Straits Echo, 2 December 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 39 1 For Week ending Tuesday, Dec. 8, 1903. A.M. H.M. Wednesday, 2nd 10.441 11.09 Thursday, 3rd ...11.34 12.00 Friday, 4th 0.26 0.52 Saturday, 5th 1.17 1.43 Sunday,’ 6th 2.08 2.84 Monday, 7tli 3.00 3.26 Tuesday, 8th 3.51 4.17
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  • 21 1 November. O Full Moon Dec. 5th, 1.08 a.m. (Last Quarter... 11th, 5.48 p.m. O New Moon 19th, 4.21 p.m.
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  • 44 1 To-day. Town Band, Esplanade. 5-30 p.m. Outward German Mail expected 5 p.m. Benediction in Tamil Church Penan” Road at 7-30 p.m. To-morrow. Town Band, Golf Club, 5-30 p.m. High Mass in Tamil Church, Penang Road, at 7 a.m. and Benediction at 7-30 p.m.
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  • 38 1 P O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homewards. Coromandel 10 Dec j Chunau 12 Dec Bcmjal 24 I Ballaarat 20 Extra Service. Outwards. Homewards. Palermo la Dec Fonnoeo 10 Dec Palma 10 Manila 2 Jan m flhtf K«>r* 3.
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    • 32 1 Amicable Settlement Predicted. ([{entry s Sendee) London, Ist Dec —It is believed in diplomatic circles in Berlin that Russia and Japan will settle their differences in a friendlv manner.
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    • 71 1 Tit for Tat. [{niter's Sendee.) London, Ist Dec. —The London Mu min fj Post has reason to believe that the Chinese Government has decided to refuse- to permit the re% cruitinsr of labourers for the Southl African mines at any port in the Chinese Empire. This decision is said
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    • 45 1 American Battleship “Texas” docs Fast Work. (Cobleneir* Sjierial Sendee) Philadelphia. 18th Nov.—The United class has leached the League Island Navy yard here, fifty days out from Taeouia. She had good weather all the way and her trip is considered a record one.
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    • 50 1 Panama, 18th Nov. —The United States cruiser Marblehead to-day saluted the flag of the Panama insurrectionary government. [This action on the part of the Marblehead x commander is significant and seems to indicate the intention of the government at Washington to recognize the complete independence of Panama.
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    • 99 1 Washington, 19th Nov.—lt is officially announced here that the Departments of Antioquia and Cauca, Republic of Colombia, have expressed their desire to secede and join the Republic of Panama. [The capital city of Antioquia is Medellin with a population of 30.000. the total population of
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    • 82 1 Rebels Fire on American Steamer. Washington, 18tli Nov. —News has been received from Hayti to the effect that the rebels who are beseiging the city of Santo Domingo have tired upon an American steamer. The vessel steamed away without sustaining any injuries. The authorities are investigating the occurrence.
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    • 17 1 Reciprocity Bill Passed. Washington, 20th Kbv.—The Cuban reciprocity Bill has pissed the Lower House of Congress.
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    • 29 1 New Prefect of Sacred Palace. (C'ableneic* Special Service Rome, 19th Nov.—Monsignor Merry del Val lias been appointed by Pope Pius X as Prefect of the Sicred Palaces.
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    • 217 1 Construction of Panama Cana! Commenced Yesterday. Washington, 20th Nov.—The United States Senate has ratified the Isthmian Canal Treaty with the Republic of Pan- ama, and it is announced that the Washington Government will takeformjal possession of the deepwater route jon December i. The Treaty provides that the United
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  • 357 1 The returns of Indian immigrants show a considerable falling oil as compared with the immediate preceding years —viz., in—1898 7,292 1899 6,753 1900 13.432 1901 10,192 1902 8,170 and is probably accounted for by the good padi crops said to have been harvested in Southern India in
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  • 573 1 Appeal of Chinese Ladies of California. The following is translated from the National Gazette On the 22nd of the 8th Moon of this year, nineteen Chinese ladies, residing in California, suggested the formation i of a Chinese Female Reform Society, and, consequently, a mass meeting was I held
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  • Shipping.
    • 69 1 PEtiU.Br. 8.8.294, Covsli, 2nd Dec., Aclieeu, 28th Nov., Den.,—Ban Ho Hin. Canton. Br. s.s. 105, Merican, 2nd Dec., T. Anson, Ist Dec., Gen., —Ah Co. Wukzbubg, Ger. s.s. 3,2445, Biuzer, Ist Dec., Hamburg, 25tli Oct., Gen., —B. M. Jfc Co. Janssens, Dut. s.s. 803, Heines, Ist Dei*., Sabang, 30th
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    • 56 1 2nd December. IT Vajirunhis, for T. Semawe, Segli, Pulo Well and Olehieh. Tong Chmj Tin. for Batu Balira and Asahan. Avagyee, for Teluk Anson. Japan for Singapore. Wurzburg, for Singapore, China and Japan. Aurtralind, for Singapore and Bangkok. Hong Moh, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow ami Amoy. Sumatra, for Deli.
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    • 44 1 Pegu, Br. s.s. 204, Coysh, 2nd Dei-., Acliceu, 28th Nov.. Gen.. —Bail Ho Hin. Canton, Br. s.s. 105, Merican, 2nd Dec.. T. Anson, Ist Dec., Gen.,—Ah Hing Co. Janssens, Dut. s.s. 830. Heines. Ist Dec.. Sabang, 30th Nov., Gen., —G. W. Co
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    • 42 1 i vwi From A tjent» Due Nippon Singapore LK.&Co. 3rd Dec Vindobona Colombo do. 3rd '^TApcar Umgapore A A A .Co. 3rd Wursburg Hamburg 3.M.AC0. 3rd C Apcar Calcutta A. A. A.Co. 4th Suevia Japan B.M.&Co. 11th Benledi London S.B.ACo. 12th
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    • 41 1 Vessels For Ajents Leaves Nippon Trieste S.K.&Co. 3rd Dec Vindobona Japan do. !3rd Wursburg Japan B.M.&Co. 3rd A. A pear jCalcutta A.A.A.Co. 4th C. Apcar Singapore do. 5th Suevia Hamburg B.M.&Co. jllth Ben led i Singapore S.B.&Co. 13th 1 1
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    • 80 1 Inward —Per H. S. M. Sugib,”from Bangkok, Mr. Buseh. Per Japan,” from London, Mrs. Trump, Mr. H. G. Ellery. Per Hamburg,” from Singapore, Mr. F. J. Lias, Herr M. Simons. From Hongkong, Herr Li Kam Yuen. From Singapore, Mr. B. Kerkhoff, Mr. Ali Ibrahim. Outward —Per “Hamburg,” For Genoa,
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    • 53 1 Fok Batu Balira and Asahau —Per Lauren* Pit, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson—Per Canton, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Deli —Per Ho Kwei, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Olehleh and Sabang—Per Janssen*, tomorrow, 3 p.m. Negapatam, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karical taking Mails for Europe, etc. via Madras Zaida, 4th
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 98 1 A. E. SKEELS. 31, Berch Street. Messrs. CAMPBELL, MacCOLL Co., BA TA VIA. JAVANESE COOLIES. rilHE undersigned is appointed Agent 1 for the Straits for the above Javanese Coolie Emigration Office at Batavia, and is now prepared to receive orders for Javanese Coolies. Most favourable terms, prompt delivery. For further
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    • 289 1 To-day’s Advertisements. SETTLEMENT OF PENANG. “The Opium and Liquors Ordinance i894.” Notice of Cessation of Form*, under Section* 37 and til. OT1CE is hereby given that the exelu--4. 1 sive rights the outgoing Opium and Spirit Farmers under the chop Ban Lian Bee at this Settlement will cease on the
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    • 37 1 NOTICE, GENTS wanted in every Town. SplenA did opportunity for capable men. Good salary. Apply (enclosing 4 annas in stamps) to the Manager, Union Indian Trading Company, 134, Popham’s Broadway, Madras, India--12-10-03. ELECTRO-PLATEDWARE. McAlister dfc Co., Ltd.
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    • 28 1 A. E. SKEELS. 31, Beach Street For Sale! For Sale!! Large Stock of Paper of Every description and Colour. Apply Criterion Press Ld. FAIRBANKS SCALES. McAlister Co,, Ltd,
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 27 1 WEATHER The following report is kindly supplied l»y the Signal Director ot Fort Cornwallis: The rainfall during the hours ended at 9 aim. to-dav was 0'4t> inches.
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  • 196 2 The Straits Steamship Co.’s steamer Malacca which arrived at Singapore on the 23 rd ulto. from Port Swettenham via ports, brought the news that the Qanyrnede ran ashore while leaving Port Dickson at 11 o’clock on the previous Friday night and knocked a small hole about
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  • 247 2 (Kobe Chronicle, of It Nov.) A correspondent, writing to us with regard to the commercial education of Japanese youths, mentions the commendable practice of a Japanese exporting firm, which occasionally sends promising young men to America, where they are sent to school until tlley have a knowledge of
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  • 431 2 The Peking cor. of the Shanghai Mercury is the author of a capital skit on “Viceroy Alexietf’s very own orjan, the Port Arthur Novoi Krai. One visitor,” lie says. called on the Editor and found him a colonel in full regimentals, his sword and spurs clanking around the
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  • 525 2 Writing under date 12th Nov. to the Ceylon Independent S. T.” says: “In Colombo, there is a large Tamil community, amongst whom Jaffna-Tamils predominate. They are not behind other nationalities in point of education, intellect and perseverance. But, as often remarked, they are not united. This is due
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  • 206 2 Per P. and 0. steamer Himalaya, connecting with the steamer Coromandel, at Colombo, from London, Nov. 13—To Shanghai Mr. and Mrs. \V. Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Blennerfasset, Miss E. A. Chatworthy, Mrs. Wheeler and infant, To Hong Kong Mr. and Mrs. Measor and children. Mr. and Mrs. Garrod,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 2324 2 No. 10/11. Posada Tarragonas, doz. §lO, bot. $0.90 a Club, Dry Champagne, Periquex, Babies. §44 case, 4 doz., Sll doz. WANTED. XVTANTED by the Public Works De- partment, Sarawak, Telephone Foreman capable of taking charge of installation and repairing work. Apply to the Hon. the Resident. Kuching, Sarawak, giving references
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1935 3 P. 0.1 TAI /o 8. 11. Co. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. H.iiurtetl umraf mu! Ih'fiif rtri‘rs. Mail Service. Outwards Dec. 10 8.8. Coromautlel connecting v.itli 8.8. Hinu tiny a 24 8.8. Bengal ilu s.s. Judin •lan. 7 8.8. Malta do 8.8. Moldavia 21 8.8. Chusan do h.s. Arcadia Homewards Doc. 12
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  • 79 4 Justice satisfies everybody, and justice alone. Buierxon. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Snndjiys.) AT TDK CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 22(3-232, Beach Street, Penang PRICE DAILY, LOCAL $24 per annum. (Post Free) 27 MAIL KIMTIOX (Post Free) 13 CAItLK ADDRKSS: “Ec ho —Pen aii g.” Telephone
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  • 2122 4 [Lundou. 10th Nov. —On Wednesday Lord Curzon exchanged visits with the Sultan of Muscat. The attitude of the Sultan and his people was very friendly. The town was decorated and brilliantly illuminated at nisrlit. A deputation of Indian traders waited on Lord C'urzon and complained of inter-tribal
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  • 218 4 The Chief Police Officer of Selangor notes in Ins last annual report that some of j the sojourners in that State, members of the thieving fraternity, have placed themselves abreast of the age bv stealing bicycles whenever a favourable opportunity offered. I He remarks: —Bicycles can so easily
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  • 51 4 Speech by Count LaMsdorff. lien ter# Service London. 2iid Dec.—Speaking at the weekly reception of the Dipl 0 niatie Corps at St. Petersburg,Count Lamsdorff referred most optimistically to the prospects of a pacific settlement between Russia and Japan and was also sanguine as to flie situation in
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  • 23 4 Continued Progress. {Heater >■ Service Loudon, 2nd Dec —The Tsarina, who lias been suffering from inflam- mation of the ear, is convalescent.
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  • 606 4 The output of Tronoh Mines. Ltd., tor November was—2,lBB piculs valued it §91,268. On the 26th ult. we published a report from our Ipoh correspondent, who, writing on 25th, stated: “It is estimated that in spite of the heavy rains the output from the Tronoh Mine this month will
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 485 4 PERAK LAP ADD MINES pochard Co., AGENCY. 15, Beach Street, Penang. General Manager: FRANK DENNYS. Head Office at No.# 3, Huoh Low Street, Ipoh. Teleyraphic Address: “CHABUT, Ipoh. Code used, A. B. C. 4th Edition. x'mas cards of every New Variety. Final opportunity of FOR SALE. posting to reach 1
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    • 4 4 IRONMONGERY. McAlister Sc, Co.,
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  • 1266 5 The Singapore Free l*re** (28th Nov.) i publishes a communicated and very interesting article on the above subject, j bulk of the article reads as 1 follows: Municipal Government is only possible when a town has attain* l a sufficient amount of civilization, ami
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  • 711 5 Formal Inquest. The formal inquest into 1 lie death of a Malay named Mohammed Jusoh, caused by j the Tramway accident wliicli happened ou the 29th i.ittmo, was proceeded with at the Coroner s < )hu-e at H to-day. Sergeant No. 1. Alice, of i>ato Kramat Station,
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    • 400 5 To the Editor or the Straits Echo. Sir. ‘'Cosmopolitan.” “Chinese Pen- j j angitc and “Celestial an* quite right in their contention that the Penang Chinese should have a representative in the Legisla-j tive Council of the Colony: but whefie is!
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  • 606 5 To the Editor or the Straits Echo. Sir. In asking you for such a favour as the insertion of tins letter. I have no excuse; to offer you other than the desire to make a[ few remarks on this important subject. Being a Chinaman I have
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  • 828 5 Wanted: Dr. Locke’s Platform. t To The Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir.— You are inviting us to vote I tor Locke for the above vacancv on the Muni-! cipal Commission, and I lielieve that he will make a good Commissioner: but so far the Echo lnifs
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  • Money Market.
    • 120 5 PeNANO, 2nd DeCKMBKB. (By courtesy of the Chartered Hank.) Ixmdoti Demand Bank 1 /!> 4 months’ sight Bank ...1 9* 9 Credit ...1/10 ,*,l -3 Documentary 1/1 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 134 3 days’ sight Private 136 Bombay, Demand Bank 134 3 days’ sight Private 1 -34» Madras. Demand
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    • 227 5 Bersawali Gold Mine Co., Ld. 18. —seller 1 KeclianGold Mining Co., Ld. I.— noin. N. Kecliau Gold Mining Co., Ltd S I.— noin in Liyii. Raul» Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld $.050. sellers, j lledjaug Lehong Gold Mining Co., Ld §l7O. noin. S. Raub Gold Mining Syn. I*l.s 10.—
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    • 172 5 Tiu 76.57 Gobi leaf s 83. B. Pepper (W. Coast 31b5.50z.)$ 29.25 White Pepper 8 51.— buyer* I Trung Pepper 33.— teller* Cloves (picked) S 35. nom. Mace Sl4B. —sellers Mace Pickings 122. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s 70. —sales No. 1 7.20 sellers i Sugar 2 5. Basket (Chinese)
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1670 6 Teik Chin Coy. Posada, Very Old Bottled Port. doz. $BO. bot. $7 General Storekeepers, Provisioners and Commission Agents. 25 Hugh Low Street, IPOH. Specialities always o*l hand: Reddawey’s Camel Hair Belting, Crushed Food, P adi, Paints, Burrell’s Boiled Raw Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Mining Candles, Manila Rope, Best loulmein Cigars, Siberian
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  • 1594 7 The Viceroy’s Cup. Training Notes and Prospects. “The Hon. Mr. A. A. A pear's new horse Great Scot." says the Indian Planter s' Gazette, j will win the Viceroy's Cnp on the 2fith of December, no matter what the opposition may I lx* that is ranged against
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  • 318 7 The Ceylon Independent publishes particulars respecting libel actions against (g) the Times of Ceylon and the Ceylon standard. The action against the Times of Ceylon was fixed for trial at the Colombo Criminal Sessions on 12th Nov. before Mr. Just ice Grenier, hut was withdrawn, the Independent's report
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 745 7 Sandilands Buttery k Co., 29, Beach Street, PENANG. PERRIER JOUET CHAMP AGNES. AGENTS HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Graham Go., Ld. Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. CRAIGELLACHIE GLENLIVET DISTILLERY Co.’s GAELIC “OLD SMUGGLER WHISKY. KITSON LAMPS. 'I be Finest Light in Existence. Apply to WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, 4 Beach Street Penang.
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    • 308 7 NOTICE IN THE GOODS OF FRANCIS PULSFORD, Deceased. PURSUANT to Section 46 of the Conveyancing and Law of Property Ordinance, 1886, Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands upon or against the Estate of Francis Pulsford. late of Perak Estate Trans-Krian in
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  • 1094 8 Programme for December Meeting. December 29th, 31st, 1903, and January 2nd, 1904. First Day. Race No. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value $3OO and $5O to second horse provided there are five starters the property of different owners. A Race for Maiden Horses. Ex S. R. A. Griffins
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 256 8 Bangkok Cable Address: ‘•Oriental." the oriental hotel. Oriental Hotel Syndicate. Proprietors. Penang. EASTERN ORIENTAL HOTEL. UNEQUALLED for Situation Comfort and Catering SARKIES BROTHERS. Proprietors. 18 a Singapore. ADELPHI HOTEL. One of The Oldest Hotels in the Straits. Affording a beautiful view of the Esplanade and Harbour and in close* proximity
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    • 5 8 BURMAH CHEROOTS. Mefllister Co., Ltd
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    • 258 8 Taik Chee Co. (ESTABLISHED 1890.) 18, 28 34, Church Street, Penang. Ship Chandlers, Mining and Engineering Storekeepers and Aerated Water Requisites. JUST RECEIVED Hink’s Lamps! Hink’s Lamps!! Hink’s Lamps!!! Specially for Hall, &c., &c., &c. INSPECTION INVITED United State Scale Co.’s STANDARD PORTABLE PLATFORM, Scales weighing up to 10 cu
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    • 572 8 WIDE WORLD FAMOUS BRITISH DOC’S HEAD BRAND Guinness’s Stout Bass’s Ale, (RED GREEN DIAMONDS) BEVARE OF IMIT.ATIOIT. TRADE MRS, 5?* 5** 2S OS CD CD SB t* <2 S3 M-A-RKL In ordinary Pint Bottles: Light, Spariding, Wholesome and Refreshing. The Best and Well-known Beer for the Tropics. Obtainable Retail at
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