Straits Echo, 8 December 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 38 1 For Week ending Monday, Dec. 14,1903. a.m. h.m. Tuesday, Bth 3.51 4.17 Wednesday, 9th 4.41 5.06 Thursday, 10th 5.34 6.00 Friday, 11th 6.26 6.52 Saturday, 12th 7.17 7.43 Sunday, 13th 8.08 8.34 Monday, 14th 9.00 9.25
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  • 14 1 Decembeb. (Last Quarter... 11th, 5.48 p.m. 0 New Moon 19th, 4.21 p.m.
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  • 28 1 To-day. Dr. Locke to be nominated as a Commissioner 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Japan Mail leaves for Europe at noon. To-morkow. Town Band, Esplanade, 5-30 p.m.
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  • 40 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homewards. Coromandel 10 Dec Chilean 12 Dec Bemjal 2i j Ballaarat 20 Extra Service. Outwards. 9 Homewards. Palermo ISDec I Formosa 19 Dec Palma 29 Manila 2 Jan j aFor particulars See Page 3.
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  • 46 1 The following report is kindly supplied by the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis: 5 p.m. >» a.«n. uoon Yesterday To-day To-day Tl>. 82" 7»‘ «T Wr. Thmul.-t Clear Fine Wd. N.W. Calm Calm The rainfall during the 24 hours ended at 9 to-dav was nil.
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    • 68 1 A Question of Etiquette. (Renter’s Service.) Jjondon, 7tli Dec.— Lord r \irzon, the Viceroy of India, inis declined to lam! at Kusliire, on the east coast of the Persian Gulf. It is understood that this decision of Lord Cnrzon-is due to the fact that tin* Teheran Authorities had
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    • 77 1 An Important Capture. Renter's Service. London, 7th Dec.—The, Aden correspondent of the London Daily Telegraph reports that the Italian cruiser Voltnrno lias captured the Mullah’s right-hand man, Abdullah Sheri, who has consented to hold an interview with General Egerton, commanding the British Forces in Somaliland. It is considered that
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    • 114 1 Chinese Government Recoguizes New Republic. (Cablenetcs Special Service.} Panama, 21st Nov.—The Empire of China has formally recognized the Republic of Panama. [France and the United States are now joined by China in the acknowledgment of the new government, the new-born republic, in the former Department of Panama.
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    • 64 1 Neva Overflows and Causes General Havoc in Petersburg. v St. Petersburg 1 27tli Nov. —The Neva river has risen and flooded thjs, .city. Great damage has been done. [The Neva issues from Lake Ladoga and flows past St. Petersburg near which it empties by several mouths into
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    • 89 1 Capital Surrenders to Rebels After Fierce Bombardment. Port-au-Prince (Hayti) 27th Nov.— The formal capitulation of the Government forces at San Domingo (<j%pital of the Dominican Republic) has taken place aud General Jimenez and his revolutionary army are in possession of the-.^&fry. Protection to the people is guaranteed by
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    • 390 1 American Labour Federation Demands Exclusion of Chinese. i Wants Exclusion Barriers Maintained. I t CableneiCB Special Service.) Washington, 2 1st Nov. —The American Federation of Labour, the most powerful association of workingmen in tne world, has passed resolutions demanding that Chinese labourers be excluded from the Philippines as
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    • 28 1 Uncle Sam may get Isle of Pines. Havana, 23rd Nov.—The Cuban Government is in favour of the treaty ceding the Isle of Pines to the United States.
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    • 33 1 Lanky Bob Whips Gardner. San Francisco, 27th Nov.—Robert Fitzsimmons and Gardner fought here for the middleweight championship of the world. Fitzsimmons secured the decision on points, but neither was actually knocked out.
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    • 33 1 Colombia Legislates Against American Trade. Victoria, B. C., 23rd Nov.—British Colombia has adopted a preferential tariff in the matter of imports. The law is particularly aimed against United States products and manufactures.
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    • 42 1 En Route to Washington from Panama. Colon (Panama), 23rd Nov. —Senor Reyes, the newly-appointed Minister from the Republic of Panama to the United States, is en route to Washington. His departure was the occasion of a tremendous outburst- of enthusiasm.
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    • 26 1 Government Approves Chinese Immigration. (Cableneivs Special Service) Johannesburg, 21st Nov.—The Government approves the plan for the immigration of Asiatic labours to this country.
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  • 189 1 The final statistics of the sales of 1902 crop of Sumatra and Borneo tobacco, which have been disposed of during the recent season, have now been issued. The total amount of Sumatra le if offered w.*s 241,238 bales, which has all been disposed of at c.
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  • 197 1 Truth (Air. Labouchere’s pap»*r, is responsible for the following which accordingly explains itself:—The news of Mr. Chamberlain’s resignation was received with anything but regret by the Civil Service in the Crown Colonies, despite the toadying telegrams that came from some of the Governors. The fact is that
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  • 230 1 The Billiton Company has published its annual report, from which it appears that the number of workmen was 9,278, against 8,54 G on April GO of the preceding year, and the condition of health was slighty better. The average production was 9.82 piculs per head against
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  • Shipping
    • 43 1 Tasman, Dut. s.s. 1,010, Potjewyd, 7th Dec., Olehleh, sth Dec., Gen., —H. L. A Co. Alboin, Br. s.s. 650, Dunlop. Bth Dec., Bombay, 26th Nov.,Gen., H. L. Co. Avagyee, Br. s.s. 247, Morier, Bth Dec., Teluk Anson, 7th Dec., Geu.,—Koe Guan Co.
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    • 64 1 8th December. Sumatra, for Deli. Sado Mara, for Colombo A: Southern India, IIo Kind, for Deli. It. Haleiryn, for Asaliau. Lady Weld, for Teluk Anson. Putau Reman, for Port Swetteuham and Malacca. Pin Seng, for Port Swetteuham and Singapore. Art»mdong, for Batu Bahra. Qnorra for Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan.
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    • 46 1 Tasman, Dut. ss. 1,010, Potjewyd. 7th Dec Olehleh, sth Dec., Gen ,—H. L. Co. Alboin, Br. s.s. 650, Dunlop, Bth Dec, Bombay, 26th Nov. Gen., —H. L. A Co. Avagyee. Br. s.s. 247, Morier, Bth Dec., Teluk Anson, 7th Dec.. Gen., —Koe Guan Co.
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    • 35 1 Vestel* From 1 Agent Due Fitzpatrick ‘Rangoon H.C.&Co. 9th Dvx: Hong Bee (Singapore B. Bros. 10th Nippon (Singapore S.K.&Co. 10th Suevia Japan B.M.&Oo. 11th Rented i (London S.B.&Co. 12th Palermo ,Suez P. &0. 17th
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    • 89 1 Vessel* For Agents Leaves Suevia Hamburg B.M.&Co. 11th Dec. Fitzpatrick Rangoon H.C.&Co. 11th Hong Bee Singapore B. Bros. 12th Benletli Singapore S.B.&Co. 13th .Nippon Palermo Calcutta Singapore S.K.&Co. P. 0. 17th We would direct the attention of shipping firms to the style in which "Steamers Expected” and Projected Sailings”
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    • 9 1 Inward —Per Avagvee,” from Teluk Anson. Mr. Wilson.
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    • 34 1 For Port Swettenham —Per Mary Austin, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Avayyee, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Deli—Per Hebe, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Deli—Per Petrel, 10th instant, noon Langkat—Per Jin Ho, 10th instant, 1 p.m.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 120 1 A. E. SKEELS. 31, Beach Street. British India Steam Navigation Co.,i Limited. SEA TRIPS DURING THE X’MAS HOLIDAYS. RETURN TICKETS, available l nit ween 15th December and 15th January next, will be granted at SINGLE FARES, for lioth Ist and 2nd Class, to the undermentioned places, viz.:— Ist Class. 2nd
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    • 230 1 To-day’s Advertisements. Penang: Sales Room. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION On Thursday, 10th December, 1903, AT THE Municipal Store, Gladstone Road, At 11-30 a. m., All the Unserviceable Goods, &c., viz., Hardware, Lamps, Buckets. &c. Usual Conditions of Side. Terms: ('asii Before Delivery. 8-12-03 UOII ENG HIN. Licensed Anctwueer.
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    • 4 1 Read Pages 2 7.
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    • 233 1 A. E. SKEELS. 31, BEttCH Street, NOTICE. to coKUKSPo»i>EifTS: It is requested that all communications relating to Subscriptions. Advertisements &c.. be addressed to the Manager, Straits Echo" and not to the Editor. All cheques should be crossed. letters on Editorial or other matters intended for publication or use in the
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  • 20 1 Domestic Occurrence. Djsatu. DKC88KB. —At Sumivoshi. Kobe, Japan, on 2"th November, Charles Dresser, a native of London. England, aged years.
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  • 793 2 (L. &C. Express, 13th Nov.) The Report for 1902, by bir Frank A. Swettelihain, High Commissioner <>f the Federated Malay btates, makes its appearance just as bir Frank has himself arrived home on leave. One would be again justified in using superlatives to describe the position
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  • 49 2 ]"F you want to buy goods, and have same forwarded to destination from India. Ceylou. Burma. Sumatra or-ay place in the East, it would pay you to drop us a line, enclosing stamps for reply.—The Manager, Union Indian Trading Company, 34, Pepham's Broadway. Madras, India. 12-10-03. c.
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  • 279 2 Commenting upon the Malaya Branch of the British Medical Association, the British Medical Journal says —lt is a far cry from the Straits Settlements to London, but distance from the centre does not appe ir to interfere with the energies **t the Malaya Brancn of the
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  • 371 2 Ox the 20th Nov., at Calcutta, a Mahomedan uiisriouaiy, named Mull;Aiirza Kuan, through Ins attorney, Mr. Manuel, preferred grave charges against Captain Mont Robinson, Master of tin steamship Jortunatus, lying in the Kidderpore Docks. He charged the Captain with criminal br< acii of trust on liie loth
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  • 191 2 Per P. and O. steamer Himalaya, connecting with the steamer Coromandel, at Colombo, from London, Nov. 13—To Shanghai. Mr. and Mrs. \V. Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Blenncrfasset, MBs E. A. Chatworthv, Mrs. Wheeler and infant. To liong Kong: Mr. and Mrs. Meisor and children, Mr. and Mrs. Garrod,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2071 2 Club Dry Champagne, doz. qt. $4O, doz. pt. $22 4 %f£R WANTED. W TANTED by the Public Works Department, Sarawak, Telephone Foreman capable of taking charge of installation and repairing work. Apply to the Hon. the Resident, Kuching. Sarawak, giving references and stating salary expected. SELANGOR TURF CLUB. CLOSING OF
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1991 3 S. HI. Co. K r -trd arrival and Lh’p.i rturv*. Mail Service. Outwards. Dj* jo g.8. Coromandel connecting with Jan Feb. D«t Jan Feb. Special Notice. fakes by mail steamers. Up to and Inclusive ok January 14th, 1904. 1st Claes 2nd Class Single Return Single Return To London by Sea
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  • 89 4 Justice satisfies everybody, and justice alone.— Emerson -1 Established June Ist, 1903. *£)< il a Published daily (except Snndays.) aT tiik CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Peimngi i 1 I PKiUH >.\ILY, I.OCAI. $24 par annum. Free) 27 I.HL KIUTION (1W Knee) 15 CAIM.K .UHIIJKAS:
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  • 1516 4 [Art. J\ oi the Spanish-Xmerlcan 1r ;aty .•atiiied 6th Feb. 183.1 reals: “Tie Unite* States will, for ten years frjin th date oi ;xchangre of ratification-* oi the present treaty. «Unit Spanish ships :vad merchandise to the lorts of the Philippine Inlands on the
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  • 895 4 Serious Crisis in Aclieen Trade Discussed. Important Resolution Passed. A meeting of members of the’ Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce was held in the Chinese Town Hall at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon. Mr. Lim Kek Chuan President of the Chamber presided, and there were al-' so
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  • 807 4 3 i 3 Jf r An Scene. y.‘l‘ \\V J-A f Yesterday afternoon young p<. llail! was en Jets, for Mr. and .-Mrs. Strplr .\utltouv,; ilj Jd bklrleh*- Ahem all to Nirvana ’L to© the birthday < f their little one-year-old son, and Yu,. r invitations read
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • Straits Echo.
    • 146 5 (Special Service.) The Prospects of War. London, 7th Deo.—i'lio LukaJii u-~ei<fec, au influent till pajr*r pnh jislied twice daily in Uerli-q as- s that the officials m St. Petersburg, fr-un the Tsar downwards, regards the outlook in the Farthest East from a pessimistic point of view. They
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    • 30 5 The Mullah Scores a Point. Reuter's Service London, Hrh Dec.—News has reached I'crhera to the effect that a Strong patrol of the Mullah’s forces has occupied Mtidinr*
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    • 154 5 President’s Message to Congress Reuter's Srrrin > London, Bth Dec.—President Roosevelt, m his mess.age to the United States Congress, justifies the attitude adopted by the United States towards the* Panama revolt, which he States was quite sqionta* j neons. Continuing he says that the! United States would have
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  • 83 5 Over 100 Votes Already Recorded. O to 3-30 this afternoon upwards of 100 votes had been recorded in favour <»f the People’s Carrididiifte—Dr. P. V. Lock»*. No one ig opposing him, but it is nevertheless highly satisfactory to find that a good many more than the harely qualifying
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  • 54 5 f ll r Redjang Leboug Mine's output for October is stilted by a Batavia papt*r to b*ve l»eeu 3,407 tons of ore milled yielding 2.57. S ounces of gold and 11,347 ounces of silver the whole being valued at 144,000 guilders. The Company’s credit balance therefore then
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  • 40 5 “So your husbaud has been deceiving you, eh v A the wretch! I'uied to givp, him cents for his tram fate every day, and I ve found out. he’s l»eeii walking fo the a and spending the i
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  • 134 5 j Frookkhk, rapid and profitable, is the order of the day with the F< derated <i ay St ates Rail way administration, r nun various directions news comes in that the department is ranking-rabid progress with the Main Trunk and •dher lines, while as regards the management
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  • 929 5 f i r Performances of the Cracks in Training for the Viceroy’s Cup. “Great Scot Going Great Guns, j Latest news from Calcutta relative to the jieiTormanees of the cracks entered for] 1 tile Viceroy’s Cup is <late«l 29th ult. and j loaves Utile room to doubt that
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    • 320 5 r Jo I-; Eritob of the Straits Echo. V Dear Siu.-r-Pltiase Ik* So‘gwlMl* ks tirgivc nie *>p UKi..for -a, say on the abort*' subject. I would have appealed to the authorities I direct were I the only ;uuls«d«* proprietor of tlic whole show ou this road.
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  • 289 5 To Tne Editor of the Straits f no. Sm.—It is all very well that a goo luianv of the local police constables are active, aitd J vigilant enough. But I fear if some of them I are humane aud polite enough. Take for jiustauce the case
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  • 327 5 t To The Khitor of the Straits Ec ho. Dear Sir, —It may interest some of your readers to hear of a peculiar met hod by which rabbiters dispose of snakes in Australia.’ where they uufortunately thrive, and iu g<ling through bus'll one often fimls tliat on-autHiiL*'
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  • States’ News.
    • 928 5 Jxuala Lujifur 2nd Dec.-—The weather is rather wet an<3 rainfall continuous in the j Federal'capiMVi the streets are therefore i awful to the pedestrians. Our Sanitary Board is not backward. It has taken in hand the dredging of the wet moulded mud, which assumes the appearance of a cornfifeld
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  • 371 5 j (From our correspondent.) v Rangoon, 4th Dec.—A native contractor, Appavu Pillay, has filed a suit ugniust tin* j Secretary of !5tate to recover Re. 12,763-4 0, 1 on account of work done by contract in {connection with the new water works being constructed at Hlawga. The case is
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  • 41 5 Doctor: “I found the patient to le suffering from abrasion of the cuticle, tunufactiou, echymosis, and extravasation in ti e integument and cellular tissue about tie left, orbitt Judge:. “You mean be had a black eye.’’ Doctor: Yes.”
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  • 163 5 j From the tenour of Sir Frank Swet* ten ham’B speech at the Straits Banquet on Wednesday n ght, and the circum- stances pertaining thereto, it is ('says Straits Times) reasonable to assume that the reports to the effect that he will not resume the Government of these
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  • 113 5 Penang, Bth December. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) iondon Demand Bank ..]/9j{ 4 months’ sight Bank ...1 9J 3 Credit .1/10 3 Documentary WlO ’aleutta. Demand Bank its. 183 3 days’ sight Private <-135 Bombay, Demand Bank 133 3 (lavs* Mfßf Private 135 Madras, Demand Bunk 133 3
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  • 200 5 Sersawah Gold Mine Co., Ld. 15.— eaten. CechaiiGoldMining Co., Tel. I.— nom. *aub Australi:iu Cold Min- ing Co., lid 50.50 .—sellers. .’edjang Lelsmg Cold Min- ing Co., f.d sl9J.— buyers v ITo nl* Gold Mining Syn. T.d.s 10. Hums* vadiuiaGold MiningCo,;Lfcd. ;”7 I i y (tally paid). 11).— notn.
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  • 161 5 Tin 78.75 Told leaf 83. Pepper (W.Coast3lbs.soz.)s 29.25 White Pepper 51 nom. L'rang Pepper 3i.— sellers Moves (picket!) 35. nom. Mace sl4o. —sellers vlace Pickings 120. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s 72. —sales No. 1 7.50 sellers Sugar 2 5. Basket (Chinese) 4.10 buyers l'apioca Flour 2.15 sales Copra 8.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1776 6 HONG SING. SIN GHEE CHOON CO. ;V.> 4* ito' Boot and Shoe Maker. k j v i'l42 Main Road, Taiping. mwf *r.'< i ifrf I: KHOO BUAN PHUAN. (Chop) GIM SENG MOH. 203 Main Road, Taiping. Tin Miners, Advancers and General Goods Store mvrf r No. 129, Beach Street PENANG.
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  • 1729 7 A paper was read at a meeting of the Koval Colonial Institute, on 10th Nov., by Major Ronald Ross, Professor of Tropical Medicine, University of Liverpool, on Malaria in India and tlie Colonies Sir George Goldie presided, and amongst a good audience present were Sir F.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 820 7 Club, Dry Champagne, Vfriouex, Babies. $44 case, 4 doz., SI 1 doz. PERAK LAND ARB MIRES AGENCY. General Manager: FRANK DENNYS. jSandilands Buttery Co., 23, Beach Street, PENANG. SRRJER JOUET CHAMP AGNES. AGENTS HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Head Office at T :j, Hugh Low Street, Ipoh. ftlfijrojiliic Addreee: “CHABUT,” Iron. Code
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    • 9 7 No. 16. Posada Sherry, Elajyante, doz. $l5, bot. sl*s©
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    • 184 7 important Notice to Passengers to Europe. Penang, 20th October, 1903. r llHE Directors of the undermentioned J- Steamship Companies beg to inlimate that for all passages booked ifter this date to Europe by the Mail Steamers of the said Companies for embarkation from Penang, on and after 15th January, 1904,
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  • 977 8 PROGRAMME FOR JANUARY MEETING, 1904. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 26th January, 1904. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value *500. —A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (lOst) An allowance of 141bs. to all ex-Griffins. Entrance *10. Distance, one mile. 2. First Griffin Race. Value *400 and *100
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 973 8 Standing Advertisements are Reproduced in Brief Here. (Appearing once a week a* per contract in the Daily Bulletin.) TAIK HO Co. Stfl- 8&ft ©Jĕi**HONG CHEONG Co. Sift# ft SMfl BEHN MEYElt Co. U1S fl RRT n »1 W MUM ft \1S# KOK GXJAN COY. ft] 2 rf? ft Wk& f
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    • 41 8 THE ;p<jnan£ porage (^o., 96, KLRWEl ROAD. n;-XK«? I* 112 lbs. of BEDDING At 75 cents. A. R. BLIGH, MANAGER. No. 1. Posada, red Port, Pnrfe. do7. SI2. lv>t. SI OS Posadn. Very Old Bottled, white Port, dor. $50, bot $5,-
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    • 270 8 THE PRYE RIVER DOCK. PENANG f|THE above Dock, situated in Province L Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye River, has lately been lengthened and deep ened and is now of the following dimensions Length on the blocks 330 feet. Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on sill at
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    • 240 8 No. 12/13/14. Malaga Muscatel, dost. $14. bot. $1 50 Taik Chee Co. (ESTABLISHED 1890.) 18, 28 34, Church Street, Penang Ship Chandlers, Mining and Engines.,.g Storekeepers and Aerated Water Requisites. JUST RECEIVED (link’s Lamps! «link’s Lamps!! Hink’s Lamps!!! Specially for Hall, &c., &c., &c. INSPECTION INVITED. United State Scale Co.'s
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