Straits Echo, 15 December 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 40 1 ].’„r Week ending Monday, l>ec. 21. 1903. j AM. KM. Tuesday, 15th 9.51 10.17* Wednesday, lGtli... 10.41 -11.06 Thursday, 17th 11.34 1 Fridav, 18th 0.2(5 0.51 Saturday, 1 Oth 1.17 1.43 Sunday,'2oth 2.0« 2.34 Monday, 21st 3.00 3.25
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  • 13 1 <) New Moon Dec. 19th, 4.21 km. First Quarter 27th 9-17 a.m.
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  • 37 1 To-day. Sale of Land 33a Beach Street 2 p.ui. Homeward German Mail leaves to-night. To-morrow. Sale of Jewellery, at 52, Beach Street i 11-530 Town Baud. Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. Outward German Mail expected (5 p.m.
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  • 39 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. II'TWAKIm. iio.M KWAKDS. Hfni/iil 71 Dec Italian mi 70 Dee Extra Service. < jUTWARDH. HUM RWAIIDK. Palermo 17 Dec For atom 1 .7 Dee Palma 79 Maui la 2 Jau For particulars Sis* Pago 3.
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    • 51 1 i Rangoon Advertiser Service.) London, 3rd Dec.—An article bv Lord Hindlip has appeared in the Nineteenth Century which dwells on the great potentialities ot* East Africa, and urges making it a colony under the Colonial Office with practical and experienced men sympathising with the whitesettlers to assist the
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    • 53 1 Commoners Feted Everywhere. {Rangoon Advertiser Service i London, 4th Dec.—The partv of British commoners are still visiting the chief eities in France and have been j everywhere feted, and most cordial j j speeches have been made testifying to j the enthusiasm of hosts and guests for
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    • 56 1 Water Discovered fßangoon Advertiser Service.) London, Ith Dec.- Expert geological reconnaissances made in western and southern Somaliland point to the existence of extensive and copious artesian systems at a depth varying from a hundred to a thousand feet. Also to a subterranean supply along dry wadvs at a depth
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    • 62 1 I Rangoon Advertiser Service.) London, 4th Dec.— It is explained that a bill is to he submitted to the j Reichstag authorities at the federal council to accord the most favoured nation treatment to the British Empire. The federal council has hitherto availed! itself of this authority
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    • 215 1 (ttauyooM Times Service.) Calcutta, 30th Nov.—Section D., British Field Hospital, left Calcutta to- day for Siliguri. Large quantities of aunnunition and warlike stores are now being despatched from Fort William arsenal to Siliguri which is, after all, to form the base of operations in Tibet. At the same time,
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    • 197 1 Damages Against Newspapers. Rangoon Tunes Service.) Calcutta, 3rd Dac.—To-day Mr. .Justice Sale delivered a very lengthy judgment in the defamation suit F. M. G. H. Jolly vs. Suivndrauatli Bannerjee. i His Lordship remarked that taking all the circumstances of the ease into consideration tin* evidence fell short of
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    • 129 1 < Rangoon 'Junes Service. London, 28th Nov. —The following is the result of the r ice for the Mancliestier November Handicap, run at the Manchester November Meeting today The Manchester November Handicap of 1.500 sows., winners (selling races I excepted) after November 14. 5 lb. extra
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    • 148 1 Opening of the Reichstag. (Uaiufoon Advertiser Service.) London, 3rd Dec. —The Reichstag opened to-day. The Kaiser, who invariably attends, was absent and Count von Bnelow read the speech from throne, which mentioned the unfavourable influence of the economic depression on the finances of the Empire. A Bill guaranteeing interest
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    • 72 1 Celebrated Surgeon to Visit Him I Rangoon Times Service Simla, 28th Nov. —Sir Frederick Treves, the famous surgeon, who has just arrived in India, is about to visit Simla, where it is understood he will be Lord Kitchener's guest and will doubtless give tin* Commander-iii-Chief the benefit of
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  • 493 1 How Newspapers are Killed iu China. Tjik Ultaughat inn»'* publishes tin* following despatch from the Wai-Wu-pu to the Inspector-General of the Imperial Chinese Maritime Customs at Peking On the 29th of September, current year, this Board received a despatch from the Viceroy Wei Kwang-tao in which it
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  • Shipping.
    • 80 1 Sumatra, tier- s.s. 407, Klimnet, 15th Dec., Deli. 1 Ith Dee., Gen., —Behn Mever A. Co. Ho Kwei, Br. ss 209, Uldall. 15th Dec., Deli, 14th Dec.. Gen.. Huttenbacli Liebert A. Co. Avaoyee, Br. s.s. 247, Morier, 15th Dec., Teluk Anson, 1 Ith Dec., Gen., Km* Guan Co. I
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    • 66 1 15tli I )eceml**r. Petrel, for Deli. Jin tin, for Langkut. Tony Chat/ Un. for Batu Bahra and Asalian Carlyle, for Teluk Anson. I l*n!o Hunan, for Port Swettcnham and i Malacca. Pin Seng for Port iSwettenhani and Singapore. Tydene. tor Singapore. China and Japan A rot a, tor Siuga]K»re.
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    • 48 1 Sumatra. G*t. s.s. 107. Klimnet. 15th Dec., Boli. 14th Dec., Gen.. Behu Meyer A. Co. Ho Kwei. Br. s.s. 201», Uldall, 15th Dec., Deii. 14th D e., Gen., H. L. Co. Ayauyee. Br. s.s. 247, Morier, 15tli Dec., ieluk Alison. 14tli Dec. Gen., —Km* Guan Co.
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    • 36 1 I I'SKI'Ik I I rum 1 i Aymt* Due Palermo Suez P. O. 17th Dec. Lightning Singapore A. A. A.Co. 17th G. Apear Calcutta A A. A .Co. 18th Bongloe London S.B.JfcCo. Macduff Glasgow IS.B.ACo.
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    • 87 1 Ve**eh For > A <j ents Leave* Palermo 'Singapore P. O. 17tli Dec. Lightning Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 18th G.Apear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 19th Ben glue Singapore S.B.&Co. Macduff Siugaj)ore S.B.&Co. W e would <lirert the attention of chipping firms to the *tyje in which “Steamers Kxpectod and “Projected shi lings are
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    • 53 1 Inward Per Sumatra," from Deli, Mrs. and Miss Naegeli, Messrs J. Naegeli, A. Naegeli, Baunam, Sinidt, Van den Brand and Grand. Per Ho Kwei,” from Deli, Mrs. Roseeart, Mr. and Mrs. Swee Leong, Messrs Swee Seng, Swee Seong and Choo Lim, Miss Vi jfhius. Per Avagyee," from TeluL Anson,
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    • 40 1 For Teluk Anson—Per Avayyee, to-inorrow, 2 p.ui. Deli—Per Sumatra, to-morrow, p.m. Deli Per Ho Kwei, 17th instant, 2 p.m. Negaputam, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karical taking Mails for Europe, etc. ria Madras Per Zamania, 18th instant, 1 p.m.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 74 1 A. E. SKEELS. o I 31, Beach Street. Singing and Piano Lessons GIVEN BY Maestro MARIO PACI AND Madame BEATRIX MANNSFELDT. Separate Lessons Xoeaoh. Lessons by tlie Month (2 Lessons per week). *S3o per month. For further information apply at the address of the Artistes. SEA VIEW HOTEL. Farquhar Street.
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    • 211 1 To-day’s Advertisements Penang Sales Room. TO HE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION On Wednesday 16th December At 52. BEACH STREET. AT 11-30 A. M.. Gold Chains, Silver and Gilt Watches, Gold Buckles. Silver Belts, Jadestone Bracelets and various other Articles. Usual Conditions of Salt*. Tkkmh: Cash Before Delivery. KOH ENG HIN.
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    • 11 1 ROSE'S LIME JUICE. McAlister Co., Ltd. •5T Read Paces 2 7.
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    • 5 1 AMERICAN CARTS. McAlister Co., Ltd
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    • 34 1 IMPORTANT NOTIOE. AGENTS wanted iu.every Town. Splendid opportunity for capable men. i Good salary. Apply (enclosing 4 annas in stamps) to the Manager, Union Indian Trading Company, *34, Popham’s Broadway, i Madras, India 12*10-03.,
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    • 54 1 A. E. SKEELS7 31, Beach Street WANTED. "TITANTED by the Public Works De- partment, Sarawak, Telephone Foreman capable of taking charge of installation and repairing work. Apply to the Hon. the Resident, Kuching, Sarawak, giving references and stating salary expected. HOLLI’S GUNS. McALISTER A Co., Ltd %N<>. 12/13/14. Malaga Muscatel,
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 812 2 A Gold Standard for China Advocated. The following is a summary of the report of the Commission appointed by President Roosevelt, at the instance ot the Governments of Mexico aud China The Commission refers to the uncertainties introduced into trade by the fluctuations of exchange between gold and
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  • 125 2 Per I*. and U. steamer India, connecting with the tsioatuer Bengal at Coloinls», from Loudon. Nov.. 27,—T0 Shnngkai Mr», lievis and friend. To Hong Kong I>r. Smith, Mr, A. J. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Cutliliert and children. Engineer Coin. O. E. D. Graham. To Mr. A.
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  • 184 2 A beautiful statue of the Saviour, about 17ft. high, has been erected on the right of the steps of the approach to the Royal Mausoleum, Frogmore, at the expense of the Queen, in memory of Queen Victoria, “The best of motliers-in-law.’* The statue was sent from
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  • 189 2 A petition of the 17 trustees of St. Giles's Christian Mission, Little Wildstreet, Holborn, came on 7th ultimo before Mr. Justice Joyce in the Chancery Division. The Baptist Mission in question is as old as 1669, in that year a lease of a chapel in Little Wild-street
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 241 2 Important Notice to Passengers to Europe. Penang, 20 th October, 1903. r |lHE Directors of the undermentioned Steamship Companies beg to intimate that for all passages booked after this date to Europe by the Mail Steamers of the said Companies for embarkation from Penang, on and after loth January, 1901,
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    • 1541 2 Club Dry Champagne, Pereguex, doz. qt. $40, doz. pt. $22 Aijents: Posada Wine Company, GOSLING A Co. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. THE next ORDINARY MEETING of the Municipal Commissioners will be held At the MUNICIPAL OFFICE, On Fbiday, the 18th December, at 3 p.m. R P PHILLIPS, 14-12-03 Secretary. TO LET. NOTICE.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1920 3 BANKS sV IS MS. N. Co. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. Kjrpectwt arrival ami 1 tr/mrftirrx Mail Service. Outwards D«c. -4 s.h. Bengal oonnoctin m fA Y V Hamburg-Amerika Linie, Hamburg. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co, Ltd. Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatschappiJ, Negapatam Steamers. Lines of Intended Sailing and Expected Aukivals of Steamers. Chartered
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  • 85 4 Justice satisfies every Is sly, am) justice akm e.—Emerson. Established June Ist, 1903. PnhliuhtNl «laily (except Sundays.) at thf CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 220-232, lieaeli Street, Penaug. PRICE DAILY, I.OCAI. $2l per aiiiiiitn. (Poet Free) 27 MAII. EDITION (Post Free) 13 CABLE A DURESS: E c h
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  • Current Topics.
    • 132 4 At last Inspector Foley of Ipoh has received the reward of long and arduous service, and has been appointed Chief Inspector for Perak. He has a good colloquial knowledge of .Malay, Tamil and Hindustani, possesses a certain insight into the workings of the native mind, particularly of the
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    • 233 4 The publication of the Perak Estimates makes clear the intention of Government with regard to the much-needed improvement of the sanitary condition of Ipoh. The Incinerator apparently, in spite of the protests of the Europeans who dwell near it, particularly those who live at Howarth-Erskine's Works, is not to
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    • 254 4 The Resident-General is, we are glad to note, evidently determined to encourage young Malaystojointhe Government urn vice.ThePenghulusand Malay Officers have been requested to encourage Malay youths to seek employment on the .Railways, in the Survey and Forest Departments and on Government steamers and launches. This is a
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  • States’ News.
    • 494 4 (From Our Correspondent.) Ipoh, 13th Dec.—The restrictions upon the importation of buffaloes and bullocks into Ipoh have had such a disastrous effect upon the market supply that new regulations are published in the Gvzette allowing cattle to be brought from a non-infected area into the affected area by train
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    • 671 4 ul (From a Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. 12th Dec.—The following is a complete list of the events aud the official times recorded at the Selangor Fire Brigade Annual Competition Drills held this afternoon.— A. —Reel and Hydrant Drill. Squad of any throe men to get a real to work with
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  • 767 4 Kinta Training Notes. Batu (jtajah, Dec. 12th. The hurricane which raged here this morning lietween 4 land 5 a.m. seemed to have blown quite a lot of people out of bed, to judge from the j unusual number of critics assembled on the race course at daybreak.
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  • The Straits Echo
    • 597 4 (Special Service.) Russia's reply to Japan considered by the Cabinet. Some uneasiness felt in diplomatic circles Minister Hayashi Still Hope eh Nevertheless Army Officers and War Correspondents leaving for the Fast From our own Correspondent, i London, 15tli Dec.—Some anxiety seems to be felt in government and diplomatic
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  • 50 4 Alleged Failure oe a well known Chinese Firm. It was reported in town to-day that a well-known Chinese firm is in difficulties with liabilities amounting to $480,000, and assets about 890,000. Th trouble is said to be due to a slump in the value of sugar and tin.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 451 4 AGENCY. pemii uhd and mines prijchard Co., 15, Beach Street, Penang. General Manager: FRANK DENNYS. Head Office at No. 3, Hugh Low Sthket, Ieoh. Telegraphic Addre»»: “CHABUT,” Ipoh. Code used, A. B. C. 4th Edition. Vafiadis Egyptian CIGARETTES, FOR SALE. 2 Very Fine Brick and Wood House*. CROWN PRINCE,” Ipoli.
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    • 6 4 FAIRBANK S SCALES. McAlister Co., Ltd,
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  • 117 5 Important Admiralty Order. (Heuter St’i'rirc.) Lomlon. 14tli Dee.—An important Admiralty order just issued reduces by periods varying from two to three and n halt' years the periods for w I licit an officer can remain on half pay entailing compulsory retirement. The order also limits the periods of
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  • 40 5 Visit to Kussia Postponed. (Itenterx «SVrnVe.) London, 14th Dec. —The semiofficial Xovoe I rrf/mo publishes a telegram from Vladivostok stating that Admiral Alexieff, the Viceroy of the Far Fast, has postponed bis visit to St. Petersburg until January.
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  • 39 5 Heater'x Sorrier.) London, 15th Dec. —Baron Havashi has received a copy of the Russian reply to Japan's demands and says that he has no reason to change his concerning the ultimate pacific issue of tin? negotiations.
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  • 53 5 His Foreign Policy Defined. (Heater x iSevciee.J London, loth Dec.—The Kaiser has received in audience the officers of the Reichstag and addressing them in a strong and unaltered voice emphasized the necessity for Germany participating in oversea politics and the importance of cotton cultivation being encouraged and fostered
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  • 237 5 Police Constable Baxter was charged before Mr. Lornie this afternoon with assaulting Chief Inspector Black and with threatening Mr. Newland, the Chief Police Officer. Baxter pleaded guilty, and Mr. Farrer Baynes, who appeared on his behalf, addressed the Court, explaining that his client was under the influence of liquor
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  • 939 5 (From our correspondent.) Bangkok, 2n«l Dec.-—At the moment <*f writing the fate of one of the Siamese am.l all the Japanese implicate*) in the circulation of forged currency notes is still undecided.' I hear that the trial of the Siamese Nai Peng Sri Sararaks (sou of a Choir l*ya,'
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  • 932 5 An Australian Barrister’s Unpleasant Experience VisiTorts to Japan at the present season of the year are being subjected 1 to treatment bv tbojuiifitary and police j officials which does not in any way tend j to soften their -feelings or tranquilise I their nerves. If a tourist
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  • 578 5 VVk have already-, briefly reported the: burning of tlie steamer Arnold I/uykim of the ttansiatische Damp'fer Co. of Hamburg i off the White Dogs, on the 23rd Novemlx*r More details are now to hand from Hongkong, supplied by Capt. Pearce, of the Chany Choir
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  • 840 5 Le Mesurier v. Ferguson and Another. Motion for Security for Costs by the Defendants Refused. This Was au appeal bj the defendants from the refusal of Mr. Justice Buekuill at, Chambers to order the plaintiff to give j security for the costs of the action. Mr. Montague Lush,
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  • Money Market.
    • 117 5 Penang, I£th Deckmbku. Uij courtesy of the (JharlereA Hunk.) London Demand Bank ...1/ffi 1- months* sight Bank ...1 DA 3 Credit ...1/D§ 3 Documentary ...l/STjg Calcutta, Demand Bank lis. 132 3 days* sittht Private 131 Bombay. Demand Bank 132 3 days’sight Private 131 Madras, Demand Bank 132 3 days’
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    • 176 5 Tin S 81.75 Gold leaf 84 B. Pepper YV.Coast 311 >s.soz.) 2D.25 twin, j White Pepper 8 51. gales Traug Pepper 8 32. sellers Cloves (picked) 8 35.— nom. Bl4o .—sellers j Mace Pickings 120. —sellers j Nutmegs 110 s 71. —sellers No. 1 7.50 sellers Sugar 2 5.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 No. 17. Posada Sherry. Amo Selecto, doz. s*2l. hot. $2.25
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    • 7 5 burmah cheroots. Me fi lister Co., Ltd»
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    • 13 5 No. 4. Posada, red Port, poxr’s Imperial, 1858, dor.. 845, V 4? 54.50
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    • 44 5 To day’s Advertisements. Adelaide, Melbourne or Sydney rfIHE s. Clitu* is ex--1 pected to leave Singapore on or alx>ut 19th December for the above Ports. Cargo can lie booked on through Dills of Lading. Good Passenger Accommodation. For rates apply McAlister Co., Ltd., Agents.
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    • 713 5 Central Sales Room, UNION STREET. i Tlie undersigned are favoured with instructions TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION On Thursday, 17th December, 1903, j At B.\ in noton." Perak A Barrack Roat. At 11-30 a.m. Prompt. I All the Valuable and well-kept Household Furniture, COMPRISING Iron Bedsteads complete. Handsome Carved Wardrobes.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1623 6 THEAN CHEE Co. Established 1858. SHIPCHANDLERS, GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS, &c., &c. Hole Agents in the FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND PENANG FOR MESSRS DU YIN St. Raphael-Clementie Cie’s Brandy, Wines, Liquors and Champagne. Prices on Application. No. 7. Vintage, white Posada, doz. $3O, but. $2.75 CHAMPAGNE 3an Chee Sc Co., 21, Beach
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  • 1026 7 The preliminary work, looking to tlu*! determination of the dimensions and the j character of the motive power, of the two j great transatlantic liners which are to be built for the Ounard Company has progressed so far, 1 hat we are now enabled to announce authoritatively
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  • 308 7 Society Novel Leais to Action for l ibel. On the 12th ult. iu the King’s Bench Division an action was brought by Mrs. I Constance Walda Wallis to recover damages from Major H. F. Wood gate tor alleged libel. The. defendant was not present at the opening
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 837 7 Club, Dry Champagne, Periquex, Rabies. $l4 cast 1 4 doz.. $ll <loz. PERRIER JOUE T CHA MP A GIVES. AGENTS Graham Co., Ld„ “Hands Buttery Co., WINES! WINES! WINES! huttcnbach anos. *c. KITSON LAMPS. Champagne, Extra Quality, Jules Perou Ci»\, *2 do/,. j*ts. S3O, and j doz. qts. s=2B. Gin
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    • 192 7 NOTICE. VJ 1E W 8 of Penang, Singapore, Perak, Selangor, an«l Sumatra. Photon enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft. on Bromide paper. W. JONES, Kin*' Street. Penang. Photographer. 38« TIANG LEE Co., Merchants and General Importers, rv. nan Wholesale Office:—s3, BEACH STREET. General Store Department:— 95, BEACH STREET. .JUST
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  • 987 8 PROGRAMME FOR JANUARY MEETING, 1904. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 26th January, 1904. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value 8500.—A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (10st) An allowance of 141bs. to all ex-Griffins. Entrance 810. Distance. one mile. 2. First Griffin Race. Value 8400 aud 8100 to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 162 8 Standing Advertisements are Reproduced in Brief Here. (Appearing once a iceek an per contract in the Daily Bulletin.) TAIK HO Co. «ftHONG CHEUNG 4 Co. yam mm BEHN MEYER Co. fS)2lĔ«J|9I m ttfai 1'1 2J8UI ft KOE GUAN COY. JS #1 IH m% wm ifitn *w %t mn m* inns
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    • 15 8 Posada, Very Old Bottled, white Port, doz. $50, hot S ELECTRO-PLATEDWARE. McAlister Sc Co., Ltd.
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    • 247 8 DAVID BROWN Co., 4 Logan's Buildings, Estate Agents and Auditors. Rej>orts and Valuations Sale by I Auction or private tender of House Land Property and Stock. DAVID ItROWN Co., 4, Logan''* Building*. Estate Agents Auditors. Undertake Sales by Auction or Private Tender of House and Land Property and Stock, Valuations
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    • 974 8 at tit k. i?S k, WIDE WORLD FAMOUS BRITISH DOC’S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass's Ale (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) BETO-AHE OF IMITATIOXT. INSURANCES. 5 DC *2 ea o HSR* <a In ordinary Pint Bottles: Light, Sparkling, Wholesome and Refreshing. The Best and Well-known Beer for the Tropics. Obtainable Retail at
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