Straits Echo, 14 December 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 105 1 Birth*. ScHUDEL. On the. 25tli Shanghai. lli»> wife of G. Sfhudel. of a daughter. Walsh E. On tin* 27th Nov., at Shanghai, the wife of the liev. W. Gill**rt Walshe, of a daughter. Evans. On the 29th Nov., at Shanghai, tin* wife W. T. Watts Evans, of
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  • 41 1 For Week ending Sunday, Dec. 20. 1903. a M. p. m Monday, 14tli 9.00 9.25 Tuesday, 15th 9.51 10.17 Wednesday, 16th... 10.41 11.06 Thursday, 17tli 11.34 Friday, 18th 0.26 0.51 Saturday, 19th 1.17 1.43 Sunday, 20th 2.08 2.34 j
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  • 14 1 n New Moon Dec. 19th, 4.21 First Quarter... 27th '9-17 a.m.
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  • 25 1 To-day. Town Band. Esplanade. 5-30 p.m. To-mor row. Sale of Land 33a Bench St reet 2 p.m. Sale at 52, Beach Street 11-30
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  • 39 1 P O. SAILINGS. i Mail Service. < lutwauds. Homewards. Bengal Dec llallaa rat 'lO Dec j i Hxtra Service. < Jutwards. Homewards. Palermo to Dec Eor tuoxa 19 Dec Palma 'l9 Manila '1 Jan j G&f For particulars See Page 3.
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    • 101 1 Confused Reports. > j Japanese Stocks Rising. f S /S s'iT/'*C. London, 12th Dec. —There continues to he :i marked discrepancy in the reports emanating from St. Petersburg and Tokio regarding the Russo-Japanese crisis, but it- is noteworthy that Japanese stocks have been rising to-day both in
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    • 56 1 Japanese Government Calm and Confident. Renter x #S 'errio-J London, 13th Dec. —The Russian j note in reply to the Japanese demands lias been received at Tokio, but its contents remain unknown. The Japanese Government remains; calm and confident and is evidently resolved to prosecute the
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    • 33 1 Commercial Agreement Extended. {Renta,- x Serriee). London, 13th Dec. —The German Reichstag lias approved of a Bill; extending the Commercial Treaty with Great Britain for a period of two years.
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    • 36 1 Dissolution of the Diet. /{outers Set Tire.) London, 13th Dec. —The Japan- j cse Diet has been dissolved and a general election lias been fixed to I o take place on the Ist March next.
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    • 77 1 The P. O. Good News for Passengers. t Rrntrr's Si rvirr. London, 13th Dec —The Peninsular and Oriental Company has decided that owing to the competition of the Trans-Siberian Railway it will be necessary to considerably reduce the rate of passages to China from the Ist January next. It is
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    • 42 1 Incendiaries at Work. (Hongkong Telegraph Service.) Yokohama, 4th Dec. —The coal godowns of the Mitsu Bislii GosliiKwaisha have been destroyed by tire, and it is feared that six lives are lost. The outbreak is believed to be due to incendiaries.
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    • 37 1 120 Houses Isolated. Hongkong Telegraph Service.) Yokohama. 4th Dec.—Owing to the I spied of bubonic plague hi this port; the i.iitliorities have isolated 120 houses j i comprising the area infected with thej disease
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    • 149 1 Mr. Balfour Speaks Out. Why Lord Kitchener was Sent to India. {China Mail Service.) London,3oth Nov. —Mr. A.J. Balfour, speaking last night at the United Service Club, declared that he believed that the occasion would arise when every adult would have to devote his servici s to
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    • 80 1 The Honest Broker?" Which is the Scheming Power? (Shanghai Timex Service.) i Peking, 23rd Nov.—lt is reported that a certain foreign Minister has al-j ready consented to try to compromise the Manchurian affair for China and i the matter lias alreadv been arranged with the Russian Government, but after j
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    • 190 1 Prince Ching and M. Lessar. {Shanghai Times Sere ice.) Peking, 18th Nov.—ln an interview at the Russian Legation between Prince Ching and M. Lessar, the former accus- j ed the Russian Minister of failure to carry out the agreement into which lie i had entered legarding Manchuria,
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  • 755 1 A noth kb international conference on lhis subject lias lx-en arranged to lx* held in Berlin next year, by invitation of the German Emperor. It is assumed that in the meantime further developments will ix* I made in the art, which will enable the I countries represented to
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  • Shipping.
    • 229 1 Babelsbekg, Ger. s.s. 1.370. Atherus. 12th Bee., Singapore, 10th Dec.. Gen., H. Chong. Spevia, Gt r. s.s. 2.003. Brock. 13tli Dec x Singapore 11th Dec.. C1 W* A Lism mpYr. s.s. 2,277. Slo-aue, 1« Aden. 20th Nov., Salt.— G. Calypso, Br. 8-s. 339. Lowry, II Singapore, lit!) Dec.. A
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    • 22 1 14th Decemlx*r. Port. Swettenham. aiiguor and Teluk Anson, lie, T. Semawe. Segli A Olehleh. 3 for Singapore, Hongkong, ..,ow and Amor.
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    • 110 1 Calypso, Br. s.s. 339, Lowry, 13th Dec., Singapore, lltli Dec., Gen., —W. Mansfield A Co. P. Remau, Br. s.s. 297, Neilsen, 13th Dec., Port Swettenham, 12th Dec.. Gen., H. L. A Co. Pin Seng. Br. s.s. 378, Davidson, 14th Dec. Singapore, 12th Dec., Gen., B. Bros. Siak, Dut.
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    • 26 1 I e**el# From Ayent* l)ne Palermo Suez P. O. 17tli Dec Lightuiug Singapore A. A. A.Co. 17th G. A pear Calcutta A. A. A.Co. 18th
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    • 26 1 Vessel 8 For 1 Aijents Leaves Palermo Singapore i P. A O. 17th Dec Lu;btnin<; Calcutta A. A. A.Co. 18tli G. Apear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 19th
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    • 47 1 Inward —Per Calypso,” form Singapore, Messrs. Lim 800 Hoh, Chin Leug, Gin Swee, Kuin Leng. Per Pin Seng,” from Singapore, Mrs. Khoo Gliiu and children, Mrs. Hoe Lan, Mrs. Lee Geok and children and Mr. Clieaug Hooi. Per Lady Weld,” from Teluk Anson, Mr. Me Arthur.
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    • 37 1 Fok J-H*li—Per Petrel, to-morrow, 1 Langkat—Per Jin Hu, to-morrow. 1 p.m. Port Swettenham—Per Carlyle, tomorrow, 3 p.m. Tel nk Anson—Per Lady Weld, tomorrow, 3 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Piu ISeny, to-morrow, 3 p.m.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 27 1 WEATHER. Thk following report is kindly supplied bv the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis: Hie rainfall during the -4 hours ended at it am. to-day was nil.
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  • 48 1 Deaths. Brenner. At Sandilands. (Jupar-Fife. N. 15. on the Kith Nov.. Jaws Fleming Bremner. Chief Constable of Fifeshiro au;l Kinross. aged 7ti years. Haoemeyer.—At Nagasaki, on 19th Nov. the wife of Mr. C. IT. Hagemeyer. MACHACALAN. On the 21st Nov., at Shanghai. James Henry Macliacalan. aged 50 years.
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  • 1085 2 Some Remarkable Disclosures. Thk increasing prevalence of bling in Sydney and its suburbs has led the New South Wales State Parliament to appoint a select committee to inquire into the whole subject with a view to adopting some legislative action in the matter. A considerable amount of evidence has
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  • 183 2 Battleships' big guns cannot be Fought in Heavy Weather. Admiral Stirling has received notification from Washington that some startling revelations have been made of the inability of some of the best American battleships to fight their turret guns and even their broadside batteries in rough weather.
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  • 126 2 Per P. and O. steamer India, connecting with the steamer Bengal at Colombo, from London. Nov., 27, —To Shanghai Mrs. Bevis and friend. To Hong Kong Dr. D. Smith, Mr, A. J. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Cutlibert and children. Engineer Com. G. E. D. Graham. To
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 184 2 Important Notice to Passengers to Europe. Penang. 20th October, 1903. r 1K Directors of the undermentioned j Steamship Companies beg to inj timate that for all passages booked after tliis date to Europe by the Mail Steamers of the said Companies for embarkation from Penang, on and after loth January,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1777 3 BANKS /0m >\s\ -l I'ji/urfriJ tUTirnl nltd Departure#. Mail Service. Outwards Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. 41 Hamburg-Amerika Linie, Hamburg. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co, Ltd. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij, Negapatam Lines of Steamers. Intended Sailing and Expected Akuivals of Stkaweks. 1) cc.'14 8.». Bengal flu ,J;in. 7 k.s. Malta do ■Jl s.s.
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  • 77 4 Justice satisfies every laxly, awrt justice alone.— Emerson. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) *r mu CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 220-232, Beach Street, Penang, PRICE DAILY, lAJCAL s"'4 per annul». (Poet Free) 27 MAIL EDITION (Poet Free) 15 CAULK ADDRESS: “Ec lic —Penang.” Telephone No.
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  • 1260 4 What with spurious notes, counterfeit coin and the depreciation of the dollar, dwellers in the Far Ea»t have need to be suspicious of every coin or note which comes into their possession. Only the other «lay we had to warn our readers that the new Straits dollars were
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  • States’ News.
    • 1168 4 Kuala Lumpur. 11th Dec. —Mr. N. R. Cruiu Ewing, the Circuit Magistrate, is soon j going on long leave. The new European Hospital, which is to 1 Vie opened in the New Year, is said to con- tain accommodation for eighteen patients. i Mr. R. G. Watson, the acting
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  • 780 4 3 Following is the report for the Eight1 eenth Annual General Meeting to be held at the offices of the Company at Shanghai on 16th instant:—■ 1 In presenting their report for the season 1902-1903, covering a period of twelve f mouths, the Directors
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 427 4 PERAK LAND AND MINES: Pritchard Q O AGENCY. 15, Beach Street, Penang. General Manojer: FRANK UKNNYS. Head Office at No. 3, Hugh Low Street, leoh. Telegraphic Addree»: CHABUT, Ipoh. Code used, A. B. C. 4th Edition. Yafiadis Egyptian CIGARETTES, CROWN PRINCE,” FOR SALE. 2 Very Fine Brick and Wood Houses,
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    • 5 4 AMERICAN CARTS. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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  • The Straits Echo.
    • 61 5 Special Service.) Mr. Tilleke Creates a Record. Bangkok, 12tli l)eo. Pile thiisl day’s’ racing took place in good weather. The Crown JVimVs Oolmi won Prince Makonchaisee’s Cup and the Champion Makes fell to Mr. A. AY. Tillekc\s Fnlxrr. Mr. 1 illeke s stable was successful iti thirteen events
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    • 40 5 French View of the Crisis. Ifriift'r’x Sprrirr.) London, 14th Dec.—Mens. Delcassc, speaking in the French Chamber, said that he felt certain that Russia and Japan would arrive at an agreement which would be satisfactory to both nations.
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    • 33 5 French Policy Defined. (l{>'iitrrx Srrrier.) London, 14th Dec.—Speaking in the French Chamber, Alons. Delcasse said that any French advance in Morocco must be of an exclusively economic and pacific character.
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    • 30 5 Appears Again in Public. Jfpiiin's Snrirr.) London, 14-th Dec.—The Kaiser has appeared in public for the first time since he underwent an operation for polypus of the larynx.
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  • 233 5 The following is the result of the match played on the Esplanade on Saturday afteruoou last between the Captain's XI aud Vice-Captain's team: Captain's XI. Kasim, b Scully IS Sproule. c Sharp b Gillingham it Znlimler. b Scully It, Talma, b Scully 8 Graham, b Scully <j Ward, c
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  • 91 5 Fapa —Where's my umbrella r I'm sure I put it iu tlie hall stand with the other last evening. Willie —l guess Alice's young man Uxik it when he went home last night. Alice —Why, Willie 1 he idea Willie —Well, when he was savin' good night to you
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  • 841 5 Straits Bahas Far Ahead of their Honukunu Competitors. Commenting upon the prugressiveuess of the Chinese shipowners in this part of the world, the Hongkong Free Free* notes:— Chinese shipowners are annually becoming more numerous ami prosperous. It is not. only our allies the Japanese. European firms have now
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    • 1258 5 To Tin: Editor or tub Straits Eciio. i Slit, —I have jierused with yujeiguyd I satisfaction the letter of an Aryan appeared in your issue of the 21st October, relating to the Drnvida-Aryan question. It would be unjust not to say that the
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  • 683 5 Engineer Runs Amok. lilt Shanghai Times of 24th uito. bays: J hat the good ship Taiyuan Mam of the Osaka Shoseu Kaislia Company, is not now in the mud at the bottom of the Yangtze River is no fault of Chief Engineer Futatsuki of that well-known and speedy
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  • Money Market.
    • 117 5 Pbnanu, 14th Dkckmiieu. f-Iff/'court#*» *u' the. CJlmrlereA Hank.) London Demand Bank ..1/Pi 4 mouths’ sight Bank I J>A 3 Credit 1/0 if 3 Documentary 1 /t> J•? Calcutta. Demand Bank Its. 132 3 days* sight Private 134 Bombay. Demand Bank 132 3 days' sight Private 134 Madras. Demand Bank
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    • 199 5 Bersawall Gold Mine Co., IkJ. 15.20 mile». I\ eeliau Gold Mining Co., Ld. I.— now. Haul» Australian Gold MinJ j iug Co., lid 4 s.— buyer* IteiTJang Lehong Gold Min--51 iug Co., Is! £225. buyer* S. Paul) Gold Mining Svn. W.§ 10.— now. KadunaGold MiniugCo„Ltd. (fully paid). 10.— noui.
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    • 176 5 i Tin 81.75 Gold leaf 8 84. B.Pepper(\V.Coast 31b5.50x.29.25 j White Pepper 8 51. hum. j Traug Pepper 8 •11.—seller* i Cloves (picket!) S 35. uom. i Mace 8140.— seller* 1 Mace Pickings 120. seller* Nutmegs 11 Os 72. sale* No. 1 7.50 sellers J Sugar < 2 5.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 5 5 IRONMONGERY. McAlister Sc Co., Ltd.
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    • 6 5 FAIRBANKS SCALES. McAlister A Co., Ltd.
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    • 47 5 TUIC DA PFD 18 k ''Pt on Ale at E. 0. DA HE’S lIrrt«L.IV Advertising iMcy, 124, Snusome Street. San Francisco. California. T. S. A., where contract* for advertising ran be made for itHOLLI’S GUNS. McAlister Co., Ltd. Posada, Very Old Bottled, white Port, doz. SSU, lx>t
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    • 83 5 Messrs, CAMPBELL, MacCOLL Co., BA TA VIA. JAVANESE COOLIES. rpHE undersigned is appointed Agent A for the Straits for the above Javanese Coolie Emigration Office at Batavia, and is now prepared to receive orders for Javanese Coolies. Most favourable terms, prompt delivery. For further particulars apply to W. FLINZNER. Medan,
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    • 272 5 To*day’s Advertisements. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. rpHE next ORDINARY MEETING ol X tin? Municipal Commissioners will I*.* held At the MUNICIPAL OFFICE, On Friday, the 18th December, at 3 p.m. R. P. PHILLIPS, 14-12-03 Secretary. NOTICE. The Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. r |WIE Lady Weld having gone to Dock X for the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1539 6 THE AN CHEE Co. No. 7. Vintage, white Posada, do*. $3O, lx>t. $2.75 Established 1858. SHIPCHANDLERS, GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS, &c., Ac. Sole Agents in the FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND PENANG FOR MESSRS DU VIN St. Raphael-Clementie Cie’s Brandy, Wines, CHAMPAGNE Posada, Very Old Bottled Port, doz. $BO, lx>t. $7 Jules Mumm
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  • 975 7 The Cunard Commission. At a meeting of the Liverpool Engineering Society, hel«l on lOtli ult., in the Walker Engineering Laboratory, at Liverpool, Professor Hele-Shaw in the chair, Mr. J. I). Bailie, district superintendent engineer of the Parsons Steam Turbine Company, iu--1 troduced a discussion on the steam turbine,
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  • 611 7 VVhkn your business is not thriving, call in the doctor, and have it medically examiu;ed This is what, according t<> the Magazine j of Com (Nov. numlier), is about to I>e j (loue in England, and has been for some I time past in the States, where
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 825 7 %Club, Dry Champagne, Periquex. Babies. 34k case, 4 doz... SI I doz. NOTICE. PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNES. AGENTS HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Graham Go., Ld., Sandilands Buttery Co., TTIEWS of Penang, Singapore, Perak, V i Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various up to 3 ft. on Bromide paper. W. JONES, King
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    • 6 7 ROSE’S LIME JUICE. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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    • 191 7 WANTED ENGAGEMENT. TTNDER a Lawyer iu Penang or elsewhere l>y a Tamil, who lias ha<l legal training and is able to set up all Criminal and Civil eases, instruct in open Courts, and work up all eases. Has held a similar position in Ceylon. Holds excellent, recommendations and testimonials. Speaks
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2145 8 Standing Advertisements are Reproduced in Brief Here. (Appearinj once a tceclc a* per contract in the Daily Bulletin.) NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. BOUSTEAD A Co., AGENTS. fnft*&«* h ft»»*»»* h mtm nmm* INSURANCES. Canton Insurance Office, Li mixed. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount Paid-up 500,000 Reserve Fund 730,000 Head Office, Hongkong. General
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