Straits Echo, 17 December 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 60 1 Bikth. On Htli November, at Gempolkrep. Modjokerto. Java, the wife of Pierre Eschanzier. Hilda Playne). of a son. Marriaok. On 17th October, at St. Andrew’s Church, llomhav. by the Rev. H. Cameron. Charles Harold* Crole-Rees. B.I.S.N. Co., eldest son of Crole-Rees. Inglewood.” Highbury. London. to Muriel Lucie, eldest
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  • 38 1 Kor Week ending Wednesday, Dee. 22. 1903 A.M. H.M. Thursday, 17th 11.34 Friday, 18th 0.2« 0.51 Saturday, 19th 1.17 1.43 Sunday, 20th 2.08 2.34 Monday, 21st 3.00 3.25 Tuesday, 22nd 4.51 4.17 Wednesday, 23rd... 5.41 5.06
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  • 14 1 O New Moon Deo. 19th, 4.21 i*.m First Quarter 27th 9-17 a.m
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  • 28 1 To-dat. Sale at Babington" Perak and Barrack Road at 11.30 a.m. To-morrow. Negapatam Mail for Europe I p.m. Municipal Meeting. 3 Town Hand, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m.
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  • 42 1 P O. SAILINGS Mail Service. OUTWAROH. HoMKWARDS. Bengal 71 Dec Dalian rat Hi Dec Malta 7 Jan Simla H Jav Extra Service. IJUTWAROH. HoM K WARDS. Palermo 17 Dec Formosa 71 Dec Palma Manila 'i Jan fi&r Em particulars See Page 3.
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    • 31 1 Tsar’s New Finance Minister Seriously II& (Ceylon Observer Service.) London, titli Dee.— M. Plelive, the new Russian Minister of Finance, is seriously ill and obliged to relinquish his post.
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    • 37 1 Won by a British M. P. (Ceylon Observer Service.) London, lOtli Dec.—The Nobel Peace Prize, value £7,830, lias been awarded to Mr. Creiner, Member for Shoreditch, in recognition of his work on International Arbitration.
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    • 25 1 (Ceylon Observer Service./ London, 7th Dec.—The Board of Trade returns for November shotv that imports have increased to 43,605,335 and exports decreased 41.610,445.
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    • 58 1 The Commissioner of Mines Resigns. (Ceylon Observer Service.) Allahabad, 4th Dec.—A Pioneer special, dated London, 3rd Dec., says that Mr. Wybergh, Transvaal Commissioner of Mines, has resigned, lie has written to Sir Arthur Law lev that the Government is unduly influenced by the financial element and has to
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    • 88 1 (Sydney Telegraph Service.) London, 28th Nov.—A painful feeling has been caused in society in London by the conviction for fraud of Arthur Edward Saunders Sebright, the brother of Sir Edgar Reginald Saunders Sebright DC to the Earl of Hopetoun in Victoria from 1892 to 1894 The
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    • 95 1 Coininander-in-Chief at Variance with Mr. Forster. /Ceylon Observer Service.) London, 10th Doc. —Lord Roberts yesterday denied the rumours of his impending retirement. The Daily News says it is able to state that nevertheless there is every probability of his early retirement, owing to his dislike of Mr. Forster’s
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    • 99 1 An Agreement Being Negotiated Favourable to the Tsar. (Ceylon Observer Service.) London, Bth Dec.—Reuter's Agent in Peking states that prominent officials assert that China is concluding an agreement with Russia respecting the government of Manchuria. It is expected that the agreement will include the concession of most
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    • 17 1 (Ceylon Observer Service.) Loflffbh, 6th Dec—Reuter wiring from Shanghai says the Chinese cotton crop is splendid.
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    • 34 1 Fights between Police and People. (Cobleitcvrs Special Service.) London, Ist Dec.—'The police and people of Russian Armenia are in conflict. Desperate tights between the authorities and the peasants are now going on. -—m—-
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    • 49 1 Posing as the Angel of Peace (Cmblenctvs Spec in' Service.) iSt. Petersburg. 3rd Dec. The Czar has delivered a speech in which he proclaimed intentions of peace by Russia. It is believed in the diplomatic circles of Berlin that Russia and Japan will settle their differences amicable.
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    • 57 1 Killed in a Railway Smash. (Cable netr* Special Service.) Kansas City, Mo, Ist Dec.—Mrs. Booth-Tucker, the Salvation Army leader, and Colonel Holland, also of the Salvation Army, were killed in a train wreck on tlte Santa Ft* railroad, near Dean Lake, Mo. Mrs. Bootli-Tucker was a daughter of
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    • 65 1 Shot at by a Lunatic. {Cablenews Special Service.) Tokio, 2nd Dec.- A Japanese student made an attempt here to-day to assassinate* Marquis lto, the Mikado’s Prime Minister. As the Minister was leaving his palace for a drive the student fired several shots at him with a revolver. The
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    • 225 1 The Progress of Negotiations. Japan determined not to Yield an Inch (Ceylon Observer Service.) London, 10th Dec.—Reuter, wiring from Tokio, says it is believed that Russia’s reply will not be finally decisive, but sufficiently reasonable to allow of the resumption of negotiations respecting minor details. It is
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    • 46 1 Reduction of Wages in Boston. Cablenete# Special Service Boston, U. S. A.. Ist I)oe.— Economic conditions in tlm East may be judged from the fact that 75,000 textile workers of this city have been notified that their wages will be cut a tenth after to-dav.
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    • 53 1 Declared an Open Port. -4 (Cahleuetc* Special Service.) London, Ist Dec.—The Japanese Minister to the Court of St. James has been notified that the Government sit Tokio has declared Yoiigainpho, Korea, an open port in the interest of commerce. This is a Japanese concession to the Powers, including a
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    • 74 1 The Hay-Bunanvarilla Treaty Cable new* Special Service. > Washington, 3rd Dec.—The Pay-Bu-na nvarilia Panama Canal Treaty between the United States and the Republic of Panama has been ratified by the latter Government and has received the signature of the President. Colombia has finally withdrawn all efforts to control
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    • 84 1 A Queen’s Jewels for Sale. Cablenew.s Special Service.) London, 3rd Dec.—The sisters of tin l murdered Queen of Servia, who was assassinated some months ago with her husband, King .Alexander, are offering her jewels for sale. It will be remembered that the dead Queen was a widow at the
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    • 263 1 (Ceylon Observer Service.) Bombay, 8th Dec.—After visiting Koweit and Bushire tin* Viceroy left the latter port on Thursday in the Hardinge. bidding farewell to the squadron—except the cruiser Fox, which preceded her to Pasri. Leaving the Persian Gulf, the Viceroy halted at Jask. Thence the Hardinge steaming
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  • Shipping
    • 115 1 Bayern, Ger. s.s. 3.128, Formes, 16th Dec., Colombo, 12th Dec., Gen. —B. M. A. Co. Hebe. Br. s.s. 315. Inkster. 17th Dec.. Singapore. 15th Dec., Gen., —W. Mansfield A. Co. Cornelia. Br s.s. 194, Moggie, 16th Dec.. Tongkali. 15th Dec. Gen.. —Koe Guau Co. Omapeke, Br. s.s. 340, Boyle,
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    • 24 1 17th December. Hebe, for Deli. Canton, for Pangkor and Teluk Anson. Tan- Tony, for Langkat and Pangkaktn B randan. 110 Kirei for Deli.
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    • 58 1 Cornelia, Br. s.s. 191. Hcggie, 16th Dec., Tongkali, 15th Dec., Gen., Koe Guan Co. Omapeke, Br. s.s. 340, Boyle, 16th Dec., Malacca, 11th Dec., Geu..— Koe Guan Co. Hok Canton. Br. ss. 294, Scott, 16th Dec., Aclieen, 14th Dec.,Gen., Ban HoHin. Carlyle. Br. s.s. 331, Quine, 17tli Dec.,
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    • 47 1 Y easel# mill Aijent# Due Lightning Singapore A.A.A.Co. 18th Dec G. A pear (Calcutta A. A. A.Co. 18th Hyson Singapore W.M.&Co. 19th Formosa, Singapore jP. O. 21st Bengloe London S.B&Co. 26th Macduff Liverpool S.B.«&Co. 26th China Singapore ;S.K &Co. Ird Jan. M. Valarie Trieste S.K.ACo Srd
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    • 43 1 Vessel* For Aijentn Leaven Lightning Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 19th Dec (i. A car Singapore A.A.A.Co. 19th Hyson Antwerp W.M.&Co. 19th Forme sa London P. JC 0. 21st China Bouibav’ S.K.&Co. 4tli Jan. M. Valarie Japan S.K.ACo. 4th Benglce Macduff Singapore Singapore S.B.ACo. S.B.&Co.
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    • 125 1 Inward Per Bayern,” from Southampton, Mr. and Mrs. G*. H. Stitt. From Genoa, Mr. C. Tever, Mr. R. G. Minliole. From Naples, Mr. and Mrs. F. Stork, Capt. YVeix*r. From Colombo, Mr. J. J. London, Mr. Jules, Valentin. Mr. C. Sirt. From Genoa, Mr. and Mrs. Buttikofft;r, Mr. J.B.
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    • 64 1 For Asalian, Batu Bahru ami Deli—Per Laurens Fit, to-morrow, 9 a.m. Trang—Per Deli, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Tongkali—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Negapatam. Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karical taking Mails for Europe, etc. via Madras— Per Zamania, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenliain and Malacca- Per Omapere, to-morrow, 2 p.m.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 406 1 A. E. SKEĔLS. o 31, Beach Street. To-day’s Advertisements. NOTICE. (TpHE attention of all in possession of 1. spirituous liquors is invited to Section 29 of the Liquors Ordinance 1894. as given I below, whereby an account of duty paid liquors has to l*» duly furnished "to the I Farmers
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    • 6 1 A. E. SKEELS. 31, Berch Street.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 27 1 WEATHER. Thk following report, is kiuilly supplied hv the Signal Pir*ctor of Fort Cornwallis: The rainfall during the 24 hours euded at 9 to-dav was nil.
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  • 29 1 Dkath». On 12th November, in lier Hot'i year, at Treirarthen. Upper Norwood, the residence <if her son-in-law. Mary Matilda Wilkinson, widow of <J. J. Wilkinson, late Recorder of Rangoon.
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  • 712 2 (CVy/o/t Observer, 4th Dec.) Messrs P. Orr Sous, whose head office in at Madras, have introduced into Cevlou a new Railway Safety Appliance called Theobald's patent electric train-key apparatus.” It was fitted up, a few days ago, between Kollupitiya and Bambalapitiya Stations and from Monday morning
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  • 286 2 Si. Pkteksbukg, loth Nov. After lengthy discussions, and after having repeatedly modified their original views, the Commission which seine time ago was appointed to prepare a law on the Russian mercantile marine has submitted to tlit* Government the rt s ilt of its labours. Ac* o ding
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  • 73 2 Copenhagen, Nov. 18.—A bottle containing a note, evidently emanating from a ship in distress, has been washed ashore near Kaersgaart (Jutland). In this note, which is addressed to Clement and G. Spinks. Millwall Dock, and is dated Sept. 9, five men of the crew of the
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  • 291 2 An Exemplary Sentence. Allahabad, 3rd Dec. —In the Allahabad High Court yesterday, before Justice Blair and a jury the hearing was concluded of the case in which Duncan Wallace, a Sergeant of the Government Railway Police, stood charged under Sections 37b and 511 of the Indian Penal
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  • 192 2 Per P. and O. steamer India, connecting with the steamer Bengal at Colombo, from London. Nov.. 27, —To Shanghai Mrs. Bevis and friend. To Hong Kong Dr. D. Smith. Mr. A. J. Richardson. Mr. aud Mrs. D. D. Cuthbert aud children. Engineer Com. G. E. D. Graham. To
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 81 2 TUNG LEE Co., Merchants and General Importers, P E N A NG. Wholesale Office: 53, BEACH STREET. General Store Department:— 95, BEACH STREET. JUST OPENED ANOTHER NEW CASE Egyptian Cigarettes, Egyptian Cigarettes, Guaranteed Fresh Cold or Cork Tip, per tin S 3 of 50 packets, 10 Cigarettes each, or SI
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    • 1641 2 Club Dry Champagne. Percguex. doz. qt. S40, dor., pt. S22 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Ayrats: Posada Wine Company, GOSLING A C«. NOTICE. of ry* HE next ORDINARY MEETING i the Municipal Commissioners will 1« held At the MUNICIPAL OFFICE. On Friday, the 18th December, at 3 p.m R P. PHILLIPS. 4 LL
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1967 3 'Vs 'JitG ■z V.; s&w» v *T* Is. N. Co. Norddeutsciier Lloyd, Bremen. iirnnt/ mnl I Ir/mctn i‘i'x. Mail Service. Outwards. Doc. 24 k.h. Bengal connecting wit}» S.S. India Jan. 7 s.s. Malta do s.s. Moldavia 21 s.s. Chusan do s.s. Arcadia Fob. 4 s.s. Balia neat do k.h. A
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  • 82 4 Justice everybody, and justice alone.- .Emerson Established Jane Ist, 1903. daily (except Snnday*.) AT Til* CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 220-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: IMII.Y, I/OCA I, $24 per annum. (Poet free) 27 MAIL KDITIOX (Post Free) 15 PAKI.R ADDUKSN: “H c h c—P en a n
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  • 688 4 The Night Mail Service. The first day of the New Year is to mark an era in the history of the Federated Malay States Railways, for, las we were able to announce so long j ago aa the lOtli October la«t, a Night Mail is then to
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  • 197 4 Crisis nr the Pepper Trade. The Singapore Times of loth instant has an editorial on the serious crisis in the pepper trade. It quotes from the Echo's leader on the subject and adds The traders cannot readily get Netherlands coin for the purpose equal to the amount
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  • 919 4 His Highness the Sultan of J 0 h ore accompanied by Inchi Mustapha hi.. Jaffar, the State Auditor, and I m -hj lj Ismail bin Baehok, the Commissioner of Police, proceeds to Europe bv the 1 French mail leaving Singapore on 4t), j January next. H. H. will be
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 24 5 Oxford v. Cambridge. (If enter x Servin'.) London, IGtli Dee. —Oxford has beaten 'Cambridge University at Rugby football by 18 to 13 points.
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  • 137 5 New Government Unrecognised. Kelt ter x Seeder.) London, 1 Gtli Dec.—Since the assassination of King Alexander and Queen Draga of Serviu, Great Britain has refused to recognise the new Government of Servia, and other Powers are now beginning to take the same course by granting their representatives long leave
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  • 86 5 Conservative Chamberlainite Victories. llruter x Serricc.) London, l(»th Dec. —In the Parliamentary election at Dulwich, Mr. Rutherford Harris, a Conservative Chamberlainite, polled 5,810 votes against 4,382 for Mr. Masterman, Liberal Freetrader. At Lewisham, Mr. Coates, the Conservative Cliamherlainite, polled 7,700 votes against 5,697 for Mr. Cleland, Liberal Freetrader.
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  • 64 5 A Gloomy Outlook. Stocks Steadily Falling. (Renter* Service London, 17th Dec. —Reuters lokio correspondent telegraphs that the Members of the Conference ot Elder Statesmen have considered the Russian reply to Japan s demands. It is reported that they consider the answer to be unsatisfactory and hence the
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  • 48 5 The British Mission Advances. (Reuter** Service.) London, 17th Dec. —"lhe British Mission to Tibet has made its first advance over the Jelep Pass, the Mission was unopposed and the local officials, after entering a formal protest against the advance, gave Colonel Youngliusband a formal but friendly reception.
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  • 63 5 Lieutenant and Sergeant Sentenced. Reuter*8 Service.) London, 17th Dec. Lieutenant Schilling, on trial at Metz on vat i-, ous charges of cruelty towards the men under his command, has been sentenced to fifteen months imprisonment. A sergeant has been sentenced to five years imprisonment and expulsion from
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  • 38 5 His Provincial Tour Completed. (Renter x Service,) London, !7tli Dec. —Mr. Chamberlain has completed his tour of the Provinces in his fiscal campaign at Leeds, where he met with a reception of the most enthusiastic description.
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  • 53 5 United States Presses for an Answer. Renter x Service London, 17th Dec. —It is stated in New York that Mr. H. X. Allen, the United States Minister at Seoul, has demanded from the Korean Government a definite answer regarding the opening to trade of the ports of
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  • 43 5 Native Passenger Succumbs to the Disease at Rangoon. (Ceylon Observer Service. Rangoon, 10th Dec. —A native passenger by the steamer Avoea which arrived from Calcutta on Monday, died at the Segregation Camp yesterday from plague. The steamer lias been quarantined and fumigated.
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  • 65 5 (Ceylon Observer Service.) Calcutta, 9th Dee.—The latest bettiug in the Viceroy’s Cup is 2 to 1 against Grent Scot, 5 to 1 against Combine, 7 to 1 against Acetine and Cretonne, 10 to 1 against Vox to and Friar Tuck, 15 to 1 against Hoop Iron, 20
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  • 482 5 (Straitx Times, loth Dec.) It is official! 7 announced in a telegram from the Secretary of State for the Colonies that H. E. Sir Frank Swettenliam will retire on January 12th, 1904. Though not unexpected for; Sir Frank’s desire to resign the Governorship was well-known when he left,
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  • 82 5 A Singapore exchange states that from the beginning of the new year, j it is reported, tin? unloading of goods from steamers after sunset at Port Swetenham will l»e discontinued, contractors will be required to provide coolies to do work t'uuin t> a.m. to 6p.m. I instead of
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  • 224 5 The following Straits Settlements Qpmmand Order is published for the information of all officers. (By Order) G. M. Dgndas Mouat, Lieut.. Staff Officer, j (1) The Uniform prescrilied by the i Dress Regulations will be worn at dinner j and evening parties at Government House, 1 He;pi quarter
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  • 582 5 A meeting of the Council was held*on Friday last, lltli instant. His Excellency, the Officer Administering the Government presided, and there were also present the Hons, the Acting Colonial Secretary, the Attorney-General, Colonial Treasurer, Aud-itor-General, and the Hons. W. J. Nap:ev, j G. S. Murray, C. Stringer and
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  • 621 5 Invasion of New York a Huge Adventure The Pkaish-God-Baue-Bones an Audacious Adventurer. Some idea of the true inwardness of the campaign of that champion kuee-drdl j crank and all-round hoodlum Alexander j Dowie, otherwise Elijah 11, who. was ar- i rested the other day, is obtainable from articles
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  • 132 5 The following are the Agenda for the Special Meeting of the Commission tomorrow 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. To consider and if thought tit to pass Supplemental Budget No. 3 of 1903. 3. To reconsider Budget for 190^ 4. Any special business
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  • Money Market
    • 122 5 Penang, 17th Decbmubu. (By courtesy of the Charleroi Hank.) London Demand Bsmk 1 4 months’ sight Bank ...1 9i 3 Credit l/»f 3 Documentary ...1/9; Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 132 3 days’ sight Private 134 i Bombay, Demand Bank 132 J' 3 days’ sight Private 134 Madras, Demand Bank
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    • 202 5 Bersawnli Gold Mine Co., LJ. 15.20 rales. KechauGold Mining Co.. Ld. 1. noni. Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld s.— buyers Redjang Leboiig Gold Milling Co., Ld $245. buyers i 3. Raub Gold Mining Svn. Ld.s 10.— uom. KadanaGold Mining Co.,Ltd. (fullv paid) 10.—now. Brusch Tin Mining Co., Ld.
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    • 176 5 83.75 Gold leaf 84. 15. Pepper \V.Coast 3!b5.5 o*.) 8 29.25 no in. White Pepper s >l.— tale» Trailg Pepper 8 teller* Cloves (picked) 35. noin. Mace 8140. seller* Mace Pickings 120 .—teller* Nutmegs llOs 71. tellers No. 1 7.50 tellers Sugar Basket (Chinese) 4.10 buyers j Tapioca Flour
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 8 5 ROSE’S BURMAH CHEROOTS. Me fl lister Co., Ltd
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    • 105 5 British India Steam Navigation Co., Limited. SEA TRIPS DURING THE XMAS HOLIDAYS. RETURN TICKETS, available between 15th Deceml>er and 15th January next, will be granted at SINGLE FARES, for both Ist and 2nd Class, to the undermentioned places, viz.: Ist Class, Class. To Port Swettenham To Singapore To Hongkong To
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    • 690 5 Singing and Piano Lessons- GIVEN BY Maestro MARIO PACI AND Madame BEATRIX MANNSFELDT. .Separate Lessons $5 each. Lessons by the Month (2 Lessons per week). $B5 per month. For further information apply at the address of the Artistes. SEA VIEW HOTEL, Forqnhar Street. 1-12-08 1 m. tu.f. Municipal Notice. A
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1752 6 Aylesbury Garland, BURN Go., Ltd. i Established 1781. Howrah, Calcutta. TAIK HO Co. INSURANCES. IPOH. GO H 00 H z O z w Engineers and Shipbuilders, Iron and Brass Founders, Machinery and Metal Merchants. THE above Finn having established an Agency in Penang are prepared to tender or supply Machinery
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  • 717 7 Methods of Modern Financiers Criticized. J. Pierpont Morgan, Charles M. Schwab, Col. J. J. Mc<A>ok and other; apostles of modern financial met hods aie arraigned severely by Receiver James Smith, Jr., in his report of the; United States Shipbuilding Company's! affairs, which has been completed for tiling
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  • 530 7 Am» Now. Which y Mj:. Winston Churchill, ji.p.. made a happy little «perch at the annual dinner of the i london Press Cluh. He Indievefl the Press could make or mar mediocrities, and for that reason h'* thought the present. Government would I** well advised in establishing
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 900 7 Clul*, Dry Champague, PeriqueX, Babies. Sl4 oaw, 4 <W„, $ll do/.. Penang: Sales Room. IMPORTANT LAND SALK. PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNES. AGENTS HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Graham Co., Id., wtsr c KITSON LAMPS. The Finest Light in Exiftteuoe. BY ORDER Oh THE OFFICIAL ASSIGN! Apply to WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, p A\ 4
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    • 33 7 Dr. W. M ANSON DENTAL SURGEON. Price Moderate Consultation Free. Residing Temporarily in 427, Penang Road, Opposite to Mr. Len<f Cheak’s House. 3 mths. No. 16. Posada Slierrv, F.)?gante, duz. §l5, hot. 51.60
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    • 171 7 WINES! WINES! WINES! Champagne, Fxtra Quality, Jules Peron Cie., 2 doz. pts. $3O, and I doz. <jts. $2B. Cin Satiuette,’’ per case, $9. Gin Hulstkamp,” 12 bottles in case o Gallons, $9 per case. Whisky, Fine old Scotch F. 0. S. Blend, $6 per case. Australian Burgundy, per doz. pts.
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  • 979 8 PROGRAMME FOB JANUARY MEETING, 1904. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 26th January, 1904. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value *SOO.—A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (lOst) An allowance of 141hs. to all ex-Griffins. Entrance *lO. Distance, one mile. 2. First Gkiekin Race. Value *4OO and *IOO to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 15 8 Posada, Very Old Bottled, white Port, do*. $50, lot $5,- ELECTRO-PLATEDWARE. MoAliater Sc Co.) Ltd.
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    • 325 8 *3 DAVID BROWN Co., 4 Logan’s Buildings, Estate Agents and Auditors. Reports and Valuations. Sale by Auction or private tender of House Land Property and Stock. DAVID BROWN Co., 4, Ixtgan's Buildings. Estate Agents Auditors. Undertake Sales by Auction or Private Tender of House and Land Property and Stock, Valuations
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    • 1012 8 HONG SING. Boot and Shoe Maker. t 42 Main Road, Taiping. tnwf nt KHOO BUAN PHUAN. (Chop) 3 G1M SENG MOH. 8 208 Main Road, Taiping. Tin Miners, Advancers and General y. 52a Goods Store unvf WIDE WORLD FAMOUS BRITISH DOC’S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass's Ale. (RED GREEN DIAMONDS)
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