Straits Echo, 29 August 1903

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2283 1 A, G, SKEELS. 31, Be/ich Street, siiii'i'jasiji TAl S. N. Co. Home«arJ »1' Urt. yyIW rTHK mail steamers may be expected to arrive Outwards, and leave Penang s on the following dates:— Mail Service. Outwards. Simla connecting with Rome 17 Coromandel do Arcadia 1 Malta do Oceana 15 Benya I
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    • 6 1 A. E. SKEELS. 31, Beach Street.
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  • Money Market.
    • 120 2 (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 1/1 If 4 months’ sight Bank 21- 3 Credit 2/0$ 3 Documentary 2/0, 3 Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 147$ 3 days’ sight Private 149$ Bombay, Demand Bank 147$ 3 days’ sight Private 149$ Madras, Demand Bank 147$ 3 days’ sight
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    • 211 2 BersawaliGold Mine Co., Ld. S 19. notn. Bruseli Tin Mining Co., Ld. 8. —sellers Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co.. Ld 25. —sales Fraser Neave. Ld sloo. —bn yen 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary 26.— sales. Howarth Erskine. Ld. $l9O. —buyert International Bodega sloo. —bnyen Jelebu Mining A Trading
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    • 165 2 Tiu 72.6*) buyer* Gold leaf 83. B.Pepper( W.Coast 31b5.50z.)$ 29.40 rales White IVj>per 50. teller* Trail" Pepper 36. teller* j Cloves (picked) 35 50 Mare slBo.— teller* Mare Pickings 126. tale* Nutmegs IP's 70.— buyer* No. 1 7. sale* Sugar 2 5.30 Basket (Chinese) 4. —ttllert Tapioca Flour 2.15
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  • Shipping.
    • 46 2 C. Apcar, Br. s.s. 1,730, Stewart, 29th August,—Calcutta. 2*,*nd August, Gen., A. A. Anthony <fc.Cp, >’ Taw Tono, Br. s.s. 105, Reid, 28th August, Brandan, 27th Aug Gen., —Koe Guan Co. Thaipini;. Br. s.s. 160, Wheeler, 28th Aug., —Port Weld, 28th August, Gen., —H. Liebert Co.
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    • 60 2 29th August Vidar, for Deli. Mary Austin, for Port Swetteiihaiu. Jin Ho, for Laugkat. A. Apcar, for Calcutta. A ragyee, for Teluk Anson. Pegu, for Edie, etc. Rotorua, for Port Swettenhain Singapore. C. Apcar, for Singapore and Hongkong. Kistna, for Port Swettenhain Singapore. Hong Bee. for Singapore, etc. Carlyle,
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    • 33 2 Antonio Padre. Ita. sl.,s. 1.420. Fortunato, 26th August,—New York, 19th April, Oil, —C. S. Seng Co. Taw Tono, Br. s.s. 105. Reid. 28th Aug., —Brandan. 27th August. Gen.. —Koe Guan Co.
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    • 38 2 levels From A>jent$ Dme Lennox Glasgow S. B. Co. 3lst inst. Palawan P. O. 31st Simla London 1 do. 3rd Sept. Valetta Singapore do. 5th Benia wers London S. B. Co. 6th Benvorlieh do. do. 20th
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    • 96 2 Ve$*el$ For 1 Atjenls Leave* Lennox Singapore CoIoihIh) S. Tl. Co. 31st inst. Palawan P. &0. 31st Simla Singapore do. 3rd Sept. Valetta CoIoiuIk) do. 5th Benlawers Singapore S. I*. <1 Co. 6th Benvorlich do. do. 20th We would direct the attention of shipping Arm» »0 the style in
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    • 64 2 A MAIL WILL CLOSE FOR Asahan—Per Laurens Pit. 31st inst.. 2 p.m. Tongkah—Per Petrel, 31st inst.. 1 p.m. Port Swettenham—Per Laugkat. 31st inst.. 1 p.m. Lamfkat and Pangkalan Brandan—Per Taw Tong, 31st inst., 1 p.m. Deli—Per Calypso. 31st inst.. 2 p.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson —Per Canton. 31st inst.,
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  • 63 2 Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Peuang. PRICE: DAILY, LOCAL per annum (Poet Free) 27 HAIL EDITION (Poet Free) IS CABLE ADDRESS: “E c h O—P0 —P ena n g Telephone No. 188. Editor, Chesney Duncan.
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  • 1946 2 I Producers’ View of the Matter. In another part of this issue of the Echo we give publicity to a very interi esting article on Tin Smelting in the i United States.” It is of special interest in view of the controversy that the
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  • 982 2 i I. About Mining in Kedah. t What we style tin lands is known to be abundant in Kedah, bub it 4s difficult to locate them, hence, probably, i very few companies have had a tinker 1 in the Kedah pie. t The two principal places now being
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  • 1303 2 (From o nr Xn fir Singapore. 22nd August i ft ot fine sunshine the weather here? 8 I*® been very wet. I„ consequent > turn of some of the less j.,,,. '’’Mihave gone from bod to worse j go shockingly sloppy and I poor ricksha coolies find j t
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 266 2 Pritchard Co. PENANG. SOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG FOR THE BRITISH EXPRESS.DAIRY Company’s BOMBAY BUTTER f if**/ ?< ’n•- f j ij. i ALWAYS FRESH PURE, FIRM CREAM Y Sold in lib. tins 75 cents per tin. Consignments received regiltrly. PRITCHARD C 9. Penang. 4» For Defective Sight SPECTACLES! Please Note.
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    • 151 2 NOTICE BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION On Saturday, 12th September, 1903. at 11 a. m. IN THE COURT YARD OF LOGAN S BUILDINGS, The undermentioned Property belonging to KOOYVANA KAYVANA MADAIiSAH. 4 LL tlmt piece of land with a house thereon No. 5*5 Beach
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    • 91 2 FOR SALE. RUBBER-TIRED RIKISHA for sale. Apply to H. W. FIRMSTONE, Chinese Protectorate. WANTED. FURNISHED HOUSE not {oo far chelors. from Towu, suitable for four ba Apply X c jo Echo Office. WANTED. A CHINESE CASHIER. Satisfactory Security of $5,000 require*!. Must be experienced and hare •'ood references. Apply by
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    • 5 2 ENGINEEBING TOOLS .McAlister ft Co.
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    • 4 2 RIPPINGILLE’S STOVES. McAlister to.
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    • 4 2 AMERICAN CAftX^ McAlister Co
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 27 2 WEATHER. Tilt* following report is kindly supplied l*y the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis:— Tire rainfall duriinr the -4 hours ended at 9 a.iu. to-day was nil.
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  • 24 3 Heater's Submarine Cable.) London, August 27th—The Tzar of Kiussia and <’ount Lamsdorff are to visit the Emperor of Austria next mouth.
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  • 43 3 Harvest Prospects of the Gloomiest Character. (Reuter* Submarine Cable.) London, 27th August: —Continuous heavy rains have fallen in England causing widespread damage. The harvest prospects are of the gloomiest character and in consequence the Army Manoeuvres have been postponed.
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  • 113 3 Roosevelt Demands Satisfaction. I. s. MB a I IRON OKHEBKD TO SYRIA, i Venter Submarine Cable.) London, August 28th —The American vioe-Coiisul at Beirut has lieen assassinated. President Roose velt has demanded satisfaction and ordered the American European squadron now in the Mediterranean to proceed to the
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  • 105 3 Attempt to Burn American College. (Henter* Submarine Cable). London August 29th The revolt is gaining ground in the neighbourhood of Adrianople, and an attempt lias been made to burn the American Missionary College at Kliarput. The College of Armenia at Kharput was '"Utnb**l bv American missionaries and is
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  • 36 3 Hirth'r Disappointing Details. 1 Heuter't Submarine Cable.) London 28th Angust.—The ItelU ''^«outsailed Shamrock 111 throngh--o,|( ;<| id was leading by twelveat the outer mark. the race was nothing than a drifting match against tirno
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  • 180 3 Jim Outclassed by Jeff. (Cableuewn Special Service.) San Francisco, 17th August. Corbett s best friends and most devoted admirers confess that lie is not in Jeffries' class. He was doomed to defeat from the moment he put up his hands iu the fight. He never landed a
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  • 73 3 New Ponii'f So Far Recovers Health Enable Him to officiate at Services of Cardinals. ('Cable-news Special Service.) Koine, 19th August:—Pope Pius X. was so far recovered to-day as to be able to celebrate Mass, which was attended by all the Cardinals in Koine. A novena of thanksgiving for
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  • 81 3 (Cableneics Special Service.) Sofia, August 17th.—The Macedonian Revolutionary Committee which has its headquarters at this city have declared for independence. They will be content with nothing less. All Bulgaria and Macedonia are in the flames of internal warfare, and battles are being fought almost daily. Turkey
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  • 422 3 A new rubber y\<xnt---Landolphia thralloni—is attracting attention among planters aud dealers. It is well-known that the Londolphia was a genus of rubber, of which there were many species f«»uud iu tropical Africa. New rubber plants were constantly being brought to light. Of course any new find in Africa,
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  • 97 3 A Pathetic Appeal to Mb. Pikrpont Morgan. O mighty magnate, hear me apeak. My voice ia mild, my temper meek. I want no scene, I only seek My dividends. You promised us that if we let You have the money you’d upset Old England’s ships; but I can’t get
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  • 266 3 Jollifications on the Perak. The s.s. Perak, the latest addition to Messrs. Koe Guan’s fleet, was alive with mern'-tuakers yesterday, the propitious 6th day of the seventh moon, and her arrival in the Port was made the occasion of junketings of a royal order.
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  • 797 3 (Engineering and Mining Journal 1 lth July. In 1902 the consumption of tin in the United States amounted to 37.906 long tons, this being an increase of 14.2 per cent as compared with the preceding years. This consumption, chiefly in the tin-plate industry, represented
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  • 134 3 Pabis. 12th July:—A grave scandal has been caused in Paris society by tin* j arrest of Baron Jacques d’AdelswurdFrisen, a young nobleman of Swedish i origin, though of French nationality, I who is accused of wild crimes of debauchery on an extensive and extraordinary scale, some of them
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  • 109 3 Advertising is the backbo e of trade. An article of merit well advertised is almost certain to find a good market. The man is wrong who thinks that advertising wiil sell any article, good or bad. It is necessary to advertise a good article in order to introduce it
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  • 605 3 The go-ahead persistency of the Japanese to fight down native prejudices and establish a modern civilisation in the Far East is again marked by his latest scheme to plant agriculture on English lines in his native country. For some considerable time the Imperial S«ici*-ty of Agriculture
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  • 711 3 Mr. Kang Yu Wei left Klang yesterday by the Penang for Sumatra aud Batavia lie had a great send off at Klang aud Port Swettenham. Mr. Chew K«*k Hean. Secretary of tlie Klang General Farms has gone with the great Reformer in the capacity of Secretary. Wr.
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  • 209 3 St. George's Church (Church of England) 12th Suuday after Trinity:—Matins. (Plain) 8 a.m., Choral celebration of the Holy Communion Service, Woodward in E., 9-30 a.m., Chinese Service: Sunday School 5 p.m., Evensong and Sermon 6 p.m.. Rev. Frank W. Haines. Colonial Chaplain. Prye Dock 9. a.m., Rev.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1842 4 pi iHEE CHOON&co. j WONG KIM MUN 7 129, Beach Street, PENANG. Commission Agents, ProvisionEßB and General Importers. Agents for choo choon, OF LAHAT, PERAK, AND The Perak General Farms. 29 a Irving. India Rubber Stamp AND Brass Seal Manufacturer. (For impressing Wax.) No. 77 a Bishop Street. 42a
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  • 843 5 It is a curious coincidence that the first signal sent from the Old World to the New l>v means of wireless telegraphy should have been received not far from where the tirst Atlantic cable message was also received. Signal Hill, which marks the
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  • 404 5 Pessimistic Russian View. The Peterburgaleiya Virdomosti publishes a long article »n the Manchurian question, which is all the more important, says the Russian correspondent of the Times, because up to the present time this journal, aud in particular its editor, Prince Ukhtomsky, has strongly
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  • 907 5 TH E LATEST NEWS OE A QUAINT ENTERPRISE. Paris, 2nd August.— Authentic news has arrived at last of the now famous Lebaudy expedition on the North-west Coast of Afric i. It will be remembered that six j months ago M. Jacques Lebaudy, the sugar millionaire sportsman, fitted
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1021 5 ESTABLISHBD AT MEDAN. DELI. East Coast of Sumatra, t Pj. i»k HEER, Advocate .„,a Solicitor to the High Court of I f ill*'-* ixn»viw* o T in Netherlands India at Batavia. S. K.-»».». IW..M--PENANG FOUNDRY Co., t Established 1876.) ENGINEERS, MILLWRIGHTS, Ac., &c. NOTICE. Weld Quay, 37 Beach Street, PENANG.
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    • 80 5 JOO SEING Co., 212, Beach Street, PENANG. General Import and Export Agents. •iOa THE Penang Forage Co. 90, Klawei Road. HANMAN'S Patent Horse Food. *4-00 a Bale, Calcutta Chaff, $l-00 a Bag. Crushed Food, Bran, Oats, Barley, Linseed, Paddy, Australian Hay, Australian Chaff, Meadow Hay, and Bedding. JUST RECEIVED Light
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    • 1045 5 Crushed Food. NEW STOCK. Tkv i i AM) You Will bl Satisfied. deduced Prices. IK. I ?ELI LI OS liegs to iufurui the public that since inferior Crushed Food is offered for sale in tJie Penang Market j at low prices, he desires to draw attention to j his certificated
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 2099 6 Graham Co., Ld. whole sale CHEMISTS, 4 Beach Street, Penang. ill >- m o o o 2. A. W. A. < i. oti- (T Ik vJi.ii> ,lf 'Anti 'I 3 V* A Valuable Mixture for des--:rtil>t»*« jm*« ,r*“ -*v .•'’.‘KM .t-kWc.*,,-*! and V*t f Hr;/ mm-ii.-i *n*’i preserving attackable substances
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