Straits Echo, 16 December 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 42 1 Week emling Tuesday. Dec. 22. 1903. 4*. P.M. Wednesday, 16th... 10 »41 11.06 Thirstily, 17tli 11 {34 Fri lity, iHtli 0j26 0.51 j Saturday, 19th 1.17 1.43 i Sunday. 20th £OB 2.34 Monday, 21at 3.00 3.25 Tuesday, 22ml 4«.'>l 4.17
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  • 14 1 O New Moon I)e<*. 19th, 4.21 p.m. First Quarter... 27th 9-17 a.m.
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  • 33 1 To-day. Sale of Jewellery, at 52, ileach Street 11-30 a.m. Town Hand, Esplanade, 5-30 pjn. Outward German Mail expected 6 p.m. To-moukow. Sale at Babiugtou” Perak and llarrack Road at 11.30 a.m.
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  • 51 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OUTWARDS. 11 l.M K YV A K L>S. Bengal ?7 Dee j Ballaa rat 20 Der .j t iy], r it I Extra Service. (IUTWAKDS, HVMKWAROH. Palermo 17 Dee J Form ora 10 Dec j Palma 29 Manila .2 Jan BNf For particulars See Page
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    • 43 1 Resignation of the Cabinet. (Cablenetes Special Service. I Madrid, sth D.-c. —The crisis in cabinet affairs lias resulted in the lesignation of the entire ministry. Just who will be asked by the King to form the new cabinet is not known now.
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    • 57 1 Congressman Turned Out. 4 Cablenews Special Service.) Washington, sth Dec.—A sensation was created at the Capitol to-day by the action of Congressman Cannon in ordering a man mimed Bclmlteis, a labour leader, from the Speaker's room. Schulteis made an insulting remark, and Cannon turned on him in wrtitb
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    • 59 1 Two Dollars from Frisco to Hongkong. <Cablenete Special Scccice.) •San Francisco. 4th Dec.—The transpacific steamship companies are waging a bitter steerage rate war over Chinese traffic. The Pacific Mail, Tovo Kisen Kaislia uud Occidental and Oriental steamship companies have just announced a rat** of 82 gold, to Chinese
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    • 70 1 Liabilities of Zion City f Cabteneivs Special Service.) Chicago, 4th Dec—The liabilities oi the Zion City Corporation are estimated at 875,000 United States currency. John Dowie, the alleged prophet who styles himself Elijah II,” has been made temporary receiver of the Zion City Corporation of which he is the
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    • 287 1 Marquis Ito Denies Settlement. (Cable new» Special Service.) Tokio, sth Dec.—The reports sent from St. Petersburg that an understanding had been arrived at between Russia and Japan for the settlement of the contentions between them over Manchuria and Korea, is denied by Marquis Ito the Premier of
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  • 1258 1 SI. Moritz, second in the Manchester Novcnitier Handicap, run 28t.1i ult.. rfiulcd at Ito 9 agst. The winner. IJn-itchCap, was not even quoted iu the betting two days before thc.nue. H Melh. Ccr Gossip buid ihat more tlran one of the riders iu the Melbourne Cup field had
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  • 612 1 A Lady's Unhappy Plight. To many residents in the Straits Settlements Mr. Charles L. Robless. who holds the respon- sible -position of Shipping Clerk to Messrs Boustead A Co.. Penang, is well known. The following therefore should prove of interest to our readers, especially to those
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  • Shipping.
    • 135 1 I’rinz Heinrich, Ger. s.s. 6,002, Heintze, 1 .'tli Dec.. Singapore, 14th Dtv.. Gen., B. M. A Co. Penta kota, 15r. 8.8. 2,209, Coope, 16th Dec.. Silica]>ore, 14th Dec., Gen., Huttenl>ach Liebert A Co. JiAVKKSN Pit. put, 8.8. 154, de Vlies. 16th Dec.. Deli, loth Dec., Gen.,—Hl L. A Co.
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    • 47 1 16th December. Lauykat, for Port Swettenhani. H. Huleiryn, for Asahan. Chan Tai. for Perlis and Setul. Avayyre, for Teluk Anson. Pen tarot a. for Rangoon. Un Petty, for Perlis and Setui. Artsadonq, for Langkat and Until Halira. Sumatra, for Deli. Bayern, for Singapore, China and Japan.
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    • 59 1 Laurens Pit, Dut. s.s 154, de Vries. 16th Dec., Deli, loth Dec., Gen.,—H. Jj. A CoQuokka, Ur. 8.8. 120, Russell, 15th Dec., Langkat, 14th Dec., Gen.,-*-H. LA Co. Taw Tong, Ur. s.s. 105 s Reid, 16th J)ee., Brandan, 14th Dec., Gen. ,—lvoe Guan Co. Br. s.s. 105, Mericuu,
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    • 45 1 Vestel* 7- > <>ni Atjeuts 1 line Palermo I ■sue/. l P. o. i* 17th Dec Lightning Gr. A pear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 18th Calcut ta A. A. A .Co. 18th Beugloe London S.B.ACo. Macduff Glasgow i •>;}* J.| S.B.ACo. u i. H ari l 'I T*
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    • 37 1 Yemttsls i t For i Agent* Leave PaleniK» •Singapore «.-.-i: -.y. P.&O. 1 7th Dec. Liirlilnin^ Cciicuttii A.A.A.Co; 19th G. A {tear Singapore A.A.A.Co. il9tb Bcuglot* Singapore S.B.&Co. Mtuiluflf Singapore S.B.&Uo. f Hftr? T. v:?wni/] r
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    • 97 1 Foie:— lJeli Per Hub?, to-morrow, 11 Langkat and Pangkalan Brahdan-—Per Qtiorra, to-morrow, 1 p.ui. Pangkor and Teluk Ausou— Per Canton, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Langkat arid Pangkalan Brandau— Per Tatr Tony, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Deli Per Ho Kicei, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Asahan, Batu Bahra and Deli—Per Laurens Pit,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 351 1 UJ J 0(3 HJ& O 'X lift r 2 k/ fn f'hj *N •s 0 0 > A A. E. SKEELS NOTICE. I IIEO to inform the public that my wife 1. Kee Kim Huat Neoh liaviug this day left my protection I shall not Ik* respousi- hie for any
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    • 136 1 To-day’s Advertisements. X’MAS WEEK SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY. iaril? 2'Sii". X’IVIAS TREES Pi. AIN AND Pecokated. i Toys, Games, Hooks and X mas presents of every description. Special Opportunity for OUTSTATIONS •Li jL Cj Our -assorted JC'iUiUv Toy Buies containing Dolls; Toys, Games, Hooks ami Presents Range from $»10 and Upwards. Orders
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    • 83 1 A. E. SKEELS. uj.iiviu nctiif»,! ni «fci»ih9W<rri 4 »’f«.l.*M .VII r*n>! 31, Beach Street. WANTED ENGAGEMENT, WINDER a Lawyer in Penang or elsewhere by a Tamil, who has had legal training and is able to set up all Criminal and Civil cases, instruct in open Courts, and work up all
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 28 1 WEATHER. Thk following rejH*rt is kindly supplied hv tlie Signal Dir ector of Fort. ('ormvaiiis:-r The rainfall during the 24 hours ended at 9 a.m. to-dav was nil.
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  • 937 2 Proceedings in London Divorce Court. On the 6th ult. tin* case of McAvoy c McAvoy came on for hearing before Mr Justice Bucknill. This was the petition ol Mrs. Victoria McAvoy (nee Lawrence) well-known in the music-hall world as esti Victoria, tor a dissolution of her
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  • 647 2 I Cf lnnbus Dispatch.) There is a bridge whist aristocracy. The girl who understands the subtlety of the game may gain its highest portals. It is said that bridge whist is responsible for the increase in New York's exclusive list. However it is, it is a certainty
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  • 192 2 Per P. ami O. steamer India, connecting with the steamer Bengal at Colombo, from London. Nov., 27, —To Shanghai Mrs. Bevis and friend. To Hong Kong: Dr. D. Smith. Mr. A. J. liiehardsou, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Cuthbert and children. Engineer Com. (J. E. D. Graham. To
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 25 2 NOTICE. VIEWS of Penang, Singapore, Perak Selangor, and Sumatra. Photo» enlarged, various size* up to 3ft on Bromide paper. \V. JONES, King Street, renang. Pkoioyr,tj>her
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    • 98 2 j* -fc JUST RECEIVED. Egyptian Cigarettes. Monthly Shipment* direct from Cairo. 111. Vafiadis A Co. M.Mclachrino A Co, Crown Prince. I Non Plcs Ultra. Size No. 4. Superfine. Narcisgus. Gold, j Plain and StrawCork A. Ma; s-tipped Tipped. iiii Amlier, Amlier and Meerschaum and Cigarette Holders, Briar «H Pipes. Meerschaum
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    • 1578 2 Club Dry Champagne, Pereguex, doz. qt. $4O, doz. pt. 522 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. T HE next ORDINARY MEETING of the Municipal Commissioners w ill be held At the MUNICIPAL OFFICE, On Friday, the 18th December, at 3 p.m. R P. PHILLIPS, 14-12-03 Secretary. TO LET. AN UNFURNISHED HOUSE known as “Siamese
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1850 3 T •mi >V: y' V ~u 8. 11. Co. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. A ExjK'i'trd ill’i'li’til unit 1 frjmrtili'rs. Mail ServiceOutwards ]>*<■. 24 s.s. Bengal connecting with MW* ft: Hamburg-Amerika Linie, Hamburg. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co, Ltd. BANKS. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij Negapatam Lines of Steamers Chartered Bank of India, Australia
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  • 83 4 i Justice satisfies everybody, ami justice alone. —Emerson Established June Ist, 1903. I Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TIIK CRITERION PRESS, Ld„ No. 22'1-232. Beach Street. IVtiatig. PRICE DAILY. LOCAL •J2l imi annum. <l’ost Kree) 27 MAIL KDITIOX (Fust Free) li CABLE ADDRESS: “Hc li o—P cna
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  • Current Topics.
    • 221 4 Pkxaxg does not as yet boast a branch of the Society for the Preven- j tioii of Cruelty to Ani- nials, with the result that one seldom I or never hears of a charge of cruelty! being preferred in the Police Courts. Rangoon has a very flourishing
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    • 387 4 Syuxkv Bulletin is not the greatest moralist on earth but it occasionally waxes very wrath about cruelty to animals of all kinds, including hapless bipeds of sorts. It’s sassiety observer got on end the other day about pigeon matches” and stirred up that well-known scribe “J. F. D.” to
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  • 827 4 s r 9 The following days will lx* observed as Public Holidays throughout the Colony :—Friday and Saturday, the 25th and 2*6th December, 1903, and Friday and Saturday*, the Ist and 2nd January, 1904. Dr. W. H. Fry, Colonial Surgeon, Province Wellesley, North, reported his return from leave
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  • 690 4 Selangor December Meeting. December 31*t, JIKJ3, ami January :>n<U 1904. The following an* the entries for the i j above meeting:— FIRST DAY. Race No. I.—The Maiden Plate.— Value 8300 and 8 50 to second horse provided there are live starters the property of different owners. A
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  • 861 4 ask. Why. there s only one Paws.,» the world worth talking about IVp. t] famous distiller of the finest ‘mountain dew that ever put new life j„ iin corpse. Dawson started out last veur lick creation in the advertising li,,'.’ b v distributing his very own corkscrew* sfengah
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 349 4 PERAK LIND AND MINES AGENCY. a (innera! Manatjer: FRANK DENNYS. Head Office at No. 3, Huoh Low Street, Ipoh. Telegraphic Addrvee: “CHABUT/ Iron. Code used, A. B. C. 4th Edition. FOR SALE. 2 Very Fine Brick and Wood Houses. Ipoh. 3 Building Lots in the Tanibun Road, Ipoh. II Town
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    • 55 4 Pritchard Co., IS. Heach Street. Penang. Very Latest Novelties as shewn in Regent Street and Bond Street. New Jewellery. New Art Pewter Ware In Beautiful Celtic Designs. New Leather Goods. NEW FANCY LADIES' GOODS. FANCY NEEDLEWORK. PRITCHARD CO., Penang McAlister&Go.Ld., 19 Beach Street Penang. SOLE AGENTS Remington Typewriters. McAlister Co.
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    • 6 4 AMERICAN CARTS. McAlister eft Co., Ltd
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    • 7 4 ROSE S LIME JUICE. /Wc/I//stei* Co., Ltcf.
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  • 64 5 Nearly a Thousand Charges Against an Officer. l{ri(trrn St'rvier i London, lfitli Dec.—The trial of Lieutenant Schilling of the German Army lias commenced at Met/. Tlio charge is one of maltreating soldiers and the indictment cites no less than ‘JGB cases. The trial is being conducted'with closed doors.
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  • 54 5 Japanese in London Recalled Diplomatic Denial iiv Japanese Legation. Itrntri'x Sorrier.) I.ondon, Jbtli Dec.—The Tint''* is informed that all Japanese resi dents in London who have reached the age of military service liuve received notice to return home. The Japanese Legation officials are unaware of any such
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  • 73 5 (Krttfrrs Srri’trr./ London. 15th Dec. —An unexpected meeting of the British Cabinet was held to-day and it is believed that the subject of discussion was the situation in the Far East. Au the last issue ot t he Er/uj we published a wire from our well-informed
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  • 46 5 Fights on the Fiscal Policy. {Lir liter s Sorrier.) London, 15th Dec. —A great interest is being taken in four forthcoming Parliamentary elections for Lewisham. Dulwich, Ashburton and Ludlow, as the new fiscal policy, proposed bv Mr. Chamberlain, is to be the main issue.
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  • 88 5 Japanese Marines Landed. Renter’* Sorrier.) London, 15th Dec. —An Associated Press telegram from Seoul, published in New York, states that Japanese marines have been landed at Mokpo to suppress labour strike rioting. The marines fired upon the Korean mob and killed several strikers, who were men employed in the
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  • 152 5 The New British Ambassador. (Cablenemt Special Service.) Washington, 4th Dec. —Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, the successor of the iate Sir Michael Herbert as British Ambassador to the United States, has presented his credentials to President Roosevelt. Sir Henry expressed to the President the friendship of Great Britain for
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  • 413 5 The Panic in America. (Cablenetct Special Sere ice. t >iew York, sth Bee.—Cotton has shot skyward without apparent cause. This morning the quotations per bale were 84 in advance ot the closing figures •of Friday. I luinediatoia 2,000,000 bales were sold ••ad as a result the marfeets at NewVlrI
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  • 497 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, 12th Dec.—Mr. Evans, the President of the Municipal Commissioners and latterly Protector of Chinese. S.S., who leaves for England on Christmas Dav in connection with Chinese affairs, carries with him the best wishes of his friends and admirers in the Straits. Tuan Eben,” as
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  • 1188 5 The uqpgiaious position of the Philippine Islands with reference to the United States proper, anti the extraordinary treatment which the, jieople there are receiving at the hands 4 of the Central Government, have recently lx*eu made more conspicuous than ever by rulings <>f two departments
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  • 225 5 This Hudson River is tunnelled, From New Jersey work men walked on 29tbOct. and began digging through the rocks and sands directly under the French hue pier at the foot of Morton Street on the Manhattan side. They were eighty feet under water and the bubbling caused
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  • 281 5 The assassination of the King and Queen of Servia lias indirectly come up before the Berlin Courts. In a recently published article, Colonel Gaedke, military editor of the Berliner Tageblatt, asserted that the j Servian officers concerned in the mur-I dor of King Alexander had seriously failed
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  • Money Market.
    • 117 5 PENANO, 16tH Dkckmuek. < lly courtesy 01'the Clvrrlertul H't ui:.) London Demand Bank ...1/lG t months’ sight Bank ...1 9A > Credit 1/9$ 3 Documentary ...I/9-* Calcutta. Demand Bank its. 132 8 days’ sight Private 184 Bombav, Demand Bank 182 3 days’ Private 131 Madras. Demand Bank 182 8
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    • 201 5 Bersawali Gold Mine Co., Ld. 15.20 tale*. KechauGold Mining Co., Ld. I.— mom. Ranh Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld. ..i s.— buyer* Redjang Lebong Gold Mining Co.. Ld ?225. buyer* 8. Raul) Gold Mining Sy 11. Ld.S 10. uoin. KadanaGold Mining Co,. Ltd. (fully paid) 10. now. Bruseh Tin
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    • 165 5 Tin 88.75 Gold leaf 84. B. Pepper \Y. Coast 811»5.50z.)$ 20.25 no in. White Pepper 51.— sale* Traag Pepper 32. sellers Cloves (picked) X 85. nom. Mace 8140. —sellers Mace Pickings 120. —sellers Nutmegs llOs 71. —sellers No. 1 7.50 sellers Sugar 2 5. Basket (Chinese) 4-. 10 buyers
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  • 166 5 In ward —Per Pentakota." from Singapore. Mrs. Jones. Miss L. Hodges, Miss J. Hodges, Messrs E. Man ook and Thea Moutri. Per Canton, from Teluk Anson, Mr. and Mrs. Bicknell, Mr. Fox. Per Wailiora,” from Singapore. Dr. Paul, Messrs Joo Chow and Long Eok Ming Per Priz Heinrich,’ from
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 5 5 BURMAH CHEROOTS. McAlister Co*, Ltd
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    • 730 5 To-day’s Advertisements. A CLERGYMAN WHO FINDS BPGRT IN HUNTING. A KRIi.ND rails our attention to an *rf iele :tp}>eariug in a Host on religious paper, and writteD by a Massachusetts Protestant elwgynian. in which he describes to others *the desirability of their going out hunting. which, of coarse, means the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1603 6 THEAN CHEE Co. Established 1858. SHIPCHANDLERS. GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS, &c., &c. Sole Agent in the FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND PENANG FOR MESSRS DU VIN St, Raphael-Clementie Cie’s Brandy, Wines, Liquors and Champagne. Prices on Application. No. 7. Vintage, white Posada. doz. $3O, bot,. $2.75 CHAMPAGNE Posada, Very Old Bottled Port, doz.
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  • 930 7 (Scientific American, 7fh Nov.) Thkkk is to bo introduced into the s British army, to replace tlie types already in vogue, a new field guu, the features of which are accelerated quick I firing, efficiency, strong;)», and mobility. the number of batteries was
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  • 614 7 Judgment in Cbi*y hionr W r16$ a.n 1 the Iviny s Bench Division on 7th Nov. the hearing was concluded of an action brought hy Mr. O. \V. Holmes, solicitor, against hangfier (Limited), photographers, of Old Bond street, and George Newness (Ltd. publishers, to recover damages for
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  • 114 7 Penang, 20th October, 190:}. Directors of the undermentioned l Steamship Companies beg to intimate that for all passages booked after this date to Europe by the Mail Steamers of the said Companies for embarkation from Peuang, on and after loth January, 1904, the rates
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 776 7 %Club, Dry Champagne, Periquex, liable*. 8U caR<\ 4 I <loz. PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNES AGENTS Graham Co., U-, Mail(ls B t!8r XCo WINES! WINES! WINES! hut tenbach bkos. co Champagne, Extra Quality, Jules KITSON LAMPS. Peron «fe Cie., 2 do/., i ts. 830, and 1 doz. (|i s. 828. The
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    • 99 7 uloon fares. Single. Return. Ist 2ud Ist 2nd W 1 €4O JS9O U 560 1«» London, Plymouth, Hamburg, Bremen =€6o v. :ind Southampton To Brindisi £‘.!>6 j€B4 To Marseilles, Genoa) OKJi 00 Naples Gibraltar) £oG £9S £H4 £h7 For further particulars of passage aud dates of sailing, please apply to:
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  • 980 8 PROGRAMME FOE JANUARY MEETING, 1904. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 26th January, 1904. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value £500.—A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (lOst) An allowance of 141bs. to all ex-Griffins. Entrance £10. Disj tance, one mile. 2. First Griffin Race. Value £400 and £100
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 143 8 Standing Advertisements are Reproduced in Brief Here. (Appearing once a week ae per contract in the Daily Bulletin.) i THEAN CHEE A Co. YANKEE NOVELTY Co. mzmmwLtiWi a^t'bk nm 8*8 *4*£ 7k® *r JPfffi MYfXB ON SEANG. s* u- m n FRYE RIVER DOCK. «MSi&iSffi** r+S*it5RE I *f®7kK* xaftiMi«*ra€®A* x
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    • 16 8 Posiula, Very Old Bottled, white Port, d or. $50, hot $5 ELECTRO-PLATEDWARE. McAlister Sc Co., Ltd.
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    • 261 8 David brown cv, 4 Logan* Buildings, Estate Agents and Auditors. Rejiorts and Valuations Sale by j Auction or private tender of j House Land Property and Stock. DAVID TROWN Co., 4, Loganltnildings. Estate Agents Auditors. Undertake Sales by Auction or Private Tender of House and Land Property and Stock, Valuations
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    • 973 8 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS BRITISH INSURANCES. DOC’S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass's Ale. Canton Insurance Office, Limited, $2,500,000 500,000 l 730,000 IIjeai» Office, Hongkong. General Agents, Messrs. Jakdine, Matheson Co. i Capital Subscribed Amount Paid-up Reserve Fund (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) BETKT.A.K,E OF XMITJLTXOITr undersigned having been appointed 2 LY c> a
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