia have induced the cable companies to break all records in the quick dispatch of messages
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  • 597 7 A Child’s Unhappy Experience. Those many people who entertain an unfavourable opinion of vaccination, especially in the case of children, will tind fresh justification in the following cast*: Mr. M. P. Lewey. the well-known South African temperance advocate, is a resident of North End. Port Elizabeth,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 833 7 Clul>. Pry Champagne, J’rriiiuex. Bahiw». Sit case. 4 «loss.* Si 1 <W.. Penang Sales Room. IMPORTANT LAND SALE. BY ORDER OF THE OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE OK TilK Property or M. D. MXSTBY, JN BANKIUJPTCY No. 2 of 1902, The undersigned is favoured with instructions to sell BY PUBLIC AUCTION On Saturday,
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    • 39 7 NOTICE. VIEWS of Penang, Singapore, Perak, Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft. on Bromide paper. W. JONES, King Street, Penang. Photographer. 38 a No. 4. Posada, red Port, Dow’s Imperial, 1858,d0/.. s4o, l*ot. $1.50
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    • 231 7 NOTICE. TO COKRKBPOXKENTS: It is requested that all communications relating to Subscriptions, Advertisements &c., be addressed to the Manager, Strait» Echo” and not to the Editor. All cheques should be crossed. letters on Editorial or other matters intended for publication or use in the Echo should be sent to “The
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  • 967 8 PROGRAMME FOR JANUARY MEETING, 1904. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 26th January, /904. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value 8500.—A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (10st) An allowance of 141bs. to all ex-Griffins. Entrance 810. Distance, one mile. 2. Firht Griffin Race. Value 8400 and 8100 to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 19 8 Posada, Very Old Bottled, white Port, dor.. {50, l>ot Club Dry Champagne, Pereguex, doz. «jt. §40, dnz. pt. §22
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    • 336 8 DAVID BROWN Co., 4 Logan s Buildings, Estate Agents and 1 Auditors. Reports and Valuations. Sale by 0 Auction or private tender of House Land Property and Stock. DAVID "BROWN Co., 4, Logan's Buildings. Estate Agents <fc Auditors. Undertake Sales by Auction or Private Tender of J House and Land
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    • 919 8 >rs. *25 oe, lat ost nuxst ind 7* rst ay, •ms the be to ing try n’s ud by :k. les :k, Sub-Agents: Posada Wine Company, HIN LEE <V HONG SING. Boot and Shoe Maker» 42 Main Road, Taiping. mwf KHOO BUAN PHUAN. (Chop) GIM SENG MOH. 203 Main Road,
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